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2 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Table of Contents Product Overview ........................................................ 4 Package Contents ................................................... 4 System Requirements ....................................
3 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Table of Contents Status ................................................................. .. 52 Device Information ........................................... 52 Client Information .......................................
4 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • D-Link DAP-2360 AirPremier ® N PoE Access Point • Power Adapter • CAT5 Ethernet Cable • CD-ROM with User Manual • Install Guide .
5 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction The DAP-2360 802.11n AP increases productivity by allowing you to work faster and more efciently.
6 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview WPA-Enterprise and WPA2-Enterprise are ideal for businesses that already have existing security infrastructures establis hed. Management and security implementa tion can now be centralized on a server participati ng on the network.
7 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • Four different operation modes - Capable of operating in one of four different operation modes to meet your wireless networking needs: Access Point, WDS with AP, WDS, or Wireless Client. • Faster wireless networking with the 802.
8 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide high-speed wireless connectivity that is easy to use within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
9 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Standards-Based Technology The DAP-2360 Wireless Access Point utilizes the 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n standards. The IEEE 802.11n standard is an extension of the 802.11b and 802.11g standards that came before it.
10 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link AirPremier ® N wireless access point lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
11 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Hardware Overview Power LED This light will be solid green when the unit is powered on. 2.4 GHz LED This light will be ickering green when the 2.4GHz frequency is in use. LAN LED This light will be ickering green when there is active LAN trafc.
12 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Connect Power over Ethernet (PoE) Connect one end of an Ethernet cable (included with your access point) to the LAN port on the DAP-2360 and the other end of the Ethernet cable to either your computer or to your PoE switch.
13 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Client AP ac ts as a wir el es s net wo rk ad apt er for yo ur Eth er ne t- en abl ed de vi ce Access Point (AP) Create a wireless LAN .
14 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Getting Started 1. You will need broadband Internet access. 2. Consult with your cable or DSL provider for proper installation of the modem. 3. Connect the cable or DSL modem to a router. See the printed Install Guide included with your router.
15 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Conguration To congure the DAP-23 60, use a compute r that is connected to the DAP-2360 with an Ethernet cable (see the Networ k Layout diagram ). Launch your web browser. Type the IP address of the DAP-2360 in the address eld ( http://192.
16 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration After successfully logging into the DAP-2360, the following screen will appear: When making changes on most of the conguration screens in this section, use the button at the bottom of each screen to save (not activate) your conguration changes.
17 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Basic Settings Wireless Access Point mode Select Access Point from the drop-down menu. The other three choices are WDS with AP , WDS , and Wireless Client . Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated for a specic wireless local area network (WLAN).
18 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Channel Width: Authentication: Allows you to select the channel width you would like to operate in. Select 20 MHz if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients. Auto 20/40 MHz allows you to connect to both 802.
19 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WDS with AP mode WDS with AP mode is selected from the drop-down menu. Service Set Identier (SSID) is the name designated for a specic wireless local area network (WLAN). The SSID’s factory default setting is dlink .
20 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter the MAC addresses of the APs on your network that will serve as bridges to wirelessly connect multiple networks. Click on the Scan button to search for available wireless networks, then click on the available network that you want to connect with.
21 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WDS mode In WDS mode, the DAP-2360 wirelessly connects multiple networks, without functioning as a wireless AP. WDS is selected from the drop-down menu. Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated for a specic wireless local area network (WLAN).
22 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Click on the Scan button to search for available wireless networks, then click on the available network that you want to connect with. Use the drop-down menu to choose Open System , Shared Key , or WPA-Personal .
23 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Wireless Client mode Mode: Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto Channel Selection: Channel: Channel Width: Site Survey: Authentication: Enable: MAC Source: MAC Address: Wireless Band: Select 2.
24 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Open System/Shared Key Authentication Encryption: Key Type*: Key Size: Key Index (1- 4): Key: Use the radio button to disable or enable encryption. Select HEX or ASCII . Select 64 Bits or 128 Bits .
25 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WPA/WPA2-Personal Authentication Wh en WPA -Pe rso nal is sel ect ed f or Aut hen tic ati on type, you must also select a WPA mode from the drop-down menu: AUTO (WPA or WPA2) , WPA2 Only , or WPA Only .
