HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー72SIの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 DisplayMaker Legacy 72SI, 98SI User Guide Part Num ber 0700048.
2 Legal notices © Copyright 200 8 Hewlett- Packard Develo pment Compan y, L.P. The inform ation contained herein is subj ect to change without not ice. The onl y warranties for HP products and ser vices are s et forth in the ex press warr anty statem ents accom pany ing suc h products and ser vices.
iii Revi sion Log Th e f oll o wing is a list of m ajor chang es an d a dditions tha t hav e been ma de to this m anual since it w as first releas e d. See th e a ccompanying Rel e a s e N ote s for specific chang es to th e s o f t wa r e a nd h a rd wa r e b e t we e n m a n u a l u p d at e s .
iv Regulator y St atements FCC-A This equipm ent has been test ed and f ound to comp ly with th e limits f or a Class A digital device, pursuan t to P art 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es.
v Telecommunicat ions Net work St atement Th e Col orS pan VideoN et port on this device is n ot in te n ded to be co nnect ed to a pu blic t el ecommunica t ions net work.
vi About This Manual This m anual con tains th e foll owing topics: ◆ Chapter 1, Get t ing Star ted, shows you how to unpac k and ass emble the p rinter , and introduce s y ou to its ma in fea- tures. ◆ Chapter 2, Using t he Control Panel , shows you how to us e the control panel to specif y printer options.
vii Convent ions This ma nual us es the f oll o wing inf orm a t ional con ven t ions: Note A special technique or information that may help you per form a task or underst and a process. Hinw eis Ein Hinw eis beschre ibt eine spez ielle technik zur Lösung einer Aufgabe oder enthällt Informatione n , die Ihne n eine P rozedur näher erläuter t.
Table of Contents ix T ABLE OF C ONTENT S Revision Log ............. .......................... ...................... .......................... ....... iii Regulatory Statements ....................... ........................... ...................
x Table of Contents Printer Settings .................. ..................... ........................... ............... 2-10 Maintenance ..................... ..................... ...................... .................... 2-14 Service Printer ...
Table of Contents xi Media Properties .............................. ..................... ....................... 3-41 Printer Setup .................................... .......................... .................. 3-42 Media Wizard .......... .....
xii Table of Contents Setting the Camera Height .......................... .......................... .......... 5-15 Calibrate the Service Station ..................................... .......................... 5-17 Replace Ink Filters .............
Get t ing Star ted 1-1 C HAPTER 1 Get t ing St ar ted This chap ter sh ows yo u h ow to g et st arte d using your prin ter . It incl u des th ese top ics: ◆ Operating Requireme nts (page 1-2) ◆ Un.
1-2 Operating Requ irements Operat ing Requirements Choos e a loca t ion f or th e print er before y ou unpack it. K e ep th e f ollo w ing requirem en ts in min d: Electr ical ◆ Use the sup plied pow er cord. Plug it directly into a grounded electric al outlet.
Operating Requiremen ts 1-3 Connection k its a re av ailable fr om MacDermid ColorSpan to ve nt VOC emissions to the customer’s exhaust system or VOC recover y equipme nt. Consult your MacDermid ColorSpan res eller for det ails. ◆ Store media and ink in an area with simila r temperature and humidit y conditions as the printer .
1-4 Operating Requ irements ◆ T o c ap the printheads, us e only SolaChrome P rinthead Cap- ping Film. Damage to printh ea ds re sulting fr om the us e of poorly per forming plastic films is not covered by the printer warr a nt y . ◆ The maximum diameter allow ed on the takeup spool is 7.
Operating Requiremen ts 1-5 ink. If i nk does get onto the pin ch rollers, clea n them with SolaChrome-HR Cleani ng Solve nt and dr y th em thoroughly before printi ng. ◆ DO NOT set heavy objects on the pow er cord or printer c able; do not be nd the c ables or force them into contorted positions.
1-6 Operating Requ irements WA R N I N G THE PRINTER ELEC TR ONICS A SS EM BL Y CONT AINS A LITH- IUM BA T TERY DEVICE. THERE IS A D AN G ER OF EXPLOSION IF THE BA T TERY IS INCORREC TL Y REPL ACED. The bat ter y must be replaced only by ColorSpan a uthorized personnel, and must be replaced only with the same or equivalent t ype.
Unpacking and Ass embly 1-7 Unpacking and Assembly This print e r must be unpa ck ed and install ed o nly by a M acDermi d ColorS pan A uth orized Service Provi der (AS P). If you need to rel oca te, ship, or stor e an install ed prin t er , con t ac t y our res eller or M acDermi d ColorS pan T echnical Services f or assis- tan ce.
1-8 Workflow Overview Wor kf low O ve r vie w Pow er Up t he Pr inter 1. T urn on th e pow er switch to obser ve th e t ypic al pow er-up se qu en c e .
Workflow Overview 1-9 Pr int ing Wh en th e print er is connect ed to a ColorM ark Pro print s er v er , h ere is h ow a t y pic al print jo b progress es f rom th e cli ent w ork- sta t io n to th e prin t er . If yo u are using a n o n-Col orS pan RIP , refer to th e d ocum en ta t ion tha t a ccompani es it f or details.
1-10 Parts Overview Par t s Over view Fig. 1-1. Front vie w 14 17 & 1 8 7 12 9 5 11 10 4 6 1 2 3 13 5 8 17 & 1 8 15 16 2 0 3 0 2 5 2 3 2 4 2 6 3 1 2 9 2 8 2 2 2 1 1 9 2 7 Fig.
Parts Overview 1-11 Index Descr ipt ion 1E n c o d e r s t r i p — allows precis e positioning of the print- hea d c ar riage across the le ngth of the plate n.
