EpsonメーカーStylus Photo 700の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User’s Guide Prin ted on recycled paper with at least 10% post-consume r content Fr ont .f m5 P age i T hur sd a y, Ma rch 1 9, 19 98 4: 3 2 P M.
printer c over edge g uid es p aper su ppor t exte ns io n pa per su pp ort cont r ol pa ne l output tr ay ext e nsio ns output tra y ink ca r tri dge clam p clea ni ng button paper ou t ligh t powe r lig ht load /e je ct but to n bla ck i nk out li gh t co lor in k out li gh t thi ckn ess le ve r pow er button in sid e.
ii All rig hts reser ved. N o par t of t his pub lication may be re produc ed, stored in a retriev al system , o r transm itted in any form or by any mean s, electronic, mechan ical, phot ocopying, recordi ng, or otherwise, withou t the prio r written pe rmissio n of SE IKO EPSON CO RPORA TION.
iii FCC Compli ance Statement For Uni ted S tates U sers This e quipm ent has been t ested an d fo und to comp ly with the li mit s for a C lass B digit al dev ice, purs uant to Part 15 o f the F CC Rules. The se limi ts are de sig ned to pr ovid e reasonab le pr otect ion again st harm ful i nterferen ce in a residenti al instal lation.
iv Fro 5 Pag e i v Th ur sday, March 19, 19 98 4:32 P M.
v Contents Introduction Win dows System R equiremen ts 2 Macintosh S ystem R equirem ents 2 How To U se Your Manuals 3 Warning s, Cauti ons, Notes, and Tips 4 Where To Get H elp 5 ENE RG Y STA R Co mp.
Contents vi Selecting Paper Size and Orientation Options 2-12 Selecting Paper Options in Windows 2-12 Selecti ng Pap er O ptions on a M acinto sh 2-17 Selecting Print Layout O ptions 2-20 Choosi ng Pr.
Contents vi i Managing Print Jobs o n a Mac intosh 4-13 Using Monitor3 4-14 Usin g the Ma cin tosh Status Mo nitor 4-16 Select ing Conf iguration Opti o ns 4-17 5 Main tenance and Transportation Clean.
Contents viii A Network Printing Network Printing in Window s 95 A-1 Network Printing in Window s 3.1 A-3 Setting Up the Pri nt Server in W indow s 3 .
1 / Intro duc ti on Yo ur EPSO N Styl us ® Photo 700 printer i s the id eal o utput device for fu ll-color layo ut proof s, digi tal photograp hy, photo editing— or any imag ing proj ect y ou create on your compu ter.
Introduction 2 Windows System Requirements To us e y our printer and i ts sof tware with a PC , you r system shoul d h ave: ◗ An IB M ® compatible PC with at least a 486 DX2/66 MHz or faster proces sor (Pen tium ® 100 or equivale nt rec ommended) ◗ Wi n do ws 3.
Intr oducti on 3 ◗ Doub le-speed CD -ROM d rive ( quad-spe ed o r f aster rec ommended) ◗ Standa rd A pple ® Sys tem Per ipheral-8 c able or equivale nt (RS-422, 8-pin mi ni DIN male/ma l e, Belkin F2V024 rec ommended) How To Use Y our Manua ls To set up you r printer, see th e Getting Started guid e .
Introduction 4 Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and T ips You’ ll find thi s i nfor mati on thro ug hou t yo ur m anu al: Wa r n i n g s m ust be fol lowed ca ref ully to avoid bodi ly i njury. Caut io ns mu st b e o bser ve d to a vo id da m ag e to y ou r equipm ent.
Intr oducti on 5 Wh ere T o Ge t He lp EPSON provides techni c al assista nc e through el e ctronic suppo rt services and au toma ted teleph one servi ces 24 h ou rs a day.
Introduction 6 To speak to a t ech nical support representa tive, dial (310) 533 -4 01 8 (U . S.) o r ( 905) 7 09-25 67 ( Ca nad a) , 6 AM to 8 PM , Pac if ic Ti me, Mo nday t hroug h Friday and 7 AM to 4 PM , Saturd ay an d Su nda y. Toll or long dista nce ch arg es may apply .
Intr oducti on 7 Energy-savin g Tips Here are a few tips you c an use to be eve n mor e ener gy-wise: ◗ If your monitor isn’ t E NER GY S TAR compl iant, turn it of f whe n yo u’re not us ing it . ◗ Turn off yo ur comp uter, pr inter, and m onitor each day when you are done using them.
Introduction 8 ◗ Place the prin ter near a wa ll ou tlet where th e plug can be easily unplug ged. Placez l ’imprima nte près d’ une p rise de contacte où l a fiche peut être débr a nchée fa cilement. ◗ Do not let the po wer cord beco me d ama ged or frayed.
Intr oducti on 9 ◗ Install the ink cartrid ge immed iately after you remove it from its foil packa ge. Le avi ng t he car tridge unp ack ed for a long tim e before use may resul t in r educ ed print q uality. ◗ Do no t u se an ink cartridg e beyond th e date printed o n th e cartri dge carton.
1- 1 1 It’s e asy to print wit h your new EPSON Stylus Photo 700. First set up a nd in stall the prin ter so ftware, following the i nstruc tions in th e Getting St arted guide.
