ExabyteメーカーEXB-8500c 8mmの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Copyright Copyright 1993 by Exabyte Corporation. All rights reserved. This item and the information contained herein are the property of Exabyte Corporation.
Agency Standards When properly installed with a shielded enclos ure, shielded cable, and adequate grounding the of the SCSI bus and the inpu t power, the EXB-8500 and EXB-8500c meet the following safety standards: UL Standard 1950, 1st Edition, Information Technology Equipment; CAN/CSA Standard C22.
Product Warranty Caution The EXB-8500 and EXB-8500c 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystems (tape drives) are warranted to be free from defects in materials, parts, and workmanship and will conform to the current p roduct specifications upon delivery .
Contents W e l c o m e............................ 7 A b o u t T h i s G u i d e .............. ...... .....8 C o n v e n t i o n s U s e d i n T h i s G u i d e ....... ..........8 F o r M o r e I n f o r m a t i o n ....... .......... ......8 1I n s t a l l i n g t h e T a p e D r i v e .
6 EXB-8500/EXB-8500c 3062 61.
W e lcome Thank you for selecting the EXABYTE ® EXB-8500 or EXB-8500c 8mm Cartridge Ta pe Subsystem (tape drive ). The EXB-8500 and the EXB- 8500c (shown belo w) are high-capacity, high -performance, and high ly reliable streaming tape drives for PC, super-mini, and mainf rame computer systems.
About This Guide Use this guide as you install and operate the tape drive. In addition to instructions for installati on and operation, this guide provides informat ion about selecting and maintaining data cartridges, cleaning the tape drive, and packing th e tape drive for shipment.
1 Installing the Tape Drive This section provides instru ctions for the followi ng tasks: ■ Unpacking the tape drive and ensuring ESD protection (page 10) ■ Setting the SCSI ID (page 11) ■ Prepa.
1 ⁄ 4 -inch female spade connector or M3-0.5 6 mm self-tapping screw Can be used for a dditional chassis grounding. Unpacking the Tape Drive The tape drive’s packaging is designed to protect the tape d r i v ef r o ms h o c k ,v i b r a t i o n ,m o i s t u r e ,a n de l e c t r o s t a t i c discharge (ESD).
discharge static elect ricity from your body bef ore handling the tape drive. (Touch a known grounded surface, such as your computer’s metal chassis.
Setting the SCSI ID with the DIP Switches To set the SCSI ID using the DIP switches, follow these steps: 1. Locate the SCSI ID DIP switches on the back of th e tape drive, as shown in Figure 1. 2. Change the DIP switch settings to the correct SCSI I Df o ry o u rc o n f i g u r a t i o n .
Setting the SCSI ID with Jumpers To set the SCSI ID using jumpers, follow these steps: 1. Locate the SCSI ID jumper block on the back of the tape drive, as shown in Figure 1. 2. Install the jumpers on the jumper block to obtain the correct SCSI ID for your configuration.
Setting the SCSI ID with a Remote Switch If you want to set the SCSI ID remotely, you can attach a remote switch assembly (not provide d with the tape drive) to the tape drive’s SCSI ID jumper block. To set the SCSI ID with a remote switch, follow these steps: 1.
Terminating a Single-Ended Tape Drive The sing le-ended tape dri ve includes two sing le in-line package resistor terminat ors (R-packs) that can be lef t in place if the tape drive ter minates the SCSI bus. CAUTION The R-packs must be removed if the tape drive does not terminate the SCSI bus or if you plan to use an external SCSI bus termination.
2. Using a pair of flat-nose wiring p liers, grasp each R-pack at the center and pull it straight out . Be carefu l not to sque eze the plie rs too tigh tly or you may break the R-pack.
Installing the Tape Drive in a PC Drive Bay If you are plannin g to mount the tape drive in a full -high PC drive bay, follow the guidel ines in this sec tion. Otherwise, refer t o Appendix A for installation requirements, the n resume reading on page 20, “Performi ng the Initial Po wer On.
