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ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILIT Y & C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Updated on January 12, 2016.
2 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. C opyright © 2016 EMC Corporation. A ll Rights Re ser ved. Publi shed Januar y 2016. EMC C orporation believes the information in this p ublication is accurate a s of its pub lication date.
3 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. C ONTENTS SOFTWARE ONEFS UPGRADE COMP A TIBILITY .....................................................................
4 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. HARDWARE ONEFS and NODE COMP A TIBILITY ..............................................................................
5 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. INTRODUCTION This guide pr ovides supportabi lity and compatibility information for Isilon softw are and hardware.
6 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ONEFS UPGRADE C OMP A TIBILITY ISIL ON ONEFS OneFS i s the operating sys tem that pow ers Isilon’s end-to-end scal e-out storag e solutions.
7 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON SYNCIQ ISIL ON S ync IQ SyncIQ deliv ers extremely f ast replication of millions of les and terabyt es of data o ver the WAN and LAN.
8 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON INSIGHTIQ ISIL ON INSIGHTIQ InsightIQ i s an off-cluster performance and an alytics tool th at identies performanc e bottleneck s in a cluster .
9 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ONEFS/VM WARE ES Xi C OMP A TIBILITY ISIL ON for vCENTER Isilon for vCenter is a plug-in for VMwar e vCenter th at enables you to bac k up and man age virtual mac hines that ex ist on Isilon clusters.
10 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON SRA for V Mwar e SRM ISIL ON SRA for V MWARE SRM Isilon St.
11 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. EMC SE CURE REMO TE S ERVICE S (ESRS) EMC Secur e Remote Service s (ESRS) prov ides remote support capabi lity for your EMC systems.
12 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON SUPPOR TIQ The follow ing table li sts the compatib le version s of OneFS and the Is ilon SupportIQ remote support module.
13 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. V AAI NAS PL UG-IN for OneFS T o inst all the V Mware vSpher e API for Array Integr ation (VAAI) plug -in for OneFS, your c luster must be runnin g OneFS 7.
14 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. AUTHENTICA TION PROVIDERS OneFS sup por ts the fo llowing remote authentic ation providers to verify that user s attempting to ac cess the c luster are who they cl aim to be.
15 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. WINDOW S VERSIONS OneFS sup por ts the fo llowing v ersions of Microsoft Windo ws. Where provided, an e xact OneFS version number indic ates the minimum ver sion of OneFS th at is requir ed.
16 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. OS X VERSIONS OneFS sup por ts the fo llowing v ersions of OS X. C lients running OS X c an connect to an Isi lon cluster us ing the NFS or SMB protoco l.
17 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. WEB BROW SERS The OneFS and In sightIQ web interfac es support most modern web browsers w ith JavaScript, cook ies, and SSL enabled.
18 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. AP ACHE HTTP S ERVER OneFS sup por ts Apac he HTTP Ser ver . V ersion 2.2.x is rec ommended. Support for Ap ache HTTP Server 1.
19 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ASPERA ENTERPRIS E S ERVER Eac h version of the OneFS operating sys tem might require a different version of As pera Enterprise Server.
20 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. MIGRA TION TOOLS OneFS sup por ts migr ating data onto Isilon c lusters through bui lt-in data migration too ls.
21 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. MIGRA TION TOOLS (C ONTINUED) OneFS C ompatibility EMC VNX 7.0.x* 7.1.x 7.2.x DAR T 5.6 7.0.2 • • DAR T 6.0 • • VNXOE for File 7.
22 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. FILE TRANSFER APPLICA TIONS OneFS sup por ts rsy nc, an open source utility that prov ides incremental le tran sfers between Unix -based systems via an SSH connection.
23 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. FILE S Y STEM PRO TOC OLS OneFS sup por ts the Network File Syst em (NFS) and Server Messenger Bloc k (SMB) le sy stem protocols.
24 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. HADOOP Hadoop is an open sour ce software project th at enables distributed proce ssing of lar ge data sets—Big Data—acros s clusters of ser vers.
25 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. SNMP SNMP Simple Network Management Protoco l (SNMP) is a popul ar protoco l for network management.
26 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON with iSC SI The follow ing table li sts the iSCSI initiators that are supported by the OneFS implement ation of iSCSI.
27 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ONEFS and NODE C OMP A TIBILITY ISIL ON PLA TFORMS • S- Series – The answer for ultra-performanc e primary storag e, purpose-built for high-trans actional and IOPS-intens ive application s.
