Agilent TechnologiesメーカーU2802Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Agilent T echnologies Ag ilent U2 80 2A 31- Chann el Th ermo c oup le Inpu t De vice User’ s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e I Tu es day, Ja nua ry 8, 20 08 10: 24 AM.
II U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocouple Input User ’s Guide Notices © A g ilen t T ec hn olo gi es , In c . 2 00 8 N o p a r t o f t h i s m an ua l m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d i n any form or by a ny.
U280 2A 31-Channel Thermocoup le Input User’s Guid e III Safe ty I nformation The fo llo w ing gen e ra l s afe ty pre c autio ns m ust b e o bs er ved du ri ng al l ph as es of thi s in str um ent .
IV U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocouple Input User ’s Guide Off ( Su ppl y ) Equi pment pr otected thr ougho ut by doubl e insul ation or r ein- fo rc ed in sula tio n Ca uti on , r is k o f elec t r ic sh o ck Cau tio n, ho t s ur fac e Cau tio n, r is k of dang er (S ee n ote .
U280 2A 31-Channel Thermocoup le Input User’s Guid e V Regulatory Markings The C E mark is a r egist ere d t radem ark of the Eur opea n comm unity. This C E ma rk shows that th e p roduct compli es wi th all t he rele v ant E u rope an leg al d ire ctiv e.
VI U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocouple Input User ’s Guide Ge n er a l S a fe t y In f orm at io n WA RN I N G • Do no t us e the dev ic e if i t i s dam aged. Before yo u use t he d evice , insp ect th e cas e. Lo ok f or cra cks or mi ssi ng plas tic .
U280 2A 31-Channel Thermocoup le Input User’s G uide VII W aste E lect ric al and El ec tro nic Eq uip ment (WE EE ) Dir ect ive 2002 /96/EC Thi s inst rume nt c om plies wi th the WEEE Dir ect ive ( 2002 /96/ EC ) mark in g requi r ement .
VIII U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocouple Input User ’s Guide Enviro nme nta l Condit ions The t abl e belo w sh ows t he gener a l env ir onme ntal req ui rement s fo r the pr od uct.
U280 2A 31-Channel Thermocoup le Input User’s Guid e I X In This G uide ... 1 Get ting S tar ted This chapter i ntrod uces the ne w Agilent U 2802A 3 1- chan nel thermocouple in put de vice a nd pro vid es qui ck star t inf orm ation . It also p ro v ides product ou tlook, installatio n configuration and tr ou bl es hooti ng guid e .
X U28 02A 31 -C hann el T her moc ou ple I npu t Use r’s Gu ide DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY According to EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 Generic exampl e Manufactu rer’s Name: Agilent Tec hnologies M icrowave Pr oducts (M) S dn.
U280 2A 31-Channel Thermocoup le Input User’s Guid e X I Product Regulations Performance Criteria IEC 61326- 1:200 2 / EN 6132 6-1:199 7+A1:19 98 + A2:200 1+A3: 2003 CISPR 11:1 990 / EN 5 5011:19 90.
XII U28 02A 31-C han nel T her moc ou ple Inpu t U ser’s Gu ide U28 02 A_ UG .bo ok P age X II Tu esd a y, J an uar y 8, 20 08 10 :24 AM.
Con tents 1 Con tent s Not ic es II Safe ty Inf orma tion III Envi ronment al Co nd iti on s VI I I In T his Gu id e. .. IX De cl ar at i on of Con for mi ty X 1 Getting S tarted In tr o duc tion to A.
Con ten ts 2 5 Cali bration Ca libr atio n I nfo rm ati on 62 Zero ing Functi on 62 Res tore Factor y Calibrat ion 63 U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 2 Tues day , J anu ary 8 , 2 008 1 0:24 AM.
Con tents 3 Lis t of Figures Figu re 1 -1 U28 02A insta ll ation flowc har t 8 Figu re 2 -1 Syste m over view of U2 802 A w ith D AQ 28 Fi gure 2-2 System f unc tio nali ty bl ock di agra m f or U280 .
