ページ先へ移動 of 80
Opera tion ProMix ® 2KE Meter-Based Plural Component Proportioner Self-contained, electronic plural component paint proportioner. For professional use o nly. See page 3 fo r model inform ation , incl uding maximum working p ressure a nd appro vals. Important Safety Instructions Read all wa rnin gs and ins tructio ns in th is manua l.
2 3A086 9H Contents Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Related Manua ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Important Two-Compone nt Material Information .
Models 3A086 9H 3 Model s * ProMix 2K E haz ardous l ocation e quipme nt manu factured in th e Unite d States , with ser ial numb er beginn ing wit h A or 01, has ATE X, FM, a nd CE a pproval s, as no ted. Equ ipmen t manufa ctured i n Bel gium, w ith seri al number begin ning with M or 38 , has A TEX an d CE ap provals, a s note d.
Warnings 4 3A086 9H Related Ma nuals Warnings The foll owing war nings ar e for the setup , use, g rounding , main tenanc e, and re pair o f this equ ipment . The exclama - tion po int sym bol aler ts yo u to a ge neral wa rning and the haz ard symbols refer to proce dure-s pecific risks.
Warn ings 3A086 9H 5 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD This eq uipmen t must be gro unded. Im proper g rounding , se tup, or usag e of the sys tem can cause electr ic shoc k. • Turn off an d disc onnect p ower a t main switch be fore d isconne cting any cabl es and be fore s ervicin g equip ment.
Warnings 6 3A086 9H EQUIPMENT MISUSE HAZARD Misuse can c ause death or s erio us injur y. • Do not o perate the unit wh en fatigue d or un der the i nfluence of dru gs or alco hol. • Do not e xceed the maxi mum work ing pres sure o r temp erature rating of the low est rated sys tem compo nent.
Importa nt Two-Compon ent Materi al Info rmation 3A086 9H 7 Important Two-Compon ent Material In formation Isocyanate Conditions Material Self-ignition Keep Compo nents A and B Separate Moisture Sensit ivity of Isocyanates Isocyana tes ( ISO) are catal ysts used i n two c ompone nt coatin gs.
Glossary of Terms 8 3A086 9H Glossary of Terms Coriolis Meter - a no n-i ntr usi ve f l ow me ter oft en used in low flo w appl ications or with lig ht vi scosity , shea r sens i- tive, or acid ca talyze d mat erials. Thi s mete r uses vibra- tion to mea sure fl ow.
Overview 3A086 9H 9 Overview Usage The ProMi x 2KE i s an elec tronic two-com ponent p aint proportion er. It can blen d most two-c omponent pai nts. It is not for use wit h quic k-setti ng pai nts (tho se with a pot life of le ss th an 5 mi nutes). • Has dyna mic d osing ca pabil ities .
Inst allation 10 3A086 9H Intrinsically Safe Ins tallation Requ irements 1. The i nstallati on mus t meet the requi rements of the National Electric Code , NFPA 70, Article 504 Resp.
Inst allation 12 3A086 9H Display Module 1. Use the screws p rovided to mount the brack et for the D ispla y Module on t he front of th e Control Box o r on the w all, as y ou prefe r. 2. Snap the Dis play Module into the br acket. 3. Connect one en d of the CAN ca ble (pr ovided) to J6 on the Disp lay Mo dule (eit her port).
Installa tion 3A086 9H 13 Air Connections See th e System Pn eumatic Sc hematic on page 72 (hazardou s loc ation) o r pag e 73 (non-h aza rdous loc a- tion). 1. Tighten all ProMi x 2KE system air an d fluid line con- nections as they may hav e loosene d dur ing ship - ment.
Inst allation 14 3A086 9H Fluid Supply Require ments ProMix 2KE mod els are av ailable to op erate air spray or air-assis ted sys tems with a capa city of u p to 380 0 cc/min. • Fl uid su pply pres sure tanks, feed pum ps, or cir cu- latin g system s ca n be us ed.
