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SAN Stor age Switch USER’S GUIDE InSpeed TM Model 355.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 U SER ’ S G UI DE i InS p eed™ SAN Storage Switch Mod el 355 User ’s Guide Part Numb er 000414 07-001 R ev . A © 2003 Em ulex Corp oratio n. All rig hts reserved . Emulex and Vixel ar e regis tered t rademarks, and In S peed a nd Fibr eS py are tradema rks, of Emulex C orporat ion.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 U SER ’ S G UI DE ii T able of Content s 1 Intro ductio n ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... ... 1 2 Swit ch Installatio n .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION U SER ’ S G UI DE 1 C HAPTER 1I NTRODUCT ION This guide i s designed to provide use rs with the necessary i nformation to ins.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION U SER ’ S G UI DE 2 F EATURES The InS peed™ SA N S torage Switch Model 3 55 has the following fea tures: • High Perform a.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION U SER ’ S G UI DE 3 S WITCH A PPLI CATIONS The InS peed™ SA N S torage Switch M odel 355 is ideal for cons olidation and shar ed storage pooling, high-performanc e shared tape library backup an d recovery , server clustering, and streamin g rich media applications .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION U SER ’ S G UI DE 4 Figure 1-2 depic ts a sample multiple swi tch storage co n solidation confi guration in which multi ple servers communicate with sto rage devices and zoning is incorporated.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION U SER ’ S G UI DE 5 Rich Media For rich media appli cations, the switch pr ovides improved stor age and file sharing from a single stora ge pool for multipl e workstations. Figure 1-4 depicts a sampl e rich media configu ration.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 6 C HAPTER 2S WITCH I NST ALL ATION I NST AL LATION P REP ARATION After receiving the switc h, perform the following steps to ensure the switch and othe r contents arrived safely .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 7 S WITCH I NST A LLATION The switch may be pl aced on a desktop or installed in a rack. Desktop Inst allation T o place the switch on a desktop: 1. T urn the swi tch upside down so the case bottom i s facing up.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 8 4. Using a No. 2 Phil lips screwdriver , attach the switch(es) to the tray by installing the 4 thre ad forming screws (6-32 x 1/4 100 ° ) into the aligned holes.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 9 S WITCH LED S The switch i ncorporates three sets of Light-Em itting Diodes (LEDs) to indicate ethernet, s witch, and port status: 1. Ethernet LEDs – two separate LEDs indicating the network c onnection status.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 10 Port LEDs The Port LEDs indi cate the port’s status.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 11 SFP C OMP ATIB ILITY SFPs are “hot-plu ggable” into the switch, whi ch allows host comp uters, servers, and s torage devices to be added dyn amically without requ iring power removal fr om the switch or any c onnected devices.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 2 S WITCH I NSTALLATION U SER ’ S G UI DE 12 B OOT ING THE S WITCH AND SAN The following proc edure is recommended when bo oting the switch and S AN.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 13 C HAPTER 3S WITCH M ANAGEMENT This chapter is divided into three sectio ns providing informatio.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 14 G ETTING S TA R T E D This sect ion explains how to confi gure the switch ’s ethernet network settings prior to using the Web Manager .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 15 Conn ecting t o the We b Manager The Web Manager display s current port utiliza tion and health, enables easy to use Port Sm art Settings and One-S tep Zoni ng, and several additi onal features discussed later in this chapter .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 16 The expandable navi gation menu provides several optio ns for configuring and moni toring the switch . The menu us es a tree-based n avigation stru cture with a l ist of menu options and items.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 17 Initial Switch Setup Once a network connecti on has been established with the switch an d an instance of the Web Manager i s open, some basic switch configu ration tasks are recommended : • Log in to the switc h.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 18 St ep 3: V erify the Date and Time During the initial Web Manager session, the date and time fo r the switch are set ba sed on the host system ’ s cur rent settings .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 19 M ANAGING THE S WITCH The InS peed™ SA N S torage Switch M odel 355 provides s everal options for managi ng and configuring the switch to meet the ne eds of the network environmen t.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 20 Logging in to the Switch The Web Manager requires us ers to log in to the switch when c hanges are made to the switc h’s configuration. L og in is not required for viewing switch informa tion.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 21 General Switch S ettings The Switch Configura tion page displays general setti ngs and switch id entification information. T o view the Switch Config uration page, click Switch > Configuration .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 22 T o change the sw itch’ s network locatio n settings: 1. Click Switch > Conf iguration . 