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Table of Content D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 1.
Table of Content D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 2 Table of Cont ents PACKAGE CONTENTS ......................... ..................................................... ........... 3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................... ........................
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 3 Package Contents • DSL - 2751 Wireless A DSL Rout er • 2 non -det achable Antenas (MIMO 2x2) • Power Adapter • CD - ROM with Inst.
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 4 System Requirements 1. ADSL Internet service Computer with: • 200MHz Processor • 64MB Memory • CD - ROM Drive • Ethernet Adapter with TCP/IP Protocol Install ed • Windows win7/ vista/ XP/2000 z • MAC OS • Internet Explorer v6 or later , FireFox v1.
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 5 11 Introduct ion HIGH - SPEED ADSL2/2+ INTERNET CONNECTION Latest ADSL2/2+ standards provide Internet transmission of up to 24Mbp s downstream, 1Mbps up stream. HIGH - PERFORMANCE WIRELESS Embedded 802.
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 6 Feature s • Faster Wireless Networking - The DSL - 2751 provides up to 300 Mb ps * wireless connection with other 802. 11 n wireless clients. This capability allows users to particip ate in real - time activities online, such as video streaming, online gaming, and real - time audio.
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 7 Hardware Overview Connections Power insert Use the adapter shipped with the Router to connect to power source Power button Push in to power - on the Router.
Section 1 - Product Overview D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 8 Hardware Overview LEDs Pow er Steady green light indicates the unit is powered on. When the device is powered off this remains dark. WLAN Steady green light indicates a wireless connection.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 9 Installation This section will walk you thr ough the installation process. Placement of the rout er is very important. Do not place the router in an enclosed area such as a closet, cabinet, or in the at t ic or garage.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 10 Installation Notes In order to establish a connection to the Internet it will be necessar y t o provide information to the Router t hat will be stored in its memory . For some users, only their account inform ation (Username and Password) is required.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 802.1 1 Wireless LAN Configurat i on All the 802.1 1 wir el ess LAN settings may be configured on a s ingle page using the web - based m ana ger . For basic wireless com m unicat ion you need to decide what channel to use and what SSID t o assign.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 12 Information you need from your ADSL service provider Username This is the Username used to log on to your ADSL service provider ’ s network. It is commonly in the form user@isp. co.uk .
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 13 VPI Most users will not be required to change this setting. The V irtual Path Identifier (VPI) is used in conjunction with the V irtual Channel Identifier (VCI) to identify the data p ath between your ADSL service provider ’ s network and your computer .
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 14 Informati on you will need abou t DSL -2751 Username This is the Username needed access t he Rout er ’s management interface. When you attempt t o connect t o t he device through a web browser you will be prompted to enter this Username.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 15 Informati on you will need ab out your LAN or computer : Ethernet NI C If your computer has an Ethernet NIC, you can c onnect the DSL - 2751 to this Ethernet port using an Ether net cable.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 16 Wireless Installation Considerations DSL - 2751 lets you access your network using a wireless connection f rom virtually anywhere within the operat in g range of your wireless network.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 17 Device Installation The DSL - 2751 Wireless ADSL Router maintains three separate interfaces, an Ethernet LAN, a wireless LAN and an ADSL Internet (W AN) connection. Carefully consider t he Router ’s location suitable for connectivity for your Ethernet and wireless devic es.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 18 Factory Reset Button The Router may be reset to t he original factory default settings by using a ballpoint or paperclip to ge ntly push down the reset butt on in the following sequence: 1.