Con ten ts 4 Lis t of T able s T a ble 4-1 U2 802 A mea su remen t a ccura cy wi th U2 355 A or U 235 6A , at 23 °C ± 5 ° C, with di ff ere nt num ber of avera ging po ints . 51 T a ble 4-2 U 280 2A meas urem ent acc uracy wi th U 235 5A, at 0 to 18 ° C and 28 t o 4 5 °C, with di ff ere nt num ber of avera ging po ints .
1 Agil ent U 2802A 31- Channe l Ther mocouple Inp ut Use r’s G u ide Agilen t T ech nologi es 1 Gett ing Sta rted I ntr o duc ti o n to Ag il en t U 280 2A 31- Chann el Th er mo cou ple In pu t 2 Pro du ct O vervi ew 3 Produc t Outlook 3 Pro du ct D im ensi ons 5 Sta ndard P urcha se It ems C heckl ist 6 Install ation s and C on figurat ions 7 A.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 2 Agil ent U2802 A 31-Channel The rmocouple Input User’ s Guide Introd uction to Ag ilent U2802A 3 1 -Channe l Thermocoupl e Input The A gilen t U280 2A 31 - channe l th.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 3 Product Overv iew Product Outlook To p V i e w Front View Con nec tor 1 Conn ec tor 2 Det ac ha ble Cove r U 2802A 31-Channel Thermocouple I nput Rai ling G ui de Stra in Relea se Assembl y Footer U2 80 2A_UG .
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 4 Agil ent U2802 A 31-Channel The rmocouple Input User’ s Guide Side View Bottom V iew V entil ation Hol es U2 80 2A_UG .
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 5 P ro d uc t D i me n si ons To p V i e w Front View U2802A 31-Channel T hermocouple I nput U2 80 2A_UG .
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 6 Agil ent U2802 A 31-Channel The rmocouple Input User’ s Guide St andar d Pu rc ha se It ems Check l is t Inspe ct and veri fy t hat you have all t h e f ollowin g it ems upon st and ard pur chase of U2 802A 31- ch ann el the rmoco up le i np ut de vi ce.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 7 Inst alla tion s and Co nfig urati ons Th e U28 02A is use d in c on j unc ti on with the U2 35 5A o r U2 35 6A D A Q.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 8 Agil ent U2802 A 31-Channel The rmocouple Input User’ s Guide Figu re 1- 1 U2802 A i nstal lation flow char t A. Check Y our S yst em Requ irement s C. Ins tall the Agilen t IO Libra ries Suite V ersion 1 4.2 or Higher D.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 9 A. C heck Y our S y st em Req u ir eme nts Bef ore ins talli ng th e Agil ent Measu rement Manager software and D A Q har d ware d riv er , mak e sure y ou r PC meet s the f ollo wing minimu m sy stem requirements fo r installation and data acquisitio n.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 10 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide B. Check Y our Pre-Installed IO Libra ries Suite T o ch eck t h e ver sio n o f you r pr e- ins t al l ed IO L i bra ri e s Su i t e foll ow th e instructio ns belo w .
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 11 i. If Agile nt IO Libraries Suite version 14.1 or lower has been pre-ins talled If you ha v e Agilent IO L ibraries Su ite v ersion 14.1 or l o we r installed on y our P C , you are re qui red t o un inst a ll the I O Libr aries Sui te.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 12 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 1 Di sconnect any USB D A Q d evic e that is connected to y our PC an d cl ose all ot he r applic at ions on y our PC .
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 13 D. In st all the DA Q Hard wa re Dri ver E. In stall t he Agilen t Me asure ment M anager 1 V e r i f y t h a t y o u h a v e t h e h a r d w a r e d r i v e r i n s t a l l e d .
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 14 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 5 If yo u d o not ha v e the Agil ent T& M T oo lk it 2.1 R untime v ersion and /or Mic ros of t .NE T Fra m ework ve rsio n 1. 1 and 2. 0 in st alle d, t he Inst al lShiel d Wiz ard sof tw are p re- req uisi te wi ll app ear as sh own below .
