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ZZZ GHOOFRP 'HOO3 RZHU9 DXOW1 1 DQG1 86(5·6*8,'( 35 333%%%%35(/,0, .
________ ________ ____ Infor mation in this documen t is subject t o chan ge without notice. © 1999 Netw ork Appl iance, Inc. Licensed t o Dell Computer Cor poration. All r ights reserv ed. Reproduction in an y manner whatsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
v 6DIHW,QVWUXFWLRQV Use the follo wing safety guidelines to ensure your o wn personal saf ety and to help protect your computer or storage system from potential damage. Throughout this guide, bloc ks of text may be accompanied b y an icon and printed in bold type or in it alic type.
vii The product has been dropped or damaged. The product does not operate correctly when you f ollow the operating instructions. Keep y our system components a wa y from radiators and heat sources.
viii Do not use appliance/voltage conv erters or kits sold for appliances with y our Dell product. T o help protect your system components from sudden, transient increases and decreases in electrical power , use a surge suppressor , lin e conditioner , or un- interr uptible power supply (UPS).
ix 3 UHFDXWLRQVIRU 5DFN 0RXQWDEOH3URGXFWV Obser ve the follo wing precautions for rac k stabilit y and saf ety . Also ref er to the rac k installation d ocumenta tion accompanying the system and the rac k for specific warn- ing and/or caution st atements and procedures.
x 3 UHFDXWLRQVIRU3URGXFWV: LWK0RGHPV 7 HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVRU/RFDO$UHD1HWZRUN2S WLRQV Obser ve the follo wing guidelin es when working with options: Do not connect or use a modem or telephone during a ligh tning storm.
xi 3. Disconnect y our computer and peripherals from their power sources. Also, dis- connect any telephone or telecommunication lines from the computer .
xiii monitor screen at or below e ye le vel wrists relaxed and flat arms at desk lev el monitor and ke yboard positioned directly in front of user f eet flat on the floor.
xv 3UHIDFH $ERXW7KLV*XLGH This guide is intended for anyone who configures and operate s a new Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, or 760N filer that r uns Dat a ONT A P 5.
xvi Appendix E, "Regulator y Notices," is for users who are interested in whic h regulator y agencies have tested and appro ved the Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N filers .
xvii 7 HUPLQRORJ&RQYHQWLRQV This guide uses the f ollowing terms: Filer ref ers to a P ow erV ault 720N, 7 40N, or 7 60N storage system. Syst e m refers, at a minimum, to a filer and a connected P ow erVault 700N Disk Arra y Enclosure (D AE) storage system.
xviii 6SHFLDO0HVVDJHV This guide contains special me ssages that are described as follows: NOTE: A NOTE contains important information that help s you install or operate the system efficiently.
xix &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU )LOHU)HDWXUHVDQG6RIWZDUH Standard Features of the Filer . . . . . . . . . . .
xx Using Setup Wizard on a New Filer Without a DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . .
xxi &KDSWHU &RQILJXULQJ+773RQWKH)LOHU HTTP Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxii &KDSWHU &RQILJXULQJ&OLHQWVWR$FFHVVWKH)LOHU CIFS and NFS Client Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxiii Changing to CIFS-Compatible Security Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Security Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Changing the Root Volume Security Style .
xxiv Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3 Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3 Canada .
xxv Limited Three-Year Warranty (Canada Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3 Coverage During Year One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-4 Coverage During Years Two and Three .
Filer F eatures and Sof tware 1-1 &+$37(5 ) LOHU)HDWXUHVDQG6RIWZDUH 6WDQGDUG)HDWXUHVRIWKH) LOHU Figure 1 -1 shows the standard f eatures that y ou can see from the front panel of the Dell Po w e r Va u l t 720N, 7 40N, or 7 60N filer .
1-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide &'DQG'LVNHWWH&RQWHQWV T able 1 -1 de scribes the CD and system boot disket tes: 6RIWZDUH8SGDWHV Dell regularly makes sof t ware updates av a ilable to customers who purchase sof tware support agreements.