Basic Printing 1- 2 Setting Printer Options from Windo ws Ap pl ica tio n s This secti on describ es the setti ngs you’l l need to ma ke f or all your everyd ay printou ts. See C hap ter 2 for inform ation abou t special s ettings like P hotoEnha nce2 ( PhotoE nhance in Wi n do ws 3 .
Basic Printing 1- 3 3. M ake sure the Mode option is set to Automatic . T his lets the prin ter s oftw are deter m ine the b est setting s fo r your print job and is the easiest way to g et good printing results on all types of paper.
Basic Printing 1- 4 9. Clic k OK when you’re finished ch ecking your settings. 10. Clic k OK or Pri nt in your appl ic ation’s p rinti ng dial og box. You m ay need to click a sequence o f thes e buttons , dependi ng on th e appl ication you are u sing.
Basic Printing 1- 5 Settin g Default O ptions in Windows 95 or W indo w s NT 4. 0 Follow th ese steps: 1. Clic k Sta r t , p oint to Sett ings , and then s elect Prin ter s . 2. Ri ght- click the EPS ON Sty lus Photo 70 0 i c on in the Printe rs windo w.
Basic Printing 1- 6 Chec king Prin ter Sta tus While you r docum en t is pri nting, you r pr inter s oftw are repor ts how the job is doing. See the secti on for your oper ating system belo w .
Basic Printing 1- 7 Win dows 3 .1 After yo u sen d your prin t job, the E PSO N Des pooler dialo g box a ppears on you r scr een: This dialog bo x shows the progre ss of your print job and the status of your printer. If you run out of paper whil e printing, for exampl e, the Despool er warns you.
Basic Printing 1- 8 This secti on describ es the setti ngs you’l l need to ma ke f or all your everyd ay printou ts. See C hap ter 2 for inform ation abou t advanced settings. Follo w these s teps to print f r om yo ur word pr oces sor or other Macintosh applicat ion: 1.
Basic Printing 1- 9 6. C hoose th e M edi a Typ e you w ant to p rint on from th e following list. If you are n ot sur e whi ch setting to select, refer to th e ta ble on page 3 -2.
Basic Printing 1-1 0 Cho os i ng Pape r a n d Ot her M e dia You ca n us e mo st types of p ape r with yo ur printer, but you’ll get better results with specia lly designed EPSO N ink jet p ape r or other media . Fo ll owing i s a list of the media avail able fo r EPSON ink jet pr inters .
Basic Printing 1-1 1 What To Do W hen the Pr int er Light s Flas h The four lights on your printer’s contr ol panel show the printer’s s tatus and ale rt you t o pr oblems li ke paper jam s.
Basic Printing 1-1 2 P S B A When the power and pap er lights flash and the ink out ligh ts are on, your printer has a carriag e error. Turn off the printer by pr essing th e P power butto n; wait sev eral second s; then turn it on a gain. I f this does not clear the error condition, contact EP SON as descri bed in the Introdu ction.
2- 1 2 When your photo graph s or other p rojects have special printing requireme n ts, you can use the cu stom settings in your EPSO N Stylus Photo 700 software . Y ou can choose predefined setti n gs or a dju s t indiv id ual op ti ons like brightne ss, c ontras t, saturatio n, and halfton ing .
Custom P rinting 2- 2 Using P red efined A dvanced Settings Predefi ned settings pro vide a n ea sy way to enh ance you r photo s and fine- tune your p rinter’s ope ration. Follow these steps to print w ith prede fined setting s: 1. C reate you r ima ge or proj ect i n your a pplic ation s oftware.
Cu stom Prin ting 2- 3 5. Sel ect the righ t setting for your p roject by follow ing these guidelines. Not a ll m edia types are avai lable wh en usin g some o f thes e sett ings. ◗ Adva nc ed P hoto For p rinting h igh-qua lity sc anned ph otograp hs.
Custom P rinting 2- 4 6. C hoose th e M edi a Typ e yo u wan t to pri n t o n. (I f you’ re not sure which s etting to s elect, see the tab le on pa ge 3-2. ) The a vailable m edia a re lim ited by the pre defined setting you ch ose in s tep 5. For exampl e, you c an’t use plain paper or transparenc ies with the IC M or Colo rSync settings.
Cu stom Prin ting 2- 5 3. Clic k Advanced, and then click More S e t tings . You see the More Setting s dialog box: So me of thes e opt io ns are a uto ma ti ca ll y se t o r di sable d by othe r sett.
Custom P rinting 2- 6 4. C hoose one of the following Print Qualit y opti ons : ◗ Econ om y For l ow-resolu tion r ough drafts o n pla in paper. Saves ink. ◗ Normal - 360 dpi For printi ng on pla in pape r, transpa rencies, or 36 0 dpi ink jet p aper.
Cu stom Prin ting 2- 7 7. C hoose wh ich of th e fo llowing o ptions you w ant for you r project . Some of these settings are au tomatically se lected or disabled by the Med ia Ty pe an d P r in t Qu al it y (resolu tion) you choose. ◗ MicroWeave For im pro ved pr int q uality.
Custom P rinting 2- 8 Customizing Color Settings You can choose f rom several color a djust ment modes or manually adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation.