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 15 9 Read the Lic ense Agreemen t an d sel ect I accept the term s in the Li cense Agr eemen t t o p r o c e e d . Y o u m a y c l i c k Print to print a hard cop y of the Agilent License T erm s f o r refe rence.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 16 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 12 Click Install to b egin the i nstal lat ion of Ag ilent M easu rem ent Manage r . 13 Click Fi nish when the instal latio n has c ompl eted. 14 A sh or tcut to this so ftware wil l be cre ated on y our d esktop.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 17 F . Co nnect Y o ur DAQ D evice to th e PC G. Ha rd wa re V er ifi ca ti on H. Connec t Y our U2802A t o DAQ 1 Co nne ct U2 802A t o U2 35 5/ 56 A D A Q usi ng t wo 68- pi n SCS I cab les .
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 18 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide I. Launc h Y our Agilent Meas uremen t Mana ger 1 Doub le - cl ick th e Agi lent Measu rem en t Manag e r.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 19 IVI -COM D rive rs The Agilent IVI - COM drive rs sim plify instrument contro l when y ou are w ork ing in a COM- comp ati ble en vir onment.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 20 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide app li catio n wi ll co mp ile, l ink, an d ex ecute w ithou t e rr or . Th e test r esul ts, ho we ve r , ma y be qu ite d iff e rent becau se di ffer en t ins trumen ts mea sure and generate sign al s dif f erently.
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 21 Programming Environments An IVI- C OM drive r wo rk s well in a variety of a pplication de vel opment env i ron.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 22 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 7 Click IV I-COM to op en the IVI- COM Driv er I nstallatio n Menu. 8 Che ck o n t he U 2 300A S erie s an d cli ck In s ta ll and wait fo r the Insta lla tion Dialo g to ap pear .
Ge tt ing Sta r te d 1 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 23 12 If you c ho os e a Cu st om set up, the Sel ect Features dial og box w ill app ear . a Cli ck on an y fe atu re in the list t o see th e f e atu re’s de scrip tio n and space req uir emen t.
1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 24 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 24 Tues d ay, Jan uary 8, 200 8 10:2 4 AM.
25 Agil ent U 2802A 31- Channe l Ther mocouple Inp ut Use r’s G u ide Agilent T echnologies 2 Feat ures and F u nct ions Feat ures 26 Appl icati ons 27 Sys t em Ov er v iew 28 Theo ry of Opera tio n.
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 26 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Feat ures The U2802A Thermocouple In put conditioning device is com ple te with the fol low i n g fe a t u re s: ✔ U p to 31 diffe rential in put mode, or 31- sing le ended in puts in v o ltage inp ut mod e.
Featur es a nd F unc tions 2 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 27 App lica tio ns The U2802A Thermocouple In p ut conditi oning device i s designe d f or r obust and de manding industrial applica tions.
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 28 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide System Ov ervie w Figu re 2- 1 System ove rview of U 2802A wit h D AQ The U2 802A i s esse ntiall y an am p lifier mo dule with a b uilt- i n temp erature senso r (thermistor).
Featur es a nd F unc tions 2 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 29 Th eor y o f O per ati on Functionality of the System Figu re 2- 2 Sy s te m fu ncti on al it y bl ock diagr am fo r U 28 0 2A 1 Ther mocou ple v o ltage si gnal s a re dete cted a t the U28 02 A thermo coup le inp uts.
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 30 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Functional Block Diagram The bl ock di agra m be lo w i n Figur e 2 - 3 illus trat es t he key func tional co mp one nts of the U2 80 2A. Figu re 2- 3 Fun ction al b lock d iag ram fo r U 2802A U2 80 2A_UG .
Featur es a nd F unc tions 2 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 31 Th e m ajo r fu nc ti on al b lo ck s of t h e U 28 02 A m od ule a re: • Anal og inp ut channe l circ .
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 32 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Bypass mode : I n b y p a s s m o d e , t h e T C n + i n p u t i s r o u t e d d i r e c t l y t o t h e corres pond ing AI ch annel on Re ar Co nnector 1.