1-12 Parts Overview 1 1 Pinch rollers — grip the media during loa ding and printing. 1 2 Pinch roller adjustment lever — allows you to adjust the force or release the pinch rollers to feed rigid cut- sheet media. 1 3 Rigid media sensor — detects whether rigid media is loa ded.
Parts Overview 1-13 2 7 Auxiliar y 2 4 volt power jack to vacuum system — accepts the sup plied 2 4 volt DC pow er sup ply to the vac uum sys te m, whi ch c an be co nn ect e d to a user -s up - pli.
1-14 Parts Overview Auxiliar y Dr yer Th e a v aila bl e aux iliar y dr ye r op t ion is an arra y of fans moun ted on a swiv el for us e during rigi d sheet -fed an d roll-fed prin t ing. It pro vi des enhanced drying perf orm an c e f or h eav y cov erag e an d high-speed prin t ing.
Special Feat ures 1-15 Special Featu res Th e printe r has m an y adv anced fea t ures to h elp y ou produ ce th e best print ed out p ut with th e l east ef fort. Pr int heads ◆ Micro-Quad TM pr int heads — sixtee n 600 dpi, 2 5 picoliter piezoelectric printhea ds (four per color ).
1-16 Special Features ◆ Automat ic color calibrat ion — use s an onboa rd photodiode to linearize output over the en tire densit y range (with print se r v e r o r R I P s u p po r t ) .
Special Feat ures 1-17 Per formance and Ease-of-Use ◆ Media Wizard — stores and rec alls a set of operating param- eters by media t ype and print mode, for optimal printi ng per forma nce. Includes a s et of predef ined settings for st an- da rd media; us er may a dd s ettings for other media.
1-18 Special Features.
Using t he Control Panel 2-1 C HAPTER 2 Using t he Control Panel This chap ter des cribes th e f unctions of th e con trol panel. ◆ Over vie w (page 2-2) ◆ Front Page (page 2-4) ◆ Navigation Ke .
2-2 Overview Over view Th e tou ch-s creen con trol panel sh o ws you th e print er ’ s curren t sta t us, an d enabl es you to intera ct w ith th e print er w h en chang- ing m edia an d ink, respon d to an error con dit ion, or conf ig ure options.
Overview 2-3 User Assistance Th e co n trol panel pro vi des va rious f orms of online us er assistance: Th e ? but ton pro vi des an exp lana tion of th e curren t f un ct ion, with some g ui dan ce f o r w ha t to do next.
2-4 Front Page Front Page Th e Front P a ge pro vi des access to th e most f requently-us ed p r i nt i n g a nd ma i nte n a nc e f unc t i on s . For ad vanc e d c on f i g u r a - t ion op tions, press th e M enu ke y (see “ Me n u ” on p ag e 2 - 9 fo r instru ct ions).
Front Page 2-5 ◆ Media & Ink — displays a l isting of the media and ink cur- re ntly installed in the printer . P re ss the ) and , ke ys to highlight “Media” or one of the inks, then pre ss ! (P ro- ceed) to display information about the selection.
2-6 Front Page ◆ Status — displays system parameters and the st atus of all user -conf igurable option s. P ress the and ke ys to scroll bet wee n pages. T o change an option, go to the P rinter Con- f iguration s ection of the me nu. ◆ Pr int Mode — s ets print q ualit y mode.
Front Page 2-7 ◆ Purge — per forms a Purge-n-Wipe, which purge s the print- hea ds th e n wipe s them in the s er vice station, to help recove r missing jets. P rint a prime ba rs pattern to verif y jet recover y . See “Checking Jet Health ” on page 3-7 for ins tructions.
2-8 Navigation Keys Navigat io n Keys Th e follo wing t a bl e sh ow s you h ow to mo v e through th e menu system an d perform prin te r con trol f un ct ions. Key Desc r ipt ion Display Menu — displays the printer me nu. ,) Menu Up/Down — moves the me nu highlight up and down the menu.
Menu 2-9 Menu Th e m enu has th ese m ain s e ct ions: ◆ Calibrate P rinter (see below) ◆ P rinter Settings (page 2-1 0) ◆ Mainte nance (page 2-1 4) ◆ Ser vice P rinter (page 2-1 5) ◆ User D.
2-10 Menu ◆ AutoT une — schedules jet maint e nance to run automatic ally af ter a cer tain number of prints have printed. See “Auto- T une” on page 4-4 for instructions. ◆ AutoRecover — per forms a Pu rge-n-Wipe at the st ar t of a print job (before printing) if a Purge-n-Wipe has not bee n per formed for a specified amount of time.
Menu 2-11 media is buckling or wrinkling. T urn of f the vacuum for light- w eight media such as pap er or fabrics. MEDIA WIZARD ◆ Dr ying Delay — a dr ying delay slows throug hput (media a dvan ce speed) to allow prints to dr y more thoroughly . Select the shor te st delay that permits complete dr ying.
2-12 Menu P rinting on the lef t side only reduces ink usage, while printing on bot h side s c an keep th e inkj ets clea rer. Using this feature decreas es the width avail able for printing the job. ◆ Lef t Platen Gutter — determines whe n the jets will f ire in the lef t spit toon to keep all jets f iring correctly .
Menu 2-13 ◆ Qualit y Check — determine s how AutoT une errors a re han- dled (se e “Auto Calibrations” on page 4-2 0 for information about AutoT une).
2-14 Menu ◆ Idle Spits — when the printer is idle, i t automatic ally spits a small amount of ink into the se r vice station to keep the ink- jets ope n and working. T o reduce the amount of i nk con- sumed during id le spitting, you c an set t he operation to Medium or Low .
