HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー1300Nの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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use hp L ase rJet 115 0 13 00 13 00n.
hp LaserJet 1150 and hp LaserJet 1300 ser ies pr inter user guide.
Hewlett-P ac kard Company 11311 Chinden Boulev ard Boise, Idaho 83714 U .S.A. Copyright Inf ormation Copyright Hewlett-P ac kard Company 2003 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws .
ENWW Contents iii Contents 1 Printer basics Quick access to more infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WWW links for drivers, softwa re, and supp ort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Contents ENWW 2 Media Choosing pap er and other media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Media to a void . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW Contents v Alerts tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Documentat ion tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Contents ENWW Korean EMI statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 VCCI stateme nt (Japan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW Printer basic s 1 1 Pr inter basics This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Quick access to more information ● Printer configurations ● Printer featur es ● Walk aro.
2 Chapter 1 ENWW Quic k access to more inf o rmation WWW links f or drivers, software, and support If yo u need to contact HP f or ser vice or suppor t, use one of the f ollowing links: hp LaserJet 1150 printer ● In the United States , see http://www.
ENWW Printer configurations 3 Printer configurations Below are t he standard configur ations for the HP LaserJet 1150 and 130 0 se ries printers. hp LaserJet 1150 ● 18 ppm f or letter-size paper , 1.
4 Chapter 1 ENWW hp LaserJet 1300 ● 20 ppm f or letter-size paper , 19 ppm for A4- size paper ● First page o ut in less than 10 seconds ● 1200 dpi (ProRes 1200) resolut ion ● 250-sheet enclose.
ENWW Printer feat ures 5 Printer features Congr atulations on the purchase of y our ne w product. The HP LaserJet 1150 and HP LaserJet 1300 series printers provide the f ollowing benef it s. Print with excellent quality ● Print 1200 dots per inch. ● F or the HP LaserJet 1150 printer , host-based and PCL 5e driv ers are a v ailabl e.
6 Chapter 1 ENWW W alk ar ound hp LaserJet 1150 printer and hp LaserJet 1300 series printer 1 Ready light 2 Go bu tton and light 3 Attention light 4 Main input tray 5 Priority input tra y 6 Output bin.
ENWW Walk around 7 1 Straight -through out put door 2 On/off switch 3 P ower receptacle 4 USB por t 5 P arallel por t (HP LaserJet 1150 printer) LIO connectivity slot (HP LaserJet 1300 series) 6 HP Je.
8 Chapter 1 ENWW Printer contr ol panel The printer control panel is comprised of two light s and one lighted b utton. These ligh ts produce patterns that identify y our printer’ s status. 1 Ready light: Indica tes that the p rinter is ready to pr int.
ENWW Media paths 9 Media paths Main input tra y The enclosed m ain input tr a y , located in f ro nt of the printer , holds up to 250 sheets of 20 lb paper , multiple en velopes , or other media.
10 Chapte r 1 ENWW Straight-thr ough output path The stra ight-through output path is useful wh en y ou are printing en v e lopes , tr ansparen cies , hea vy media, or an y media that tend s to curl when printed. Printed media e xits in re v erse ord er when the straight-t hrough output door is open.
ENWW Print cartridge access 11 Print car tridge access Print car t ridge door The print car tridge door is located on the front of the printer . Y ou m ust open the print car tridge door to access the print car tridge, clear jams , and clean the printer .
12 Chapte r 1 ENWW Printer software Suppor ted operating systems F o r easy pr inter se tup and access to the full range of printe r f eatures, HP stro ngly recommen ds that you install the s oftware prov ided. Not all software is av ailable in all languages.
ENWW Printer software 13 Printer pr oper ties (driver) Printer proper ties control the printer . Y ou can change the def ault settings, such as media siz e and type, printing multiple pages on a sing le sheet of media (N- up printing), resolution, and watermar ks.
14 Chapte r 1 ENWW Print setting priorities There are thre e w ays to change print settings f or this printer : in the software ap plication, in the printer driver , and in t he HP toolbox. F or the HP LaserJet 1300 series printer , you can also change print settings through t he embedded W eb ser ver .
ENWW Software for Wind ows 1 5 Software f or Windows When y ou install the softwa re f or Windo ws, y ou can directly connect the printer to a comput er using a USB cab le, par allel cab le, or using wireless technolog y . For the HP LaserJet 1300n printer , yo u can connect the printer to the netwo rk using an HP Jetdirect print server card.
16 Chapte r 1 ENWW hp toolbo x Y ou can view t he HP toolbo x when the printer is directly connected to y our computer or whe n it is connected to a networ k.
ENWW Software for Macintosh comput ers 17 Software f or Macintosh computers hp LaserJet 1150 printer Accessing the print dr iver (Mac OS 9.x) 1 F rom the Apple menu, select th e Chooser . 2 Click the HP La ser Jet icon in the left side of the Chooser dialog bo x.