Featur es a nd F unc tions 2 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 33 Figu re 2- 6 Gro und-r eference d a nd dif ferent i al s ignal sou rc es co nfigur ation in U2802 A Zero mo de: I n z e r o m o d e , t h e p o s i t i v e a n d n e g a t i v e i n p u t s o f t h e instrumentation ampl ifier are shorted together .
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 34 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide F or b y pass mode channe ls tha t are con nected to va lid v oltage so urces , the 10 M Ω pu ll- up r esis to r will ca use addi tion al cu rre nt t o f l ow throug h the v olta ge sour ce.
Featur es a nd F unc tions 2 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 35 Op en Th er mo co up le D e tect i on The U2802A p ro vide s a built- in 10 M Ω r e s i s t o r o n e a c h T C + t e r m i n a l , wh ich is pu lle d up t o t he int er nal + 15 V pow er supp ly rail.
2F e a t u r e s a n d F u n c t i o n s 36 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 36 Tues d ay, Jan uary 8, 200 8 10:2 4 AM.
37 Agil ent U 2802A 31- Channe l Ther mocouple Inp ut Use r’s G u ide Agilent T echnologies 3 Pin Co nfi gur ation s a nd Assi gnme nts Pi n Confi gu ra tio ns 38 Pi n A s si gn m en ts 38 Pi n D e .
3 Pi n Conf igurations and As signments 38 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Pi n Conf igur at i ons P in A ssi gnm e nt s Figu re 3- 1 U280 2A pi n assig n ment U2 80 2A_UG .
Pin Conf igurat ions and Assi gnments 3 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 39 Pin Desc rip tion Co nnector J7 1 Pin Pin name Descri ption 1 TC1+ In th ermo cou ple mode, TC x+ and T Cx– are the t he rmoco uple di fferenti al inpu t.
3 Pi n Conf igurations and As signments 40 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 28 TC 22 + TC in put or v ol tage inp ut (See TC1 + /– d e sc ri pt ion ) 29 TC 22 – 30 TC.
Pin Conf igurat ions and Assi gnments 3 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 41 Co nnector J5 0 Pin Pin name Descri ption 1 GND Mo du le G r ou nd 2 TC16– TC in put or vol .
3 Pi n Conf igurations and As signments 42 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide 31 TC 26 – TC in put or v ol tage inp ut (See TC1 + /– d e sc ri pt ion ) 32 TC 26 + 33 TC 25 – TC in put or v ol tage inp ut (See TC1 + /– d e sc ri pt ion ) 34 TC 25 + U2 80 2A_UG .
Pin Conf igurat ions and Assi gnments 3 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 43 Co nnector J6 0 1. Re fe r t o th e U 2300A S erie s USB Mu lti fu nctio n D ata A cq uis itio.
3 Pi n Conf igurations and As signments 44 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Conne c tor Pin out Rear pa nel pino ut for Conne ctor 1 Figu re 3- 2 Conn ect or 1 p in a ssign men t for U2 355 A and U 23 56A U2 80 2A_UG .
Pin Conf igurat ions and Assi gnments 3 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 45 Rear pa nel pino ut for Conne ctor 2 Figu re 3- 3 Conn ect or 2 p in a ssign men t for U2 355 A and U 23 56A U2 80 2A_UG .
3 Pi n Conf igurations and As signments 46 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 46 Tues d ay, Jan uary 8, 200 8 10:2 4 AM.
47 Agil ent U 2802A 31- Channe l Ther mocouple Inp ut Use r’s G u ide Agilent T echnologies 4 P ro du ct S pe ci f ic at ion s Gen e ra l Sp ecif ic at ion s 48 Prod uct Ch arac teri stics 49 Sy ste.
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 48 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Gene ra l Spec ific at ions POWE R CON SUM PTI ON ±12 V DC , 750 m A max imum OPERA T ING ENV IRON MENT .
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 49 Produ ct Ch aract eri sti c s GENE RAL CHA RACT ERIST ICS Number of cha nnel s 31 di ffer en tia l and 1 .
