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ii NOTICE All rights reser ved. Reproduction of any part of t his manual in any for m whatsoever without SEIKO EPSON’s express written permission is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subjects to change without notice. All eff ort s have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content s of t his manual.
iii PRECAUTIONS Precautionary notations throughout the text are categorized relative to 1) personal injur y and 2) damage to equipment. WARNING Signals a precaution whic h, if ignored, c ould res ult in serious or f atal per sonal inj ury. Great caution s hould be exercis ed in perf orm ing pr ocedures preceded by WARNING Headings.
iv PREFACE This m anual desc ribes func tions, theory of electrical and m echanical oper ations, maintenanc e, and repair of DFX-8500. The inst ructions and pr ocedures inc luded herein are intended for the exper ience r epair tec hnician, and attention should be given to die precautions on the preceding page.
v REVISION SHEET Revision Issued Data Contents Rev. A May 18, 1998/ First issue Rev. B June 25, 1998 Second issue due to minor correction on the manual contents.
CHA PTER 1 GENERA L DESCRIPTION 1.1 FEA TURES............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 SPECIFICA TIONS ........................................................................
1.5.4 C204 DRV-B Board ................................................................................................................ 1-41 1.5.5 C204 SUB Board..........................................................................................
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 1 1.1 FEA TURES The DFX -8500 is a 18-pin, s er ial, dot m atrix printer with a m axim um speed of 1 120 characters per s ec ond (cps) . It is designed for bus iness us e and provides high- speed, high- volum e printing and c ontinuous -s heet handling.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-2 The f ollowing table shows options. T able 1-1. Option Code Name #8766 Ribbon cartridge #8767 Ribbon pack #8309 Pull tractor unit C81500X Paper cutter C81507X Perforation c utter .
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 3 1.2 SPECIFICA TIONS This s ection desc ribes the s pecific ations for DFX-8500. 1.2.1 Printing Specification Print method : Impac t dot m atrix Number of pins : 18-pin (Ref er to Figure 1-2.) Print pin arrangem ent : 9 x 2 Print pin diam eter : 0.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-4 Resolution: Refer to T able 1-3. T able 1-3. Resolution Print M ode Horizontal Density V ertical Density A djacent Dot Print High speed draf t 90 dpi 72 dpi No Draft 120 dp.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 5 Character tables and ty pe faces : Refer to T able 1-4. T able 1-4. Character tables and type faces Character T able Bitmap Font Standard version Italic T able .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-6 1.2.2 Paper Feeding Feeding method: Push tractor feed (f ront / rear) Push and pull tractor feed (f ront / rear) Feeder: Front push trac tor , rear pus h tractor , p.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 7 1.2.6 Safety A pprovals 120 V version: Safety standards : UL1950 with D3 CSA C22.2 No.950 with D3 EMI : FCC part 15 subpar t B class B CSA C108.8 class B 230 V version: Safety standards : EN60950 (VDE, NEMKO) EMI : EN55022 (CISPR pub.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-8 1.2.11 Printable area Continuous paper : Refer to Figure 1-3. WX Y Z ABC D ABC D W XYZ ABC D W XYZ LM RM BM TM PL PW . Continuous Paper PW (width) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. PL (length) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. LM (left m argin) 13 mm to 31m m RM (right m argin) 13 mm or mor e TM (to p ma rg in ) 2.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 9 Labels : Refer to Figur e 1-4. LM RM BM TM PL PW Label Label Label Label . Continuous Paper PW (width) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. PL (length) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. LM (left m argin) 13 mm to 31m m RM (right m argin) 13 mm or mor e TM (to p ma rg in ) 2.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-10 Continuous for ms with labels : Refer to Figur e 1-5. ABC D W XYZ LM RM BM TM PL PW P r i nt abl e A r ea LO L R O L Label BO L TO L LF L R F L Label BF L TFL Label N on P r i nt abl e A r ea Continuous Paper PW (width) Refer to Sec tion 1.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 11 Overlapping m ulti-part f orm s : Refer to Figur e 1-6. LM P er f or at i ons C a rri e r PW PL NA OL BM TM RM Continuous Paper PW (width) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. PL (length) Refer to Sec tion 1.2.12. LM (left m argin) 19 mm to 31m m RM (right m argin) 19 mm or mor e TM (top m ar gin) 21.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-12 1.2.12 Paper and M edia Continuous paper (Single sheet and multi-part) T able 1-5. Continuous Paper Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum M aximum M inimum Maximum Wi d t h ( i n c h ) (mm) 4.0 101 16.0 406 4.0 101 16.0 406 Length (inch) (mm) 4.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 1 3 Figure 1-8. Paper-stapling Height Fi g ure 1-9. Pa p er-sta p lin g Method 1 Figure 1-10. Paper -stapling Method 2.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-14 Labels T able 1-6. Labels Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum Maximum Minimum M aximum Label Size Refer to Figure 1-1 1. - Back ing Sheet W idth (inch) (mm) 4.0 101 16.0 406 -- Back ing Sheet Length (inch) (mm) 3.5 89 17.0 431 -- Label Thic knes s (inch) (mm) 0.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 1 5 Continuous Forms with Labels T able 1-7. Continuous Forms w ith Labels Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum Maximum Minimum M aximum Label Size Refer to Sec tion - Wi d t h ( i n c h ) (mm) 4.0 101 16.0 406 -- Length (inch) (mm) 4.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-16 Overlapping Multi-part Form T able 1-8. Ov erlapping Multi-part Form Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum Maximum M inimum Maximum Wi d t h ( i n c h ) (mm) 4.0 101 16.0 406 -- Length (inch) (mm) 4.0 101 17.0 431 -- W eight (not m ulti-part) (g/m 2 ) (lb) 52.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 1 7 19 - 31 13 + 3 P age Lengt h P age W i dt h S pot - gl ued par t Low er edge S pot - gl ued ps r t P er f or at i on of bas e sheet 4. 2 or m or e 21. 2 or m or e S pot - gl ued par t B ase s heet M u lti- p a r t c u t s h e e t 21.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-18 Figure 1-17. Unsuitable Paper a) b) c) Figure 1-15. Perforations 3 Figure 1-18. Sprocket Hole 1 Figure 1-19. Sprocket Hole 2 Figure 1-16.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 1 9 1.3 INTERF A CES The DFX -8500 is equipped with parallel interf ace, serial inter face, and optional Ty pe-B interf ace card.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-20 Signal Level: TT L-level co mpatible, IEEE- 1284 level 1 device Refer to T able 1-9. T able 1-9. Signal Level Parameter Minimum Maximum Condition VOH* - 5.5 V VOL* -0.5 V - IOH* - 0.32 mA VOH = 2.4 V IOL* - 12 m A VOL = 0.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 21 1.3.2 Parallel Interface (Reverse channel) Data transm ission m ode: IEEE-1284 nibble mode Connector type: 57-30360 (AMPHENOL) 36-pin plug or equivalent Sy nc hronization: No Inf o. Handshak ing: No info.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-22 1.3.3 Serial Interface Sy nc hronization : Asynchronous Signal level (ELA-232D) : MARK (logical 1) : -3Vto-25V SP ACE (logical 0) : +3Vto+25V W.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 2 3 1.3.5 Interface Selection The printer has thr ee interfac es; the parallel interf ace, s erial interfac e, and optional T ype-B interface. These inter fac es are selec ted m anually by DIP SW or selected autom atic ally .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-24 1.4 OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS This sec tion des cribes the functions perform ed through the control panel, s uch as test print, hexadec imal dump, and paper m emor y function. 1.4.1 Control Panel The printer c ontrol panel gives you easy c ontr ol over m os t com m on pr inter oper ations.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 2 5 Switches The c ontrol panel contains eleven switches. Operation in normal mode: In norm al m ode, pressing panel s witches executes following func tion. Refer to T able 1-13. T able 1-13. Sw itch Function in Normal Mode Switch Function Front / Rear Change the front and rear paper path alternately .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-26 Indicators The contr ol panel contains f ifteen LEDs . Rear ( 2) (Green / Red) : Gr een LED on when the rear paper path is s elected with paper . Red LED on when the rear paper path is selected without paper .