26 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WPA/WPA2-Enterprise Authentication When WPA-Enterprise is selected, you must also select a WPA mode from the drop-down menu: AUTO (WPA or WPA2) , WPA2 Only , or WPA Only . WPA and WPA2 use different algorithms.
27 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration 802.1x Authentication Select the interval during which the group key will be valid ( 300 is the recommended value). A lower interval may reduce data transfer rates. Ent er the IP add res s of the RAD IUS ser ver .
28 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Static IP (Manual) is chosen here. Choose this option if you do not have a DHCP server in your network, or if you wish to assign a static IP address to the DAP-2360. When Dynamic IP (DHCP) is selected, the other elds here will be grayed out.
29 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Advanced Settings Performance *Max imu m wirel ess signal rate deri ved from IEEE Standa rd 802.
30 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Beacons are packets sent by an access point to synchronize a wireless network. Specify a value in milliseconds.
31 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration The device supports up to four multiple Service Set Identiers. In the Basic > Wireless section, you can set the Primary SSID.
32 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Check the Enable Priority box at the top of this window to enable. Select the priority from the drop-down menu. Select Enable or Disable . When you select Open System , toggle between Enable and Disable .
33 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration VLAN VLAN List The DAP-2360 supports VLANs. VLANs can be created with a Name and VID. Mgmt (TCP stack), LAN, Primary/ Multiple SSID, and WDS connection can be assigned to VLANs as they are physical ports.
34 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Port List The Port List tab displays the current ports. If you want to congure the guest and internal networks on a Virtual LAN (VLAN), the switch and DHCP server you are using must also support VLANs.
35 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Add/Edit VLAN The Add/Edit VLAN tab is used to congu re VLANs. Once you have made the desired changes, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. Use the radio button to toggle to Enable.
36 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration PVID Setting The PVID Setting tab is used to enable/disable the Port VLAN Identier Auto Assign Status as well as to congure various types of PVID settings. Click the Save button to let your changes take effect.
37 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Intrusion The Wireless Intrusion Protection window is used to set APs as All , Valid , Neighborhood , Rogue , and New . Click the Save button to let your changes take effect. The choices include All , Valid , Neighbor , Rogue , and New .
38 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Schedule The Wireless Schedule Settings window is used to add and modify scheduling rules on the device. Click the Save button to let your changes take effect. Use the drop-down menu to enable the device’s scheduling feature.
39 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration QoS Quality of Service (QoS) enhances the experience of using a network by prioritizing the trafc of different applications. A QoS Rule identies a specic message ow and assigns a priority to that ow.
40 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter a name for the new QoS rule in the eld provided. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired priority: Background (BK) , Best Effort (BE) , Video (VI) , or Voice (VO) .
41 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration AP Array An AP array is a set of devices on a network that are organized into a single group to increase ease of management. This check box allows the user to enable the AP array fu nc ti on . The thr ee mo de s tha t ar e ava ilab le are Mast er, Backup Master, and Slave.
42 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select this option to use a Network Name (SSID). Select this option to enable SSID Visibility. Select this option to use Auto Channel Selection. Select this option to specify the Channel Width.
43 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select this option to use an SSID. Select this option to make the SSID Visible. Select this option to use Wireless Security.
44 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration ARP Spoong Prevention The ARP Spoong Prevention feature allows users to add IP/MAC address mapping to prevent ARP spoong attack. Thi s check box allow s you to enable the ARP spoofing prevention function.
45 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration DHCP Server Dynamic Pool Settings The DHCP address pool denes the range of the IP address that can be assigned to stations in the network. A Dynamic Pool allows wireless stations to receive an available IP with lease time control.
46 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter the IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) server. The DNS server translates domain names such as www.dlink.com into IP addresses. Enter the domain name of the network, if applicable.
47 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Static Pool Setting The DHCP address pool denes the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to stations on the network. A static pool allows specic wireless stations to receive a xed IP without time control.
48 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Specify the Gateway address for the wireless network. Specify the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server address for the wireless network. WINS is a system that determines the IP address of a network computer with a dynamically assigned IP address, if applicable.
49 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Current IP Mapping List Th is wi nd ow dis pla ys inf orm at io n ab out the cu rr en t a ss ig ne d D HC P dy nam ic and st at ic IP add ress po ol s. Thi s inf orma tio n is available when you enable DHCP server on the AP and assign dynamic and static IP address pools.
