Freecom TechnologiesメーカーMobile Drive Secureの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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M O B I L E D R I V E S E C U R E E X TE R NA L M O B I LE DR I V E / 2 . 5 " / U S B 2 . 0 / R F I D Rev. 91 2 USER MANUAL.
2 EN Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure Dea r use r! Thank you for selecting the Freecom Mobile D rive Secure a s your ex ternal hard drive. The F reecom Mobile Driv e Secure provide s a new definition of data sec urity . Y o ur data is prot ected by using a key card (in credit card format) to unlock the drive.
3 EN User manual Gen eral In form ation ........................................................................................................... pag e 4 Precau tionar y measures ......................................................................
4 EN Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure * T o achiev e optim al per f or ma nce fro m the Freeco m Mobi le Dr ive Sec ure you r compu ter sho ul d be equip p ed wit h an USB 2 .0 p or t . Gene ral Information The followi ng hardware and sof tware require ment s must be fulf il led to ensure troubl e - fre e ope ratio n.
5 EN General Inf ormation Prec au ti ona r y me asu res T o e nsure that your Free com Mo bile D rive Se cure f unc tio ns pro per ly, plea se take n ote of the followin g precaut ions . If these are not followed, you may v oid your warra nt y and damage th e Freecom Mo bil e Drive S ecure.
6 EN Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure F ree co m Mob il e Dri ve Secu re The hi -sp ee d data tr ansf er throu gh the USB 2.0 inter f ace makes it id eally sui tab le for data -s torag e, f ile sh aring , backu p, archivi ng, aud io pl ayback an d all ap plic ations that nee d fas t f ile access .
7 EN 1 Hardware Installation Chapter 1 : H ardware Instal lation Befo re con nec tin g the cables make su re th e Freecom Mobil e Dr ive S ecure is s witche d of f. 1 . Co nn e c t t he inte r face ca b le (USB ) to t he Free co m M o bi l e Dr iv e S e cu re .
8 EN 1 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 1 . 1 Dat a pr ote c ti on by keycard (us ing R FI D te ch no log y) The data on t he M obil e D rive S ecur e can be prote c ted f rom unwanted access by using a keycar d to unlo ck t he d rive.
9 EN 1 Hardware Installation 1 . 2 RF ID s ens or a nd LE Ds 1 . RF ID se ns or This is the p ositio n whe re the keycard n ee ds to be he ld to unlo ck the dr ive.
1 0 EN 1 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. Aco ust ic s ign als Red LED: Mob ile Dr ive Secu re is locke d, one sh or t b eep when dr ive is conne c ted to PC /Mac Gre e n LED: Mobile Drive Secure is u.
11 EN 3 Installation of the application s of t ware Chapter 3: Inst allat ion of the a pplic ation sof tware 3. 1 I nst al lat i on so ft wa re PC 1 . Click o n " Star tPC . exe" in the main dire c tor y of the hard drive. The Freecom s tar t men u ope ns.
1 2 EN 3 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 3. 2 I nst al lat io n sof t wa re Ma c 1 . Click on "Start MAC" in the m ain dire c tor y of the hard drive. Th e Freecom st ar t menu ope ns. 2. C lick on "Sof tware In stallat ion " - > "In stall NTI Shado w" or "RF ID HD Pro tection " .
13 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card C h ap t er 4: Ena b li ng da ta pro tec ti on b y k e y car d – u si n g th e F ree c om Ha r d Dri v e K e y car d P ro t ect io n s oftw ar e to ol 4.
1 4 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 1. 1 In it i al se t up o f RF ID p ro te c t ion In MyCom puter, selec t the Free com Mo bile D rive Se cure. Cli ck "Star tP C. exe" . A menu screen will ap pear. S ele c t "S of t wa re Ins tallati on" and the n se lec t "R FID H D Pro te c ti o n" .
15 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card Move the f ir st keycard over th e se nsor on the drive, which is loc ated at the fr ont o f th e drive (see p age 9). If it was su ccessful ly re cognize d, the LED w ill s tar t b link ing gr een . Move the second keycar d over the sensor.
1 6 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 1.2 Us in g you r Fre ec om M ob il e Dr ive Se cu re w it h R FI D pr ot ec t io n Af ter confi gurin g the t wo keycards, every time you c onne c t your Freecom Mobi le Drive Secu re to your c ompu ter or switch it on, the l ef t LED will be r ed in dicati ng the drive is locke d and can not b e use d.
17 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card 2. Ad d ne w keyca rd In case yo u have lost on e or both of the keycards , you can a lways conf ig ure 2 new keycar ds for use w ith your Mo bil e Drive S ecure . A T TE NT IO N: Y ou have to c on fi gu re ag ai n wi th 2 ke yca rd s.
1 8 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 1.3 I have l ost my keyc ar ds – wh at c an I d o now? If you have lost both your keyca rds, you wi ll not be able to g et access to yo ur data on th e Freecom Mo bile D rive Se cure anym ore. T o use your Freecom Mobile Drive Secu re again , the RFID pr otec tio n has to be removed.
