Agilent TechnologiesメーカーE4440Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User ’s and Pro gramme r’s Referenc e Agi le nt T echn olog ies PSA Sp ectr um Analy zers Thi s man ual p rov id es do cum en tat io n fo r the f ol lo win g inst ru me nts: E4440A (3 Hz – 26.5 G Hz) E4443A (3 Hz – 6.7 GHz) E4445A (3 Hz – 13.
2 Legal In forma tion The informa tion con tained in thi s document i s subjec t to ch ange withou t notic e. Ag il ent T ec h nolo gi es mak e s no war rant y of any ki nd wit h rega rd to th is mat eri al , inc lud in g but not li mi te d to, the impl ied warr anties of me rcha ntability an d fitne ss for a par ticular pu rpose.
Co nt en ts 3 T able of Con tents 1. Usi ng T his D oc umen t B o o kO r g a n i z a t i o n .. ............. ...... ............. ............. ............ 4 4 W h a ti si n T h i sB o o k ............ ...... ............. ............. ............
4 Con tents T able of Cont ents L o a d ...... ............. ....... ............ ............. ............. .... 1 4 3 D e l e t e ..... ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 1 4 7 C o p y ...... ............. ....... .
Co nt en ts 5 T able of Con tents M e a sS e t u p( S Aw i t hM e a s u r e m e n t sO f f ) ... ............. ...... ............. ..... 2 0 1 M e a s u r e m e n t S e t u p ..... ............. ............. ...... ............. ..... 2 0 1 M O D E.
6 Con tents T able of Cont ents C o n f i gI / O ......... ...... ............. ............. ............. .......... 2 6 2 R e f e r e n c e .......... ...... ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 2 6 8 S h o w S y s t e m ..........
Co nt en ts 7 T able of Con tents C u r r e n tM e a s u r e m e n t Q u e r y( R e m o t e C o m m a n dO n l y ) .. ............. ........... 3 2 8 M e a sC o n t r o l ............. ....... ............ ............. ............. ..... 3 2 9 R e s t a r t .
8 Con tents T able of Cont ents C o u n t s .... ............. ....... ............ ............. ............. .. .. 3 8 2 M e a sI n t e r v a l ............ ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 3 8 2 O p t i m i z eR e fL e v e l .
Co nt en ts 9 T able of Con tents O p t i m i z e R e fL e v e l ............. ...... ............. ............. ........... 4 2 6 M e a sS e t u p( M u l t i - C a r r i e rP o w e r — M C P ) .. ............. ............. ...... ..... 4 2 9 A v gN u m b e r .
10 Con tents T able of Cont ents N o r m a l .... ............. ............. ............. ...... ............. .. .. 4 8 4 O f f .. ...... ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 4 8 4 M e a sS e t u p ( S p u r i o u s E m i s s i o n s ) .
Co nt en ts 11 T able of Con tents L i n k i n gt oV T LL i b r a r i e s . ............. ............. ...... ............. ..... 5 4 7 C o m p i l i n ga n dL i n k i n g aV T L P r o g r a m .. ............. ............. ...... ..... 5 4 7 E x a m p l e P r o g r a m.
12 Con tents T able of Cont ents D e t / D e m o dK e y ( S e ep a g e 9 5 ) . ............. ............. ............. .......... 5 9 6 D i s p l a y K e y ,1o f2( S e ep a g e1 0 3 ) .... ............ ............. ....... .......... 5 9 7 F i l e K e y ,1o f 6( S e e p a g e1 2 7 ) .
List of Commands 13 List of Commands * C A L ? .......... ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ..... 5 6 3 * C L S ..... ...... ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... ..... 2 4 8 * C L S ..... ...... .
14 List of C ommands List of Commands : C A L C u l a t e : L L I N e : A L L : D E L e t e .... ....... ............ ............. ............. .... 1 2 2 : C A L C u l a t e : L L I N e : C M O D eF I X e d | R E L a t i v e ............ ..........
List of Commands 15 List of Commands :CALCulate: MARK e r:PEAK[1]|2|3|4:SEARch:MODE?. . ....... ............. ........... 2 1 8 : C A L C u l a t e : M A R K e r : T A B L e : S T A T eO F F | O N | 0 | 1 ..... ............. ............. ..... 1 8 9 : C A L C u l a t e : M A R K e r : T A B L e : S T A T e ?.
16 List of C ommands List of Commands : C A L C u l a t e : M A R K e r [ 1 ] | 2 | 3 | 4 : X : C E N T e r ? . ............ ............. ............. .... 1 8 5 : C A L C u l a t e : M A R K e r [ 1 ] | 2 | 3 | 4 : X : P O S i t i o n : C E N T e r< p a r a m > .
List of Commands 17 List of Commands :CALCulate: PST atistic :MARK er[ 1 ]|2|3|4:TRACe? ............ ............. ........... 3 9 4 : C A L C u l a t e : P S T a t i s t i c : M A R K e r [ 1 ] | 2 | 3 | 4 : X < d B > ...... ............. .....
18 List of C ommands List of Commands : C A L i b r a t i o n : I F ? ... ....... ............. ............ ............. ....... ......... . 2 5 9 : C A L i b r a t i o n : R F ........... ............. ...... ............. ............. .......... 2 5 8 : C A L i b r a t i o n : R F ? .
List of Commands 19 List of Commands : D I S P l a y : E N A B l eO F F | O N | 0 | 1 ......... ...... ............. ............. ........... 1 2 5 : D I S P l a y : E N A B l e ? ....... ............. ............ ............. ....... ........... 1 2 5 : D I S P l a y : F S C R e e n [ : S T A T e ]O F F | O N | 0 | 1 .
20 List of C ommands List of Commands : F E T C h : C H P o w e r : D E N S i t y ? . ............. ............ ............. ....... .......... 3 0 3 : F E T C h : C H P o w e r ? .. ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ...
List of Commands 21 List of Commands : H C O P y : I M A G e : C O L o r [ : S T A T e ]O F F | O N | 0 | 1 ... ............. ............. ........... 2 3 4 : H C O P y : I M A G e : C O L o r [ : S T A T e ] ? . ............. ............. .........
22 List of C ommands List of Commands : I N S T r u m e n t : N S E L e c t ? ..... ............. ............ ............. ....... .......... 2 0 5 :INS Trument[:SELect] B A SIC|CDMA|CDMA1XEV|CDMA2K|E DGEGSM|LINK|NADC|NFIG- U R E | P D C | P N O I S E | S A | W C D M A .
List of Commands 23 List of Commands : M M E M o r y : D A T A< ‘ f i l e _ n a m e ’ > , < d e f i n i t e _ l e n g t h _ b l o c k > . ............. ............. ..... 1 5 8 : M M E M o r y : D A T A ?< ‘ f i l e _ n a m e ’ > .
24 List of C ommands List of Commands :READ:OBW :FERRor? ...... ............. ............ ............. ....... .......... 3 0 4 : R E A D : O B W : O B W i d t h ? ..... ............. ............ ....... ............. .......... 3 0 4 : R E A D : O B W : X D B ? .
List of Commands 25 List of Commands : S T A T u s : Q U E S t i o n a b l e : F R E Q u e n c y : E N A B l e < n u m b e r > . ............. ............. ..... 5 7 7 : S T A T u s : Q U E S t i o n a b l e : F R E Q u e n c y : E N A B l e ? .
26 List of C ommands List of Commands : S T A T u s : Q U E S t i o n a b l e : N T R a n s i t i o n< n u m b e r > ... ............. ...... ............. .... 5 7 4 : S T A T u s : Q U E S t i o n a b l e : N T R a n s i t i o n ? ...... .....
List of Commands 27 List of Commands : S Y S T e m : C O N F : H A R D O N | O F F . ............. ............. ............. ...... ..... 2 7 1 : S Y S T e m : D A T E < y e a r > , < m o n t h > , < d a y > ... ............ ......
28 List of C ommands List of Commands :TRACe[1]|2|3:MOD E? ........... ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 2 8 3 :TRACe[1]|2|3:MOD E? ........... ............. ............. ............. ...... .... 3 6 9 :TRACe[1]|2|3:MOD E? ......
List of Commands 29 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : A C P o w e r : B A N D w i d t h | B W I D t h : I N T e g r a t i o n< f r e q > .... ...... ............. ..... 3 5 4 [ : S E N S e ] : A C P o w e r : B A N D w i d t h | B W I D t h : I N T e g r a t i o n ? .
30 List of C ommands List of Commands [:S E N Se]:A VERag e :COUNt? . ............. ...... ............. ............. ........... 8 9 [:SENSe] :A VERage:TYPE RMS|LOG|SCALar ..... ............. ............. ...... ..... 9 0 [:S E N Se]:A VERag e :TYPE:A UTO OFF|ON|0|1 .
List of Commands 31 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : B P O W e r : M E T H o dT H R e s h o l d | B W I D t h . ............. ...... ............. ..... 3 7 4 [ : S E N S e ] : B P O W e r : M E T H o d ? ..... ............. ............. ..........
32 List of C ommands List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : C O R R e c t i o n : O F F S e t [ : M A G N i t u d e ] ? ..... ............. ............. ...... ..... 6 8 [ : S E N S e ] : D E T e c t o r : A U T O O F F | O N | 0 | 1 ......... ...... ...
List of Commands 33 List of Commands [:SENSe]: HARM o nics: A VERa g e:COUNt <integer> ............. ............. ........... 4 0 9 [:SENSe]: HARM o nics: A VERa g e:COUNt? . . ............ ....... ............. ........... 4 0 9 [:SENSe]: HARM o nics:A VERa ge: TCONrol EXP onential|REP eat .
34 List of C ommands List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : H A R M o n i c s : S W E e p t i m e : S T A T e ? .. ............ ............. ....... .......... 4 1 2 [ : S E N S e ] : H A R M o n i c s : S W E e p t i m e ? . ....... ............ .......
List of Commands 35 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : M C P o w e r : O F F S e t : L I S T : [ F R E Q u e n c y ] < H z > , < H z > , < H z > . ............. ........... 4 3 9 [ : S E N S e ] : M C P o w e r : O F F S e t : L I S T : [ F R E Q u e n c y ] ? .
36 List of C ommands List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : P O W e r [ : R F ] : G A I N [ : S T A T e ] O F F | O N | 0 | 1 ............. ...... ............. ..... 5 9 [ : S E N S e ] : P O W e r [ : R F ] : G A I N [ : S T A T e ] ? ............ .....
List of Commands 37 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : R A D i o : S T A N d a r d [ : S E L e c t ] ? .... ............ ............. ............. ..... 3 3 3 [ : S E N S e ] : R O S C i l l a t o r : E X T e r n a l : F R E Q u e n c y < v a l u e > .
38 List of C ommands List of Commands [:SENSe ] :SEM ask:OFFSet [ n]:LIST:B AND width|BW IDth[:RESoluti o n]:AUTO O FF|ON |0|1 . . 466 [ : S E N S e ] : S E M a s k : O F F S e t [ n ] : L I S T : B A N D w i d t h | B W I D t h [ : R E S o l u t i o n ] : A U T O ? .
List of Commands 39 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : S E M a s k : S W E e p t i m e ? ... ............. ............. ............. ...... ..... 4 6 0 [ : S E N S E ] : S E M a s k : T Y P E T P R e f| P S D R e f . ............ ............. .....
40 List of C ommands List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : S P U R i o u s [ : R A N G e ] [ : L I S T ] : P E A K : E X C u r s i o n ........... ............. .......... 4 9 6 [ : S E N S e ] : S P U R i o u s [ : R A N G e ] [ : L I S T ] : P E A K : E X C u r s i o n ? .
List of Commands 41 List of Commands [ : S E N S e ] : T O I N : F R E Q u e n c y : M I X e r : R A N G e : A U T O ? ..... ............. ............. ..... 4 2 6 [ : S E N S e ] : T O I N : F R E Q u e n c y : M I X e r : R A N G e [ : U P P e r ] < n u m b e r > .
42 List of C ommands List of Commands.
43 Using This Document 1 Using This Do cument This book pr ovides you with desc riptions and p rog ramm i ng informati on for your anal yzer ..
44 Ch a pt er 1 Using T his Document Book O rgani zati on Using This Docu ment Book Or ganization There are m any terms used throughout thi s book, fo r example “acti ve functi on block,” that are expl ained in detail i n the Getti ng Started guide .
Chapter 1 45 Using T his Document Book O rgani zati on Using This Document T e r m sU s e di nT h i sB o o k The foll owing terms are us ed to desc ribe eac h key .
46 Ch a pt er 1 Using T his Document Book O rgani zati on Using This Docu ment.
47 Inst rument Functions : A − L 2 Instr ument Functions: A − L Th is cha pter pro vides ke y descr iption s an d program m ing info rma tion fo r t he fr ont-p ane l key functions of yo ur analyzer starti ng with the lett ers A through L.
48 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A − L Instru ment Function s: A − L NO TE The fr ont- and rear -panel feature s, a long with the numeric keypad and alpha-numer ic softkey funda mentals are ill ustrated and des cribed, in your Getting Start ed guide.
Chapter 2 49 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L AMPLITUDE / Y Scale Activates the Reference Level function and displa ys the Am plitud e m en u key s .
50 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L 2.0. 2 Attenua tion Allows you to ad just t he input at tenuation. Pres s Atten Step to s e t the a tt enuation step so that atte nuation will c hange in 2 dB or 1 0 dB increm ents .
Chapter 2 51 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L POW: ATT :A UTO?.
52 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L 2.0 . 3 Scal e /Di v Sets the uni ts per ve rtical grati cule divi sion on the displ ay .
Chapter 2 53 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L F act ory Pre se t: L og.
54 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: :DIS Pla y: WINDow [1] :TRAC e:Y :[SCA Le] :SPAC ing LI Nea r|LOG ari thmic :DIS Pla y: WINDow [1] :TRAC e:Y :[SCA Le] :SPAC ing ? Example: DIS P: WIND:T RAC :Y:SP AC LO G DISP: WIN D:T RAC:Y :SP AC? 2.
Chapter 2 55 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.0. 6 Presel Adj ust Allows you to m anual ly adjust the p res elector fil ter frequency to optimize its res pons e on the signal of interest. This func tion is only a vailable when measuring signal s ≥ 2.
56 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L [:SE NSe ]: POWer[ :RF ]:MMW :PA DJust ? Example: POW :M W:PADJ 10 0 POW:M W:P ADJ ? 2 .0.7 Y Ax is Un its Display s the menu k eys that enabl e you to cha nge the v ertical (Y) a xis amplitude unit s .
Chapter 2 57 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L This set s the t op line to 100 m V and the b ottom l ine to 0 V , so ea ch ve rtical divis ion repre sents 1 0 mV . T hus, if a point o n trace 1 i s on the fifth grati cule line from the top , it rep resents 50 mV and w i ll read out remotel y as 50.
58 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: Se e “Y Ax i s Uni t s” on page 56 .
Chapter 2 59 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L Annotation : The off set i s display ed to lef t of T race window; thi rd from the top , just bel o w t he scal e ty pe. St ate S aved: Save d in I nstru men t Stat e F act ory Pre se t: 0 .
60 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L selec t which s et of correc tion factor s you wish to m odify . T hese f requency/a mplitude corr ection s will be app lied to the di splayed da ta to corre ct for syste m losse s/gain s outsid e the a naly zer .
Chapter 2 61 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 0. 10 .1 A pp ly C or re ct io ns Pressi ng Ap pl y Cor re ct io ns ( Y es) t urns on th e am plit ude-c orrect ion fa ctors. C orre ction s will only be applied for the sets of correction factors whose correcti on sta t e is set to On.
62 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L 1 Correc t ion Turns the ampli tude correct ion function o n or off for the s pecific set of correc tion data. The correcti ons state mus t be set to On fo r the corre ctio n to be ap plie d.
Chapter 2 63 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L data is merged, a s many po ints as possible a re merg ed into the exi sting data and then an error is repo rted.
64 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L Remote Command Notes: [:SENS e]: CO RRecti on: CSET: ALL [:STA Te] mus t be set t o on for this command to funct ion.
Chapter 2 65 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L.
66 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L 2.0. 10.2. 2. 3 Ampli tud e Allow s y o u to enter the a mp litude val ue for the current amplit ude-correc tion point.
