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g GE Industrial Systems GEH-6632 EX2100 ™ Excitation Control User’s Guide.
g GE Industrial Systems Document: GEH-6632 Issue Date: 2000-09-30 EX2100 ™ Excitation Control User’s Guide.
© 2000 General Electric Company , USA. All righ ts reserved. Printed in the United States of Am erica. These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipm ent, nor to provide for ev ery possible contingency to be m et during installation, operation, and maintenance.
EX2100 User' s Guide GEH-6632 Safety Symbol Legen d • • • • a Safety Symb ol Legend Indicates a procedure, co ndition, or stat ement that, if no t strictly observed, could result in personal injury or death.
b • • • • Safety Symbol Legend GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock or burn. Only personnel w ho are adequa tely trained a nd thoroughly fam iliar w ith the equipment and the instructions should install, operate, o r m aintain this eq uipment.
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EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Contents • • • • i Contents Chapter 1 Equipment Overv iew 1-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... ......... 1-1 System Overview .
ii • • • • Contents GEH-6632 EX2 100 User’s Gu ide Chapter 3 Print ed Wiring Boards Ov erview 3-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... ......... 3-1 Control Boards .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Contents • • • • iii Changing Display Units ........................................................................................... 5-7 Adjusting Dis play Contrast ...........................................
iv • • • • Contents GEH-6632 EX2 100 User’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 1 Equipme nt Overview • • • • 1-1 Chapter 1 Equipment Overview Introduction The EX2100 ä Excit ation Control (EX 2100 or exciter) produ ces the field excitation current to control generator ac termin al voltage and/or the reactive volt -amperes.
1-2 • • • • Chapter 1 Equi pment Over view GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Gu ide System Overview The exciter is a flexible m odular system that can be assemble d to provide a rang e of available output cu rrents and several levels of system redundancy.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 1 Equipme nt Overview • • • • 1-3 Step-up Transformer A ir Circuit Breaker (52G) Current Transfo rmers (CTs) Potenti al Transformers (PTs) Generator Tra.
1-4 • • • • Chapter 1 Equi pment Over view GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Gu ide Flashing Control DC CB or Contact or Shunt Shaft Voltage Suppres sion A ctive Field Ground Detector Bridge I/O Line .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 1 Equipme nt Overview • • • • 1-5 Hardware Overview The EX2100 hardw are is contained in three cabin ets as follows: • control cabinet f or the contro.
1-6 • • • • Chapter 1 Equi pment Over view GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Gu ide Software Overvi ew Microprocessor-bas ed controllers (A CLA and DSPX) execute the ex citer control code. The softw are consists of modu les (blocks) combined to create the requ ired system functionalit y.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 1 Equipme nt Overview • • • • 1-7 Input/Output QTY Potential tr ansformers (PT s) 2 3-pha se standard, single ph ase avail able 120 V ac nom inal 1 VA n.
1-8 • • • • Chapter 1 Equi pment Over view GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Gu ide How to Get Help “+” indicates th e international access code requir ed when calling f rom outside of t he USA.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-1 Chapter 2 Functional Description Introduction This chapte r describes th e function of th e EX2100 static ex citer and the in dividual control an d protection ci rcuits.
2-2 • • • • Chapter 2 Fun ctional Descri ption GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Guide Exciter Hardware The EX2100 exciter consis ts of the following basic components.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-3 Exciter Configurations EX2100 Excite rs can be su pplied wi th single or redu ndant con trol, and with single or redundan t bridges. V ariations of the single con trol type are sh own in Figure 2- 1.
2-4 • • • • Chapter 2 Fun ctional Descri ption GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Guide Exciters with du al (redundant) con trol are shown in Figure 2- 2. Multiple PCMs can be suppli ed in sim plex, warm backu p, or redundant n+1 or n+2 m odes (wi th n+1 or n+2 e qual t o 6) .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-5 Power Conver sion Cabinet The Power Convers ion cabinet contain s the Power Conversion Modu le (PCM), the Exciter Gate Pulse Amplifier (EGPA) board, ac circuit break er, and the dc circui t contactor.