18 Chapte r 1 ENWW hp LaserJet 1300 series printer Accessing the print driver (Mac OS 9.x) 1 Click the hard drive icon on the desktop . 2 Click Applications , and then click Utilities . 3 Launch the Desktop Printer utility . 4 Click Printer (USB) . 5 In the Printer USB section of the dialog bo x, click Change .
ENWW Software for ne two rk installations only 19 Software f or netw ork installations only This software is a vailab le only when the printer is connected to a netw or k. hp W eb Jetadmin HP Web Jetadmin is in tended f or pr inter mana gement in commercial an d en terpr ise netwo rks.
20 Chapte r 1 ENWW Printer connections USB connections All HP LaserJet 1150 and HP LaserJet 1300 series printer models suppor t USB connection s . The USB por t is on the back of the pr inte r. Connecting the USB cable Plug the USB cab le into the printer .
ENWW Printer connec tio ns 21 P arallel connections All HP LaserJet 1150 and HP LaserJet 1300 series printer models suppor t parallel connections . F or the HP LaserJet 1300 series printer , the par allel por t is in a low-cost inpu t/output (LIO) adaptor that connects to the back of the printer .
22 Chapte r 1 ENWW Netw ork connections The HP LaserJet 1300n printer also supports network connections with an HP Jetdirect print server . This print ser v er is option al f or the HP LaserJet 1300 pr inter . T o order the print ser v er , see Ordering supplies and accessories .
ENWW Media 23 2 Media This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Choosing paper and ot her media ● Optimizing print qualit y for media types ● Loading media into the input tr.
24 Chapte r 2 ENWW Choosing paper and other media HP LaserJet printers produce excelle nt print quality documents . Y ou can print on a va riety of media, such as paper (includi ng up to 100% recycled fiber cont ent paper), en velopes, labels, transpar en cies, and cust om-sized me dia.
ENWW Choosing paper and othe r media 25 Media to av oid The HP Lase rJet 1150 an d 1300 ser ies pr inters ca n handle many type s of media. Use of med ia outside the printer’ s specifications will cause a lo ss of print quality and in crease the chance of paper jams occurring.
26 Chapte r 2 ENWW Optimizing print quality f or media types Media type set tings control the t emperat ure of y our printer’ s fuser . Y ou can change th e settings f or the media that y ou are using to op ti mize the p rint quality . Y ou can access the o ptimizing f eature from the Paper tab in y our printer dr iv er or from HP T oolbox.
ENWW Loading me dia into the in put trays 27 Loading media into the input tra ys Main input tra y The main input tr a y holds up to 250 pages of 20 lb paper or f ewer pa ges of hea vier med ia (25 mm or less stack). Load media with the top f orward an d the side to be printed f acing up.
28 Chapte r 2 ENWW Printing on transparencies or labels Only use transpare ncies and labels that are recomme nded f or use in laser printers , such as HP transparency film and HP LaserJet labels. See Prin ter media specifications f or more inf or mation.
ENWW Printing on envel ope s 29 Printing on en velopes Printing one en velope Only use en velopes that a re recommended f or laser printers. Se e Printer me dia specifications for more inf or mation. Note Use the pr iority input tray f or printing one env elope.
30 Chapte r 2 ENWW 3 Place the en v elope with the side to be p rinted f acing up and the top ed ge alo ng t he le ft medi a guide. Note If the en v elope has a flap on the shor t edge , f eed that edge into the printer first. 4 Adjust the media guide s t o the length and widt h of the en velop e.
ENWW Printing on envel ope s 31 Printing m ultiple en velopes Only use en velopes that a re recommended f or laser printers. Se e Printer me dia specifications for more inf or mation. Note Use the pr iority input tray f or printing one env elope. Use the main input tra y for printing multiple env elopes.
32 Chapte r 2 ENWW 4 Adjust the media guides t o the length and width of the en v elopes. 5 Access the printer properties (or printing pref erences in Windo ws 2000 and XP).
ENWW Printing on lette rhead and preprinte d forms 33 Printing on letterhead and preprinted f orms T o print letterhead or preprinted f orms 1 Load the paper with the top f orward and the side to be printed f acing up . Adjust the media guides to fit the width of th e paper .
34 Chapte r 2 ENWW Printing on custom-sized media and cardstoc k The HP LaserJet 1150 and 1300 series printers can print on custom-siz e d media or cardstoc k betwee n 76 b y 127 mm (3 by 5 inches) and 216 b y 356 mm (8.5 b y 14 inches). Depending on th e media, y ou can print up to 10 sheets from the priority input tra y .
ENWW Printing tasks 35 3 Pr inting tasks This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Manual feed ● Printing watermarks ● Printing multiple pa ges on a single sheet of paper (N.