Chapter 2 67 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 0. 10 .3 F req I n te rp Allows you to d etermine how trace v alues are computed bet ween points in a correc tion table .
68 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L 2. 0.11 Ext A mp Gain Compensates for exter nal g a in/loss .
Chapter 2 69 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L AM PLI TUD E / Y Sca le Inst rument Functions: A - L Sets the At tenuation to 10 dB . The onl y vali d suffi x is dB . If no suffi x is sent, dB i s assum ed. I f a val ue > 5 is en te red , 10 is u sed. If a v alu e ≤ 5 is enter ed, 2 is used fo r PSA, or 5 is used f or ESA.
70 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L AM PL ITU DE / Y S cal e Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 71 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.1 Aut o Coup le Coupled functio ns are functi ons that are li nked/dependent on ot her functions . Pres sing A uto Couple displays s ome of the m ost i mportant c oupled analyze r functi ons.
72 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L • VBW/RBW ratio is set to 1.0 • Span/RBW rat io is set to Auto • A uto Sweep Time is s et to No rma l .
Chapter 2 73 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :SW Eep:T YPE :AUTO :RU Les SPEe d|DRAN ge sele cts the rule s t o use whe n SWE:TYPE AUTO is selec ted. This se tting , combined with your c urrent analyzer s etup , is used to selec t either FFT or swept mode.
74 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L Manua l: FF T Manually sel ects FFT analys is , so i t cannot c hange aut omaticall y to swept. Wh ile Zer o Span i s selecte d, this key is greyed out.
Chapter 2 75 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions : A - L FFTs/Span Displa ys and controls the number of F FT segme nts used to m ea sure the entire Span. This key is inactive (g reyed out) unless Sweep T ype has been set to F FT .
76 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SWEep: FFT :SPAN :RA Tio <int ege r> [:SE NSe ]: SWEep: FFT :SPAN :RA Tio? Example: SWE :F FT:SPA N:R AT 20 2.1.3 PhNoise Opt Selec ts the LO (local osc illator) phase noise behav ior for various operat ing conditions .
Chapter 2 77 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 1. 3. 2 Opt imi ze £(f ) for fr eq ue nci e s < 50 kHz The LO phase noise is optimized for offsets less than 50 kHz from the c a rrier , a t the expense of p hase noi se beyond 5 0 kHz offset.
78 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L 2.1 .5 Avg/ VBW T yp e Se e Avg /V BW Typ e i n t he BW/A vg menu.
Chapter 2 79 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.1. 6 ADC D ither Access the menu to set ADC Di t her to On , Off ,o r Au t o . Key P ath: A uto Couple Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :AD C:DIT Her [:STA Te] OF F|ON| AUT O [:SEN Se] :AD C:DIT Her [:STA Te] ? Example: :ADC :DI TH OFF 2.
80 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: Use [:SE NSe ]:A DC:DI THe r[:ST ATe ] AUTO Example: ADC :D ITH AUTO O n When ADC Di ther is On , the linearity of low-level si gnals is i mprov ed.
Chapter 2 81 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Auto C o upl e Inst rument Functions: A - L F act ory Pre se t: Au to ra nge Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :AD C:RAN Ge AUT O|NON E [:SEN Se] :AD C:RAN Ge? Exam pl e: ADC:R ANG NO NE 2. 1. 7. 1 Auto ra ng e Turns the ADC ranging to auto ma t ic which p rovides the b est si gnal to noi se ratio .
82 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Au t o C o u p l e Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 83 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.2 B W/ Av g Activates the resolut ion band w idth function, and displa ys the menu k e ys that control b oth the bandwidth and a veraging func tions . 2.2. 1 Res BW Enab les you t o sele ct th e 3.
84 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L F act ory Pre set: Au to (3 M Hz) Range: 1 Hz to 8 MHz Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: BANDwi dth |BWID th[ :RESo lut i.
Chapter 2 85 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L F act ory Pre se t: Aut o ( 3 MH z) R a n g e : 1H zt o5 0M H z.
86 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: BANDwi dth |BWID th: VIDeo <f req > [:SE NSe ]: BANDwi dth |BWID th: VIDeo ? [:SE.
Chapter 2 87 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L Key P ath: BW/A vg Saved S tate: Sav ed in Ins trument Sta te F act ory Pre se t: Aut o ( 1.
88 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L Range: Count: 1 to 8192.
Chapter 2 89 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Commands: [:SEN Se] :AV ERage [:S TATe] OF F|O N|0|1 [:SEN Se] :AV ERage [:S TATe] ? [:SEN Se] :AV ERage :CO UNt .
90 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L Sav ed State: Saved in Inst rument State F a ctor y Preset: Auto (Log- power) Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: AVERag e:.
Chapter 2 91 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L Key P ath: BW/A vg , Avg /V BW T y pe or A uto Couple , Av g / V B W Ty p e Remote Command: See “ Avg/VBW Type” on page 89 Example: AVER :TY PE LOG 2.
92 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L Ass um es al l valu es in dB. Key P ath : BW/Av g , Av g / V B W Ty p e or A uto Coup le , Av g/ VB W T y p e Re mot e Co mman d: Se e “ Avg/VB W Ty pe” on p age 89 .
Chapter 2 93 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L BW/A vg Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.2. 6 Span/ RBW Select s the ratio between s pan and resolution b andwidth. A factory pr eset sets the ratio to 106:1. The rati o can be cha nged using the f ront-p anel step key s , knob, or nume ric keypad.
94 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L BW /Avg Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 95 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Det /D emo d Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.3 D et/ Dem od Displays t he menu keys that contr ol parameters a ssociated with the dete ctor modes .
96 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Det /D emo d Instrument Functions : A - L Because they may not fi nd a spectral component's true peak, neither average nor sample dete ctors m easure am plit udes o f CW sig nals as a ccura tely a s peak or no rmal , bu t they d o measure noi se without the biases of p eak detec tion.
Chapter 2 97 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Det /D emo d Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 3. 1. 1 Auto The system selec ts normal detect ion as the defaul t, but if a co ndition aris es where a different ty pe of d etection s cheme would be bett er utili zed, the sy stem uses t he alterna te scheme .
98 Ch a pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Det /D emo d Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: DETect or: AUTO OFF |ON |0|1 [:SE NSe ]: DETect or: AUTO? Example: DE T: AUTO ON N orma l Display s the pea k- detected level in the interval (bucket) being display ed w hen the si gnal is CW -like .
Chapter 2 99 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Det /D emo d Inst rument Functions: A - L Example: DE T AVER 2. 3. 1. 4 P ea k F or ea ch int erval (bucket ) in the trace, P eak d et ection displays the highest amplit ude within the inter val. P eak d etection i s used for CW measurements and so me pulsed-RF measurements .
100 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Det /D emo d Instrument Functions : A - L When Sample is sel ec ted , Samp appear s on t he le ft side of t he disp lay .
Chapter 2 101 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Det /D emo d Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Command: See “Det ector” on pag e 95 Example: DE T SAMP 2. 3. 1. 7 N ega t iv e P eak F or eac h int erv al (buc k et ) in the tr ace , Negative Pe ak de tec tion d isp lays the lo we st sam pl e within the inter val.
102 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Det /D emo d Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 103 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.4 D isp lay Displays menu keys that enable you to control certain items on the display of the analyzer . NO TE CCD F and SEM measurem ents have m e asurement specific Displa y menus.
104 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L F act ory Pre set: – 25 dB m, Off Fa c t o r y De fa ul t: –25 dB m, O ff T ermin ator s: dB m, mV , uV Range: .
Chapter 2 105 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L.
106 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L 2.4 .4 Act ive F ctn Posit ion Selec ts the screen position for the Active Function Displa y .
Chapter 2 107 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Fa c t o r y Default: Cent er Hi sto ry: Ad ded wit h fir mware re visi on A.0 4.00 Remote Command: :DISP lay :AF UNcti on: POSit ion TO P Example: :DIS P:A FUN:P OS TOP 2.
108 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L Bo ttom Display s the a ctive func tion in the b ottom-left c orner of the display . Key P ath : Display , Acti ve Fctn P ositi on Readbac k: Bo ttom reads b ack to lin e 3 of this k ey .
Chapter 2 109 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Hi sto ry: Ad ded wit h fir mware re visi on A.0 3.00 Remote Command: :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:DA TA <x-ax is&g.
110 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L 1 T ype (Upp er Lower ) Allows you to def ine the limit yo u a r e editing as either a n upper or lower limit. An Upper limit fai ls if the tr ac e exceeds the l i mit.
Chapter 2 111 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Command: :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:DI SPl ay OFF| ON| 0|1 :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:DI SPl ay? que rie s the cur ren t limit li ne. Example: :CAL C:L LIN2: DIS P OFF turns of f the display o f the limit lines .
112 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L :CALC :LL IN: FAIL? Queri es the status of t he limit-l ine testing . Returns a " 0 " i f the da ta pas ses , an d return s a " 1 " if there is a fa ilure .
Chapter 2 113 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Responds with the margin state; 0 = off 1 = on. :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:MA RGi n <amp l_ rel> Defines the amount of measurement margin that is ad ded t o the d esi gnated limit line .
114 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L 5 Edit Pre ssing Ed it ac cesse s me nus fo r editin g li mit lin es and fo r acc ess ing the li mit -lin e ta ble ed it or . Nav igat ion t hro ugh th e limi t- l ine tab le is ach ie ved by usi ng the fr ont -pa nel a rrow and tab keys .
Chapter 2 115 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 4.5. 1 .5.2 F req ue ncy (o r Ti me) Note tha t this key lab el chang es to Tim e if XA x i s U n i t s has been se lected . Pre ssing thi s key a llows you t o ente r a value for a limi t point in frequen cy (or t ime).
116 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L Histo ry: Added with firmw are revision A.03 .00 2.4. 5.1.5 .4 Co nn ected T o Pr evi ous Pt A cur rent poin t may be conne cted to th e previ ous point b y pressing Ye s .
Chapter 2 117 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Example: :CAL C:L LIN:D EL de lete s lim it li ne/m argi n 1 (LLI N defa ults t o Lim it Li ne 1).
118 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L 7 Freq In terp Thi s key is gre ye d out if Ti me is the selected XA x i s U n i t s .
Chapter 2 119 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Command: :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:CO NTr ol:INT er polate :TY PE LO Garit hmi c|LINe ar :CALC ula te: LLINe [1] |2:CO NTr ol:INT er polate :TY PE ? Example: :CAL C:L LIN2: CON T:INT :TY PE LIN se ts li mit l ine 2 fre qu ency int erpol atio n t o line ar .
120 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L X Axis Unit s Sel ects ho w th e lim it-l ine s egme nts ar e d efine d. Pr essin g XA x i sU n i t s se lects w hether th e limi t lin es wi ll b e ent ered u sin g fre quen cy ( Freq )o rs w e e pt i m e ( Time )t od e f i n et h e segm en ts.
Chapter 2 121 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 4. 5. 3 L i mit s (F ixe d Re l) Specifies whether the current limi t lines are fixed or r elative . Pressi ng Limits to cho ose fix ed ( Fix ed )o rr e l a t i v e( Rel) lim it line s.
122 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L Dele te A ll Lim its Del etes th e se lecte d li mit l ine. Pr es sing Delete Limits pu rge s the da ta from th e limi t-lin e tabl es. Pressi ng Delete Limit s af ter the pro mpt, If you are sur e, pre ss ke y again to dele te , will de lete th e limi ts.
Chapter 2 123 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 4. 6. 2 C le ar T itl e Al low s you t o clea r a t itle fr om th e fro nt-pa ne l dis play .
124 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 125 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Di spl a y Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 4. 7. 2 Annot ati on Turns the screen a nnotati on on or o ff for a ll windows , however , menu key annota tion will remain on the di splay . The scre en annotation may not b e required f or prints or duri ng remote operation.
126 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Di sp lay Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 127 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.5 F ile Disp lay s a menu o f functi on s t ha t en able y ou to load , save, and m anag e data on eit her a floppy di s.
128 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L are p lac ed in Vi e w mo de ( se e Trace/ V iew , pa ge 28 3 ) so that they are not imm edi ately over written by new trace da ta.
Chapter 2 129 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L CSV : A file that contains trace data i n co mm a -separated values format (CSV , sta ndard PC sp reads heet fo rma t ) , to be read i nto a sp read shee t for a nalysis. M ost spreadsheet programs support CSV format.
130 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L 2 .5.1 C atal og Display s directo ries and files located on the sel ected drive , depending upon the prefer ences set under the Ty p e ( pa ge 131 )a n d Sort ( pa ge 13 3 )k e y s .
Chapter 2 131 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 1. 1 Type Allows you to select the desired type of instrument- data files to be d is played. Common typ es o f inst ru ment d at a fil es inc lu de t race d ata , li mi t li ne dat a, and ampl it ude corr ec ti on da ta .
132 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 133 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 1. 1. 3 Tr ace D isplay s all trac e fi les ( TRC an d CSV ) in the s elect ed d irec tory . If s elec ted , it a pplie s to a ll File func tions . Key P ath: File , Cat alog , Ty p e 2.
134 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L Key P ath : File , Catalog , Sort.
Chapter 2 135 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 1. 2.3 By Ex t en si on Sorts and di spla ys the curre nt file c atalog , in al phabetica l order , by the f ile extens ion of the fi le na mes (f or exa mple: .T RC , .
136 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L 2.5 .2 Sav e Display s menu keys tha t enable you to save fi les to the floppy (A:) or i nterna l (C:) dr ive . The menus al low you to f ill in dat a-entry fiel ds for fil e name, ty pe , format, s ource, a nd p ath (dire ctory ).
Chapter 2 137 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 2. 1 S av e Now Executes the save function. While the file is being s av ed the p opup message “ Sav in g file ”f o l l o w e db y “ Rea ding dir ect ory ” i s displa yed.
138 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L Re mot e Co mman d: :MME Mor y: STORe: SCR een < ‘fi le_na me’ > :MME Mor y: STORe: STA Te 1,<‘f ile _name .
Chapter 2 139 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 2. 2 Type Allows you to select the type of data you want to save. The file types avail able for saving are de sc ri be d belo w . Se e “File T ypes” on page 127 and “ Ty p e” on page 131 fo r mo re inf orma ti on.
140 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L Screen file form at is Bitmap at powe r on.
Chapter 2 141 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 2. 3.1 T race + State W h e n t h e f i l et y p ei s T race ,t h i sk e ys e l e c t st h e T race + State , instr ument-readabl e file (TRC) format for your f ile. F or more infor mation on file types , refer to “File Types ” on page 127 .
142 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L So urce W h e nt h ef i l et y p ei ss e tt o T race , t h i s k e ya l l o w sy o ut os a v et r a c e 1 , 2 , 3 or All .S a v i n g t r a c e All sa ve s all t rac es i n a sin gle .
Chapter 2 143 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 2. 5 Name Displays t he Alpha Editor and enables y ou to enter a filename . The numeric keypad can also b e used whil e entering fi le names . Press Enter or Return t o comple te the name entr y .
144 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L curs or on a file nam e caus es it to be loa ded in to the fi le name f ield . Key P ath : File Load N ow Loads the c urr ently sel ected fil e. D isplay ed setti ngs incl ude name , type, destination, a nd pat h.
Chapter 2 145 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L • If t he f irmwar e rev is ion of th e st ate be ing lo ade d is old er tha n th e firmwa re revision o f the ins trument, the i nstrument wil l onl y load the older setting s of the state .
146 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L T ype Ena ble s you t o se lect t he type of f il e you w ant t o loa d. S ee “F ile Types” on page 127 and “Type ” on page 131 fo r m or e i nf orm a ti on.
Chapter 2 147 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L Key P ath: File , Loa d , Desti nation State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State . F act ory Pre set : Not a ff ect ed by Preset . P ower up and Re st ore S ys Def a ult s se ts T race 1 .
148 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L P l a c i n gt h ec u r s o ro naf i l en a m ec a u s e si t t ob el o a d e di n t ot h ef i l en a m ef i e l d .
Chapter 2 149 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 4. 1 Del e te No w Executes the del ete function. After you selec t the fil e or director y you want to d elete , press Delete No w to perform the delete .