5. If necessary, remove o ne of the floppy disk drives to provide an empty full-high drive bay for the tape drive. CAUTION If you remove floppy disk dri ve B to install the tape drive, be sure to change your system configuration to reflect this. Re fer to your computer owner’s manual for de tails on running the syst em’s setup program.
3. From the front of the c omputer , thread the SCSI cable into the computer through the open bay. Slide the tape drive into the bay until the faceplate is f l u s hw i t ht h ef r o n to ft h eb a y . 4. Secure the tape drive to the drive bay as instructed in your computer owner’s manual.
7. Connect power ca ble from the power supply to the 4-pin power connector on the back of the tape drive. CAUTION ■ Make sure that the PC power is off bef ore you connect the c able. ■ Do not force the pl ug into the connecto r. The keyed edges of the plug and the co nnector must m atch.
When power is applied, the tape drive performs its power-o n initia lizatio n and self-t est (P OST). Assumi ng that no data cartridge is loaded and that the t ape drive is connected correctly, POST takes about 65 seconds, as follow s: ■ During the first part of POST, bot h the amber and green LEDs are lit.
4. Push the doo r shut and wai t while t he tape dr ive loads the tape and positions it at LBOT. W hen the amber LED is off and the green LED is on, the t ape is loaded and the tape drive is ready. 5. Write approximately 500 MBytes of data to the tape.
2 Operating the Tape Drive This section in cludes information about the following: ■ Reading the tape drive’s LEDs ■ Setting the write-prot ect switch on the data cartridge ■ Loading and unloading a data cartridg e Figure 9 s hows the con trols and i ndicators o n the front panel of the EXB-8500c.
Table 2 shows specifi c combinations of LEDs that m ay occur during tape drive operatio n. You may occasionally observe LED combinations an d sequences not described in Table 2. These other combinations represent special or unusual condition s that are beyond the scope of this table.
Selecting Data Cartridges By selecting high-qu ality data cartridges and storing them properly, you can expect a long shelf -life and optimal data integrity fro m them. High quality tapes also help maintain tape drive reliability by minimizing wear on the recording heads.
Setting the Write-Protect Switch EXATAPE™ 8mm data cartridges are equipped with a write-prote ct switch, shown in Figure 10, to prevent data on the tape from being uninte ntionally over writte n. Before loading a data cartridge in the tape drive, ens ure that the write-prote ct switch is set correctly for the desired operation.
Loading a Data Cartridge To load a data cartridge into the tape d rive, follow th ese steps: 1. Ensur e that the wri te-protect s witch has been s et correctly for the de sired operatio n, as explained on page 26 .
wait a few seconds and press the button again to ej ect the tape. To unload a data cartridge , press the unload but ton on the tape drive’s front panel. The tape drive comple tes the current operation, write s any buffered data to t ape, unloads the tape fr om the tape p ath, and ejects the cartridge.
3 Preventive Maintenance The only routine maintenance require d by the tape drive is regular cleani ng of the tape drive heads and tape path. Use only an Exabyte or Exabyte-approved 8mm Cleaning Cartridge. Proper stor age and maintenance o f your data cartridges will maximize the shelf life of your tapes and assure data integrity.
Using the 8mm Cleaning Cartridge CAUTION To prevent contamination of the tape drive and damage to the heads, do not use the c leaning cartridge for more than the number of cleaning cycles specified on t he cartridge label .
3. Insert the cleanin g cartridge in the tape drive and close the do or. 4. The cleaning cycle is perfor med automatically by the tape drive and takes approximat ely 38 seconds. When the cleani ng cycle is complete, the cl eaning cartridge is automat ically unloaded and ej ected from the tape drive.
■ Keep the storag e location as free o f airborne particulates as possible. To eliminate obvious s ou r ce s of particulates, do not permit anyone to s mo ke , e a t , o r d r in k near the storage area , and do not store cartridges near a copie r or printer that may emit toner and paper dust.
