Edimax TechnologyメーカーBR-6478ACの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 74
1 BR-6478A C User Manual 02-20 13 / v1.0.
2 COPYRIGHT Copyright Edimax T ec hnology Co., Lt d. a ll rig h ts reserved. No p a rt of this pub lica tion ma y be reproduced, tr a nsmi t ted, tr anscri bed, stor ed in a r etrieval sy stem, or.
3 CONTENTS I. PRODUCT INF ORMA T ION ... ..... .. ... ... ..... ..... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..... ..... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... .... 5 I-1. Pack age Con t e n ts ................................................................ ....
4 IV-7- 2. Access Con tr ol ................................ ............................................................. 51 IV-8. QoS (Quali ty of Serv ice) ................................ ................................ ................. 52 IV-8- 1.
5 I. PRODUCT INFORM ATION Thank y ou f or pur ch a sing an Edi max B R-647 8AC A C 1 200 wire le ss co ncurr ent dual-band gig abit r out e r . I-1. Pack age Con tent s Be for e yo u st art using this.
6 I-2. Har dwar e Item N am e Descr iptio n Ant enna Connect s the supplie d 3 dBi a nt enn a s. Ra dio ON/OFF S wit ch Swit ch th e wir ele s s signal on/ of f accor dingly . R e set / WPS But t on Re set s the r out er t o fact o ry d ef ault set tings ( clea r s all set tings) or s tart s the WPS functi on.
7 LED LED St a tus Descript ion Power On Rout er is on. Off Rout er is of f. Inter net On Inter ne t co nnection is activ e . Flashing Rout er is con necting to internet . Off No i nter net connecti on. 2.4 GHz On 2.4GHz wir eles s is ac tive. Flashing 2.
8 I-4. Saf ety Inf ormation In or der to ensur e the saf e oper ation o f th e device and it s user s, ple a se re ad and act in acc ordan ce with t he fo llowing saf ety instruct ions. 1. The r oute r is desi gne d f or indoor use onl y; d o not place th e ro uter out door s.
9 • Support s WMM, WEP , W P A, WP A2, D DNS, QoS, IP /MAC filt er , DMZ and virt ual server . II. HARDWAR E INSTAL LATION & NETWORK S ETTINGS II-1. Har dwar e In stal lati on Please setup your router, computer , modem and ot her ne twork dev ices as shown be low.
10 2. Double click the “Netw ork Connect ions” ic on and the “Net wo rk Connect ions” window will appear . 3. Right c lick “Loc al Are a Connectio n” on the mouse . When the “Local Area Connect ion Pro perties ” window ap pears, clic k “Prop erties”.
1 1 4. Select “ TCP /IP ” and cl ick “Pro pert ie s” . 5. Select “Obtain an IP address automati call y” and “O btain D NS serv er.
12 addres s auto matically”, th en click “O K”..
13 II-2-2. W indo ws V ist a 1. Click the “St art ” butt on (it should be loc at ed in the low e r - le f t c orner of your c omput er), then click “Con trol Pan el” . Click “ V iew Net wo rk St a tus and T ask s” , then c lic k “Manage Net wo rk Connect ions” .
14 II-2-3. W indo ws 7 1. Click the “St art ” butt on (it should be loc at ed in the low e r - le f t c orner of your c omput er), then click “Con trol Pan el” .
15 2. Under “N etw ork and I nt ernet ” click “ V iew netw ork st atu s and t ask s” . 3. Click “Local Area Conne ction”..
16 4. Click “Proper ties”. 5. Select “Internet Proto col Version 4 (TCP/IPv6) and t hen cl ick “Properti es”..
17 6. Select “Obtain an IP address automati call y” and “O btain DNS server addres s auto matically”, th en click “O K”. II-2-4. W indo ws 8 1. Fro m the W indo ws 8 St art s cr een, y ou nee d to switc h to de sk t op mode. Mov e y our cur ser to the bott om le f t of the screen a nd click .
18 2. In de skt op mode, cl ic k t he F i le Explorer ico n in t h e bot tom le ft of th e scr een, a s shown b elow . 3. Righ t cl ick “Net work” and th en select “Prop ert ie s” .
19 4. In the window t ha t ope ns, select “Change a dapt er set tings” fr om the le ft side. 5. Choose y our co nnectio n and righ t click, the n sel ect “Pr opertie s” .