150 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 151 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 4. 4 Di r Up Moves up one subdirect ory level within a directory . I f your posi tion is in the top level of the drive already , it moves up to the drive level and the c urr ent drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
152 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L T ype E n a b l e sy o ut os e l e c tt h et y p eo ff i l ey o uw a n tt oc o p y . See “ Fil e Types” on page 127 and “Type” on page 131 for more informati on.
Chapter 2 153 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 5. 5 Di r Up Moves up one subdirect ory level within a directory . I f your posi tion is in the top level of the drive already , it moves up to the drive level and the c urr ent drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
154 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L T ype En able s you t o se lect th e ty pe of f ile y ou wan t t o re name.
Chapter 2 155 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L Key P ath: File , Ren ame 2. 5. 6. 5 Di r Up Moves up one subdirect ory level within a directory . I f your posi tion is in the top level of the drive already , it moves up to the drive level and the c urr ent drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
156 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L NO TE Only ca pita l l et ters (A- Z) and di gits ( 0-9) may app ear i n dire ctor y name s (8 char acters, m axim um).
Chapter 2 157 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L 2. 5. 7. 3 Di r Up Moves up one subdirect ory level within a directory . I f your posi tion is in the top level of the drive already , it moves up to the drive level and the c urr ent drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
158 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L 2.5.9 Query Trace Data (R emote Command On ly) Thi s com man d que ries trace da ta from the sp ecifie d trac e. The d ata form at i s se t by t he com man d : FOR Mat [:TR ACe ][:DA TA] .
Chapter 2 159 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L.
160 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L 2. 5.11 Se t Data Byt e Order ( Remo te Comm and Onl y) This command sel ects the binar y data byte order f or data tran sfer . It c o ntrols whether binar y data is transferred in normal or swa pped mode.
Chapter 2 161 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L File Inst rument Functions: A - L A definite length block of data starts with a n ASCII header that begins w i th # and indicates how many additi onal data p oints are f ollowing i n the bl ock.
162 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L File Instrument Functions : A - L.
Chapter 2 163 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L F REQUEN CY / Cha n nel Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.6 FREQUENCY / Channel Displa ys t he menu of frequency func tions . Depending on the Fr eq uenc y entry mode, either the center frequency or the sta r t and stop frequency values appear below the g r aticule on the displ ay .
164 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L FREQ UENCY / Channel Instrument Functions : A - L Range: Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :CENT er <fr equen cy> |UP|D OWN [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :CENT er? Example: FRE Q: CENT 5 GHZ set s the center freque ncy to 5 GHz FREQ: CEN T UP cha nges the c enter fr equency to 5 .
Chapter 2 165 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L F REQUEN CY / Cha n nel Inst rument Functions: A - L Range: Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :FR EQuen cy: STARt <f req > [:SEN Se] :FR EQuen cy: STARt ? Example: FREQ :ST AR 200 MHz FREQ :ST AR ? 2.
166 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L FREQ UENCY / Channel Instrument Functions : A - L Range: Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :STOP <f req uency > [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :STOP ? Example: FRE Q: STOP 1 600 FREQ: STO P? 2.6 .4 CF St ep Changes t he step size for the c enter freque ncy and start/stop f requency f unctions .
Chapter 2 167 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L F REQUEN CY / Cha n nel Inst rument Functions: A - L Range: Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :FR EQuen cy: CENTe r:S TEP[:I NC Rement ] < fr eq> [:SEN Se] :F.
168 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L FREQ UENCY / Channel Instrument Functions : A - L F act ory Pre set: 0 H z Ra nge : –5 00 T Hz to 5 00 TH z Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :OFFS et <fr eq> [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :OFFS et? Example: FRE Q: OFFS 1 0 M Hz 2.
Chapter 2 169 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L F REQUEN CY / Cha n nel Inst rument Functions: A - L display ..
170 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L FREQ UENCY / Channel Instrument Functions : A - L Dependenci es/ Coupling s: Signal Track i s turned off when you do any of the foll owing: 1. Preset i s p res sed (with Preset Type set to F actory), 2. Mar kers All Off is pres se d.
Chapter 2 171 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Input /Outpu t Inst rument Functions: A - L 2.7 Input/ Output Displays t he keys that cont rol some of the signal i nputs a nd outputs o f the analyzer . 2.7. 1 Input P ort Brings up a m enu of i nput signal s ources , the most common one being the front panel RF Input por t.
172 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Input /Outp ut Instrument Functions : A - L 2.7 .2 RF Coup li ng Specifi es altern ating current (AC) or dire ct current (DC) coupling at the anal yzer RF inp ut port. Selecti ng AC coupling switches in a blocki ng capacitor that bloc ks a ny DC volta ge pres ent at the analyzer i nput.
Chapter 2 173 Instrum ent Funct ions: A - L Input /Outpu t Inst rument Functions: A - L Remote Command: [:SEN Ce] :CO RRect ion :IMPe dan ce[:IN Pu t][:MA GNi tu de] 50|7 5 [:SEN Ce] :CO RRect ion :IMPe dan ce[:IN Pu t][:MA GNi tu de]? Example: CORR :IM P 75 s et s the inp ut impedance cor rection t o 75 ohms .
174 Cha pt er 2 Instrument Functions: A - L Input /Outp ut Instrument Functions : A - L.
175 Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3 Instr ument Functions: M − O Th is cha pter pro vides ke y descr iption s an d program m ing info rma tion fo r t he fr ont-p ane l key functions of yo ur analyzer starti ng with the lett ers M through O .
176 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O NO TE The fr ont- and rear -panel feature s, a long with the numeric keypad and alpha-numer ic softkey funda mentals are ill ustrated and des cribed, in your Getting Start ed guide.
Chapter 3 177 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.1 M arke r Ac cesses t he ma rker cont rol me nu. If no ma rkers a re acti ve, press ing Marker a ctivate s the currentl y selec ted marker as a normal type marker and places it at the cente r of the d isplay .
178 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O vo lts. F o r ex ampl e, wh en the p erc ent ra tio wi th Y -ax is uni ts in vo lts is 20% ( 0.2 ), the percent rati o with Y -ax is units in wa tts will be 4% (0 .2 2 = 0 .
Chapter 3 179 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O • Marker func tions ( Marker Noise an d B and /I ntv l P ow er ) - t he display shows t he values with unit s that are dep endent o n the functi on and the Y -axis units .
180 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O 3.1 .1 Select M arker S e l e c t so n eo ft h e f o u rp o s s i b l em a r k e ro rm a r k e rp a i r s .O n c eam a r k e r i ss e l e c t e d ,i tc a n b es e tt oa n yo ft h ec o n t r o l m o d e s , No r m al , De l ta , Delta Pai r , Span P air ,o r Off .
Chapter 3 181 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.1. 3 Delta Sets the c ontrol mode f or the sel ected mar ker to Delt a (s ee “M ark er” on pa ge 177 ). In Delta mode the d isplay s hows the dif ference between the a ctive ( De l ta ) marker and a reference mark er .
182 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O There are four cond itions that can occ ur when Delta P air m ode is se lec ted . • If ma rke r mode i s Off , the del ta marker and reference mar ker are placed at the c enter of the displ ay .
Chapter 3 183 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O of the disp lay ..
184 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O 3.1 .5 Span P air Sets the contr ol mode for t he selected marker to Span P a i r (see “Marker” on p age 177 ).
Chapter 3 185 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O Ret urns th e midpoi nt trace poin t. :CALC ula te: MARKe r[1 ]|2|3 |4: X:POSi ti on:SPA N < pa ram> Sets the spacing b e tween the markers to a sp e cified number of trace points.
186 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Marker T rac e 1, 2, or 3, or Au to . In Au t o mode, the analyzer pl aces markers on the low est-n umb ered t race tha t is in Clear Write mode . I f no tra ce is in Clear Write mode , i t places the marker on the l ow est-numbered trace in Max Hol d mode .
Chapter 3 187 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O :CALC ula te: MARKe r[1 ]|2|3 |4: X:READ ou t? Example: CALC :MA RK3:X :RE AD TIME set s the mar k er 3 Re adout to Ti me .
188 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Inve rse T ime Sets the m arker readout t o Inver se Time, d i splay ing the rec iprocal of ( sweep) ti me between tw o markers . This f unction is onl y avail able when in both zer o s pan and in a delta-mar ker modes.
Chapter 3 189 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.1. 9 Marker T able When set to On the displa y is split into a measurement window and a marker data displa y window .
190 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O.
Chapter 3 191 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fctn Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.2 Mar ke r Fct n Access special m arker functions suc h as frequency c ount ing and noise markers .
192 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fct n Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O is displ ay ed a s a ratio (dB o r %)..
Chapter 3 193 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fctn Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O T o guarantee accurate data for noise-like signal s, a correcti on for equivalent noise ban dwi dt h is made b y t he a nal yze r .
194 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fct n Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Re mot e Co mman d: Se e “ Marker Fctn” on pag e 191 f or t he command to s elec t the f unction. Example: CAL C: MARK:F UNC BPOW tur ns on marker one as a band power marker .
Chapter 3 195 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fctn Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O St ate Save d: If Marker Cou nt i s on, that setting is sa ved in the i nstrument state .
196 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker Fct n Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Remote Comma nd Notes: U si ng the C ALC:MARK[1]|2|3|4:FCO command. If the sp ecified marker number in the c ommand is not the acti ve marker , it be com es the ac tive m ark e r .
Chapter 3 197 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker -> Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.3 Mar ke r -> Ac cesses m enu ke ys t hat can cop y th e curre nt ma rker v alue i nto o ther inst rum ent p aramet ers ( for exa mple, Cent er Fre quency ). 3.3.
198 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker -> Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Example: CAL C: MARK1: STA R set s the start frequency to the value ( o r delta v a lue) of mark er 1 .
Chapter 3 199 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker -> Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.3. 4 Mkr-> Sto p Changes the stop fr equency to the fre quency of the act ive marker . The marker sta ys at this frequency , so it moves to t he right of t he displa y .
200 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Marker -> Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O 3.3 .7 Mkr -> Ref L vl Sets the r eferenc e level to the amplitude value of t he active m arker , moving the m a rked point to the reference level (top line of the grati cule).
Chapter 3 201 Instrument Functions: M - O Meas S et up (S A wit h Measureme nts O ff ) Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3 .4 Mea s S etup (S A w ith Me as urem en ts O ff) 3.4. 1 Meas uremen t Set up Displays the setup menu for the currentl y selected measurement.
202 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O Meas Setup (SA with M easu rements Off) Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O.
Chapter 3 203 Instrument Functions: M - O MO DE Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O 3.5 M ODE Select s the measurement mode of your anal yzer . Spec trum Analysis mode is for ge neral purpose measur ement use. T he instr ument comes w ith the S pectrum Analysis m ode .
204 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O MODE Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O Remote Command Notes: Select the measur ement mode . The ac tual av ailable c hoices dep end upon w hich m od es (m easu rem ent a ppl icat ions) a re in sta lled i n the instrument .
Chapter 3 205 Instrument Functions: M - O MO DE Inst rument Fu nctions: M - O SCPI Status Bits/ OPC D ep endencies: If you are using the status bits and the analyzer mode is changed, the statu s bits sh ould be re ad, a nd any er rors r esolv ed, prior t o swit ching modes .
206 Cha pt er 3 Instrument Functions: M - O MODE Inst rument Fun ctions: M - O 3 .5.3 Ap pli cati on M ode Cat alog Q u ery (Rem ote co mman d only) Returns a c omma separated l ist of st rings that cont ain the names of all the i nstall ed applica tions/ modes.
207 Instrument Funct ions: P − Z 4 Instr ument Functions: P − Z Th is cha pter pro vides ke y descr iption s an d program m ing info rma tion fo r t he fr ont-p ane l key functions of yo ur analyzer starti ng with the lett ers P through Z.
208 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P − Z Inst rument Functions : P − Z NO TE The fr ont- and rear -panel feature s, a long with the numeric keypad and alpha-numer ic softkey funda mentals are ill ustrated and des cribed, in your Getting Start ed guide.
Chapter 4 209 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.1 P eak S ea rch Places a marke r on the highest p eak and display s the searc h menu. If Pe ak Search T ype (P aram) is set to Excursio n & Threshold, the peak found m ust meet the defined peak ex curs ion a nd th reshold v alues.
210 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Re mot e Co mman d: :CAL Cul at e:MARK er[ 1]|2| 3|4 :MAXi mum :NEXT Example: CAL C: MARK2: MAX :NEXT s elects ma r ker 2 a nd moves it to the nex t highest pe ak. 4.
Chapter 4 211 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z Key P ath: Peak Se arch State Saved: Not part of saved state . Remote Command: :CALC ula te: MARKe r[1 ]|2|3 |4: MINimu m Example: CALC :MA RK:MI N select s mar ker 1 and m ov es it to the m ini mum am plit ude va lue.
212 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4.1. 5 Pk-Pk Sea rch Find s an d di splays t he amp li tude a nd fre quenc y (o r tim e, if i n zero s pan ) diff.
Chapter 4 213 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z :CALC ula te: MARKe r[1 ]|2|3 |4: CPEak[ :S TATe]? Remo te Co mma nd Not es: This command may not be used to acti va te a giv e n mark er . Example: CALC :MA RK:CP E O N 4.
214 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Re mot e Co mman d: :CAL Cul at e:BAND wid th:ND B < dB_va lue > :CAL Cul at e:BAND wid th:ND B? :CAL Cul a.
Chapter 4 215 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.1. 9 Searc h P aram Disp lays t he sea rch p arame ter criter ia m enu tha t en ables y ou to adjus t the par ame t er s for the peak searc h functi ons . Key P ath: Peak Se arch Remote Command: There is no r emote command f or thi s key .
216 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z you w ant P eak Sea rch to ta ke advant age of the thr eshold excursio n. Example: :CA LC :MARK: PEA K:EXC 30 D B set s t he m ini mum pe ak excu rsion requirement t o 3 0 dB .
Chapter 4 217 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z Example: :CAL C:M ARK:P EAK :THR -60 dB m sets the threshold to - 60 dBm.
218 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z P ea k Search Sets the m ode for Peak Sear ch to either Max or Param and ap pli es to Peak Search on ly . • Max (Maximum mode) places a marker on the highe st peak whenever a Peak S earch is pe rf or med .
Chapter 4 219 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z P eak S ear ch Inst rument Functions: P - Z CALC :MA RK :MAX puts marker 1 on the hi g hest pea k that is at least 30 dB above the –60 d Bm threshol d. :CAL C:M AR K:Y? r eturns the y-axis (amplitude) value of the m arker in curr ent y -axis u ni t s.
220 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Sear ch Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 221 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr e set Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.2 Pre set Presetting the instru ment provides a known convenient starti ng point of the instr ument state for making measurement s .
222 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Preset Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Dependenci es/ Cou plings: D epends on t h e pre set type ( user , m ode or fact ory) se tting i n the System , P ower O n/Prese t keys. SCPI Stat us Bits/ OPC Depende ncies: C l ears al l pending OPC bi ts .
Chapter 4 223 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr e set Inst rument Functions: P - Z.
224 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Preset Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4.2.2 M ode Preset T h i sk e yi s o n l ya v a i l a b l ew h e nt h ep r e s e tt y p ei ss e tt o Use r .P r e s s System , Po wer On/ Preset , Preset T ype , User . A mode p reset does not ch ange the mode .
Chapter 4 225 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr e set Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.2.4 Save User Preset T his k ey is on ly avai lable w he n the P re set Ty pe is se t to User .P r e s s Syste m , P ower On/ Preset , Preset T ype , User . Key P ath: Preset (if preset type is s et to U ser) System , P ower On/Preset .
226 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Preset Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 227 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Prin t Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.3 P ri nt In itia tes a n out put of t he d isplay dat a to th e cu rrent ly de fin ed p rinte r . T he sc ree n re main s frozen (no f urther sweeps are t aken) until the da ta transf er to t he printer i s complet e.
228 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Pri nt Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 229 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr int S e tup Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.4 Pr int S et up Displays t he functions t hat speci fy a particular pr inter and contr ol its outp ut. Key P a th: Front- panel key Remote Command: There is no r emote command f or thi s key .
230 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Pri nt Set up Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Key P ath : Print Set up Re mot e Co mman d: There is no remote command fo r this key . L angu age Lets you def ine your printer lang uage as a PCL3 (Deskj et) or PCL5 (Laserjet) p rinter .
