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Oper ation XM ™ Plural-Component Spra y e r s 3123 59J For spra ying tw o-component epoxy and uretha ne protective coati ngs in hazardous and non-hazardous locations. For prof essional use only . Important Safet y Instructions Read all warnings and instruct ions in th is manu al.
2 312359 J Contents Related Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Overv iew .
Relate d Manual s 312359J 3 Related Manuals Manuals ar e av ailable at ww w .graco .com. Compon ent Manuals in U .S. English : Manual Descrip tion 313289 XM Plural-C omponent S pra yers Repair-Par ts .
Warnings 4 312359 J Wa r n i n g s The following warni ngs are f or the setu p , use, grounding, mainte nance, and repai r of this equipme nt. The exclama- tion point sy mbol aler ts you to a general warni ng and the hazar d symbol ref ers to proced ure-sp ecific r isk.
Warn ings 312359J 5 INTRINSIC SAFETY Intr insica lly sa f e equi pment that is in stalled improper ly or conne cted to no n-int rinsi cally s af e equi pment will c reate a ha zardous c ondition and ca n cause f ire, e xplosion, or elec tric s hock. Follo w local regula- tions a nd the following safety require ments.
Warnings 6 312359 J EQUIPMENT MISUSE HAZARD Misus e can cau se death o r ser ious i njur y . • Do not operate the u nit when fatigued or under th e influence of dr ugs or a lcohol. • Do not e xceed the maximum wor king pressure or temperatur e rating of t he lowest rated sy stem compone nt.
Models 312359J 7 Models Check the iden tification p late (ID) f or the 6- digit par t number of the spray er . Us e the following matr ix to de fine the constr uctio n of th e spray er , b ased on the six digit s.
Model s 8 312359 J Appr ov als: See ap propri ate colu mn on pa ge 7. NO TE: See Ac cessories and Kits , page 5 9, for more infor mation. See Re lated Manuals , page 3 , f or ki t manual num bers.
Overview 312359J 9 Overvie w Usage XM plural -component spray ers can mix and s pra y most two-compon ent epo xy and urethane protective coatings. When usi ng quick-setti ng mater ials ( less than 1 0 minute pot life) a remote m ix mani f old must b e used.
Overvi ew 10 312359 J Componen ts A and B IMPORT ANT! Mater ial sup pliers ca n vary in how they refer to plural compo nent mater ials. Be aware that in thi s manual: Component A refers to resin or major v olume. Component B refers to the har dener or mi nor volume.
Loc ation 312359J 11 Locati on Grounding Connect th e XM spray er ground wir e clamp (FG) to a true ear th gro und. If wall power is used t o power con- trols o r heaters, ground electr ical c onnection prop erly accord ing to local code s. Pr oper Liftin g of Spra yer Lift Using a Forklift P ow er must be off.
Initial Sys tem Setup 12 312359 J Initial Sys tem Setup Comple te the following steps in the o rder they are listed, as they apply to your specif ic system , for initial sys tem setu p. 1. Check your shipment f or accuracy . Ensure you hav e received e ver ything you ordered.
Compone nt Identifica tion 312359J 13 Compon ent I dentific ation T ypical Setup: 20 Gallon Hop pers with Recir c ulation (Fr ont View) AF r a m e B Fluid Cont rol As sembly (se e Fluid Contr ol Assem.
Compone nt Identifi cation 14 312359 J T ypical Setup: 20 Gallon Hop pers with Recir c ulation (Bac k View) S Ai r Motor T High Pr essure Fl uid Pump U Solv ent Flus h Pump (Merkur ® Pump) V Fluid Inle t Asse mbly F IG .
Compone nt Identifica tion 312359J 15 Fluid Control Assembl y AA Dosing V alve A AB Dosing V alve B A C R ecircul ation V alv e A AD Recircul ation V alve B AE Samplin g V alve A AF Sampling V alve B .
Compone nt Identifi cation 16 312359 J J unction B o x/He ater Controls BA Main P ow er Discon nect Switch BB Fluid Hea ter A Cont rol BC Fluid Hea ter B Cont rol BD Hopper Heater A Control BE Hopper .