Setup Wizard Introdu ction 2-1 &+$37(5 6HWXS:L]DUG³,QWURGXFWLRQ 2YHUYLHZ The Set up Wizard provides an easy to use W eb-based method of configuring the basic set tings for a new filer .
2-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 5 HVWULFWLRQRQ8VLQJ6HWXS:L]DUG If you don t w ant to switc h fro m the console to the Web-based wizard to do the con- figu.
Setup Wizard Basic Configuration of the Filer 3-1 &+$37(5 6HWXS:L]DUG³%DVLF &RQILJXUDWLRQRIWKH) LOHU %HJLQQLQJWKH&RQILJXUDWLRQ 6WHSVWR&RQ.
3-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide (QWHULQJD6WDWLF,3$GGUHVVIRUWKH1HZ)LOHU If you are not using DHCP to obtain the IP address for the filer , see "Using Setup Wizard on a New Filer Without a DHCP Ser ver .
Setup Wizard Basic Configuration of the Filer 3-3 6WHSV T o begin th e configuration, perform the f ollowing steps: 1 . T urn on th e filer s pow er switc h to be gin the configuration process. The first time the filer boots, it contacts the DHCP ser v er and requests an IP address.
3-4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 8VLQJ6HWXS:L]DUGRQD1HZ) LOHU :LWKRXWD'+&36HUYHU 'HVFULSWLRQ This procedure enables you to use the Set up W izard on a new filer without using a DHCP ser ver to obtain the new filer s IP address.
Setup Wizard Basic Configuration of the Filer 3-5 4. F rom a client attac hed to the net work, point y our browser to the filer address given; the Set up Wizard loads.
3-6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide :KHUHWR*R) URP+HUH Y ou hav e completed the configuration using the Setup Wizard.
setup Command Introduction 4-1 &+$37(5 VHWXS&RPPDQG³,QWURGXFWLRQ 2YHUYLHZ &RQILJXUDWLRQ3 URFHVV T o configure a new filer f or the first time, perform the f ollowing steps. Some of the procedures are optional, depending on the filer o ptions that you purc hased.
4-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide If you purc hased a license for the CIFS protocol for y our filer and you are not using a Windows NT domain controller to authenticate users, configure passwd and group files according to the instr uctions in Chapter 7 , " Set ting Up passwd and group Files.
setup Command Introduction 4-3 6WHSV T o use DHCP to assign an IP address to the on board interface, perf orm the following steps: 1 . Locate the MA C address for the onboard interf ace by looking f or a label on the bac k of the lef t side of the filer s PCB carrier , if necessar y .
4-4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 5H VXOWV Af ter you finish configuring the filer , it is on-line. The follo wing directories exist on the filer: /vol/v ol0 /vol/v ol0/home NO TE: /vol is not a director yit is a special virtual root path under whic h the filer mounts its volumes.
setup Command Introduction 4-5 +RZWR7 URXEOHVKRRW3UREOHPV If an interface does not respond to a ping command, make sure that: The interf ace is securely attac hed to the net work. The media type is set up correctly if the interface is using a multi-port Ethernet card with dif f erent port speeds.
4-6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide.
Using FilerVie w 5-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJ)LOHU9LHZ $GPLQLVWHULQJ<RXU)LOHU)URP)LOHU9LHZ 8VLQJ)LOHU9LHZ This chapter introduces FilerView, the Web-based administration tool for Data ONTAP 5.3. FilerView enables you to perfo rm most administrati on tasks from any client on your network that has a compatible Web browser.
5-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide When your bro wser connects to the filer , the filer home page is loaded. The initial page contains the choices sho wn in T able 5-1 .
