HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー170xの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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hp jetdirect print ser vers model 170x installation and configuration guide black + PMS 660 + registration coverfrontEN.ai network printing 59 90-2875 * 5990-2875 *.
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Installati on and Conf igura tion Gui de HP Jetdirect 170X External Prin t Server 0Book-asF01.book Page 1 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
©Copy right Hewl ett- Packard Company 19 97-2001. All righ ts reser ved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, ex cept as allowed under the copyright law s.
3 1. Introducti on Product Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 What ’ s Included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 For Further Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Network Print ing Basics .
4 5. Using the Embed ded Web Server Supported We b Browsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 2 Supported HP W eb JetAdm in Version . . . . . . . . 5-2 Viewing the Embe dded Web Se rver . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Special Features . . . . . . . . . .
5 8. HP Jetdirect C onfiguration Page Mess ages Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 A. Technical Specificati ons and Regulatory St atements Specificat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 0Book-asF01.book Page 6 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Int roducti on 1-1 1 Introduction Product Overview The HP Jetdirec t 170X (J3258B) is an extern al print serv er that allows you to connect your printer, plotter, or HP All-In-One peripheral with sca nning capability 1 directly to your network.
1-2 Introdu ction What’ s Included ● HP Jetdirect 170X Print Server ● Power Module (see Appendix A fo r part numbers) ● CD-ROM containing HP Jet direct software ● Installation and Configurat.
Intr odu ctio n 1-3 Introduction 1 Network Printing Basics Networks consist o f computers connected toget her to share informati on and resource s, such as printe rs. There a re two ways to share printers on a network: Client-Se rver and Peer-to-Peer.
1-4 Introdu ction printer. Note that peer-to- peer printin g can be co nfigured o n a client-s erver network . For example , a small workg roup might use peer-t o-peer printi ng even though i t is connected to an enterprise-wide client-server ne twork.
Intr odu ctio n 1-5 Introduction 1 Installa tion Ove rview To insta ll the HP Jetdi rect print s erver hardware, s imply connect the 170X to the network , then connect your printer, plotter, or H P All-In-One periphe ral to the 170X using the parallel port connector (See chapters 2 and 3.
1-6 Introdu ction ● If you are se tting up pee r-to-peer pri nting on a Mi crosoft Window s 95, 98, NT, or 20 00 network , you simpl y configure each Wi ndows 95, 98, NT, or 2000 clien t to prin t directly t o the pr inter usi ng HP Jetd irect s oftware ( see ch apter 4 ).
Intr odu ctio n 1-7 Introduction 1 HP Customer Care Phone Numbers If you need assi stance, call one of t he following numbers : For Warranty information, see Appendix B.
1-8 Introdu ction 0Book-asF01.book Page 8 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Where Do I Beg in? 2-1 Where D o I Begin? 2 2 Where D o I Begin? Using the HP Jetdire ct 170X External Print Ser ver to add your printer to a network is getting ea sier all the time! Just follow the se steps. When yo u have comp leted th ese steps , your sys tem sho uld be abl e to print to the network printer.
2-2 Where Do I Begin? Which CD-ROM Do I Us e? ● For newe r HP printers , inclu ding m ultifunc tion peri pherals (M FPs) and All-in-One devices, you should use on ly the CD-ROM supplied wi th the print er . This “ printer ’ s CD-RO M ” already inclu des ne twork i nstal lation softwa re.
Where Do I Beg in? 2-3 Where D o I Begin? 2 Do you have ever ything that you need? ✓ A work ing netwo rk with an available n etwork con nection We assu me that y ou have a worki ng netwo rk and a n availa ble network connectio n for your printe r.
2-4 Where Do I Begin? Other HP Install atio n Softwa re For a summary of HP solutions to setup network printing, see t able 2.2 belo w. Table 2.2 HP Software Sol utions (1 of 2 ) Instal l Networ k Pri nter Wi zard ( Windows) ● Supported Networks (TCP/ IP, IPX/ SP X): ■ Windows 95, 98, ME ■ Windows NT 4.