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 2 7 1.4.2 Errors and B uzzers Errors fall into 2 types; normal er ror/warning and fatal er ror . See the tables below for detailed inform ation.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-28 1.4.3 DIP Sw itch Settings There ar e f ive DIP switches that ar e located at the f ront paper entr anc e of the pr inter . T hes e DIP s witches can set the printer defaults. W hen power is applied or the printer is reset, the DIP s witch selections are treated as the default setup.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 2 9 T able 1-17. Character T able Setting (Standard) SW 1-1 SW 1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 SW1-5 SW1-6 Character table Off Off Off Off Off Off PC437 (US, s tandard Europe) Off Off O.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-30 T able 1-19. Front T ractor Page Length SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 SW2-4 Page length for front tractor Off Off Off Off 1 1 inches Off Off Off On 3 inch es Off Off On Off 3.5 i nches Off Off On On 4 inch e s Off On Off Off 5.5 inches Off On Off On 6 inches Off On On Off 7 inches O f f O nO nO n8 i n c h e s On Of f Of f Off 8.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 31 1.4.4 Functions Usual operation Front / Rear: Changes the fr ont and rear paper path alternately . Normal paper is set and the pull tractor is not used: The printer feeds the paper to the tear off position and cut the paper by the cutter , and feeds backward to paper park position.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-32 Pap er Select: Pressing it s elects one of the following paper Num bers. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 : W hen the pr inter has the paper inf orm ation.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 3 3 Operation at Power On Self test: Prints the self test pattern. T o canc el it, m ake pr inter pause and turn off the power .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-34 Built-in Detection Cover open detection: W hen the cover is opened, the printer stops printing and enter s the pause m ode autom atically after several beeps. T he printer s tays at the state until the cover is c losed and the “Pause” s witch is press ed.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 3 5 1.4.5 Paper M emory Function Y ou can get better printing quality w hen you print on overlapping m ulti-part f orm s or on c ontinuous for m s with labels by us ing the paper m em ory function.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-36 1.4.6 Initialization s Power-on Initialization The initialization of this level is activated by power-on or /INIT signal (negative puls e) or cold- reset com m and (rem ote RS c om m and). T his initialization is: • to initialize the printer mec hanism .
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 3 7 1.5 MA IN COMPONENT The m ain com ponents of the DFX- 8500 are as f ollows: Printer m echanis m : M-3I60 Main control board: C204 MAIN boar d Mechanism driver board: C204 DRV board ½ Printhead driver board: C204 DRV-B board DIP SW.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-38 1.5.1 M-3I60 Printer M echanism The M-3I60 printer mec hanism is a 18-pin (9-pin two lows), s erial im pact dot m atrix pr inter m echanism developed for the DFX -8500.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 3 9 1.5.2 M ain Contr ol Boar d (C204 M A IN Board) The C204 MAIN board is a m ain controller boar d. The board c ontains f ollowing ICs: 16-bit CPU: TMP95C051A; 24.57 MHz (IC2) Gate array: E05B36 (I C1) PROM (including C.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-40 1.5.3 C204 DRV Board The C204 DRV board is the dr iver board spec ially for the printer m echanism . T he ½ printhead, printhead fan, plunger , PF (paper f eed) m otor , CR (carriage) motor , CR f an, PG (platen gap) m otor , and RF (ribbon feed) m otor dr ive circuits are located on the driver boards.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 41 1.5.4 C204 DRV-B Board The C204 DRV-B board is the ½ printhead driver boar d. The drive par t is m ainly consists of the dis crete bipolar FET s. 1.5.5 C204 SUB Board The C204 SUB board c onsists of f ive DIP switch units.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 1-42 1.5.6 C204 PSB/PSE Board C204 PSB/PSE board is a pow er supply circuit board which generates the power f or the control c ircuit (m ain control board) and printer m echanis m drive circuit ( driver board). It c ontains cooling f an on the top.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rev . B 1- 4 3 1.5.7 Control Panel The control panel for this printer cons ists of switches, LEDs, and buzzers (Ref er to Figure 1-22 on page 1-23.). 1.5.8 Housing The housing us ed in the DFX-8500 c onsists of m any more com ponents than previous designs .
CHA PTER 2 OPERA TING PRINCIPLES 2.1 PRINTER MECHA NISM OPERA TION ..................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Printhead Mechanism ........................................................................................
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 2.1 PRINTER MECHA NISM OPERA TION This sec tion describes the Model 3I60 printer mec hanism and explains how the printer works . The Model 3I60 printer mec hanism f eatures a 18-pin, im pact dot printhead for ser ial printing.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2- 2 Carriage mechanism : The carriage m echanism m oves the printhead in the horizontal direction. The CR m otor drives the c arriage, with the printhead on it. The CR encoder sens or detec ts the CR m otor s peed and c arr iage position.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2- 3 Paper feed mechanism : The CR motor controls printing in the horizontal direction, and the paper feed m ec hanism controls m ovem ent in the vertical dire ction (line f eeding and for m feeding). T he paper f eed m echanism f eeds paper ver tically .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2- 4 2.1.1 Printhead M echanism The printhead is a charge-t y pe, impact dot printhead. Figur e 2-4 shows its oper ation. T he dot wire is attac hed to the actuating spring at point A. It is pulled back (lef t in the f igur e) by magnetic f orc e when power is applied and during standby .
