HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー449298-001の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP V ir tual C onnect Manager C ommand Li n e I n t e r f a c e User G u id e Vers ion 1.20 Part Number 449298-001 September 2007 (First Edition).
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to chan ge without no tice. The only warranties for HP products and services ar e set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such produc ts and services.
Contents 3 Con t en t s Introduc tion .................................................................................................................................. 5 Virtual Connect overview........................................................
Contents 4 Fibre Channe l setup ............................................................................................................ ........... 46 Server Prof ile setup .........................................................................
Introduction 5 Intr oducti on Virtual Connect overview Virtual Connect is a set of interconnect modules and embedded software for HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosures that simplifies the setup and administration of server connections.
Introduction 6 • When no browser is available or you prefer to use a command line interface, you can access management data and perform configuration tasks.
Introduction 7 output option requires an argument, which is a list of one or more output format attributes. However, the -quiet option does not require any arguments to be specified. The general format of a CL I option is as follows: -<option>[=argument1>,<argument2>, .
Introduction 8 -> Non-Interactive Mode In some cases, users might want to write automate d scripts that execute a single command at a time. These scripts can be used to batch several commands in a single sc ript file from the SSH client. An example of how to use the non-interactiv e mode for CLI command execution is provided below.
Command line 9 C ommand line Subcommands Command Description add Add a new object to the domain or to another object assign Assign a server profile to a server bay delete Delete the Virtual Connect do.
Command line 10 Managed element Description ldap-group (on page 21 ) Manage LDAP group configuration settings mac-cache (on page 22 ) Manage Ethernet MAC cache failover settings network (on page 23 ) .
Command line 11 Supported actions : delete, help, set, show Item Description delete domain Delete the existing Virtual Connect domain configuration. Deleting the domain removes the entire Virtual Connect domain conf iguration and resets it back to the original defaults.
Command line 12 Item Description WwnPool The pre-defined WWN pool to use for ad dress assignment. Valid values include integers 1-64. This property is only va li d if the WwnType is set to "VC-Defined". If not specified, the default pool ID is 1.
Command line 13 Item Description Syntax import enclosure UserName=<username> Password=<password> The password field is optional on the command line.
Command line 14 Item Description PXE Enables or disabled PXE on the ne twork connection. Valid values are enabled, disabled, and UseBios. If this value is not specified, the default is "UseBios." Only one connection can have PXE enabled per profile.
Command line 15 Item Description PXE Enables or disables PXE on a conne ction. Valid values are enabled, disabled, and UseBios. Applies to Ethernet network connections only.
Command line 16 Item Description Examples: ->set external-manager UserName=steve Enabled=false Disables the external manager ->set external-manager UserName=steve Enabled=true Enables the external manager fabric Manage Fibre Channel SAN fabrics.
Command line 17 fc-connection Manage Fibre Channel SA N fabric connections. Supported actions : add, help, set Item Description add fc-connection Add a new FC SAN connection to an existing server prof.
Command line 18 Item Description Syntax set fc-connection <ProfileName> <Port> [Fabric=<FabricName>] [Speed=<Auto|2Gb|4Gb|Disabled>] [BootPriority=<priority>] [BootPort=&.
Command line 19 Item Description update firmware Update the firmware on all Virtual Connect modules in the domain Syntax update firmware url=<firmware image address> Example ->update firmware url=http://www.
Command line 20 Item Description ->remove interconnect enc0:2 Removes a specific interconnect module (bay 2) from the domain ->remove interconnect * Removes all interconnect modules from the d o.
Command line 21 Item Description LocalUsers Enables or disables local user authentication. Valid values include "Enabled " and "Disabled". WARNING: Disabling local users wi thout correctly configuring LDAP authentication first may result in not being able to log on.
Command line 22 Item Description set ldap-group Modify the properties of an existing directory group Syntax set ldap-group <GroupName> [Description=<description>] [Privileges=<privilege.
Command line 23 network Manage Virtual Connect Ethernet networks. Supported actions : add, help, remove, set, show Item Description add network Create a new Ethernet Network. After the network has been created, uplink ports can be added, if the network is not using a shared uplink port set.
Command line 24 Item Description Parameters: NetworkName The name of an existing network to modify Properties: Name The new name of the network State Enables or disables the network.
Command line 25 Item Description Examples: ->add profile MyNewProfile Creates a new profile and adds it to the domain, using default connections ->add profile MyNewProfile2 -NoDefaultEnetConn Cr.
Command line 26 Item Description show profile Display all server profiles that exist in the domain Syntax show profile [<ProfileName> | *] Examples: ->show profile Displays a summary listing .
Command line 27 Item Description ->poweroff server enc0:2 Shuts down a specific server in device bay 2 of an enclosure with ID enc0 ->poweroff server enc0:2 -Force Forces a power off operation o.
Command line 28 Item Description ForceOnTimeout Attempts a graceful power down, but if th e server does not shutdown within the timeout period (default is 60 seconds), then t he server will be forced to reboot. Timeout Specifies the timeout period (in seconds) to wait for the operation to comple te (per server).
Command line 29 status View overall domain status information. Supported actions : help, show Item Description show status Display the status of the domain an d all components in the domain Syntax show status Example ->show status Displays domain status information systemlog View Virtual Connect Mana ger system event log.