Where Do I Beg in? 2-5 Where D o I Begin? 2 The fol lowing secti ons prov ide more e xplan ation for t he solu tions li sted in tabl e 2.2. For more info rmation on these and other HP soluti ons, visi t HP Cust omer C are Onl ine at : http://www.
2-6 Where Do I Begin? HP W eb JetAdmin HP Web JetAdmin allows you to use a Web b rowser to install, v iew, manage, and diagnose devices con nected to an HP Jetdirect print server or any s tandard printer MIB devic es. For inf ormati on abo ut a proc edur e or win dow in th e HP Web JetAd min softwa re, see the onlin e help.
Where Do I Beg in? 2-7 Where D o I Begin? 2 Note Insta llatio n instru cti ons are also co ntaine d in the H P Web JetA dmin inst all file . Insta llatio n instructi ons are als o contain ed in the HP Web JetA dmin readme file an d in the onlin e hel p.
2-8 Where Do I Begin? HP IP/IPX Printer Gateway for NDPS NDPS (Nov ell Di stribut ed Prin t Services ) is a pr inting archite cture developed by Novell, in partnership with Hewlett-Packard. NDPS simplifi es and strea mlines the adm inistratio n of networ k printing.
Where Do I Beg in? 2-9 Where D o I Begin? 2 Suppo rted C lient s Clients supported by the HP IP/IPX Printer Ga teway: ● Novell Client 3 .2 (or la ter) for Windows 95/98 ● Novell Client 4.7 (or lat er) for Wi ndows NT and 2000 The H P IP/IP X Pr inter Gatew ay ship s in box wi th No vell NetWar e 5.
2-10 Whe re Do I Begin ? 0Book-asF01.book Page 10 Tu esday, August 14, 2001 2:06 P M.
Installing t he HP Jetd irect 170X Prin t Server 3-1 Installing the HP 170X 3 3 Installing the HP Jetdirect 170X Print Server Maki ng a printe r availa ble on the netwo rk involv es the fo llowing tasks, as outli ned on page 3-1: 1. Set up the prin ter.
3-2 Install ing the HP Jetdirec t 170X Pr int Server LEDs On the t op of t he 170X a re Stat us and LAN Act ivity LEDs If the Status LED is.. . And the Activity LED is... Then the print server is... Off Off Not receiving power. On Off On; no LA N activity detected.
Installing t he HP Jetd irect 170X Prin t Server 3-3 Installing the HP 170X 3 Install the 170X Hardware Foll ow the steps below to install the 170X. For technica l specif ications or part numbers f or power modules or parallel cables, see Appe ndix A.
3-4 Install ing the HP Jetdirec t 170X Pr int Server Print a 170X Configuration Pa ge After you have installed the 170X, you are ready to verify the inst allat ion. 1. Press the Test button on the back of the 170X to generate a configurati on page ( see Figure 3-2 ).
Using th e CD-ROM to Instal l the Softw are 4-1 Using the CD- ROM to Instal l 4 4 Using the CD-ROM to Install the Software The third task in networking your printer, as described in chapter 2, is to add the printer to the syste ms by running the software on the CD-ROM.
4-2 Usin g the CD-ROM to Install the Softw are Microsoft or Novell NetW are Networks The H P Jetdir ect CD-R OM instal lation utilit y suppor ts Windo ws 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, an d 2000 s ystems o nly. To run the utili ty, procee d as follo ws: 1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
Using th e CD-ROM to Instal l the Softw are 4-3 Using the CD- ROM to Instal l 4 T o Use the HP Inst all Network Printer W izard To quic kly set up your print server and system fo r netwo rk printing, use th e Insta ll Networ k Printe r wiza rd. Note The I nstall Networ k Prin ter wi zard c an be u sed in most Windows envi ronments.
