HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー7.2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Matr i x Oper ating En v ir onme nt 7 .2 R eco v er y Manageme nt U s e r Gui de Abstract The HP Matr i x Oper ating Env ir onment 7 .2 Reco v ery Management User Guide contains infor mation o n in.
© Cop yr igh t 20 1 3 Hew lett-P ack ar d Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . Conf iden tial compute r softwar e . V alid license f ro m HP req uired f or pos sessi on , use or cop y ing.
C on ten ts 1 Matr i x r ecov er y manageme nt Ov erv i e w........................................................5 2 Installing and conf i gur ing Matr i x reco very managemen t..................................8 Installati on and conf i gur ation o vervi e w.
5 Issue s, limit atio ns , and suggest ed acti ons..................................................... 48 L imitatio ns ............................................................................................................................. 48 Hy per -V suppo rt limitation f or bi dir ecti onal conf i gur ation .
1 Matr i x r eco v er y manageme nt Ov er v ie w Matr i x r eco v ery management is a compo nent of the HP Matr ix Oper ating En v ir onment that pr o v ide s disas ter r eco v ery pr otecti on f or logi cal serv ers and f or Matr i x inf r astr uc tur e or c hestr ation serv ice s .
Figur e 1 Reco v ery G r oup Sets Featur es and benefits of Matri x 7 .2 reco very management • Pr o v ide s an auto mated failo ver mec hanism f or DR Pr otec ted logical s erver s , DR Pr otect ed IO serv ice s, and as soc iated stor age .
• Include s R eco ve ry Grou p startup or der s ettings that let y ou de ter mine whi c h R eco ve ry Grou ps ar e r eco v er ed f irs t dur ing a site f ailov er . • Include s a Cop y f eatur e that mak es it ea s y to cr eate multiple Sto r age Repli cati on Gr oup s w ith the same conf igur ation par ameter s .
2 Installing and conf igur ing Matr i x r eco v er y manageme nt This c hapt er contains secti ons on Matr ix r eco v ery management inst allation pr ereq uisites , netw orking setup , stor age se tup.
NO TE: • It is assumed that ne twor king and st or age r eplicati on links ar e pres ent betw een the L ocal Site and the R emote Site . • When planning f or dis aste r r eco v ery soluti on using.
if y ou conf igur e a logical serv er to us e a diffe r ent IP or subne t at each sit e in the Matr i x r eco v ery management conf igurati on . • When r unning on ph y si cal tar gets (V C ho sted).
include s EMC as a s tor age se rver type . F or mor e inf or mation s ee “Cr eating and installing a Use r Def ined stor age adapter” (page 14) . • If a DR Pr otect ed logical s erver at the L .
Gener al stor age setup not es • F or inf or matio n on sto r age setup o f cr oss-technolog y logi cal serv ers (logi cal serv ers ca pable of be ing V C ho sted or VM h ost ed) , see: Dy namic wo rkload mo v emen t w ith CloudS ys tem Matr i x .
on HP P9 000 RAI D Manager S oftw ar e to manage P9000 s tor age r epli catio n. HP P9 000 RAID Manager Softwar e instances and conf igur ation f iles mus t be conf igur ed to manage var ious de v ice gr oups that ar e conf igur ed in Matri x r eco v ery management .
NO TE: A fter y ou ins tall and conf igur e Matri x r eco v ery management at the L ocal Site , you m ust manuall y failo ver 3P AR remo te cop y gr oup s to the R emote Sit e bef or e attempting t o conf igur e install and co nfi gur e Matr i x r eco v ery management at the R emot e Site .
7 . Creat e a Reco very Gr oup b y using the Matr ix r eco v ery management GUI , and as soc i ate that R ecov er y Gr ou p w ith the St or age R eplicati on Gr ou p for the n onintegr ated stor age .
Multiple User Defined storage adapters Matr i x r eco v ery management supports multiple U ser Def ined stor age adapter s to co -e x is t in a Matr i x r eco v ery management conf igur ation.