Configuring H TTP on the Filer 6-1 &+$37(5 &RQILJXULQJ+773RQWKH) LOHU +773&RQILJ XUDWLRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ $ERXW7KLV&KDSWHU This c hapter cont ains instructions f or configuring the filer to provide H TTP ser vice.
6-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide F or example, if y ou want H TTP clients to gain access to files or subdirectories under /vol0/home/html_files , enter options httpd.r ootdir /vol/vo l0/home/html_files When W eb browsers request files using H TTP , the filer delivers the files using the root director y .
Set ting Up passwd and group Files 7-1 &+$37(5 6HWWLQJ8SSDVVZGDQGJURXS )L O H V SDVVZGDQGJURXS,QIRUPDWLRQ $ERXW7KLV&KDSWHU This c hapter describes how to set up the passwd and group files on the filer so that the filer can authenticate users.
7-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide T o determi ne CIFS guest access F or additional information about guest access, see y our System A dministrator and Command Ref erence Guide .
Set ting Up passwd and group Files 7-3 'HIDXOWJURXS) LOH Figure 7 -2 shows the def ault entr y in the group file. )LJXUHJURXS) LOH'HIDXOW(QWU T able 7 -2 describes the fields in an entr y .
7-4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 6WHSV T o access the files from a W indows NT or Windows 9 x workstation, perform the f ol- lowing steps: 1 .
Set ting Up passwd and group Files 7-5 $GGLQJ(QWULHVWRWKHSDVVZG)LOH) URPD 81,;&OLHQW 'HVFULSWLRQ In this procedure, you add entries to a p asswd file on a UNIX client using a text editor , then transf er the file to the filer .
7-6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide $ GGLQJ(QWULHVWRWKHSDVVZG)LOH) URPD :LQGRZV1)6&OLHQW 'HVFULSWLRQ In this procedure, you edit the passwd file from a Windows NT or Windows 9 x wo rk - station or a UNIX/NF S client using a text editor .
Set ting Up passwd and group Files 7-7 6WHSV T o add entrie s to the group file, perform the f ollowing steps: 1 . Use a text editor to open the /etc/group file. 2. Add entries to the file for eac h group. 3. Sav e the file and exit the te xt editor .
7-8 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide.
Configuring Access to CIFS Shares 8-1 &+$37(5 &RQILJXULQJ$ FFHVVWR&,)66KDUHV $VVLJQLQJ$FFHVV5LJKWV $ERXW7KLV&KDSWHU This c hapter describes how to assi.
8-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide (VWDEOLVKLQJ$ FFHVVWR6KDUHV 'HVFULSWLRQ The f ollowing procedure creates the access rights to the current CIFS shares. 6WHSV T o est ablish acce ss to shares, perform the follo wing steps: 1 .
Configuring Clients to Access the Filer 9-1 &+$37(5 &RQILJXULQJ&OLHQWVWR$ FFHVVWKH )L O H U &,)6DQG1)6&OLHQW&RQILJXUDWLRQ This c hapter describes how to configure CIFS and NFS clients to ac cess directories and files on the filer .
9-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 6WHSV T o inform users about how to access the filer , perform the f ollowing steps: 1 . Determine the connection methods th at are correct for your CIFS clients. 2. If your CIFS clients can use methods 1, 3, and 4 to connect to the filer , inform your users of the filer s UNC path.
Configuring Clients to Access the Filer 9-3 &RQILJXULQJ1)6&OLHQWV $ERXW7KLV6HFWLRQ If you purc hased a lice nse for the NFS protocol, follow the instr uctions in this section to prepare NFS clients to mount file systems from the filer .
9-4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide The f ollowing e xample shows ho w the entries might look for a filer with these interfaces: filer-e0 filer filer-e1 In the first line of the preceding example, the filer host name itself is used as an alias for the first net work interface.
Configuring Clients to Access the Filer 9-5 5HV X O W Af ter the /vol/vol0/home director y on the filer is mounted, the user on the client sys- tem can create, modify , or remove files in /n/filer/home .
