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i D-Link DIR-825 User Manual D-Link reser v es the right to revise this pub lication and to mak e changes in the content hereof without ob ligation to notify any person or organization of such re visions or changes.
ii D-Link DIR-825 User Manual T able of Contents Preface ........................................................................... i Manual Re visions ..................................................... i T rademarks ..............................
iii D-Link DIR-825 User Manual T able of Contents Adv anced Network Settings ............................. 54 UPnP ............................................................ 54 Inter net Ping Bloc k ....................................... 54 Inter net P or t Speed .
1 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Product Over view Note: Using a power supply with a different voltage rating than the one included with the DIR-825 will cause damage and void the warranty for this product.
2 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Network Requirements • An Ether net-based Cab le or DSL modem • IEEE 802.11n-draft or 802.
3 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction T O T AL PERFORMANCE Combines aw ard winning router f eatures and IEEE 802.11a/g/Draft 802.
4 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • Faster Wireless Networking - The DIR-825 pro vides up to 300Mbps* wireless connection with other 802.11n wireless clients . This capability allows users to par ticipate in real-time activities online , such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time audio .
5 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view Connections USB Connect a USB 1.1 or 2.0 flash drive to configure the wireless settings using WCN. Reset Pressing the Reset b utton restores the router to its original factory default settings .
6 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view LEDs Internet LED A solid light indicates connection on the Inter net por t. This LED blinks during data transmission. P ower LED A solid light indicates a proper connection to the pow er supply .
7 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Before you Begin Installation This section will walk you through the installation process . Placement of the router is v er y impor tant. Do not place the router in an enclosed area such as a closet, cabinet, or in the attic or garage .
8 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wireless router lets y ou access y our network using a wireless connection from vir tually anywhere within the operating range of y our wireless network.
9 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation If y ou are connecting the router to a cable/DSL/satellite modem, please f ollow the steps belo w: 1. Place the router in an open and centr al location. Do not plug the po wer adapter into the router .
10 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation If y ou are connecting the D-Link router to another router to use as a wireless access point and/or s witch, you will hav e to do the f ollowing .
11 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation 6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router and reconnect y our computer to y our network. 7. Connect an Ether net cable in one of the LAN por ts of the router and connect it to y our other router .
12 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 2 - Installation The DIR-825 includes a Quick Router Setup Wizard CD . F ollow the simple steps below to run the Setup Wizard to guide y ou quickly through the installation process . Inser t the Quick Router Setup Wizard CD in the CD-ROM drive .
13 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuration This section will show you how to configure your new D-Link wireless router using the web-based configuration utility .
14 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Setup Wizard Clic k Launch Internet Connection Setup Wizard to begin. If you want to enter y our settings without r unning the wizard, click Manual Configuration and skip to page 18. Clic k Next to contin ue.
15 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select your time z one from the drop-down menu and then click Ne xt to continue . Select the type of Inter net connection you use and then click Next to continue .
16 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you selected PPP oE , enter y our PPP oE user name and pass word. Click Next to contin ue. Se le ct Sta tic if y our ISP ass ign ed y ou the IP ad dr es s , sub ne t ma sk , gat e wa y , and DNS ser v er addresses.
17 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If yo u selected Static , enter yo ur network settings supplied by your Inter net provider . Clic k Next to contin ue. Clic k Connect to sav e your settings . Clic k Reboot Now to reboot the router so the ne w settings can take eff ect.
18 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Manual Internet Connection Setup Clic k Manual Internet Connection Setup to begin. If y ou want to confi gure your rout er to conn ect to the Inter net using the wizard, click Internet Connection Setup Wizard and ref er to page 14.
19 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Sel ect Dyna mic IP (DH CP) to obt ain IP Add res s inf or mation automatically from y our ISP . Select this option if y our ISP does not giv e you an y IP numbers to use. This option is commonly used f or cable modem ser vices such as Comcast and Co x.
20 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select PPP oE (Username/Pass word) from the drop-do wn menu. Select Static IP if your ISP assigned you the IP address, subnet mask, gatew ay , and DNS ser v er addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic .
21 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select Sta tic if your I SP as sign ed you the IP address, subnet mask, gate wa y , and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic . Enter the IP address (Static PPTP only). Enter the Pr imary and Secondar y DNS Ser ver Addresses (Static PPTP only).
22 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The DNS ser v er inf or mation will be supplied b y your ISP (Inter net Ser vice Pro vider .) Maximum T ransmission Unit - y ou may need to change the MTU for optimal perf or mance with y our specific ISP .
23 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address, subnet ma sk, gate wa y , an d DNS serv er addresses . In mo st cases, select Dynamic . Enter the L2TP IP address supplied by your ISP (Static only).
24 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration MTU: Clone MAC Address: Maximum T ransmission Unit - y ou may need to change the MTU for optimal perf or mance with y our specific ISP . 1400 is the def ault MTU . The def ault MAC Address is set to the Inter net por t’ s ph ysical interf ace MAC address on the Broadband Router .
25 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter the IP address assigned by y our ISP . Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by y our ISP . Enter the Gatew ay assigned b y your ISP . The DNS ser v er inf or mation will be supplied by your ISP (Inter net Service Provider .
26 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Settings If y ou want to configure the wireless settings on your ro ut er usi ng th e wi za rd , cl ic k Wir el ess Net w ork Set up Wizar d and ref er to page 71.
27 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Check the bo x to enab le the wireless function. If you do not want to use wireless, uncheck the bo x to disable all the wireless functions. Select the time frame that you would like your wireless netw ork enab led.
28 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the Channel Width: A uto 20/40 - This is the def ault setting. Select if y ou are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless de vices. 20MHz - Select if you are not using an y 802.11n wireless clients.
29 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration 802.11n/a (5GHz) Check the bo x to enab le the wireless function. If you do not want to use wireless, uncheck the bo x to disable all the wireless functions. Select the time frame that you would like your wireless netw ork enab led.
30 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the Channel Width: A uto 20/40 - This is the def ault setting. Select if y ou are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless de vices. 20MHz - Select if you are not using an y 802.11n wireless clients.
31 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This section will allow y ou to change the local network settings of the router and to configure the DHCP settings. Network Settings Enter the IP address of the router . The default IP address is 192.
32 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DHCP Ser ver Settings DHCP stands f or Dynamic Host Control Protocol. The DIR-825 has a b uilt-in DHCP ser v er . The DHCP Ser v er will automatically assign an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network.
33 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DHCP Reser vation If y ou want a computer or de vice to alwa ys hav e the same IP address assigned, y ou can create a DHCP reser v ation. The router will assign the IP address only to that computer or de vice.
34 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The DIR-825 can be configured as a vir tual server so that remote users accessing Web or FTP ser vices via the public IP address can be automatically redirected to local ser v ers in the LAN (Local Area Network).
35 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This will allow y ou to open a single por t. If you would lik e to open a range of por ts, ref er to the ne xt page. Ente r a na me f or the r ule or s elect a n applica tion from the drop -down menu.
36 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This will allow y ou to open a single por t or a range of por ts. Port For warding Enter a name for the rule or select an application from the drop-down menu. Select an application and click << to populate the fields .
37 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name for the r ule. Y ou may select a pre-defined application from the drop-down menu and clic k << . This is the por t used to trigger the application. It can be either a single por t or a range of por ts.
38 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration QoS Engine This option is disabled b y default. Enable this option f or better performance and e xper ience with online games and other interactiv e applications, such as V oIP . This option is enabled b y default when the QoS Engine option is enab led.
39 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This option is disab led by default. Enable this option f or better perf or mance and e xper ience with online games and other interactiv e applications, such as V oIP . This option is enabled b y def ault.
40 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Network Filters Select T urn MAC Filtering Off , Allow MA C addresses listed below , or D e n y M AC addresses listed belo w from the drop-do wn menu. Enter the MAC address you would like to filter .