Compone nt Identifica tion 312359J 17 User Interface Buttons LEDs There ar e four types of LED s on th e display . F IG . 6: User Interf ace DA DB DD DE DF DG DH DK DP DN DM DC ti1336 5a DR DJ Call out Button Function DA Displ a y Screen Use to vie w Ratio , Mode Selection , Error Conditi ons, T otaliz ers , System Inf or ma- tion.
Compone nt Identifi cation 18 312359 J User I nterfac e Disp lay NO TE: F or detail s regar ding the user interface displ a y see User Interfac e Display , page 6 1. Main Display Sc reen Components The following figure calls ou t the navigatio nal, statu s, and gene ral informatio nal comp onents of e ach dis play screen.
Setup 312359J 19 Setup Connect P ower Cor d (For sprayers with he ater junction boxes. Non-hazardous location sprayers only.) Graco does not s upply heate r junctio n bo x power cords. Use the following char t to deter min e which p ower cord your specific model r equires.
Setup 20 312359 J Conf igure t o Suppl y P owe r (Non-hazardous locati on sprayers only.) NO TE: Disrega rd ter mina l numbers on disconne ct switch bloc ks. Wire to p ositions s hown. 1. Locate power ju mpers. 2. Use a flat-blade screwdr iver to mov e red j umpers from stora ge position s to position s f o r your pow er as shown be low .
Setup 312359J 21 Wire Spra yers with Explos ion- Pr oof He ater s (Hazardous locati on sprayers only) Improper ly ins talled o r connec ted equip ment wi ll crea te a haza rdous cond ition and c ause fir e, e xplosion , or elec - tric shock. Follo w local regulati ons.
Setup 22 312359 J Connect Fluid H ose Assembl y 1. Connect fl uid hose to fluid m anif old outlet. Do n ot insta ll gun s pra y tip yet. 2. Tighten all fittings. Adjus t P acking Nuts 1. Fill A and B pump packing nuts with throat s eal liq - uid ( TSL ™ ) and torqu e to 50 ft-l bs (67.
Basi c Operat ion 312359J 23 Basic Op erati on P ower On (Alt ernator P ower Supplied System s) 1. Set main pump ai r regulato r (CD) to mi nimum set- ting. 2. Open mai n air valve (E) and main p ump and air v alve (CA) t o star t air-powered alte rn ator .
Basic O perati on 24 312359 J Set System Settings (Op tional) NO TE: F or detai ls regar ding the us er inte rf ace displ a y scre ens see Us er Interf ace Display , pag e 61. T o set u ser inte rf ace param eters and US B paramete rs, press from t he Home Setup sc reen.
Basi c Operat ion 312359J 25 Set Maintenance P arameters (Optional) NO TE: Pri or to co nfigur ing syste m setting s, see Enable Setup Scree ns , page 6 6, to ensur e screens s hown in this sec- tion are vi e wable and configu rable . If they are not, f oll ow instr u ction s in E nable Setup Screens to en able them.
Basic O perati on 26 312359 J Set Spray er Limits (Option al) NO TE: F or detai ls regarding th e limits setup scree ns, see User Limits Setup Screens , page 68. T o set and adjust p ump pre ssure li mits an d temperatu re limits: 1. Select i n the Enable S etup 2 sc reen.
Prime 312359J 27 Prime Prime A a nd B Fluids NO TE: Do not ins tall gun s pra y tip yet. T o av oid sp lashing, use the lowest pres sure po ssible to pr im e. 1. Condition mater ials pr ior to adding to h oppers. Ensu re resin m ater ials ar e thoroug hly agita ted, homogenou s, and pourable pri or to add ing to hop- per .
Prime 28 312359 J NO TE: When r un inde penden tly set to or . Press and as neede d to pr ime. Monitor c ontainer s to avoid over fl ow . 8. Select P ump A . Press . Slowly tur n main pump air regul ator (CD) c lockwise to in crease air press ure unti l pump A star ts.