Menu 2-15 ◆ Pr int heads Procedures — s ee “P rinthea d Maintenan ce” on page 5-8, for instructions on using the f ollowing options: ◆ Cleaning Solve nt Soak — emptie s the printhea ds of all ink, fills all heads with cleaning solve nt, and prompts you to cap the printhea ds.
2-16 Menu Warnings & Act ions Wh en in Expert m ode, a ct iv e W arnings, Chang es, an d Actions can be disp lay ed by s elect ing W arnings & A ct ions from th e m enu, sin c e W arnings will not caus e th e A T TN icon will appear in Expert mo de.
Menu Tree 2-17 Menu Tree Front Page O nline/Of f line Media & Ink Status Pr i n t e r Status Advance Media Menu AutoJet Pr i m e B a r s Pr i n t M o d e Sleep/Wake Access Hea ds Media Wizard Load.
2-18 Menu Tree Menu This menu tree ref lects version 3.1 1 of the embedded printer sof t ware. Refer to the Release Notes for more recent versions. Calibrate Pr inter Media Feed Manual Calibrat ions M.
Ink and Media 3-1 C HAPTER 3 Ink and Media This chap t er des cribes h ow to us e ink and m edia with th e prin t er: ◆ Ink ◆ Ink System Over view (page 3-2) ◆ Idle Jet Mainte nance (page 3-3) .
3-2 Ink System Over view Ink System Over view Th e print er ’ s ink syst em consis ts of th e f oll owing compo nents: ◆ Ink boxes — four 3-liter box es of SolaChrome-HR solvent pig- me nted ink (CMYK) plus Sola Chrome cleaning solve nt.
Idle Jet Maintenance 3-3 Idle Jet Maintenance Due to th e ev apora t ion of th e solv en ts in solv en t-b as ed inks, th e ink jets in solv ent print ers are sus cep t i bl e to cl ogging. T o mini- mize jet-outs, k eep the prin t er prin t ing and cl ean, an d us e the print e r ’ s jet m ain t enan ce fea t ures.
3-4 Select ing a Pr int Mode Select ing a Pr int Mode ◆ The bidirectional print mode s (printing occu rs in both d irec- tions) e nable you to sele ct the combination of pr int speed and qualit y required. S peed or t hroughput depe nds on the mode selected, and by other factors such as the width of the image.
Select ing a Pr int Mode 3-5 2. P ress the , and ) and key s to highlight a print mode. 3. P ress the " (Set) key to s elect the print mode..
3-6 General Pr int ing T ips General Pr int ing T ips ◆ See “Impor t ant Operating Note s” on page 1-3 for impor- tant inf ormation on operating the printer.
Checking Jet Health 3-7 Checking Jet Healt h Th e print er ’ s autom atic jet m ain t enan ce fea t ures (g ut ter print- ing, spits, s er vice station wipes) are designed to k eep the inkjets from clogging.
3-8 Checking Jet Health Pr int Pr ime Bars 1. From the control panel Fr ont Page scree n, press t he Prime Bars ke y . Th e cont rol panel disp la ys a promp t asking you to e nt er th e total wi dth of th e prime b ar pa t tern y ou wish to print. 2.
Checking Jet Health 3-9 T o purg e-n-wipe a co lor (f our prin th eads ): 1. From the control pa nel Front Pag e scree n, press the (Me nu) key . 2. P ress the ) ke y to highlight Maintenance . 3. P ress the (Me nu In) ke y . 4. P ress ) to highlight Purge a Color .
3-1 0 Lo a di n g I nk L oading Ink When to L oad Ink Th e amount of ink in th e ink bo x is track ed by th e print er sof t- w are and recor ded o n its correspo n ding profiler . Wh en th e ink bo x is almost emp t y , the LED a bo v e th e correspon ding profil er will blink.
Loading Ink 3-1 1 2. Connect the ink sup ply tube to the ink b ox. Grasp an d squeeze th e ink t u be co nnector as sh own, enga g e th e connector to th e ink bo x, an d relea s e th e connector . Ensure tha t th e co nnectors are firmly eng a ge d bef ore pro- ceeding.
3-1 2 Loa di n g I nk Pause-Swapping Ink Y ou can rep lace o ne or m ore ink bo xes during a print by pausing th e prin t er: 1. O n the printer control panel, press the (Paus e) key . 2. Remove the old profiler . This signals to th e print er tha t the ink bo x is being rep laced.
Capping the Pr int heads 3-1 3 Capping t he Pr int heads Capping th e printh ea ds prev ents th e ink from dr ying out an d clogging th e ink jets. Sin ce th e ink jets are automa t ically ex er- cis .
3-1 4 Capping t he Pr int heads Uncap t he Pr int heads Uncapping th e prin th ea ds is one component of th e W ak e f un c- t ion, w hich rev erses th e Sleep f un ct ion: ◆ The printer leave s standby mode: the heaters ar e switched on, and the sup ply & takeup system is te nsioned (loa ded).
Capping the Pr int heads 3-1 5 6. Wipe the printheads with SolaChrome-HR Cleaning Solvent, using a 1 00% poly e ster Class 1 00 cleanroo m wipe. DO NOT USE ISOPROPYL AL COHOL ON THE PRINTHEADS. R emo ve ink b uildup o n th e printh ea ds an d low er surfaces of th e carri a g e.
3-1 6 L oading Roll-Fed Media L oading Roll-Fed Media Th e printer in clu des a tensio ned supp ly an d t ak eup syst em designed to han dle vin yl an d oth er hea vi er m edia o n three-in ch cores.
Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-1 7 Suppor t for Large Narrow Media Rolls F or printing with large r olls of narro w m edia (l ess than 7 2 in ch es wi de), the print er inclu des spo ol support a ccessori e.