Installa tion 3A086 9H 15 F IG . 6. Fluid Controls, Sequential Dosing ti156 99a Key: MA Component A Meter DVA1 Component A Dose Valve DVA2 Second Col or/Catalyst Valve DVA3 Third Co lor/Catal yst Valv.
Inst allation 16 3A086 9H Set Up the Fluid Manifold for Dynamic Dosing NOTE: For more i nformat ion ab out Dynamic Dosing , see pa ge 53. NOTE: When us ing dyna mic d osing it is very i mpor tant to maintai n a co nstant , well-regu lated f luid sup ply.
Installa tion 3A086 9H 17 11. Screw th e static mixe r (SM) i nto the inj ectio n cap (M*). In stall th e retai ned fitti ng (F) on the sta tic mixer t ube and secu re with th e nut (N 1). 12. Follow inst ructio ns under Fluid Connections on page 14. NOTE: Use a minimu m 20 ft (6.
Inst allation 18 3A086 9H Tubing Ch art and Diagrams * Used o nly on IS model s. Type Color Descri ption Starti ng Point Ending Point Tube OD in. (mm ) Air Green Solven t Valv e A On 1G 1G 0.156 (4.0) Air Green Dose Valve A1 On 2G 2G 0.156 ( 4.0) Air Green Solven t Valv e B On 3G 3G 0.
Installa tion 3A086 9H 19 A Side A Side B Side B Side GFB1-A ATOM-1 ATOM-2 A2 A5 6R 6G 1G 1R A4 A5 2R 5R 2G 5G 4R 4G 3R 3G ti16767a ti16769a ti16768a See Ma nual 3127 84 for full setup instruc tions for a gun fl ush b ox.
Inst allation 20 3A086 9H Electrical Power Connection (non-IS units only ) Enclos e all cable s routed in the spra y boot h and hi gh traffic areas in c onduit to preve nt dama ge fro m paint , solvent , and tr affic. The ProMi x 2KE o perates with 85-25 0 VAC, 50/60 Hz input powe r, with a max imum of 2 a mp cu rrent dr aw.
Installa tion 3A086 9H 21 Grou nding Connect th e ProMi x 2KE grou nd wire to the groun d screw. Co nnect the c lamp to a true ear th ground . If wall power is used to power c ontrols , ground elect rical con - nection a ccording to loc al codes . Gun Flush Box Connect a ground wi re from the Gun F lush Bo x gr ound lug to a tr ue earth groun d.
Inst allation 22 3A086 9H F IG . 12. Grounding 1 Key: Control Box ground screw 1 Control Box ground wire 2 2 Power cable, Display Module/Control Box 5 True Earth Ground - check your local code for requirements.
Displ ay Module 3A086 9H 23 Display Module Display Shows gr aphical and text i nform ation re lated to setup and spr ay opera tions. The sc reen bac klight is factory set to remai n on. The use r may set a nu mber of minu tes the scr een ca n be in active before the bac klight dims.
Displ ay Module 24 3A086 9H Icon Key The foll owing tabl es pres ent a p rintable versi on of the i nforma tion o n the ProM ix 2K E icon card . See Tab le 5, p age 57, for a print able v ersion of the e rror code inform atio n on the rever se side of the c ard.
Displ ay Module 3A086 9H 25 Screen Summary NOTE: This summa ry is a one-page guide to the P roMix 2KE scre ens, fo llowed by scree n maps. F or operati ng inst ructio ns, se e Basic Opera tion , page 31 . For fu rther de tail on i ndividua l scre ens, see Run Mode Details , page 42, or Setup Mode Details , page 45.
Displ ay Module 26 3A086 9H Ranges for User Inputs This ta ble is a one-she et refer ence of the data r ange ac cepted fo r each u ser inp ut. See the pag e indica ted in the table for further screen infor mation , if ne eded.
Displ ay Module 3A086 9H 27 F IG . 14. Run Mode Screen Map Mix Totals Er rors Spray B atch Run Home . . ..
Displ ay Module 28 3A086 9H F IG . 15. Setup Mode Screen Map, page 1 Passwor d Set-Up Home Configure Reci pe See F IG . 16..