9-6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide.
setup Command Installing SecureShare 1 0-1 &+$37(5 VHWXS&RPPDQG³,QVWDOOLQJ 6HFXUH6KDUH $ERXW6HFXUH6KDUH )HDWXUHVLQ6HFXUH6KDUH For multiprotocol environments, Data ONTAP 5.
1 0-2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 6WHSV T o inst all SecureShare Access from the CD , perform the follo wing steps: 1 . Make sure that the Data ONT AP 5.3 CD is in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Clic k the CD-ROM drive icon. 3. Clic k UTIL S.
T echnical Specifications A-1 $33(1',;$ 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV 7 DEOH$7 HFK QLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV 0LFURSURFHVVRU Microprocessor type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 164A Alpha 400MHz on the P owerV ault 720N and 7 40N filers; Alpha 60 0MHz on the P owerV ault 7 60N filer Internal cac he .
A-2 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide 0HPRU Arc hitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3-V DIMM, unbuf f ered SDRAM (ECC) DIMM soc kets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f our; gold contacts DIMM capacities .
T echnical Specifications A-3 3KVLFDO Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.23 c m ( 8 . 7 5 in c he s ) Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.18 cm ( 1 7 .0 in c he s) Depth . . . . . . . . . . . .
A-4 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide.
Installing P ow erV ault Filer Sof tware B-1 $33(1',;% ,QVWDOOLQJ3 RZHU9 DXOW) LOHU 6RIWZDUH 3 RZHU9 DXOW) LOHU6RIWZDUH,QVWDOODWLRQ :KDW7KLV$SSHQGL[&RQWDLQV This appendix contains information f or: Booting from bootable system disk et tes Installin g Dat a ONT AP 5.
B-2 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide 2. Ensure the filer is running. 3. At the system console, enter: reboot The filer displa ys the f ollowing boot menu: 1RUPDO.
Installing P ow erV ault Filer Sof tware B-3 ,QVWDOOLQJ'DWD217 $36RIWZDUH ,QVWDOODWLRQ)URPD:LQGRZV&OLHQW F rom a W indows NT or Windows 9x client, you must install the files from the CD to the filer by performing the f ollowing steps.
B-4 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide ,QVWDOODWLRQ) URPD81,;&OLHQW F rom a UNI X client running NFS Client v ersion 2 or 3, you must install the files from the CD to the filer by perf orming the follo wing steps.
Installing P ow erV ault Filer Sof tware B-5 cd / umount /mnt where /mnt is the director y on the client where you mounted the filer s root file system.
B-6 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide &UHDWLQJ%RRWDEOH6VWHP'LVNHWWHVRQD:LQGRZV&OLHQW T o create the boot disket te from a Windows client system, perf orm the follo wing steps: 1 . Use the RaW rite utility to extract the system boot disk et te so f t ware and copy it to the disket te.
Installing P ow erV ault Filer Sof tware B-7 &UHDWLQJD'LDJQRVWLFV'LVNHWWH &UHDWLQJ'LVNHWWHV)URP'LVNHWWH,PDJH) LOHV This section describes how to make a Diagnostics boot disk et te from a disket te image file supplied on the CD for a Windows client system or a DOS shell windo w or a UNIX client.
B-8 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide dd if= cdrom /ontap/5_3/alpha/diag_1_6 of=/ dev/fd0 bs=512 Replace /dev/fd0 with the device name of your disk et te drive if it is not /dev/fd0 . 5. Remo ve the disk et te from the drive and write-protect th e disket te.
Pr eparing f or CIFS Confi guration C-1 $33(1',;& 3 UHSDULQJIRU&,)6&RQILJXUDWLRQ &,)6,QIRUPDWLRQ1HHGHG $ERXW7KLV$SSHQGL[ This appendix contains info rmatio.