2. Enter the new val ue in the appropriate text box.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 23 Setting S NMP T ra p s Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP ) uses traps to transmit information to SNMP-based network administr ation programs.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 24 Configuring Date and Time Settings The Switch Date & Time page displays the switch’s current date and time. During the initial Web Manager sess ion, the date and time for the switch are set based on the hos t system’s c urrent settings.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 25 Changing the Password The Switch Pa ssword page enables users to c hange the password for modifyi ng the switch’s configuration. The s ame password is used to acces s both the Web Manager and the CLI.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 26 Adjusting the Switch Thresholds The Switch Thre sholds page displays a v ariety of switch thr eshold settings . T o view the c urrent threshold settings: Click Ad vanced Functions > Thresh olds > Switch .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 27 Configurin g the Port Smart Settings The Port Sma rt Settings page displays the cur rent Smart Settings (config uration settings ) assigned to each port and enables u sers to easily c reate and modify custo m Smart Settings.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 28 Default Smart Settings There are seve ral default Smart Settings av ailable on the switch.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 29 • When configur ing multiple s witches with a sin gle cascade, use alter nating ports. For example, connect the sec ond switch usin g ports 1 and the third using ports 2 as sho wn in Figure 3-10.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 30 T o create a custom Smart Setting based on an existing Smart Setting : 1. Select a Smar t Setting from the list box tha t most closely matche s the port settings that the new Smart Setting shoul d have.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 31 Port Inform ation The following settings are availabl e. Pre-Inse rtion T esting The following settings are availabl e. Setting Description Smar t Setting Nam e Displays the name of th e Smart Se tting.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 32 Change Notif ications The following settings are availabl e.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 33 Port Recovery The following settings are availabl e. Setting Des cription Bad De vice R ecovery When a port is alread y inser ted into a zone, the p ort tran sforms F8 Failur e noti ficatio ns into F7 In itializa tion noti ficatio ns.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 34 Diagnosti cs The following settings are availabl e. Managing Firm ware and Con figuratio n Files The Switch File s page displays info rmation on the switch’s firmware and configuration files.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 35 Switch Firmwar e Files This sect ion displays the curr ent and alternate firmware ver sions, enables us ers to select which firmware ve rsion to run the n ext time the switch is reset, and pr ovides a means to load new firmware o n the switch.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 36 Restorin g the Factory De fault Sett ings If necessary , the switch settings ca n be reset to their factor y default values; howev er , the networ k configuration a nd port type setting s are retained.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 37 The color of each zone indicates i ts st a tus.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 38 Single-Switch Zoning The simplest zoning configuration is to place each port into a s ingle zone, so th at zones are separate from each other as s hown in Figure 3-13.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 39 Adding Devices to Multiple Zones In the previous exam ple, each host only com municate s with the devic es in the same zone as the host. However , there may b e situations in which ho sts in separate zones need to share dev ices.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 40 3. Click Subm it . Multiple Switch Zoning Zones can be confi gured across multiple s witches using a simila r procedure to a single s witch. However , multiple-switch z oning requires s ome coordination between the switc hes.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 41 T o configure multiple- switch zoning, do the following for each switch: 1. Plan which ports should belong in each zo ne. 2. From the One-Step Zoning page, select the appropriate po rt s fo r each zone.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 42 Connecting Port s Through Hard Zoning A Hard Zone ca n be used to add a separate 126 AL_P As that operate in isolation from any other zone.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 43 Cascading Switches When multiple s witches are connec ted, the connecting links between the switches ar e referred to as "cascades".
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 44 Automatic T runking Multiple link s between switches are called “trunks”. Trunks provide h igher bandwidth across casc aded switches for sys tems incorporating mul tiple initiators.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 45 Load Balancing Load balancing bu ilds on the Automati c T runkin g functionality by sp ecifying the path that the data uses to flow between multiple switches.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 46 The page is arranged as a gri d of check boxes for assigning ports to cascades (" T runk Groups").