Section 2 - Ins tallation D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 19 Hub or Switch to Router Connection Connect the Router to an uplink port (MDI - II) on an Ethernet hub or switch with a straight - through cable as shown in t his diagr am .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 20 Configuration This section will show you how to conf igur e y our new D - Link wire less router using the web - based co n figuration utility .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 21 SETUP This chapter is concer ned with using your computer to configure the W AN connection. The following chapter describes t he various windows used to configure and monitor the Router including h ow to change IP settings and DHCP server setup.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 22 ADSL SETUP C heck Manual Setup box to configuring Internet connection manua lly or you can click on Setup Wizard button to configuring router step - by - step. MANUAL ADS L CONNECTION SETU P P lease select the connection type f or your internet connection.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 23 For PPPoE/PPPo A I NTERNET CONNECT ION TYPE: Type in the Username and Passw ord (and PPPoE Ser vice Name , if required by your ISP). Choose PPPoE LLC/Snap - Bridgi ng , PPPoE VC - mux , PPPoA LLC/encapsulation and PPPo A VC - mux in drop - down menu .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 24 IPv6 DNS AND DEF AUL T G ATE WAY Select Obtain IPv6 DNS server address automat i call y to get DNS from your ISP. Or Select Use the following IPv6 DNS server addr es ses to type the DNS IPs in the Pref erred DNS s erver and Alternate DNS serv er.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 25 For DYNAMIC I P ADDRE SS INTERNET CO NNECTION TYPE: T ype Host Name an d select Connection T ype in drop - down menu D NS AND DEFAULT GATEWAY Select Obtain DNS ser ver addr ess aut om at ically to get DNS from your ISP.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 26 For ST A TIC IP ADDRESS INTERNET CONNECTIO N TYPE T ype IP Address , Subnet Mask , Default Gate way , and select Connection in drop - down menu.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 27 IPv6 DNS AND DEF AUL T G ATEWAY Select Obtain IPv6 DNS server address automat ically to get DNS from your ISP. Or Select Use the following IPv6 DNS server addr es ses to type the DNS IPs in the Pref erred DNS s erver and Alternate DNS serv er.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 28 ETHNET W AN SETUP ETHNET W AN PORT SELECTION Select a Ethernet LAN por t to be the WAN port in drop - down menu MANUAL ETH W AN CONNECTI ON.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 29 WIRELESS SETUP Use this section to configure the wireless se t tings for your D - Link router . Please note that changes made in this section will also nee d to be duplicated onto your wireless clients and PC.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 30 Welcome to the D - Link Wireless Security Setup Wizard Enable Y our Wireless Network Y our wireless net wor k is enabled by default . Y ou can simply uncheck t he belo w checkbox to disable wireless Network Name ( SSID) identifies members of the Service Set.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 31 Add Wireless Device with WPS The wizard shows the option to setup W PS by Aut o or Manual .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 32 Add Wireless Device with WPS (WI - FI PROTECTE D SETUP ) WIZARD This page will count down the timer and please start WPS on the wireless device you are adding i n time.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 33 Manual WIRELESS Connection Setup SET TI NG S Click on the Enable Wireless box to allo w t he r out er to operate in the wireless environment. Y ou can use the Add New button to set the schedule.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 34 Mixed 802.1 1n, 802. 1 1g and 802.1 1b which means DSL - 2751 will detect the clients to use 802.1 1n, 802.1 1g or 802.1 1b to synchronize. Channel Wid th , C hoose 20MHz or Auto 20/40MHz to decide the T ransmission Rate.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 35 If you want to use the max. rate 150Mbps or the max. rate 300Mbps on 40MHz, please choose th e Channel Wid th: Auto 20/40MHz Choose Visible or Invisible to decide if you want to show its SSID.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 36 WIRELESS SECURI TY MODE – WEP WEP (W ireless Encryption Protocol) encr yption can be enabled for security and privacy . WEP encrypts the dat a portion of each frame transmitted from the wireless adapt er using one of the predefined keys.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 37 WIRELESS SECURI TY MODE – W PA - Personal Use WPA or WP A2 mode to achieve a balance of strong security and best compatibility. This mode uses WPA for legacy c lients while maint a ining higher security with stations t hat are WPA2 capabl e.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 38 W PA / W PA 2 ( Enterprise ) Some network - security experts now recommend that wireless networ ks use 802.1X security measures to overcome some weakness es in standard WEP applications. A RADIUS server is used to authent icate all potential users.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 39 L AN SETUP Y ou can configure the LAN IP address to suit your preference. Many users will f ind it conv enient t o us e t he def ault settings together with D HCP service to manage the IP settings for their private network.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 40 ADD /EDIT DHCP RESERV A TI ON (OPTIONAL) Select the Enable to let you res erve the IP Address for the designate d PC with the configured M AC Address . Computer Name is user d efined m eaningful host name which can help you recognize each PC connecting to t he device .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 41 The T ime and D ate configuration option all ows you t o configure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system c lock. Fr om this section you can set the time zone t hat you are in and set the NTP (Network T ime Prot ocol) Server .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 42 T IME SETTING: Check the Automatically synchronize w ith Internet time servers Select specific time server to use from the First N T P time server and Second NTP time server specific NTP server name.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 43 European Union, you must select M arch , Last , Sunday . The time must depend on your country ’ s time zone. For exam ple, I n Germany you must type 2 because Germa ny ’ s time zone is 1 hour ahead of GMT or UTC ( GMT+1).