Displ ay Module 3A086 9H 29 F IG . 16. Setup Mode Screen Map, page 2 Set-Up Ho me Calibr ati on - 1 co lor Maintenance See F IG . 15. Calibration - 3 colors or.
Displ ay Module 30 3A086 9H F IG . 17. Troubleshooting Screen Map Set Passwo rd to 990 9 (See Co nfigure 3, Screen 20), then ente r it here. Password Set-Up Home Membrane Test System Inputs To Mem- brane Tes t System Out puts 1 System O utputs 2 To Setup Ho me To Mem- brane Test To Membr ane Test Pres s to exi t Setup.
Basic Opera tion 3A086 9H 31 Basic Op eratio n Pre-Operation Tasks Go thro ugh the Pre-Oper ation Checklist in Tabl e 2. Power On 1. IS Systems ( Alternator Power Supply): Set pump air regul ators to minim um set ting. Ope n main air valve to start ai r-power ed alter nator.
Basic O peration 32 3A086 9H Prime the System NOTE: See Run Mode Deta ils , pages 42-43 , for furthe r screen informa tio n, if ne eded. 1. Adjust t he main air pr essure . Most appli cation s require ab out 80 p si (552 kPa, 5.5 bar) ai r pressu re to operat e proper ly.
Basic Opera tion 3A086 9H 33 4. Press to move t o Cali bration 2 (Screen 23). 5. Press to high light t he meter you wis h to ca li- brat e. Press . An X disp lays in the box. 6. Press to start t he cal ibratio n on the chec ked meter (A wi th fluid A 1, A2, or A3, or B).
Basic O peration 34 3A086 9H 3. Adjust the flow r ate. Th e flui d flow rate s hown on the Display Mo dule s creen is for eithe r compon ent A o r B, dependi ng on which dose val ve is op en.
Basic Opera tion 3A086 9H 35 8. If the syste m is not c omple tely cl ean, repe at step 6. NOTE: If necessa ry, a djust purge s equence ti mes so on ly one c ycle is requ ired. 9. Trigger the gun to rel ieve pres sure. E ngage t rigger lock . 10. If spray ti p was r emoved, rein stall it.
Basic O peration 36 3A086 9H Purge/Color Chan ge Detail Purge/Flush The Purge Seque nce fl ushes th e line s from th e A & B color s tacks though t he mix ma nifold an d out to the gun(s). "A" has a pr e-ass igned (not sel ectab le) valv e.
Basic Opera tion 3A086 9H 37 Pressure Relief Procedure NOTE: The followi ng proce dure relie ves all fl uid and ai r pressu re in the ProM ix 2K E sys tem.
Basic O peration 38 3A086 9H Lock Mode NOTE: Do not change system type, number of guns, hose len gth, hose d iamete r, dosin g type , or numbe r of colo rs when m aterial is lo aded in th e syst em. Ch ange these inp uts on ly if system hardwa re is ch anged .
Use o f Option al USB Module 3A086 9H 39 Use of Optional USB Module USB Logs Job Log 1 See exam ple in F IG . 25. Th e job log reco rds total vol - umes for e ach job that the syste m perfo rms, up to 20 00. It record s the date, time, us er number , job numb er, total A volum e, total B vo lume, m ix rati o, and the reci pe use d.
Use of Optiona l USB Module 40 3A086 9H Setup The onl y setup r equir ed is to sele ct the l anguag e in which yo u want to view the downloaded data. ( Scree ns are icon- based and do not change .) Navig ate to Confi g- ure 3 (Sc reen 2 0). Sel ect yo ur langu age fr om the l an- guage dr opdown.
Use o f Option al USB Module 3A086 9H 41 Download Procedu re 1. Press on Run Mix S pray (Sc reen 2) or from any scree n to pla ce the sy stem in Sta ndby. NOTE: The system will not o perate with a USB flash drive i n the p ort. If yo u inse rt the flash drive w hile s pray - ing, th e syste m will st op and a n alarm error will occur .