2-6 • • • • Chapter 2 Fun ctional Descri ption GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Guide Current Shunt EDCF provides dc current and voltage f eedback A dc sh unt provides the bridge out put current feedback signal. The mV ou tput sign al is input to a differential amplifier on the EDCF board.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-7 Cooling Fan Assembly The SCR bridge as sembly is cooled with forced air. From two to six overhead fans are used, depen ding on th e bridge rating an d redundancy requ irements.
2-8 • • • • Chapter 2 Fun ctional Descri ption GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Guide Auxiliary Cabinet The auxiliary cabinet is located next to the po wer conversion cabin et and contains modules to protect th e generator and prov ide startu p dc power.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-9 Shaft Voltage Suppressor The Shaft Volt age Suppres sor protects the shaft beari ngs. Excitation systems, whic h produce a dc voltage from ac through a solid state rectification process, produce ripple and spike v oltages at the exciter output.
2-10 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Control Cabinet The control cabinet cont ains the keypad control rack , control power dis tribution module and supplies, and I/O terminal bo ards. Diagnostic Inter face (Keypad) A second keypad is pr ovided for re dundant contr ols.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-11 Control Modul e The control m odule is a VME-style rack with boards cable connected to the I/O terminal boards. This rack is divided into three indep endently powered sections for the M1, M2, and C con trollers.
2-12 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Simplex Control System T h e i n terc o nn ecti o n s b e t w e e n t h e s i m p l e x c o n t r o l a n d t h e te r m i n al bo ar d s, gene rator protection m odules, an d power supply are show n in Figure 2- 5.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-13 Redundant Control System A redun dant control sy stem has three control lers and th ree redundant pow er suppli es, one for each controller. The pow er supply rack also h olds three ground detector module s.
2-14 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Controller C Controller C is only used with redundant syste ms.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-15 addition there is an isolated 70 V dc output for use by EXTB and ECTB for contact wetting. Up to three groun d detection modules (EGDM) are also mounted in the EPBP, as shown in Figure 2- 9.
2-16 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide J1_M1 J1_M2 J1_C FAN EXTB EETB EDEX ECTB M1 J60 2 CONTROL MEDIA CONV EDEX EDCF EGDM ED EX CROW BAR FAN EXTB EET.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-17 Exciter Software The exciter s oftware is conf igured and loaded f rom the t oolbox, and resi des in the controlle rs. The software i s represent ed on the toolbox screen by con trol blocks linked together to show the signal flow.
2-18 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Genera tor Voltage/Current Sensing DC Regulator AC Regulator Exciter Bridge AC Voltage adjust DC Voltage adjust.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-19 AUTO REF PSS UEL AVR Power System Stabil izer Under Ex citation Limi t Genera tor Terminal Voltage Wa t t s AVR Setpoi nt and Tracking (VM AG) Auto mat ic Volt age Regulat or FVR Track Value Setpoint EXASP Exciter AVR Setpoint .
2-20 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Auto Reference – AUTO REF The AUTOREF block g enerates an auto (or Auto Con trol (AC)) setpoint for th e Autom atic Voltag e Regulator (AVR ) based on us er-supplied param eters and conditions.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-21 Proportional Gain Anti- windup Preset Value Σ + + Posi tive Lim it Negative Lim it 1 s Σ + - Σ + - a>b? a b 0.
2-22 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide voltag e regulator loop su ch as compoun d exciters and some high ceiling exciters, t he FVR uses a setpoint from either the AVR or th e MANUAL REF block, and is always operational whether in manual or automatic operation.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 2 Functi onal Descrip ti on • • • • 2-23 Operator Interface The HMI contains exciter and turbine graphic displays . Operator and eng ineering work stations such as the HMI (Hu man Machine Interface) and the toolbox communicate with the exciter.
2-24 • • • • Chapter 2 Fu nctional Des cription GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Prin ted Wiring Boa rds O verview • • • • 3-1 Chapter 3 Printed Wiring Boards Overview Introduction This chapt er describes th e EX2100 printed w iring boards and thei r operation.