C-2 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide 'HILQLWLRQRID: RUNJURXS A work group: Is a collection of W indows NT computers Has a unique work group name Is.
Pr eparing f or CIFS Confi guration C-3 &KRRVLQJ%HWZHHQ3& 6WOHRU81,; 6WOH 3 HUPLVVLRQV $ERXW7KLV6HFWLRQ When you configure the CIFS protocol, you must c hoose whether the filer uses PC- style or UNI X-style p ermissions.
C-4 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide +RZ3& 6WOH3HUPLVVLRQV: RUN PC-style p ermissions are de termined by the rights assigned in a share s A CL and are limited by the UNIX permissions assigned to a file.
Pr eparing f or CIFS Confi guration C-5 NO TE: This section presents one method of adding the filer to a W indows NT domain. F o r alternative w ay s of adding the filer to a Wi ndows NT domain, consult the Microsof t Knowledge B ase on the W eb at http://www .
C-6 De ll P owerV ault 720N, 7 4 0N, and 7 60N User s Guide.
Time Zones D-1 $33(1',;' 7LPH=RQHV 7LPH=RQH6HOHFWLRQ $ERXW7KLV6HFWLRQ Y ou must enter one of the follo wing time zones when setup prompts for a time zone.
D-2 Dell Po werV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide $QWDUFWLFD $VLD America/Dawson America/Dawson_Creek America/Den ver America/Detroit America/Dominica America/Edmonton America/El_Salvador.
Time Zones D-3 $WODQWLF $XVWUDOLD %UD]LO &DQDGD &KLOH Asia/Muscat Asia/Nicosia A sia/Nov osibirsk Asia/Omsk Asia/Phnom_P enh Asia/Pyongy ang Asia/Qatar A sia/Rangoon Asia/Riy adh Asia/Saigo.
D-4 Dell Po werV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide (WF (XURSH *07 Etc/GMT Etc/GMT+0 Etc/GMT+1 Etc/GMT+2 Etc/GMT+3 Etc/GMT+4 Etc/GMT+5 Etc/GMT+6 Etc/GMT+7 Etc/GMT+8 Etc/GMT+9 Etc/GMT+1 0 Et.
Time Zones D-5 ,QGLDQ,QGLDQ2FHDQ 0H[LFR 0LVFHOODQHRXV 3 DFLILF Indian/Ant ananarivo Indian/Chagos Indian/Christmas Indian/Cocos Indian/Comoro Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Mahe Indian/Maldives I.
D-6 Dell Po werV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide 6VWHP9 868QLWHG6WDWHV $OLDVHV GMT=Greenwic h, UCT , U TC, Universal, Zulu CE T=MET (Middle European Time) US/Eastern=Jamai.
Regulator y Notices E-1 $33(1',;( 5 HJXODWRU1RWLFHV Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is any signal or emission, radiated in free spa ce or conducted along pow er or signal leads, that end.
E-2 Dell P owerV au lt 720N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide Information T ec hno logy Equipment (I TE), including peripherals, expansion cards, print- ers, input/output (I/O) devices, monitors, and so on, that are integrated into or connected to the system should matc h th e electromagnetic environment classifica- tion of the computer system.
Regulator y Notices E-3 &ODVV$ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A dig- ital device pursuant to Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro vide reasonable protection against harmful interf erence when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
E-4 Dell P owerV au lt 720N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide A statement in the form of IC Class A ICES-3 or IC Cla ss B ICES-3 will be located on one of these labels.
Regulator y Notices E-5 (1&RPSOLDQFH&]HFK5 HSXEOLF 2QO 9&&,1RWLFH-DSDQ2QO Most Dell computer systems are classified by the V olunt ar y Control Counc il for Inter- f erence (V CCI) as Class B information tec hnology equipment (I TE).
E-6 Dell P owerV au lt 720N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide )LJXUH(9&&,&ODVV$,7(5HJXODWRU0DUN &ODVV%,7( This is a Class B product based on the standard of the V olunt ar y Control Council for Interf erence (V CCI) for information tec h nology equipment.