36 Chapte r 3 ENWW Manual f eed Y ou can use man ual f eed when printing mix ed media, f or e xample, an en v elope , the n a letter , then an en v elope , and so on. Load a n en v elo pe in the priority input tr a y an d load letterhea d in the main input tra y .
ENWW Printing watermarks 3 7 Printing watermarks Y ou can use the w atermar k option to print te xt ”underneath” (in the bac kground) of an e xisting document. F or exa mple, y ou might w ant to ha ve large gr a y letters read ing Draft or Confidentia l printed diagonally across the first page or all of the pages of a document .
38 Chapte r 3 ENWW Printing m ultiple pages on a single sheet of paper (N-up printing) Y ou can select th e number of page s that y ou want t o print on a single sheet of pap er . If y ou choose to print more than one page per sheet, t he pages appear smaller and are arr anged on the sheet in the order that they would otherwis e be pr inted.
ENWW Printing on both si de s of th e pa pe r (m a nu a l du p lex ing ) 39 Printing on both sides of the paper (manual duple xing) T o pr int on both sides of the paper (ma nual dup le x ing), y ou m ust run the paper th rough the printer twice. Y ou can print using the media output bin or the straig ht-through outp ut path.
40 Chapte r 3 ENWW 6 After side one has printed, remo ve the remaining pape r from the input tr a y , and set it aside until after y ou finish y our manual duple xing job . 7 Gather the printed pag es, an d straight en the stac k. 8 Place the stac k back in the inp ut tra y .
ENWW Printing on both sides of t he p aper (manual duplexin g) 4 1 Manual duple x on heavy media or car d stoc k F or hea vy media, such as card sto ck, use t he straight- through output path. 1 Load the media, and open the straight -through o utput door .
42 Chapte r 3 ENWW Printing booklets Y ou can print booklets on letter , legal, e xecutiv e, or A4 paper . 1 Load the paper , and make sure that the straig ht-through out put door is closed. 2 Access the printer properties (or printing pref erences in Windo ws 200 0 and XP).
ENWW Printing booklets 43 7 Gather the printed pages , tur n the printed side down, and str aighten the stac k of paper . 8 Place the pages from side one bac k in the input tra y . Side one should be f acing down with the bottom edge f eeding into the printer first.
44 Chapte r 3 ENWW Canceling a print job Y ou can cancel a print job from a softw are application or a print queue. T o stop the printer immediately , remo v e the remaining pap er from the printer . After the printer stops , use on e of the f ollowing options.
ENWW Understand ing print quality settings 45 Understanding print quality settings Print quality settings aff e ct how ligh t or dark the print is on the page and the style that the g raphics are pr inted. Y ou c an also use th e prin t quality setting s to optimize the pr int qu ality for a specific media type .
46 Chapte r 3 ENWW Using EconoMode (Saves toner) An e xcellent w a y to exten d the lif e of y our print car tridge is by using EconoMode . EconoMode uses substantially less tone r th an normal pr inting. The printed image is much light er , but it is adequate f or printing dr afts or pr oofs.
ENWW Maintenance 47 4 Maintenance This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Using HP print cartridges ● Storing print cartr idges ● Print cartridge life expect ancy ● Savi.
48 Chapte r 4 ENWW Using HP print car tridges HP policy on non-HP print car tridges Hewle tt-P ackard Compan y cannot recom men d the use of non-HP print car tridges, eith er new , refilled, or remanuf actured. Since they are no t HP produc ts, He wlett-Pac kard cannot influence their design or cont rol their quality .
ENWW Storing print ca rtridges 49 Storing print car tridges Do not remov e the print car tr idge from its pac kage until you ar e ready to use it. The shelf lif e of a print car tridge in an unopened pac kage is appro x imately 2.5 y ears. The shelf lif e of a print car tridge in an opened pac kage is appr o ximately 6 mont hs .
50 Chapte r 4 ENWW Print car tridge life e xpectancy The lif e of the print car tr idge depends on the amount of toner that yo ur print jobs require . When printing te xt at 5 percent co ver age , the.
ENWW Saving toner 51 Saving toner While in EconoMode, the pr inter uses less toner on each page . Selecting this option will extend the lif e of the print car tridge and reduce your cost per page, but it will reduce print quality . See Using EconoMode (Sav es toner) f or more info r mation.
52 Chapte r 4 ENWW Redistrib uting toner When toner is lo w , f aded or light ar ea s appear on the printed pag e. Y ou might be able to tempora rily improv e print quality b y redistrib uting th e toner , which means that y ou might be ab le to finish the cu rrent pr int job before replacing the prin t car tr idge.