28 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ONEFS and NODE C OMP A TIBILITY (C ONTINUED) ISIL ON NL - S ERIES AND HD- SERIE S NODES Node 7.0.x* 7.1.x 7.2.x HD 400 • NL400 • • • NL410 7.
29 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. NODE CLAS S C OMP A TIBILITY The follow ing table li sts compatib le Isilon node cla sses in OneFS 7.
30 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. MIXED-NODE CL USTER C OMP A TIBILIT Y (PRE-ONEFS 7.0) The follow ing tables list Isi lon nodes that c an be combined in a clust er without running Is ilon SmartPools.
31 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON X - SERIES C OMP A TIBLE NODE S X- Series Nodes C ompatibl.
32 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON X - SERIES C OMP A TIBLE A C CELERA TORS X- Series Nodes C.
33 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON NL - S ERIES C OMP A TIBLE NODES NL - Series Node s C ompa.
34 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. ISIL ON EX - S ERIES C OMP A TIBLE NODES EX- Series Nodes C ompatible Nodes EX6000 IQ 6000X EX9000 IQ 6000X, IQ 9000X EX12000 IQ 6000X, IQ 9000X, IQ12000X MIXED-NODE CL USTER C OMP A TIBILIT Y (PRE-ONEFS 7.
35 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. NODE PRO VISIONING (ONEFS 7.
36 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y The follow ing tables list the types and brands of drive s that are c ompatible with Is ilon nodes and OneFS.
37 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) S SD DRIVE S.
38 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) OneFS R equi.
39 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) BOO T FLASH .
40 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) S AS HARD DISK DRIVES Drive Information C ompatible Nodes Latest Firmw are Revis ion HGST , 300 GB, HUC106030C SS600 S200 A430 (OneFS 7.
41 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) Seagate, 300 GB, ST9300605SS S200 IS00 (OneFS 7.0, 7.1, 7.2) Seagate, 300 GB, ST300MM0006 S200, S210 0003 (OneFS 7.
42 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE, NODE, and ONEFS C OMP A TIBILIT Y (C ONTINUED) S A T A HARD.
43 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. SED HARD DISK DRIVES Drive Information Node C ompatibility Late st Firmware R evision Seagate, 3 TB, ST3000NM0063 X200, X400, X410, NL400 0004 (OneFS 7.
44 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. NODE FIRM WARE P ACKAGE UPDA TE S The table belo w lists the Node Firmwar e Pack ages that are compatibl e with Isilon nodes.
45 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE FIRM WARE P ACKAGE UPDA TE S The follow ing table li sts the drives th at are updated by the Isilon Drive Firmware P ack ages.
46 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE FIRM WARE P ACKAGE UPDA TE S (C ONTINUED) Drive Firmwar e Pack ages Updated Drive s 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.
47 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE FIRM WARE P ACKAGE UPDA TE S (C ONTINUED) Drive Firmwar e Pack ages Updated Drive s 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.
48 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE SUPPOR T P ACKAGES Drive Support Pac kages Updated Drive s 1.
49 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. DRIVE SUPPORT P ACKAGES (C ONTINUED) Drive Support Pac kages Updated Drive s 1.
50 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. CABLES, SWITCHE S, and C OMP A TIBLE NODE S The follow ing tables list the InniBand c ables and sw itche s that are c ompatible with Isi lon nodes.
51 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. Model # Description T ype C ompatible Nodes C ompatible Switc hes 851-0173 * Cable, IB Hybrid, Q SFP- CX4, 10M C opper S-, X-, NL -, and IQ- nodes.
52 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. CABLES, SWITCHE S, and C OMP A TIBLE NODE S (C ONTINUED) ETHERNET C OMPLIANT S WITCHES Isilon nodes support industry-standard 1 GbE and 10 GbE switc hes.
53 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. 10 GbE SFP TRANSC EIVERS The table belo w lists SFP/SFP+ transc eivers that h ave been certied by Is ilon or have been reported by other sourc es to work with Isilon nodes.
54 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. 10 GbE SFP TRANSC EIVERS (C ONTINUED) Manufact urer MFR Part # Isi.
55 – ISIL ON SUPPOR T ABILITY AND C OMP A TIBILIT Y GUIDE Provide f eedback about this document at http://bit.ly/is i-docfeedbac k. 10 GbE SFP TRANSC EIVERS (C ONTINUED) Manufact urer MFR Part # Isi.
デバイスEMC X400の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
EMC X400をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEMC X400の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。EMC X400の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。EMC X400で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
EMC X400を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEMC X400の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、EMC X400に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEMC X400デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。