Regulator y Notices E-7 &ODVV$'HYLFH Note that this device has been appro ved f or business purposes with regard to electro- magnetic interf erence. If you find that this de vice is not suit able for y our use, you ma y ex c hange it for a nonbusiness device.
E-8 Dell P owerV au lt 720N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide The phasing conductor of the room s electrical instal lation should have a reser ve short-circuit protection device in the form of a fuse w ith a nominal value no larger than 1 6 amperes (A).
Regulator y Notices E-9 120,QIRUPDWLRQ0H [LFR2QO The f ollowing inf ormation is provided on the de vice(s) described in this document in compliance with the requiremen ts of the of fici.
E-1 0 Dell P owerV au lt 720N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide %60,1RWLFH7 DLZDQ2QO Embarcar a: Dell Computer d e México, S.A. de C.V . al Cuidado de Kuehne & Nagel de México S. de R.I. A venida Soles No. 55 Col. P eñon de los Baños 1 5520 México, D.
Warrant y , R eturn P olicy , and Y ear 200 0 Statement of Compliance F- 1 $33(1',;) : DUUDQW 5 HWXUQ3 ROLF DQG< HDU 6WDWHPHQWRI&RPSOLDQFH /LPL.
F -2 Dell P owerV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide products to you freight prepaid if y ou use an address in the continent al U.S . , where applicable.
F -4 Dell P owerV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide &RYHUDJH'XULQJ< HDU2QH During the one-year period beginning on the inv oice date, Dell will repair or re place products cov ered under this limited warranty that are returned to Dell s facility .
F -6 Dell P owerV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide T o return products, you must call Dell Customer Ser vice to receive a Credit Ret urn Authorization Number .
Warrant y , R eturn P olicy , and Y ear 200 0 Statement of Compliance F- 7 Despite a sy stem's ability to pass the YM ARK200 0 test, act ual rollov er results in specific operat- ing environments may vary depending on other factors including , but not limited to, other hardware, operating systems, and applications sof tware.
F -8 Dell P owerV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide.
Glossar y 1 *ORVVDU The f ollowing list defines or identifies tec hnic al terms, abbreviations, and acro- nyms used in Dell user documents. $ Abbreviation for ampere(s). $& Abbreviation for alternating current. $&/ Access control list. A list that co ntains the users or groups access rights to each share.
2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide DXWKHQWLFD WLRQ A security step pe rformed b y a domain controller for the filer s domain, or by the filer itself , usin g its /etc/passwd file. DXWRH[ HFEDW ILOH When you boot your computer, MS-DOS runs any commands contained in the text file, autoexec.
Glossar y 3 if your computer will not bo ot from the hard- disk drive. ESL Abbreviation for bits per inch. ESV Abbreviation for bits per second. %78 Abbreviation for British thermal unit. EXV A bus forms an information path way be- tween the components of a computer.
4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide &21 The MS-DOS device name for the con- sole, which includes your computers keyboard and text displayed on the screen. FRQILJVV ILOH When you boot your computer, MS-DOS runs any commands contained in the text file, config.
Glossar y 5 'HVNWRS0DQDJHU Desktop Manager, a component of the Intel LANDesk ® Configuration Manager system management software, is used to manage clients after installing an operat- ing system, management agents, and applications. '+&3 Acronym for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide '2& Abbreviation for Department of Commu- nications (in Canada). GSL Abbreviation for dots per inch.
Glossar y 7 (0, Abbreviation for electromagnetic interference. (00 Abbreviation for expanded memory manager. A software utility that u ses ex- tended memory to emulate expanded memory on computers with an Intel386 or higher microprocessor. See also conven- tional memory , expa nded me mory , extended memory , memory manager , and XMM .