41 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Access Control Click the Ad d P olicy b utton to star t the Access Control Wizard. Add Policy: The Acces s Contr ol section allo ws yo u to control acces s in and out of y our netw ork.
42 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name f or the policy and then click Next to continue . Access Control Wizard (continued) Select a schedule (I.E. Alwa ys) from the drop-down menu and then click Ne xt to continue. Enter the follo wing inf or mation and then click N e x t t o continue .
43 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Access Control Wizard (continued) Enter the rule: Enable - Chec k to enab le the r ule . Name - Enter a name f or y our r ule . Dest IP Start - Enter the star ting IP address. Dest IP End - Enter the ending IP address.
44 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Add Website Filtering Rule: Website URL/ Domain: W ebsite Filters Select Allow or Den y . Enter the ke ywords or URLs that you want to allow or b lock.
45 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name f or the inbound filter rule. Select Allow or Den y . Check to enab le r ule . Enter the star ting IP address. Enter if you do not w ant to specify an IP range. Enter the ending IP address.
46 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration SPI (Stateful P ac ket Inspection, also known as dynamic pack et filtering) helps to pre vent cyber attac ks by tracking more state per session. It v alidates that the traffic passing through the session conf or ms to the protocol.
47 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter the IP address of pack ets that will take this route. Enter the netmask of the route, please note that the octets must match your destination IP address. Enter your next hop gate wa y to be tak en if this route is used.
48 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Set the transmit po wer of the antennas . Beacons are pac k ets sent b y an Access P oint to synchroniz e a wireless network. Specify a value . 100 is the def ault setting and is recommended. This v alue should remain at its def ault setting of 2432.
49 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Advanced Wireless Settings 802.11n/a (5GHz) Set the transmit po wer of the antennas . Beacons are pack ets sent b y an Access P oint to synchronize a wireless netw ork. Specify a value . 100 is the def ault setting and is recommended.
50 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration WISH Settings WISH is shor t f or Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling, a technology de v eloped to enhance y our e xper ience of using a wireless network by prioritizing the traffic of diff erent applications.
51 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Create a name f or the rule that is meaningful to you. Name: The pr iority of the message flow is entered here. The four priorities are defined as: BK: Backg round (least urgent) BE: Best Eff or t.
52 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Enable the Wi-Fi Protected Setup f eature. Locking the wireless secur ity settings pre vents the settings from being changed by the Wi-Fi Protected Set up f eat ure of the rout er .
53 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This Wizard helps you add wireless de vices to the wireless network. The wizard will either displa y the wireless network settings to guide you through manual configuration, prompt you to enter the PIN for the de vice, or ask y ou to press the configuration button on the de vice.
54 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration UPnP Internet Ping Block Internet Port Speed Multicast Streams T o use the Uni v ers al Pl ug and Pla y (U PnP ™ ) f ea tu re cl ic k on Ena bl ed . U PNP p ro vid es com pa ti bil it y wit h networking equipment, software and peripherals.
55 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Guest Zone Check to enab le the Guest Zone feature . The schedule of time when the Guest Zone will be active . The schedule ma y be set to Alwa ys, which will allow the par ticular ser vice to alwa ys be enab led.
56 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a ne w pass word f or the Administrator Login Name. The administrator can mak e changes to the settings. Enter the new pass word f or the User login. If y ou login as the User , you can only see the settings , but cannot change them.
57 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T ime Settings Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu. T o sele ct Da yligh t Sav ing tim e man ually , sele ct ena b le d or disab led , and ente r a sta r t date and an end date f or da ylight sa ving time.
58 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration SysLog The Broadband Router k eeps a running log of e v ents and activities occurring on the Router . Y ou ma y send these logs to a SysLog ser v er on y our network. Enable Logging to SysLog Server: SysLog Server IP Address: Check this box to send the router logs to a SysLog Ser v er .
59 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Email Settings The Email f eature can be used to send the system log files, router aler t messages, and firmware update notification to y our email address.
60 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Use this option to sav e the current router configuratio n settings to a file on the hard disk of the computer you are using. First, clic k the Save button. Y ou will then see a file dialog, where y ou can select a location and file name f or the settings.