3-2 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring Bo ards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s G uide Control Boards The control boa rds are located in the con trol modul e. This modul e consists of the exciter backplane (EBKP) and th e metal chassis that holds the boards (ref er to Figure 3-1).
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Prin ted Wiring Boa rds O verview • • • • 3-3 J304 J305 J306 J307 J308 J309 J405 J404 J406 J407 J408 J409 J509 J508 J507 J506 J505 J504 M1 Power M2 Po.
3-4 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring Bo ards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s G uide ACLA Board ACLA handles network communicati ons and out er loop funct ions.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Prin ted Wiring Boa rds O verview • • • • 3-5 I/O Terminal Boards The exciter terminal boards are as f ollows: • IS200EPC T Exciter P T/CT board (E .
3-6 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring Bo ards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s G uide EDCF Board EDCF handles bridge dc voltage and current feedb ack. The EDCF board m easures field current and field voltage at the SCR bridg e, and interfaces to the EISB board in the control panel over a high-speed fiber-optic link.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Prin ted Wiring Boa rds O verview • • • • 3-7 Bridge and Protec tion Boards a nd Modules The exciter bridge and protection boards are as f ollo w s: .
3-8 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring Bo ards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s G uide In a redun dant system, the set of three EGDM boards are configured as a Controller (C), Master 1 (M1) an d Master 2 (M2). The configu ration for each EGDM is controlled by a set of program pin s on the P2 connector.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Prin ted Wiring Boa rds O verview • • • • 3-9 Power Supply Boards The exciter pow er supply boards are as follows: • IS200EPD M Exciter Pow er Distr.
3-10 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring B oards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide J1_M1 J1_M2 J1_C FAN EXTB EETB EDEX ECTB M1 J602 CONTROL MEDIA CONV J21M1 J16 M1 J17 M1 EDEX EDCF J19 M.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 3 Printed Wir ing Boar ds Overvi ew • • • • 3-11 Related Boa rd Publications For a more detailed desc ription of each board' s circuitry and applic.
3-12 • • • • Chapter 3 Pr inted Wiring B oards Overview GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 Ter minal Board I/O and Equ ipment Conne ctions • • • • 4-1 Chapter 4 Terminal Board I/O and Equipment Connections Introduction This chapter describes th e customer's equipm ent connections, and inputs and ou tputs (I/O) avail able throug h terminal board w iring.
4-2 • • • • Chapter 4 Termi nal Board I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Power Connections and Analog I/O Figure 4- 1 displays a ty pical connect ion diagram of the common powe r and analog I/O for an excitation system.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 Ter minal Board I/O and Equ ipment Conne ctions • • • • 4-3 Power Potential Transformer Inputs In the EX 2100 excitati on system , a 3-phase source of ac power is conv erted to a controlled dc ou tput.
4-4 • • • • Chapter 4 Termi nal Board I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Customer Contact I/O Customer con tact inputs and relay contact outputs are wired to th e ECTB board.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 Ter minal Board I/O and Equ ipment Conne ctions • • • • 4-5 Four Gener al Purpose Rel ay Output s as Above Customer Power t o Contacts 125 V dc Tw o T.
4-6 • • • • Chapter 4 Termi nal Board I/O and Equipment Con nections GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Gu ide Power Supply Inputs The customer’s ac an d dc power inputs are wired to th e exciter’s Power Distribution Module (EPDM), which is located on the left hand side of the exciter power backplane rack .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 Ter minal Board I/O and Equ ipment Conne ctions • • • • 4-7 Line Filte r Connectio ns The 600 V filter is connected to fuse board LFU1. T he 1000 V filter has tw o filter circuits and is connected to fuse boards LFU1 and LFU2.
4-8 • • • • Chapter 4 Termi nal Board I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Exciter Internal I/O Exciter AC Feedback The EACF board m easures the exciter ac supply voltage and current. The terminal board contain s transformers for a 3- phase voltage measurement, and term inals for two flux /air core coils.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 Ter minal Board I/O and Equ ipment Conne ctions • • • • 4-9 Field Current Feedback The field curren t is measured across a dc shun t at the SCR bridge. This g enerates a nomina l 100 mV signal , which is input to a diff erential am plifier.
