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T a ble of Con t ents INTRODUCTION ............................................... 2 Foreword ........................................................ 2 Contact Info ................................................... 2 Machine Data Sheet ............
-2 - G0 632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe INTR OD UCTION F ore w ord We are proud to offer the Model G0632 16" x 42" Variable Speed Wood Lathe. This machine is part of a growing Grizzly family of fine wood- working machinery.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -3 - .
- 4- G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -5 - Figure 1. Model G0632 tailstock and front view. A. Tailstock Handwheel B. Tailstock Quill C. Headstock D. Headstock Lock Handle E. Tool Rest F. Tool Rest Base G. Tailstock Lock Handle H. Tailstock I.
- 6- G0 632 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe Figure 2. Model G0632 headstock. A. Motor B. Motor Wiring Junction Box C. Spindle Handwheel D. Spindle Handwheel Safety Cover E. Frequency Inverter F. Spindle Lock G. Front Belt Access Panel H.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 7 - A B C D E Figure 3 . Model G0632 control panel. A. Front Belt Access Panel —Remove this panel to access the drive belt and pulleys for changing speed ranges. B. RPM Readout —Shows spindle RPM.
-8- G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -9 - .
- 1 0 - G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W o od L a the A ddi ti ona l Safety Instr ucti on s for W o od Lathes No list of safety guidelines can b e co mplete. E ver y shop environment is differ ent. Alw ays consider sa fety first , as it applies to your individual working conditions .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 1 1 - S E C T I O N 2 : C I R C U I T R E Q U I R E M E N T S Serious perso nal injur y c ou ld o ccur if you connect the machine to the power s ource before y ou have co mpleted the se t up pro - cess .
- 1 2- G0632 1 6" x 42 " V ariable Speed W ood Lathe W ear safet y glasses dur- ing the e ntire s etup pro - cess ! Th is m achi ne pr es ent s se rio us injur y ha z ard s to untrained us ers.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 1 3 - In v en t or y After all the par ts hav e been remov ed from the shipping c ontaine rs, y ou should hav e the follow - ing it ems: Inv entor y: ( Figures 5 – 7) Qt y A. Lathe Assembly —Headstock (mounted) .
- 1 4 - G063 2 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe Hard w are Recog ni tio n Char t.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 1 5 - Fl oor Lo ad Refe r to the M achine Dat a She et on Page 3 for the weight and footprint spe cifications of your machine. Some residential floor s ma y require ad diti onal re inforc emen t to su ppor t bot h t he machine and operator .
- 1 6 - G06 32 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe The unpainted surfaces are coated with a wa xy oil to prev ent corrosion during shipment. Remo ve this protective coating wit h a solvent cleaner or citrus- based degrease r such as Grizzly’ s G7 895 Citrus Degreaser .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 1 7 - 3. Secure the lathe assembly to the supporting legs with the (8) M10-1.5 x 25 cap screws and 10mm flat washers (see Figure 12 ). Figure 12. Securing lathe assembly to supporting legs. 4.
- 1 8 - G0632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W ood Lathe Before sta rting the lathe, make sure you hav e p erforme d the prec eding assembly and adjust ment instructions, and you have read through the r est of the manual and are familiar with t he various functions and safet y featur es on this machine.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 1 9 - Loose hair and clothing could g et caught in the lathe and cause serious p e rs on a l in ju r y .
-20- G 0632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W o od L a the Alwa ys ope rate the lathe with the hea dst ock firmly locked to the be d. Othe rwise, se rious per s onal injury may occur . T o s wivel t he he adstock: 1. DISCONNECT THE LATHE FROM THE POWER SOURCE! 2.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 2 1 - 2. Re-engage the tool rest base lock handle to secure the tool rest assembly in position. Note: The large clamping hex nut underneath the tool rest base will require occasional adjusting to ensure proper clamping pressure of the tool rest assembly to the bed.
-22- G0632 1 6 " x 42" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe Ins t a ll in g / Remo vi ng Headst ock Cent er The include d spur c en ter installs into the head- stock spindle with an MT # 2 tapered fit. T o install th e he adstock ce nter: 1. DISCONNECT THE LATHE FROM THE POWER SOURCE! 2.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -23- Ins t a ll in g / Remo vi ng T ai lst ock Cent er The inc l uded live center installs into the tailstock quill wit h an MT # 2 tapered fit. T o install th e cente r into the t ail stock quil l : 1.
-2 4 - G0632 1 6" x 42 " V ariable Speed W ood Lathe Headst ock F acepl at e To mount a workpiece to the faceplate, refer to Faceplate Turning on Page 31 . The faceplate c a n b e installed only if the head - stock cente r has been remov ed.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -25- Ch an gi ng Spe ed Ran ges The Mo del G 0632 has t w o spee d ranges : 1) the low range from 0 to 1200 RPM which provides a greater torque, and 2) the high range from 0 to 3200 RPM.
