HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー432600-002の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Smar t Ar r a y P8 00 Con tr oller for HP Pr oL i ant Serv er s User G u id e Part Number 432600-002 August 2007 (Second Edition).
© Copyright 2006, 2007 Hewlett- Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to chan ge without no tice. The only warranties for HP products and services ar e set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such produc ts and services.
Contents 3 Con t en t s Hardware featur es ........................................................................................................................ 5 Main components on the board ........................................................
Contents 4 Battery pac k LEDs .............................................................................................................. ...................... 34 Diagnostic tools ...................................................................
Hardware features 5 Har d w ar e f ea tu r es Main components on the board Item ID Description 1 Connector for SAS miniports 1E and 2E (external), each 4x wide 2 Heartbeat LED (flashes green when oper.
Hardware features 6 Temperature range Operating, 10° to 55°C (50° t o 131°F) Storage, -30° to 60°C (- 22° to 140°F) Relative humidity (noncondensing) Operating, 10% to 90% Storage, 5% to 90% R.
Overview of the installation procedure 7 Ov er v ie w of the inst allatio n pr ocedur e Installing the controller in an unconfigured server New HP ProLiant server models autocon figure when they are powered up for the first time.
Overview of the installation procedure 8 10. Reconnect peripheral devices and the AC power supply to the server. 11. Power up peripheral devices. 12. Power up the server. 13. Update the controller firmware (" Methods for updating the firmware " on page 12 ).
Installing the controller hardware 9 Inst alling the contr oller har d w ar e Preparing the server 1. Back up all data. 2. Close all applications. 3. Power down the server. CAUTION: In systems that use external da ta storage, be sure that the server is the first unit to be powered down and the last to be powered back up.
Installing the controller hardware 10 CAUTION: Do not operate the server for long period s with the access panel open or removed. Operating the server in this manner results in improper airflow and improper cooling that can lead to thermal damage.
Installing the controller hardware 11 o If the enclosure uses a mini SAS 4x connector, pu ll back the tab on the cable connector, insert the cable connector into the encl osure connector, and then release th e tab. 4. Power up the enclosure. 5. Power up the server.
Updating the firmware 12 Updating the f irm w ar e Methods for updating the firmware To update the firmware on the server, controller, or hard drives, use Smart Components.
Configuring an array 13 C onf igur ing an ar r a y Utilities available for configuring an array Three utilities are available for configuring an array on an HP Smart Array controller: ORCA, CPQONLIN, and ACU.
Setting the boot controller and controller order 14 Setting the boot contr oller and contr oller or der Setting a controller as the boot controller The following proced ure enables you only to set a controller as the boot controller.
Setting the boot controller and controller order 15 For more information about using RBSU, r e fer to the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide or the server setup and installation guide. These documents are both available on the Documentation CD supplied in the server kit.
Installing device drivers and Management Agents 16 Inst alling de v i ce dr i v ers and Managemen t Ag e nt s Installing device drivers The drivers for the controller are located on the Suppo rt Software CD or the SmartStart CD that is provided in the controller kit.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 17 Upgr ading or r eplac ing contr oller opti ons Replacing or adding a battery CAUTION: Electrostatic discharge can damage electronic components. Be sure you are properly grounded before beginning this procedure.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 18 6. While holding the battery assembly, tilt the clip unti l it is at about 30 degrees to the batteries, and then push the clip in line with the clip hing es until the clip detaches from the batteries. The rest of the procedure depends on whether you are replacing a battery or adding one.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 19 9. Position the new battery and the remaining good batte ry as indicated, and then push them together and slide them until they are aligned. The batteries combine into one unit. 10. Install the battery clip.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 20 b. Position the batteries so that the pegs A on the underside of each battery are in the appropriate holes B on the controller board and pegs C are in slots D. c. Slide the batteries toward the board bracket until they are firmly seated against the connectors on the cache module.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 21 b. Push the clip firmly at both ends (2) until it clic ks into place under the controller board. 13. Reinstall the controller in the serv er. After installing a battery pack, you might see a POST message during reboot indicating that the array accelerator (cache) is temporarily di sabled.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 22 4. Pull the flanges on the battery clip outward (1), and then swivel the clip 180 degrees so that it rests on the batteries (2). 5. Swivel the latches on the DIMM conn ector outward (1). 6. Slide the battery assembly and the cache module off the controller board (2).