Cu stom Prin ting 2- 9 2. C hoos e one of th e fol lowing Colo r Adjustment Modes. If you ar e using ICM or Co lorSync, these s ettings are not ava il able . ◗ Automatic Analyzes the color inf ormation in your image a nd optimi zes c olo r correc tio n acco rdi ngly.
Custom P rinting 2-1 0 4. Oth er image enhance ment options include: ◗ Phot oE nha nce2 or Phot oEn han ce (Wi ndows 3 .1) Pr odu ces sh arp er ima ges a nd m ore viv id col or s b y automa tically adjusting the contr ast, saturation, and bright ness.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-1 1 Follow th ese steps to s et your mo nitor’s ColorSync pro file and use your printer softw are’s C olorS ync f eatures: 1. Open Colo rSync Sy stem P r ofi le unde r Co ntro l Pane ls on the Apple menu. 2. Click the Set Pr ofil e b utton.
Custom P rinting 2-1 2 Selecting Pape r Size and Orie nta tion Op tions Your prin ter can p rint on pa per up to 9.5 inch es wi de and up to 44 inches l ong in eith er por trait or lan dscape orienta tion. If you print m ultipl e page docum ents or multiple c opies of docum ents, you ca n p rint the p age s col lated a nd in rev erse order.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-1 3 4. Click the Pap er Siz e drop-down list to sel ect the size of paper y ou loaded i n the p rin ter. The sizes marked with an aster isk (*) are not available in Wi n do ws 3 .
Custom P rinting 2-1 4 6. If you ’re prin ting multiple copies of a mu lti-page doc ument and you want t he copies prin ted in sets, click the Co ll at e che ckbo x (n ot av aila ble i n Win dows NT 4.0 ). The pa ge graph ics chang e to sho w c ollated docum ent s.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-1 5 Creating User De fined Paper Sizes You c an crea te up to 10 custom paper si zes (one in Win dows 3.1) and add them to the Pap er S ize l ist using t he User Def ined opti on. Th is is us eful if yo u’re p rinting a custo m si ze doc ument, su ch as a ban ne r.
Custom P rinting 2-1 6 Windows 3.1 You c an o nly create o ne Us er Defi ned pap er si ze. Typ e the wi dth in the Pap er Widt h f ield and the length in th e Pap er Hei ght field . Then click OK . 5. You see the Paper t ab aga in. The pa per size name you defined is a dded to th e Pap er Si ze lis t and sele cted as the current setting.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-1 7 Selecting Paper Options on a Macintosh The Pap er Si ze an d Or ien t at io n options are on t he Page Setup d ialog b ox. Th e options f or collating and re versing the page o rder ar e o n the L ayout d ialog box.
Custom P rinting 2-1 8 4. Sel ect the direct ion of printing on the page usin g th e Or ient a tio n options. To print your doc ument oriented as shown i n o ne of th e f ollowing printer graph ics, select t he options listed bel ow it .
Cu stom Prin ting 2-1 9 Crea ting Cus tom Pa pe r Si z es You c an crea te up to 8 c ustom pap er sizes and ad d them to th e Pap er Siz e list. This is useful if yo u’re p rinting a c ustom s ize document, such as a ba nner. You can select any width f rom 3.
Custom P rinting 2-2 0 Selectin g Print Order Opti ons Follow th ese steps to u se th e Co llate and R everse Ord er options: 1. Open your application program’s File menu and select Print. 2. Click the Layout button. Yo u see the L ayout d ialog b ox: 3.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-2 1 For W indows 95 and Windows NT instruc tions, see t he ne xt sectio n. For Macintosh instru c tions , see pa ge 2-27. Choo sing Print La yout Opt io ns in Wi n dow s Follow th .
Custom P rinting 2-2 2 4. If th e Pap er Si z e setting yo u sel ected i s la rge r than th e maxim um size that can be printed on your pri nter, you see the fo llow ing d ia log b ox: In the Ou tpu t Pa per list, select the actua l size o f the p aper loaded in th e p rinter a nd click OK .
Cu stom Prin ting 2-2 3 5. Click the Layout tab. You see the Layout dial og box: 6. Sel ect one of th e following prop ortiona l printi ng opti ons: ◗ Select Norm al to set th e p rint pr oportio n to 100%. ◗ Select Fit to P ag e to automa tical ly redu ce o r en large the im age to fit on the pape r size l oaded in the prin ter.
Custom P rinting 2-2 4 Using Multiple Print Layouts and Page Frames (Windows 95 only) If you ’re printing a m ultiple page d ocu ment, b ut you wa nt a quick proof of th e ima ges on each page printed on one piece o f pap er, you can sel ect Print Layout o ptions in the printer software.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-2 5 Adding a Watermark You c an add a wa terma rk to each page in you r d ocument to emph asize its purp ose o r in dicate how th e docum ent shoul d be handled. F or example, you may want to add a waterma rk o f the word “Confidential” to documents you don’t want distrib uted to oth e r partie s.