4-10 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide 41A 41B J2/3M FILT1 1 2 3 4 3 4 To Bridge 2 41A To Bridge 2 SCR1 SCR4 SCR2 SCR5 SCR3 SCR6 41B J1 J2 J5 J3 J6 J4 Generator Field - Auxilia ry Cabinet Generator Field + 2 1 + - BK W H 53B (Y) 53B (W) Field Flash De-Excit.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 T erminal Board I /O and Equipment C onnections • • • • 4-11 De-Excitation During shutdown of the generator, th e stored energy of the generator f ield inductance must be dis sipated.
4-12 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide EXTB G1 - Contactor Mode 5 2 J505 Control Cabinet M1 Status J8 J6 M2 Status KDEP J12M1 J.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 T erminal Board I /O and Equipment C onnections • • • • 4-13 Control Cabinet M1 D e- Exc S tatus M2 D e- Exc S tatus Self Firing 5 2 J8 M2 F iri n g C.
4-14 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Crowbar The optional crowbar subsystem li mits high negative voltages that can be ind uced into the PCM during a pole slip (loss o f synchronization) event.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 T erminal Board I /O and Equipment C onnections • • • • 4-15 Auxiliary Cabinet EISB - M1 Control Cabinet Power Backplane EPBP Generator Field - Genera.
4-16 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Field Flas hing The station b attery is used to initiate the field cu rrent. An auxiliary a c source can also be used. Field f lashing relay s 53A and 53B are con trolled from drivers on the EMIO board, through pilot relays on EXTB.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 T erminal Board I /O and Equipment C onnections • • • • 4-17 13 4 2 EXTB 3 12 6 9 5 2 10 4 J7 J5M1 M1 53B M2 53B C 53B M1 53A M2 53A C 53A P70Vdc P70V.
4-18 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Shaft Voltage Su ppressor Excitat ion systems , which produce a dc volt age from an ac supply through a solid state rectification process , cause ripple and spike voltages at the ex citer output.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 4 T erminal Board I /O and Equipment C onnections • • • • 4-19 Data Highway Connections The Data Highw ay integrates several different sing le contro l systems. The EX2100 exciter comm unicates over the same data high way as the Mark VI turbine control and the HMI.
4-20 • • • • Chapter 4 Ter minal Boar d I/O and Equipment C onnections GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Control Syste m Toolbox Con nection The toolbox connector on the exciter back plane supports an RS-232C cable, which connects an extern al computer to the DSPX board.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Di agnostic Interf ace-K eypad • • • • 5-1 Chapter 5 Diagnostic In terface-Keypad Introduction This chapter provides operatin g guidelines for th e Diagnostic Interface, more commonly called the keypad.
5-2 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH- 6632 EX2100 User ’s Guide Using the Push buttons The keypad includes membran e-type pushbuttons to access exciter values and to control t he exciter. Tables 5-1 and 5- 2 defin e the pushbutt on functi ons for menu naviga tio n and e xcit er co ntro l (see Figure 5-1) .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Di agnostic Interf ace-K eypad • • • • 5-3 Table 5-1. N avigation Pu shbuttons Button Function Status Displays the default Status Screen, w hich show s eight parame te rs as num ber s or bargraphs.
5-4 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH- 6632 EX2100 User ’s Guide Table 5-2. Ex citer Contro l Pushbutton s Button Function Reset Faults Resets faults .
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Di agnostic Interf ace-K eypad • • • • 5-5 Reading th e Display The keypad displays information as both text and an imated graphics. There are two types of content screen s, selected by pres sing the corres ponding Navigation butt on: Status and Menu.