ENWW Changing the print cart ridge 53 Changing the print car tridge Note Y ou will f eel some resistance when y o u open the pr int car tr idge door . Open ing the print car tridge door con v eniently lifts t he print car tr idge f or remov al. 1 Open the print car tridge door , and remov e the old print car tr idge.
54 Chapte r 4 ENWW 4 Pull the tab until all the tape is remov ed from the car tridge. Put the tab in th e print car tridge bo x to retur n for recycling. 5 Inser t the print car tridge in the printer , making sure that the print cartr idge is in position.
ENWW Cleaning th e printer 55 Cleaning the printer Clean the outside of th e printer with a clean, damp cloth when nece ssar y . CAUTION Do not use ammonia-base d cleaners on or around t he printer . During the printing process, pap er , toner , and dust par ticles can accumulate inside the printer .
56 Chapte r 4 ENWW 3 Replace the print car tridge, and clo s e the print car tridge door . 4 Plug the po wer cord bac k into the printer . Cleaning the printer media pat h If yo u are e xperiencing toner sp ecks or dots on t he printouts, clean the printer med ia path.
ENWW Managing the pr inter 57 5 Managing the pr inter This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Printer inform ation pages ● Using the hp toolbox ● Using the embedded Web se.
58 Chapte r 5 ENWW Printer inf ormation pages Special pages reside within the memory of the printer . These pages help you to diag nose and solv e problems with the printer . Demo page T o pr int the Demo page , press G O when the printer is ready (Ready light on) and not printing.
ENWW Using the hp toolbo x 5 9 Using the hp toolbo x The HP toolbo x is a We b application that y ou can use for the f ollowing tasks: ● Check the printer statu s. ● Configure the printer sett ings. ● View t roub leshooting inf or mation. ● View o nline documentation.
60 Chapte r 5 ENWW hp toolbo x sections The HP toolbox sof tw are contains these sect ions: ● Status tab ● Troubleshooting t ab ● Alerts tab ● Documentation tab ● Advanced Printer Setti ng s.
ENWW Using the hp toolbo x 6 1 Status tab The Status tab has links to these main pages: ● Device Stat us. View printer status inf or mation. This page will indicate pr inter conditions such as a paper jam or an emp ty tra y . After you correct a pr oblem with the pr inter , click the Refresh button to update the device status.
62 Chapte r 5 ENWW Alerts tab The Aler ts tab allo ws you to conf igure the printer to automat ically notify y ou of pr inter alerts. The Aler ts tab has links to these main pages: ● Set up status a.
ENWW Using the hp toolbo x 6 3 Adv anced Printer Settings window When you clic k the Advanced Printer Settings link, a ne w window opens . Th e Adv anced Printer Settings window has two tabs: ● Inf .
64 Chapte r 5 ENWW Using the embedded W eb ser ver The embedded W eb ser v er is a v ailable f or HP LaserJet 1300 series printers with LIO netw ork connections . The embedded W eb ser v er pro vides the same function s as the Adv anced Printer Settings secti on of the HP toolbox.
ENWW Using the embedde d Web se rve r 65 Inf ormation tab The Inf or mation pages g roup consists of the f ollowing pages . ● Device Stat us. This page displa ys the printer status and sho w s the lif e remaining of HP supplies. Th is p age also displa ys product inf or mation such as the network name , network address , and model inf or mation.
66 Chapte r 5 ENWW Netw orking tab This tab allo ws the net w ork administrat or to contr ol netw ork-related set tings f or the printer when it is connected to an IP-b ased networ k. Other links This section cont ains links that conne ct you to t he Internet.
ENWW Wireless printing 67 Wireless printing Wireless networks off er a saf e, secure, and cost-eff ectiv e alter nativ e to traditional wired netwo rk connections. See Ordering supplies and accessories f or a list of a v ailable wireless print ser vers .
68 Chapte r 5 ENWW.
ENWW Problemsolving 69 6 Prob lemsolving This chapter provides inform ation on the f ollowing topics: ● Finding the solut ion ● Status light patter ns ● Common Macintosh pr oblems ● Troublesho.
70 Chapte r 6 ENWW Finding the solution Y ou can use this section to find the soluti on to common printer prob lems. Step 1: Is the printer set up correctly? ● Is the prin te r plu gg e d into a pow.
ENWW Finding the solutio n 71 Step 4: Is the prin t quality acceptable? Yes : If the print quality is acceptab le, go to St ep 5: Is the printer communicat ing with the computer? No : If the pr int quality is poor , s ee Improving print qualit y . V erify that the print settings are correct f or the media you are using.
72 Chapte r 6 ENWW Status light patterns Contro l panel light message Light status Condition of the printer Action Ready The printer is ready to pr int. No action is necessar y . T o print a configuration page, press and release the Go b utton on the printer control panel.
ENWW Status light patterns 73 Retur n to Finding the solution . Printer initial ization/Cancel Job/Cleaning Mode A printer initiali zation is taking place.