20 6. Select “Inter net Pro t o c ol V er sion 4 (T C P /IPv6) a nd the n cli ck “Pro pert ies” . 7. Select “Obt a in an IP add r e ss au t omatic ally” and “ Obt ain DNS server addre s s aut omatic ally” , then click “O K” .
21 III. SETTING UP III-1. iQ Setu p iQ Set up is a simple and int ellige nt W AN det ect ion t ool. Ple ase f ollow the ins tructions below . 1. Use a W i- F i devic e (e . g. c om put er , tablet , smartpho ne) t o sear ch f or a W i -F i netw ork wit h the SSID “ e dimax.
22 Not e: If you can not a cce ss h ttp:// e dima x.setup , pl ease mak e sure you r co mput er is set t o use a dynamic IP addre ss. See II. NETW ORK SETTINGS 3. Ensur e th at y our r outer is pr op erly connect e d to your modem a s shown o n the s cr e en, and click “Next ” t o c o n tinue.
23 4. Ple a se w ait a moment while the BR - 647 8AC de t ect s y our W AN c onnect ion type . 5. The BR-64 78A C will di spla y the ne xt s cr een dep ending on y our W AN c onnecti on type.
24 For PPP oE user s ple ase en ter the usernam e an d p a ssw or d pro vide d by y our ISP and clic k “Ne xt ” t o c ontinue: For other user s ple ase select y our W AN c onnection type manually fr om the dr op down menu, cl ick “Ne x t ” t o con t inue and f ollow the on-scr een inst ruction s.
25 6. Ple a se ent er a netw ork name (SSID) a nd W i- F i Pa sswor d f or e ach of the BR-64 78 AC ’ s 2.4GHz an d 5GHz W i-F i netw ork s and cli ck “Ne xt ” t o c onti nue. Not e: Pleas e remember the se det ails. F or y our con venience, you can writ e them do wn at t he end o f this QIG in “W i-F i Se tting s” .
26 8. Y ou will s ee a f inal “Congr a tula tions” scre en and c onfi gur ati on is now c omplet e. Ple ase close y ou r br ows er window . III-2. Manual Setu p via W eb Bro wser 1. Ent er “19 2.168. 2.1” in the w eb br owser ’ s addr e ss bar a nd pre ss “Ent er ” .
27 3. Input t he us ername “ a dm in” and the p a ssw or d “1234” and clic k “ OK” . Y ou will arriv e the at Sta tus pag e, use the m enu on the lef t si de of the sc r een to na vig at e. Y ou c an also chang e the language usin g the dr op down menu in the t op right c orner .
28 IV. BROWSER BA SED CONFIGUR ATION INT ERFACE Once y ou have setup the r oute r a s det ailed in III-1. iQ S etup o r th e inc luded QIG , yo u c an furthe r con figur e the set tings o f the r oute r or run iQ Set up ag ain using the br owser base d con figur ati on in terf ace.
29 Y ou wi ll see the scr een below . Ple ase r ef er back t o III-I iQ Setup onw ard s f or guidance on iQ Setup. IV -3. Int ernet IV -3-1. W AN Setup Selec t a W ide Ar e a Net wo rk (W AN) c onnec tio n mode fr om th e dr op down menu.
30 Dynamic IP Select “Dynamic IP ” if y our Int ernet Service Pr ovider a ssigns an IP a ddre ss t o y ou automa tic ally using DHCP (Dynamic Hos t Conf igur ati on Pr otoc ol) (e.g. cabl e in ternet pr oviders) . St a tic IP Selec t “St atic IP ” if y our ISP pr ovide s y ou with a fix e d IP a ddr ess.
31 IV -3-1-1. Dyna mic IP Hos t Name Input t he host name o f your c omputer ( only required if your ISP instruc ts you t o do so) . MAC A ddre ss If you r ISP only permit s compute rs with cert a in MAC addres ses t o ac ce ss the in ternet, i nput the MAC addres s of y ou r co mputer here .
32 Mos t Dynamic IP s assi gned t o user s by ISPs ar e c onfigur a tion fre e IV -3-1-2. Sta tic IP IP Addr es s Input t he st a tic IP a ddr ess ass igne d by y our ISP . Subnet Ma sk Input t he subnet mask assigne d by y o ur ISP . De fault G a t ewa y A ddr e ss Input t he de f ault ga te wa y ad dre ss assigne d by y our ISP .