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 50 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide O ver v olta g e p r ote cti o n i TC M ode ii • Comm on mo de: ±17 V ( TC+ a nd TC– with res pect t.
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 51 Sys tem Ac cu ra cy Spe cif icat i ons The Agilent U2 802A thermocouple in put measure ment accuracy w ith the U235 5A an d U23 56 A is as shown in Table 4- 1 , Table 4 - 2 , and Table 4- 3 .
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 52 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Ta b l e 4 - 2 U2802 A m easu rem ent a ccu racy with U2 355 A, at 0 to 1 8 ° C an d 28 to 45 ° C, wi th dif fer ent num ber of av erag ing po int s.
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 53 Ta b l e 4 - 3 U2802 A m easu rem ent a ccu racy with U2 356 A, at 0 to 1 8 ° C and 28 to 45 ° C, wi th dif fer ent num ber of av erag ing po int s.
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 54 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Calc u la tin g Sy ste m Accu ra cy The o v er all measu rem ent syste m com pr ises of th ree m a jor co.
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 55 Wi th ze roi n g, t h e of fset er r ors fro m t h e D AQ an d t h e U2 80 2A ca n b e remov ed, and repl aced wit h the zeroing error . Base d on the I TS- 90 Th ermoc oupl e tabl e, a J- type thermocou p le wil l out put 3 3.
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 56 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Ther e f ore, E THERMOCOUPLE = 0. 75 % × 600 ° C = 4.5 ° C Us ing th e abo ve ind ivid ual com po nen t err or s, the t otal m easur emen t system accu racy is c alculated as belo w .
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 57 Syst em T ypi ca l Pe rform a nce Th erm oelec tric C hara cte rist ics The thermoele ctric char acteri stics f or var ious thermocouple types is sho w n in Figur e 2- 1 .
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 58 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide T ypica l Error vs . Mea surem ent P erformanc e The U2 80 2A m ea su re ment e rror w i th U2 355 A or U 2356 A at 2 3 ° C ± 5 °C is sh ow n in Fi gur e 2- 2 .
Produc t Sp e cifica tions 4 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 59 Mak ing Accur ate T em pe ra tur e Me as ur eme nts Thermocouple measurement accuracy is ve r y sen sitiv e to col d junctio n senso r err ors and tem pera tur e gradients a cross the termin als.
4 Prod uct Sp eci ficat ions 60 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 60 Tues d ay, Jan uary 8, 200 8 10:2 4 AM.
61 Agil ent U 2802A 31- Channe l Ther mocouple Inp ut Use r’s G u ide Agilen t T ech nologi es 5 Calibr ation Ca libr at ion 62 Ca libr atio n I nfo rm ati on 62 Zero ing Func tion 62 Res tore Facto.
5C a l i b r a t i o n 62 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide Ca libr ati on Calibration Informat ion The A gi lent U2802A is fa ctor y cali brated a nd the ca libr ation co nstants are stored in th e EEPROM.
Calibration 5 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l Thermocoup le Input Use r’s Guide 63 Restore Fa ctory Calibration The Restore Facto r y Calibra tio n f unction in the Agil ent U2802A is use d to restore calibration data fro m user’s settings to fa ctor y original s ettings.
5C a l i b r a t i o n 64 Agilent U2802A 31-Channe l The rmocouple Input Us er’s Guide U2 80 2A_UG .b ook Pag e 64 Tues d ay, Jan uary 8, 200 8 10:2 4 AM.
© A gilen t T echnolo gi es, Inc . 20 08 Fir st E dit ion, 7 J an uary 2 008 U2 802- 90 003 www Agilent T echnologies Con tact us T o ob ta in s erv ice , war ra nty o r t e chn ica l su.
デバイスAgilent Technologies U2802Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Agilent Technologies U2802Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAgilent Technologies U2802Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Agilent Technologies U2802Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Agilent Technologies U2802Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Agilent Technologies U2802Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAgilent Technologies U2802Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Agilent Technologies U2802Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAgilent Technologies U2802Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。