61 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click on Check Now to find out if there is an updated fir mware; if so , download the new fir mw are to your hard driv e. After y ou ha ve downloaded the ne w firmware, click Br owse to locate the fir mware update on your hard drive .
62 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Dy na mic D oma in Na me Sys te m is a me tho d of keeping a domain name link ed to a changing IP Address. Check the bo x to enable DDNS . Choose your DDNS provider from the drop down men u. Enter the Host Name that y ou registered with your DDNS service provider .
63 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The Ping T est is used to send Ping pack ets to test if a computer is on the Inter net. Enter the IP Address that you wish to Ping, and clic k Ping . The results of your ping attempts will be display ed here.
64 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name f or your ne w schedule. Select a da y , a range of days , or All W eek to include e v er y da y . Check All Day - 24hrs or enter a star t and end time f or your schedule . Click Save to sav e y our schedule.
65 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This page displa ys the current inf or mation for the DIR-825. It will display the LAN, W AN (Inter net), and Wireless inf or mation. If y our Internet connection is set up f or a Dynamic IP address then a Release button and a Renew button will be displa yed.
66 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Log What to View: View Levels: Apply Log Settings: Refresh: Clear: Email Now: Save Log: Y ou can select the types of messages that y ou w ant to di spl a y fro m the log . Fi re wal l & Sec uri ty , Sys te m , and Router Status messages can be selected.
67 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Statistics T he s cr ee n b el o w di sp l a y s th e T r af fic S t at is ti c s . He re y ou ca n vi e w th e am o un t of pa c k e ts th at pa ss th ro u gh t he D IR -8 25 on both the Inter net, LAN por ts and both the 802.
68 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Internet Sessions The Inter net Sessions page displa ys full details of activ e Inter net sessions through y our router . An Inter net session is a con v ersation betw een a program or application on a LAN-side computer and a program or application on a W AN-side computer .
69 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The wireless client table displa ys a list of current connected wireless clients. This table also displa ys the connection time and MA C address of the connected wireless clients.
70 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Support.
71 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security Wireless Security This section will show y ou the diff erent le v els of security you can use to protect y our data from intruders.
72 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security Wireless Security Setup Wizard T o run the secur ity wizard, click on Setup at the top and then clic k Launch Wireless Security Setup Wizard . Chec k the Manually set 5GHz band Network Name ... box to manually set your desired wireless networ k name f or the 5GHz band.
73 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security If you selected A utomatically , the summar y windo w will displa y y our settings. Wr ite down the secur ity ke y and enter this on your wireless clients. Click Save to sa v e y our settings. If y ou selected Manuall y , the f ollowing screen will appear .
74 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security F rom the Setup > Wireless Settings screen, clic k A d d Wireless Device with WPS . Add Wireless Device with WPS Wizard PIN: Select this option to use PIN method. In order to use this method you must know the wireless client’ s 8 digit PIN and clic k Connect .
75 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security Configure WP A-Personal (PSK) It is recommended to enable encr yption on your wireless router bef ore y our wireless network adapters . Pleas e estab lish wireless connectivity bef ore enabling encr yption.
76 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security It is recommended to enable encr yption on your wireless router bef ore y our wireless network adapters . Pleas e estab lish wireless connectivity bef ore enabling encr yption. Y our wireless signal ma y degrade when enabling encr yption due to the added ov erhead.
77 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 4 - Security 8. Ne xt to RADIUS Ser v er P or t , enter the por t you are using with y our RADIUS ser v er . 1812 is the default por t.
78 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows Vista ® Windows Vista ® users may use the built-in wireless utility .
79 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Configure Wireless Security It is recommended to enab le wireless secur ity (WP A/WP A2) on your wireless router or access point bef ore configur ing y our wireless adapter .
80 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. Enter the same security ke y or passphrase that is on y our router and clic k Connect . It ma y take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection f ails, please v er ify that the secur ity settings are correct.