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2- 5 2.1.2 Carriage Mechanism Figure 2-5 shows the c arriage m echanism . T he fr ont and rear car riage guide shaf ts support the c arriage. T he rotation of the CR m otor is tr ansm itted to the car r iage tim ing belt thr ough the car r iage belt pulleys at the right and left sides.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2- 6 2.1.3 Platen Gap A djustment M echanism Figure 2-6 shows the platen gap adj ustm ent m echanism . T he f ront and rear carr iage guide s hafts supporting the carriage have a vertical section. T he rotation of the PG m otor is trans m itted to the rear carr iage guide shaft thr ough the gears.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2- 7 2.1.4 Paper Feed M echanism Figures 2-7, 2- 8, and 2-9 show the paper feed m echanism. Af ter the printer loads the paper , it is f ed by the tension roller , platen roller , and front or rear trac tor ass embly .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2- 8 Paper Tension Roller Paper Bail Front PE Sensor Tractor Sprocket (Front) PF Motor Pinion Gear Tractor Select Gear PF Transmission Gear Figure 2-8. Front T ractor Assembly Op eration Paper Tension Roller Paper Bail Tractor Select Gear PF Motor Pinion Tractor Sprocket (Rear) Rear PE Sensor PF Transmission Gear Figure 2-9.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2- 9 Tractor Wire Operation The printer is equipped with a tractor wire (white line) to prevent paper jam s when continuous paper is loaded from the front or rear entrance. The trac tor tens ion s pring on the r ight side f r am e pulls the wire and releases the s tress on the continuous paper being f ed.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-1 0 2.1.5 Ri bbon Feed and T ractor Select M echanisms The RF motor s upplies power to both the ribbon f eed and tractor s elect m echanism s. The rotation of the RF motor pinion swings the ribbon f eed select gear lik e a pendulum , using the lever axis as a s upport point.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 1 Tr actor select mechanism : Figure 2-12 shows the operation of the tractor s elect m echanis m. Cloc kwise r otation of the RF m otor is transm itted to the tr actor select cam through the r ibbon feed selec t gear and tractor select trans m ission gear , and rotates the trac tor s elec t cam c lock wise.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-1 2 2.1.6 Plunger M echanism Figure 2-13 shows the plunger m echanism . The paper bail ass embly is attached to the end of the plunger's iron core.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 3 2.2 POWER SUPPL Y OPERA TION The printer can be powered by either of two power supply boards : the 120 V C204 PSB board or the 220/240 V C204 PSE board. The only difference in the oper ation of these two boards is in the prim ary circuitr y .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-1 4 2.2.1 Pow er Suppl y Overview Figure 2-14 shows a bloc k diagr am of the C204 PSB/PSE board. Fuse Power SW. AC Inlet AC Source Input Filter Circuit Rectifier Circuit Surge Cut (.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 5 General : The power supply board converts the AC input voltage to the DC voltages required to operate the printer . The AC voltage is input to the AC inlet, and is supplied to the C204 PSB/PSE boar d via the power switch and a fuse.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-1 6 Protection circuits : Thes e +37VDC line block s perf orm voltage contr ol, and they have over-current lim iting and over voltage protection circ uits f or each. Control and status signals : The PSB//PSE board receives two control signal from the C204 MAIN board and outputs two status signals to the MAIN board.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 7 2.3 CONTROL CIRCUIT Figure 2-15 shows a bloc k diagr am of the control c ircuit with the C204 MAIN board at the center . 2.3.1 Contr ol Cir c ui t Oper ation Overvi ew The cor e of the c ontrol circuit is the TMP95C061AF CPU ( IC2).
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-1 8 Printhead Drive Circuit 2 /2 Printhead Drive Circuit 1/2 Control & Monitoring +37 VDC, +5 VDC Printhead Temperature Paper Width PG Encoder PE Signals (Front, Rear, Top) Pape.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-1 9 T able 2-5 describes the functions of the m ain com ponents on the C204 MAIN and C204 DRV board. T able 2-5. M ain IC Functions Board IC Nam e Location Functions C2.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-2 0 Figure 2-16 shows the data f low for data input via the parallel inter face. Although var ious circ uits perf orm data processing, the control cor e is the CPU and all operations are ex ecuted via the CPU.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-21 2.3.2 Reset Circuit This s ection desc ribes the hardware r eset circ uit. W hen the hardware reset s ignal is input, all ICs in the control circ uit are res et, and the CPU executes the pr ogram f rom the starting address .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-2 2 2.3.3 Sensor Circuits Figure 2-18 shows the s ensor cir cuits in block diagram f orm . T he printer is equipped with the following sensors : 1. Front and rear PE s ensors ( use a photo interrupter ) 2. T op PE sensor (to detec t the TOF position, us es a photo interrupter ) 3.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-2 3 Each sensor is desc ribed below . 1. Front and rear paper end sensors Detec tion form : Photo interrupter Output f orm : Open collector (pulled up to 10 K ohm s r esistor) Logic al: Paper pres ent: LOW Paper out: HIGH 2.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-2 4 13. Paper width sensor Detec tion form : Photo reflector Output f orm : Emitter follower J udgemwnt : N o paper present: Standard voltage level. Paper present: T he voltage level is double the s tandard voltage level.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-2 5 2.3.4 CR M otor Drive Circuit Figure 2-19 shows the internal c ircuit f or the CR m otor ,T able 2-6 provides the CR m otor spec ific ation, and Figure 2-20 shows a bloc k diagr am f or the CR m otor dr ive circuit.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-2 6 T able 2-7 lists the CR m otor drive m odes . T able 2-7. CR Mo tor Drive M odes Division Drive M ode CR Motor Speed (rpm) A cceleration / Deceleration Control Curve Note1) Constant Speed Control Carriage m oves Super Draft 2800 Acceleration and PI control with printing.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-2 7 PI Con trol : PI control k eeps the CR m otor s peed constant using the enc oder pulses ENCA and ENCB with the gate array E05B36.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-2 8 Deceleration control: Deceleration contr ol provides sm ooth dec eleration and prevents r apid vibration. The duty data for deceleration c ontrol is determ ined for each printing m ode. Pulse width modulation (PW M) determ ines each printing m ode.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-2 9 2.3.5 PF Motor Drive Circuit Stepping motor driver ST K6713BMK4 (IC2) dr ives the PF m otor . Figure 2-22 s hows the PF motor drive circuit bloc k diagr am, and T able 2-9 pr ovides the PF m otor spec ifications . T able 2-9.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-3 0 2.3.6 RF M otor Drive Circuit Figure 2-24 shows a bloc k diagr am of the RF m otor drive c ircuit, and T able 2-10 pr ovides the RF m otor specif ications.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-31 2.3.7 PG Motor Drive Circuit Figure 2-25 shows a bloc k diagr am of the PG m otor dr ive circuit, and T able 2- 1 1 provides PG m otor specif ications. The PG motor is a stepping motor . T he m otor phase s witching signals are output f rom the E05B36 ports PGA to PGD.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-3 2 2.3.8 Pl unger Dri ve Circuit Figure 2-26 shows a bloc k diagr am of the plunger drive c irc uit, T able 2-12 provides the plunger s pecif ic ation, and T able 2-13 provides the plunger s witching pattern. The plunger is driven using three s witching patterns.
OPERA TING PRINCIPLES Rev . B 2-3 3 2.3.9 Printhead Drive Circuit Figure 2-27 shows a printhead dr ive circuit bloc k diagr am . General : The print data lines from IC1 are active when they are HIGH .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 2-3 4 Printhead high temperat ure feedback operation : The printer supports the pr inthead tem perature detection s equence, which cons ists of the following steps: 1. W hen the printhead tem perature is less than 1 10 o C, the printer perf orm s norm al printing.