Run Mode Details 42 3A086 9H Run Mode Details Run Mix Spray (Screen 2) Run Mix S pray (Screen 2) di spla ys at sta rtup o r if is sele cted f rom Ru n Home (S cree n 1).
Run Mode Details 3A086 9H 43 Run Mix Totals (Screen 4) Run Mix Totals (Scre en 4) displays if is select ed from Run Mix Batc h (Screen 3) . Use this scr een to view grand an d batch totals fo r mate rial A1 , A2, A3, a nd material B , and to clear b atch to tals if d esired.
Run Mode Details 44 3A086 9H Run Log Errors (Screens 5-14) Run Log Errors (Screens 5-14 ) displ ay if is sele cted from R un Ho me (Scree n 1). It d ispla ys the la st 50 errors in the l og. (Scr een 5 display s error s 1 to 5; Screen 6 displa ys e rrors 6 to 10, etc .
Setup Mode Detail s 3A086 9H 45 Setup Mode Det a ils Press o n any scr een to en ter the Setup screen s. If the syst em has a passw ord lock , Pas sword (Sc reen 16 ) display s. If t he system i s not loc ked (pa ssword is se t to 0000), S etup Hom e (Screen 17) displ ays.
Setup Mo de Detai ls 46 3A086 9H • Press to high light t he desire d fie ld. Press to disp lay th e dro pdown m enu for tha t field . Press to choos e from the menu opt ions and to set. P ress to move to the n ext fi eld. • Press to mo ve t hroug h Configur e 2 (Screen 19), Confi gure 3 ( Screen 20) , and Configu re 4 (Screen 21).
Setup Mode Detail s 3A086 9H 47 Recipe 0 (Screen 27) The Rec ipe Scr eens a llow the u ser t o set up th e basi c recipe s. Rec ipe 0 ( Screen 27) d isplays if is sel ected on Setup Ho me (S creen 17) . Recipe 0 allow s users to set up a fu ll fl ush, i ndependent of rec ipe pur ge time rs, with no material l oad.
Setup Mo de Detai ls 48 3A086 9H Maintenance 1-3 (Screens 24-26) Maintenan ce 1 ( Scree n 24) d isplay s if is se lecte d on Setup Ho me (S creen 1 7).
Setup Mode Detail s 3A086 9H 49 Calibration 1 an d 2 (Screens 22 and 23) NOTE: See Meter Cal ibrati on , page 32, for deta iled instruc tions . Calibra tion 1 (S cree n 22) di splays if is s elec ted on Setup Home (Sc reen 17) . This sc reen display s the k factor (c c/pul se) for Met er A w ith flu id A1 (A2 and A3, if present ) and Mete r B.
Setup Mo de Detai ls 50 3A086 9H Troubleshooting System Inputs (Scre en 35) From Setu p Home ( Scree n 17) with Troubl eshoo ting active, press to disp lay Troub le shooting Syst em Inpu ts ( Scree n 35). An X displa ys in the bo x to in dicat e if Air Flow Switch 1 or 2 is on and i f the gu n is in t he Gun Flush Box .
Dosing Opti ons 3A086 9H 51 Dosing Opt ions Sequential Dosing Compon ents A and B dis pense s equenti ally in the nec- essary volume s to at tain the mix ratio . 1. The operat or presse s to be gin ope ration. 2. The ProM ix 2 KE con troll er sen ds s ignals to ac tivat e the so lenoid v alves.
Dosin g Options 52 3A086 9H F IG . 52. Fluid Module, Sequential Dosing ti15 699a Key: MA Component A Meter DVA1 Component A Dose Valve DVA2 Second Col or/Catalyst Valve DVA3 Third Co lor/Catal yst Val.
Dosing Opti ons 3A086 9H 53 Dynamic Dosing Over view Dynamic Dosing p rovides on -demand propo rtioning, elimina ting the need fo r an inte grator a nd therefo re min- imizin g undes ired ma teria l contac t. This feature i s esp e- cially useful w ith sh ear-se nsitive and wat erborne materials .