Chapter 4 231 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr int S e tup Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.4. 2 Orient ation Allows you to select either Po r tr ait or Landscape printing.
232 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Pri nt Set up Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4.4 . 3 Pri nts /Pag e Selec ts the number of displ ay prints p er page when orientati on is set to P o rtrait. The pag e will b e ejec ted after the sel ected number of prints ha s been printed.
Chapter 4 233 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Pr int S e tup Inst rument Functions: P - Z :HCOP y:P AGE :SIZE ? Remote Com mand Notes: P age size “ A” is letter , and p a ge size “B” is ledger . There is no size sta ndardization for “ legal” or “executi ve.
234 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Pri nt Set up Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Executive , Letter , Legal, Ledger , A4, or A3 Se lec tabl e pag e s iz es a vail ab le ar e as f ol low s: Ex ecutive , Let ter , Legal , Le dger , A4 ,a n d A3 .
Chapter 4 235 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Save Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.5 S av e Saves analyzer state s, traces , and screen data to a floppy (A:) drive or internal flash memo ry ( C:) d riv e , as c onf ig ured by the File menu.
236 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Sa ve Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 237 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z SP AN / X Scale Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.6 SP AN / X Sc al e Activates t he Spa n function and disp lays the menu of s pan f unctions . 4.6. 1 Span Changes the d is played freq uency range sy mmetrically about the center fr equency .
238 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z SP AN / X Scal e Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :SPAN <f req > [:SE NSe ]: FREQue ncy :SPAN ? Example: FRE Q: SPAN 2 GHZ 4.6. 2 Spa n Zoo m Turns on signal tra cking and activate s the span function.
Chapter 4 239 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z SP AN / X Scale Inst rument Functions: P - Z Remote Command: See [:S ENS e]: FREQu enc y:SPA N 0 Hz Example: FREQ :SP AN 0 Hz 4.6. 5 Last Sp an Cha nges th e disp layed freque ncy spa n to the pre vious spa n setting.
240 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z SP AN / X Scal e Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 241 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z SWEEP Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.7 SWEEP Activates t he Sweep Time func t ion and displays the sweep function menu keys . Key P a th: Front- panel key 4.7. 1 Swee p T ime Select s the lengt h of ti me in which the spectrum analyzer swe eps the disp layed fre quency span.
242 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z SWEE P Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Defaul t T erminator: seconds Range: in zero span: 1 µ s t o 600 0s in s wept spa ns: 1 ms t o 20 00s Re mot e Co mman.
Chapter 4 243 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z SWEEP Inst rument Functions: P - Z • The query returns 1 or 0 into the output buf fer . 1 is retur ned when there is co ntinuous sweeping .
244 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z SWEE P Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Example: SWE :T IME:AU TO: RUL A CC 4.7 .4 P oin ts Sets t he n umbe r of poin ts per sw ee p , from 1 01 to 81 92 in n on-z ero span a nd 2 t o 8192 in zero sp an. Resol ution of s etting the swee p time wil l depend on the num ber of poi nts selecte d.
Chapter 4 245 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z SWEEP Inst rument Functions: P - Z Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :SW Eep:P OIN ts <numb er of po ints> [:SEN Se] :SW Eep:P OIN ts? Example: SWE: POI N 501.
246 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z SWEE P Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 247 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.8 S ys tem Di spl ays t he System menu key s to control overall Syst em functions .
248 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Re mot e Co mman d: :SYS Tem :E RRor[: NEX T]? Remote Command N ot es: T he : SYSTe m:E RRor[ :NE XT] ? com ma nd que ries the ear lies t entry t o the error queue a nd then del etes t hat entry .
Chapter 4 249 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 2. 1 P owe r On Enables you to s et the s tate the analyz er will b e put in w hen it i s powered on.
250 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Pre s e t Type Enables you to s elec t what type of p r eset will be initi ated when you pr ess the g reen Pres et key or send the r emote command, using SYST:P RE S .
Chapter 4 251 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z user sta te. SYST :PR ES :TYPE USER defines the type o f preset as th e user preset. Wi th user preset selected, and a user state save d, use SYST :PR ES to do a user pr eset.
252 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Def ault: M ode Re mot e Co mman d: See “ Pre set Type” on page 250. Example: SYS T: PRES:T YPE FACT def ines the type of p reset as the factor y preset. With factor y pres et selec ted, use SYST :PRES to do a factor y pr e s et.
Chapter 4 253 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 3. 1 Ti me/ Da te Tu rns t he d isplay o f th e real -tim e clock on or o ff . Key P ath: System , Time/ Date Annunciation / Annotation : Current ti me and dat e are dis played in t he upper -lef t corner of t he screen.
254 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Dependenci es/ Coupling s: N o ne St ate Sa ved: Sur vive s Preset and power cycle, b ut not saved in Instrument State . SCPI Stat us Bits/ OPC Depende ncies: N one Fa c t o r y De fa ul t: No t aff ec te d by “ Resto re Sys Defaults .
Chapter 4 255 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z restor ed by System , Restor e Sys Default s . SCPI Status Bits/ OPC Dependencies: None Fa c t o r y De fault : Not affec ted b y “ Restore Sys Def aults .
256 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z alerted that alignments are needed. • Off , the instrument won’t initiate any* visible alignments or alerts . • All, turns on t he autom atic alignment of all measurement systems .
Chapter 4 257 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z * There are 2 very qui ck alignments , invisible t o the user , that are done ever y few m i nutes or when c erta in settings are changed. These still occur , even if Au t oAl ig n is s et t o Off .
258 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z F act ory Pre set: O n Fa c t o r y Def ault: O n Re mot e Co mman d: :CAL ibr at ion:FR EQu ency[ :ST ATe] OFF |ON |0|1 :CAL ibr at ion:FR EQu ency[ :ST ATe]? Example: CAL :F REQ OFF 4.
Chapter 4 259 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z Ini tia tes an ali gnm ent on the IF as semb ly . Key P ath: System , Ali gnments , Al ign Subsys Annunciation / Anno tat ion : Will dis pl a y a serie s o f pop- up messag e boxe s indic at ing ali gnm ent prog ress .
260 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z ali gned (a su bset of t he Ali gn All Now messa ge boxes). Re mot e Co mman d: :CAL ibr at ion:FL ATn ess:I F :CAL ibr at ion:FL ATn ess:I F? Remote Command Notes: The query perf orms the alig nment and returns a zero if the alignment is successful .
Chapter 4 261 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 4. 4.5 Al i gn Cur re nt Sy sG ai n Initiates a fine-t uning adjustment of the syst em gain, primari ly to corr ect for s mal l ampl it ude va ri atio ns that oc cur a s re solu tio n BW is sw itc hed .
262 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z High - display s ev er y trace F act ory Pre set: L ow Re mot e Co mman d: :CAL ibr at ion:DI SPl ay:LE Vel OF F|LOW |HI GH :CAL ibr at ion:DI SPl ay:LE Vel ? Example: CAL :D ISP:LE V H IGH 4.
Chapter 4 263 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 5. 1 GP IB Add re ss Shows the current G PIB addr ess and allows you to change this v alue using the nume ric keyboard. The new value is display ed in the active function are a.
264 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Example: SYS T: COMM:L AN: IP “150. 22 2.50.5 2 myp sa” Se ts the IP address t o 150.22 2.50 .52 and set s the ho st nam e to mypsa . Hos t Name Display s the ho st name of the i nstr ument.
Chapter 4 265 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 5. 5 Su bnet M as k Changes the subnet mask of t he instrument. T he sub net mask is a 32-bi t address mask used in IP networks to i ndi cate t he bits o f an IP addres s that a re used f or the sub net add re ss .
266 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 1 SC PI T eln et Turns on/off the SCPI LAN telnet capabil ity allowing you to limit SCPI access over LAN via t eln et. Key P ath : System , SCPI Lan St ate Sa ved: Sur vive s Preset and power cycle, b ut not saved in Instrument State .
Chapter 4 267 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 5. 7.3 SI CL Se rv er Tu rns on /off the S IC L serve r capab ility , en abli ng you to limi t SCP I acces s ove r LAN v ia the SICL server . (SICL IEEE 488 .2 protoc ol.
268 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4. 8.6 Ref erence Display s functions th at control the external frequenc y reference. Key P ath : Sys tem Re mot e Co mman d: There is no remote command fo r this key . 4.
Chapter 4 269 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z but does not select the external reference . ROSC :SO UR EXT select s the ex terna l refere nc e .
270 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 10 MHz O ut Swit ches the 10 MHz out signal on the rear p anel of the analyzer on or o ff . Key P ath : System , Refer ence State S a ved: Not Sav ed in Ins trument Stat e.
Chapter 4 271 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z *OPT ? 4.8. 8 Show H dwr Gives detail ed information a bout the hardw are insta lled on your instrumen t.
272 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Key P ath : System , Color P alett e SCPI Stat us Bits/ OPC Depende ncies: N one Vision Imp air 1 Selec ts a spe cial col or sch eme to acc ommodate color -deficie nt visio n probl ems.
Chapter 4 273 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z.
274 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z M onoch rome Sets the c olor p alette to s ingle-col or mode . The m onochrome di splay u ses different shades of green for each green val ue. Thi s is espec ially useful for drivi ng external monochrome moni tor s .
Chapter 4 275 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z P ersistent f uncti ons are thi ngs such as the GPI B address, time/date displ ay style , and au to-al ignme nt state. The se are param ete rs th at are una ffected by a pow er cycle or an instrument preset .
276 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z Re mot e Co mman d: :SYS Tem :P RESet: PER Siste nt Example: SYS T: PRES:P ERS 4. 8.12 Licensi ng Accesses t he sec urity s ystem to enab le licensi ng for i ndividual o ptions .
Chapter 4 277 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4. 8. 12 .2 L ic e nse K ey A c t i v a t e st h ea l p h ae d i t o rt oa l l o wy o ut oe n t e rt h el i c e n s ek e yn u m b e rf o rt h eo p t i o nt ob e installed .
278 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z they ar e cor rect. NO TE It is pos sib le t o en able an o ptio n for whi ch the a naly ze r i s no t ye t con figur ed . Therefore , the message Option acti vat ed d oe s not m ean that the op tion wil l immediat ely f unc tion.
Chapter 4 279 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z Remote Command: See also *OPT? Example: *OPT ? retu rns a stri ng w ith al l the ap plica tion op tion s curr ently in sta lled in the instrument (e .g. “B7J ,2 02 ,204,B AC”).
280 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4. 8.15 Key board L ock (Remot e Comma nd Only) Disabl es the instrument keyboard to prevent local input when instr ument is control led remotely . An a nn unciator rea ding “Klock” aler ts the local user tha t the keyboard is loc k e d.
Chapter 4 281 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z System Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.8. 17 Rem ote Mess age T urne d Off Removes any system message from the Sta tus Bar at the bottom of the inst rument display . A m es sa ge can be disp la yed us ing the :SY STem:M ESS ag e com mand.
282 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z System Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
Chapter 4 283 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z T race/View Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.9 T race/ V ie w D isplay s menu ke ys tha t en able y ou to set how tr ace inf orm ation is st ored a nd dis playe d. Each trac e is comprised of a se ries of data points i n which x a nd y axis informati on is stored.
284 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z T race/View Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4.9.1 Query Trace Data (R emote Command On ly) This quer y returns the current values of t he des ignated trac e amplitude val ues . The dat a is ter minated with <NL><END>.
Chapter 4 285 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z T race/View Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.9. 3 Cle ar Writ e Erases any data previously stor ed in the selected trace and conti nuously display s signals d u r i n gt h es w e e po ft h ea n a l y z e r . Key P ath: T race/ View Remote Command: See “Trace /V iew” on pag e 283 .
286 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z T race/View Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4.9 .6 Vie w Holds and displa ys the amplitude data of the selected trace. The trace is not up da ted a s the analyzer sweeps . Key P ath : T race/Vie w , T race His tor y: Add ed wi th f irmwar e r evis ion A.
Chapter 4 287 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Functions: P - Z 4.1 0 T rig Displays m enu keys that enable you to sel ect th e tri gger mode of a sweep or measurement. When in a trigger mode other than F ree Run, the anal yzer will begin a s weep only with the proper trigger c ondition.
288 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4. 10.2 V ideo Acti vates the trigger c ondition that a llows the nex t sweep to s tart i f the detec ted RF en vel ope v oltag e cr osse s a le vel se t by t he vid eo t rigge r lev el.
Chapter 4 289 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Functions: P - Z Remote Command: See “T ri g” on pa ge 287 Example: TRIG :SO UR LINE sele cts l ine tr igge ring .
290 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z 4. 10.7 T rig Slope Control s the tr igg er polarity . It is positive to trigger on a rising edge and negative to trig ger o n a fa llin g ed ge. Key P ath : Tr i g Dependenci es/ Coupling s: N o t avai lable for F ree Run.
Chapter 4 291 Instrum ent Funct ions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Functions: P - Z Example: TRIG :DE L:STA T O N TRIG :DE L 100 ms 4.10 .9 T rig Of fse t (Rem ote Co mma nd Onl y) This command sets the tr igger offse t.
292 Cha pt er 4 Instrument Functions: P - Z Tr i g Inst rument Funct ions: P - Z.
293 One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5 One-B utton M easurem ent Functions Th is cha pter prov ides yo u with fun ctiona l desc ript ions, and re mo t e pr ogram min g commands for a ll measurement s avail able to y ou when you p ress the f ront-panel Meas ur e key (Sp ect rum Ana lys is mode is sele cted ).
294 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions One - But ton Measurement Fu nctions One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions One - Button Measuremen t Functi ons Th is s ect i on pr ovi de s ke y de sc r.
Chapter 5 295 One-Button Measurement Functions One - But ton Measurement Fu nctions One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Inter mod (TOI ) Measurem ent Mea s Setu p 423 Mult-Car rier P ower Mea suremen.
296 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions One - But ton Measurement Fu nctions One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 297 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1 MEAS URE (Spec trum Analysis Mod e) In the Spe ctrum A nalys is mod e (see .
298 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Me asu re Comm and s: :MEAS ure :< measur eme nt>[n ]? This is a fast sin gle-command wa y to make a measurement using the factory defa ult instrument s ettings .
Chapter 5 299 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions F etch Command s: :FETCh :<measureme nt>[n]? This c ommand put s selected dat a from the most re cent measu rement int o the outpu t buffer .
300 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.1 .2 Mea s Off Turns the me asurement functi on off , so no meas urement is c urrently acti ve. When Me as Off is selected there are no functions under the Meas Se tup key .
Chapter 5 301 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1. 3 Chan nel P ower Channel Po wer measures the power and power spectral density i n the channel bandwidth that you speci fy . O ne marker pair on the displa y indicates the e dges of the channel bandwidth.
302 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions expecte d that the D VB - T signal t o be measured will be pr esent prior t o the standard being selec ted. The mas k will be p ositioned r elative to t he power m easured in the 7.
Chapter 5 303 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions If the current span setting is narrower than the mask w i dth, the m a sk w i ll not b e d isplayed a nd th e messa ge 1 0 19 1 displaye d.
304 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.1.4 Occupied BW Occupied Band width integrat es the power of the di splayed sp ectrum and puts marker s at the frequencies between which a selected percent age of the power i s cont ained.
Chapter 5 305 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions wi ll ret urn the s i ngl e sca l ar r es ult spe ci fi ed . 5.1. 5 Adja cent Cha nnel P ower— ACP Adjacent Channel Pow er ( ACP ) i s a m e asure of the p ower that leaks into ad j acent transmit channels .
306 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Remote Comman d: M ea su r em en t Res u lts Av a ila bl e C ondi tion C omma nd R.
Chapter 5 307 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command Notes: The main channel powe r is returned i n the current ampli tude units , a nd the low er and upper cha nnel results a re always r eturned in dB .
308 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 309 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1. 6 Multi- Carrier P ower Multi-Carr ier P ower is the measur e of the power that leaks into adja cent transmit channels w hen two or more ca rriers ar e present.
310 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Remote Comman d: Measurement Results Ava ilable Com ma nd n Re sult s Ret urn ed :.
Chapter 5 311 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions E x a m p l e : FE TC :MC P? o r M E A:M CP? o r RE AD :M CP? :FETCh:M CPower? :MEASur e:MCPower? :R EA D :M C Pow er ? n=14 Returns 36 com ma-separ ated scal ar results, in the follow ing order .