3-1 8 L oading Roll-Fed Media 1. Ensure t hat the f ixed collet is properly l oc ated with the scre w tighte ned into the inner hole on the sup ply spool (usi ng the outer hole would pre ve nt the spool from being inst alled).
Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-1 9 belo w). This enabl e s you to print o n eith er side of th e me d ia . 7. Ensure that the media is rolled onto the sup ply spool e venly , without “tele scopi ng” to one side. 8. Release the pinch rollers so that media c an be fed through them freel y .
3-20 Loading Roll-Fed Media 1 3. Select the media t ype that most clos ely matche s the media you are loa ding, or create a ne w media t yp e. Th e contr ol panel disp lays th e current s et t ings for th e m edia t y pe you chos e.
Loading Roll-Fed Media 3- 2 1 1 4. P ress one of the change keys to change any of the sett ings, print mode, or media t ype, press the ke y to see page 2, or press the ! ke y to continue. ◆ If you do not have the optional auxiliar y dr yer e nabled, page 2 will only show the “Dr yers Of f ” column.
3-2 2 L oading Roll-Fed Media ! ke y to continue. See “Media Wiza rd” on page 3-4 4 for information about thes e settings. ◆ If you press ! , the control panel displays the prompt: Advance media to takeup? 1 5. T o adv ance the media, pr ess " (Y es), othe r w ise press ( (No) and go to the next step.
Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-2 3 Th e con trol panel disp lays a num eric k ey pad. 1 8. Enter the le ngth of the media r oll (if it is a ne w roll) or the le ngth remaining (if it is a par tially used roll), and pre ss the Enter ke y to continue. T o skip this step, press Es c or Enter with out ent ering a v alue.
3-2 4 Loading Roll-Fed Media L oading Wide Media A roll of 7 2-inch an d wi der m edia is impossi b l e to l oa d it by grasping its l eft and righ t edges a t th e sam e t im e. F ollo w this procedure to m ore easily l oad wi der m edia. Ti p W ea r cotton glo ves whe n loading media, or handle the media only by its ver y outside edge s.
Unloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media 3-25 Unloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media 1. P ress the ) ke y on the Front Page screen to a dvance the printed por tion of the media past the p ostheater . 2. O n the Front Page scree n of the control panel, pre ss the Unload ke y .
3-2 6 U nloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media T akeup Spool Pin Release T o quickly unspoo l a larg e amoun t of m edia f rom the takeup with out dama ging th e tak eup tensio n spring, you must first dis- enga g e th e spool fr om th e t ak eup syst em.
Respooling Media 3-2 7 Respooling Media Th e printe r can respool m edia from one car dboar d core to anot h er . Y ou ma y w ant to d o this if: ◆ The media was not taped to its core by the media vendor , which makes te nsioning impossible. ◆ Y ou want to change the direction that the media unwinds from the core (printed side out vs.
3-2 8 Respooling Media 1 0. P ress the ! (P roceed) ke y to respool the media. Th e media is pull ed f rom th e supp ly spool o nto th e take up spool. Wh en the prin ter det ects th e end of th e m edia, th e respool f un ct ion s tops autom atically .
L oading Rigi d Media 3-29 L oading Rigid Media Th e print er has t wo med ia l oa d stat es: ◆ Unloaded — the printer is rea dy to accept either roll-fed or rigid cut-sheet media ◆ Loaded — t.
3-3 0 Loa ding Rigid Media Fig. 3-1 3. Media settings.
L oading Rigi d Media 3-3 1 3. P re ss one of the change keys to change any of the settings, print mode, or media t ype, press the ke y to see page 2, or press the ! ke y to continue. ◆ If you do not have the optional auxiliar y dr yers e nabled, page 2 will only show the “Dr yers Of f ” column.
3-3 2 L oading Rig id Media 4. Enter the le ngth of the med ia. Th e printer will us e th e v alue you ent er h ere for su bsequen t calcula t ions, so be as a ccura te as possi b l e . 5. P re ss the ! ke y . Th e control panel disp la ys th e prompt: Load a sheet of media o nto the pr inter 6.
L oading Rigi d Media 3-3 3 Releasing a Pinch Roller F oll ow th es e st eps to rais e a singl e pin ch roll er if the edg e of th e m edia must be l o ca ted un der th e roll er , or if th e roll er is unusabl e: ◆ Raise the pinch rollers using t he release le ver .
3-3 4 L oading Rigid Media 1 0. Push the media up against the media alignment tool. M ak e sure tha t the m edia is cent ered un der th e pin ch roll ers. A voi d posit ioning eith er the l ef t or righ t edg e of th e media un der a pinch roll er . Th e prin ter will autom atically loca te th e l ef t an d righ t edg es.
L oading Rigi d Media 3-3 5 1 5. P ress the ! ke y to continue. Th e co n trol panel disp la ys a s creen tha t sh ows th e f oll o wing inform a t ion: ◆ Media size ◆ Pr i n t a r e a ◆ Right & lef t ma rgins — if y ou e nter 0 (zero) , you can also specif y an amount of overprint (printing past t he edge of the media).
3-3 6 Reloading Rigid Media Reloading Rigid Media Af ter prin t ing the first copy of a mult ip l e copy jo b on to a sh e et of rigi d media, th e Fron t Pa g e s creen disp lays a spec ial Lo a d / Reload key .
Reloading Rigid Media 3-3 7 Wh en y ou press th e R eloa d M edia k e y , th e co n trol panel di sp lay s this screen: See “ Loa ding Rigi d M edia ” on p age 3- 29 for in s tr uct ion s .