5-6 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH- 6632 EX2100 User ’s Guide Table 5-3. Ex citer Healt h and State I cons Group Icon Indication Description Communi cations OK Animated line (its center raises an d lowers) shows tha t there is communic ation between t he key pad and the exciter.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Di agnostic Interf ace-K eypad • • • • 5-7 Changing Displ ay Units Ø To change the type of measure ment units displayed 1. From the Main Menu, select Genera l Setup . 2. Select Display Units . 3. Select the display units para meter to edit it (see belo w ).
5-8 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH- 6632 EX2100 User ’s Guide Status Screen The St atus scre en di spla ys up to e ight variables (parameters). The f irst two parame ters are displaye d both in t ext and anim ated meters.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Di agnostic Interf ace-K eypad • • • • 5-9 Using the Menus The keypad’s Main Menu leads to other menu s creens, where data can be review ed and modif ied. The Main Menu can be accessed f rom any screen, as follows: • If already in a Menu screen, press the Menu bu tton.
5-10 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide 2. To v iew deta il on a particular fault, select that fault (listed on the Active Fa ult Display screen). The following screen displa ys . SELECTED FAULT - PRESS Low AC V, B 006:40:11.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Diagnos tic Interfac e-Keypa d • • • • 5-11 2. For an Option param eter: a. Use the Up or Down Arrow buttons to select a new parameter value. b. Pre ss the Enter b utton to accept the change or Escape to exit and keep the present value.
5-12 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide 2. Press Enter to make a back up copy of the param eters or Escape to cancel. Ø To restore a parameter from backup 1. Stop the exciter. (This fun ction cannot be executed with th e exciter running.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Diagnos tic Interfac e-Keypa d • • • • 5-13 Firmware and Hardware Information Ø To view the firmware versions for the DSPX board and the keypad From the Main Menu select: 1. Genera l Setup 2. Firmw are Version & Hardw are Info 3.
5-14 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Protecting the Keypad To protect the exciter from unauthorized operation or recon figuration, the k eypad includes two security controls , Pass w ord and Pr ivilege Level.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Chapter 5 Diagnos tic Interfac e-Keypa d • • • • 5-15 2. Enter the password as follows: a. Use the Up an d Down Arrow buttons to index through the valid digits (0 throug h 9). b. Use th e Right and Left A rrow buttons to move the cursor to the digit to edit.
5-16 • • • • Chapter 5 D iagnostic Interf ace-Keypad GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Appendix A Warr anty and Re newal P arts • • • • A-1 Appendix A Warrant y and Renewal Parts Introduction When ordering a replacement part for a GE exciter, th e.
A-2 • • • • Appendix A Warranty and R enewal Part s GEH-6632 EX2100 User’s Gu ide Identifying the Part An exciter component, or part, is identified b y its assigned part number and descript ion . The part num ber is normally found on a nam eplate on the compon ent.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Appendix A Warr anty and Re newal P arts • • • • A-3 Order Specific A ssemblies These parts m ake up the particular exciter. Other items obtained specifically for the order may also use a similar part num ber structure, which prov ides information abou t the equipment.
A-4 • • • • Appendix A Warranty and R enewal Part s GEH-6632 EX2100 User’s Gu ide Printed Wiring Boards A prin ted wiring board is i dentifi ed by an alphanumeri c part (catalog) n umber stamped n ear its edge. The st ructure of a board’ s part num ber is described bel ow.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Appendix A Warr anty and Re newal P arts • • • • A-5 How to Order Parts Parts still under w arrant y may be obtained directly from the f actory: (“+” indicates the international access code requir ed when calling f rom outside of t he USA.
A-6 • • • • Appendix A Warranty and R enewal Part s GEH-6632 EX2100 User’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Appendix B R atings and Spe cificati ons • • • • B-1 Appendix B Ratings and Specifications The actual equipment rating is on your exciter nameplate. This append ix indicates t he range of po ssible product offerings but not necessarily the capability of your exciter.
B-2 • • • • Appendix B Ratings and S pecifications GEH- 6632 EX2100 User’s G uide Input/Output QTY Potent i al t r a n sfo r mers (P T s ) 2 3-ph a se sta n dard , s i ng l e-ph a se a v ail.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Appendix B R atings and Spe cificati ons • • • • B-3 Cabinet Dimensions & W eight Redundant control w ith dual PCM redundant conv erter in a t hree-cabinet lineup Width 141.74 in (3600 mm) Height 104.32 in (2650 mm) Depth 31.