Prime 312359J 29 Prime Sol vent Flush Pum p 1. Connect fl ush pail ground wire to a meta l pail of sol- ve n t . 2. Place sip hon tub e in the pa il of sol v ent. 3. Open so lvent flush valve (AK) on mix mani f old. 4. Ensure trig ger lock is en gaged.
Recir culate 30 312359 J Recirculate Without Heat If using a system tha t does not require he at, recirc ula- tion is s till requ ired pr ior to spra ying . Recircul ation ensures th at any set tled fill ers are mixed in, the pum p lines are fully pr imed , and the pu mp check valv es are operating smo othly .
Rec irc ulate 312359J 31 8. Run the pumps until the mate ria l has reached the desired te mperature. See Heat Fluid , page 31. 9. Once de sired tempe rature is reached, pr ess . 10. T ur n off th e main air shut off valv e (CA). 11. Clos e reci rcul ati on v alve s (A C , AD).
Spray 32 312359 J Spra y NO TE: After the first day of spraying f ollow Pressur e Relief Pr ocedure , page 34, and then ti ghten thro at seals on both pu mps and d osing valves .
Adjust B Mach ine Outl et Restr icti on 312359J 33 Adjust B Ma c hine Outl et Restrict ion Adjust the res tric tion ste m on m ix mani f old , or on restri c- tor valve if mix manif old is remote, to optimi ze the B side dosing con trol w indow .
Pres sure R eli ef Pr oced ure 34 312359 J Pressure Rel ief Pr oced ure Relieve A and B Fluid Pressure 1. Engage tr igge r lock. 2. Press . 3. If fluid he aters are used, shut th em off usi ng the control s on the heater contr ol bo x or the heater power junction box.
Pressure R elief Procedu re 312359J 35 10. Open so lvent pump air control valve (CB). Us e low- est press ure neede d to flush mater ial out o f hose. 11. Disengag e tri gger lock. 12. Hold a meta l par t of the gu n fir mly to a gr ounded metal pail with a splash guard i n place.
Flush M ixed Ma terial 36 312359 J Flush Mix ed Materia l Flush Mix Manif old Use Solvent Pump 1. Press to tur n o ff syste m. Engage trig ger lock. Remov e spra y tip. 2. Ensu re sampl ing valves (AE, AF) and mix m anifold v alves (AH, AJ) are close d.
Flush M ixed Mat erial 312359J 37 7. Close so lvent pump a ir valve (CB) and so lvent shut- off valv e (AK) at mix manifold. T r igger spra y gun to reliev e pressu re. 8. F ollow Press ure Relie f Procedure , pa ge 34. 9. Engage tr igger lock. 10. Dis assemble and clean spray tip with so lvent by hand.
Park Flui d Pump R ods 38 312359 J P ark Fluid Pump Rods 1. Reliev e pressure. Se e Pre ssure Relief Procedure , page 34. 2. Press . 3. T u rn reci rcul atio n va lv es (A C, AD ) count er cloc kwise to open the m. Each p ump will r un th rough recir cula- tion until they reach the b ottom st roke , and t hen stop.
Shutdown En tire System 312359J 39 Shutdo wn Entire System F ollow this pr ocedure pr ior to ser vici ng equipm ent or shutd own. 1. F ollow Flush Mixed Mate rial , page 36 . Use a meta l pail li d with a sp lash guard to avoid spla shing . 2. Engage t rigg er lo ck , tur n off a ir regulat or , and clos e main ai r shutoff valve.
System Verificati on 40 312359 J System V erifi cation Graco rec ommends r unni ng the following tes ts dail y . Mix and Integration T ests Use the following te sts to c heck f or prop er mix a nd int e- grat io n . Butterfly T e st At low pressure, nor mal flow rate, and without a spray tip install ed, dispens e a 1/2 in.
System Verificatio n 312359J 41 2. Set main pump ai r regulato r (CD) p ressure to zero . Open mai n pump and air valv e (C A). Adjus t main pump air regulat or (CD) pr essure to 5 0 psi ( 0.
System Verificati on 42 312359 J b . Slowly open and adjus t sampli ng valv e B to achiev e desir ed flow . P ump stop s aut omatical ly; twice dur ing tes t and ag ain when di spense complete s. Pump B li ght (DK) tu rn s off. c. Clos e sam pling va lv e B (AF) .