3-3 8 Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing Th e print er can p rint up to or past th e edg es of rigi d media . This pro vi des the l ook of a “ f ull-bl eed ” prin t with out trimming th e m edia. F or best results, f oll o w th ese g ui delines.
Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing 3-3 9 Media Proper t ies ◆ Follow the guidelines in this chapter for printing on rigid media. ◆ The media should have pa rallel op posite edges wit h 90- degree corne rs.
3-40 Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing ◆ Under Menu > Pr inter Sett ings > Media Measure T ype , choos e Maximal for greate st precision and ske w detection whe n printing e dge-to-edge. It measure s the width of t he media in t wo places, and finds the front edge in t wo places to esti mate ske w and detect non-rectangular sheets .
Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing 3-4 1 ◆ If the printe r repor ts that the media is ske w ed, but you can- not correct the ske w , the sheet may not be per fectly squa re (90-d egree corners wit h para llel side s). In t his c ase, e nsure that the right ed ge of the media (clo se st to the control panel) is pa rallel to the direction of media feed.
3-4 2 Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing Pr inter Setup ◆ The operator ap plies colored masking tape to the platen where the right a nd lef t edges of the media wil l feed, to pre- ve nt overprinting onto the pl ate n. ◆ The operator s ets the hea d height over the media.
Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing 3-4 3 ◆ During Load Media, the printer loc ates t wo points on each of the leading, lef t, a nd right edges of the media. The print er us es the s e data points, and assume s 9 0- degree corners and pa rallel side s, to determine the ske w of the media.
3-4 4 Media Wiz ard Media Wizard Th e M edia Wizar d sof t w a re fea t ure stores a s et of prin t ing param et ers by m e dia t y pe, enabling y o u to instantly op t imize th e print e r w h ene v er you chang e m edia.
Media Wizard 3-4 5 ◆ T o return to the Media Wiza rd me nu, press the ! (P ro ceed) key . F or each m edia t y pe, th e M edia Wiza r d stores th e f ollo w ing s etti ng s . T h e s etti n g s st or e d v a ry d e p en d i ng o n w h e t h e r t h e m edia is roll-fed or cut-sh eet.
3-46 Media Wizard use this ke y to control how tightly the media is wound onto the core. ◆ Supply Out Detect ion (roll fed) — for roll-fed media, the printer usually monitors the sup ply spool to detect when it runs out of med ia.
Set t ing Heater Temperatures 3-4 7 Set t ing Heater Temperatur es Th e are three h ea ters: a preh ea te r , a p la ten h ea t er , an d post- h ea ter . Th e posthea ter ’ s top an d bot tom zones can be s et to dif- feren t t empera t ures. Optionally , th e posth eat er can be t urned of f.
3-4 8 Set t ing Heater Temperatures 9. P ress " to save the ne w settings in the Medi a Wiza rd, or ( to not save them. Set t ings can be sav ed only f or us er-defined media, n ot for fa ctory-defined media. Th e sett ings will be app lied w heth er or not you sa ve th em in th e M edia Wizar d.
C a li b r a tin g th e Pri n t e r 4-1 C HAPTER 4 Calibrat ing t he Pr inter This chapt er e xp lains ho w to calibra te th e print er for th e best possibl e out put : ◆ Whe n to Calibrate (page 4.
4-2 When to Calibrate When to Calibrate Th e printer fea t ur es s everal t y pes of calibra t ions. Some sh ould be run rout inely , oth ers o nly wh en necessar y: When to run Calibrat ion Funct ion.
AutoJet 4-3 AutoJet A utoJ et detects in divi dual ink jets tha t are misfiring or not firing a t all. During su bs equent printing, the prin t er compensa tes f or th ese jets by using oth er jets in th eir p la ce, ensuring m ax imum print quali t y with out redu cing print speed.
4-4 AutoTune AutoT une A utoT une runs jet m ain t enan ce autom a t ically at in terv als you specif y . Y ou can us e th e Qualit y Ch eck M ode fea t ure to han dl e A utoJ et errors, with or without us er int erven t ion. 1. O n the Front Page screen, pre ss the (Me nu) key to e nter the me nu system.
AutoTune 4-5 Qualit y Check Wh en y ou run A utoJ et manually , th e sof t w are not ifi es y ou if th ere are an y jet or alignm ent pro bl ems so tha t the y can be a ddress ed. Wh en A u toT une runs A utoJ et a t s ch edul ed in terv als, yo u can us e the Qualit y Check fea t ure to han dle A utoJ et errors.
4-6 Media Feed Media Feed This cali bration all ows y ou to calibra te th e a ccura cy of th e m edia a dv an ce. Inaccura te m edia adv ance can result in blank sp aces bet ween pr int s w a th s (t oo much adv ance) or overl app in g sw a ths (too lit tle a dv an ce).
Media Feed 4-7 ◆ Input M FN — ente r the Media Feed Number th at was display ed af ter a previous media feed calibration, to return to that setting without per forming the c alibration again.
4-8 Manual Calibrations Manual Calibrat i ons Wh en y ou run th e calibra t ions from this menu, y ou ev alua te th e cali bra t ion t est pa t terns visually an d ent er th e calibra t ion v alues via th e con trol panel.
Manual Calibrations 4-9 Manual X Head Registrat ion Precis e posit io ning of ea ch drop of ink is ess en t ial for op t imal print quali t y . This is possi bl e only if you regist er all prin th eads in th e printh ea d ass embly to ea ch oth er in the X (al ong th e l ength of th e p la ten) direct ion.
4-10 Manual Calibrations Us e a print er ’ s l oupe or m a gnif ying glass if th e pa t terns are dif ficult to s ee. 5. P ress the , or ) control pan el ke ys repeatedly until the num- ber next to the pat tern that is close st to aligned per fectly is display ed.