-26- G0 632 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe 4. Use the motor tensioning handle to lift the motor assembly all the way up and re-tighten the motor mount cap screw—this will hold the motor in place while you change the belt posi - tion.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 27 - Inde xi ng Figure 34 . Indexing pin and indexing holes. T o use the indexing featu re, place the indexing pin into one of the indexing holes in the headstock as shown in Figure 34 . This will hold the spindle and workpiece at the desired inde xed position.
-28- G0 632 1 6 " x 42" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe Selecti ng T ur ni ng T ool s Lathe tools c ome in a v ariet y of shapes and sizes, and usual ly fall into five major categories. • Gouges —Mainly used for rough cutting, detail cutting, and cove profiles.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -29- Spi ndle T ur ni ng Spindle turning is the o pera tion per formed when a workpiece is mounted bet w een the headstock and the tailstock (see Figur e 39 ). Figure 39. Typical spindle turning operation.
-3 0- G0 632 1 6" x 42 " V ariable Speed W ood Lathe Figure 41. Spur center properly embedded. 7. With the workpiece still attached, insert the spur center into the headstock spindle (refer to Installing Headstock Center on Page 21 for additional instructions).
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -3 1 - Sp ind le Turn ing Saf ety Tip s: • When turning the lathe ON , stand away from the path of the spinning workpiece until the lathe reaches full speed and you can verify that the lathe will not throw the workpiece.
-32- G06 32 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe F acepl at e T ur ni ng F aceplate turning is when a w or kpiece i s mounted to the faceplate , which is then mounted to t he headstock s pindle . This t ype of turning is usually done with open-faced workp ieces like bowls or plates.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -33 - Out board T ur ni ng Outboard tu rning is a va riation of fa ceplate turn- ing and is usually done when the stock diameter is greater than 1 2" . For the siz e of this par ticular lathe and its minimum turning speed, we rec om- mend a ma ximum diameter of 1 7 " .
-3 4- G06 32 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe SE CTION 5 : A CC E SSORIE S ACCESSORIES G1194—3-Jaw Chuck A "must hav e" for the serious wood turner . This 3 -ja w c h uck is a self- cente ring style c huck used mostly for round work.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -35 - Figure 52. Model H6542 Rob ert Sorb y 8-PC Set . H6542—Robert Sorby HSS 8-PC Turning Set If quality is king, then start bowing. Made in England, these Robert Sorby lathe tools are espe - cially for the perfectionist wood turner.
-3 6- G0 632 1 6 " x 42" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe SE CTION 6 : MAINTE NANC E For optimum per f ormance from your machine, follow this maint enance sc hedule and ref er to any specific instruct ions given in this section. Daily Check : • Loose mounting bolts.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -37 - Revie w the troubleshooting and procedures in this sectio n to fix or adjust your machine if a problem devel- ops. If you need replacement parts or you are unsure of y our r epair skills, then feel free to call our T ec hnical Suppor t a t (57 0) 546 -9 663.
-3 8- G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe SYMPTO M POS SIBLE CA U SE CORR E CT IVE A C TION Vibration noise while machine is running; noise changes when speed is changed.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -39 - Ser vice P er formed Approximate H ours O f Use Ser v ice Log Date.
- 40- G 0632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe Aligning Centers Al ig n in g Cent ers T o ensure accurate and saf e tu rning results, the headstock and tailstock cente rs must be aligned with one another . T o align the center s: 1. With the headstock and tailstock centers installed, slide the tailstock up to the head - stock.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 4 1 - Elect ri cal Compo nen ts Figure 59. Model G0632 control panel wiring (shown from the back of the panel). Figure 61. Model G0632 RPM sensor wiring. Figure 60. Model G0632 motor junction box wiring.
- 4 2- G0632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W ood Lathe .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -43 - .
- 44- G0 632 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -45 - Stand & Bed P ar ts Li st REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0632001 SUPPORTING LEG 16 P0632016 TAILSTOCK LOCK HANDLE 2.
- 46- G0 632 1 6" x 4 2" V ariable Speed Wood Lathe Headst ock P ar ts Break dow n .
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe - 4 7 - Headst ock P ar ts Li st REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 31 P0632031 SPUR CENTER 63 PK33M KEY 5 X 5 X 45 32 PSS64M SET SCREW M6-1 X 15 64 P0632064 MOTOR PULLEY 33 P0632033 FACE PLATE 65 PSS64M SET SCREW M6-1 X 15 34 P0632034 SPINDLE 66 PSB64M CAP SCREW M10-1.
- 48- G0 632 1 6" x 42 " V ariable Speed W ood Lathe Lab e l Pl acement Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine.
G06 32 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W oo d Lathe -49 - Grizzly Industrial, Inc. warrants ev er y produc t it sells for a period of 1 year to the original purchaser from the date of purchase.
-50 - G0 632 1 6" x 42" V ariable Speed W ood Lathe.
デバイスGrizzly G0632の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Grizzly G0632をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGrizzly G0632の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Grizzly G0632の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Grizzly G0632で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Grizzly G0632を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGrizzly G0632の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Grizzly G0632に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGrizzly G0632デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。