HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーA520 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Photosmart A520 Series - Help.
Contents 1 HP Photosmart A52 0 series Help . ........................... ...................................... ..........................5 2 Get started How do I?......... ................ ............ ................ ............... ...............
Change the print settings for the print job. .................... ...................... ...................... ................27 Change the print quality............... ................... ................ ..................... .....................
10 Specificat ions System requirements.. ..................... ..................... ................ ................... ..................... ........ ....65 Printer specifications.....................................................................
1 HP Photosmart A520 series Help Welcome to the HP Pho tosmart A520 series Hel p! For more information about the HP Photosmart prin ter, see: • “ Get started” on page 7 • “ Paper basics” o.
Chapter 1 6 HP Photosmart A520 series Help.
2 Get started This section provides introduct ory information about the HP Photosmart A520 series printer. This section cont ains the following t opics: • How do I? • Find more info rmation • Th.
Find more information Your new HP Phot osmart A520 series printer co mes with the foll owing document ation: Setup instructions : The setup instructions explain how to set up the printer, install the HP Photosmart software, and print a photo. Read this document first.
The HP Photosma rt at a glance Figure 2-1 Printer parts Label Description 1 Control pane l : Control the basic functions of the printer from here. 2 Output tray (closed) : Open this to print, insert a memory card, connect a compatible digital camera, or access the print cartridge area.
Label Description 1 Power : Press to turn the printer on or off. The power bu tton will glow when the power is on. When the printer is idle, the button will pulse softly. 2 Color graphic display : View photos and menus h ere. 3 Red Eye : The Red Eye feature reduces the red-eye effect you sometime see in flash photos.
How to use the Printer menu The Printer menu gives you many print opt ions, allows you to chan ge the printer defa ults, provides maint enance and trouble shooting to ol s, and provides how-to inf ormation for common printing tasks.
1. Press or to open the Printer menu. 2. Pressing will move to the next optio n and pressi ng will mov e to th e previo us menu option. 3. Press Print to select an opti on. Menu options t hat are not accessible are di mmed. 4. To exit a menu, press the Can cel button.
• Dry Time : Select to turn the dry time feature On (default) or Off . If the dry time feat ure is turned o ff the dry ti me dialog wi ll not be di splayed. • Demo : Select to put the printer into the demo mode. • Set Languag e : Select to change the language or country/reg ion setting.
Chapter 2 14 Get started.
3 Paper basics Learn how to choose t he right paper for your pri nt job and how t o load it into the in put tray for printing. • Choose the best pape r for the job • Load your p aper Choose the best paper for the job Use HP Advanced Photo Pap er. It is especially desi gned to work with the in ks in your printer to create beaut iful photos.
To load pa per 1. Open the outpu t tray. The input tray opens automa tically. 2. Load up to 20 sheets of pho to paper with the print side or glossy side facing the front of the print er. If you are using tabbed paper, load the paper so tab feeds in last.
4 Print without a computer This section cont ains information o n the followin g topics: • Print from a memory card with out a computer • Print from a PictBridge-cer tified camera or device • Pr.
Label Description 3 Memory Stick 4 Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard (MMC) Print photos fr om a memory card Importan t : Your photos are inst antly dry, and c an be handl ed immediat ely after t hey are printed.
Print from a PictBridge- certified camera or device This section describes the pro cedure for printing f rom a PictBridge digit al camera. The procedure for printi ng from other PictBrid ge devices—such as camera phones and other image capture device s—is very similar.
Configure Blue tooth To use Bluetooth w ireless technology, you must configure both the printer and your computer. The way you configure Bl uetooth depend s on the Blue tooth soft ware you use. This section provides Bluetooth instructions using the Widcom m software.
Print photos from a Bluetooth device The basic proc edure for pri nting from any de vice with Blueto oth wireless techno logy is the same. For more det ailed instructions , see the documentatio n that came with your Bluetooth device. To print from a Blue tooth device 1.
Photo Fix remains off unt il you turn it on again. Chapter 4 22 Print without a computer.
5 Print from a computer This section describes how to pri nt photos when the HP Pho tosmart A520 series p rinter is connected to a computer, an d you want to print an ima ge from an imaging appl ication such as Photos mart Essen tial.
What's This? help Use What's Thi s? help to learn more about the avai lable print ing options. To use What's Thi s? help 1. Move the cursor over the feat ure that you want t o learn more about. 2. Click the right mouse button. The What's This box is displayed.
printer must be connected to your computer with an a ppropriate USB cable. In addition you must have install ed the HP Photosma rt software. You n eed to transfer the p hotos to your computer to use them in imag e editing so ftware, includi ng the HP Photosmart software tha t came with the printe r.