4-4 Usin g the CD-ROM to Install the Softw are ■ Sele ct “ Let me configure my own netw ork settings ” if you need to uniquely spe cify network parameter s for the printer, or you ar e on a Novel l NetWar e netwo rk. Net work admin istrato rs wil l pref er thi s opti on.
Using th e CD-ROM to Instal l the Softw are 4-5 Using the CD- ROM to Instal l 4 5. When prompted, print a test page to verify printer setup. If the test page successfully prints , then you have completed print er setup on thi s compu ter sy stem. ( If thi s syst em was a ser ver, see “ Client-Se rver Net works ” below.
4-6 Usin g the CD-ROM to Install the Softw are T o V iew Documents on the CD-ROM Several HP Jetd irect pr int serve r documen ts, incl uding th e HP J etd irect Pr int S erv er A dmini str ator ’s Gu ide , are pr ovided on the CD-ROM both in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (*.
Using th e CD-ROM to Instal l the Softw are 4-7 Using the CD- ROM to Instal l 4 4. Click on the document that you want to view. For Adobe Acrobat for mat (*.pdf) documents, Adobe Acrobat R eader 4.0 or greater is required. It is availab le free from Adobe ’ s web site at: http://www.
4-8 Usin g the CD-ROM to Install the Softw are 0Book-asF01.book Page 8 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Using the Embedd ed Web Serve r 5-1 Embedded Web Serve r 5 5 Using the Embedded W eb Ser ver Each HP Jetdire ct 170X pr int server contains an embedd ed web server that can be accessed through a supported web browser on an int ranet.
5-2 Usin g the Embe dded Web Se rver Supported W eb Browsers ● Windows pl atforms: ■ Netscape Navig ator 4.00, 4.01 , 4.02, 4.03, 4.05, 4 .06, 4.08 ■ Netscape Communicator 4.5, 4.51, 4.6 ■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 with up date SP 1, 4.01, 5.
Using the Embedd ed Web Serve r 5-3 Embedded Web Serve r 5 If the HP Jetd irect prin t serv er doe s not rec eive i ts IP configuratio n within two minutes, a defaul t IP address is automatical ly assign ed: 192.0. 0.192. This a ddress is not a valid IP address for your network but can be used to initia lly access the print server.
5-4 Usin g the Embe dded Web Se rver ● For some mul tifunctio n peripheral s (MFPs) and All-in -One devi ces, s can ning is avai la ble a s a Sca n bu tton o n the first screen. P ressing t his but ton allows you to scan , previe w, crop, and in some cases, e-mail images over the Internet.
FTP Pr inting 6-1 FTP Print ing 6 6 F TP Printing FTP (F ile Tr ansfer P rotoco l) is a b asic TC P/IP c onnec tivity utility to transf er data between system s. FTP p rinting i s a way to us e FTP to se nd print files from a clie nt system t o an HP Jetd irect-con nected prin ter.
6-2 FTP Pri nting Print Files The HP Jetdire ct FTP serv er trans fers prin t files to the printe r but do es not i nterpret them. Fo r proper printi ng, prin t files mus t be i n a la ngua ge recog niz ed by the prin ter ( suc h as PostScript, PCL, or unformatted text).
FTP Pr inting 6-3 FTP Print ing 6 Data Connection A second connection, a data connection, is created each time a file is t ransferred b etween the client a nd the FT P server. Th e client controls the creation of a data connection by issuing t he commands that req uire a data conne ction (such as FTP ls , dir or put commands).
6-4 FTP Pri nting If logi n is succe ssful, a message “ 230 ” will b e displa yed on the cli ent s ystem. In ad di tion, t he av ail able HP Je tdire ct port s for printing will be dis played. HP Jet direct externa l print se rvers with multiple ports will display all availabl e ports, with Port1 the defa ult port.
FTP Pr inting 6-5 FTP Print ing 6 Example of an F T P Sessio n This is an example o f a typica l FTP prin ting sessi on: System> ftp Connected to 220 JD FTP Server Ready Name ( Kelli 331 Username OK, send identity (email name) as password.