CHA PTER 3 DISA SSEMBL Y A ND A SSEMBL Y 3.1 OVER VIEW ............................................................................................................3-1 3.1.1 Precautions for Disassembly and A ssembly ....................................
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 3.1 OVER VIEW This chapter des cribes the dis ass em bly /assem bly procedures to be us ed f or r eplacing the m ain assem blies of the DFX-8500. 3.1.1 Precautions for Disassembly and A ssembly Read this section bef ore you disassem ble, ass emble, or transport the pr inter .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3- 2 Before trans porting the printer , rem ove the paper and ribbon cartridge. T hen attac h the following pack ing mater ials, as s hown in Figure 3-1: Transport loc king br ack et Carr iage guide shaft s upport bar Printhead pr otector Foam pack ing f or paper bail Figure 3-1.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3- 3 3.1.2 T ools This s ection desc ribes the tools required f or assem bling, dis assem bling, or adj usting the printer . Note : Refer to CHAPTER 4 for adjustment tools, CHAPTE R 5 for troubleshooting tools, and CHAPTER 6 for tools for maintenance, lubrication, and adhesives.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3- 4 P E A C O C K P E A C O C K Figure 3-3. Dial Gauges Figure 3-4. Dial Gauge Base Figure 3-5. Thickness G auge Figure 3-6. Dial Gauge M aster.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3- 5 3.1.3 Specification for Screw s In the following sections , abbreviations are us ed for s m all parts suc h as sc rews and washers . T able 3- 2 lists these abbr eviations. T able 3-3 lists screw and washer types.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3- 6 3.1.4 Service Checks A fter Repair Before returning the printer after ser vice, use the check list in T able 3-4, which provides a record to m ake servicing and s hipping m ore eff icient.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3- 7 3.2 DISA SSEMBL Y A ND A SSEMBL Y ; Before you disas semble or as semble the printer , be sur e to read and follow the instruc tions in Section 3.1, "OVERVIEW." ; Before you disas semble the printer , be sure to turn the printer power off and disc onnect AC cable.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3- 8 3.2.1 ROM Replacement ; It is best to remov e the top cover before you tilt back the printer as descr ibed in the steps below .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3- 9 3.2.2 Pr inthead and Ribbon M ask Assembly Removal The printhead c an be changed without disassem bling the entir e unit. Use the exclus ive printhead k it for printhead ex change on the DFX- 8500. W hen you receive the kit, check that all of the f ollowing are included.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-1 0 CAUTION ; When y ou remove the c onnector cov er , be careful not to break the tabs. ; When you remove the printhead cable holder , be careful not to break the printhead holder latc h. Use a slotted scr ewdriver if nec essar y .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 1 Step 5: Disconnect the nar row FPC cable fr om white connec tor (lock -type). Step 6: Move the car riage to around 90 th column, rem ove the two CP(S-P1)(M4X7) screws s ecuring the printhead and remove the CP(S-P1)(M3X6) s crew sec uring the ground FPC, then rem ove the printhead.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-1 2 A S S E M B L IN G P O IN T z Confirm that the cables ar e connected c orrectly . (Refer to Figur es 3-12 and 5-3..) z Tighten the screws while pulling the pr inthead as shown below to sec ure the printhead firmly . Figure 3-14.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 3 3.2.3 Housi ng Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the housing. Top Cover Removal CAUTION ; T wo people are r equired to remove the top c over; one per son must hold the top cov er while the other person removes the screws .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-1 4 Left, Right, and Front Covers Removal and Fuse Replacement Step 1: Remove the f our CBB (M4x 16) scr ews securing the lef t side cover and rem ove the cover . Step 2: Rem ove the right side c over in the same way as y ou rem oved the lef t s ide c over .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 5 Step 3: After you remove the r ight side cover , you can replace the input fus e for the C204 power supply board unit.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-1 6 Front Panel Unit Removal Step 1: Remove the lef t and right side cover s. (Ref er to Section Step 2: Open the top cover and disc onnect connec tor CN5 (the panel unit connec tor).
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 7 Upper Case Removal Step 1: Remove the f ront panel unit. (Ref er to Section Step 2: Remove the s ix CBB (M4x16) scr ews, and two CBB (M3x10) sc rews from the upper case. Then rem ove the upper cas e.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-1 8 3.2.4 Circuit Boards Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the circ uit boards. Bottom Panel Assembly Removal CAUTION ; It is best to remov e the top cover before you tilt back the printer as descr ibed in the steps below .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-1 9 Step 3: From the left side, rem ove the two CPB(O )(M4X8) screws s ecuring the green and yellow earth cables between the bottom plate of the pr inter m echanism and the earth on the bottom panel assembly . Ste p 4: Disc onnect the 6 connec tors, (1) thr ough (6) as s hown in Figure 3-24.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-2 0 Step 7: W hile supporting the top cover to protect it f rom scr atches, tilt back the printer and lay it on its back. Ste p 8: Rem ove the eight CBB (M4x16) screws s ecuring the bottom panel ass em bly , and s lowly remove the bottom panel unit as sem bly .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-21 Cooling Fan and C204 Power Supply Board Unit Removal Ste p 1: Rem ove the bottom panel assem bly . (Refer to Section Ste p 2: If y ou need to remove the cooling fan, disc onnect connector CN5 and rem ove the f our CCN (M3x30) screws s ecuring it, and rem ove the f an.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-2 2 C204 SUB Board Unit Removal Ste p 1: Rem ove the bottom panel assem bly . (Refer to Section Ste p 2: Disc onnect connec tors CN15 and CN16 on the C204 MAIN board. Ste p 3 : Rem ove the CBB ( M3x8) sc rew and the CBB (M3x12) s crew secur ing the C204 SUB board assem bly and remove the board.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-2 3 C204 DRV-B and C204 DRV Board Units Removal Ste p 1: Rem ove the bottom panel assem bly . (Refer to Section Ste p 2: Disc onnect connec tor CN3 and cable connec tor CN14 for the C204 DRV board.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-2 4 C204 MAIN Board Unit Removal Step 1: Remove the bottom panel as sem bly . (Refer to Sec tion Step 2: Remove the C204 SUB boar d unit (Ref er to Section Step 3: Remove the C204 DRV-B boar d and C204 DRV board units (Ref er to Section 3.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-2 5 Ste p 5 : Rem ove the f our CBB (M3x 12) sc rews and two CBS (O) (M3x8) s crews secur ing the C204 MAIN board unit and rem ove the board. : C BB( M 3 X1 2 ) X 4 : C BS( O ) ( M 3 X8 ) X 2 C 204 M A I N B oar d U ni t H ook s f or C 204 M A I N B oar d I ns t al l at i on Figure 3-34 .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-2 6 3.2.4 .6 AC Inlet Removal Step 1: Remove the C204 power supply board assem bly . (Refer to Section Step 2: Remove the C204 MAIN boar d assem bly .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-2 7 C204 PNL Board Removal Step 1: Remove the f ront panel unit. (Ref er to Section Step 2: Disconnect c onnectors CN1 and CN2 on the C204 PNL boar d. Step 3: Remove the CBB ( M4x10) sc rew securing the C204 PNL board to the f ront panel unit and rem ove the board.