Command line 30 Item Description ->add uplinkport enc0:1:1 Network=MyNetwork Adds a new uplink port (Bay 1, Port 1) to a network ->add uplinkport enc0:2:4 Network=MyNetwork Speed=1Gb Adds a new .
Command line 31 Item Description ->set uplinkport enc0:2:1 Network=MyNetwork Speed=Disabled Disables a specific port that belongs to a network ->set uplinkport enc0:2:4 UplinkSet=MyUplinkSet Spe.
Command line 32 Item Description show uplinkset Display shared uplink configurations Syntax show uplinkset [<UplinkSetName> | *] Examples: ->show uplinkset Displays a summary listin g of all .
Command line 33 Item Description ->remove user steve Removes a specific user by name ->remove user * Removes all users Item Description set user Modify attributes of an existing user Syntax set .
Command line 34 Item Description ->show user steve Displays details of an existing user by name ->show user * Displays details of all existing users vcm Reset the Virtual Connect Manager. Supported actions : help, reset Item Description reset vcm Reset the Virtual Connect Manager.
Command line 35 . . . • Subcommand help —displays help details associat ed wi th a specific subcommand, including supported managed elements: >assign -help (or assign ?) assign a server profile.
Command line 36 ->show device bay * - Show detailed information for a specific device bay 2 of a specific enclosure: ->show devicebay enc0:2 Output format The CLI provides two different outp ut formats: • Interactive user output format • Scriptable output format The interactive user output format is the default.
Command line 37 brad domain Brad Mills brad.mills@hp.com true server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- jim network Jimmy Joe jimmy.joe@hp.com true ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- alice storage Alice Candle alice.
Command line 38 UserName : alice Privileges : storage FullName : Alice Candle ContactInfo : alice.candle@hp.com Enabled : false Scriptable output format Scriptable output format allows sc ripts to invoke CLI commands and receive command responses that can be easily parsed by the scripts.
Command line 39 Example 3: Scriptable output format di splaying all users (with table header) ->show user -output=script2 UserName;Privileges;FullName;ContactInfo;Enabled Administrator;domain,server,network,storage;Steve Johnson;steve.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 40 C onf i gur ing the V ir tual Co nnect domain u s ing the CLI Basic configuration A Virtual Connect domain consists of an enclos ure an d a set of assoc iated modules and server blades that are managed together by a single instance of the Virtual Conne ct Ma nager.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 41 password: <Default Administrator login credentials> • LDAP Authentication >ssh 192.168.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 42 >add user bob password=fhkjdhfk privileges=domain,network • Modify an existing user >set user bob fullname="Bob J Smith" enabl.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 43 It is possible to create a user with no privileg es. This user c an only vi ew status and settings. NOTE: The vcmuser_ account is an internal On board Administrator account created and used by Virtual Connect Manager to communicate wi th the Onboard Administrator.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 44 override the factory default MAC addresses while the se rver remains in that Vi rtual Connect enclosure.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 45 Creating an enet-network To create a new Ethernet network use th e add network command: >add network MyNetworkName Modifying enet-network pro.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 46 Because VLAN tags are added or removed when Ethe rnet packets leave or enter the VC-Enet shared uplink, the VLAN tags have no relevance afte r the Ethernet packet enters the enclosure.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 47 accessing the physical FC HBA through the enclosur e Onboard Administrator and the iLO interfaces on the individual server blades. When assigning WWNs to a FC HBA port, Virtual Co nnect will assign both a port WWN and a node WWN.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 48 Virtual Connect v1.20 adds the ability to configure PXE settings when using either VC Assigned or factory default MAC addresses. In addition, Use BIOS is a new option for PXE, which maintains the current settings as configured by RBSU.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 49 If a server blade is inserted into a device bay alre ady assigned a server profil e, Virtual Connect Manager automatically updates the configuratio n of that server blade before it is allowed to power up and connect to the network.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 50 IGMP allows VC-Enet modules to monitor (snoop) the IP multicast membership acti vities and to configure hardware Layer 2 switching behavior of multi c ast traf fic to optimize network re source usage.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 51 Operation Examples Display stacking link configuration and status >show stackinglink Display the system log >show systemlog Display a list.
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI 52 alternate Virtual Connect Ethernet module. This feat ure can be useful when troubleshooting the Virtual Connect manager. The network and FC processing of the Virtual Connect subs ystem is not disturbed during the restart or failover of the Virtual Connect Mana ger.
Technical support 53 T ec hni cal suppo r t Before you contact HP Be sure to have the following inform ation available before you call HP: • Technical support registration number (if applicable) •.
Acronyms and abbreviations 54 A c r on y ms and abbr e v i ations BIOS Basic Input/Output System CLI Command Line Interface DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS domain name system FC Fibre Cha.
Acronyms and abbreviations 55 PXE Preboot Execution Environment SAN storage area network SSH Secure Shell VCM Virtual Connect Manager WWN World Wide Name WWPN worldwide port name.
Index 56 A authorized reseller 53 B basic configuration 40 C CLI command execution modes 7 command line overview 5 command line syntax 6 common management operations 50 configuring LDAP 43 configuring.
Index 57 R remote access 8 resetting Virtual Connect Manager 51 S scriptable output format 38 server command 26 server profile, assigning to a device bay 49 setting the domain name 41 shared uplink po.
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