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 44 P AR ENT AL CONTROL Parent al Control provides two useful tools for restrict ing Internet access. Block Websites allows you to quickly create a list of all web sites that you wish to stop users from accessing.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 45 IPv6 The IPv6 configuratio n option allows you configure IPv6 internet connection. Y ou can configure fol low IPv6 I nt ernet Connection Setup Wizard utilize or Manuall y Ipv6 Internet Connection Setup .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 46 IPv6 Connection T ype : Li nk - local only LAN IPv6 ADDRESS SETTING Link - local only is com m unication with in interna l network. The LAN IPv6 Link - local Address is used as default setting.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 47 ADDRESS AUTOCONFIGURA TION SETTINGS SLAAC+St ateless DHCP to set computers on Router network obtained IPv6 address by stateless DHCP .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 48 St at ef ul DHCP to set computers on Rout er network obtained IPv6 address by S tateful DHCP , y ou n eed type the IPv6 Address Range (S ta.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 49 IPv6 Connection T ype: PPPoE P PPoE session set Share w ith IPv4 At Address M o de if you choose D ynamic I P , router will obtained W AN IPv6 address by Dynamically or you can set static IPv6 address in St atic IP Address/Prefix Length to r outer .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 50 SLAAC+RDNSS t o set computers on Router network obtained IPv6 address by RDNSS St at ef ul DHCP to set computers on Rout er network obtaine.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 51 USB SETUP The DSL router comes with a USB 2.0 interface which you can connect a USB printer , a USB storage device (e.g. USB disk / USB external Hard Disk) or a USB 3G modem. T o configure the USB Device on the rout er , click USB Setup in the SETUP tab .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 52 If you dec ide to share the USB pri nt er or USB storage device to all connect local hosts by SharePort solution, please ref er to t he Sha.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 53 How to conf igure L AN computer for on- board network printer server application ? Please insert the Printer dri ver / utility Installati on CD into t he computer before you s tart to conf igure on-board network pri nter ser ver .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 54 T o setup USB S t or age Server , press Setup but t on in STORAGE SETUP wi ndow enter the ser ver conf iguration page USB DEVICE ST A T US can check the USB Device S tatus and press St at us Ref r esh but t on to refresh the status.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 55 FTP FILE SERVER Enable F T P S E RV E R to conf ig u re USB S torage Devic e as a FTP file server . Setup the Port Name , M ax i mum connection , and Idle timeout of FTP file server . Y ou can remote access when the Remote Access was hoo ked.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 56 E nable the Enable 3G USB Modem T ype the PIN Code , T elephone Num ber ( known the dial up phone number) and APN, which provide by your 3G ISP .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 57 ADVANCED This chapter include s the more advanced features used for network management and security as well as administrative tools to manage the router , view status and other information used to examine perform anc e and f or troubleshooting.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 58 PORT FORW ARDING RULES CO NF I GURA TIO N Select a name from the Application Name dr op - down menu for a pre - configured applicat ion or type a name in the Name input box to define your own applicat ion.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 59 APPLICA TION RULE S CONFIGURA TION Some applications such as games , v ideo conf er encing, remote access applicat ions and ot her s require that specific ports in the Router's firewall be opened for access by the applications .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 60 QOS SETUP Quality of Service Setup can be used to impr ove data flow for dif ferent applications by prioritizing t he network traffic based on selected criteria .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 61 WIRELESS QO S RULES CONFIGURA TION T ype the policy name on the Name , s et the pr ior it y v alue on t he Priority . Select the Protocol , ANY , ICMP , TCP and UDP . Set the Source IP Range and the Destination IP Range .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 62 OUTBOUND FIL TER By default, all outgoing I P traf f ic from the LAN is allowed. The Outbound Filter allows you to create a filter rule to block outgoing IP t r affic by specifying a filter name and at least one c ondit ion be low.