R escan s tor age using VM h ost manage ment tools , f or e x ample , VMwar e V irtual Cente r or Mi cr osoft H ype r - V Managemen t Cons ole , to e nsur e that the VM hos t r ecogni z es the failed o v er s tor age .
Matr i x r ecov er y manageme nt GUI o verv i e w The h ome sc r een f or the Matr i x r eco v ery management u ser int erface inc ludes ta bs f or conf igur ation and administr ati on tasks—s ee F i gur e 2 (page 18) .
Matr i x r ecov er y manageme nt conf i gur ati on s teps F i gur e 3 (page 19) illustr ates the si x -step Matr ix r eco v ery management conf i gur ation pr ocess . After the Matr i x r eco v ery management conf igur ation pr ocess is co mpleted at the L ocal Site , Matri x r eco v ery management mus t be conf igur ed at the Remote Site .
6. F rom the Sites t ab at the R emote Site , import the Local Site Matr i x r eco v ery management conf igur ati on . F or mo r e info rmati on , see “Matr i x r eco v ery management e xpor t and impo rt oper atio ns ” (page 20) . 7 . T es t the r eco v ery logical se rver s.
◦ F or HP P9 000, the us er name and RAID instance number m ust mat ch . ◦ F or HP 3P AR stor age s y st em , the pass w or d file name mus t matc h. If an y one of the a bov e items is not matc hed betwee n the e xporting site and the importing site , the impo rt operati on f ails.
NO TE: • R ecov er y Gr ou ps can be imported one at a time onl y . Y ou mu st r epeat the import ... → Select import file... pr ocedur e fo r each R eco v ery Gr oup that y ou im port . • If a Reco very Gr oup in the exportconfig f ile has the same name a s a Reco v ery Gr oup at the importing site , it is not im ported.
NO TE: • When y ou use Matr i x r eco v ery management to DR pr ot ect VMw ar e E SX based IO serv ice s that hav e been deploy ed fr om an IO template u sing an ICV irt template or a VM t emplate o.
NO TE: If one data stor e is spec ifi ed in volume.dr.list , the DR Pr otect ed IO serv ices ar e pr o v isio ned on the datas tor e spec ified . If multiple datas tor e s ar e spec if ied in volume.dr.list , the DR Pr ot ected IO s ervi ces ar e pr o v isio ned on the datas tor e in volume.
F or mor e infor mation , s ee the HP Matr i x Oper ating En v ir onment 7 .2 Infr astruc tur e Or c hestr ation Use r Guide a vaila ble at http://www .
3 T es ting and f ailo v er oper ations This c hapt er desc r ibes R eco v ery Gr oup te sting , planned failo vers , and unplanned f ailo v ers u sing the Matr i x r eco v ery management Activ ate and Deactivate ope r ations .
4. P lace the R eco v ery Grou p into Maint enance Mode at the R emote Sit e using the Enable Maintenance M ode button in the Matr i x r eco v ery management Reco v ery Groups tab .
1 . Shu t do wn the a pplicati ons and oper ating sy st em on eac h Matr i x r eco ve ry management DR Pr otec ted logical s erve r and each s erver a ssoc iated w ith DR Pr otec ted IO se rvi ces . 2. C lic k on the Deactiv ate ... button and the Deactiv ate Reco very Groups at the Local Site windo w w ill appear .
3. S elect eac h R eco v ery Gro up Set that y ou want to ac ti v ate or c lic k the c hec k -bo x on the le ft side of the banne r of the Activ ate Reco very Groups at the Local Site windo w to select all o f the R ecov er y Gr ou p Sets f or acti vatio n.
• Start Order • P ow er-Up Dela y 3. S elect eac h R eco v ery Gro up Set that y ou want to ac ti v ate at the r eco v ery site . T he obj ecti v e is fo r all R ecov er y Gr ou p Sets that w ere pr e v i ousl y acti vated at the site w her e the site -wi de e ve nt occ urr ed to be acti vat ed at the r eco v ery site .