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-2 8 3.2.5 Interlock Sw itch and Cover Open Sensor A ssembly Removal Step 1: Remove the upper case. (Ref er to Sect ion Step 2: Disconnec t the interlock switch cable and the cover open sensor cable fr om the j unction board respec tively .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-2 9 3.2 .6 Printer M echanism Removal This s ect ion desc r ibes how to rem ove and dis ass em ble the pr inter m ec hanism . Bef ore f ollowing the st eps in this section, r em ove the printer m echanis m f rom the printer as descr ibed in Section 3.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-3 0 Step 5: Remove the f our sc rews secur ing the printer m echanism to the lower c ase. Sc r e w s Sc r e w s Figure 3-43. Printer M echanism Removal 1/2 Step 6: Install the lift handles from the ins ide of the printer m ec hanism .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-31 Fan Removal Step 1: Remove the upper case unit. (Ref er to Sect ion Step 2: Remove the r ight cover . (Ref er to Section Step 3: Disconnect the c onnector f or the fan f rom the relay connector .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-3 2 Ribbon Feed Change Lever Unit Removal Step 1: Release the three hook s sec uring the ribbon feed gear c over to the ribbon f eed m otor fram e and rem ove the cover and the ribbon f eed gear .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-3 3 T o R i bbon J am S ens or T o T r ac t or S el ec t S ens or T o R F M o to r C onnec t or J unc t i on B oar d Figure 3-48.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-3 4 Tractor Select Lever (Upper and Lower) Assembly Disassembly This section describes how to disas sem ble the tractor s elect lever as sem bly , including how to rem ove the ribbon feed m otor and tr actor selec t sensor .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-3 5 Ribbon Jam Sensor Removal Step 1: Remove the right c over . (Refer to Section Step 2: Disconnect the c onnector f or the sensor from the c onnector junc tion board. Step 3: Remove the CP( S-P1) (M3x6) screw sec uring the sensor to the brack et, and rem ove the sens or .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-3 6 Connector Junction Board Assembly and FPC Board Assembly Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the connec tor junc tion board assem bly and FPC board assem bly . Step 1: Remove the lef t side cover . ( Refer to Sec tion 3.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-3 7 PG Sensor and PG Motor Removal CAUTION When y ou remove or ins tall the PG sens or , be careful not to bend the PG motor encoder plate. Step 1: Remove the c onnector junc tion board ass embly . (Ref er to Section 3.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-3 8 Plunger and Paper Bail Assembly Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the plunger ( loading solenoid) and paper bail ass em bly .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-3 9 Ste p 4: Rem ove the lef t tension roller lever spr ing. Ste p 5: Rem ove the E-ring (6) sec uring the paper bail shaf t to the left f ram e and rem ove the platen roller shaft holder and paper bail lever .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-4 0 Upper Paper Guide and Top PE Sensor Removal Step 1: Remove the paper bail as sem bly . (Refer to Sec tion Step 2: Disconnect the r ed, 3-pin, top PE sensor connector f rom the connec tor junction boar d assem bly .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-41 Tension Roller Shaft Removal This sec tion describes how to remove the tension roller shaft. It is better to rem ove the tension r oller shaf t with the paper bail assem bly removed; however , rem oving it is not required.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-4 2 Step 7: Remove the CR m otor fan. (Ref er to Section Ste p 8 : Rem ove the E-r ing (6) at the right end of the tension roller s haft and rem ove the tens ion roller shaf t holder along with the leaf spring and the washer .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-4 3 3.2. 6.10 Platen Removal Step 1: Remove the paper bail as sem bly . (Refer to Sec tion Step 2: Remove the upper paper guide. (Ref er to Section Step 3: Rem ove the four hexagon soc ket screws s ecuring the platen to the platen holders.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-4 4 3.2 .6.11 Paper Jam Sensor Removal Step 1: Remove the platen along with the lower paper guide com posed of 3 parts. ( Refer to Section Step 2: Remove the CPN( SP)(M4x8) s crew sec uring the left part of the lower paper guide to the platen.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-4 5 3.2. 6.12 Pull Tractor Sensor Removal Step 1: Remove the upper paper guide. (Ref er to Section Step 2: Disconnec t the red 2-pin pull tractor s ensor c onnector f rom the connector junction board assembly .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-4 6 Paper Width (PW) Sensor Removal Step 1: Disconnect the c onnector f or the PW sens or . Step 2: Remove the CP( S-P1) (M2.5x6) screw sec uring the PW sensor to the ribbon m ask holder . C P ( S - P 1) ( M 2. 5x 6) P aper W i dt h S ens or P aper W i dt h S ens or C onnec t or Figure 3-67.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-4 7 PG Home Sen so r Removal Step 1: Remove the f ront/rear tr actor selec t lever ass em bly . ( Refer to Section Step 2: Remove the E- ring securing the c arriage guide shaf t gear to the rear c arriage guide shaf t.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-4 8 A S S E M B L IN G P O IN T When y ou install the CR guide shaft gear , align the rib in the CR guide s haft gear with the PG adjustment transmiss ion gear as shown in the figur e below , then rotate the CR guide shaft gear 10 mm in CCW.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-4 9 PF Motor Removal Step 1: Remove the c onnector junc tion board ass embly . (Ref er to Section Step 2: Remove the thr ee CP (SP-1) (M4x 8) sc rews secur ing the PF motor to the left side f ram e.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-5 0 Left Side Frame Gear Removal Step 1: Remove the f ront/rear tr actor selec t lever ass em bly . ( Refer to Section Step 2: Remove the c onnector junc tion board ass embly . (Ref er to Section Step 3: Remove the PG motor .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-51 Front T ract o r A ssembly Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the f ront tractor assem bly . Step 1: Disconnect the c onnector white 3-pin fr ont PE sensor from the connec tor junc tion board.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-5 2 Rear Tractor Assembly Removal This s ection desc ribes how to rem ove the rear tractor as sem bly . Step 1: Disconnect the c onnector white 3-pin rear PE s ensor f rom the connec tor junction boar d. Step 2: Remove the c onnector junc tion board ass embly .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-5 3 CR Motor Fan R emov al Step 1: Disconnect the c able for the m otor f rom the relay connector . Step 2: Remove 2 f an fixing s crews and rem ove the f an. F an F i x i ng S c r ew s R i ght F r am e CR M o t o r F a n Figure 3-76.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-5 4 CR Moto r Removal Step 1: Remove the right c over . (Refer to Section Ste p 2 : Disconnect the r ed and black cables f rom the term inals on the CR m otor .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-5 5 CR (Carriage Encoder) Sensor Removal Step 1: Remove the printhead. ( Refer to Section 3.2.2.) Step 2: Disconnect the r ed 4-pin CR sensor connector f rom the car riage connector j unction board. Step 3: Rem ove the two CP( S-P1) (M2.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-5 6 Carriage Mechanism Disassembly This s ection desc ribes how to disas sem ble the carriage m ec hanism , inc luding rem oving the carr iage, CR timing belt, and f ront and rear carriage guide shaf ts. Step 1: Remove the CR m otor .