Custom P rinting 2-2 6 3. To se lect a different predef ined waterm ark, click the arro w in th e Wa termark d rop-dow n lis t and ch oose one o f the following op tions : Then g o to s tep 5 . 4. To load a custom wate rmar k you’ve cre ated as a bi tmap in an applica tion program , click the Us er D ef in ed bu tton.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-2 7 5. N ow select the way you want the watermar k to a pp ear by choosi ng the following options. T he Layout graph ic chang es to refl ect all the setti ngs you ch oose. ◗ Pos ition s elects where you want the waterma rk to app ear on yo ur page: Ce nter , Top-Lef t , To p-R ig ht , Bottom-Left , or Bo ttom-Ri g ht .
Custom P rinting 2-2 8 Using the Fit to Page Optio n When you wa nt to ma ke the p rinted size of a doc ument diffe rent fr om its actua l size, you c an us e your pri nter software’s Fit to P ag e o ption t o pr oportio n it to fit on a sel ected paper size.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-2 9 7. Sel ect one o f the followi ng Fit to P ag e options: ◗ Select Off to set th e p rint pr oportion to 100%. ◗ Select On to au tomatic ally reduce or enl arge th e imag e to fit on the paper size loaded in the printer. The Pap er Siz e op tion benea th th e Fit to Page option beco me s a c ti ve.
Custom P rinting 2-3 0 Using Multiple Print Layouts and Page Frames If you ’re printing a m ultiple page d ocu ment, b ut you wa nt a quick proof of th e ima ges on each page printed on one piece o f pap er, you can sel ect Print Layout o ptions in the printer software.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-3 1 Adding a Watermark You c an add a wa terma rk to each page in you r d ocument to emph asize its purp ose o r in dicate how th e docum ent shoul d be handled. F or example, you may want to add a waterma rk o f the word “Confidential” to documents you don’t want distrib uted to other parties.
Custom P rinting 2-3 2 The nam e of your PICT file appe ars in th e Nam e field and is added to the Waterm ark List. Click the Sav e b utton to close the d ialog b ox. The cu stom w ater mark now appears as the selected watermark in the Layout dial o g box a nd is sh own in the Lay out grap hic.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-3 3 To resize the watermark, mo ve the cursor over one of the co rner boxe s; the c ursor chan ges to a pointing hand. Click and drag the box corner to reduce or enlarge the waterma rk. 4. If you’r e finishe d cha nging La yout options, click OK to close the L ayout d ialog box.
Custom P rinting 2-3 4 3. Type a un ique na me fo r your setti ngs (up to 16 c haracters ) and cl ick the Save but ton. The na me yo u cho ose will no w be available on t he printer settings dialog box.
Cu stom Prin ting 2-3 5 Deleting Cus tom Settings 1. Sel ect Advanced mod e. Then c li ck Save Setting s . 2. Sel ect the custo m settings group in the Custom Setting s box, a nd click Delete . (You cannot delet e an y of th e predefi ned settin gs.) Cus tom.
3-1 3 Your E PSO N Styl us Ph oto 700 lets you p rin t on just abou t any kind of paper you wa nt to use. Yo u can get great results printi ng on va rious sizes of plain pa per, lett erhead, and e n velopes. You’ll get ev en bette r re sults with s peciall y coated ink jet pap er.
Pri nting o n Special Media 3-2 Using Specia l Me dia Whether you prin t on pla in pap er or s pecia l med ia, you ne ed to load it accord ing to the g uidel ines i n the ta ble below. Fo r th is me di a na me ... Load a maximum of thi s m any sheets.
Printing on Spec ia l Media 3-3 1 Use the Fl i p Horiz ontal op t ion to rever se your image befor e you print i t—especi all y if it i ncludes text — so the i m age wil l app ear corr ectly when it’ s trans ferred. See Chap ter 2 for inst ructi ons.
Pri nting o n Special Media 3-4 ◗ Some specia l me dia have a cu t c orner tha t yo u need to position corr ec tly; foll ow any instructions in the package.
Printing on Spec ia l Media 3-5 Envelo pes You c an loa d up to 10 envel opes at a t ime. A djust the left edg e guide a nd load the enve lopes as s hown, flap edge f irst and printa ble side up: Set the thickness lever to the + position wh en you pri nt on envelo p es or if ink s me ars when you print on other thi c k media.
Pri nting o n Special Media 3-6 EPSO N Pho to Qualit y Ink Jet Cards Use th ese c ards to pri nt p hotos , postca rds, or greeting cards. You ca n load u p to 30 c ards at a time with th e included suppor t sheet or a sheet of plain paper beneath the stack.
Printing on Spec ia l Media 3-7 3. W hen you cr eate the imag e in your applica tion sof tware, size it t o 4.25 × 6.25 inches. You can also us e p roportional print ing as desc r ibe d on page 2- 21 (Windows) o r page 2-28 (Macinto sh).
Pri nting o n Special Media 3-8 EPSO N Ink Je t Transp arencies To pri nt o n tran sparencies only, remove the paper suppor t a nd reinsta l l it in th e rear p aper sup port sl ot, as sh ow n bel o w. Before you load transpar encies , place the included supp ort sheet or a plain paper sheet beneath the stack.
Printing on Spec ia l Media 3-9 Loading Pano ramic or Ban ner Paper 1. Pul l up the paper su ppor t extension a nd pul l out the ou tput tray extens ions. 2. To make a 44-inch print with c ontinuous -form computer paper, firs t tear off four contin uo us sh eets and remo ve the perfora tions at the edges.