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 47 M ONIT ORIN G THE S WITCH The InS peed™ SAN S torage Switch Model 355 prov ides several options for monitoring the switch status and port informa tion.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 48 Port Utilization and Health Port utiliza tion measures th e amount of traffic passing into a port over a perio d of time.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 49 Vi ewing the Event Lo g The Event Log contains a li st of up to 3000 event log mes sages generated by the s witch.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 50 Vi ewing Port Information The Port Information page displays the Sma rt Settings, Serial ID (SID) , and AL_P As c urrently assigned to each port. Initia tor AL_P As are high lighted in blue to differentiate them fr om tar g et AL_P As.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 51 Vi ewing Port Utilizatio n Port utilization measures the amount of traffic passing through a port over a period of tim e.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 52 Vi ew ing Port Diagno stics This page displays di agnostic informatio n pertaining to each port in the s witch. Use the information provided on this page to diagno se abnormally high error counts on a particular por t.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 53 T o save diagnostic information: 1. Click Upload to save the cur rent diagnostics to th e host system. 2. Click OK on th e File Download dialog b ox.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 54 V iewing Order ed Set s This page displays the Ordered S ets tha t are being transm itted on the switc h for each port sinc e the last time the page was displayed.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 3 S WIT CH M ANA G EMENT U SER ’ S G UI DE 55 F7 Init ializa tion A port is i n the n on-participat ing mode and is attemp ting to win ar bitration and b egin initia lization , possibly be cause the po rt was reset or is po wering up.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 4 T ECHNICAL R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 56 C HAPTER 4T ECHNICA L R EF ERENC E T ROUB LESHOO TING D EVICE C ONNE CTIONS T roublesh ooting Device Connections ......................... 56 T roublesh ooting Management Connec tions .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 4 T ECHNICAL R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 57 T ROUB LESHOO TING M ANAG EMENT C ONNECTIONS P ORT B YP ASS C O NDITIONS AND R ECOVER Y Problem Recommended Action Serial cabl e install ed but connecti o n does n ot app ear on te rminal 1) Cycl e power by rei nstal ling the pow er cord.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 4 T ECHNICAL R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 58 D EFAUL T S MART S ETTIN G A TTR IBUTES Initiator or T arget Initiator with Stea lth Ta r g e t .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 C HAPTER 4 T ECHNICAL R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 59 F IBRE C HAN NEL R EF ERENCES The following bo oks give useful info rmation about Fibre Channel. • Alan F . Benner , Fibre Channel. McGraw-Hill , 1996.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 U SER ’ S G UI DE 60 Appendixes.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX A S PECIFI CATIONS U SER ’ S G UI DE 61 A PPENDI X A S pecifications S WITCH S PECIFICATIONS O PERATING C ONDIT IONS The switch must be op erated in a clean, dry environment with unrestricted airflow .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX B CLI Q UICK R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 63 U SING TH E CLI The CLI enables u sers to monitor and change s ystem and port configurati ons, configure One-S te p Zoning, Automati c T runking, Load Balancing, and e vent reporting parameters, and download and install firmware .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX B CLI Q UICK R EFERENCE U SER ’ S G UI DE 64 CLI C OMMAN DS All of the CLI comman ds for the InS peed™ SAN S to rage Switch Model 355 are s hown below in a tree diagram. Using the “help” co mmand at the command l ine may provide addi tional information.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX C E VENT M ESSAGES U SER ’ S G UI DE 65 A PPENDI X C Event Messages The event mess ages for the switch ar e listed below . For ex planations, contact a customer se rvice representative. The messag e’s applicable severity lev el as defined bel ow is also provided .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX C E VENT M ESSAGES U SER ’ S G UI DE 66 82 PORT is read y to b e inse rted DBG 83 Segment st all on PORT # NOTIF Y 84 Bad Open on POR T # WRN 85 Error duri ng Port Disc.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX D AL_P A C ROSS R EFERENCES U SER ’ S G UI DE 67 A PPENDI X D AL_P A Cross References Arbitrated Loop Physic al Addresses AL_P A AL_P A ID A.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 A PPENDIX E G LOSSARY U SER ’ S G UI DE 68 A PPENDI X E Gl ossary AL_P A or Arbi trat ed Loop Phys ical Ad dress A one-byt e value us ed to identi fy a port in an Ar bitra ted Loop top ology . The value of the AL_ P A corr esponds t o bits 7:0 of the 24 -bit Nati ve Addres s Identif ier .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 I NDEX U SER ’ S G UI DE 69 Index A AL_PA Cross Referen ces 67 AL_PA zoning 41 B Bad Device Reco very policy 33 Bad Zone Recovery po licy 41 Block ing.
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 I NDEX U SER ’ S G UI DE 70 O operat ing cond itions 61 operat ing spee d 22 ordere d sets 54 overview 1 P password 62 chan ging 25 polic ies 31 , 32 .
I N S PEED ™ SAN S TORAGE S WITCH M ODEL 35 5 I NDEX U SER ’ S G UI DE 71 speed 22 status 47 telnet se ssion 25 thr esholds 26 trunkin g 44 unpac king 6 version 22 Web Manage r login 20 zoni ng 36.
デバイスEmulex 355の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Emulex 355をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEmulex 355の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Emulex 355の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Emulex 355で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Emulex 355を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEmulex 355の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Emulex 355に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEmulex 355デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。