3. Right-click the H P Digital Imaging Monitor icon in the Windows ta skbar, and select HP Photosmart A520 series > Open E . NOTE: E may not be the drive lett er the computer assigns. Windows Explor er opens and shows the contents of t he card. 4. Drag and drop files f rom the memory card to a locati on on the computer.
You can change t he setting to Ful l if the images th at you print are und er exposed or over exposed, conta in dark areas or re d eye, or ha ve colors that appea r washed out. You can also select the Off setting if you prefer to edit t he image manua lly in a soft ware program such as HP Phot osmart software.
Change the prin t quality Choose the prin t quality and speed to optimize your photo printi ng. To select a print qual ity and speed 1. Open the Printer Prop erties dialog box. For more in formation, see “ Printer Properties dialog box” on p age 23 .
Change the pape r size Use the Printer Properties di alog box instead of the software appl ication's Page Set up dialog box to sele ct a paper size. Some softw are applications d o not list all the paper sizes the printer supp orts. To select a paper s ize 1.
3. You can adjust the f ollowing sett ings: • Adjust th e Brightness , Saturation , and Color Tone to affect how overall colors are printed. • Adjust the Cyan , Magenta , Yellow , and Black sliders to specif y the level of each color that is use d in printing.
Print preview You can preview a docum ent on the compu ter before printin g it. If the p rint preview does not look the way you wa nt it to, close the preview window and make the necessary adjustments t o the document or to t he print settings.
Print NOTE: If your softw are program includes a ph oto printing fe ature, follow the instructions that ar e provided with the sof tware program. Ot herwise, foll ow these inst ructi ons. 1. Open the photo in a softwa re program that allo ws editing, such as HP Phot osmart software.
Print photos with a borde r Guidelines • To learn how to use the p hoto printing fe atures, see the “ photo enhancing” on page 26 page . • Verify the photo pa per you are using is not rippl ed or curled. • Do not exceed the pap er tray capacity when loading m edia.
Print postcards Guidelin es • Use only cards and sm all media that m eet the printer p aper-size specificati ons. For more information, se e “ Printer sp ecifications” on page 65 . • Do not exce ed the pape r tray capacity wh en loadin g media.
Print panoramic photos For true panoramic pri nting, you must have taken a pa noramic photo. Also, use HP panorama paper 10 x 30 cm (4 x 12 inch ). Guidelines • To learn how to u se the photo printi ng features, see “ p hoto en hancing” on pa ge 26 .
Print on inde x cards and other small media Guidelin es • Use only cards and sm all media that me et the printer pape r-size specifications. • Do not exce ed the pape r tray capacity wh en loadin g media. For more information, see “ Printer specifications” o n page 65 .
6 Maintenance This section cont ains basic maintenance proc edures that can help keep your printer performing well and producing top-quali ty photos. • Toolbox dialog b ox • Align the print cartri.
Align the print cartridge The printer auto matically aligns the print ca rtridge after a new one is installed. You can also align the print cartridge at other ti mes to ensure optimal p rint quality.
View estimated ink levels You can view the estimat ed ink level of the pr int cartridge inst alled in the pri nter either from a connecte d computer or on the printe r itself.
For best print quality, HP recom mends that you install al l retail print cartridges bef ore the date stamped on t he box. To insert or repl ace a print cartridge 1. Make sure the powe r is on and you have remo ved the cardboard from i nside the printer.
Get print cartridge ordering i nformation To view prin t cartridge or dering info rmation and o rder cartr idges on line 1. Open the Toolbox dia log box. For more i nformation, see “ Toolbox dialog bo x” on page 37 . 2. Click the Estimated I nk Levels tab.
4. Click Print A Sample Page . 5. Click Print P age . HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon After you install th e printer software, th e HP Digital Imaging Mo nitor icon appears in t he Windows taskbar.
Store the print ca rtridges When you store th e printer, always l eave the active pr int cartridges insi de the printer. The printer stores the print cartridges in a protective cap during the power-down cycle. CAUTION: Make sure the printer completes it s power-down cycle be fore you unplug the power cord.
Chapter 6 44 Maintenance.
7 Troubleshooting Before contacting HP support, read this section for troub leshooting tips or go t o the online support services at www.hp.com/support . Before you b egin , make sure: • All the cable conne ctions between th e printer and com puter are secure.
Solution: • Unplug th e USB cable fro m the computer , then plu g it in aga in. • Make sure the cable is securely attache d to the computer and to the USB po rt on the back of the p rinter. • Restart the c omputer. If this does not reso lve the issue, follow these steps: 1.
• A small red circle appeared on the HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon i n the Windows taskbar • An Unknown device message appea red • The document or pho to did not print usi ng the selected de f.