Replacing Data Cartridges Approximately once each year, you may want to run each tape through a full pass and check its err or statistics. If errors have increased significantly since the previous test or if they exceed a certain predet ermined threshold, you should re-archive th e data to a new tape and discard the old tape.
Notes: 34 EXB-8500/EXB-8500c 3062 61.
4 Packing the Tape Drive You can ship the tape drive with either one drive per carton (single-pack) or with four drive s per carton (four-pack). Figur e 13 on page 34 shows the single-pack carton and packing materials.
Packing the Tape Drive for Shipment To pack the tape drive for shipment, follow these steps: 1. Obtain the original shipping carton or contact your vendo r to rece ive a new on e. 2. Assemble the carton and tape it shut at the bot tom with two -inch (5 1 mm) packi ng tape.
6. Four-pack shipping carton : CAUTION Do not use the four-pack shipping carton for fewe r than four tape drives. I f you are shipping one, two, or three tape drive s, use a single-pack carton for ea ch tape drive. a. Place four tape drives in th e bottom packing cushion’s slots.
Environmental Requirements for Shipment When shipping a tape drive, be sure to comply with the enviro nmental s pecifica tions sh own in Table 4 . Temp. Range –40 ° Ct o+ 6 0 ° C ( –40 ° F to +140 ° F) Temp. Variation 1 ° C per m inute up to a maximum of 20 ° C p er hour (2 ° F per minute u p to a maximum of 36 ° F per hour) Rel.
Appendix A Installation Requirements This appendix provides specific installation requirements for the tape drive. It also provides guidelines for the following tasks: ■ Selecting the correct SCSI c.
Note: To minimize discontinuities and signal reflections, e nsure that cables used on the same bus have the same im pedances. Cable Length Requiremen ts for Differential Configurations For di fferential S CSI con figurati ons, ens ure that th e sum of all the SCSI cable lengths does not exce ed 25.
EXB-8500c Product Specifi cation for detailed inform ation about the spacing of thes e mounting holes. When mounting the tape drive, follow these guidelines: ■ The mo unting loc ation mus t meet the en viron mental requirements discussed in the EXB-8500 and EXB-8500c Product Specific ation .
Chassis Grounding (optional) If additional chassis grounding is desired, connect a 1 ⁄ 4 -inch female spade c onnector to t he ground tab at the rear of the tape drive. Or, connect an M3-0.5 6 mm self-tapping scre w to the grounding hole. The ground tab and grounding hole are shown in Figure 8 on page 19.
Note: The power supply returns are connect ed to the chassi s, so you cann ot isolate logi c common ground from chassis ground. Power Cable Connector The tape drive operate s from standard +5 VDC and +12 VDC supply voltages; it cannot use exter nal AC power.
Notes: 44 EXB-8500/EXB-8500c 3062 61.
Appendix B Tape Drive Specifications General Front panel Unload button, LED i ndicators for SCSI activ ity, tape motion,and err ors Back panel SCSI cable conn ector, power connector, jumper block and .
Notes: 46 EXB-8500/EXB-8500c 3062 61.
Index A agency standards 3 C cable requireme nts power cable 40 SCSI cable 37 – 38 cartridg es see data cartridges chassis grounding 19, 40 cleaning the tape drive frequency 29 instructions 30 – 3.
Exabyt e Corporati on 1685 38th Street Boulder, Colora do USA 80301.
デバイスExabyte EXB-8500c 8mmの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Exabyte EXB-8500c 8mmをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはExabyte EXB-8500c 8mmの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Exabyte EXB-8500c 8mmの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Exabyte EXB-8500c 8mmで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Exabyte EXB-8500c 8mmを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はExabyte EXB-8500c 8mmの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Exabyte EXB-8500c 8mmに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちExabyte EXB-8500c 8mmデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。