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-5 7 Ste p 5: Remove the front carriage guide shaft by pulling it through the hole in the right side fram e. (W hen y ou remove the f ront carr iage guide shaft, m ove the car riage to the left s ide.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-5 8 A S S E M B L IN G P O IN T When y ou install the front carriage guide s haft, tighten the scr ews while pus hing the shaft toward the platen. ADJUSTMENT REQU IRED When y ou assemble the c arriage mechanis m, perform the following adjustments : • Carriage timing belt tension adjus tment (desc ribed in Section 4.
DISASSEM BL Y AND ASSEM BL Y Rev . B 3-5 9 3.2 .6 .23 Paper Support A ssembly Removal Step 1: Disass emble the c arriage m echanis m and r em ove all the parts related to the car riage. (R efer to Section Step 2: Referring to the ex ploded diagram in the Appendix, rem ove the paper s upport assem bly .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 3-6 0 PF Dr iv e R olle r Removal Ste p 1: Rem ove the platen. (Ref er to Ste p 2: Rem ove the CR m otor . (Ref er to Section Ste p 3: Rem ove the left s ide fram e gears . (Ref er to Section 3.2.
CHA PTER 4 A DJUSTMENT 4.1 PRINTER MECHA NISM A DJUSTMENTS ............................................................ 4-1 4.1.1 PG M otor Backlash Adjustment ...........................................................................................
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 4.1 PRINTER MEC H A NISM A DJUSTME N T S This sec tion descr ibes the printer m echanis m adjustm ents for the DFX -8500. W henever the printer is disassem bled and the printer par ts m entioned in this sec tion are replaced or repaired, perf orm the appropriate adjus tm ents to ensure pr oper printer oper ation.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4- 2 4.1.2 Carriage T iming Belt T ens ion A djustment The car riage tim ing belt tension m ust be adj usted when any carriage mec hanism part (s uch as the CR m otor , belt pulley , or carriage tim ing belt) is disass embled. Rem ove the pr inter m echanis m bef ore perf orm ing this adjustm ent.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4- 3 4.1.3 T ractor Wire Spring T ension A djustment This s ec tion des cr ibes the trac tor wire spring tens ion adj ustm ent. If the s pr ing is not adj us ted proper ly , paper jam s m ay oc cur , becaus e the continuous paper tens ion (in the horizontal direction) is incorrec t.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4- 4 4.1.4 Pull T ractor Sensor Position Ad justment This s ection desc ribes the pull trac tor sens or position adjus tm ent. If the sens or position is incorrec t, the sensor is alway s on.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4- 5 4.1.5 Carriage Guide Sh aft Parallelism Ad justment The rear carriage guide s haft m ust be par allel to the platen. If it is not, pr inting m ay be abnorm al bec ause paper is not f ed evenly at the lef t and right sides of the platen.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4- 6 Step 3: Attach the another needle to the mas ter sur face, APPRO X. 2.00 m m depth, then corr espond to the another gauge m easure, and tighten the hex agonal screw . Step 5: Set the black m ark er to the "0" position. 2.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4- 7 Step 6: Remove a CP(PS)( M3X6) sc rew secur ing the timing belt holder to the tim ing belt, then rem ove the timing belt holder . Step 7: Remove the paper bail ass em bly . (Refer to Section Step 8: Remove the tension roller shaft.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4- 8 Step 12: Measure the distance between the platen and the carr iage guide shaft on the lef t side. T hen meas ure the distanc e between the platen and the rear carriage guide s haft on the right s ide, and com pare these values .(Figure4-1 1 shows the m easurem ent position and the par allelism adjust lever operation.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4- 9 4.1.6 Platen A ngle Ad justment This s ection desc ribes the platen angle adj ustm ent. The platen m us t be at a right angle to the carr iage assem bly . This adjustm ent is requir ed when the platen is rem oved or replac ed or when the two hexagonal screws s ecuring the platen to both side f ram es are loos ened.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4-1 0 Step 4: Using the carriage guide shaf t gear , attach the both dial gauge needles to the platen s urfac e.(The needle doesn’t reach the end of the strok e). Step 5: Measure the angle differenc e about three position suc h as f igure below .
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 1 Step 6: If the angle differenc e of two values are m ore than + 0.015 m m , loosen ( but do not rem ove) the two hexagonal scr ews secur ing the platen stay to both side fram es, then change the platen angle slowlly and manually .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4-1 2 4.1.7 Platen Gap M otor V alue Adjustment This section des cribes how to meas ure the param eter ( ALPHA and BET A values ) for the PG m echanis m unit.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 3 Step 1: Remove the paper , ribbon car tridge, and ribbon m ask holder f rom the printer . T hen confir m the ALPHA value written on the print head nose. Step 2: Close the top c over . A LPHA V alu e Write M ode : Step 3: Turn the printer on while pressing the T ear Off, Mic ro Feed (v), and Front/Rear switches.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4-1 4 T able 4-1. BET A V alues A d justment Beta No. Reference Thickness G auge A llow ed V alue Def ault V alue*1) BET A 3' 0.43 m m with 150gf pull - - BET A 2 0.00 mm 367 - 419 408 BET A 3 0.43 mm 405 - 437 435 BET A 4 0.80 mm 418 - 475 461 *1: W hen EEPROM is res et.
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 5 4.1.8 M easurement Seeking and Bi-directional Printing Ad justment The purpos e of this adjustm ent is to c orrect the printer m echanism param eters which contr ol bi-dir ectional printing. Be sure to per form this adjustm ent when required.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4-1 6 E ND ST A R T T ur n t he pow er S W on w hi l e pr es s i ng M i c r o F eed ^ and M i c r o F eed v S W s . T he pr i nt er per f or m s c ar r i age m eas ur em ent s eek i ng aut om at i c al l y . ( It g o e s to O N L IN E s ta tu s a fte r th i s o p e r a ti o n .
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 7 Ye s S T ART T ur n t he pow er S W on w hi l e pr es s i ng T ear O f f , M i c r o F eed^ , and F r ont / R ear S W s . S et t he 15" f anf ol d paper at F r ont or R ear t r act or and l oad t he paper by pr es s i ng LF / F F Load S W or F r ont / R ear S W .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 4-1 8 T able 4-2. LED indication and Adjustment V alue Comparison LED*1) Off On*2) Ribbon (Bi-d. adjus tm ent) (PG adjustm ent) + (positive) 300 ( negative) 400 Pause 10 T op of Form .
ADJUSTM ENT Rev . B 4-1 9 B i- D . A d ju s t m e n t M o d e S uper D r af t P r i nt M ode: No Ye s 1. P anel di pl ay s t he c ur r ent B i - D . adj us t m ent v al ue. 2. P r i nt er pr i nt s " S peed = A A A B i d adj us t = B B B " .