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 63 INBOUND FIL TER By default, all incoming I P traf f ic from the internet network is allowed. The Inbound Filter allo ws y ou t o c r eat e a filter ru le to filte r incomi ng IP traffi c by specifying a filter name and at least one condit io n below.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 64 ADD OUTBOUND IP FIL TER T ype the filter name on t he Fil ter Name . Choose ICMP , TCP/UDP , TCP or UDP on the Protocol .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 65 WIRELESS FIL TER T his feature can let you add a policy to deny or allow WLAN devic es connected to the router T o access the WIRELESS FIL .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 66 DNS SETUP The DNS is used to resolve the DNS name to IPs. Y ou can type or get automatically . The Dynamic DNS feature allo ws you to host a server (W eb, FTP , Game Server , etc...) using a domain name that you have purcha sed ( for example: www .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 67 DDNS CONFIGURA TION Please enable the Enable D ynamic DNS if you want t o use DDNS . Choose which DDNS web site to use on the Server Ad dress . Type which Host name which you r egist er ed with your DDNS service p rovider .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 68 FIREW ALL & DM Z The router already provides a simple f ir ewal l by v ir t ue of t he way NA T works. By default NA T does not respond to unsolicited incoming requests on any port, thereby making your WA N invisib l e to Internet cyber attackers.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 69 DMZ Setting Please tick the Enable DMZ and type the DM Z c omputer IP on the DMZ IP Address o r you also can choose the DMZ host from the drop - down menu instead of type in IP manually .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 70 ADV ANCED INTERNET The Multiple PVC Settings allow you t o Add, Delete or Edit multiple PVCs connection for advanced ADSL service. The Advanced ADSL settings allow you to choose which ADSL modulation settings your modem router will support.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 71 ADV ANCED WIRELESS These options are for users that wish to change the behav ior of their wireless radio from the standard setting. D - Link does not recommend changi ng these settings from the factory default.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 72 ADV ANCED LAN These options are for users t hat wish to change t he LAN set t ings. D - Link does not recommend changing these sett ings f rom factory default. Changing these settings may affect the behavior of your networ k.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 73 PORT MAPPIN G P ort Mapping supports multiple ports to PVC and bridging groups. Each group will perform as an independent networ k. T o support this feature, you must create mapping groups with appropriate LAN a nd W AN interfaces using the Add button.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 74 PORT MAPPING CO NFUGURA TION Ty p e Gr oup Name and select W AN Inter f ace used in the grouping in drop - down menu Choose Grouped LAN Interf ace from A vailable LAN Interfaces .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 75 SNMP SETUP Simple Network Management Pr ot oc ol ( SN M P) allows a management application t o r et rieve statistics and stat us from the SNMP agent in this device. Select the desired values and click " Apply" to configure the SNMP options.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 76 REMOTE MANAGEMENT This section allows you to enable/ disable remote access to the router fr om the Internet. A dvanced access control allows you t o configure access via specific services. Most users will not need t o c hange an y of these settings.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 77 ROUTING SETUP Over the Routing Setup p age, you can configure static routing policies or RIP protocol settings. T o access the Routing sett ing window , click on the Routing but t on under the ADV ANCE D tab.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 78 Routing -- RIP Configuration Allows you to configure RIP (Routing Information Protocol). T o activate RIP for the device, select the 'Enabled' radio button for G lobal RIP Mode.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 79 WI-FI PRO TECTED SETUP Wi - Fi Protected Setup i s used to easily add devices to a network using a PIN or button press. Devices must support Wi - Fi Protected Setup in order to be configured by this method.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 80 IPV6 FIREW ALL The Firewall settings section is an adv ance f eature used to allow or deny traff ic from passing t hr ough the device. It works in the same way as ip filters with additional set tings.