33 v alue of y our netw ork connect ion. The def ault v alue, whi ch is typic a l f or a dynamic IP or s t atic IP , is 15 00. T TL Enable t he “ T TL ” func tio n if y ou r ISP r equir e s y ou t o do so. IV -3-1-3. PPPoE User N ame En t er the user n am e a ssigned by y our ISP .
34 DNS a ddre ss Selec t “ Obtain an IP addr e ss aut omat ical ly” o r “Use the f ollowing IP a ddr ess” . If yo u cho ose “Use th e f ollowin g IP add r e ss” , y ou will nee d to complet e th e “DNS1 Addr e ss” , “DNS2 Add r e ss” and “DNS3 Addr e ss” fi elds belo w .
35 Obt ain an IP addr ess aut omati cally: Hos t Name Input t he host name o f your c omputer (onl y requir ed if your ISP instruc ts you t o do so) . MAC A ddre ss If you r ISP only permit s compute .
36 addres ses t o ac ce ss the int ernet, i nput the MAC addre ss of your compute r here. If your co mputer is c onnecte d to inte rnet via cable modem, cl ick “Clone M ac addr ess” to ente r the MAC addr ess automati cally. Use the f ollowing I P addr ess: St a tic IP Addr es s Input t he st atic IP a ddr ess ass igne d by y our ISP .
37 “Con tinuo us” – alw a ys c onnecte d. “Connect on De mand” – c onnect when r equire d. “Manual” – c onnect and di sconne ct m anuall y . Idle T ime Out For ” Connect o n Demand” co nnect ion ty pe, specify t he leng th o f inacti vity re quire d to d isconnect .
38 dif f ic ult t o a cce ss a service pr ovide d by a dynamic IP user; a D DNS servic e though c an map such dy namic IP a ddre sse s to a fix ed hostna me, f or e asier acce ss.
39 IV -4. L AN Her e yo u can c onfigur e y our Loc al Are a Net wo rk (L AN). Y ou c an enable the r out er to dynamical ly alloc at e IP addr e sse s to y our L A N c lien ts, and you can modify the IP a ddre ss of the r ou t e r . IP Addr es s Specif y an IP a ddre ss her e.
40 a single acti ve p ath bet we en an y tw o net wo rk node s. DHCP Serv er Selec t “Enable ” or “Di sab le” t o enable/di sable DCHP server acc or dingly . Le ase T ime S el ect a lea se time f or t he DHCP le ases he r e. The DHCP cl ien t will obt ain a ne w IP ad dr e ss aft er the per iod e xpir es.
41 IV -5-1. Basic S ettings Mode Selec t a mode fr om the dro p down menu: AP , St a tion -Infr a s tructure , AP Bridg e-Poin t t o Poi n t, AP Brid ge- Poin t to Mul ti-P oin t, AP Bri dge-WDS, Univ er sal R epe at er . W ir ele ss St andar d Sele ct a wir e le ss st andar d fr om: 2.
42 Channel N umber Selec t a c hannel number or se t to “ Au t o” . Nort h Americ a use s channel s 1–11 and Eur ope us e s channels 1–13. W ir ele ss Client s Clic k t he “Show Li st” but ton to s how the li s t o f all c onnecte d wire less client s.
43 5 243 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y 6 243 7 Y Y Y Y Y Y 7 244 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y 8 244 7 Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 245 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y 10 2457 Y Y Y Y Y N 1 1 246 2 Y Y Y Y Y N 12 2467 Y N Y Y Y N 13 2472 Y N Y Y Y N 14 2484 N N N Only 802 .11b N N IV -5-1-1. W irele ss Security WPA Pre-share d key is t he re comm en ded and most secur e encryp tion typ e.
44 wir ele ss client s. Plea se mak e sur e y our wir ele ss client support s your s election. WP A2 (AES) is r ec omm ende d f ollow ed by WP A2 Mix e d if y our clien t does no t suppor t WP A2 (AE S).
45 The de faul t v alue is 1812. RADIUS Serve r P as swo r d Input the pa ssw or d o f the RADIUS authe nt i c atio n server here . IV-5-2. Guest Wireless S etti ngs Here y ou ca n setu p a “Guest.