Pri nting o n Special Media 3- 10 Pr in ti ng a P ano ra mi c I mage fro m Win dow s Follow th ese steps to p rin t a pa norami c ima ge or o ther custo m-size project on a Wind ows comput er: 1. C reate th e p roject in your g raphics appl ication or other software.
Printing on Spec ia l Media 3- 11 6. Cho ose Portrai t or Landscap e i f y ou h aven’t al read y specif ied the orientation in your application software. Rotate the image 180° o r set the print able area if necessa ry. 7. Click the Main tab to return to the Main printer setting s dialog box .
Pri nting o n Special Media 3- 12 3. Cho ose Portrai t or Landscap e , depend ing o n the orientati on you w ant. Rotate the im age 180° or set the printa ble area if neces sary. 4. I f you ar e usi ng prec ut EPS O N Pan or ami c Phot o Pap er , select Pa nor ami c 210 × 594 mm in the Paper Size bo x.
4- 1 4 Your printer softwa re includes several utili ties for managing print job s. You c an use th em to m onitor yo ur prin ter’s sta tus, set up l arge j obs to print lat er, and handl e network pri nting. This chapter provide s instruction s for the followin g: ◗ Managing print jobs in Windows 95 ◗ Managing print jobs in Windows 3.
Managing P rint Jobs 4- 2 Sele ct ing the Sp ee d & Pr o gr ess Opti ons You can set up the way your pri nter software se nds print jobs and select whether to display the Progres s Meter using the Spe ed & Progre ss dialog box.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4- 3 4. Click the Speed & P rogres s bu tton. Yo u see th is dialo g box: Select from the follow ing option s: ◗ High Speed Copies speeds u p printing of multiple co pies of th e same docu men t by us ing y our har d dis k spa ce as a cache .
Managing P rint Jobs 4- 4 Using the Spool Manager The S pool M anager cre ates a te mpora ry p rint job f ile, stores it in th e C: TEMP or C:WIN DOW S TEM P fo lder or direct ory, and a ssigns it to a print que ue. Th e softwar e then send s th e file to your printer at the right time .
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4- 5 Usi ng Sta t us Mo nit or 2 Status Mo nito r 2 lets you view detailed in forma tion abou t yo ur print job s an d contr ol how you wa nt prin ting mo nitored.
Managing P rint Jobs 4- 6 Se tting Up Mo nitori ng Pref erence s You ca n select the way you want S tatus M onitor 2 to moni tor each printer you us e in the M onitori ng Pre ferenc es windo w.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4- 7 The co lor of the prin ter i con i n the S tatu s A lert di alog box indicat es the type of error, as descri bed on pag e 4-8.
Managing P rint Jobs 4- 8 If you have more than on e printer you w ant to mo nitor, you can add them usi ng the Ad d Prin ter option i n the S ettings menu. T o s ave s ystem res ource s, yo u may w ant to d elete any printers from the Status Mo nitor 2 list that you don’t need to monitor.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4- 9 ◗ If you ’re curre ntly us ing the p rinter so ftware, click th e Util ity tab, then click the E PSO N Statu s Monito r 2 ic on.
Managing P rint Jobs 4-1 0 Using the Job Status Window To view deta iled info rmat ion on the p rint j obs waitin g to p rint on your printer, you can use the Job Statu s window.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4-1 1 Managin g Pr int Jobs in Wi ndow s 3 . 1 Your W indo ws pr inter soft ware includes two m anagement util ities: th e Spool Manager a nd Desp ooler. ◗ The Spool Manager sta rts automa tically when you send a job to the printer.
Managing P rint Jobs 4-1 2 The S pool M anager windo w displ ays th e status of your prin t queu es and journa l files and lets yo u c ontrol th em. Y ou can al so control the displa y of th e Des poo ler and th e de fault spool direct ory. Click Help i n the S pool M anager menu bar for detailed in forma tion.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4-1 3 6. M ake sure the spool dire ctory is the one you created in st e p 1 . Al so m ak e su r e U se Pri nt M ana ger for t h is port is checked . T hen cl ick OK . 7. C lose Spool Manag er. Managin g Pr int Jobs in Windows NT 4.
Managing P rint Jobs 4-1 4 Usi ng Mon itor3 The Monitor3 uti lity lets you conti nue to work on your Macintosh while your do cument is printing. You can u se Monitor3 to check or cancel any pending pr int jobs. I t also shows the s tatus of the j ob c urrently being pr inted.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4-1 5 Monit oring Print Jobs with Monitor3 While you’re printi n g, click the EP SO N Mo nit or3 icon on the Applica tion menu at th e r ight end of the menu bar. Y ou see a dial og b ox lik e the follo w ing : From th is dialog box , you ca n pause, resta rt, and c ancel pr int jobs.
Managing P rint Jobs 4-1 6 Using th e M acintosh St atus Mon itor You ca n use th e Status Moni tor to ch eck th e level of i nk in you r printer. Follow these s teps: 1. Cho ose Pag e Se tu p or P r in t from the File menu or cli ck the prin t icon i n your a pplicati on.
Managi ng P rint Jobs 4-1 7 Sele cting Conf igurati on Op tion s You can c onfigure th e way you want the pri nter to hand le error messag e s, warnings, and ink level checks and set up temp ora ry spool fo lders on th e C onfiguration Sett ings di alog b ox.