50 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Filters Wireless MAC ACL Displays the current wireless band rate. Select Disable to disable the lters function. Select Accept to accept only those devices with MAC addresses in the Access Control List.
51 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WLAN Partition Displays the current wireless band rate. Select Enable or Disable . The default is Enable . When disabled, all data from the Ethernet to associated wireless devic es will be blocked.
52 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Status Device Information This read-only window displays the conguration settings of the DAP-2360, including the rmware version and the device's MAC address.
53 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration The following information is available for each client communicating with the DAP-2360. Client Information This window displays the wireless client information for clients currently connected to the DAP-2360.
54 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WDS Information The following information is available for each client communicating with the DAP-2360. This window displays the Wireless Distribution System information for clients currently connected to the DAP-2360.
55 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Stats Ethernet This page displays transmitted and received count statistics for packets and bytes.
56 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration WLAN Trafc This page displays wireless network statistics for data throughput, transmitted and received frames, and frame errors.
57 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Log View Log The AP’s embedded memory displays system and network messages including a time stamp and message type. The log information includes but is not limited to the following items: cold start AP, upgrading rmware, client associate and disassociate with AP, and web login.
58 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Log Settings Enter the IP address of the server you would like to send the DAP-2360 log to. Check the box for the type of activity you want to log. There are three types: System Activity, Wireless Activity, and Notice.
59 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Check one or more of the ve main categories to display the various hidden administrator parameters and settings displayed on the next ve pages.
60 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Limit Administrator Each of the ve main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. Check the box provided and the enter the specic VLAN ID that the administrator will be allowed to log in from.
61 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration System Name Settings Each of the ve main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. The name of the device. The default name is D-Link DAP-2360 . The physical location of the device, e.
62 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Login Settings Each of the ve main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. Enter a user name. The default is admin . When changing your password, enter the old password here.
63 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Console Settings Each of the ve main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. Stat us is enab led by default . Uncheck the box to disable the console. Select the type of protocol you would like to use, Telnet or SSH .
64 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration SNMP Settings Each of the ve main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. Ch ec k th e bo x to ena bl e th e SN MP functions. This option is disabled by default.
65 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Firmware and SSL Certication Upload The current firmware version is displayed above the le location eld. After downloading the most recent version of rmware for the D AP - 2 3 6 0 f r o m h t t p : // s u p p or t .
66 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Conguration File Upload Cli ck the Bro ws e butt on to loca te a prev ious ly sa ve d c on gu rat io n le on yo ur lo ca l co mp ut er . After selecting the le, click Upload to apply the conguration settings to the DAP-2360.
67 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Time and Date Displays the current time and date settings. Use the drop-down menu to select your correct Time Zone. Check the box to Enable Daylight Saving Time. Use the drop-down menu to selec t the correc t Daylight Saving offset.
68 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration System System Settings Click Restart to restart the DAP-2360. Click Restore to restore the DAP-2360 back to factory default settings. C l i c k Clear t o r e m o v e a n y l o a d e d language packs.
69 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Help Scroll down the Help page for topics and explanations. Help:.
70 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 6 - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DAP-2360. Read the following descriptions if you are having problems. (The examples below are illustrated in Windows ® XP.
71 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Section 6 - Troubleshooting • Congure your Internet settings: • Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel . Double-click the Internet Options Icon. From the Security tab, click the button to restore the settings to their defaults.
72 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP address After you install your network adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. wireless router) automatically.
73 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please foll.
74 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Set Primary DNS the same as the LAN IP address of your router ( The Secondary DNS is not needed or you may enter a DNS server from your ISP. Step 5 Click OK twice to save your settings.
75 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Appendix C - Technical Specications Technical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.
76 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Appendix C - Technical Specications LEDs • Power • LAN • 2.4 GHz Temperature • Operating: 0˚C to 40˚C • Storing: -20˚C to 65˚C Humidity • Operating: 1.
77 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual Trademarks: D-Link Networking is a registered trademark of D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. Other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
78 D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
デバイスD-Link DAP-2360の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DAP-2360をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DAP-2360の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DAP-2360の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DAP-2360で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DAP-2360を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DAP-2360の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DAP-2360に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DAP-2360デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。