Manual Calibrations 4-11 Manual BiDi Registrat ion Bidi rect ional registra t ion is a m eth od to align ea ch of the prin t- h ea ds so tha t dot p lacem en t is a ccura te in both direct ions al o ng th e X ax is (alo ng th e direct ion of printh ea d tra v el).
4-12 Manual Calibrations Us e a print er ’ s l oupe to s elect th e pa t t ern, sin ce th e lines in th e pa t terns m a y be dif ficult to see. 7. P ress the , or ) control pan el ke ys repeatedly until the num- ber next to the pat tern that is close st to aligned per fectly is display ed.
Manual Calibrations 4-13 Manual Jet Mapping J ets tha t are missing or misfiring are usually det ect ed by th e A utoJ et calibra t ion. A lterna t ively , you can m ap out jets manuall y using th e Manu al J et M apping f un ct ion . Y ou m a y w ant to m anu- ally ma p w eak or mis directed jets tha t A utoJ et does not su bst i- tu t e .
4-14 Manual Calibrations Th e printer prints a jet m ap test pa t tern. ◆ If a line segme nt is missin g or broke n, the jet number shown next to it is out.
Manual Calibrations 4-15 3. When the c alibration pat tern has printed, the contro l panel displays a me nu with the following options: ◆ Repor t indi vidual sof t ba d jets — enable s you to repor t a “sof t” bad jet, which c an be automatic ally ree nabled if AutoJet finds it working.
4-16 Manual Calibrations Th e control panel disp lays a num eric k eyboar d th a t you can us e to enter th e number of th e b a d jet. 5. Enter the jet number , the n pre ss the Enter k e y . 6. When you a re f inished entering j et numbers, pre ss the Esc ke y .
Manual Calibrations 4-17 1 2. When you a re f inished entering jet numbers, pre ss the Esc key . Th e co n trol panel disp lays th e hea d s el ection messa g e a g ain. 1 3. P ress , and ) to select the nex t head number, the n press ! (P ro ceed) . 1 4.
4-18 Manual Calibrations Th e control panel disp la ys this m essag e: All reported bad jets have been cleared. 2 0. P ress ! . Wh en y ou ha ve fini sh ed m apping jets, th e f ollowing sum- m ar y appears on th e con t rol panel: x soft jets currently reported bad.
Manual Calibrations 4-19 Jet St atus Lines This option prin ts th e M anual J et M apping test pa t tern (s ee Fig. 4-3 on pa ge 4-1 4) tha t sh ows w hich jets are working, an d which jets are out, b ut d oes not run th e Ma nual J et M apping cali bra- ti o n ( s e e “ Man u a l Je t Ma p p i n g ” on pa g e 4-1 3 for inf orma t ion).
4-20 Auto Calibrations Auto Calibrat i ons Th e print er ’ s pi ezo printh ea ds are aligned a t th e fa ctory an d sh ould o nly occasional ly require y ou to r un an autom a t ic bi di- rect ional or h ea d-to-h ead cal i bra t ion. 1. O n the Front Page screen, pre ss the (Me nu) key to e nter the me nu system.
Calibration Summary 4-21 Calibrat i on Summar y Th ese op t io ns allo w you to print a summ ar y of the Fu ll A utoSet cali bra t ion, or transmit cal i bra t ion da ta to a l og fil e o n th e print se r ve r .
4-22 Straightening the Media Path Straightening t he Media Pat h F or opt im al print qualit y , th e m edia must feed in as straigh t a line as possi bl e f rom the supp ly to th e tak eup.
Image Sensor Calibration 4-23 Image Sensor Calibrat i on Th e precis e loca t i on of th e ima ge s ensor (c am era) rela t ive to th e printh ea ds is crit ical f or edg e-to-edge prin t ing on rigi d cut-sheet m edia. Th e Ima g e Sensor Cali bra t ion det ermines this distanc e with precisio n.
4-24 Linearization Linear izat ion A s the d e n si t y o f an i ma ge varies f ro m hi g hl i ght s to s hadows , or f rom ligh ter t ints to dark er t ints, th e print er sh ould a c cura tely reprodu ce th es e areas in a predicta bl e, or line ar , fashion.
Maintaining t he Pr inter 5-1 C HAPTER 5 Maint aining t he Pr inter This chap ter des cri bes h ow to m aintain th e prin te r: ◆ Mainte nance Schedule ( page 5-2) ◆ Clean the Rail and Bea rings (.
5-2 Maintenance Sc hedule Maintenance Schedule Th e print er is designed f or lo w-main tenan ce operation. M o st opera tor-perform ed m ain tenan ce is perform e d on th e print- he ad s .
Maintenance Sched ule 5-3 Inter val: A t control panel warning Empt y ex cess ink (page 5-7) The excess ink containers on the printer st and legs should be emptied when half full.
5-4 Clean t he Rail and Bear ings Clean t he Rail and Bear ings Th e carria g e rail carri es th e prin th ead car ria ge a cross the wi dth of th e p la t en.
Clean t he Rail and Bearings 5-5 Rail 3 . W i p e th e ent i r e len g t h of th e r a i l wi t h a li n t - f r e e c l o t h o r wi p e moiste ned with isopropyl alcohol. Th e rail surfaces tha t must be c l ean are th e surfaces tha t tou c h th e carria g e bearings.
5-6 Clean t he Rail and Bear ings 5. Clean the lef t and right outside bea rings. M oist en a cot ton sw ab with isopropyl alco h ol or w a t er , p la ce it a gainst th e l ef t si de of th e bearing, an d m anuall y push th e carria g e to the l ef t.