5- 1 5 It’s easy to keep you r EPS ON S tylus Photo 700 p rinter working at it s best. All you have to do i s follow th e simple i nstructions in this c hapter for replac ing ink car tridges, movi ng the printer , and per form ing routi ne ma intenanc e.
Maintenanc e and Transportatio n 5- 2 Using th e Hea d Cle aning U tility Follow th ese steps to r un the utility: 1. M ake sure the printer is turned on but not printing, and that the B black and A c olor i nk out lights a re o ff. 2. Ac cess the pr inter s etting s dial og b ox as descr ibed i n Chapter 1 .
Maintenance and Transportation 5- 3 Using th e Control P anel Follow th ese steps to c lean the p rint h ead: 1. M ake sure the printer is turned on and not printing, and that the B black and A c olor i nk out lights a re o ff. 2. Press the R cleaning button and hold it do wn f or three seconds.
Maintenanc e and Transportatio n 5- 4 Exam ining the N ozzle Ch eck Pattern Exami ne the no zzle check pa ttern after pr inting it. It shou ld look som ethi ng like th is, w ith e ach o f the six sec .
Maintenance and Transportation 5- 5 Removing a n Empty Ink Cartridge You c an repla ce a cartri dge wh en the B black or A co lor in k out light is either flashing or on. Follow these steps: 1. M ake sure the printer is turned on and not printing. 2. De termine w hich cartr idge needs to be replaced .
Maintenanc e and Transportatio n 5- 6 Inst allin g the New Ca rtridge Once you have rem oved the em p ty cartridg e, you ’re rea dy to install th e new one. F ollow these steps: 1. Rem ove the new ink c artr idge from its pa ckaging. 2. Rem ove only th e ye llow pa rt of th e tape seal on the top of the cartridg e.
Maintenance and Transportation 5- 7 4. Press down the ink ca rtridg e clamp u ntil it locks in place. 5. If you need to replac e the o ther ink c artridge, rem o ve it a s described in “ Remo ving a n Em pty Ink C artridge” on page 5- 5. Th en fo llow steps 1 throug h 4 in this section.
Maintenanc e and Transportatio n 5- 8 Follow these steps to repla ce an ink cartridge bef ore th e B black or A c olo r ink o ut light is flashi ng or on: 1. M ake sure the printer is turned on and not printing. 2. Low er th e output tr ay and raise the pri nter co ver.
Maintenance and Transportation 5- 9 Cleaning t he Print er To keep your prin ter wo rking a t its best, yo u sh ould clean i t several times a yea r, fol low ing thes e step s: 1. Tur n of f th e printer, un plug th e power co rd, and disconnec t the p rinter c able.
6- 1 6 As you use your pri nter, you m ay occasio nally expe rience a paper ja m or other proble m. The firs t thi ng you should do i s diagnose th e proble m, foll owing the gu idelines in this c hapter. Then try the most likely solutions until the problem is fixed.
Troubl eshooting 6- 2 ◗ To dete rmine whe ther the prob lem is caused b y the prin ter itself, ru n a pr inter o pera tion check . S ee “R unning a Pri nter Check” on page 6-3 for instru c tions.
Troublesho o ti ng 6- 3 Running a Printer Check You c an run a printer check to de termine w heth er the pro blem come s fro m the pr i nter itsel f or some other so urce. ◗ If the re sults a re satisfactory, the pr oblem lies i n sof tware settings, the interfa ce cable, or your computer .
Troubl eshooting 6- 4 The printer prints one page containing the printer ’s ROM version, ink counter cod e, character tabl e number, and a nozzle c heck p attern. O nly the nozz le check p attern is shown below: 5. Af ter it prin ts the p age , turn off the pr inte r.
Troublesho o ti ng 6- 5 4. M ake sure th e setting s in the utility m atch the i nfo rmatio n on the printed Settings Sh eet. If they do not ma tch, correct the setti ngs on the scr een to ma tch th e info rmation on the settings sh eet. 5. Clic k OK to exit a nd sa ve you r setting s.
Troubl eshooting 6- 6 Windows 3 .1 Instr u ctions 1. Do uble -click th e Main p rogram group icon, then dou ble- cli ck th e Cont ro l Pane l ic on . 2. Do uble -cl ick Pri nt ers . 3. Sel ect EPSO N Sty lus Phot o 700 in the Installed Printers list and clic k the Remove b utton.
Troublesho o ti ng 6- 7 Improving Prin t Qual ity You can often improve print quality by doing one of the followi ng : ◗ Clean th e p rint head ; the print he ad nozz les ma y be clogg ed (see page 5-1 for instructi ons). ◗ Use h igher q u ality pap er appr opria te fo r yo ur print job (see pa ge 3-2 for a list o f EPS ON pa pers) .
Troubl eshooting 6- 8 The pri nte d image ha s incorrect or m issing c olors The pri nte d image is blurry or smeared Possi ble ca use Solut ion The Ink option is set to Black . Change th e Ink s ett in g to Color . See page 1-2 (Wi ndows) or page 1-7 (Maci ntosh) for i nstruc tions.