74 Chapte r 6 ENWW Common Macintosh pr oblems Choose the item that best describes the problem: ● Problems in the Chooser ● Printing Errors ● USB Problems ● OS X problems Symptom Possib le Cause Solution Prob lems in the Chooser LaserWri te r icon does not appear in the Chooser .
ENWW Common M acintosh pr oblems 75 Printing Error s A print job was not sent to your desired printe r. Another printer w ith the same or similar name ma y hav e received y our pr int job . Check the AppleT alk name of the printer displayed on the configuration page.
76 Chapte r 6 ENWW USB Problems Unable to print from a third-par ty USB card. This error occurs when the software f or USB printers is not installed. When adding a third-par ty USB card, you might need Apple's USB Adapter Card Suppor t software .
ENWW Common M acintosh pr oblems 77 OS X problems Printer f eatures do not appear . The wrong PPD is selected f or the printer . V erify which PPD is selected as follo ws: In the Print dialog bo x, click Summary . V erify that the “PPD f or :” setting is correct.
78 Chapte r 6 ENWW Selecting an Alternate P ostScript Printer Description (PPD) fo r the hp LaserJet 1300 series printer Mac OS 9.x 1 Open the Chooser from the Apple me nu. 2 Click the LaserWriter icon. 3 If yo u are on a netw ork with multip le z ones , select the z one in t he AppleT alk Zones bo x wher e the prin te r is loca te d.
ENWW Troubleshooting PostScript (PS) err ors 79 T roub leshooting P ostScript (PS) error s The f ollowing situations are PS language specific and ma y occur when se v eral printer languages are being used .
80 Chapte r 6 ENWW P aper handling prob lems Choose the item that best describes the problem: ● Paper jam ● Print is skewed (crooked) ● More than one sh eet of media f eeds through t he pr inter.
ENWW Paper handlin g pr ob le ms 81 Retur n to Finding the solution . Print job is extremely slow The maximum speed of the printe r is up to 18 pages per minute for the HP LaserJet 1150 printer and up to 20 pages per minute for the HP LaserJet 1300 series pr in ter .
82 Chapte r 6 ENWW Printed page is different than what appeared on screen Choose the item that best describes the problem: ● Garbled, incorrect, or incomplete text ● Missing graphics or text, or b.
ENWW Printed page is differe nt than what appeare d on screen 83 Retur n to Finding the solution . P age f orm at is different than on another printe r If you used an older or diff erent printer dr iv.
84 Chapte r 6 ENWW Printer software pr oblems Retur n to Finding the solution . Printer softwar e prob lems Prob lem Solution A printe r dr iver f or the HP LaserJet 1150 or the HP LaserJet 1300 pri nter is not visible in the Printer fold e r ● Reinstall the printer software.
ENWW Improving print qualit y 85 Impr o v ing print quality This section pro vides inf or mation about i dentifying and correcting print def ects. Light print or faded T oner spec ks Dr opouts Note If these steps d o not correct the prob lem, contact an HP- authorized dealer or service representativ e.
86 Chapte r 6 ENWW G ray b a ck g ro u n d T oner smear Loose toner V ertical repetitive defects ● Make sure that the pr iori ty input tray is in place. ● Decrease the print den sity setting through HP T oolbox or the embedded web ser ver . This decreases the amount of background shading.
ENWW Improving print qualit y 87 Misf ormed character s Pa g e s k e w Curl or wave Wrinkles or creases ● If characters are improper l y f orm ed, producing h ollow images, the media stock might be too slick. T r y a different media. See Printer media specifications for more infor mation.
88 Chapte r 6 ENWW T oner scatter outline Retur n to Finding the solution . ● If large amounts of toner hav e scatte red aroun d the characters, the media might be resistin g the to ner . (A small amou nt of toner scatter is nor mal f or laser pri nting.
ENWW Clearing jams 89 Clearing jams Occasiona lly , media becom es jammed du ring a print jo b . So me of the causes includ e the f ollowing: ● The input tra ys are loaded improperly or too full. See Loading med ia into the input tr ays fo r more inf or mation.
90 Chapte r 6 ENWW Remo ving a jammed page CAUTION Media jams might result in loose toner on the pag e. If y ou get any toner on your clothes , wash t hem in cold water . Hot water w ill permanently set the toner into the fabric. 1 Open the print cartr idge door and th e straight -through out put door .
ENWW Clearing jams 91 4 With both hands , gr asp the side of the media t h at is most visible (this includes the middle), and carefully pull it free fro m th e printer . 5 If no media is visib le, gra sp t he ta b on the right-han d side of the upp er me dia g uide a nd p ull it f orward.
92 Chapte r 6 ENWW Changing the pic kup r oller If the printer regularly mispicks (no media f eeds through or more than one sheet f eeds through), yo u might need to change or clean the pick up roller . See Ordering supplies and accessories to order a ne w pickup roller .