312 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.1 .7 P ow er Sta t CCD F The CCDF m e asurement is a statist ical measurement of a high-level signa l or peak power .
Chapter 5 313 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Pressi ng Meas S et up afte r P ower Stat CCDF has been selected w ill acces s the Po w er Stat CCDF m ea surement setup menu. The factory defaults prov ide a good sta rting point for this measurem ent.
314 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Remote Comman d: Measurement Results A vailable Command n Results Retu rned :CONFi.
Chapter 5 315 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command Notes: T o sav e trace da ta use the f et ch methods show n above .
316 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions the measurement is in continuous mode, the m ea surement will continual ly m eas ure the amplitud e of t he fundamental a nd harmonics .
Chapter 5 317 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions E x am p l e : FET C:HAR M:AMPL: A L L? M E AS : HA R M: A M PL 2 retur ns the a mpl itude of the second harmonic measured in dBc from the fundamental.
318 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.1.9 Burst P ower The burst p ower measurement is an a ccurate method of d etermining the a verage p ower for the specified burst.
Chapter 5 319 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions w h e r eP a v g=a v e r a g ep o w e r ,ni st h es t a r tt r a c ep o i n t ,m = t h es t o pt r a c ep o i n t ,a n dp =t h e trace poi nt amplitud e power in dBm.
320 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Remote Comman d: E x a m p le : F ETC:BPOW ? o r MEAS:BP OW? o r READ :BPOW? M ea .
Chapter 5 321 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1. 10 In termod (T OI) The third ord er intermodulation ( TOI) measur ement c.
322 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 1.11 Sp urio us Emi ssio ns The spurious em issions measurement i dentifi es and determines the p ower level of spurious emissio ns in c erta in frequency bands .
Chapter 5 323 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions and all of fset r esults are also the peak PSD i n that off set as op posed to the integrated po wer . Offsets t hat are turned off (i nactive) wil l return - 999.
324 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Remote Comman d: Measurement Results A vailable Command / Cond ition n Re sults Re.
Chapter 5 325 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions U si ng Pow er S p ect ra l Density Ref erenc e (Conti nued) n=1 ( or no t spec ified) Retu rns 6 0 s calar results, in t he follow ing orde r: 1.
326 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Using T otal P ower Referen ce n=5 To t a l Po w e r R e f e r e n c e Re turn s 1 2 scal ar v alue s (i n dBm) o f th e abs olut e power of the s egment frequenci es: 1.
Chapter 5 327 One-Button Measurement Functions MEASU R E (S p ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions n=7 Re tur ns 12 pa ss/ fail te st res u lts ( 0 = pa sse d, o r 1 = fa iled) dete rmined b y testing the absolu te pow e r in each offset again st the specified of fset’ s absolute power limit s: 1.
328 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions E xa m p l e: FETC: SEM? o r MEA: SEM? o r RE A D:SE M? 5.1.13 Current M easu rement Q uery ( Remote Co mman d Only) This command retur ns the name of the meas urement that is cur rently running .
Chapter 5 329 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas C on trol One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.2 Meas C ontrol These functions all ow you to pause and resume the currently sel ected measurement and to select between conti nuous or si ngle measurements .
330 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas C ontr ol One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: Use :INI Tia te: CONTi nuo us OFF|ON See “S WEEP” on page 241. Remote Command Notes: This command affects s weeping when in the SA mode .
Chapter 5 331 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas C on trol One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions multiple dat a acquis itions , with multi ple trigger event s , for one full tr igger cycle . The instrument must have external triggering selec ted, or the command will be i g nored.
332 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas C ontr ol One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 333 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.3 Mode Setup (Spectrum Analysis Mode ) Enables you to c hange measur ement setti ngs common to al l measurements in t he MEASURE m enu.
334 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: Use [:SEN Se] :RADi o:S TANda rd[ :SE Lect] S e e “ R a d i oS t d ” o np a g e3 3 3 . Example: RAD :S TAN NONE 5.
Chapter 5 335 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Mode Setup , Radio St d History: Modified with P SA firmw are rev ision A.04.00 Added w ith PSA fi rmware re visio n A.
336 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions and Spe ctru m Emiss ion Mask a re avail able for th is stand ard. Key Ty pe : 1 of N men u Key P ath : Mode Setup , Radio Std His tor y: M od ifie d with PS A firm war e rev isio n A.
Chapter 5 337 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: RAD: STA N C2000D S 5. 3. 1. 10 NADC Sets the spe cific parameters f or the selected measure ment (located under t he “M EASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode)” key description) approp riate for indust ry standard NAD C .
338 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions P o wer Stat CCDF and Burst P ower are the o nly measurements a vailable f or this sta ndard. Key Ty pe : 1 of N men u Key P ath : Mode Setup , Radio Std Hi st ory : Add ed with PS A fi rmw a re rev isi on A.
Chapter 5 339 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: RAD: STA N WL802D OT1 1A 5.
340 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: RAD :S TAN HIPER LA N2 D VB-T Accesses the DVB-T key menu to ena ble you to select a DVB-T mask filteri ng standard .
Chapter 5 341 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.3. 2 Radio Std Setup Ac cesses t he key men u for sel ecting th e dev ice, packe t type, or si gnal b andwid th to b e mea su red .
342 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: RAD :S TAN:DE V M S P a cket Type This func tion is only a vailable w hen the standard you ha ve selecte d is Bluetooth™.
Chapter 5 343 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions NO TE When Radio Std or Radi o Std Setup is chan ge d, Retain Params is se t t o Off .O n c e Retain Par ams has been s e t to Of f , p arameters wil l no lo nger be r etained and any settings you may have entered will be l ost.
344 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Key P ath : Mode Setup F act ory Pre set: O ff Hi st ory : Add ed with PS A fi rmw a re rev isi on A.
Chapter 5 345 One-Button Measurement Functions Mode Setup ( Sp ectrum Analysis Mode) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :PO Wer[: RF] :RANG e:A UTO ONCE Example: POW: RAN G.
346 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mode Setu p (Spect rum A nal ysis Mode) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 347 One-Button Measurement Functions Restart One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.4 R es ta rt This funct ion restarts a prev iously paused measureme nt at the beginning . If the measurement is a c tive, it will stop it as soon as possible and restart it from the beginning .
348 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Restart One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 349 One-Button Measurement Functions Sin gle One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.5 S in gle If the analy zer is in conti nuous sweep mode and not in a me asurement ( Measure , Meas Off ), pre ssing Single c hanges the s weep control to si ngle sweep, a nd ex ecutes a sweep af ter the trigger conditi on is m et.
350 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Singl e One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 351 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5 .6 Mea s Setu p (A dja cent Ch an nel P ow er —AC P) If the adjac en.
352 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 353 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.6. 2 A vg Mo de Pre ss A v g Mode to select the ty pe of t ermination c ontrol used for the a veraging functi on as either Exp or Rep eat .
354 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Span/10 if CF Step is set to Auto w i th non-zero sp an. CF Step if CF Step is set to Manual . Range: Depends on the adjace nt-cha nnel settings an d the m i nimum and maxi mum an aly ze r spa n.
Chapter 5 355 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Meas Setup , O ffset Setup St ate S aved: Saved i n inst rum e nt st ate.
356 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Defaul t T erminator: Hz Knob Inc rement: Span/ 50 if non-zero span. RBW/100 if z e ro s pa n. St ep Key Increme nt: RBW if CF St ep is set to Au to with z ero sp an.
Chapter 5 357 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: Sending fewer than six parameters to one of these commands wi l l leave the value s of the unspecifi ed offsets unc hanged.
358 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions His tor y: Add ed wi th f irmwar e r evis ion A.
Chapter 5 359 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: :CALC ula te: ACPow er: OFFSe t:L IST:LI Mi t:POSi tiv e.
360 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions [:SE NSe ]: ACPowe r:T YPE? Example: ACP :T YPE PSDR ACP:T YPE ? 5.
Chapter 5 361 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions.
362 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.6 .8 T ot al P wr R ef Enables you to set the adj acent channel powe r reference to automati c or ma n ual. When set to aut omatic , the c arrier powe r result r eflects th e measured pow er value in the c arrier .
Chapter 5 363 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: ACP: CAR R:CPS D 5 5.6. 10 Li mit T est Pressi ng Limit T est turns the testing of the l i mit line on or off . When Limit T est is se t to On , each of fset is c ompared t o its up per and l ower offset l imit.
364 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: ACPowe r:F ILTer [:R RC][: STA Te] OFF| ON| 0|1 [:SENSe] :ACP ower:FI L T er[:RRC][:ST AT e]? Example: ACP :F ILT 1 ACP:F ILT ? 5.
Chapter 5 365 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P ower—A CP) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Hi sto ry: Add ed wit h firm ware re visi on A.
366 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel P o wer—AC P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 367 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/View (A C P Measurement ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.7 Trace /V iew (AC P Measure ment) If AC P has b een selected in the M e asure men u of the Sp ect rum Ana ly sis mod e , t his key displ ays the app ropriate T race/Vie w menu for the adja cent channel p ower ( ACP) measurement.
368 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (A CP Measurement) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.7 .3 Co mb ine d Pre ssing Combined s elects the measur ement to be displa yed as a bar graph and s pectrum as shown be low . Key P ath : T race/Vie w F act ory Pre set: Sp ectr um His tor y: Add ed wi th f irmwar e r evis ion A.
Chapter 5 369 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/View (A C P Measurement ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions inf orma ti on. 5. 7. 5. 1 Tr ace ( 123 ) Dete rmine s whic h tr ace the me nu ke ys wil l af fe ct . Pres s T r a c e123 until the number of the d esired t race is u nde rline d.
370 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (A CP Measurement) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Bl ank See “Blank ” on pag e 286 for more information.
Chapter 5 371 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P ower) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 8 M eas Set up (B urst P ower) When Bur st P ower has been sel ected in the Measure m enu of the S pectrum An alysis M ode, this key displa ys the appropri ate m ea surement setup menu.
372 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P o wer) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.8 .2 Avg Mod e Pre ss A vg Mode to select the type of terminat ion c ont rol used for the averaging function to either Exp or Repeat .
Chapter 5 373 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P ower) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions [:SEN Se] :BP OWer: AVE Rage: TYP e? Example: BPOW :AV G:TYP LP OW er t o se le c t Lo g t yp e. BPOW :AV G: TYP? 5.8. 4 Threshold Lvl En abl es yo u to set the lev el abo ve wh ich the me an carri er power c alcu lati on is base d.
374 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P o wer) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions NO TE The me asurements desc ribed above are t hose a vailable i n SA mod e (see Mode key). Other measurements are available in other modes if a n optional pers onality is i nstalled.
Chapter 5 375 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P ower) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Range: 0.1 µ st o 2k s Hi sto ry: Ad ded wit h fir mware re visi on A.
376 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Burst P o wer) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 377 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Burst P ower) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.9 Trace/View (B urst P ow er) If Burst P o wer has been select ed in the Measure men u of the Spe ctrum Anal ysis mod e, this key dis plays t h e appro pria te T race/Vi ew menu fo r the burst power measurement.
378 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/View (Bur st Po wer) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.9 .2 Co mb ine d Pre ssing Combined dis plays measuremen t results the same a s RF Envelope , but has a blue bar between the mar k e rs to indicate the measur ed output power level.
Chapter 5 379 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Burst P ower) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions BLANk = Bl a nk :TRAC e[1 ]|2 |3:MO DE? Example: TRAC :MO DE WRIT TRAC :MO DE MA XH TRAC :MO DE MI NH TRAC :MO DE VI EW TRAC :MO DE BL ANk TRAC :MO DE ? 5.
380 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/View (Bur st Po wer) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 381 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set up (Comple m en tary Cu mula tive D istrib ution Function — C CDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.
382 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Complementary Cumu lative Distrib utio n Function—CC DF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: PST :B AND 10 or PST:BWI D 1 0 PST:B AND ? or P ST:BW ID ? 5. 10.2 Count s Pre ss Counts to se t the ac cum ulat ed nu mbe r of sa mplin g po ints fo r dat a acqu isit ion.
Chapter 5 383 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set up (Comple m en tary Cu mula tive D istrib ution Function — C CDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :PS Tatis tic :SWEe p:T IME <tim e> [:SEN Se] :PS Tatis tic :SWEe p:T IME? Example: PST: SWE :TIME 1.
384 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Complementary Cumu lative Distrib utio n Function—CC DF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 385 One-Button Measurement Functions Displa y (Compl ementary Cu mula tive D istri buti on Funct ion—CCDF ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.11 D ispla y (Compl ementary Cumulativ e Distributi on Function—CCDF) Pre ss Dis play to access me nu key s t hat allow yo u to confi gure parameters for the C CDF measurement.
386 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Displ ay (Complement ary Cumulat ive Distrib utio n Fun ction—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 11.3 Ref T race Pre ss Ref T race to tog g le the refer ence trace display functi on between On an d Off .
Chapter 5 387 One-Button Measurement Functions Displa y (Compl ementary Cu mula tive D istri buti on Funct ion—CCDF ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions.
388 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Displ ay (Complement ary Cumulat ive Distrib utio n Fun ction—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.
Chapter 5 389 One-Button Measurement Functions SP AN X Scale ( Complemen tary Cum ulati ve Dist rib ution Funct ion — C CD F ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.12 SP AN X Scale (Compl emen tary Cumulati ve Distr ibution Function—CCDF) Activates t he Spa n function for th e CCDF measure ment and displa ys the m enu of s pan fu nct io ns .
390 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions SP A N X Scale (Complementary Cum ulative Dis tribu tion Funct ion—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 391 One-Button Measurement Functions Marker ( Complementary Cu mula tive Dist rib ution Function—CCDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1 3 Ma rker (Compl ementary Cumulativ e Distributi on Function—CCDF) Displays the Marker control menu for the CCDF m ea s ur ement.
392 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mar ker (Complement ary Cumul ative Distr ibut ion Function—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 13.1 Se lec t Mar ker Selec ts one of the f our pos sible markers . Once a marker i s selected , it c an b e set to a ny of the control modes Normal , Del ta ,o r Off .
Chapter 5 393 One-Button Measurement Functions Marker ( Complementary Cu mula tive Dist rib ution Function—CCDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Marke r (afte r MEASURE , P owe r S tat CCDF is se lec ted .
394 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mar ker (Complement ary Cumul ative Distr ibut ion Function—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: Se e “ Marker” on page 177 fo r the mod e comma nd .
Chapter 5 395 One-Button Measurement Functions Marker ( Complementary Cu mula tive Dist rib ution Function—CCDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions NO TE Selecting any measurement (inc luding Me as Of f )u n d e r Measure , tur ns off the mark er t abl e .
396 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mar ker (Complement ary Cumul ative Distr ibut ion Function—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5 .
Chapter 5 397 One-Button Measurement Functions Marker ( Complementary Cu mula tive Dist rib ution Function—CCDF) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: :CALC ula te: PSTat ist ic:MA RKe r[1]|2 |3 |4:Y? Queries the marker Y value or delta in the current y axis units .
398 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mar ker (Complement ary Cumul ative Distr ibut ion Function—CCDF) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 399 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 14 Me as Se tup ( Chan nel P o wer —CHP ) When the c hannel power measurement ha s been s elected in t he Measure key menu of the Spectrum Analysi s Mode, t his key dis plays the a ppropriate meas urement setup menu.
400 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: CHP :A VER:CO UN 10 CHP:A VER :CO UN? CHP:A VER OF F CHP:A VER ? 5. 14.2 A vg Mode Pre ss A vg Mode to select the type of terminat ion c ont rol used for the averaging function to either Exp or Repeat .
Chapter 5 401 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions F actory Preset: 2 MHz, or as defined b y the select ed radio standard. T ermi nators: GH z, MHz, kHz, Hz Default T erminator: Hz Kn ob In creme nt: 1% Step Key Incre ment: 1 , 1 .
402 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 14.5 Optimiz e Ref Le vel Sets the i nput attenua tor to optim ize the r obustness of the m easurement, whi ch is i ts freed om from erro rs d ue to inpu t compre ssion .