CHA PTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTING 5.1 PROBLEM ISOLA TION..........................................................................................5-1 5.2 SELF DIA GNOSTIC FUNCTION ............................................................................ 5-2 5.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 5.1 TROUBLESHOOTING INFORMA TION The inform ation in this c hapter mak es troubles hooting easier to perf orm by listing various problem s that c an occur and providing possible s olutions.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5- 2 5. 1. 2 By passing Interlock Switch and Cover Open Sensor T o print with the top cover open or rem oved, you need to by pass the interlock switch and c over open s ensor because these s ensors automatic ally disable printing when the top cover is open.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5- 3 5. 1. 3 Coil Resistance The f ollowing table provides the coil res istance f or the m otor , head fan, plunger , and printhead. T able 5-2. Motor , Fan, Plunger , and Printhead Coil Resistance Part Coil Resist ance CR motor 1.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5- 4 FPC A FPC B FPC C Load Pattern : Head coil GND side : Head coil P/S side : Head thermistor MA : Fan motor phase A MB : Fan motor phase B MC : Fan motor common MT : Fan motor thermistor PWD : Paper width sensor +5V : +5 VDC ENCA: Encoder A GND : GND HT : Head thermistor P/S : Power supply (+37 VDC) ENCB: Encoder B Figure 5-4.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5- 5 1. The printer does not operate when pow er is turned on. E ND Replace the C204 MAIN board, C204 DRV board, and/or C204 DRV-B board. I s the A C i nput v o l tage n o r m a l ? N o Y e s Us e the c o rr e c t A C v o l tage.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5- 6 2. Carriage operation is abnormal. END S T AR T N o Y es A r e t he connec t o r s li s t ed i n N OT E 1 i nse r t ed secu r e l y? R e i nse r t t he connec t o r s . I s t he f au l t co rr ec t ed? N o Y es M anua ll y m ove t he ca rr i age t o see i f m ove m en t i s s m oo t h o r no t.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5- 7 3. Carriage operation is normal, but the self-test is printed incorrectly (1/3). R e i n se rt co rr e ctly. Y e s S T A R T N o Y e s N o I s the fau l t c o rr e c ted? E ND E ND P e r fo r m the s e l f - te s t.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5- 8 3. Carriage operation is normal, but the self-test is printed incorrectly (2/3). R e f e r t o S e c ti on 5 . 3 , R epa i r o f t he P r i n t e r M e c han i s m . P r i n t O K ? . If t he p r i n t head d r i v e r s a r e O K, r ep l a c e t he p r i n t head .
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5- 9 3. Carriage operation is normal, but the self-test is printed incorrectly (3/3). B Y e s P e r fo r m b i d i r e c t i ona l ad j u s t m ent. E ND N o I s the p r i nt c o rr e c t? G o ba ck to S e c t i on 5.3 R epa i r of the P r i nte r M e c han i s m , an d c he ck fo r othe r p r ob l e m s .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-1 0 4. Printing is normal, but paper feeding is abnor mal. A r e t he d r i v e r s s ho r te d o r open? Load the pape r c o rr e c t l y .
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 1 5. Panel unit operation is abnormal. R ep l a c e th e C P N L boa r d. I s the fau l t c o rr e c ted? R ep l a c e the C MA I N boa r d. D o the sw i t c he s w o r k c o rr e c t l y ? R e i n s e r t c onne c to r CN c o rr e c t l y .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-1 2 6. Data sent by the host computer is printed incorrectly . Note : The flowchart below assumes th e host computer is operating normally . R ep l a c e C M A I N boa r d . C he ck t he c ab l e c onne c t i on f r o m t he ho s t c o m pu t e r .
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 3 5.2 CIRCUIT BOA RD REP A IR This s ection provides detailed tr oubleshooting methods to isolate com ponents in the power supply or on the main boar d. This inform ation is for us e by service personnel who repair to the c om ponent level.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-1 4 T able 5-5. C204 PSB/PSE Board Component Repair 2/3 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The +37 VDC (VP1 / VP2) line is dead. The m ain switching FET s QF101 is def ective. Observe the voltage waveform between the drain side and GND.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 5 T able 5-5. C204 PSB/PSE Board Component Repair 3/3 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The 5 VDC line is defective. IC204 is defec tive. Chec k the voltage level at pin 10 ( V1) and pin5 (GP). Replace IC204. Observe the drive wavef orm at pin 8 (VO) and pin 5 (G P).
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-1 6 5.2.2 C204 M AIN/DR V/DR V-B Boards Repair T able 5-6 indicates m ajor com ponents which is used f or the C204 MAIN/DRV/DRV-B boards and T able 5-7 shows the C204 MAIN/DRV/DRV-B boards com ponent level troubleshooting. T able 5-6.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 7 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 2/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The printer does not operate at all. The c ontrol ROM is defective. Conf irm that the PROM is inserted the socket correct ly .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-1 8 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 3/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The car riage operates abnorm ally . IC1 on the C204 MAIN board is defective. Check the signals f or the carr iage motor phases at pins 204 (CRA), 205 (CRB), 206 (CRC), and 5 (CRD) of IC1 Replace IC1.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-1 9 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 4/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The car riage operates abnorm ally . The car riage encoder sensor is defec tive. Obs erve the carriage enc oder sensor output signal at pins 4 (ENCA) and 3 (ENCB) of CN4 on the C204 MAIN board.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-2 0 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 5/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution Paper feeding is abnorm al. The CPU IC2) on the C204 MAIN board is defective. Check the PF m otor phase drive signals at pins 2 - 5 of IC2.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-21 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 6/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The head f an operation is abnorm al. IC1 on the C204 MAIN board is defective. Observe the PG m otor phase signal at pins 163 (F ANA) and 164 (F ANAX) of IC1.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-2 2 T able 5-6. C204 MAIN/DR V/DR V-B boards Component Repair 7/7 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The s elf-tes t is printed incorr ectly IC1 on the C204 MAIN board is defective. Observe the output signal at pins 136- 181 of IC1. Replace IC1.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-2 3 5.2.3 Printer Mechanism Repair The table below des cribes how to isolate problem s with the printer mechanis m. T o replace or adj ust printer mec hanism parts, r efer to Chapter 3, Disass embly and Ass embly , and Chapter 4, Adjustments .
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-2 4 T able 5-7. Printer M echanism Repair 2/4 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution A particular dot does not print. The pr inthead is defective. Meas ure the printhead coil r esistanc e. (Refer to Figure 5-4 f or details.) Replace the printhead.
TROUBLESHOOTING Rev . B 5-2 5 T able 5-7. Printer M echanism Repair 3/4 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution The RF m otor does not operate. The par allelism value is incor rect . Check whether the car riage m oves sm oothly w hen moved m anually . (Check that for eign objects are not lodged in the printer m echanis m.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 5-2 6 T able 5-7. Printer M echanism Repair 4/4 Symptom Cause Checkpoint Solution Printing occu rs outside the paper width. The PW s ensor is defective. Chec k the PW sensor . Replace the PW sensor . The paper bail assem bly does not work.