ENWW Changing the picku p rol ler 93 4 Release the small, white tabs on eit h er side of the pic kup roller , and rotate the pic k up roller toward the front. 5 Gently pull the pic k up roller up and out. 6 P osition the ne w or clea ned par t in the slot of the pre vious pickup ro ller .
94 Chapte r 6 ENWW 7 Rotate the top of the new pickup roller awa y from you until both sides snap into plac e. 8 Reinstall the print car tridge, and close the print cartr idge door .
ENWW Cleaning the pickup rol ler 95 Cleaning the pic kup r o ller If yo u want to clean th e pickup rolle r rather than re place it, f ollow th e instructions below: 1 Remov e the pickup roller as described in steps 1 through 5 of Changing the pickup roller .
96 Chapte r 6 ENWW Changing the printer separation pad Note Bef ore y ou change the sep aration pad , clean the pic kup roller . Lea v e the pic kup roller out of th e printer while changing the se paration pad. See Cleaning the pickup roller f or instructions.
ENWW Changing the print er separation pad 97 4 T o pr y the separation pad up f rom the spring-loaded base , insert a flat-edged scre wdriv er in the slot under the sepa ration pad and twist until the t abs ar e free.
98 Chapte r 6 ENWW 7 Snap both side s of the se paration pad fir mly into place. CAUTION Make sur e that the separ ation pad is str aight and that the re is no space betw een the separ ation pad and the spring-loaded base .
ENWW Printer specifications 99 A Pr inter specifications This appendix pro vides inf ormation on the f o llowing t opics: ● Specifications ● FCC compliance ● Environmental pro duct stewardship p.
100 App endix A ENWW Specifications Printer specificat ions En vironmental speci ficat ion s Opera ting en vironment Printer plug ged into a n A C outlet: ● T emperature: 10 ° C to 32.
ENWW Specific at ion s 101 Electr ical spec ifications 1 Warning! P ower req uirements are base d on the c ountry/region wh ere the printer i s sold. Do not con vert operatin g v oltage s. Doin g so mig ht damage the printer an d v oid the product w arr anty .
102 Appendix A ENWW Physical specifica tions Dimensions ● Width: 4 15 mm (16.3 inches) ● Depth: 486 mm (19.1 inches) ● Height: 253 mm (10.0 inches) W eight (cartr idge installed) 8.
ENWW Specifications 103 1 V alues are subje ct to chan g e. For current inf orm a tio n se e http://www.hp .com/support /lj1150 or http://www .hp.com/supp ort/lj1300 . Memory specificat ions DIMMs 100 pin, 66 MHz minimum speed P o rt availability USB Compatible with the USB 2.
104 Appendix A ENWW FCC compliance This equipment ha s been tested and f ound to comply with th e limits f or a Class B digital de vice, pursuant t o P a r t 15 of the FCC rules. These lim its are design ed to provide reas onable protection against harmful interf er ence in a reside ntial installat ion.
ENWW Environmental prod uct stewardship progra m 105 En vir onmental pr oduct stewar dship program Pr otecting the en vironment Hewl ett-P ackard Compan y is committed to providing qu ality products in an en vironment ally sound manner . This product has been designed with se v eral attrib utes to minimiz e the impact on our envir onment.
106 Appendix A ENWW U.S. recyclin g returns F or a more en vironmentally respon sibl e r eturn of used print car tr idges and consumab les , Hewlett-P ackard encourages you to use bulk retur n s. Simply bu ndle two or more print car tridges together and use th e single, prepa id, pre-addressed label t hat is supplied in the pac kage.
ENWW Material safe ty data shee t 107 Material safety data sheet Material saf ety data sheets (MSDS) can be ob tained b y contacting the HP LaserJet supplies website at http://www.
108 Appendix A ENWW Regulatory statements Dec laration of Conf ormity according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN45 014 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-P ackard Company Manufacturer's Address: 11311 C.
ENWW Regulatory statemen ts 109 Dec laration of Conf ormity according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN45014 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-P ackard Company Manufacturer's Address: 11311 Chinden Boul.
110 Appendix A ENWW Laser safety statement The Center f or De vices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the U .S. F ood and Dr ug Administr ation has implemented regulatio ns fo r laser products manuf actured since A ugust 1, 1976. Compliance is mandatory for product s marketed in the United Stat es .
ENWW Regulatory statemen ts 111 Laser statement f or Finland LASERTURVALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT HP LaserJet 1150, 1300 -laser kirjoitin on käy ttäjän kannalta tur v allinen luokan 1 laserlaite. Normaalissa käytössä kir joittimen suojak otelointi estää lasersäteen pääsyn laitte en ulk opuolelle .