Chapter 5 403 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Meas Setup St ate S aved: Saved i n inst rum e nt st ate. F actory Preset: 0.22 when W -CDMA is selected, 0.35 for TETRA, otherwise Off .
404 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Channel P o wer—CH P) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: CHPowe r:F ILTer [:R RC]:A LPH A <nu mbe r> [:SE NSe ]: CHPowe r:F ILTer [:R RC]:A LPH A? Example: CHP :F ILT:AL PH 0.
Chapter 5 405 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Channel Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 15 Tra ce/View ( Chan nel P ow er Me asu remen t) If Channel P ower has.
406 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Channel Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Trace (1 2 3 ) Determi nes which tr ace the m enu keys wi ll affec t. Press T r a c e 123 until the number of the desired tra ce i s underl ined.
Chapter 5 407 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Channel Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 15 .3 .6 B l ank See “Blank” o n page 286 fo r m or e i nf orm a ti on.
408 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Channel Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 409 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5 .16 Me as Se tup ( Har mon ic Di sto rtio n) When the harmo nic disto rtion measurement has been selected i n the Me asu re key menu of the Spectrum Analysis Mode , this key displa ys the appropriate measur ement setup menu.
410 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions • Repeat —Wh en you set A vg Mode to Repeat , after r eaching t he average c ount , all p revious r e s ult data i s cleare d and the avera ge cou nt is set back to 1.
Chapter 5 411 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions St ate S aved: Saved i n inst rum e nt st ate.
412 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: HARMon ics :SWEe pti me:ST ATe OF F|ON| 0|1 [:SE N.
Chapter 5 413 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.16.6 Range T able Enables you to enter t he settings for up to 10 ranges , either usi ng the instrument front panel keys o r remotel y .
414 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions F a ctor y Preset: F or each range, the foll owing sett ings are selec ted: Range State (On) , Zero Span , Res BW Mode (Ma n), Video BW (Man ) is set t o 2 kHz , and Sweep Ti me Mode (Auto) is set to 10 ms.
Chapter 5 415 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: This parameter can s en d up to 10 values . T he location in the list sent corresponds to the range the value is associated with.
416 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Knob Increment: Steps through the available spans . St ep Key Increme nt: Steps through the availab le s pa ns . Range: Span of your analyzer .
Chapter 5 417 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions [:SEN Se] :HA RMoni cs: RANGe [:L IST]:B WI Dth|BA NDw id th[:RE So lution ].
418 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.16.6. 5 Vide o BW Video BW is used t o set th e video b andwidth of th e analyzer . When Au t o is sel ec ted the analyzer dete rmines the optimum s e tting , while Man enables you to d e termine the s e tting .
Chapter 5 419 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s Se tup (Harm o nic Di stor ti on) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: This parameter can s en d up to 10 values . T he location in the list sent corresponds to the r ang e the va lue is as so ciat ed wi th.
420 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Harmonic Distortion) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions potent ial errors due to VSW R. Key P ath : Meas Setup Sta te Sav ed: S ave d in inst rum ent s tate. His tor y: Add ed wi th f irmwar e r evis ion A.
Chapter 5 421 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/View (Harmoni cs) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.17 Trac e/V i ew (Harmo ni cs) If Ha rmon ic Dist orti on has been selected in the M e asure m enu of the Sp e ctrum Analysis mode, this k ey display s the appr opriat e T race/Vi ew menu to view the ha rmonic measurement re sul t s .
422 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Harmoni cs) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 423 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s S etu p (In ter mo d ( T O I)) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.1 8 Meas S etu p (Int erm od (TO I)) When Inter mod ( T OI ) m ea surement ha.
424 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mea s Set up (I nte rm od (TOI)) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 425 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s S etu p (In ter mo d ( T O I)) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.18.2 Av g Mode Pre ss A v g Mode to select the ty pe of t ermination c ontrol used for the a veraging functi on to either Exp or Rep eat .
426 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mea s Set up (I nte rm od (TOI)) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: TOI N: FREQ:S PAN 2 0 MHz TOIN: FRE Q:S PAN? 5 .18.4 Max Mi xer Lv l En ables y ou to set the re lati onsh ip betw een th e high est sig nal that ca n be disp laye d (the refer ence level) and the i nput att enuation.
Chapter 5 427 One-Button Measurement Functions Mea s S etu p (In ter mo d ( T O I)) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions NO TE T her e is always a minimum of 6 d B of attenuati on set to p rote ct the analyzer inpu t. Key P ath: Meas Setup St ate S aved: Saved i n inst rum e nt st ate.
428 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Mea s Set up (I nte rm od (TOI)) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: POWer[ :RF ]:RAN Ge: AUTO ONC E Example: TOI N: RA.
Chapter 5 429 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.19 Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier P ower—M CP) If the MCP measur ement has been s elected i n the Mea sur e me nu of t he Spe ctrum A nalysi s mode, t his key displa ys the MCP measurement setu p menu.
430 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions MCP:A VER OF F MCP:A VER ? 5. 19.2 A vg Mode Pre ss A vg Mode to select the type of terminat ion c ont rol used for the averaging function as either Exp or Repeat .
Chapter 5 431 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 19 .3 .1 C a rri e rs Pre ss Carr ier s to specify the number of c ar riers to be measured .
432 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions [:SE NSe ]: MCPowe r:R CARri er? Remote Command N ot es: R efer to “Key N otes:” above .
Chapter 5 433 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 19 .3 .3 R ef Ca r ri e r Fr eq Pre ss Ref Car ri er Freq (Man) to select the reference carrier frequenc y for this measurement.
434 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Example: MCP :R CFR 2 GHz MCP:R CFR ? C onfigur e Carrie rs Accesses t he Config Carri ers menu that al lows further defi nition of each c arri er .
Chapter 5 435 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Meas Setup , Carr ier Setup , Configu re Carrier s Dependencies/ Cou pli ngs : T his k ey as sig ns a va lue ( ye s or no) to t he car ri er nu mbe r disp la yed on the Carri er key .
436 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Defaul t T erminator: Hz Resoluti on: 1 Hz St ep Key Inc re m ent : I f CF Step (Auto) is selec ted: span/10.
Chapter 5 437 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :MC Power :CA RRier :LI ST:WID Th <H z>.
438 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: MCPowe r:C ARRie r:L IST:B AND width |BW IDt h:[IN Teg ration ]< Hz> [:SE NSe ]: MCPowe r:C ARRie r:L IST:B AND width |BW IDt h:[IN Teg ration ]? Example: MCP :C ARR:BA ND 3.
Chapter 5 439 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Range: 0 MHz to 45 MHz Hi sto ry: Ad ded wit h fir mware re visi on A.
440 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Key P ath : Meas Setup , Off se t/Li mits Sta te Sav ed: S ave d in inst rum ent s tate.
Chapter 5 441 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.19.5 Carrier R esult Pre ss Carr ier R esult to se lect th e result y.
442 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions most us eful for m easuring c d m aOne and cdma2000 si gnals; the i ntegrati on bandwidth med thod i s prefer red fo r othe r signal s.
Chapter 5 443 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: MCP: CAR R:AUT O 0 MCP: CAR R: AUTO? MCP: CAR R -10 0 MCP: CAR R? 5.19.9 Limit T est Pressi ng Limit T est turns the testing of the l i mit line on or off .
444 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: MCPowe r:L IMit[ :ST ATe] OFF |ON |0|1 [:SE NSe ]: MCPowe r:L IMit[ :ST ATe]? Example: MCP :L IM ON MCP:L IM? 5.
Chapter 5 445 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (M ul ti-Carrier P ower — MCP ) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :MC Power :FI LTer[ :RR C]:ALP HA <n umber> [:SEN Se] :MC Power :FI LTer[ :RR C]:ALP HA ? Example: MCP: FIL T:ALP HA .
446 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Me as Se t up (M u lt i-Ca rr ier Powe r —MC P ) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 447 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Mul ti-Carrier Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.20 Trac e/V iew ( Multi -Carr ier P owe r Measure ment ) If Mu lt.
448 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Multi-Carr ier Po wer Measure m en t) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.20 .3 Combi ned View U nits Pre ssing Combined Vie w Units sele cts the units ( dBc or dBm ) for the floating numeric d i splays when Combined is se lec te d.
Chapter 5 449 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Mul ti-Carrier Po wer Measurement) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions.
450 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Multi-Carr ier Po wer Measure m en t) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions C lear Wr ite Se e “ Clear Write” o n page 2 85 f or m or e i nf orm a ti on. Max H old Se e “ Max Hold” on page 285 for more infor ma t ion.
Chapter 5 451 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Bandw idth—OBW) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.21 Meas Setup (O ccupied Band width—OBW) When Occu pied BW has bee n selected i n the Measur e m enu of the S pe ct rum Anal ysi s Mode , this key displa ys the appropri ate m ea surement setup menu.
452 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Band width—OBW) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions OBW:A VER ON OBW:A VER ? 5. 21.2 A vg Mode Enables yo u to selec t the type o f ter mi na tion contr ol used f or the av eraging functi on ( Exp or Repeat ) .
Chapter 5 453 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Bandw idth—OBW) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions.
454 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Band width—OBW) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5.21.4 Occ BW % Pwr Enables you to change the per centage of sign al power used when d etermining the occup ied bandwidth. Key P ath : Meas Setup Sta te Sav ed: S ave d in inst rum ent s tate.
Chapter 5 455 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Bandw idth—OBW) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.21.6 x d B Enables you to s pecify t he power l evel used to determine the emi ssion bandwidth a s the number of dB down from the highest signal point (P 1 ), withi n the occupied bandwidth sp an.
456 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Occupied Band width—OBW) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: OBWidt h:X DB <dB valu e> [:SE NSe ]: OBWidt h:X DB? Example: OBW :X DB — 50 dB OBW:X DB? 5.
Chapter 5 457 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.22 Me a s Setup (Spectrum Emissions Ma sk —SE M) When the spectrum e.
458 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 22.2 M eas Ty pe Displ ays a me nu wh ere y ou can se lect a m easur emen t refere nce t ype, To t a l P w r R e f or PSD Ref .
Chapter 5 459 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 22 .3 .1 C han I nt eg B W Specifies the integratio n bandwidt h used in cal culating the p ower in the m ain cha nnel. Key P ath: Meas Setup , Ref C hannel F act ory Pre se t: 3 .
460 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :SW Eepti me <nu mber> [.
Chapter 5 461 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 22 .3 .5 T ot al Pw r Re f or PSD Re f Displays t h e ty pe of po wer measurement refer ence sel ected using the Mea s T ype key (see “M eas Type ” on pag e 45 8 ).
462 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :CA RRier [:P OWer] <a mpl .
Chapter 5 463 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions T able 5- 3 Offs ets & Li mits D efaul ted for W-C DMA ( 3GPP ) Mo bile S tati on Measur ements a a. Abs Stop i ss e t t oC o u p l ea n d F ail M ask is se t to Ab s AND Rel .
464 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions O ffset Selec ts the offset p ai rs (upper and l ower) that .
Chapter 5 465 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions SEM: OFF S: LIST:S TAT 1 SEM: OFF S: LIST:S TAT ? 5. 22 .4 .3 S to p Fr eq Specifies the outer limit (f requency furthest fr om the carrier) for b oth segments of the sp ecif ied offs et p air .
466 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions va lues ) [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :OF FSet[ n]: LIST: SWE eptim e? [:SE NS.
Chapter 5 467 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Example: SEM: OFF S:LIS T:B AND 40 kHz or SEM :O FFS:LI ST: BWID 40 kHz .
468 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Meas B W Enables you to s pecify the b andwidth t o use when me asuring the o ffset. When usi ng the front panel, onl y the currently selec ted offset is a f fected.
Chapter 5 469 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions SEM: OFF S: LIST:B AND :IMUL ? or S EM:OF FS: LIST:B WI D:I MUL? SEM: OFF S: LIST:B AND :AUTO 0 or SEM:O FFS :LI ST:BW ID: AUTO 0 SEM: OFF S: LIST:B AND :AUTO ? or S EM:OF FS: LIST:B WI D:A UTO? 5.
470 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Ra nge : –200 d Bm t o 50 dBm Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :OF FSet[ n]: LIST: STO P:ABS olu te <am pl>,.
Chapter 5 471 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remo te Comma nd Note s: Comm a sepa ra ted l i st of up t o 5 va lues . n = 1 for B TS and n = 2 fo r MS . Defa ul t i s BTS (1) .
472 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Defaul t T erminator: dBc Ra nge : –200 d Bc t o 50 dBc Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :OF FSet[ n]: LIST: STO P:RCA Rri er <re al numbe r>, [<rea l numb er> ].
Chapter 5 473 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions tabl es for “O ffset/Limits ” on page 462 f o r this value .
474 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SEMask :OF FSet[ n]: LIST: TES T ABSo.
Chapter 5 475 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Setup (Spectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Key P ath: Meas Setup , Offs et /Lim its , More , F ai l Mask St ate S aved: Saved i n inst rum e nt st ate.
476 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions speci fied in the 3GP P W -CD MA st and ards. This pa rame ter is on ly ava ilab le when 3GPP W -CDMA is se l ect ed as th e Radio Std from the Mode Setup menu.
Chapter 5 477 One-Button Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Spectrum Emissions M a sk) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.23 Trac e/V i ew (Spe ctrum E miss ion s Mask) If Spectr um Emission Mask.
478 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions T race/Vie w (Spectrum Emissions Mask) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 23.3 I ntegrat ed P ower Pre ss Inte gr ated Powe r to view the m eas ure.
Chapter 5 479 One-Button Measurement Functions Displ ay (Spectrum E m i ssions Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.24 D isplay ( S pe ctrum Em issions M ask—SEM) Di spl ays m en u keys that enab le yo u t o co nf igu re p ara met ers for t he CC DF m easu re ment .
480 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Displ ay (Spectrum Em issio ns Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions His tor y: Add ed wi th f irmwar e r evis ion A.0 2.00 Gra ticule ( On Off) Pressi ng Graticule t urns t he display g raticules On or Off .
Chapter 5 481 One-Button Measurement Functions SP AN X Scale ( S pectrum Emission s Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 25 S P AN X Sca le (S p ec tr um Emi s sio ns Ma sk —S EM ) Activates t he Spa n function fo r th e SEM measurement and disp lays the m enu o f spa n fu nct io ns .
482 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions SP AN X Scale (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SE M) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions extr eme right li ne of t he display gra ticule .
Chapter 5 483 One-Button Measurement Functions Marker (S pectrum Emissions Mask—SEM) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.26 Marker (Spec trum Emiss ions Mask— SEM) Displays t he Marker c ontrol menu f or the SEM measurement.
484 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Marker (S pectrum Emissions Mask—SEM) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 26.2 Normal Sets the contr ol mode for t he selected marker to Normal (s e e “ Select Marker” on page 483 ).
Chapter 5 485 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5.27 Meas Setup (Spuri ous Emissio ns) When the spurious emis sions measurement has been s el ected in the Measure men u of the Spectrum Analysi s mode, t his key disp lays the app ropriate measurement s etup menu.
486 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions 5. 27.2 A vg Mode Selec ts the type o f terminati on control used for the a veraging f un ction ( Exp or Repea t ). T his determines the avera ging action after the sp ec ified number of measurements (average coun t) is rea ched.
Chapter 5 487 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions indicate t his range is c urrently inac tive . Key P ath: Meas Setup Saved Stat e: All values for all ranges are sav ed in instrument state .
488 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions R ange Selec ts a range and updates the va lues on the other Range T ab le k e ys so that they refl ect the settings f o r the selec t ed r ange.
Chapter 5 489 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions [:SEN Se] :SP URiou s[: RANGe ][: LIST]: FR EQuenc y:S TA Rt?.
490 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Stop Freq Stop Freq is us ed to s et the s top fre quency of the a nalyzer . Key P ath : Meas Setup , Range T able F act ory Pre set: Se e “Range Table” on pa ge 486 .
Chapter 5 491 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions [:SEN Se] :SP URiou s[: RANGe ][: LIST]: BA NDwidt h[: RE Soluti on ]:AUTO ? [:SEN Se] :SP URiou s[: RANGe ][: LIST]: BA NDwidt h[: RE Soluti on ]? 5.
492 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SPURio us[ :RANG e][ :LIST ]:S WEep: TIM E:A UTO.