Dosin g Options 54 3A086 9H F IG . 53. A/B Control Range with Properly Sized Restrictor B Pressur e Too High B Pressure Too Low C o n t r o l R a n g e A Pr essure B Press ure F IG .
System Errors 3A086 9H 55 System Errors NOTE: Do not use the fluid in the line that was di s- pense d off rati o as it ma y not c ure properly. System Alarms System alarm s alert you o f a pro blem to help prevent off-ratio s prayin g. If an alarm oc curs, ope ratio n stops and t he fo llowing o ccurs: • Ala rm buzzer soun ds.
System Errors 56 3A086 9H • Since th e ProMix 2 KE do es not kn ow it is s praying because there is no gun trig ger/air flow s witch i nput, it will g o into System I dle every 2 minutes when i n Mix mode .
System Errors 3A086 9H 57 Error Codes Tabl e 5: Syst em Alar m/A dvis ory/Re cord Code s Code Descrip tion Details Alarm Codes - Alarm sounds, system stops, icon dis- plays until p r oblem is solved and alarm is cleared.
System Errors 58 3A086 9H Alarm Troublesh ooting Alarm and De scription Cause Solution CA Communication Error The Dis play Module is no t commu nicatin g with th e Adva nced Fl uid Con trol Module. The CA N cable b etween th e Displa y Modu le and the Ad vanc ed Fluid Contro l Modu le is no t conn ected.
System Errors 3A086 9H 59 EQU2 USB Drive E rror The USB drive h as be en inse rted when t he syste m is not in Standb y. Most USB dr ives do not conform to IS standa rds, so it is hazardo us to u se one while t he sy stem is running. Put sy stem i n Stan dby.
System Errors 60 3A086 9H SM MixFill S tart Error In systems with a gun flush box, insuffi cient v olume of mixed ma terial i s detect ed during t he 10-se cond mix ed fill seque nce. SN MixFill Comple te Error Insufficien t volu me of m ixed material is detec ted durin g the 5-minute mixed fi ll sequ ence.
System Errors 3A086 9H 61 R1 Ratio Low Error The mix rati o is lower than the set to lerance for an A to B compo nent vo lume compa ri- son. There i s too m uch restr iction in th e system . • Check that the system is fully loaded with material. • Check that the sup ply pump ’s cycle rate i s set pr operly.
System Errors 62 3A086 9H R4 Ratio High Error The mix r atio is higher th an the set tole rance for an A to B compo nent vo lume compa ri- son. Ther e is too l ittle restri ction in the system. • C heck that the sys tem is ful ly loaded with material.
System Errors 3A086 9H 63 QDA1, QDA2, QDA3 Overdos e A The A d ose ha s ove rshot and, when comb ined with B , is too large fo r the m ix mani fold capac ity. QDB1 Overdos e B The B do se has o versho t, forcing an A dos e that, wh en combine d with B, i s too lar ge for the mi x man ifold ca pacit y.
System Errors 64 3A086 9H QTA1, QTA2, QT A3, or QTB1 Dose Time Error The gun trigger is acti ve, but no A pu lses (Q TA1, Q TA2, QTA3) o r no B pu lses (QTB1) are detec ted duri ng the dos e time selected. Syste m is in Mix m ode and gun is only partia lly trigg ered, all owing air but no fluid to pa ss thro ugh gun .
Dynamic D osing Restrictor Sele ction Gra phs 3A086 9H 65 Dynamic Do sing Restri ctor Select ion Graphs Use the graph s on pages 66- 70 as a guide to determ ine the corr ect res trictor size for your desired flow and mate - rial vis cosity . Table 6 list s the a vailabl e restr ictor siz es.
Dynamic Dosing Restri ctor Sel ection G raphs 66 3A086 9H F IG . 58. Dynamic Dosing Performance (1:1 Ratio, 90 centipoise fluid, 100 psi A side pressure) 0 500 100 0 150 0 20 00 3000 2500 3500 0 Flow Rate (cc/min) Differen tial Pressu re bet ween A an d B psi (bar, MPa) 4000 (276 , 27.