System Verificatio n 312359J 43 Batch Ratio Dispense T est NO TE: This te st dispe nses a cal culated volume of each fl uid based on ra tio . The two flui ds combi ned equ al the batch size se lecte d.
System Verificati on 44 312359 J 7. Dispens e fluid A. Sl owly open and adjust s ampling v alve A (AE) to achiev e desire d flow . The pu mp stops au tomatica lly when d ispense compl etes. Pu mp A l i gh t ( D K ) tu r n s of f, P u mp B l i g h t ( D K ) t u r n s on.
System Verificatio n 312359J 45 XM Setup and T roubleshooting Gu ide The fol lowing setup inf or mation will help ensure the system is setup properly . See the XM repair-par ts man ual f or trouble- shooting and repair instructions. Gr ounding • Ground system to a true ear th gr ound.
Empty a nd Flush Entire System ( new spraye r or end of j ob) 46 312359 J Empty and Flus h Entire System (n ew s p r aye r o r e n d o f j o b ) NO TE: • If the syste m includ es heaters and heated hose, tur n them off and allow to c ool before flushing .
Empty and Flush Ent ire System (new sp rayer or en d of job) 312359J 47 5. Open r ecircul ation valves (A C, AD) f or respe ctive pump d ispen se side . Run pum ps unti l the A and B reser v oirs are em pty . Sa lvage the mater ial in s epa- rate, clean cont ainers.
Downlo ad Data fr om USB 48 312359 J Do wnload Data fr om USB USB Logs Spra y Log 1 (Default log for download.) Th e spray log records ke y data wh ile the system is in spra y mode. It recor ds A an d B temperature, A and B pressu re, A and B flow , A and B batch totals, ratios, restr ictor ad justm ents, alar m cod es, and co mmands.
Download Data from USB 312359J 49 2. The USB download s creen au tomatica lly dis plays, and the selecte d log(s ) automatic ally downloa ds. The USB sym bol fla shes to ind icate download is in process. NO TE: T o canc el download, press while in process.
Maint enanc e 50 312359 J Mainte nance Filters Once a week c heck, clean, and replace ( if needed) t he f ollowin g filte rs. Be sure to follow the Flush Mixed Mate- rial , pa ge 36, pr ior t o performing filter m ainten ance. • Both p ump filters ; see manual 311762 f or in stru c- tions.
Alarms 312359J 51 Alarms View Alarms When a n alar m oc curs the al ar m inform ation sc reen automa tically displays. It shows the curren t alar m cod e along with a bell i con. It als o shows the a lar m lo cation with top an d side v iews of the spray er .
Alarms 52 312359 J Alarm Codes and T r oubleshooting NO TE: Se e XM Plura l-Compon ent Spray ers Repai r-P ar ts manuals for non-alar m based tr oubleshooting. Alarm Code Alarm Prob lem When Active Cause Solution General Perf or mance Al ar ms R4B Rat io High B (Overd ose B), system deliv ering too much B compon ent.
Alarms 312359J 53 R2D Dosing siz es are not opti- miz ed. Spra y Dosing va lve is oper ating nea r high or lo w timing limits . Adjus t mix mani fold B rest ri ctor stem c loc kwise or c ounter cloc kwise as indic ated b y bar gr aph on r estrictor scre en.
Alarms 54 312359 J B3A Dosin g size A advisory Spr a y The fluid dos ing siz e is g reater than 35 c c when f ast dosing is turned off . Adjust t he B si de fluid re stric- tio n. Se e Adjust B Mac hine Outlet Re striction , page 33. The fluid dosing s ize i s greate r than 20 c c when f ast dosing is turned on.
Alarms 312359J 55 V1M V oltage lo w cont rol. Alwa ys V oltage dropping below 9 Vdc from po wer supp ly . Chang e air filte r in contro l filter regu lator . See manua l 313289. Chec k the pre ssure settin g is 18 psi (0.13 MP a, 1.3 bar) on turbine air regu lator .
