HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーP4010の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Getti ng S tarted Gu ide 入 门 指 南 P and uan P ers ia pan セ ッ ト ア ッ プ ガ イ ド 시 작 설 명 서 ค ู ่ ม ื อ เ ร ิ ่ มต ้ นการ ใ ช ้ ง.
Cop yright and License © 2008 Cop yr ight Hew lett-P ack ard Dev elopment Compan y , L.P . Repr oductio n, ada ptation o r translation w ithout pr ior w ritten permis sion is pr ohibited , ex cept as allow ed under the copy ri ght law s. The inf ormation con tained here in is subj ect to c hange without notice .
Hard war e setup ................................................................................................................................. 2 Softw ar e setup Windo ws U SB........................................................................
1 1 23.5 kg 52 lb Unpac k the produc t . HP LaserJet P40 1 4 Printer (CB506A) HP LaserJet P40 1 4n Printer (CB50 7A) HP LaserJet P40 1 5n Printer (CB50 9A) HP LaserJet P45 1 5n Printer (CB5 1 4A) 打开产品包装。 Buk a kemas an produk . 製品を 梱包か ら 取 り 出 し ま す 。 제품의 포장을 풉니다.
2 23.5 kg 52 lb 25.8 kg 57 lb HP LaserJet P45 1 5xm Printer (CB5 1 7A) HP LaserJet P40 1 5tn Printer (CB5 1 0A) HP LaserJet P40 1 5x Printer (CB5 1 1A ) HP LaserJet P45 1 5tn Printer (CB5 1 5A) HP Las.
3 2 10˚ - 3 2.5˚C (50˚ - 90.5˚F) 10% - 90% 4 2 5 mm (16. 5 inc hes) 3 9 4 mm (15 .5 inches) 9 5 5 mm (3 .6 inches) 5 3 3 mm (21. 0 inches) Select a s turd y , w ell-ve ntilated , dust-fr ee area t o positi on the pr oduct .
4 3 Install the 5 00-sheet tra y . HP LaserJet P40 1 5tn Printer (CB5 1 0A) HP LaserJet P40 1 5x Printer (CB5 1 1A ) HP LaserJet P45 1 5tn Printer (CB5 1 5A) HP LaserJet P45 1 5x Printer (CB5 1 6A ) HP LaserJet P45 1 5xm Printer (CB5 1 7A) 安装 500 页纸盘。 P asang baki 5 00 lembar .
5 4 Re mo ve the pac king mater ial . 撕下包装材料。 Lepask an bahan k emasanny a. 梱包材を 取 り 除 き ま す 。 포장재를 제거합니다. นำวัสดุที่ใช้ในการบรรจุหีบห ่ อออก 去除包裝材料。 Tháo hộp đóng gói.
6 5 Load pa per . 装入纸张。 Muat k er tas . 用紙を セ ッ ト し ま す 。 용지를 넣습니다. ใส ่ กระดาษ 裝入紙張。 Nạp giấy .
6 Install the 5-b in mailbo x. HP LaserJet P45 1 5xm Printer (CB5 1 7A) 安装 5 槽邮箱。 P asang k otak surat 5 nampan . 5 ビ ン メ ールボ ッ ク ス を取 り 付け ます 。 5단 우편함을 설치합니다.
8 F or USB connec tions , go to page 9 . F or networ k connections , go to page 1 4. F or USB connec tions , go to page 2 1 . F or networ k connections , go to page 29 .
9 7 Caution! Do not connec t USB no w . W ait until the softwar e pro mpts y ou . USB connection 注意! 现在先不要连接 USB 。 请在稍后软件提示时再连接。 USB 连接 P erhatian! Jangan hubungk an USB s ek arang . T unggu hingga diminta oleh per angkat lunak .
1 0 8 CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A , CB5 1 7A Connec t the pow er , and turn on the pr oduct . If the duplex er is installed (CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A, and CB5 1 A), pull it out so yo u can connect the pow er cor d, and then push the du ple xe r in.
1 1 9 On the contr ol panel, if pr ompted , pres s to selec t a language, the date , and the time for the pr oduct . Pr ess OK to accept selec tions . 如有提示,在控制面板上按 为产品选.
1 2 10 H P La se r Jet XXXXX Pr in te r HP La se r Jet M1319 S er i es Quit all progr ams on the comput er . Install the s oft war e fr om the CD . Follo w the onsc reen instr uctions . When pr ompted , select Connected directly to this computer , and then cli ck Next .
1 3 Windo ws U SB setup is comple te . Fo r mor e informati on about the f ollo wing top ics, s ee the electr onic User Gui de on the CD-ROM or go t o: www .hp .com/support/hpljp40 1 0seri es or www .hp.com/su ppor t/hpljp4 5 1 0ser ies . • Detailed use r instructi ons.
1 4 7 Network connection. Connect the ne twor k cable to the pr oduct and to the netwo rk . 网络连接。 将网络电缆连接至本产品和网络。 K oneksi jaringan.
1 5 8 CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A , CB5 1 7A Connec t the pow er , and turn on the pr oduct . If the duplex er is installed (CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A, and CB5 1 A), pull it out so yo u can connect the pow er cor d, and then push the du ple xe r in.
1 6 9 On the contr ol panel, if pr ompted , pres s to selec t a language, the date , and the time for the pr oduct. Pr ess OK to accept s elections . After Read y appears on the dis play , wait 3 0 seconds.
1 10 IPv4 IPv6 F ind the IP addres s by pr inting a Congur ation page . At the pr oduct contr ol panel, pr ess Men u , pr ess to hi ghlight INFORMA TION and then pre ss OK .