Troublesho o ti ng 6- 9 Color documents print in bl ack and white Solving Pr inting P roblems If th e printe r wo n’t print, first ch eck t hat: ◗ The pr inter is turned on a nd the P power ligh t is o n, but no t f las hing. ◗ Paper is loaded in the printer.
Troubl eshooting 6-1 0 Only the P power light is on, but nothing prints The pri nte r sounds a s though it is printing, but nothing pr ints The S paper out light is f lashing or on Possi ble ca use Solut ion The i nterfac e cable i s not connec ted securely .
Troublesho o ti ng 6-1 1 A B black or A color ink out light is fla shing or on The S and P lights ar e flashing All the lights are flash ing The pri nte r has finished charging the ink ca rtridge , but the P power light is still fl a shing Possi ble ca use Soluti on If flashing , the ink supply is gett i n g low.
Troubl eshooting 6-1 2 Solving Printer Software Problems If you have trouble with your pri nter softwa re, first check tha t your prin ter is selected as the d efault Wi ndow s printer or a s the current pri nter in the Macintos h Chooser ; s ee your G etting Sta rte d guid e.
Troublesho o ti ng 6-1 3 You see a spooling e rror message ( Window s ) You see a type 11 or memory error messag e (Macintosh) Your pri nte r swi tches to the modem port or w on’t conf irm on the pr.
Troubl eshooting 6-1 4 The “SP 70 0 cannot be used” mess a ge appears ( Macintosh ) Your pri nte r icon doesn’t appear i n the Chooser (Macintosh) You sent se v eral pri nt jobs, but none are pri nting (Macintosh) You get a type 39 error on the M acint osh You cannot pri nt on a Windows NT 4.
Troublesho o ti ng 6-1 5 Printing is too slow Fixing Paper P roblem s You c an avoi d most pa per handling pr oblems by doing the followi ng : ◗ Use smooth, hi gh-qualit y media designed for ink jet printers that mee ts the media specifications on page B-2.
Troubl eshooting 6-1 6 Paper does n’t eject full y or is wrinkle d Paper does n’t feed Paper ja m s insi de the pr inter Possi ble ca use Solut ion If th e paper doesn’ t eject ful l y , you may have se t the wr ong paper si ze. Press the E load/ eject butt on to eject the pap er .
Troublesho o ti ng 6-1 7 Multiple pa g es feed at the sa me time Solvi ng M iscel lan eou s Pr int out Pro blems If you r prin tout res ults ar e not what you ex pected, try these soluti o ns. Characters a re incorrect or garbl e d Try thi s Then do this Remov e the stack of paper fro m the pr in te r.
Troubl eshooting 6-1 8 The margins a re incorrect The image is inverted, a s if v iewed in a mir ror A portion of y our image doesn’t print (Macintosh) The i nterfac e cable i s not secur ely connec ted. Turn of f your pri nter and computer . Then make sure the cabl e i s connect ed sec urely an d meets the pri nter’s specif icati ons.
Troublesho o ti ng 6-1 9 The pri nte r print s blank pages Something on the page is wrong or m issing Possi ble ca use Soluti on Your pr i nter is not the Win dows def ault pr i nter . Selec t your print er as the defa ult Windows printer . See your Win dows documen ta ti on or W indo w s online hel p f or ins t ruct i o ns.
A-1 A You c an us e your prin ter on a ne twork under W indo ws 9 5, Windows 3 . 1, Wi nd ows NT 4.0, and other ne twork operati ng systems. S ee th e appr opria te sect ion belo w for yo ur oper ating syst em .
Network Printing A-2 5. Click the Details tab. Then cl ick th e A dd P ort bu tton. 6. In the follow ing di alog box, clic k Browse . Click th is tab Th en c lic k her e Click here to speci fy the netw ork pat h Net work.
Network Pr inting A-3 7. Do uble -click th e icon o f the compu ter that is d irectly connected to the printer. Then click the ico n of the pr inter you plan to u se on the netwo rk. 8. Clic k OK a nd foll ow t he m essages on the screen. Now you can us e the prin ter co nnected to the print serv er over the network from the client comp uter.
Network Printing A-4 Setting U p the Pr int Ser ver in Windows 3.1 Follow th ese steps to s et up th e co mpute r connected to th e printer: 1. C reate a n icon for th e EP SON S pool M anager (EPSPM GR4.EXE) in the WI NDOW SSYSTEM folder. 2. Place this i con i n the S tartU p fold er.
Network Pr inting A-5 5. Click the Bro wse bu tton and select th e direc tory you’re usin g for jo urna l files o n th e serv er. 6. Clic k OK and minimize th e Spool Mana g er.