CHA PTER 6 MA INTENENCE 6.1 PREVENTIVE MA INTENENCE .............................................................................. 6-1 6.2 LUBRICA TION A ND A DHESIVE A PPLICA TION .
M AINTENANCE Rev . B 6-1 6.1 PREVENTIVE MA INTENA NCE T o keep the printer in good c ondition, regularly clean the case exterior (using denatured alc ohol) and vac uum the mechanis m 's interior to remove dus t and paper debris. Af ter cleaning the pr inter , check that it is adequately lubr icated, as des cribed in Section 6.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 6- 2 T able 6-2. Lubrication Points Ref. No. Ref. Figure Lubrication Point Lubricant (1 ) 6- 3 Carriage oil pad ring (on both lef t and right sides of car riage) O2 (2 ) 6- 3 Carriage.
M AINTENANCE Rev . B 6- 3 Figure 6-2. Lubrication and A dhesive Diagram 1.
DFX-8500 Rev . B 6- 4 Fi g ure 6-3. Lubrication and A dhesive Dia g ram 2.
M AINTENANCE Rev . B 6- 5 Figure 6-4. Lubrication and A dhesive Diagram 3.
A PPENDIX A .1 CONNECTOR PIN A SSIGNMENTS ..................................................................... A -1 A .2 CIRCUIT DIA GRAMS ........................................................................................... A-9 A .3 COMPONENT LA YOUT.
APPENDIX Rev . B A-1 A .1 CONNECTOR PIN A SSIGNMENTS Figure A-1 illustr ates the interc onnec tion of the prim ar y components . T able A- 1 s um m arize the des c ription and sizes of the connec tors.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A- 2 T able A -1. Board Connector Summary Connector Connection Pin Number T able to Refer C204 MAIN Board CN1 => Mechanism (Print head) 30 pins T able A-2 CN2 => C204 DRV-B boar.
APPENDIX Rev . B A- 3 T able A -2. C204 M AIN Board Connector CN1 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1 P+10 O Printhead pin #10 2P - 1 0 O G N D 3 P+12 O Printhead pin #12 4P - 1 2 O G N D 5 P+16 O Printhea.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A- 4 T able A -5. C204 M AIN Board Connector CN4 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1G N D - 2+ 5 V - 3 ENCB I CR encoder B phase pulse 4 ENCA I CR encoder A phase pulse T able A -6.
APPENDIX Rev . B A- 5 T able A -12. C204 M AIN Board Connector CN1 1 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 +5 - 7 BTX D O Transm it data 8 XREADY O Ready 9 BRXD I Receive data 10 NC - 1 1 BXRS.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A- 6 T able A -13. C204 M AIN Board Connector CN14 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1 VP3 - +37 VDC 2, 3, 4 GND - 5, 6, 7, 8 +5 - 9, 10 VX - +5 VDC switched by reset status 1 1 F AN O HF .
APPENDIX Rev . B A- 7 T able A -15. C204 M AIN Board Connector CN16 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1 DIPCNT2 O DIP SW select port 2 2 DIPCNT3 O DIP SW select port 3 3 DIPCNT4 O DIP SW select port 4 4 DIPCNT5 O DIP SW select port 5 5 DIPCNT6 O DIP SW select port 6 6 DIPCNT7 O DIP SW select port 7 7 DIPCNT8 O DIP SW select port 8 T able A -16.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A- 8 T able A -17. C204 DRV Board Connector CN3 Pin Signal Name4 I/O Function 1, 2, 3 VP3 - +37 VDC 4, 5, 6 GP3 I GND for VP3 T able A -18.
APPENDIX Rev . B A- 9 A .2 CIRCUIT DIA GRA MS See the following pages for the figures below: Figure A -2. C204 M AIN Board Exploded Diagram C204 MA IN Figure A -3. C204 DRV Board Exploded Diagram C204 DRV Figure A -4. C204 DRV-B Board Exploded Diagram C204 DRV- B Figure A -5.
APPENDIX Rev . B A-21 A .3 Component Lay out Figure A - 7. C204 M AIN Board Component Lay out (1).
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-2 2 Figure A - 8. C204 M AIN Board Component Lay out (2).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-2 3 Figure A - 9. C204 DRV Board Component Layout (1) Figure A - 10. C204 DRV Board Component Layout (2).
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-2 4 Figure A - 1 1. C204 DRV-B Board Component Layout (1) Figure A - 12. C204 DRV-B Board Component Layout (2).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-2 5 Figure A - 13. C204 PSB Board Component Layout.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-2 6 Figure A - 14. C204 PSE Board Component Layout.
APPENDIX Rev . B A-2 7 A .4 Connectors on the Connector Junction Board See the figure bellow for the connector ar rangem ent on the connector junction board.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-2 8 A .5 Part List T able A -20. Part List (1/3) No. Part Names No. Part Nam es 100 HOUSING ASSY .,LO W ER 163 SP ACER,PS UNIT 101 FRAME ASSY .,BO TTO M 164 LEAF SPRING,BASE F RAME 102 COVER ASSY .,FRONT 165 COVER, DIP SW IT CH 103 HOUSING ASSY .
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-3 0 T able A -20. Part List (3/3) NO. Part Nam es NO. Part Names 647 SPUR,GEAR,40 669 F AN,CR 648 EXTENSION SPRING, 320 671 RIBON MASK SUB ASSY . 649 MOUNT PLA TE W IRE,RIGHT 672 SPUR,GEAR,24 650 MOUNT PLA TE,W IRE,LEFT 673 MOUNT PLA T E,DET ECTOR,RJ 651 EXTENSION SPRING, 40 674 DETECTOR ASSY .
APPENDIX Rev . B A-31 A .6 EXPLODED DIA GRA M S See the following pages for the exploded diagrams below . Note that the last page s hows the pack ing mater ial for DFX- 8500. Figure A-16. EXPLODED DIA GRAMS FOR DFX-8500 ( 1) EXPLODED DIAG RAM (1) Figure A-17.
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-3 2 Figure A -16. Exploded Diagrams (1).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-3 3 Figure A -17. Exploded Diagrams (2).
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-3 4 Figure A -18. Exploded Diagrams (3).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-3 5 Figure A -19. Exploded Diagrams (4).
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-3 6 Figure A -20. Exploded Diagrams (5).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-3 7 Figure A -21. Exploded Diagrams (6).
DFX-8500 Rev . B A-3 8 Figure A -22. Exploded Diagrams (7).
APPENDIX Rev . B A-3 9 Figure A -23. Packing M aterial.
EPSON OVERSEAS MARKETING LOCATIONS EPSON AMERICA, Inc. 20770 Madrona Avenue, P.O. Box 2842 Torrance, CA 90509-2842 Phone: (800)922-8911 Fax: (310)782-5220 EPSON DEUTCHLAND GmBH Zülpicher Straße 6, 4549 Düsseldorf Germany Phone: (0211)56030 Telex: 8584786 EPSON UK LTD.
デバイスEpson DFX-8500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson DFX-8500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson DFX-8500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson DFX-8500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson DFX-8500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson DFX-8500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson DFX-8500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson DFX-8500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson DFX-8500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。