Chapter 5 493 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Remote Comm and Notes: This para m eter can r ecei ve up to 20 va l ues. T he locat ion in the list s e nt correspond s to t he range the value i s a ssociate d with.
494 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
Chapter 5 495 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions 5. 27 .3 .8 A bs St op Lim it Ab s St op Lim it is use d to det erm ine the li mit abov e whi ch sp urs w ill repo rt a fa ilur e.
496 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions P e ak Ex cursn P eak Excur sn set s the mini mum am plit ude vari a tio n of sig nal s tha t can be ide nti fied as peak s.
Chapter 5 497 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions The query for t his parameter will alw ay s return 20 values . [:SEN Se] :SP URiou s[: RANGe ][: LIST]: PE AK:THR esh ol d? 5.27.4 Meas Typ e Specif ies the me asurement type ( Examine or Ful l ).
498 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions Re mot e Co mman d: [:SE NSe ]: SPURio us: TYPE EXA Min e|FUL L [:SE NSe ]: SPURio us: TYPE? Remote Command Notes n/a Example: SPU R: TYPE F ULL 5.
Chapter 5 499 One-Button Measurement Functions Meas Set u p (Spur i ous Emission s) One-Butt on M e asureme nt Functions Incre ment: 10 Ra nge: –180 d Bm t o 20 dBm Remote Command: [:SEN Se] :SP URi.
500 Cha pt er 5 One-Butt on Measurement Functions Meas S etup ( Spurious Emissi ons) One-Butt on Measureme nt Functions.
501 Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals 6 Progr amming Fund a mentals.
502 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Progra mming F undamentals • “SC PI L ang uage B asi c s” o n pag e 503 • “Improv ing Mea sur ement Speed” on page 511 • “Programming Command .
Chapter 6 503 Prog ramming Fundamentals SCPI Lang uage Basics Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals SCPI Lang uage Ba sics This section i s not in tended to teach y ou everythi ng about the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) programming language .
504 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals SCPI Langu age Basics Progra mming F undamentals Creating V alid Commands C o m m a n d sa r en o t c a s es e n s i t i v ea n dt h e r ea r eo f t e n m a n y d i f f e r e n t way s of writin g a particular command.
Chapter 6 505 Prog ramming Fundamentals SCPI Lang uage Basics Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Special Char acters in Commands Spe ci al Char acte r Mean ing E xa mple |A v e r t i c a l s t r o k e b e t w e e n paramet ers indicat es alte rnative choic es.
506 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals SCPI Langu age Basics Progra mming F undamentals P arameters in Commands There are four basi c types of parameters: booleans , keywords , variabl es and a rbit rary b lock prog ram da ta. OFF |ON|0|1 (Bool ean) This is a t wo state bool ean-type p arameter .
Chapter 6 507 Prog ramming Fundamentals SCPI Lang uage Basics Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals V ari ab le Param e te rs <fre q> <bandwid th> Is a pos itive ra tional number fol lowed by opti onal units . The defaul t unit is Hz. Accep table units incl ude: HZ, KHZ, MHZ, GHZ.
508 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals SCPI Langu age Basics Progra mming F undamentals • Bina ry , #Bddd dddd ddddddd dd or #bddd dddd ddddddd dd wh ere ‘ d’ repr esen ts a 1 o r 0. So #b 10 10 0 can b e use d i nst ea d of t he de cim al num ber 2 0.
Chapter 6 509 Prog ramming Fundamentals SCPI Lang uage Basics Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals SCPI T ermin ation and Separator Syntax A terminator must be provided wh en an instrument i s controlled us ing RS-232. There ar e several i ss ues to be unders tood about choos ing t he proper SCPI termina tor and separator when thi s is the case.
510 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals SCPI Langu age Basics Progra mming F undamentals [:SENSe] :FREQuency :STARt :POWer [:RF] :MIXer :RANGe [:UPPer] Bad Command G ood Command PWR:ATT 40dB POW:ATT 40dB The s hort f orm o f POWER is POW ,n o t PWR .
Chapter 6 511 Prog ramming Fundamentals Impro ving Measur em en t Speed Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Improving Meas urement Speed There are a number of thi ngs you can do in y our p rograms to m ake them run f as ter: “Turn of f the di splay u pdates .
512 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Impr o ving M easu rement S p eed Progra mming F undamentals Use binary da ta forma t instead of ASCII The ASCII data format is the instrument defaul t since it is easier for people to under stand and is re quired by SCPI f or *RST .
Chapter 6 513 Prog ramming Fundamentals Impro ving Measur em en t Speed Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Avoid unnece ssary use of *RST . Remember that w hile *RST does not change th e current Mode, i t presets al l the measurements and s ettings to thei r factory def aults .
514 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Impr o ving M easu rement S p eed Progra mming F undamentals Consider using LAN inst ead of GPIB. LAN allows faster I/O of data, espec ially if you are moving large blocks of data. Y ou will not g et this improved throu ghput if there is excessiv e LAN t raffi c (i.
Chapter 6 515 Prog ramming Fundamentals Impro ving Measur em en t Speed Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Using an Option Mode: Avoid automatic at tenuator setting.
516 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Impr o ving M easu rement S p eed Progra mming F undamentals 1. :STAT us: OPE Ratio n:E VENt? This query of the operation event reg ister is t o clear t he curre nt reg ister con tent s . 2. :READ :PV T? ini ti ates a me asur emen t (in t his exam ple , for GSM power versus ti me) using the pre vious setup.
Chapter 6 517 Prog ramming Fundamentals Impro ving Measur em en t Speed Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals • :CON F:W AV ? turns on the wav eform measurement • :WAV :BA ND 300kh z sets a res olutio n b.
518 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Impr o ving M easu rement S p eed Progra mming F undamentals T abl e 6-1 GS M Par amete rs for 1 Slot /Fram e Meas urement R equi r em ents Res o lut ion Band.
Chapter 6 519 Prog ramming Fundamentals Pr ogrammin g Command Compat ibili ty Acr oss Model N um ber s and Acr oss Modes Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Prog ramming Com mand Compat ibility Across Mod e.
520 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng Command Compatibili ty Acr oss Model N um b er s and Acr oss Modes Progra mming F undamentals MEASure MEMory X X MMEMo r y X X MMEMo r y:STORe:T.
Chapter 6 521 Prog ramming Fundamentals Pr ogrammin g Command Compat ibili ty Acr oss Model N um ber s and Acr oss Modes Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Across PSA Modes: Specific Command Differenc es Some programming commands operate differ ently depending on whic h Mode the analyzer is set to.
522 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng Command Compatibili ty Acr oss Model N um b er s and Acr oss Modes Progra mming F undamentals Using Applications in PS A Series vs. VSA E 4406A NOTE This i nfor mat ion only app lies t o th e app lica tion m odes : Basic , cdma O ne, c dma2000, 1xEV -DO , W -CDMA, GSM, EDGE, NADC , and PDC .
Chapter 6 523 Prog ramming Fundamentals Pr ogrammin g Command Compat ibili ty Acr oss Model N um ber s and Acr oss Modes Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals A UTO ON|OFF con trol a nd setti ng man ual val ues We r e c o m m e n d t h a t y o u set a fu nction’s automa tic sta te to OF F , befo re y ou sen d it your manual v alue .
524 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals U s i n gt h e L A Nt oC o n t r o lt h eI n s t r u m e n t Refer to the func tion descri ption chapter s for information a bout config uring the i nstrument input/o utput setti ngs from the f ront pane l.
Chapter 6 525 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals instrument operation, and for the operation of optional personalit y mod es . 4. cd user dir ( change t o the dire ctory where d ata fil es are sav ed) 5.
526 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Thi s ta ble l ists t he ava ilabl e us er c omm and s. Ta b l e 6 - 2 ft p Commands Command Descrip tion ascii Sets th e file tra nsfer ty pe to A SCII.
Chapter 6 527 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Using T elnet to Send Commands Using telnet to s en d c om ma nds to your instrument works in a similar way to communicating ove r GPIB .
528 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Enter on th e last line i n the example above , the instrument retur ns the amplitude l evel of the marker to your comput er and displa ys it on the next line .
Chapter 6 529 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals The Standard UNIX TELNET Command: Syn opsi s teln et [ host [ po rt ]] Description The tel net command is used to c ommunicate with another host usi ng the TELNET protoc ol.
530 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Using Socket LAN to Send Commands Y our instr umen t im ple me nts a s oc ket s Appl ic atio ns Prog ra mmin g Inter face (API) c ompati ble with Berkel ey soc k e ts , Wi nsock, a nd other standa rd so ckets API s .
Chapter 6 531 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Using SICL LAN to Control the Instrument SICL LAN is a LAN protoc ol using the S tandard Inst rument Control Library (SICL ).
532 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals to 8 . This can’t be change , but you d on’ t care. Numbers 0 through 30, excluding 21, are va l id logical unit numbers for your instrume nt.
Chapter 6 533 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals 2. Run I/O configura tion. 3. Sele ct L AN C lie nt f ro m the a v ai labl e i nte rf ace t y pes . 4. Press Confi gure. 5. Enter an interface name, such as lan1.
534 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Fi gure 6-1 Adding Y our Instrument as a VEE Devic e T o s e nd SCPI c o mmands to the instrument , select I/O|Inst rument Mana ger , an d the GP I B dev ice just adde d.
Chapter 6 535 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals logica l unit number 7 timeout value (seconds) 30 LOAD s tatement (a ll on a singl e line) LOAD BIN “GPIBS;D EV lan[ 191.
536 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Using H P/Agilent VEE Ov er Socket LAN (There is a VEE ex ample program p rovided on the doc umentation CD-ROM.) (There is a LabView example program p rov ided on the documentatio n CD-ROM.
Chapter 6 537 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals F igure 5 S ample VEE Screen.
538 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Using a J ava™ Applet Over Socket LAN There is a programming e xample in t he PSA Measurement Guide and Progr amming Exampl es that demonstrates simpl e socket prog ramming with Ja va.
Chapter 6 539 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Eit he r a har dw are pr obl em or a sof tw are p ro bl em ca n prev e nt t he instrument's remote fil e server from com municating ove r the LAN .
540 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals problems continue . Pa c k e t s R o u t i n e l y L o s t If packets a re routi nely lost , proceed to the troubleshooti ng section in this cha pter relating to your networ k.
Chapter 6 541 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals are s et co rrectl y . Cannot access the fil e system vi a ftp • If you get a "co.
542 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals Ping ing the Inst rument f rom a C o m puter o r W orks tation V erify the c ommunications l ink between t he computer and the instr ument remote f ile serv er using the pi ng util ity .
Chapter 6 543 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals the node names da t abase . If you are using a UN I X environment, ping eac h node along the route between your workstation and the i nstr ument, starting with the your wor kstation.
544 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Using th e LA N to Contr ol the Instr ument Progra mming F undamentals EIA / TI A 568B Wiring I nforma tion Th is ca ble can be u sed to cas cad e hub s or to make po int- to -poi nt connecti ons without a LAN hub.
Chapter 6 545 Prog ramming Fundamentals Using the LAN to Control t he Instrumen t Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals NOTE A convenient wa y to make a cr oss-over adapter is to use two RJ-45 ja cks wi red ac cor di ng to Ta b l e 6 - 4 , abo ve .
546 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng in C Using the VT L Progra mming F undamentals Progr amming in C Using th e VTL Th e pro gram ming ex ampl es tha t are pro vi ded a re writ ten usi ng th e C program ming language a nd the Agil ent VTL (VI SA transiti on libr ary).
Chapter 6 547 Prog ramming Fundamentals Progr amming in C Using the VTL Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals languag e. T he vi Prin tf call sends the IEEE 488.2 *RST c omm and to t he inst rume n t an d put s it in a known stat e. T he vi Prin tf cal l is us ed ag ain to qu er y for th e de vice i dent ifica tion ( *I DN? ).
548 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng in C Using the VT L Progra mming F undamentals Th ey are set by doing the fol lowi ng: 1. Sel ec t Too ls | Op tion s from the menu. 2. Clic k o n the Direc tori es button to s et the incl ude file path.
Chapter 6 549 Prog ramming Fundamentals Progr amming in C Using the VTL Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals Example Pro gram Th is exam ple progra m que ries a GP IB device for a n ident ificatio n string and pr ints the r esults. Note that you mus t change t he addres s.
550 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng in C Using the VT L Progra mming F undamentals on t he de fau lt re source m ana ger , a nd t hen fo r ea ch de vice y ou wi ll be using . The fo llowing is a summary of ses sions tha t can be opened: •A resource manager se s sion is us ed t o in iti aliz e the V ISA s yst em .
Chapter 6 551 Prog ramming Fundamentals Progr amming in C Using the VTL Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals c reati ng mul tipl e s essio n iden tif ier s by call ing the viOp en function m ulti ple tim es.
552 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Pr ogrammi ng in C Using the VT L Progra mming F undamentals is usually the interfa ce ty pe fol lowed by a num b er .
Chapter 6 553 Prog ramming Fundamentals Progr amming in C Using the VTL Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM); viOpen (defaultRM, "GPIB0::23::INSTR", VI_NULL,VI_NULL,&vi); . . viClose(vi); viClose (defaultRM); Closing a Session The viC lose f uncti on must be used to cl ose eac h session.
554 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Overview of the GPIB Bus Progra mming F undamentals Overview of the GPIB Bus An in strum en t tha t is part o f a GPI B netw ork is c atego rize d as a listen er , talker , or c ont roller , depending on its curre nt function in the network.
Chapter 6 555 Prog ramming Fundamentals Overview of the GPIB Bus Pr ogra m mi ng Fu ndamentals • A clear functi on that causes all G PIB ins truments , or addressed i nst ru ments , to a ssum e a cl ea re d con di tion . The def in it ion of cle ar is uniq ue fo r ea ch inst rum ent (s omet ime s calle d: cl ear , re set, co ntrol, send).
556 Cha pt er 6 Program ming Fundamentals Overview of the GPIB Bus Progra mming F undamentals.
557 Using the ST A T us System 7 Using the ST A T us System.
558 Cha pt er 7 Using t he ST A T us System Using t he ST A T us System When you a r e programmi ng the instrument you m a y need to monitor instrument status to check f or error c onditions or monitor cha nges. Y ou can determine the stat e of certain instr ument events/c onditions b y prog ramm i ng the status register system .
Chapter 7 559 Using t he ST A T us System Status Syst em Commands Using the ST A T us System Stat us Syst em Commands IEEE (*) Commands *CAL ? Calib ration Query *CLS C lear Sta tus *ESE <number>.
560 Cha pt er 7 Using t he ST A T us System Stat us System Commands Using t he ST A T us System Q ue sti on ab le C ond it ion Que stionable Enabl e Questio nable Even t Query Que stionable N e g ativ.
Chapter 7 561 Using t he ST A T us System Status Syst em Commands Using the ST A T us System Ques tionable Ca libratio n Integrity Co nditio n Questio nable Cali bration Integr ity Enable Questio nabl.
562 Cha pt er 7 Using t he ST A T us System Stat us System Commands Using t he ST A T us System.
Chapter 8 563 Using t he ST A T us System Comm on IEEE Co mma nds Using the ST A T us System Common I EEE Comm and s Thes e co mman ds a r e spe ci fie d i n IEEE Stan da rd 48 8. 2- 19 92, I EEE Standard Codes , F ormats , Protoc ols and Common Commands for Use with ANS I/IEEE Std 4 88.
564 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System Common IEEE Commands Using t he ST A T us System reg ister . Key T y pe: There is no equivalent f ront panel key . Range: Integer , 0 to 255 Standard Event Status Register Query *ESR? Queries a nd clears the sta ndard event sta tus event regi ster .
Chapter 8 565 Using t he ST A T us System Comm on IEEE Co mma nds Using the ST A T us System re tu rni ng the *L R N dat a. U s e * I D N ? to retu rn th e in st rum en t mo de l number , s eri al num ber , and firmwa re v er sion. Use the * S A V/ * R C L commands to save and then return the instrument state informati on.
566 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System Common IEEE Commands Using t he ST A T us System P ower-On Status Clear *PSC *PSC? Sets the sta te of the powe r -on status c lear fla g . This command allows you to specify if the se rvice request enable regis ter and the event status enable reg ister should be c leared at power up .