4 Dy nami c w orkload mo v ement w ith C loudS y st em Matr i x This c hapt er e xplains ho w y ou can co nfi gur e c r os s- tec hno logy logi cal serv ers that can be managed w ith Matr i x r eco v ery management .
Ca pab ilitie s and limitati ons Using the tools and pr ocedures de sc r ibed in this cha pter y ou can: • Conf igure and manage a logi cal se rver that can perf or m ph y sical t o v irtual cr os s-technolog y mo ve ments w ithin the datace nter .
Figur e 4 Same L UN number acros s ph ysical and v irtual targets • The t ar get WWN v alues us ed to pr es ent the L ogi cal Unit mus t be the same ac r os s v irtual and ph y sical t ar gets.
Figur e 5 ESX ho st network name Figur e 6 Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager net w ork name • When mo v ing a logi cal serv er betw een ph y si cal and v irtual server s w ithin a site , the f ollo.
both types o f serv ers . T he r eco v ery site can hav e a ph y si cal/v irtual combinati on also , or hav e onl y v irtual machine hos ts. Supported platf or ms The pr ocedure s for e nabling mo v e.
i. C op y the e x ec utable cp011231.exe t o the ph y sical se rver w her e the image is c urr ently r unning . ii. R un cp011231.exe to install PINT and s tart the PINT s ervi ce . F or mor e infor mation , s ee “Conf i gur ing and managing portable O S images ” (page 38) .
NO TE: Whe n the logical s erver is f irst mo v ed to a v irtual machine , you ma y w ant to add additional t ools to the se rver , for e x ample , VMwar e tools . In the HP Matr i x Oper ating En v ir onment , the VM configur ation c r eated does not inc lude a v irtual CD/D VD dr i v e .
NO TE: T he Matr i x r eco v ery management Site conf igurati on can be s et up to pr efer en tiall y acti v ate the logi cal serve r on a ph y sical s erve r at one site and a VM hos t at the other site . F or mor e inf or mation , see “S etting a failo v er tar get t y pe pr ef er ence” (page 46) .
The co mmand-line interf ace fo r PI S A is des c ribed be lo w . The optio ns ar e mutuall y e x c lusi v e . PI S A r uns on supported v er sio ns of W indo w s onl y , and it r equir es that the u ser be a membe r of the Adminis tr ator us er gr ou p .
The HP Matr ix Oper ating En v ir onment pr o v ides de fa ult portability gr ou ps depending on the r eso ur ces f ound w ithin y our dat a center . The De fault po rtability gr oup s include: • E .
Figur e 1 0 Sel ecting group members and targets Pr o v ide a name and opti onal des cr iption f or the portability gr ou p . T he name w ill be us ed fo r def ining logical s erve rs . The s et of Gr oup T y pes is selec ted aut omaticall y bas ed on the tar gets inserted into the po rtability gr oup .
Figur e 1 1 Selecting a por tability gr oup T o vi e w the portability gr ou p fo r an y logical se rver , cli ck the V iew mo v able logical ser v er details icon in Matr ix OE v isuali zati on as illu str ated in F igur e 1 2 (page 42) .
Logi cal se rver s can be made portable thr ough tec hni ques des c ribed in “P ortability gr oups ” (page 39) . NO TE: Y ou mus t deter mine w hether the pr o v isi oned oper ating s y st em w ithin a logical s erver perfo rms as de sir ed on a v ar iety of platf or ms.
When de fining s tor age f or a portable logi cal serv er , you m ust s elect S AN Stor age Entry . F or fle x ib ility and mov emen t betw een under ly ing technolog y ty pes, s tor age m ust be pr e.
T argets f or a logi cal serv er ar e se lected f r om that logi cal serve r's portability gr ou p . T he portability gr oup membe rs ar e then f urther f ilter ed bas ed on r es our ce a vaila bility , inc luding CP U and memory r eso ur ces as w ell a s netw ork and S AN connecti v ity .