Alarms 56 312359 J Optiona l User-Settable S pra y Limits *T5A T5B T emperatu re e xceed ed alarm limits . Spra y Fluid temper ature exce eded high or low al ar m li mits f or more than f our minutes . If flu id te mper ature i s too low , return to ci rculation mode to increa se fluid tem perature .
Alarms 312359J 57 P o ssible Alar ms by Mode The following table outlines the alar m s that you may receive while op erating the system. The alar ms are cate gorized accord ing to eac h mode. Mode Contro l Logic Alarms Spra y Dosing v alves close f or star tup test; green ligh t blinks .
Alarms 58 312359 J Alarm Code K ey Use the following table as a quick guide to d eter mine alar m codes. LED Diagnostic Information The following LED sign als, diagnosis, an d soluti ons are the s ame for the display modul e, fluid control mo dule, and USB modul e.
Acce ssories and Kits 312359J 59 Accessories and Kit s 20-Gallon Hopper Kit, 255963 One com plete double- wall 20-gall on hopper. See man- ual 31274 7 for more inform ation. Hopper Heater Ki t (240V), 256257 F or heati ng fluid in a 20 -gallon hop per .
Access ories and Kits 60 312359 J Desic cant Dryer K it, 25651 2 F or use with 20 -gallon hoppers. See ma nual 4067 39 for more inform ation. Cast er Kit, 256 262 F or mounti ng cast ers on XM sprayer frame. See manual 406690 f o r more inf or matio n.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 61 Appendix A User Interface Display The use r inter f ace dis play is divi ded into th ree m ain functions: S etup, Command, an d A utomatic .
Appendix A 62 312359 J Setup Mode Screens Setup mod e scre ens are divided i nto five major s ections : home, limi ts, maintenan ce, enable, and sys tem. The follo w- ing figur e demons trates the flow o f the Setup mode scree ns be ginning wi th the Home screen .
Appe ndi x A 312359J 63 Home Setup Screens Home Home is t he first scr een that di splays in Setup mo de. It shows the cu rrent pu mp ratio , and enables users to chang e the mix ratio and acc ess the following sc reens: system setup, enable/disable functions, ma intena nce setup, and limits.
Appendix A 64 312359 J Syste m Setup Screens System Setup e nables user s to confi gure sy stem set- tings for fluid co ntrol and operator inte raction. Refer to the following table for details. NO TE: System se ttings must be enabled from the Ena b le Setu p screen s before users c an change or set c onfig urations.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 65 System Number and USB S ettings This sc reen enables users t o set th e spray er number if using mo re than on e spray er . It also e nables user s to configur e the number of hours d ownloaded to exter nal USB flas h drive and how ofte n the data wi ll recor d.
Appendix A 66 312359 J Enable S etup Scree ns Enable Setup allows user s to enable and disable func- tionaliti es, scree ns, and USB downlo ad log files. Check ed box es indic ate the fun ction, screen , or log f ile is active. Ref er to the following table for details.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 67 Enable Setup 2 (Shown with factor y default settings.) Maintenance Setup Screens The ma intenanc e setup 1 s creen e nables users t o set mainten ance setp oint amou nts f or pum ps and dos ing valv es.
Appendix A 68 312359 J User Lim its Se tup Scr eens User Limit s Setu p enables use rs to se t and adju st pr es- sure an d temperatur e limits for both p umps, includin g limits that will i ssue ad visor ies a nd alar ms. Refer to the f ollowin g table for details.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 69 Operator Com mand Func tions Screens Comman d mode s creens a re div ided int o three major sections : r un (flu id co ntrol), te st, an d alar m c ontrol. The follow- ing figur e demons trates the flow o f the Comman d mode screens b eginning with the run (fluid con trol) s creens.
Appendix A 70 312359 J Run (Fluid Control) Sc reens Run (flui d cont rol) is t he first screen di splayed at power on. It en ables users to spra y ma terial , and operate and park pumps. Run c onsists of two screen s: power on/enter and ratio mode. The power on/ent er screen c ycles throu gh power on mode, spray mod e, and pump mod e.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 71 P ark Mode Users must b e in this mode to par k fl uid rod pum ps at the bottom o f the s troke. Press the button below the park icon to ente r this mode.