• If you cannot g rasp the edge of the jammed paper to remove it , try the foll owing: • Turn off the printer. • Turn on the print er. The printer che cks for paper in the pa per path and will automatically e ject the jammed pape r. •P r e s s OK to co ntinue.
7. Click Continue to un install t he files created w hen you connected the printer to the computer. 8. Click Restart . When th e computer restarts, remo ve the HP Ph otosmart CD and follow the insta llation instru ctions in the setup instru ctions that came i n the box with the pri nter.
4. Disconnect all USB devices (incl uding the hu b) from the computer. 5. Turn on the comput er. 6. Try printing again. If the problem persists, repeat ste ps 1–5 using a differen t USB port on the comput er.
The document or photo did not prin t using the selected d efault print settings Cause: The print er default setting s may be different than those in the soft ware application. T he software applic ation print setti ngs override any that you set on the printer.
•S e e “ Dow nload printer softw are updates” on page 24 for information on upda ting the printer softwa re. To check the version of the software, select About from the HP Digital Im aging Mo nitor icon in the t askbar. • Remove the wet pa ge and simply wait.
Parts of the prin ted document are missing o r are in the wrong pl ace Cause: • You may have select ed the incorre ct paper orien tation. • You may have se lected an incorre ct paper size. Solution: • Make sure you have selected th e correct orientation on the Features tab of the Printer Properties dialog bo x.
Solution: Select paper size and type from the Features tab of the Printer Properties dialog box. The printout does not ap pear as it should Cause: The paper may be marked, scratched, or w rinkled, or the paper may be dark in color or contai n metallic fi bers.
• The passkey (PIN) that the device with Bluet ooth wireless technol ogy is using for the printe r may be incorrect. Make sure the correct passkey for the print er is entered in the de vice with Bluetoot h wireless techn ology. • You may be too far from the printer.
• The print carriage has stal led • The printer is out o f paper • There is a paper jam • The paper loade d does not match the pap er size selected • The memory card has been insert ed upsid.
The print carriage h as stalled Solution: There is an obstruction b locking the path of the print carriage or the cartridge service stat ion. Contact HP supp ort for help, or go to t he online su pport services at www.hp.com/supp ort . The prin ter is o ut of pape r Solution: Check that paper has been loade d in the correct paper tray.
Insert only one memory card at a time Solution: The printer has two or mo re different typ es of memory cards in serted simultaneously. Alternatively, a memory card may be in serted while a digital cam era is connected to the camera port.
8 Shop for ink supplies For a list of print cart ridge numbers, see the printed documenta tion that came wi th the HP Photosmart. You can also use th e software that came with the HP Phot osmart to find out the reorder number fo r all the print cartrid ges.
Chapter 8 60 Shop for ink supplies.
9 HP support and warranty This section contai ns information on the following: • Check the HP support Web sit e first • HP support b y phone • HP Warranty • Additional w arranty op tions Check the HP support Web site first Check the documentat ion that came wit h the printer.
Placing a call Call HP support while you ar e in front of the comput er and the HP Phot osmart. Be prepared to pro vide the followi ng information: • Device model num ber (located on t he label on t.
HP Warranty Additional warranty options Extended servi ce plans are a vailable fo r the printe r at additional co sts. Go to www.hp.com/support , select your cou ntry/region and languag e, then explor e the services and warranty area for inf ormation about the extended service plans.
Chapter 9 64 HP support and warranty.
10 Specifications This section lists the minimu m system requirements for in stalling the HP Photosmart software, and provides selected pri nter specifications.
Photo paper with tab 10 x 15 cm with 1.25 cm tab (4 x 6 inches with 0.5 inch tab) Index cards 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) A6 cards 105 x 148 mm (4.1 x 5.8 inches) L-size cards 90 x 127 mm (3.5 x 5 inches) L-size cards with tab 90 x 127 mm with 12.5 mm tab (3.
11 Regulatory and environmental information The following reg ulatory and environ mental informa tion applies t o the HP Photosm art A520 series print ers. • Regulatory not ices • Environmental produ ct stewardship program Regulatory notices The following reg ulatory notices apply t o the HP Photosmart A5 20 series printers.
FCC statement LED indica tor statemen t VCCI (Class B) compliance statement fo r users in Japan Chapter 11 68 Regulatory and environmental in formation.
Notice to users in Japan about powe r cord Notice to users in Korea Notice to use rs in the Europe an Economic Area Environmental product stewardship program Hewlett-Pa ckard is committed to providing qu ality products in an environmental ly sound manner.
For more information , visit HP’s Commitme nt to the Environment Web site at: www.hp .com/hpinfo /globalciti zenship/env ironment/ index.html This secti on contains the followin g topics: • Paper .
Disposal of Waste Eq uipment by Users in Private Hous eholds in the European Union Environmental product stewardship p rogram 71.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) A520 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。