Mo v ing betw een blade t y pes F or logi cal serv ers w ith targe t attribut es, the logi cal se rver managemen t softw ar e can iden tify mor e possible t ar gets w hen mo v ing or acti vating a serv er .
Y ou must s pec ify the tar get type pr e fer r ed f or all sites o n the CMS at eac h site: • If y ou spec if y Virtual as the t ar get type pr e fer r ed f or a site , all cr os s- t echno logy logi cal se rver s wh ose R ecov ery Gr oups pr efer that site ar e acti vat ed on VM hos ts dur ing an Activate ope r ation at that site .
5 Issue s , limitati o ns , and sugges t ed acti ons This c hapt er lists is sues and limitati ons f or this r eleas e , categor iz ed as follo ws: Limitations L imitati ons o f the implemen ted func .
E SX conf igur ation se tting r equir ed for VMF S data sto r es o f Matr i x reco very management managed logi cal s erver s to be v isible at Remo te Site Under the f ollo w ing conditions , Matr i .
r ecommends as a be st pr acti ce that y ou k eep L UN numbers the same f or co rr e sponding disks acr oss sites . Suggested actions Asse ss the impac t of thes e disc r epanc i es on an y li censing ar r angements in u se f or the oper ating s y stem and a pplicati ons running o n DR Pro tected logi cal serv ers .
6 T r ouble shoo ting This c hapt er pr o v ide s tr ouble shooting inf or mation in the f ollo w ing categori es: • “Conf igurati on tr oubleshooting ” (page 51) • “Conf igurati on er r or .
• Unable to add or edit HP P6000 S torage R eplication Group P os sible caus es inc lude: ◦ Matr i x r eco v ery management is unable to obt ain St or age R eplicati on Gr ou p info rmati on fr om Command V ie w se rver s to v alidate the S tor age R epli cation Gr oup infor mati on pr o v ided b y the us er .
• No configuration oper ation can be run P os sible caus es inc lude: ◦ An Activ ate , Deactiv ate , or Import oper ation is in pr ogre ss . ◦ Anothe r conf igur ati on oper ati on ma y be in pr.
Cannot verify the host name specified. Error message The hostname s pec ifi ed for the CM S f or either the L ocal Site or the R emote Sit e is not locatable in the DNS . Cause V erify that a vali d DNS entry w ith a full y qualif ied domain name e x ists f or eac h CMS .
then go to Stor age → Stor age Software → Stor age Dev ice Managem ent So ftware → HP P6000 Command Vie w Software . 2. C onfir m that the port number spec ified dur ing Sto rage Manage ment Ser.
Unable to run Matrix recovery management operations because Matrix recovery management Job is in progress or another Matrix recovery management configuration operation is in progress. Error message If an Activate or Deactiv ate oper atio n is in pr ogre ss , no confi gur ation oper ation is allow ed , becaus e the Job is in pr ogr ess .
Warning: Matrix recovery management is quiesced. No new operations will be allowed. W arning message Matri x reco very management has been qui esced . All conf igur ati on buttons (Cr eate , E dit , Delete , etc…) ar e disabled . Cause W ait for Matr ix r ecove ry management to be unquie sced .
an Activate Job . It has an Entity of type site and an Operation o f type activ ate . Y ou will als o noti ce the F ailed i con in the Status column indi cating that Job 3 288 ha s failed . Figur e 2 1 Jobs screen F or a f ailed Job , c lic k the c heck bo x next to the Job Id to get detailed inf ormati on abo ut the ass oc iat ed Sub Jobs .
Figur e 2 3 Restarting a failed job NO TE: R es tarting the Job r etr ies o nly Su b Jobs that pr e v io usl y failed; s erver s ass oc iat ed w ith complet ed Jobs or Sub Job s ar e not impac ted .