Appendix A 72 312359 J Batch Dispense T est This s creen e nables user s to disp ense a selecte d total v olum e of mater ial on rat io . For example, 1000 ml at 4:1 = 800 ml of A + 200 ml of B. The to tal ba tch volume ca n be selected from the drop down menu.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 73 Alarm Contr ol Screens The Ala r m control s creens enable user s to view alar m diagnost ic infor mation, al ar m logs, and pump batc h and grand totals. Thes e screens also ena b le user s to vi e w maintenan ce in f or mation for pump and check valves, includi ng the maintenanc e schedul e.
Appendix A 74 312359 J T ot alizers and Jo b Number View the grand and batc h totals for each pump and both pumps c ombined. T he units of measu rement are d is- pla yed on the bot tom of th e screen a nd display ed in th e units of m easurem ent sele cted du ring s etup.
Appe ndi x A 312359J 75 A uto Display Screens P o tlife Scr een The potl ife screen auto maticall y displ ays when a pot lif e advisor y occurs. The screen auto matical ly closes when the advis or y end or the user pres ses the flush co nfir m button.
Appendix A 76 312359 J F IG . 8: Example Spray Log.
Appe ndi x B 312359J 77 Appendix B Metering Diagrams Metering Diagram without Remote Mix Manifol d N XT 6500 Air Motor 250 HF or 180 HP A N XT 6500 Air Motor 220 HF or 145 HP B psi Sample & Tes t .
Appendix B 78 312359 J Metering Diagram with Remote Mix Ma nif old N XT 6500 Air Motor A N XT 6500 Air Motor B psi Sample & Tes t Valves Contro l Valves Mix Manif iold XM Metering Diagra m with Re.
Appendix C 312359J 79 Appendix C P ower Cor d Gu idelines Use the gu idelines listed in the following table to deter min e the power cord ne eded for y our spe cific syste m. ◆ Wired by user if or dered. Co rd size deter mi ned by user . ❄ Full l oad amper es with al l com ponents o perating at maximum capabil ities.
Dime nsions 80 312359 J Dimensions System Dimensio ns withou t Hoppers 70.0 in. (178 8.0 mm) 38.0 in. (965.2 m m) 36.0 in. (914.4 mm ) 39.5 in. (1003.3 m m) ti2128 2a.
Dimensions 312359J 81 System Dimensio ns with Hoppers 72.5 i n. (1841.5 m m) 43.1 i n. (1094.7 m m) 98.6 in . (250 4.4 mm ) Two 20-Gallon Hoppers Side Mounted Two 20-Gallon Hoppers Rear Mounted (Top View) 54.0 in. (1371.6 mm ) 49.7 in. (1262.4 m m) 62.
Dime nsions 82 312359 J System Dimensio ns with Hoppers One 20-Gallon Hopper a nd One 7-Gallon Hopper 70.0 in. (1788.0 m m) 33.4 in . (848.4 mm ) 79.1 in. (2009.1 mm ) 43.1 in. (1094.7 m m) 72.5 in . (184 1.5 mm ) 33.4 in . (848.4 mm) 59.7 in. (151 6.
Pump Performan ce Charts 312359J 83 Pump P erf ormance Charts Calculate Fluid Outlet Pressure T o calculate fluid outl et pres sure (MP a/bar/psi) at a specif ic fluid fl ow (lpm /gpm) and operatin g air pres sure (MP a/bar/psi), use the followin g ins truc tio ns and pump data c har ts.
Technic al Data 84 312359 J T ec hnical Data * Minimum fl ow rate is dependent on material being spra yed and mixing capability . T est your material specific to flo w rate. Mix ed ratio r ange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technica l Data 312359J 85.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right t o make changes at any time without notice. For patent information, see ww
デバイスGraco 312359Jの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Graco 312359Jをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGraco 312359Jの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Graco 312359Jの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Graco 312359Jで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Graco 312359Jを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGraco 312359Jの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Graco 312359Jに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGraco 312359Jデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。