46 IV-5-3. WPS WPS (Wi-Fi Protec ted Setup) provides an e asy and secur e way to e stablish the conne ction be tween BR-6478AC and wireles s client s. Any WPS-compati ble wirel ess clie nts can est abl ish s ecure conn ecti on wi th BR-6478AC using si mple push-butt on ty pe confi guration or Pin Code ty pe co nfiguratio n.
47 c onnect t o the r ou t e r , it will be de nied. T o enab le t his funct ion, check the bo x label e d “Enable Ac ce ss Con trol” . IV-5-5. Wireless Schedul e Check the b ox “Enable S che dule Settings” to enabl e a wir eless s chedule.
48 IV-6. 5G Hz W irele s s 2.5GHz and 5G Hz are diff erent frequency bands for your concurr ent Wi-Fi netwo rks. The configurati on settings for 5G Hz are the same as 2.
49 sele cting which wi rele ss s tandar d to use u nder “B and”, 5 GHz (A+N+AC) i s reco mmended for best perfor mance. Not e: It is reco mmende d t o assi gn differen t SSIDs t o your 2.4GHz & 5GHz W i-F i net works for iden tific ation purpos es .
50 128 5640 Y es Y es Y es No No No Y es 132 5660 Y es Y es Y es No No No Y es 136 5680 Y es Y es Y es No No No Y es 140 5700 Y es Y es Y es No No No Y es 149 5745 Y es No No No Y es Y es Y es 153 576.
51 IV-7-2. Access Control Ac ce ss Cont r ol is a se curity f ea tu r e that c an help to pr e v en t u naut hori ze d user s fr om connect ing to y our wir el e s s r outer .
52 Enable MAC Filterin g Table: Choose “Deny” or “All ow” next to “Enable MAC Filter ing”, to deny o r allow a speci fic MAC addr ess acc ordingly, t hen enter the req uired informati on.
53 Check the “Enable Qo S” box to enable th is fu nction and the n enter t he desir ed val u es. Total Do wnload Bandwidt h Set th e li mit of total do wnload bandwidt h in k bi ts. To di sable downlo ad bandwi dth li mitation, input “0” her e.
54 Rule Name Input a unique name for this QoS ru le for ref erence . Bandwid th Downlo ad/u pload bandwidt h (guar antee or max imum ) . Local IP Address Set t he IP addre ss range t hat wil l be affected by this QoS rul e. If o nly one IP addr ess is involv ed, input the IP address in the lef t field only.
55 IV-8-2. iQoS iQoS is a mor e int u itiv e and aut omat ed t ool t o m anag e in t erne t bandwi dth than manual ly c onfiguri ng the set ting s usi ng QoS. Fo r onl ine g am er s, or user s with b andwidth r equ ir ement s f or audio/vide o , iQoS is usefu l and ef f e ctiv e funct ion.
56 In t erne t Br owsin g P2P / B T Downlo ad FTP Multime dia T rans mission Onli ne Gaming The pri orit y tab le (lar ge ic ons) is or dere d fr om l e ft to right, hi gh t o lo w priority . Double click a lar ge ic on t o r emov e it fr om the priorit y tabl e, and the other lar ge ico ns will mov e left.
57 IV-9-2. Port Forwardi ng This fun ctio n allow s you t o r edir ect a single port or co nsecutiv e port s o f an in ternet IP add r e ss t o the same port o f a loc al IP a ddre s s. The po rt nu mber(s) o f th e int ernet IP a ddre ss and loca l IP a ddr ess must be the same.
58 Privat e IP S peci fy t he IP addre ss o f t he computer on yo ur local net work. Computer N ame Selec t the nam e of a Windows c om puter f rom the d rop-down menu and cl ick to auto-input its IP add ress i n the “Priva te IP” fi eld. Privat e Port Specif y th e private por t you wish to use on the compute r in y our lo cal networ k.
59 Fragment Threshol d Set t he Fragment t hresh old of the wireless radio. (Def ault: 2346) RTS Threshol d Set t he RTS thr eshol d of the wirel ess radi o . (Def ault: 2347) Beac on Inte rval Set t he b eacon interval of the wireless radio . (Def ault: 100ms) DTIM Perio d Set t he DTIM pe riod of wireless r adio .
60 IV-9-5. 5GHz Wireless The se se t tings ar e f or exper ience d us er s only . Plea se do not ch ang e an y of the v alue s on this p age unle ss you ar e alrea dy f am iliar with the se functions. Ple ase r ef er back t o IV -9-4. 2.4 G Hz W ir eless.