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 81 SCHEDULE RULE Click Add button t o add a new schedule . ADD SCHEDULE RU LE Type Name for this rule and select Da y(s) , you can sele All W eek or select Day(s) .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 82 IPV6 ROUTING This Routing page allows you to specify cust om routes that determine how data is moved around you r network.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 83 BUDGET QUOT A Budget Quota is a traffic meter fe ature offers • Tr affic quota metering on the user specified inter f ace (can be both a .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 84 LOGOUT The LOGOUT p age enables you to logout of management G UI and as we ll cl oses the browser .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 85 MAINTENANCE Click on the M AINTENANCE tab to reveal the window buttons f or var ious f unctions located in this director y . P AS SWORD The factory default password of this router is 'admin'.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 86 SA VE/REST OR E SETTINGS The device firmware offers you configuration backup feature which you can backup the configuration settings a s a plan text file and store on your computer har d drive.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 87 FIRMW ARE UPDA TE Use the FIRMWARE UPGRADE window to load the latest firmware for the device.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 88 DIAGNOSTICS Y our router is capable of testing your DSL connection. The individual tests are listed below . If a test displays a fail status, click "Return D iagnostic s T ests" at the bottom of this page to make sure fail status is consistent.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 89 PING TEST The tests on this p age can be used to verify whether or not your router is working correctly .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 90 SYSTEM LOG The system Log allows you to configure lo cal, r emote and email logging, and to view the logs that have been cr eated. T o access the SYSTEM LOG setting window , c lick on t he S ystem Log button under the MAINTEN ANCE tab .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 91 ENABLE EMAIL NOTIFICA TION Please enable. If any logs occur , the syst em will send mail to the mail address you set. EMAIL SETTINGS Please input the Fr om MAIL Address , T o MAIL Address and S M TP Server Address .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 92 SCHEDULE Schedule allows you to creat e scheduling rules to be applied for your fir ewall. Maximum of 16 entries T o access the SCHEDULE RU LE setting window , click o n the SCHEDULE RULE but t on under the MAINTENANC E tab.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 93 ST A TUS Click on the ST A TUS t ab to reveal the window buttons for various functions located in this dir ectory . The DEVICE ST A T US window is the fir st item in the S TAT U S direct ory .
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 94 DEVICE INFO The Device Info page displays a summary overview of your rout er status, including: Device software version and summary of your Internet configuration ( both wireless and Ethernet status).
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 95 INTERNET I NFO This window disp l ays W AN inf ormation including IP address, Mask, Default Gateway , Primary/Secondary DNS Ser ver . WIRELESS LAN This window displays authenticat ed wir eless stations and their status.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 96 CONNECTED CLIENTS This feature shows all the client devices and computers currently assoc iated wirelessly or c onnected over Ethernet LAN. T o access the Wireless clients setting window , click on the Connected Client s button in the S TAT U S tab.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 97 ST A TISTIC S This information reflects the current status of your router . T o access the ST A TISI CS window , click on the Logs button in t he ST A T ISICS tab. W AN ST A TI STICS This window displays all the Recei ver and T ransmitted packet status on the W AN interface.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 98 ADSL ST A T I STICS This window displays all the ADSL st atus Y ou can click the ADSL BER T est butt on to test t he ADSL connection. Y ou can click the Reset St atistics button to set all statistics to recount.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 99 ROUTING INFO T o access the ROUTE I NFO setting window , c lick on t he RO UTE INFO button under t he S TAT U S tab.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 100 IPv6 ST A TUS T o access the IPv6 St atus setting window , click on the IPv6 St atus button under the S TAT U S ta b. All of your IPv6 Internet and network c onnect ion details are displayed on this page.