B-4 • • • • Appendix B Ratings and S pecifications GEH-6632 EX2100 Us er’s Guide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH- 6632 Glossary of Ter ms • • • • i Glossary of Terms 6U Full height Versa Modul e Eurocard (VME) board applicati on code Software that cont rols the machine or process, specif ic to the application. AS C I I American S tandard Code for In formation Interchange.
ii • • • • Glossary of Ter ms GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide block Instru ction blocks contain basic control fun ctions, which are conn ected together during conf iguration to form the requ ired machine or process control. Blocks can per form ma th co mp utatio ns, se que nci ng, or regu lato r (c ontinuo us) c ontr ol.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH- 6632 Glossary of Ter ms • • • • iii DCS (Distri buted Control S y stem) Control system, us ually appl ied to control of boilers and othe r process equi pment. de-excitation The de-exci tation circui t provides a con duction path th rough a discha rge resistor to dissipate the field current after a unit trip.
iv • • • • Glossary of T erms GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide fault code A message from the con troller to the HMI indicating a system warning or f ailure. field flashing The supply of initial exciter current during startup, usually from station batteries.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH- 6632 Glossary of Ter ms • • • • v hot backup Two bridges are used but only one is conn ected to the field, the oth er (the backup) is connected to a sm all dummy load. If the active bridg e fails it is disconnected from the field by relays , and the backup is connected.
vi • • • • Glossary of T erms GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Modbus A se rial communicati on protocol developed by Modicon for use betw een PLCs and other co mputers. multip le bridg es Several pow er producing bridges operat e in parallel to produce a hig h field cu rrent.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH- 6632 Glossary of Ter ms • • • • vii product code (runti me) Software stored in the controller’s Flash mem ory that converts application code (pcode) to execu table code. PRV Peak Reverse Voltage is li mited with pole slip resisto rs, wired across the SCRs.
viii • • • • Glossary of Terms GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide sampling r ate The rate at which process s ignal samples are obtained, measured in s amples/second. serial loader Connects the controll er to the toolbox PC us ing the RS-232C C OM ports.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH- 6632 Glossary of Ter ms • • • • ix toolbox A Window s NT -based software pack age used to confi gure the EX2100 an d Mark VI turbine controller. under-excitation l imit (UEL) UEL softw are functions to prevent gen erator over-heat ing caused by under excitation.
x • • • • Glossary of Ter ms GEH-6632 EX2100 U ser’s Gu ide Notes.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Index • • • • i Index A ac disconn ect 1-5, 2- 5 Ac Line-to-Line Filters 2-1, 2-8 Ac to D c Converter 1- 6, 2-14, 3- 1, 3-9, 3-11, B-1 ACLA (see Application Con.
ii • • • • Index GEH-6632 EX21 00 User’s Gu ide De-Exc itation 3-7, 3-11, 4-1, 4- 11 – 4- 13 Crow bar 2-2, 3-6, 3- 7, 3-10, 3-11, 4-1, 4- 14, 4-18 Field Fl ashing 2-1, 2- 9, 3-2, 4- 1, 4-1.
EX2100 User’s G uide GEH-6632 Index • • • • iii G Gate Pulse Amplifiers 2-1, 2-6 Generator Cu rrent Measurement 4-3 Generator Voltage Measurement 4-3 H Hardware Overvi e w 1-1, 1-5 High Volt.
iv • • • • Index GEH-6632 EX2100 User’s G uide T Technical Characteristics 1-1, 1- 6 Thyri te 2-8, 4-18 TMR (see Trip le Modular Redundant) Toolbox (s ee Control Syst em Toolbox) Triple Modu.
デバイスGE EX2100の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GE EX2100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGE EX2100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GE EX2100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GE EX2100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GE EX2100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGE EX2100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GE EX2100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGE EX2100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。