112 Appendix A ENWW.
ENWW Media specifications 113 B Media specifications This appendix pro vides inf ormation on the f o llowing t opics: ● Printer media specifications ● Supported med i a sizes ● Guidelines for us.
114 Appendix B ENWW Printer media specifications HP LaserJet printers produce e xcellent print quality . The printer accepts a v ar iety of media, such as cut-sheet paper (includi ng r ecycled paper), en velopes, labe ls, tr ansparencies, ve llum, and custom-siz ed paper .
ENWW Supported media sizes 11 5 Suppor ted media sizes The follo wing are th e suppor ted media si zes: ● Minimum: 76 x 127 mm (3 x 5 in.) ● Maximum: 216 x 356 mm (8 .
116 Appendix B ENWW Guidelines f or using media Pa p e r F o r best results, use conv entional 20 lb (75 g/m 2 ) paper . Make sure that the pa pe r is of goo d quality and free of cuts , nicks, t ears, spots , loose par ticles, dust, wrinkles, v oids, and curled or bent edges .
ENWW Guidelines for using medi a 11 7 Labels Label construction When selecting labels, consider the quality of the follo wing components: ● Adhesives: The ad hesiv e ma terial should be stab le at 200° C (392° F), the printer’ s maximum tempe rature.
118 Appendix B ENWW En velopes En velope con struction Env elope construction is critical. Env e lope f old lines can vary considerably , not only between manuf acturers, but also within a box from the sam e manuf acturer . Successful pr inting on env elopes depends upon the qualit y of t he env elopes.
ENWW Guidelines for using medi a 11 9 Car d stoc k and hea vy media Y ou can print many types of ca rd stock from t he p aper input tra y , including inde x cards and postcards . Some card stoc k perf or ms better than other s be cause its construction is better suited f or f eeding through a laser printer .
120 Appendix B ENWW.
ENWW Warranty and licensing 12 1 C W arranty and licensing This appendix pro vides inf or mation on the f ollowing t opics: ● Hewlett-Packard softw are license agreement ● Hewlett-Packard limited .
ENWW Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statem ent 123 Hewlett-P ackar d limited warranty statement 1. HP warrants to you, the end-user cust omer , that H P hardware, accessories, an d supplies , will be fr ee from def e cts in materials and workmanship afte r the date of purchase , for the period specified ab ov e.
124 Appendix C ENWW Limited warranty f or print car tridg e life Note The f ollowing warr a nty applies to the print car tridge that came with th is printer . HP pr int car tridges are warr anted to be free fro m def ects in materials and workmanship until the HP toner is depleted.
ENWW Hardware service 125 Har d ware service If y our hardw are f ails during the warr anty period, Hewlett- P ackard off ers the f ollowing support options: ● Hewlett-Packard repa ir services: Hewlett-P ackard will arrange to pic k up the unit, repair it, and return it to you within 5 to 10 days , depending on your locati on.
126 Appendix C ENWW Extended warran ty HP Suppor tP ack provid es co verage f or the HP product and all HP-sup plied internal components. The hardw are maintenance co v ers a three-y ear period from da te of the HP product p urchase. The customer must pu rchase HP Su ppor tPac k within 180 da ys of the HP produ ct purchase.
ENWW Guidelines for repacking the print er 127 Guidelines f or repac king the printer Use the f ollowing guidelines when repacking the printer : ● If possib le, include print samples and 5 to 10 sh eets of paper or o ther media that d id not print correctly .
128 Appendix C ENWW How to contact HP If yo u need to contact HP f or ser vice or suppor t, use one of the f ollowing links: ● In the United States , see http://www.hp .c om/suppo rt/lj1150 f or the HP LaserJet 1150 printer , or see http://www.hp.com/suppor tlj1300 f or the HP LaserJet 1300 series printer .
ENWW Ordering supplies and acce ssor ies 129 D Order ing supplies and accessor ies Or dering supplies and accessories Y ou can increase the pr inter’ s capabilities with optional accessories and supplies.
130 Appendix D Ordering supplies and accessories ENWW Print car tridge for the HP LaserJet 1150 pri nter UltraPrecise print car tridge Repl acement pr int car tr idges for the HP L aserJet 1300 series pr inters.
ENWW Ordering supplies and acce ssor ies 131 10/100 netw orking and wireless print servers Ordering inf ormation hp LaserJet 1150 pri nter Item and description Order n umber HP Jetdirect 175x fast-eth.
132 Appendix D Ordering supplies and accessories ENWW.
ENWW Network con figuration 133 E Netw or k configuration Installing a shared printer on Windows 98 and Millennium 1 Quit all progr ams. 2 F rom the Windows system tr a y , clic k Start , select Settings , and clic k Printers . 3 Double-clic k the Add Printer icon.