61 IV-9-7. IGMP IV-9-8. DMZ A Demilit ariz ed Zone ( DMZ) is an isolated area in your l ocal net work where priv ate IP addr esses are mapped to specifi ed int ernet IP addr esses , allowing unres tricte d access t o the private IP addres ses but not to the wider loc al netwo rk.
62 IV-9-9. Firewall The router supports fir ewall functi ons which can protect your network and compute r fr om malicio us intrude rs. Denial - of-Serv ice (DoS) is a c ommon form of m alic ious attac k against a netwo rk. The r outer’s fire wall can prote ct agains t such att acks.
63 Ping of De ath Specif y th e freque ncy of ping of d eath pack ets which wi ll t rigger the r outer’s DoS prot ection f uncti on. Discar d Ping fro m WAN Check this box and the r outer will no t answer ping req uests from the i nternet. Port Scan I ntrud er s use “port scanners” to detect open inte rnet IP addre ss por ts.
64 IV-10. A d ministration IV-10-1. Time Zone Set T im e Z one Select the time z one of your c ou n t ry or r egion. T ime Server Ad dr ess The tr av el r outer supports N TP (Netw ork T ime Pro t ocol) f or aut omat ic time and da t e setup. Input t he ho st name o r IP a ddr ess of the IP serv er manually .
65 Curr ent Pa sswor d Ent er yo ur cu rre nt p assw o r d. New P a ssw or d En t er your new p assw o r d. Confir med Pa sswor d Confi rm y our n ew p assw or d. IV-10-3. Remote Acc ess Check “ Enable d ” to enabl e the r emote acc e ss f eat ure and then i nput the r equi r e d v alue s.
66 Back up Set tings Click “Save” t o save the current settings on your compute r as c onfig.bin file. Rest ore Settings Click the browse butt o n to find a previous ly saved confi g .bin file and then c lick “Upload ” to r eplace yo ur curre nt settings.
67 IV-10-7. Logs Here y ou ca n vie w the syst em status/sys tem log and secur ity log. IV-10-8. Active DHCP Cli e nt Displ ay s the DHCP Server assigne d IP addr e ss, MAC a ddre ss and ti me f or e ach c omput er or de vice on the l ocal netwo rk .
68 IV-10-9. Stati stics Displ ay s sen t and r eceive d pack et network st atis tics..
69 V . TROUBL E S HO O TING If y ou ar e e xperiencing pr oblems with y our r ou t er , plea se re fer to t hi s tr ouble shooting guide be fo re c o n tacting y our de aler of p ur chase f or help. Not e: If you a r e e xperiencing prob le ms immedi at ely aft er a firm ware upg r ade, p le ase c on ta ct your de aler of purchase for help.
70 c. Change channel num ber . The r out er is e xtr emely ho t. a. It is normal f or the r oute r t o heat up duri ng fr equent u se. If y ou c an saf e ly place your hand on the r oute r , the t emper atur e of the device i s at a normal l ev el. b.
71 your home net work is the locat ion of the DN S serve r your ISP has as signed t o you. DSL Mode m : DSL stands f or Digital Subscri ber Line. A DSL modem uses y ou r exist ing phone lines to transmit dat a at high spe eds. Ethernet: A st andard for compute r network s.
72 ISP: Intern et Ser vice Provi der. An ISP is a busine ss that pr ovides co nnectivity to t he Int ernet for i ndividuals and ot h er busi nesse s or organi zations. LAN: Lo cal Are a Net work . A LAN is a gro up of compute rs and devi ces conne cte d together in a relative ly small are a (suc h as a house o r an office) .
73 Access point: A acces s poin t is a n intelligent network d evice t hat forwar ds packe ts betwee n different net works based on ne twor k layer address info rmation such as IP addres ses. Subnet Ma s k: A s ubnet mask, which may be a par t of the TCP/I P inf ormatio n provi ded by your ISP, is a set o f four numbers (e .
デバイスEdimax Technology BR-6478ACの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Edimax Technology BR-6478ACをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEdimax Technology BR-6478ACの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Edimax Technology BR-6478ACの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Edimax Technology BR-6478ACで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Edimax Technology BR-6478ACを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEdimax Technology BR-6478ACの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Edimax Technology BR-6478ACに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEdimax Technology BR-6478ACデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。