HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーHP-UX 11iの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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S AM–HP SMH Cr os s R e f er ence Gui de HP -UX 1 1i HP P art Number : 5 99 2 - 2 8 99 P ublished: September 2008 E dition: 1 . 0.
© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-P ackard Development Company , L.P . Legal Notices Confidential computer softw are. V alid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with F AR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Softw are, Computer Software Documentation, and T echnical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.
T able o f C onte nts Abou t this Docume nt .......................................................................................................... 7 Sc op e of t hi s Do c um en t ...................................................................
L ist of F igur es 1- 1 HP S M H Ho me P a ge .....................................................................................................................11 1- 2 HP S M H T oo ls P a ge ........................................................
L ist of T a bles 1 Co nv en ti on s.....................................................................................................................................7 2 Pu bl is hi ng H is to ry ....................................................
Abo ut this Doc ument This document contains information that will help system administrators learn how the functionalities in System Administration Management (SAM) map with the functionalities in HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH).
R elated Inf or matio n In addition to this document, information about HP SMH can be found in the following documentation: • Online help av ailable with the respective SMH plug-ins • The following documents on the HP T echnical Documentation website at www .
1 HP S y stem Manage ment Homepage (HP SMH) This chapter provides a brief introduction to HP SMH, describes what is new in this edition of the document, describes how to start SMH, and briefly introduces the SMH Home page and SMH T ools page.
NO TE: The smh command is av ailable only in HP-UX 11i v3 February 2007 release and later . The procedures in this section are applicable to HP-UX 11i v3 systems. In HP-UX 11i v1 and HP-UX 11i v2 systems, the sam command remains the primary interface.
Figur e 1 - 1 HP SMH Home P ag e For more information about HP SMH Home page, see the HP System Management Homepage help provided with the product. HP SMH T ools P age The T ools page provides a point.
Figur e 1 - 2 HP SMH T ools P age Following are the links that you might see on the T ools page (listed here in alphabetical order): • Accounts for Users and Groups • Audit Configuration • Authe.
2 Mapp ing S AM w ith HP SMH This chapter describes the steps to reach the point in the application where y ou can perform the respective administration task. This chapter is organized in to sections based on the functional areas. For every functional area a table outlines the steps for SAM GUI, HP SMH GUI, and HP SMH TUI.
• “Networking and Communications (ncw eb)” (page 34) “Network Interfaces Configuration” (page 34) “Network Services Configuration” (page 36) • “P eripheral Devices (pdweb)” (page 3.
Acco unts f or Us ers and Gr oup s (ugw eb) T abl e 2- 2 SAM- SMH M apping – Accounts for Users and Groups Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh u > l > a 1. T ools 2. Accounts for User s and Groups 3. Configure Local Users 4.
T abl e 2- 2 SAM- SMH M apping – Accounts for Users and Groups (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh u > l > Select a user > s 1. T ools 2. Accounts for User s and Groups 3. Configure Local Users 4. Local Users 5.
T abl e 2- 2 SAM- SMH M apping – Accounts for Users and Groups (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh u > n > Select a user > Enter 1. T ools 2. Accounts for User s and Groups 3. Configure NIS Users 4. NIS Users 5.
T abl e 2- 2 SAM- SMH M apping – Accounts for Users and Groups (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh u > n > Select a user > t 1. T ools 2. Accounts for User s and Groups 3. Configure NIS Users 4. NIS Users 5. Select a user using the checkbox 6.
T abl e 2- 2 SAM- SMH M apping – Accounts for Users and Groups (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh u > t > Select a template > Enter 1. T ools 2. Accounts for User s and Groups 3. Configure User T emplates 4. User T emplates 5.
A uditing and Sec ur ity C onf igur ation (s ecw eb) T abl e 2-3 S AM- SMH M apping – Auditing and Security Configuration Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh c > v 1. T ools 2. A uditing and Security Attributes Configuration 3.
T abl e 2-3 S AM- SMH M apping – Auditing and Security Configuration (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh c > e > Select an event > Enter > n 1. T ools 2. A uditing and Security Attributes Configuration 3. A udit Events 4.