Dynamic D osing Restrictor Sele ction Gra phs 3A086 9H 67 F IG . 59. Dynamic Dosing Performance (5:1 Ratio, 90 centipoise fluid, 100 psi A side pressure) 0 500 100 0 150 0 20 00 3000 2500 3500 0 Flow Rate (cc/min) Differen tial Pr essure bet ween A and B psi (bar, MPa) 1400 (97, 9.
Dynamic Dosing Restri ctor Sel ection G raphs 68 3A086 9H F IG . 60. Dynamic Dosing Performance (10:1 Ratio, 90 centipoise fluid, 100 psi A side pressure) 0 500 100 0 150 0 20 00 3000 2500 3500 0 Flow Rate (cc/min) Differen tial Pressu re bet ween A an d B psi (bar, MPa) 800 (55, 5.
Dynamic D osing Restrictor Sele ction Gra phs 3A086 9H 69 F IG . 61. Dynamic Dosing Performance (20:1 Ratio, 90 centipoise fluid, 100 psi A side pressure) 0 500 100 0 150 0 20 00 3000 2500 3500 0 Flow Rate (cc/min) Differen tial Pr essure bet ween A and B psi (bar, MPa) 300 (21, 2.
Dynamic Dosing Restri ctor Sel ection G raphs 70 3A086 9H F IG . 62. Dynamic Dosing Performance (30:1 Ratio, 90 centipoise fluid, 100 psi A side pressure) 0 500 100 0 150 0 20 00 3000 2500 3500 0 Flow Rate (cc/min) Different ial Pressur e between A and B psi (bar, MPa) 160 (11, 1.
Dynamic D osing Restrictor Sele ction Gra phs 3A086 9H 71.
Schematic s 72 3A086 9H Schematics Hazardous Location S ystem Pneumatic Schematic MER K UR MOT OR A 4-W A Y SOLENOID 12 VDC DOSE A2 VALV E (OPTIONAL) 4-W A Y SOLENOID 12 VDC MANIFOLD AIR EXHAUST MUFFL.
Schemat ics 3A086 9H 75 Hazardous Location E lectrical Schema t ic (continued) UNUSED ALARM (+) COMMON PURGE A (+) DOSE A1 (+) +12 VDC FLOW METER A SIG COMMON DOSE A2 (+) DOSE A3 (+) +5 VDC AI (-) COMMON AI (+) SHIELD LINEAR SENS "A " SIG.
Schematic s 76 3A086 9H Non-Hazardous Location Ele ctrical Schematic USER IN T ERF ACE MODULE MEMBRANE POWER SUPPL Y 1 2 3 4 5 CAN _ L + V _ CAN V _ CAN _ R T N CAN _ H SHIELD CAN _ L + V _ CAN V _ CA.
Schemat ics 3A086 9H 77 Non-Hazardous Location Ele ctrical Schematic (continued) UNUSED ALARM (+) COMMON PURGE A (+) DOSE A1 (+) +12 VDC FLOW METER A SIG COMMON DOSE A2 (+) DOSE A3 (+) +5 VDC AI (-) COMMON AI (+) SHIELD LINEAR SENS "A " SIG.
Dime nsions and Mou nting 78 3A086 9H Dimensions and Mounting 14.74 in. (37 cm) 12.74 in. (32 cm) 0.55 i n (1.4 cm) 1.0 in (2.5 cm ) 35.5 in. (90 cm) 36.
Technica l Data 3A086 9H 79 Technical Data ProMix 2KE, Mete r-Based Systems US Metric Maximum fluid working pressu re See M odels , pag e 3. Maximum working air pr essure 100 psi 0.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica t ion. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any t ime without not ice. This manual contains E nglish. MM 3A0869 Graco Hea dquarters: Minne apolis Internati onal Offices : Belgium, China, Japan, Korea GRACO INC.
デバイスGraco 3A0869Hの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Graco 3A0869Hをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGraco 3A0869Hの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Graco 3A0869Hの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Graco 3A0869Hで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Graco 3A0869Hを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGraco 3A0869Hの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Graco 3A0869Hに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGraco 3A0869Hデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。