6-6 FTP Pri nting Directory: Description: --------------------------- PORT1 (default) Print to port 1 (HP LaserJet 4000) PORT2 Print to port 2 (HP Color LaserJet 4500) PORT3 Print to port 3 (unknown d.
Trou blesh ootin g 7-1 T roub le- shooting 7 7 T roubleshootin g This chapter descr ibes how to diagnose and corre ct problems associated with the HP J etdirect 170X print server.
7-2 Trou blesh ooting The HP 170X configuration page (illustrated on page 7-3 ) is divided into si x section s: Section Description Trouble shooting Infor mation 1 General network information Firmware revision number, type of network (Ethernet), LAN har dware address, port selection type, and manufacturing ident ification number.
Trou blesh ootin g 7-3 T roub le- shooting 7 Figure 7-1 170X Configu ration Page Sections For infor mation on config uration page messag es, see ch apter 8. 1 Hewlett-Packard Jetdirect 170X (PCL Configuration Page) HP Jetdirect J3258B FIRMWARE REVISION: F.
7-4 Trou blesh ooting Resetting Config uration to Fa ctory Defaults Once you configure the HP Jetdirect 170X, the configurat ion settings are retained in memory unless y ou manually reset them to factory defaults. To rese t the 170X to factor y defaul ts, foll ow thes e steps: 1.
Trou blesh ootin g 7-5 T roub le- shooting 7 II. V e rify the 170X hardware works properly ■ Attach the printer to the 170X and attach the 170X to the LAN (see chapte r 3 for more de tailed instru ctions). ■ Press the 170X Test button to print a configuration page.
7-6 Trou blesh ooting Novell NetW a re (non-NDPS) Chec klists File Server Ch ecklist 1. Is the file server up an d running? If not, br ing the file server up.
Trou blesh ootin g 7-7 T roub le- shooting 7 W orkstation Checklist 1. Is the works tation running the ne twork softwar e? Make s ure th e netw ork opera ting s ystem s oftwa re is loaded . If you cann ot lo ad you r netw ork sof twar e, se e your netwo rk sof tware documentatio n.
7-8 Trou blesh ooting Microsoft W indows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0 Check list ● For Inte rnet user s, ac ces s HP ’ s website fo r troubles hootin g Jetdirect pr int serv ers: www.hp.com/support/net_printing . Select your product type and number an d, when displayed, select Support Documents .
HP Jetd irect Conf igurati on Page Me ssages 8-1 Config. Page Message s 8 8 HP Jetdirect Configura tion Pag e Messages Overview This chap ter describe s the mes sages, net work stati stics, an d status that can be printed on a configuration pa ge (also called a self-t est page or configurati on plot).
8-2 HP Je tdirect Configur ation Page Mes sages Table 8.1 Novell NetW are Co nfiguration Messages (1 of 2) Message Des cription IPX/SPX RET RA N S: Number of retransmissions necessary becaus e a remote node did not acknowledge receipt of a f rame sent to it.
HP Jetd irect Conf igurati on Page Me ssages 8-3 Config. Page Message s 8 NETW ORK F RAME TYPE RCVD The first column indicates the network numb er associated with the protocol frame type for communication between server and printer.
8-4 HP Je tdirect Configur ation Page Mes sages Tabl e 8.2 Gen eral HP Je t direc t Mess ages (1 of 15 ) Message Des cription ARP DUPLICATE IP ADDRESS T he ARP layer has detected another node on the network using the same IP address as the HP Jetdirect print server .
HP Jetd irect Conf igurati on Page Me ssages 8-5 Config. Page Message s 8 CF ERR - LINE TOO LONG A line being processed in the TFTP configuration file was longer than the HP Jetdirect print server could accept. CF ERR - MISSING PARAM A line in the T FTP configuration file was missing a required parameter.