Upgrading or replacing controller options 23 b. Position the batteries so that the pegs A on the underside of each battery are in the appropriate holes B on the controller board and pegs C are in slots D. c. Slide the batteries toward the board bracket until the connectors on the cache module are f irmly seated in the DIMM connector.
Upgrading or replacing controller options 24 b. Push the clip firmly at both ends (2) until it clic ks into place under the controller board. 9. Reinstall the controller in the serv er.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 25 R eplac ing , mo v ing , or adding har d dr i v es Identifying the status of a hard drive When a drive is configured as a part of an arra y and connected to a powered-up controller, the condition of the drive can be determined from the illumina tion pattern of the hard drive status lights (LEDs).
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 26 Online/activity LED (green) Fault/UID LED (amber/blue) Interpretation Flashing regularly (1 Hz) Amber, flashing regularly (1 Hz) Do not remove the drive. Removing a drive may terminate the current operation and cause data loss.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 27 Effects of a hard drive failure When a hard drive fails, all logical drives that are in the same array are affected. Each logical drive in an array might be using a different fault-tolerance method, so each logical drive can be affect ed differently.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 28 Replacing hard drives The most common reason for replacing a hard drive is that it has failed. However, another reason is to gradually increase the storage capacity of the entire system.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 29 Automatic data recovery (rebuild) When you replace a hard drive in an array, the co ntroller uses the fault-tolerance information on the remaining drives in the array to reco nstruct the missing data (the data th at was originally on the replaced drive) and write it to the replacement drive.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 30 Observation Cause of rebuild termination None of the drives in the array have an illuminated amber Fault LED. One of the drives in the array has experienced an uncorrectable read error. The replacement drive has an illuminated amber Fault LED.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 31 Upgrading hard drive capacity You can increase the storage capacity on a system ev en if there are no available drive bays by swapping drives one at a time for higher capacity drives. This method is viable as long as a fault-toleranc e method is running.
Replacing, moving, or adding hard drives 32 4. Power up the system. If a 1724 POST message appear s, drive positions were cha nged successfully and the configuration was updated. If a 1785 (Not Configured) POST message appears: a. Power down the system immediately to prevent data loss.
Diagnosing array problems 33 Di agnosing ar r ay pr oble ms Controller board runtime LEDs Immediately after the server is powered up, the controller runtime LEDs illuminate briefly in a predetermined pattern as part of the POST sequence .
Diagnosing array problems 34 LED ID Color LED name and interpretation 9 Green CR504: Gas Pedal LED. T his LED, together with item 10, indicates the a mount of controller CPU activity. For deta ils, see the foll owing table. 10 Green CR503: Idle Task LED.
Diagnosing array problems 35 LED3 pattern LED4 pattern Interpretation — One blink every two seconds The system is powered down, and th e cache contains data that has not yet been written to the drives. Restore system power as soon as possible to prevent data loss.
Diagnosing array problems 36 To use Server Diagnostics: a. Insert the SmartStart CD into the server CD-ROM drive. b. Click Agree when the license agreement appears, and click the Maintenance tab. c. Click Server Diagnostics, and follow the on-screen prompts and instructions.
Electrostatic discharge 37 Elec tr os tatic dis c har ge Preventing electrostatic discharge To prevent damaging the system, be aware of the precaution s you need to follow when setting up the system or handling parts. A discharg e of static electric ity from a fing er or other conductor may damage system boards or other static-sensitive de vices.
Regulatory compliance notices 38 R egulator y compliance noti ces Federal Communications Commission notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Regulatory compliance notices 39 This marking is valid for non-Tele com products and EU harmonized Te lecom products (e.g. Blu etooth). This marking is valid for EU no n-harmonized Telecom products.
Regulatory compliance notices 40 WARNING: There is a risk of explosion, fire, or personal injury if a battery pack is mishandled. To reduce this risk: • Do not attempt to recharge th e batteries if they are disconnected from the controller. • Do not expose the battery pack to water, or to temperatures higher than 60°C (140°F).
Acronyms and abbreviations 41 A c r on y ms and abbr e v i ations ACU Array Configuration Utility ADG Advanced Data Guarding (also known as RAID 6) ADU Array Diagnostics Utility BBWC battery-backed wr.
Index 42 A ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 13 adding drives 32 ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 35 Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 13 array controller installation overview 7 Array Diagnostic Utilit.
Index 43 J Japanese notice 39 K Korean notices 39 L LEDs, battery pack 34 LEDs, controller 33 LEDs, hard drive 25 logical drive capacity extension 32 logical drive, creating 13 logical drives, maximum.
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