1 8 11 If the Congur ation page lists the IP addr ess as 1 6 9 .2 54.X .X, y ou must manuall y assign the addr ess. S ee the User Gui de on the produc t CD-ROM f or advanced ne t wor k-congurati on instructi ons. T hey ar e in the cha pter called Connectivity .
1 9 12 H P La se r Jet XXXXX Pr in te r HP La se r Jet M1319 S er i es Quit all open pr ogr ams on the print serv er or on each com puter that w ill share the pr oduct . Install the softw ar e fr om the CD . Fo llow the onsc reen ins tructio ns. W hen prompt ed, select Connected to the Network , and then c lic k N ext .
20 Windo ws ne twor k setup is complet e. F or mor e informati on about the fo llow ing topics , see the electr onic User Gui de on the CD-ROM or go t o: www .hp .com/support/hpljp40 1 0seri es or www .hp.com/su ppor t/hpljp4 5 1 0ser ies . • Detailed us er instr ucti ons.
2 1 7 USB connection Caution! Do not connec t USB no w . 注意! 现在先不要连接 USB 。 USB 连接 P erhatian! Jangan hubungk an USB s ek arang . K oneksi USB 注意 : USB には ま だ接続 し ないで く ださ い。 USB 接続 주의! 지금 USB를 연결하지 마십시오.
2 2 8 CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A , CB5 1 7A Connec t the pow er , and turn on the pr oduct . If the duplex er is installed (CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A, and CB5 1 A), pull it out so yo u can connect the pow er cor d, and then push the du ple xe r in.
2 3 9 On the contr ol panel, if pr ompted , pres s to selec t a language, the date , and the time for the pr oduct. Pr ess OK to accept s elections . After Read y appears on the dis play , wait 3 0 seconds.
2 4 10 11 H P La se r Jet XXXXX Pr in te r HP La se r Jet M1319 S er i es Install the so f twar e fr om the CD . Com plete the Eas y Install . Clic k Q uit whe n the installati on is nished. Connec t the USB cable betw een the pr oduct and the compute r .
2 5 12 On the compute r hard dr i v e , open Applications , open Utilities , and then open Print Center . If the pr oduct name display s in the prin ter list , go to step 1 3 . Otherwis e , clic k Add or + , and then select U SB from the dr op-dow n list .
2 6 At the compu ter , open the Apple menu and c lick S ystem Pre ferences and then cli ck Print & F ax . If the pr oduct name appears in the pr inter list , go to step 1 3. Otherwis e , clic k Add or + , and then select De fault Br ow ser or Default .
2 13 Congur e the pr oduct s oftwar e to r ecogni z e the installed acces sori es. Cli ck Add . The Installable Options dialog bo x appears. S elect the pr oduct optio ns that you ar e using.
2 8 Mac intosh USB s etup is complete . F or more inf ormation a bout the f ollow ing topic s, see the electr onic User Gui de on the CD-ROM or go t o: www .hp .com/support/hpljp40 1 0seri es or www .hp.com/su ppor t/hpljp4 5 1 0ser ies . • Detailed use r instructi ons.
2 9 7 Network connection. Connect the ne twor k cable to the pr oduct and to the netwo rk . 网络连接。 将网络电缆连接至本产品和网络。 K oneksi jaringan.
30 8 CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A , CB5 1 7A Connec t the pow er , and turn on the pr oduct . If the duplex er is installed (CB5 1 1A, CB5 1 6A, and CB5 1 A), pull it out so yo u can connect the pow er cor d, and then push the du ple xe r in.
3 1 9 On the contr ol panel, if pr ompted , pres s to selec t a language, the date , and the time for the pr oduct. Pr ess OK to accept s elections . After Read y appears on the dis play , wait 3 0 seconds.
3 2 10 IPv4 IPv6 F ind the IP addres s by pr inting a Congur ation page . At the pr oduct contr ol panel, pr ess Men u , pr ess to hi ghlight INFORMA TION and then pre ss OK .
3 3 11 If the Congur ation page lists the IP addr ess as 1 6 9 .2 54.X .X, y ou must manuall y assign the addr ess. S ee the User Gui de on the produc t CD-ROM f or advanced ne t wor k-congurati on instructi ons. T hey ar e in the cha pter called Connectivity .
34 12 Quit all open pr ogr ams on the print serv er or on each com puter that w ill share the pr oduct . Install the softw ar e fr om the CD . Complete the E asy Inst all .
3 5 13 On the compute r hard dr i v e , open Applications , open Utilities , and then open Print Center . Cli ck Add . F rom the dr op-do wn lis t, selec t the connection type . Re ndezv ous: Selec t the pr oduct fr om the list . Select the prin ter model if one is not alr eady selec ted .
3 6 At the compu ter , open the Apple menu and c lick S ystem Pre ferences and then cli ck Print & F ax . Click Add or + , and then s elect the connec tion type . Defa ult Bro wser : Select the pr oduct fr om the list . F r om the Print Using dr op-do wn list , select the pr inter model if one is not alr eady se lected.
3 ที่คอมพิวเตอร ์ ให ้ เปิดเมนู Apple และคลิก S ystem Pref erences และคลิก Print & F ax ค.
3 8 14 Congur e the pr oduct s oftwar e to r ecogni z e the installed acces sori es. Cli ck Add . The Installable Options dialog bo x appears. S elect the pr oduct optio ns that you ar e using.
3 9 Mac intosh netw ork s etup is complete . F or mor e informati on about the f ollow ing topi cs, see the elec troni c User Gui de on the CD-ROM or go t o: www .hp .com/support/hpljp40 1 0seri es or www .hp.com/su ppor t/hpljp4 5 1 0ser ies . • Detailed use r instructi ons.
*CB506-90943* *CB506-90943* CB5 06-90 9 43 © 2008 He wlett-P ack ard Dev elopment Co mpany , L .P . www .hp .com.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) P4010デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。