Empt y Ex cess Ink 5-7 Empt y Ex cess Ink I n k o r c le a n i n g s o l ve n t t h at h a s b e e n e x p e l l e d ( “ spit ” ) for ink jet m ain te nan ce or from a purg e opera t io n drains from th e spit- toons an d service st a tion areas to ex ce ss ink con t ainers.
5-8 Pr int head Maintenance Pr int head Maintenance Th e print e r us es air pressure to both fill an d ev a cua te ink and cl eaning solv en t from th e prin th ea ds.
Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets 5-9 Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets A ll print ers tha t use solv ent-b as ed inks are sus cep t i bl e to prin t- h ea d clogging.
5-1 0 Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets Cleaning Solvent Soak If a m anual cl oth wipe fails t o reco v er en ough jets, y ou can soak th e thin f oam pa d tha t ships with the prin ter with SolaChrom e- HR cl eaning f lui d, th en cap th e prin th eads wit h this pa d ov er- night as sh own (Fig.
Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets 5-1 1 Cleaning t he Ser vice St at ion Doctor Blade With us e o v er t ime, th e doctor bla de tha t cleans e x cess ink f rom th e service station wiper bla des will accumula te a b uildup of ink.
5-1 2 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height Th e correct h ea d heigh t a bo v e th e m edia is crit ical to out put qualit y . ◆ L owe r head heights red uce overspray , increasing image qualit y , but also increas e t he chance of the prin thea ds strik- ing the media.
Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 5-1 3 Set t ing t he Head Height 1. Load the medi a that you w ant to c alibrate. F or instru ct ions, s ee “ Loa d ing Roll-F ed M edia ” on p ag e 3 - 1 6 . 2. O n the Front Page scree n, press the (Me nu) ke y to enter the me nu syste m.
5-1 4 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height Th e carria g e must be lo w ered belo w th e h eig ht of th e gauge an d then rais ed. If the carria g e is simp ly lo w e red o n top of th e g aug e, th e carria g e will t en d to s et tl e l ow er during print- ing, changing th e he a d heigh t an d inv ali da t ing th e calibr a- ti o n s .
Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 5-1 5 Set t ing t he Camera Height 1. Remove the c arriage cover . Th e carria g e co v er is a t t a ched to th e carria ge with t wo s crews o n ea ch si de (see Fig. 5-7 bel o w). 2. Loose n the three c amera e nclosure mounting scre ws (s ee Fig.
5-1 6 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 3. Set the c amera height. Ins ert th e cam era h eight g aug e as sho wn in Fig. 5-9 below . Rais e or lo w e r th e cam era encl osure so tha t it tou ches th e top of th e gaug e. 4. T ighte n the c amera e nclosure mountin g scre ws.
Calibrate t he Ser vice Stat ion 5-1 7 Calibrate t he Ser vice Stat ion Service st a t ion cali bra t ion ena bl es you to properly align th e s er- vice sta t ion wipers to th e printh eads. Wh en properly aligned, th e service sta t ion wipers sh ould be centered o n the pri nth ea ds.
5-1 8 Calibrate t he Ser vice St at ion 6. P ress ! (P roceed). Th e control panel disp la ys a m essag e asking wh eth er you w ant to cali bra t e th e s er vice sta tion posit ion. If y ou ch oose to do so, th e control panel w alks you through th e proce- dure.
Replace I nk Filters 5-1 9 Replace Ink Filters Th e cont rol panel disp la ys a W arning m essa ge o n th e con trol panel w h en 20 liters of ink has pass ed through th e filt ers.
5-20 Replace Ink Filters Th e filter ’ s la bel has an arrow tha t in dicat es the direction of f lo w . Install th e filt er with th e arrow poi nting up. 7. T ighten the filter clamp. Th e filter sh ould be s ecure, but d o n ot ov ert ight en th e sc r e w .
Extended Power Down and R esta r t 5-2 1 Extended P ow er Down and Rest ar t UNDER NORMAL OPE R A TION, DO NOT P O WER DO WN THE PRINTER . Co nstan t v acuum a t th e printh ea ds is required to pr e- v ent ink from running out of the prin th eads.
5-2 2 Extended Power Down and Rest ar t 7. Cap the printhea ds. See “ Cap th e Printh ea ds ” on pa ge 3-1 3 for instruct ions. 8. Switch the power switch to the of f positio n. Restar t T o restart th e print er , foll o w th e procedure belo w .
Technical Specif icat ions A-1 A PPENDIX A Technical Specif icat ions This chap ter lists th e print er ’ s specifica t ions an d inf orm a t ion a bout or dering supp li es.
A-2 Specifications Specif icat ions General DisplayMaker 7 2 SI DisplayMaker 9 8 SI Dimensions (Assembled) Without T ables Height: 5 2.5 inches (1 3 3.4 cm) Depth: 3 3.0 inches (8 3.8 cm) Width: 1 3 5 .7 inches (3 44.7 cm) With One Input and One Output T able Height: 5 2.
Specifications A-3 Electr ical Pow er Pow er used: 2 00-2 4 0V AC, 5 0/60 Hz, 1 4.8 Amps Required electr ical circuit: 2 2 0 V AC, 2 0 Amps, with NEMA L6-2 0R locking wall receptacle (Nor th Am eric a.
A-4 Specifications Powe r c or d Required pow er cord (sup plied with printer): Nor th American (UL/CS A ap proved), le ngth 8.2 feet (2.5 m), OR European (Harmonized), length 8.
Specifications A-5 Performance Pr int ing Technology 1 6 piezo-electric inkjet printhea ds utilizing Micro-Qua d™ Jet T echnology . Drop size ap proxi- mately 2 5 picoliters. Ink and Cleaning Solution SolaCh rome ™ -HR 4-color (CMYK) solvent pig- mented inks.