134 Appendix E Network configuration ENWW Installing a shared pr inter on Windows 2000 1 Quit all programs. 2 F rom the Windows system tray , c lick Start , select Settings , and clic k Printers . 3 Double-clic k the Add Pr inter icon. 4 In the Add Printer Wiz ard, clic k Next .
ENWW Network con figuration 135 Installing a shared printer on Window s XP 1 Quit all progr ams. 2 F rom the Windows system tr a y , clic k Start , and select Control Panel . 3 Double-clic k Printers and Other Hardware . 4 Click Add a printer . 5 In the Add P rinter Wiza rd, click Next .
136 Appendix E Network configuration ENWW.
ENWW Memory 137 F Memor y This appendix pro vides inf or mation on the f ollowing t opics: ● Installing a memory DI MM (1300 series only) ● Testing the DIMM installation ● Removing a DIMM.
138 Appendix F Memory ENWW Installing a memory DIMM (1300 series only) If y ou add memor y (RAM only) to t he HP LaserJet 1300 series pr inter , yo u can print more comple x print jobs.
ENWW Installing a memor y DIMM (1300 series on ly) 13 9 4 Remov e the DIMM chip from the anti static bag it came in, g rasping t he chip on the top edge . 5 P osition the DIMM ch ip in front of the slot located inside the I/O door . The gold contacts should be pointing to ward the printer and the cutouts sh ould be at the top and bo ttom.
140 Appendix F Memory ENWW 7 Close the left side pan el and th e print cartr idge door . Reinstall the par allel a dapt or or th e print ser v er . 8 Plug the printer bac k in, and turn on the pow er s witch.
ENWW Removing a DIMM 141 Remo ving a DIMM T o remove a DIMM, f ollow the instr uctions below: CAUTION Handling a DIMM chip (memory) without w earing a grounded, ant istatic de vice might damage the DIMM chip . T ouch the printer or a piece of sheet metal bef ore touching the DIMM.
142 Appendix F Memory ENWW 4 T o unlock the cam latch es , press them o utw ard (A). Grasp the DIMM ch ip o n the e dg e , gently pull stra ight out, and remo v e the chip fr om the printer (B). Note Store the DIMM chip in an ant istatic bag. 5 Close the left side pan el and th e print cartr idge door .
ENWW Working with the print server 143 G W or king with the pr int ser v er The HP LaserJet 1300n pr inter comes with an HP Jetdirect 200m pr int ser ver . If you have an HP LaserJet 1150 printer or an HP LaserJet 1300 printer , yo u can order a v a riety of print ser ve rs from HP .
144 G Working with the print server ENWW Installing the print server Inser t the HP Jetdirect 200m print ser ver into the LIO connecti vity slot on the bac k of the printer . Push the print server into the slot until it seats f irmly and the latches clic k in to place .
ENWW Using the print server ’s embedded Web serve r 145 Using the print server’ s embedded W eb server The HP Jetdirect 200m print ser ver ha s an embedded W eb ser ver that allo ws y ou to configure v arious print ser ver pa r ameters in a stand ard W eb bro wser .
146 G Working with the print server ENWW T roub leshooting the print server Installed print ser ver stops worki ng If you hav e s uccessfully inst alled a networ k pr inter and you are no longer able to pr int to it , the prob lem might be related to Dynamic Host Configur ation Protocol (DHCP).
ENWW Troubleshooting t he print server 147 Print server status light The status light on th e bac k o f the print server can indica te prob lem s with t he print server . Use the tabl e below to interpret the print ser ver st at us light. Print server statu s light Light behavio r Description Off The print ser ver is not receiving pow er .
148 G Working with the print server ENWW Restoring the factory default settings Once you configure the HP print ser v er , the configur ation settings are re tained in memory unless yo u man ually reset them to f actor y def aults using the f ollowing procedure .
ENWW Index 149 Inde x A access, print car tridge 11 accessories, ordering 129 Aler ts tab (HP toolbox) 62 Attention light 6 B blank pages 82 Bluetooth wireless technology 67 booklets, printing 42 butt.
150 Index ENWW I IEEE 802.11b standard 67 improving print quality 85 Information tab (embedded Web server) 65 information, links to selected topics 2 input tray loading main input tray 27 loading prio.
ENWW Index 151 gra y ba ckg round 86 light or faded print 85 loose toner 86 misformed characters 87 optimizing for media types 26 page ske w 87 settings 45 toner scatter outline 88 toner smear 86 tone.
152 Index ENWW T te xt garbled 82 missing 82 toner changing the print car tridge 53 cleaning the print car tridge area 55 conser ving 51 loose toner 86 low 85 opening the print car tridge door 11 prin.
*Q1334-90941* *Q1334-90941* Q1 3 3 4 - 90 9 41 www .hp .co m cop yr ight © 200 3 Hew let t-P ack ard Co mpan y.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 1300Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。