B-1 B Print in g Pr in ting met hod EPSO N ’ s ex c lus iv e d ro p-on - dem a nd Mi c ro P i ezo in k je t t ec hno l ogy Nozzl e confi guratio n Black 32 nozz les Color 32 no zzles × 5 ( cya n, m.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-2 Paper Pape r ty pe Siz e Pape r ty pe s Thick ness Weigh t Sin gle s heet s Le tter (8 .5 × 11 inc hes) Lega l (8. 5 × 14 inch es) Statem ent (5.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-3 Note: Si nce the qua lity of any pa rti cula r bran d or typ e of pape r may be chan ged by th e ma nufa cture r at a ny ti me, E PSON ca nnot attes t to th e qu alit y of any non -EP SON bran d or ty pe of pape r.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-4 . A: The maxi mum top margin is 0.6 7 inc h (17. 0 mm) . B-L, B- R: T he maximu m lef t and right margi n is 0. 24 inc h (6. 1 mm). C: The ma x im um bo tt o m ma rg in is 0 .24 inc h ( 6. 1 m m ). A: The mi ni mu m t op m arg in is 0.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-5 Ink Cart ridg e * The pr int cap acity ma y vary , dep endi ng on ho w ofte n you cl ea n the print head. ** Cartridges tha w and are usable a fter a pproxim atel y 3 hou rs a t 77 °F ( 25 °C) . Cauti on: EPSON recomm ends the use of genuine EPSON ink ca r tri dges.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-6 Mec ha n ic al Pap er feed meth od Fricti on Pape r p at h She et fe eder , re ar e ntry She et fe ed e r capa ci ty 100 she ets at 17 lb (64 g/m 2 ) pap er Dimensions Stor age Widt h : 16.9 inc hes (429 mm) Depth : 9.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-7 Environmenta l Te mper ature Operatio n 50 to 95 °F (10 to 35 °C) Stora ge * – 4 to 140 °F ( – 20 to 60 ° C) 1 mo nth a t 104 ° F ( 40 °C) 120 hour s at 140.
Techni c al Specific a ti ons B-8 Int erf ac e Your pr inter is equi pp ed with an 8-bi t p aralle l inter f ace and a serial in te rf ac e . Para llel interfa c e Th e bu il t-i n par all el i n ter .
G-1 Glos sary b andin g The horizont al lines th at sometim es appear in a printed image . See also Mic roWeave . bidi rec tio nal Mov ing the p rin t head from l eft to ri ght and right to le ft, for faste r outpu t. buf fer The po rtion o f the printer’s memo ry u sed to store data before printing it.
Glossary G -2 Error Diffusion Thi s hal ftoning setti ng smooths ou t ed ges by random ly pl acing dots o f varying colors . This has the oppo site effec t of th e Fines t Detail setting.
Glossary G-3 medi a Materia ls upon which data is pr inted, such a s envelo pes, plain paper, specia l p aper, and tra nsparenc ies. Mic ro Piezo Ink je t techno logy that uses an electroni c pulse to precisel y fo rce the ink through the print head. This results in smaller, cleaner dots, sharp lines, and crisp text.
Glossary G -4 spool The process by whic h the printer driver converts the print data into codes that your printer under stands. This data i s then sent to the prin ter di rect ly or to th e print serv er. Spool Manager An EPSON softwa re program tha t converts print data into codes that your printer un derstan ds.
I-1 Ind ex A Acc e sso rie s , 6 , 1-10 , 5-4 Ad va nce d m od e, se le ct in g , 2-2 Advanc ed Photo settin g , 2-3 Advanc ed settin g s cu sto m , 2-4 to 2-11 , 2-34 to 2-35 pr ede fi ned , 2-2 to 2-4 Alig ning pri nt he ad , 5-8 , 6-7 Aut omat ic mod e , 1- 3 , 1-8 , 3-3 B Background printing Macinto sh , 4-14 to 4- 1 5 Wi ndows 3.
I-2 Envelope s printing on , 3-2 , 3-5 spec ificatio ns , B-2 to B-4 Env i ron me nta l sp ec if ica tion s , B- 7 EPSON Acc e sso rie s , 6 , 1-10 , 5-4 Cust omer Care Center s , 5 Ele c tron ic su p.
I-3 M Macinto sh managi ng p rint jobs , 4-13 to 4-17 Monit o r 3 , 4-14 to 4-15 , 6-13 to 6-15 printing from , 1-7 to 1- 9 sys tem r e qu ire m en ts , 2 to 3 uni n sta llin g soft w are , 6- 6 Magent a setting , 2-9 M ain t a in i ng pr i nt e r , 5-1 to 5- 9 M ana g i ng p r in t j o bs Macinto sh , 4-13 to 4- 1 7 Wi ndows 3.
I-4 Photo Quali ty G lossy media choosi ng , 1- 1 0 printing on , 3-2 spec ificatio ns , B-2 to B-3 Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards choosi ng , 1- 1 0 printing on , 3-2 , 3-6 spec ificatio ns , B-2 to B-3.
I-5 R Read Me files , 6-2 Render ing Intent settin g , 2-11 Repla cing ink cart ridges , 5-4 to 5-8 Reso lution, see P r in t q u a l it y Rev e rse O rd er se tti ng , 2-14 , 2- 2 0 Rota te by 180° .
I-6 W Wat ermark Macinto sh , 2-31 to 2- 3 3 Wi ndows , 2-25 to 2- 2 7 Wi ndows managi ng p rint jobs , 4-1 to 4-13 printer s t atus, checking , 1-6 to 1-7 printing from , 1-1 to 1- 4 Spoo l Ma na ger.
デバイスEpson Stylus Photo 700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson Stylus Photo 700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson Stylus Photo 700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson Stylus Photo 700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson Stylus Photo 700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson Stylus Photo 700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson Stylus Photo 700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson Stylus Photo 700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson Stylus Photo 700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。