A-6 Supplies and Access ories Supplies and Accessor i es Co nsult M acDermi d ColorS pan or your M acDe rmi d ColorS pan represen ta t ive for an updat ed list ing of suppo rted ink an d me d ia . Us e o nly g enuine ColorS pan SolaChrom e inks an d cl eaning sol- v en t in th e printer .
Troubleshoot ing B-1 A PPENDIX B Troubleshoot ing This appen dix exp lains ho w to preven t an d dia g nos e print ing probl ems an d pro vi des inf orm ation a bout g et t ing h elp f rom ColorS pan.
B-2 Troubleshooting Checklist Troubleshoot ing Checklist Bef ore y ou trou blesh oot your prin t er , m ak e sure tha t it i s prop- erly install ed as des cri bed in Chap t er 1, Gett ing Started. F ollo w th e st eps in this ch ecklist to isola t e an d resolve prin t ing pro ble ms.
Troubleshooting Checklist B-3 ◆ The c able bet w een your computer or net work and the print s er ver may not be s ecurely connecte d at b oth e nds. Refer to the print ser ver manual for more information. ◆ Y our computer may not be working pr operly .
B-4 Troubleshooting Checklist ◆ Head strike — if the printhea d is striking the media, check how the media is tracking from the sup ply spool to the takeup spool. The side s of the media should be pa rallel to the sides of the printer , with no wrinkling or buckling.
Warranty Claims B-5 Warrant y Claims Th e printe r is cov ered by a manufa ct urer ’ s limited w arran t y (part number 0 7 000 2 5), wh ich in clu des th e prin th ea ds. Th e pi ezo printh ea ds are designed to re m ain in s ervic e f or th e life of th e printer .
B-6 Warranty Claims Causes t ha t are cov ered by th e manu fa ct urer’s w arrant y : ◆ Manufacturing defect — when a f law in materials or work- manship c ause s a printhea d to fail, the failure will be cov- ered by the manufacture r’s wa rrant y .
Diagnostics B-7 Diagnost ics The pr int er inclu des a s eries of s elf-dia gn ostic tests designed to h elp M a cDermi d ColorS pan T echnical Services solv e prin t er har dw are probl ems.
B-8 Diagnostics T able B-1. Actions a nd Wa rnings Code, Message Cause What to Do (CS) Capp ing Stat ion A-CS-1- Cap ping St ation Cap ping station is rais ed, and the c a r- riage is not at the c ap ping station. Low er the capping station to allow the printhea ds to be c ap ped, and to prev e nt the c arriage from crashing into it.
Diagnostics B-9 W- H T - [ 49 50 ] - Heate r Ba d Rea ding Bad thermister rea ding detected on the postheat #1 heater (49) or postheat #2 heater (5 0). The thermister is bad, or the heater b o a r d o r I / O b o a r d i s m a l f u n c t i o n i n g , or there is a c able problem.
B-10 Diagnostics A-IS-[ 80 8 1 82 83 ]- [ color ] Heads Not Loa ded with Ink P rintheads for color(s) indicated do not have ink loa ded: K (80), C (8 1), M (8 2), or Y (8 3) Fill the af fected printheads with ink. See “Set the P rinthea d and Camera Height” on page 5-1 2.
Diagnostics B-11 LS - I m a g e S e n s or W -L S -1 - Imag e Senso r I s No t Ope rat - ing The image se nsor shutter c able is dis- connected. Connect the image se nsor shutter c able and restar t the printer . W -L S -2 - Imag e Senso r I s No t Ope rat - ing The image se nsor cable is disc on- nected.
B-12 Diagnostics A-SM-2 - Invalid Sof t wa re Defective sof t ware. Call Authorized Ser vice P rovider for updated sof t ware. W -SM-1 - P rinter Not Re set F or Ship ping Defective electronics assembly . Call Authorized Ser vice P ro vider for replacement electronics.
Diagnostics B-13 W -VS-2 - Va cuum P ressure T oo High The vacuum pressure of the hea ds is too high. Call your Authorized Ser vice P rovider . W -VS-3 Vacuum P ressure Not Recov- ering The vacuum pressure of the hea ds is not recovering af ter an air purge.
Y ou can o btain h elp using y our M acDermi d ColorS pan produ ct f rom a v ari et y of sources. This s ect ion sh ows you w h ere to s eek h elp, an d introdu ces you to th e support av ailabl e to registered M a cDermid Col orSpan custom ers. If All Else Fails Call M acDermi d ColorS pan T echnical Ser vices directly .
Index-1 Index.
Index-2 ! 600x300 printing 1- 9 600x300 resolution 3-4 600x600 resolution 3-4 A Access Heads 2-7 , 5-9 Access Printheads 2-14 Actions and warning s B-7 , B-8 Adjustable pinch rollers 1-12 Advance Medi.
Index-3 D Default Registration Data 4-19 Diagnostics B-7 Doctor blade 5-11 Dryer Fans 2-11 Drying Delay 2-11 E Edge-to-edge p rinting 3- 38 Electrical requireme nts 1- 2 Empty Heads 2-15 Environmental.
Index-4 M Maintenance carriage rail and bear ings 5-4 cleaning clogg ed ink jets 5-9 empty excess ink 5-7 Prep for Storage /Shipping 5- 21 Printhead Procedures 5-8 replace ink filter s 5-19 service st.
Index-5 Respool Media 2-14 , 3-27 Restore All De faults 2-14 S Safety warnings 1-5 Service Station doctor blade cleaning 5-11 Service station 2-13 calibration 5- 17 Sleep mode 2-7 , 3-13 SolaChrome-HR.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 72SIデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。