Section 3 - Configuration D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 101 IPv6 ROUTING INFO T o access the IPv6 Routi ng Info setting window , click on t he I Pv6 Routing Info button under the S TAT U S tab. This Routing page displays the IPv6 routing policies cur rently configured on your router .
Section 4 - Troubleshooting D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 102 T roubles hooting This chapter provides solutions t o pr oblems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DSL - 27 51 . Read the following descriptio ns if you are having problems.
Section 4 - Troubleshooting D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 103 • Configure your Inter net set t ings: • Go to St art > Settings > Control Panel . Double -click on the Internet Options Icon. From the Securi ty tab, click on the button to restore the settings to their defaults.
Appendix A - Wireless Basic s D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 104 APPENDIX Wireless B asi cs D- Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy - to- use and compatible high - speed wireless connectivity with in your hom e, business or public acc ess wireless networks.
Appendix A - Wireless Basic s D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 105 Wireless Local Area Networ k (WLAN) In a wireless local area network, a device called an Acce ss Point (AP) connects computers t o the net wor k. The access point has a small antenna attached to it, which allows it to transm it dat a back and forth over radio signals.
Appendix A - Wireless Basic s D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 106 Using a D - Link Cardbus Adapter with your laptop, you can access t he hotspot to connect to Internet from r emote locations like: Airports , Hotels, Coffee Shops, Libraries, Rest aur ants, and Convention Centers.
Appendix B - Networkin g Ba s ic s D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 107 Networking Basics Check your IP address After you install your new D - Link adapter , by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obt ain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e.
Appendix B - Networkin g Ba s ic s D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 108 Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gatew ay/ router, or you need to assign a static I P address, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Windows ® XP - Click on Start > Control Panel > Network Conne ct ions .
Appendix C – FCC Caution D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 109 FCC Caution St at ement : This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two condi tions: (.
Appendix D – IC Caution D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 0 IC Caution English: This Class B digital app aratus complies with Canadia n ICES - 003 and RSS - 210.
Appendix E – Contacting Technical Supp ort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 111 Cont act ing T echnical Support Y ou can find software updates and user documentation on the D - Link websites. If you require product support, we encour ag e you to browse our F AQ section on the Web Site before contacting the Support line.
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 2 D- Link Share Port™ Introduction D- Link SharePort™ allows you to share USB devices su ch as external storage drives and m ult if unc t ion pr int er s with other users across your network by simply connecting t he device to select D - Link router s.
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 3 Set up the D - Link Router 1. Connect the D - Link Router t o the networ k . 2. Power on the D - Link Router . 3. Double - click on t he icon to open the D - Link Sha rePort. 4. Right - click on in the System T ray at the lower - right corner on your Windows Desktop.
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 4 1. Right - click on the icon. 2. Click on Op en Share Por t . 3. The D - Link SharePort displays t he connected USB devices on the network. 4. Advanced Options can be set by clicking on Advanced Options.
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 5 2. The D - Link SharePort displays w hich user is virtually connecting this USB device. 3. Move the cursor to In Use By (Owner) and click on Disconnect to virtually disconnect the USB devic e.
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 6 2. Click Ye s on the ques t ion “ Do you want to install the printer software or MFP utility?” 3. Insert the CD - ROM of t he multifunction printer and follow the instruc tions to install the multifunction printer ’s driver .
Appendix F – DLink SharePort D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 7 5. Choose the printer dr iver t hat y ou want D - Link Shar ePor t to auto - connect when you print. When Y ou W ant to Scan 1. Move the cursor to A v ailable for Use and click on Scan N o w.
Appendix – G Technical Spec ific ations D- Link DSL - 275 1 User Manual 11 8 T echnical S pecifications ADSL S t andards • ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 • ITU G .992.1 (G .dmt) AnnexA • ITU G .992.2 (G .lite) Annex A ADSL2 St andards • ITU G .992.3 (G .
デバイスD-Link DSL-2751の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DSL-2751をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DSL-2751の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DSL-2751の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DSL-2751で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DSL-2751を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DSL-2751の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DSL-2751に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DSL-2751デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。