19 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card 4. 2 F ree co m Har d Dri ve Key car d Prot ec t io n (Mac) Y o u c an protec t your Mo bil e D rive Sec ure fro m unwa nted access by enab ling the RFID protec ti on.
2 0 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 2. 1 Ini t ia l set u p of R FI D p rot ec t io n Click on " Star t MAC" in the main di rec tor y of the hard drive. A me nu scre en will ap pea r . Sel ec t "S of t wa re Inst allatio n" and then se lec t " R FI D H D Pro te c ti o n" .
21 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card Conf irm o nce again that yo u really w ant to format th e hard dri ve. After t hat, a win dow with a progr ess bar wi ll be shown and the devic e LE D wi ll bli nk r ed. Move the f ir st keycard over th e se nsor on the drive, which is loc ated at the fr ont o f th e drive (see p age 9).
2 2 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 2. 2 Us in g you r Fre ec om M ob il e Dri ve Se cu re w it h R FI D pr ot ec t io n Af ter confi gurin g the t wo keycards, every time you c onne c t your Freecom Mobi le Drive Secu re to your Mac or s witch it on, the l ef t LED wil l be red i ndicati ng the dri ve is locked and can not be used.
23 EN 4 Enabling data protectio n by key card 2. Ad d a ne w keyca rd In case yo u have lost on e or both of the keycards , you can a lways conf ig ure 2 new keycar ds for use w ith your Mo bil e Drive S ecure . A T TE NT IO N: Y ou have to c on fi gu re ag ai n wi th 2 ke yca rd s.
2 4 EN 4 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 4. 2. 3 I have lo st my keyca rd s – wh at c an I d o now? If you have lost both your keyca rds, you wi ll not be able to g et access to yo ur data on th e Freecom Mo bile D rive Se cure anym ore. T o use your Freecom Mobile Drive Secu re again , the RFID pr otec tio n has to be removed.
25 EN 5 Using F reecom T urbo USB 2.0 (only PC) C h ap t er 5 : Us in g F ree co m T ur bo U SB 2. 0 ( on ly P C) By installing the T urb o USB 2.0 drive r for your M obi le Drive Secure, the data trans fer rate can be signif ic antly increase d ( up to 40 % faster transf er spee d compared to s tan dard High -Spe ed USB).
2 6 EN 6 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure Chapter 6: Part itio ning your F reecom M obile Drive Secure 6. 1 Gen era l inf orma ti on Y o ur Free com Mob ile Dri ve Se cure was par titioned and for mat ted to p rovide you with the ma xim um avail able cap acit y and compatib ilit y.
27 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom Mobile D rive Secure Ex am pl e for d i f fe re nt pa r t it io ns w it h d if f er en t fi le s ys te ms o n one Fr ee co m Mo bi le D rive S ec ur e Fil e sy st em .
2 8 EN 6 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 5. Click w ith th e ri ght m ouse button on the "unalloc ated" area and selec t the optio n "New Par tition" . T he "N ew Par titio n Wiz ard " ope ns. Click o n "N ex t ".
29 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom Mobile D rive Secure 6. Sel ec t "Pr imar y p ar titio n" and click on " Ne x t " . 7 . Now you c an adjus t the size of your par titio n. Cli ck on " Ne x t " if o nly o ne p ar titio n is to be create d.
3 0 EN 6 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 9. Se le c t the fo rma tt in g op ti on " Format this p ar titio n wi th the fo llowin g se t tings" . Ch oo se ei th e r " FA T 32 " o r "N TF S ", th e "A ll o ca ti on uni t siz e" s ho ul d re ma i n o n "De fa u lt ".
31 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom Mobile D rive Secure 6. 3 . 3 Cre at i ng t wo or m or e pa rt i t ion s on t h e Free co m Mo bi l e Dri ve Se cu re und e r Win dow s XP / Vi st a 1 .
3 2 EN 6 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 8. Click on " Finish" to create the "E x tend ed partiti on" . Th e unallo cated space now change d to "Free spa ce" .
33 EN 6 Partitioning your Freecom Mobile D rive Secure 9. Right- click on " Free Space" and s ele c t "N ew Logi cal Dr ive" . The " New Par titi on Wi zar d" ope ns. Click o n "N ex t ". 1 0. " Logi cal dr ive" is alread y sel ec ted .
3 4 EN 6 Fr eecom Mobile Driv e Secure 6. 4 Part it i oni ng you r Free com M ob ile D rive Se cu re un de r Mac OS X 1 . Ope n the " Disk Utili t y". This can be f ound in "Applicatio ns" — > "U tilities". 2. Click on the t ab " Par tition" .
W ARR ANTY (valid in E urope/T urke y only) W e thank you for pur chasing this F reecom product and hope you will enjoy using it . In order to avoid unnecessar y inconvenience on your par t, we suggest reading the quick ins ta ll gui de , ins tru ctio n manu al and any add it ion al ele ctr oni c and or prin t ed man ual s.
デバイスFreecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Freecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFreecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Freecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Freecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Freecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFreecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Freecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFreecom Technologies Mobile Drive Secureデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。