81 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect Using WCN 2.0 in Windows Vista ® The router suppor ts Wi-Fi protection, ref erred to as WCN 2.
82 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows ® XP Windows ® XP users ma y use the built-in wireless utility (Zero Configuration Utility). The f ollowing instructions are for Ser vice P ac k 2 users.
83 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Configure WP A-PSK It is recommended to enable WP A on your wireless router or access point bef ore configur ing y our wireless adapter . If y ou are joining an e xisting network, you will need to kno w the WP A ke y being used.
84 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless Netw ork Connection bo x will appear . Enter the WP A-PSK passphrase and clic k Connect . It ma y take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection f ails, please v er ify that the WP A-PSK settings are correct.
85 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur dur ing the installation and operation of the DIR-825. Read the f ollowing descriptions if you are having prob lems.
86 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting • Configure y our Inter net settings: • Go to Star t > Settings > Control P anel . Doub le-clic k the Internet Options Icon. F rom the Security tab , clic k the button to restore the settings to their def aults.
87 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting 3. Wh y can’t I connect to cer tain sites or send and receive emails when connecting thr ough m y router? If you are ha ving a prob lem sen.
88 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting Y ou should star t at 1472 and work your wa y down b y 10 each time. Once y ou get a reply , go up by 2 until you get a fragmented pack et. T ake that v alue and add 28 to the value to account f or the v ar ious TCP/IP headers .
89 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, business or pub lic access wireless networks.
90 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is Wireless? Wireless or Wi-Fi technology is another wa y of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly , so you ha v e the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or office network.
91 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wireless P ersonal Area Netw ork (WP AN) Bluetooth is the industr y standard wireless technology used f or WP AN.
92 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Where is wireless used? Wireless technology is expanding e v er ywhere not just at home or office. P eople lik e the freedom of mobility and it’ s becoming so popular that more and more pub lic f acilities now pro vide wireless access to attr act people.
93 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Security Don’t let y ou ne xt-door neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network. Secure your wireless network by tur ning on the WP A or WEP secur ity f eature on the router . Ref er to product manual f or detail information on how to set it up .
94 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP address After y ou install y our ne w D-Link adapter , b y def ault, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP ser v er (i.e. wireless router) automatically .
95 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gate wa y/router , or you need to assign a static IP address, please fo.
96 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specifications T echnical Specifications Standards • IEEE 802.11n (draft 2.0) • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11a • IEEE 802.3 • IEEE 802.3u • IEEE 802.3ab Security • WP A tm - P ersonal/Enter prise • WP A2 tm - P ersonal/Enter prise Wireless Signal Rates 1 IEEE 802.
97 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix D - Contacting T echnical Support Contacting T echnical Support U .S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link technical suppor t through our web site or b y phone. Bef ore you contact technical suppor t, please hav e the f ollowing ready: • Model number of the product (e .
98 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty W arranty Subject to the ter ms and conditions set f or th herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited W arranty: • Only to .
99 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty Limited Software W arranty: D-L ink wa rr ant s tha t the soft w are por ti on of the prod uct (“So ftw are ”) will subs tan tia lly conf orm to.
100 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty • After an RMA number is issued, the def ectiv e product must be packaged securely in the or iginal or other suitable shipping package to ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the pac kage.
102 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty CE Mark W arning: This is a Class B product. In a domestic en vironment, this product ma y cause radio interf erence, in which case the user ma y be required to take adequate measures .
103 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty ICC Notice: Operation is subject to the f ollowing two conditions: 1) This de vice ma y not cause interf erence and 2) This de vice must accept an y interf erence, including interf erence that may cause undesired oper ation of the de vice.
104 D-Link DIR-825 User Manual Appendix F - Registration V ersion 1.0 July 2, 2008 Product registration is entirely voluntary and failure to complete or retur n this f or m will not diminish your warr anty rights.
デバイスD-Link DIR-825の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DIR-825をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DIR-825の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DIR-825の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DIR-825で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DIR-825を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DIR-825の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DIR-825に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DIR-825デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。