8 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide IODVKPHPRU A type of EEPROM chip that can be re- programmed from a utility on diskette while still installed in a computer; most EEPROM chips can only be rewritten with special programming equipment.
Glossar y 9 KRVWDGD SWHU A host adapter implements communica- tion between the computers bus and the controller for a peripheral. (Hard-disk drive controller subsystems include integrated host adapter circuitry.) To add a SCSI ex- pansion bus to your system, you must install the appropriate host adapter.
1 0 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide .ELWV Abbreviation for kilobit(s), 1,024 bits. .ELWVVHF Abbreviation for kilobit(s) per s econd. NHFRPELQDWLRQ A command requiring that you press mul- tiple keys at the same time.
Glossar y 1 1 PHPRU A computer can contain several different forms of memory, such as RAM, ROM, and video memory. Frequently, the word memory is used as a synonym for RAM; for example, an unqualifi ed statement such as … a computer with 8 MB of memory re- fers to a computer with 8 MB o f RAM.
1 2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 1/0 Acronym for Novell ® NetWare ® Loadabl e Module. 10, Abbreviation for nonmaskable interrupt. A device sends an NMI to signal the micro- processor about hardware errors, such as a parity er ror.
Glossar y 1 3 SHULSKHUDOG HYLFH An internal or external devicesuch as a printer, a disk drive, or a keyboardcon- nected to a computer. 3*$ Abbreviation for pin grid array, a type of microprocessor socket that allows you to remove the microprocessor chip.
1 4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide sequentially across the available disks and no redundancy is provided. RAID 0 config- urations provide very high performance but relatively low reliability. RAID 0 is th e best choice when DSA controller cards are duplexed.
Glossar y 1 5 520 Acronym for read-only memory. Your computer contains some programs es- sential to its operation in ROM code. Unlike RAM, a ROM chip retains its contents even after you turn off your com- puter. Examples of code in ROM include the program that initiates your computers boot routine and the POST.
1 6 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 64/ Abbreviation for Structured Query Language. VWULSLQJ In composite drivers with two or more physical drives, the drive array sub system uses a method of data storage called strip- ing.
Glossar y 1 7 WH[WHGLWRU An application program for editing text files consisting exc lusively of ASCII characters. MS-DOS Editor and Notepad (in Windows) are text editors, for exam- ple. Most word processors use proprietary file formats containing binary characters, although some can read and write text files.
1 8 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide 9&&, Abbreviation for Voluntary Control Council for Interference. 9'& Abbreviation for volt(s) direct current. 9'( Abbreviation for Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker .
Glossar y 1 9 graphics resolution, you must install the appropriate video drivers and your moni- tor must support the resolution. YLHZHU A system running the remote control viewer window, usually the console.
20 Dell Po werV ault 720N, 7 40N, and 7 6 0N User s Guide placing an adhesive la bel over its write- protect notch. ::: Abbreviation for World Wide Web. ;00 Abbreviation for extended memory man- ager, a utility that allows application programs and operating environments to use extended memory in accordance with the XMS.
Index 1 ,QGH[ $ Africa, time zone names for, D-1 Aliases, time zone names for, D-6 America, time zone names for, D- 1 Antartica, time zone names for, D-2 Asia, time zone names for, D-2 Atlantic, time .
2 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide ' Data ONTAP installing from a UNIX client, B-4 installing from a Windows client, B-3 installing, overview, B-1 Dells Web site, 1-2.
Index 3 0 memory specifications, A-2 Mexico, time zone names for, D-5 MIB, Dell custom, 1-2 microprocessor specifications, A-1 MOC notice for South Korea, E-6 1 network connections ping command, 4-4 v.
4 Dell P owerV ault 720 N, 7 40N, and 7 60N User s Guide different from setup command, 2-1 how to use, 3-2 IP address, 3-1 DHCP, 3-1 static, 3-2 overview, 2-1 prerequisites to using, 2-1 restricti.
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