• Matrix r eco very management job failed because of unlocatable logical server in Matri x OE logical server management. P os sible caus es inc lude: ◦ A logical s erver managed b y Matri x r eco v ery management w as r emo ved fr om Matri x OE logical s erver manage ment bef or e it was unmanaged in Matr i x r ecov ery management .
Matr i x r eco v er y manageme nt log f ile s The r e ar e se v er al log f iles a v ailable w ith det ailed info rmati on that y ou can v iew to he lp iden tify the sour ces of Matr i x r eco ve ry m.
DR Pr otec ted IO s ervi ce s conf igur ation tr oublesh ooting In addition t o the conf igur ati on issue s addr ess ed in this Us er Guide that ar e common to both logical serv ers and IO s ervi ces.
IO ser v ices configur ation err or messages Unable to get the IO service. Error message The IO s ervi ce does not e x ist or Matr i x r eco ve ry management failed to get the IO s ervi ce info rmati on fr om the Matr i x infr as tructur e. Cause Chec k the Matri x r eco v ery management and IO log file s for mo r e infor mation o n the failur e .
DR Pr otec ted IO s ervi ce s failo ver tr oublesh ooting In addition t o the failo v er is sues addr es sed in this U ser Gui de that ar e common to both logi cal serv ers and IO s ervi ces , the f o.
7 Suppo r t and o ther r e so ur ces Inf or mati on to co llect be f or e contac ting HP Be sur e to ha v e the fo llo w ing inf ormati on a v ailable bef or e you con tact HP: • Softw ar e pr oduc .
W ith this serv ice , Insight Management c ustomer s benef it f r om e xpedited pr oblem re soluti on as w ell as pr oac ti v e notif icati on and deli very of so ftwar e update s. F or mor e inf or mation a bout this serv ice , see the follo wing w ebsit e: http://www .
Matr i x r ecov er y manageme nt doc umen tati on F or mo r e info rmati on on Matr i x r eco v ery management , see the follo w ing sour ces: • HP Insight Managem ent Support Matrix Pr o v ide s Matr i x r eco v ery management support inf or mation along w ith other HP Insight har dw are , s oftwar e, and f ir m war e support infor mation .
An alert that calls attenti on to important inf or mation that , if not unde rstood o r follo wed, r esults in pe rsonal inj ury . W ARNING An alert that calls attenti on to important inf or mation that , if not unde rstood o r follo wed, r esults in data loss , data corr upti on, o r damage to har dw ar e or so ftwar e .
A R eco v er the C S V f r om online pending stat e If y ou perf orm an ac ti v ate oper ati on at the r emote sit e w ithout taking the C S V offline at the local site , y ou mi ght see the f ollo wi.
B Doc umentati o n f eebac k Doc umen tati on f eebac k HP is committed to pr o v i ding doc umentati on that meets y our needs. T o help us im pr o v e the doc umentati on , send an y err or , suggesti ons, o r comments t o Doc umentati on F eedback ( docsf eedback@hp .
Glos s ar y bidirectional failo ver A Matr i x r ecov ery management f eatur e that allo w s R eco very Gr oup S ets to be ac tiv ated o r deacti v ated at eithe r the Local Sit e or the R emote Site . At any po int in time ther e can be ac ti vat ed and deacti v ated R ecov ery Gr oup S ets at both sites .
r ehears al, the R eco v ery Gro up and its cor r esponding logi cal serv ers and IO s ervi ces can be br ought bac k under the contr ol of Matri x reco v ery management .
Reco very Group Set A set of Reco v ery Gr oup s that shar e the same Pr ef er r ed and Secondary sites . Reco very Gro ups cannot be acti vated or deacti v ated indi v iduall y . Instead, all R eco v ery Gro ups that shar e the same Pr ef err ed and S econdary site must be ac ti vat ed or deacti v ated as a s et .
VM hosted logical server A logical se rver r unning on a v irtual machine under the con tr ol of a h y pervis or . 7 4 Gloss ary.
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