T abl e 2-3 S AM- SMH M apping – Auditing and Security Configuration (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh c > l > Select a user > Enter > c 1. T ools 2. A uditing and Security Attributes Configuration 3. Local Users 4.
Disks and F ile S y st ems Co nfi gur ati on (fs w eb) T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > d > Select disk > Enter 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > d > r 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. Disks 4. Refresh 1. SAM Areas 2. Disks and File Systems 3.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > f > Select a file system > m 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. File Systems 4. Select a file system 5.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > f > Select a file system > Enter > d 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. 4. File Systems 5.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > l > Select a logical volume > Enter > u 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. Logical V olumes 4.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask Currently not supported 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. Logical V olumes 4. V eritas Enterprise Administrator 1.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh f > v > Select a volume group > Enter > g 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. V olume Gr oups 4.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask Currently not supported Currently not supported 1. SAM Areas 2. Disks and File Systems 3. V olume Gr oups 4. Select a volume group 5.
T abl e 2 - 4 SAM- SMH Mapping – Disks and File S ystems Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask Currently not supported 1. T ools 2. Disks and File Systems 3. P aging Space 4. Select a device file 5. Add P aging Space on Device 1.
K er nel C onf igur ation (k cw eb) T abl e 2-5 S AM- SMH M apping – K ernel Configuration Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh k > t > Select a tunable > Enter 1. T ools 2. Kernel Configuration 3. T unables 4. Select a tunable 1.
T abl e 2-5 S AM- SMH M apping – K ernel Configuration (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh k > a > Select an alarm > r 1. T ools 2. Kernel Configuration 3. Alarms 4. Select an alarm 5. Remove 1. SAM Areas 2. Kernel Configuration (character mode) 3.
Netw or king and Comm unicati ons (ncw eb) Netw ork In terface s Conf igur ation T abl e 2-6 S AM- SMH M apping – Net wor k Interfaces Configuration Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh n > i > n > Select interface > Enter > l 1.
T abl e 2-6 S AM- SMH M apping – Net wor k Interfaces Configuration (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh n > i > v > c 1. T ools 2. Network Interfaces Configuration 3. Virtual LANs 4. Add VLAN 1. SAM Areas 2. Networking and Communications 3.
Netw ork S er v ice s Conf igur ation T abl e 2- 7 SAM- SMH M apping – Net work Services Configur ation Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh n > s > f > s > Select file system > Enter 1. T ools 2. Network Services Configuration 3.
T abl e 2- 7 SAM- SMH M apping – Net work Services Configur ation (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh n > s > f > s > d 1. T ools 2. Network Services Configuration 3. Networked File Systems 4. Share/Unshare File Systems 5.
P er ipher al Dev ices (pd w eb) T abl e 2-8 S AM- SMH M apping – P eripheral De vices Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh d > o > Select a slot > Enter > c 1. T ools 2. P eripheral Devices 3. Manage P eripheral Devices 4.
Pr inte rs and P lotters (lp w eb) T abl e 2-9 S AM- SMH M apping – Printers and P lotters Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh l > a > Select Add RS-232 printer/plotter > Enter > Select H/W P ath > Enter 1. T ools 2.
T abl e 2-9 S AM- SMH M apping – Printers and P lotters (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh l > p > Select printer > Enter 1. T ools 2. Printer Management (web-based) 3. Configure Printers/Plotter s 4. Select printer 1.
T abl e 2-9 S AM- SMH M apping – Printers and P lotters (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh l > p > Select printer > Enter > d 1. T ools 2. Printer Management (web-based) 3. Configure Printers/Plotter s 4. Select printer 5.
T abl e 2-9 S AM- SMH M apping – Printers and P lotters (continued) Using HP SMH TUI Using HP SMH GUI Using SAM T ask #smh l > s > s 1. T ools 2. Printer Management (web-based) 3. Save/Restore Spooler Configuration 4. Start Print Spooler 1. SAM Areas 2.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP-UX 11iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。