Chapter 8 567 Using t he ST A T us System Comm on IEEE Co mma nds Using the ST A T us System * R S T does not c hange the mode a nd only r esets t he parameters for the cu rrent mode . The : S Y S T e m : P RE S e t command is eq uivalent t o a front p anel Preset key .
568 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System Common IEEE Commands Using t he ST A T us System Trigger *TRG Th is co mman d t rigg ers th e ins tru me nt.
Chapter 8 569 Using t he ST A T us System Comm on IEEE Co mma nds Using the ST A T us System Ex am pl e: INIT:C O NT O FF ; IN IT;*WAI.
570 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System Common IEEE Commands Using t he ST A T us System.
Chapter 8 571 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System ST A T us S ubs ystem The STATus subsystem control s the S CPI-def ined instrument-sta tus rep ortin g s t r ucture s . Each st atus re giste r ha s a set o f fi ve co mm ands used for querying or masking t hat p a rticular regi ster .
572 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Operation Event Qu ery :STA Tus:OPERa ti on[:EVEN t]? This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the Oper a tio n Event re gi ste r .
Chapter 8 573 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Preset the Status Byte :S TA T us :PRE Se t Sets bit s in most of t he enabl e and transi tion re gisters t o their defaul t sta te. I t pre set s all th e Tr ansi tio n Fil ter s , En able Re gist ers, an d th e Error/Eve nt Q ue ue Enable.
574 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Key T y pe: There is no equivalent f ront panel key . F act ory Pre set: 0 Ra nge : 0 to 327 67 Questionabl e Even t Query :STA Tus:QUE Sti onab l e[:EVEN t]? This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the Questionab le E v ent register .
Chapter 8 575 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Key Type: There is no eq uivalent fr ont panel key . F ac tor y Prese t: 3276 7 (al l 1’s) Ra nge: 0 to 3 27.
576 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System NOTE The regis ter requires tha t the associated PTR or NTR filt ers be set before a condi tion regi ster bit c an set a bit i n the ev ent reg ister . Th e data i n thi s reg is te r is l atc hed un t il it is q uer ied .
Chapter 8 577 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System This query retur ns the dec imal value of the sum of the b its in the Questionabl e Frequency Condition reg ister . NOTE T he data in this register is c ontinuously up dated and reflec ts the current cond itions .
578 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Condition r e gister will s et the c orresponding b it in the Que stionable Frequ ency Ev ent r egister when t he condition register bit has a neg ative transiti on (1 to 0 ).
Chapter 8 579 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Cond iti on Re gis ter will set b it s in t he Que st iona bl e In tegr it y Eve nt registe r , which also sets the Inte grity Summary bit (bit 9) in the Questionabl e Register .
580 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System This command determi nes which bits i n the Questionable I nteg rity Condition r e gister will s et the c orresponding b it in the Que stionable Integri ty Event register w hen the condition regi ster bit has a positi ve transiti on (0 to 1 ).
Chapter 8 581 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Ques ti ona ble Int egr ity Sign al Even t regi st er . NOTE T he register r equires tha t the associated PTR or NTR filter s be set before a condition register bit can set a b i t in the event register .
582 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Questionable Integrity Uncalibra ted Regis ter Questionable Integri ty Un c alibrated Condition :ST A Tus :Q.
Chapter 8 583 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Questionable I n t egrity Uncalib rated Negative T ransit ion :STA Tus :Q U EStionable:INT eg r ity :UNCalibra.
584 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Questionable P ow er E nable :ST A Tus :QU ESti onabl e:POW er :ENA Ble <nu mber > :STA Tus:QUE Stiona.
Chapter 8 585 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsyst em Using the ST A T us System Questionable P ow er P ositive Transition :STA Tus:QU EStionable:POW er:P TRansition <number> :STA Tus:Q.
586 Cha pt er 8 Using t he ST A T us System ST A T us Subsystem Using t he ST A T us System Questionabl e T emperature Event Query :STA Tus:QUE Stionable:TEMP erature[:EVEN t]? This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the Questionab le T em peratur e Event register .
587 Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis 8 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analys is This chapter provi de a v i sual represent ation of the front-panel keys and thei r associated menu keys (Spectrum Analysi s mode is selecte d). These menu maps are in alpha betical order by the front-panel key la bel or oval cross-ref erence label.
588 Chap ter 8 Menu Ma ps: Sp ectrum A nal ysis Alph a E ditor Keys, 1 of 2 Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis A lpha E di tor K eys , 1 of 2.
Ch a pt er 8 589 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Alph a Edit or Keys, 1 of 2 Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Alpha Editor Key s, 2 of 2.
590 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s AMPLITUDE Y Scale Ke y , 1 of 2 (See page 49) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis AMP LIT UDE Y Sc al e Key , 1 of 2 ( Se e page 49 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 591 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis AM P LITUDE Y Scal e Key , 1 o f 2 ( See page 49) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis AMPLITUDE Y Scale K ey , 2 of 2 ( S e ep a g e4 9 ) † A dagger to the left of the softkey indicat es that when the key is pres sed this is an a c tive func tion.
592 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Au to Couple Ke y , 1 of 3 (See pa g e 71) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Aut o Co uple K ey , 1 of 3 ( See page 71 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 593 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis A uto Co uple K ey , 1 o f 3 ( See page 71) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis A uto Couple Ke y , 2 of 3 ( S e ep a g e7 1 ) A bar on t he left of two or mor e soft keys ind icates t hat the ke ys are a set of mutu ally excl usi ve choices .
594 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Au to Couple Ke y , 1 of 3 (See pa g e 71) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Aut o Couple Key , 3 of 3 ( S e ep a g e7 1 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 595 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis BW/A vg Ke y (See page 83) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis BW /A v g Ke y ( See page 83 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
596 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Det/ Demod Ke y (See p age 95) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Det/Demod Key ( S e ep a g e9 5 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 597 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Displ ay K ey , 1 o f 2 ( See page 103) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Display K ey , 1 of 2 ( See page 103 ) † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
598 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Displ ay K e y , 1 of 2 ( See pa ge 103) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Disp lay Key , 2 of 2 ( Se e pag e 103 ) † A d agger to the lef t of the sof tkey indi cates that w hen the key is pre ssed this i s an activ e functio n.
Ch a pt er 8 599 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis File Key , 1 o f 6 (See page 127) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Fil e K ey , 1 o f 6 ( See page 127 ).
600 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s File Key , 1 of 6 (See pa ge 127) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis File Ke y , 2 of 6 ( See p age 127 ) ‡ A double -dagg er to the lef t of the softkey indica tes a function that is not alw ays a vailab le.
Ch a pt er 8 601 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis File Key , 1 o f 6 (See page 127) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis File Ke y , 3 of 6 ( S e ep a g e1 2 7 ) ‡ A double- dagge r to the le ft of the s oftk ey indica tes a fun cti on that is not al wa ys avai lable .
602 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s File Key , 1 of 6 (See pa ge 127) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis File Ke y , 4 of 6 ( See p age 127 ).
Ch a pt er 8 603 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis File Key , 1 o f 6 (See page 127) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis File Ke y , 5 of 6 ( S e ep a g e1 2 7 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
604 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s File Key , 1 of 6 (See pa ge 127) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis File Ke y , 6 of 6 ( See p age 127 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 605 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis FREQ UENCY Channel K e y (See page 163) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis FREQUENCY Channel Key ( See page 163 ) † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
606 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Input /Outpu t K e y (See page 171) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Input/ Outpu t Key ( See page 171 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 607 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Marker Ke y (See page 177) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Marker Ke y ( See page 177 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
608 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Marker --> Ke y (See page 197) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Marker --> Key ( See page 197 ) ‡ A double-dag ger to the lef t of the so ftkey indic ates a func tion that is n ot alway s availa ble .
Ch a pt er 8 609 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Marker Fctn Ke y (See page 191) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Marker Fctn Key ( See pag e 191 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
610 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s MODE Key (S ee page 203) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis MODE Key ( S e ep a g e2 0 3 ).
Ch a pt er 8 611 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Peak Sear ch Ke y (See page 209) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis P eak Sear ch Key ( S e ep a g e2 0 9 ).
612 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Preset K ey (See page 221) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Preset Key ( See page 221 ).
Ch a pt er 8 613 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis Print Setup Ke y (See page 229) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Prin t Setup Ke y ( See page 229 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
614 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s SP AN X Scale Key (See page 237) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis SP AN X Scale Key ( See page 237 ).
Ch a pt er 8 615 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis SP AN X Scale K ey for CCDF M easu rement (See page 389) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis SP AN X Scale Key f or CCDF Measur ement ( See page 389 ).
616 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s Sweep Ke y (See page 241) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Swe ep Key ( See page 241 ).
Ch a pt er 8 617 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis System K ey , 1 o f 4 (See page 247) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Syst em Key , 1 o f 4 ( S e e page 247 ).
618 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s System Key , 1 of 4 (See page 247) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Syst e m Ke y , 2 of 4 ( S ee p age 247 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 8 619 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis System K ey , 1 o f 4 (See page 247) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis Syste m Key , 3 of 4 ( See p age 2 47 ).
620 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s System Key , 1 of 4 (See page 247) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Syst e m Ke y , 4 of 4 ( S e ep a g e2 4 7 ) ‡ A double -dagg er to the lef t of the softkey indica tes a function that is not alw ays a vailab le.
Ch a pt er 8 621 Menu Maps: S pect rum Analysis T race/V i ew K e y (See page 283) Menu Maps: Spec trum Analy sis T race/V iew Key ( See p age 28 3 ) A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
622 Chapter 8 Menu Maps: Spectrum A nalysi s T rig Key (See p age 287) Men u Maps: Spectr um Analysis Tr ig K e y ( See page 287 ) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s. ‡ A double -dagg er to the lef t of the softkey indica tes a function that is not alw ays a vailab le.
623 M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons 9 Menu Map s: One-B utton M easurem ent Functions This chapter pr ovides you wi th m e nu maps for all measur ements avail able to you when yo u press th e fro nt-pa nel Mea sure key (Sp ect rum Ana lys is m ode is se le cte d).
624 Cha pt er 9 Menu Maps: One-B ut ton Meas ur ement Functions One-But ton Measurement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons One-But ton Meas u rement Menu Maps This secti.
Ch a pt er 9 625 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons MEASURE Key.
626 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Meas Control Key.
Ch a pt er 9 627 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Mode Setup K ey A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
628 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Mode Setup Key (2 of 2) A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 629 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons ACP M easurement: Meas Setup Key A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
630 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons ACP M easurement: Trace/View Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 631 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Burst P ower Measurement: Meas Setup Key † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
632 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Burst P ower Measure ment: T r ace/V iew Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 633 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons CCDF (P ower Stat) Me asurement: Meas S etup Key † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
634 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons CCDF (P ower Stat) Measureme nt: T race/View Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 635 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons CCDF (P ower Stat) Me asurement: Display Key.
636 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons CCDF (P ower Stat) Measureme nt: Span X Scale Key.
Ch a pt er 9 637 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons CCDF (P ower Stat) Measurement: Marker Key A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
638 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Channel P ower Measur ement: Meas Setu p Key † A d agger to the lef t of the sof tkey indi cates that w hen the key is pre ssed this i s an activ e functio n.
Ch a pt er 9 639 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Channel P ower Measurement: Trace/V iew Key A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
640 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Harmonic Dist ortion Me asurement: Meas S etup Key † A d agger to the lef t of the sof tkey indi cates that w hen the key is pre ssed this i s an activ e functio n.
Ch a pt er 9 641 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Harmonic Distortion Measureme nt: T rac e/V iew Key A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
642 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Intermod (T OI): Meas Setup Ke y † A d agger to the lef t of the sof tkey indi cates that w hen the key is pre ssed this i s an activ e functio n.
Ch a pt er 9 643 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Multi-Carrier P ower Measurem ent: Meas Setup Key † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
644 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Multi-Carrier P ower M easurement: Trace/View Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 645 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Occupied Bandwidth Measurem ent: Mea s Setup Key † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
646 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Spectrum Em ission Ma sk Measurement: M eas Setup Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 647 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Spectrum Emission Mask Measurement: Tr ace/View Key A bar on th e left of two or mor e softkeys indicat es that the keys are a se t of mutually exclusive c hoic es .
648 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Spectrum Em ission Ma sk Measurement: D isplay Key.
Ch a pt er 9 649 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Spectrum Emission Mask Measurement: Span X S cale Key.
650 Chapter 9 Menu Maps: One-Button Measurement Functions One-Butt on M easur ement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons Spectrum E mission Ma sk Measurement: M arker Key A bar on the left of t wo or more soft keys indic ates that t he keys are a set of mut ually exc lusive cho ice s.
Ch a pt er 9 651 Menu M aps: O ne-Button Measurement Functions One-Button M easurement Menu Maps Menu Maps : O ne-But ton Measureme nt Functi ons Spurious Emissions Measurement: Meas Setup Key † A dagger to the le ft of the s oftkey i ndicate s that when the key is p ressed thi s is an active f unction.
652 Cha pt er 9 Menu Maps: One-B ut ton Meas ur ement Functions One-But ton Measurement Menu Maps M enu M aps: O ne- B u t t on M easur emen t Functi ons.
Index In dex - 1 Index Symbols *LRN , 56 4 *RST , 45 Nume rics 10 dB step , 68 10 MHz Out key , 270 2d Bs t e p , 68 3GPP W -CDMA key , 335 488.2 IEEE command s , 56 3 802.
In dex - 2 Index Index LAN , 524 LAN cable , 544 BW/Avg menu map , 59 5 BW/A vg f ront-p anel key , 83 , 180 , 181 , 184 , 18 5 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 189 , 201 , 32 9 , 330 , 331 , 391 , 392 , 394 , 48 .
Index In dex - 3 Index time , 26 2 Corr ections ke y , 59 , 133 cou nter , 194 Counts k ey , 382 Coupling key , 172 couplin g s , 45 Crea te Dir key , 155 Create Dir Now key , 155 cre ating dir ect or.
In dex - 4 Index Index ext ernal amplif ier gain , 68 F fac tor y d efa ult s , 261 LAN , 539 F act ory key , 251 F act ory Preset key , 22 4 F act ory Preset t erm , 45 fail mask condit ion absol ute.
Index In dex - 5 Index I I/ P AL/ NI C AM , 34 0 identity , IEEE command options , query model number , query , 56 4 IEEE command , 564 IEE E co mman d te r min ati o n , 509 IEEE command , even t s t.
In dex - 6 Index Index Marker Noise key , 191 Marke r T able key , 189 marker to menu map , 60 8 Marker Trace key , 185 , 394 markers all off , 189 , 394 ban dwi dth po we r , 193 frequ ency rea dout .
Index In dex - 7 Index Min Sear ch key , 211 mixer l evel adjusti ng , 69 Mkr t o CF ke y , 212 mobile stat ion setu p , 341 mo de me nu m a p , 610 MODE fr ont-pa nel key , 203 Mo de k ey , 251 M od .
In dex - 8 Index Index pow er on pres et , 248 Po w e r O n k e y , 249 P ower On/Preset k ey , 248 power p aramet er (va riables ) , 507 pow er sp ect ral d ens ity , 362 power stat CCDF Gaussian lin.
Index In dex - 9 Index RMS detect ion comm and (averaging) , 90 , 99 RRC filt er , 476 RRC Filter key , 363 , 402 , 444 , 475 RST term , 45 S Samp le ke y , 99 sa ve fil e , 136 S ave fron t-p a nel k.
In dex - 1 0 Index Index sta ndard ev ent sta tus reg iste r , IEEE command , 564 stand ard s setup , 341 Sta rt Fr eq key , 164 , 488 start f requ encyr , 488 start m easu reme nt , 330 , 568 Sta te .
Index Inde x - 11 Index intege r paramete r , 507 p ara met ers , 507 percent parame ter , 507 phasep arame ter , 507 power par ameter , 507 relativ e power pa ramet er , 50 7 string pa ramete r , 507.
In dex - 1 2 Index Index.
デバイスAgilent Technologies E4440Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Agilent Technologies E4440Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAgilent Technologies E4440Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Agilent Technologies E4440Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Agilent Technologies E4440Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Agilent Technologies E4440Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAgilent Technologies E4440Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Agilent Technologies E4440Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAgilent Technologies E4440Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。