8-6 HP Je tdirect Configur ation Page Mes sages DISCONNECTING FROM SERVER The server has been shut down because of a configuration change or reset request. This message automatically clears after a few se conds, unless the printer is offline, is in an error state, or is servicing another I/O port or another network pr otocol.
HP Jetd irect Conf igurati on Page Me ssages 8-7 Config. Page Message s 8 INIT IALIZ ING TRYING TO CONNECT TO SERVE R The HP Jetdirect print server is trying to connect to the NetWare server (s). This is a normal message. Wait until the connection is established or another status message appears.
8-8 HP Je tdirect Configur ation Page Mes sages LAN ERROR- BABBLE Chec k the network connections. If t he connections a re intact, run the powe r-on self-test: turn t he printer off, then on again. If the error persists, call the Customer Care Center (see Chapter 1 for t elephone numbers).
HP Jetd irect Conf igurati on Page Me ssages 8-9 Config. Page Message s 8 LAN ERROR- REMOVE RECEIVE Run the power-on self-test: turn the printer off, then on again. If this m essage reappears on the resulting configuration page, you may have a pro blem with one of the HP J etdirect print servers on your network .
8-1 0 HP Je tdir ect C onf igurat ion Pag e Messa ges LOST FRAME S: Num ber of times the en d of the frame co uld not be detected while transmitting. MEMORY ERROR Run the power-on self-test: turn the printer of f, then on again. If the error persists, call the Customer Care Center (see Chapter 1 for telephone numbers).
HP Je tdirect Conf iguration P age Messag es 8-11 Config. Page Message s 8 NDS ERR: NO QUEUE OBJE CTS No print queue objects are assigned to the printer objects located in the NDS directory. NDS ERR: SRVR NAME UNRESOLVD The file server on the network cannot be located.
8-1 2 HP Je tdir ect C onf igurat ion Pag e Messa ges NDS SRVER PUBLIC KEY ER R Unable to read the File server public key. NO QUEUE ASSIG NED The HP Jetdirec t print server d etected that the print server object has not been assigned any queues to service.
HP Je tdirect Conf iguration P age Messag es 8-13 Config. Page Message s 8 PARALLEL PORT X: CENTRONICS indicates a standard parallel connection that trans fers data in one direction only (to the pr inter). BITRONICS indicat es a parallel connection t hat supports bidirectional com munications.
8-1 4 HP Je tdir ect C onf igurat ion Pag e Messa ges PRINTER NUMBER NOT DEFINED The printer number you assigned to the remote printer has not been defined. Assign a valid printer number to the HP Jetdirect print server, or run PCONSOLE and define a printer number for the print server.
HP Je tdirect Conf iguration P age Messag es 8-15 Config. Page Message s 8 TFTP RET R IE S EXCEE DED T he overall retrying of the TFTP transfer of the configuration file from the host to the HP J etdirect print server has exceed ed a retry limit.
8-1 6 HP Je tdir ect C onf igurat ion Pag e Messa ges UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SERVE R Remote Printer mode: T he HP Jetdirect print server was unable to establish an SPX connection with the print server. Make sure that the print server is running and that all cables and routers are functioning correctly.
HP Je tdirect Conf iguration P age Messag es 8-17 Config. Page Message s 8 UNABLE TO LOGIN A failure was detected when the HP Jetdirect print server tried to log onto the file server. This could be caused by the pr int server object not existing on the file server, or because of a secu rity check that prevents the print server from logging in.
8-1 8 HP Je tdir ect C onf igurat ion Pag e Messa ges UNEXPECTED PSERV ER D AT A RCVD The print server sent some data when the HP Jet direct print server had not given its permission to do so. This indicates a poss ible print server problem, possibly a software problem.
Tech nica l Spe cific ati ons an d Reg ulat ory Sta tement s A-1 Spec ifications/ Regulatory A A T e chnical Speci fications and Regula tory Statements Specifications Supporte d Networks HP J3258B Jetdirect 17 0X Print Server support s Ethernet or I EEE 802.
A-2 Technical Specificat ions and Re gulatory S tatements Power Requirements Product Number Widt h Height Depth* Wei ght J3258 B 180 mm (7.09 in.) 33 mm (1.3 in.) 115 mm (4.53 in. ) 224 g (0.49 lbs.) *Mea sure ment i nc lud es any p r otru si ons for conn ecto rs, le gs, et c.
Tech nica l Spe cific ati ons an d Reg ulat ory Sta tement s A-3 Spec ifications/ Regulatory A Power Modules Note: If two parts are l iste d for o ne c ountry/regio n, either part c an be used re gardless of ou tput rating.
A-4 Technical Specificat ions and Re gulatory S tatements Environmental Acoustic Noise: Not App licable Electromagnetic Immunity: See the “ Declaration o f Conformity ” (in this Appe ndix) Electromagnetic Emis sions FCC part 15 Class A (U.
Tech nica l Spe cific ati ons an d Reg ulat ory Sta tement s A-5 Spec ifications/ Regulatory A Acce ssorie s Regula tory Statements FCC Statement (U.S.A) This equipment h as been tested a nd found to com ply with the limits fo r a Class A digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les.
A-6 Technical Specificat ions and Re gulatory S tatements Declaration of Conformity. The following Declara tion of Conformity complies with ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN45014. It identifies the product, manufacturer's name and address, and applicable specifications recognized in the Europe an community .
Tech nica l Spe cific ati ons an d Reg ulat ory Sta tement s A-7 Spec ifications/ Regulatory A Australia Canada This equipment complies with Canadian EMC C lass A requirements. Japan VCCI Clas s 1 Korea RRL Taiwan Class A This equipment complies with Australian EMC requiremen ts.
A-8 Technical Specificat ions and Re gulatory S tatements Chinese Sa fety Statement 0Book-asF01.book Page 8 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Warranty Service B-1 Warran ty B B W arra nty Service HEWLETT -P ACKARD LIMITED W ARRANTY ST A TEMENT 1. HP warrants to you, the end-user customer , that HP hardware, accessories and supplies will be free from defects in ma terials and workmanshi p after the date of purchase, for the period specified a bove.
Warranty Service B-3 Warran ty B HP Jetdirect Y ear 2000 Compliance Hewlett-Packard, the leader in printing solutions, wa nts to ensure our customers a re ready for success in the year 2000. For the latest information regarding y ear 2000, click on the Y ear 20 00 link at the followin g web site: h ttp://www .
B-4 Warranty Service 3. Si el cliente (usuario f inal), duran te el periodo de garant í a, pusie ra en conocimiento de HP A l a existencia de los defectos definidos a nteriormente, HP A podr á , seg ú n prefi era, reparar o reempl azar el produc to si est á averiado.
Warranty Service B-5 Warran ty B CONDICION ES: 1. Centr os de Servicio , Refacciones y P artes: Para hacer efectiva esta garant í a, no podr á n exigirse mayores req uisitos que l a presentaci ó n .
B-6 Warranty Service 0Book-asF01.book Page 6 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Warranty Service B-7 Warran ty B 0Book-asF01.book Page 7 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
B-8 Warranty Service 0Book-asF01.book Page 8 Tuesday, August 14, 2 001 2:06 PM.
Index-2 FTP prin ting commands 6-4 exam pl e 6-5 exitin g 6-4 how to 6-2 introduc tion 6-1 FTP Si te 1-6 G gateway 2- 8 H hardware install ation 2- 1, 3-1, 3-2, 3- 3, 3-4 HP Customer Care Center elect.
Index-4 R READY 8-14 RECEIVE BUFFER ERROR 8-14 RETRY ERROR 8-14 S Self-test page message s 8-1 software installa tion 2-1 , 2-3, 2- 4, 2- 5, 2-6 , 2-7, 2- 8, 2-9, 4-1 –4-7 HP Web JetAdmin 2-6 Specif.
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black + registration coverbackEN.ai Copyright © 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company English 5971-3213.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 170xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。