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Technica l white pape r HP FAQ fo r Microso ft ® OEM licensi ng —Wi ndows ® Server, SQL Server hp.com/go/ Windows F AQ Frequent ly asked que stions about l icens ing Windows S erve r OEM oper atin.
2 Welcome t o HP’s Fre quently Asked Questions ( FAQ) document f or W indows Serve r OEM o perating syste m products a nd Microsof t OEM appl icat ion solutions on HP P roLiant servers.
3 5. How many CALs are included with each HP OEM Windows Server l icense? CALs per l icense ty pe are as follo ws: • Windows Ser ver 2012 Founda ti on Ed ition includes 15 user access rights • Windows Ser ver 2012 Stand ard and Dat acente r Editi ons come wi th 0 CAL s.
4 Windows Sma ll Bus i ness Ser ver 2011 P remium Add - on: • 1 COA that s hould be adhered to t he server w ith 1 phy sical a nd 1 v irtual key • 1 HP brand ed DVD ( Blue and White) • 1 ad d it.
5 I’ve got an OEM l icense— now I need to kn ow… 10. Where will I find t he late st, bet a, an d older drive rs? The HP Pro Liant W indows ma trix ( hp.com/go/ wincert ) pro vides d irect links to dri vers and other download ables . Just cl ick on the se rver and you will be pro vided w ith the l inks.
6 transfer, t he othe r party must agre e that t his agreeme nt app lies to the transf er and us e of th e softw are. You may not reta in any insta nces of t he s oftware un less y ou also reta in anothe r lic ense for th e software. ” 17. If I “retire” a server with an OEM li cense on it, can I use that software on a new server? No.
7 Activa tion 21. How do I act ivate W indow s Server 2012? To acti vate the c ur rent key inst alled into t he OS : Rig ht - click Computer . Clic k Properties .
8 T o activa te a diff eren t key (from COA lab el): Clic k W indows Server Manager in the b ottom left - ha nd cor ner of sc reen. On the ser ver manag er dashb oard, c lick local se rver. In the r ight - hand c olumn , c l ick on Not a ctivated next t o the prod uct key .
9 22. How do I activate my HP OEM l icen se with Smar tStart? If you are installing H P branded med ia using SmartStart, choose the OS selection that ha s “(HP branded). ” This will allow the OS insta llation to preac tivate . If act ivation is still n eeded, then the k ey can be p rov ided duri ng the Mi cro soft a ctiv ati on pr oce ss.
10 Reference th is screen for S martS tart 8.3 and ear lier . 23. How do I activate m y HP OEM li cense with Int elli gent Pro visio ning ? If you are installing H P branded media us ing HP Int e ll ige nt Pr ov is io nin g , c hoose t he OS system f amily that has “(HP brand ed).
11 24. If the ap propriate HP in stallation aid (Smar tStart, Inte lligent Provisioning, or Easy Set - up, dependi ng on the server model) was not used to preactivate my OEM operating system, then h o.
12 Type in y our product key and f oll ow the p rompts. Y our licen se should then be ac tivate d. Windows Ser ver 2012 • Open Window s Server Manage r by clicking the icon in the bott om lef t - had cor ner of the taskba r. • On the W indows Se rver Manag er scre en cl ick l ocal ser ver.
13 In the W indow s act ivati on box , t ype in the product key . (This is fo und on the COA label tha t shoul d be adhe red to your ser ver.) Then click Activate .
14 28. What do I do if I am having trou ble acti vating my OS i nstallation? Make sure t he prod uct y ou are try ing to act ivate is the same produc t as what is listed on the C OA l abel.
15 Initial se tup supp ort does NO T inc lude assistance with: • Generation or diag nosis of u ser - g enerated p rograms or source codes • Instal lati on of n on - HP prod ucts • Sys tem optimi.
16 39. If my serv er running Windows Se rver 2008 R2 is covered under Mic rosoft So ftware Assu rance, d o I have to pay for W indows Ser ver 2012? No.
17 44. What is HP’s poli cy on support for downgrade assistance? While the end - user l ice ns e t er ms may allow customers to downgrade the ir Windows Ser ver operating sy stem, the HP server m ust be c ertif ied to suppor t the o lder ope rating sy stem .
18 The follow ing tab le lists the num ber of ins tances per licens e that you can run at the s ame t ime in a v irtual opera tin g system env ironmen t with in a phy sical server. Windows Server 2008 Virtual operating syst em environment instances Standard 1 Enterprise 4 Datacenter A ny number It ani um ® A ny number 48.
19 50. C an I downgrade from Smal l Business Server 2011 Essential s E dition to S mall Bus iness Se rver 2008 R 2 Standar d E dition? • No. Downgrad e righ ts, if av ailabl e, only ap ply to pre vious v ersion s of the s ame produc t . Upgrade righ ts 51.
20 58. Can you use Citrix XenServer with a HP O EM license for Windows Serv er? Yes . Y ou ca n u se C it r ix Xen Ser ver with an H P OEM l icense acc ordin g to the C itrix d ocumentat ion, p ages 1.
21 60. Can I buy two HP OEM W indows Se rver 2008 R2 Stan dard edit ion licens es for one phy sical ser ver, w ith th e intent ion of runni ng them ea ch i n a virtua l machi ne (non - Microsoft VM )? Yes . Microsof t l icensing ( FPP, OE M , and VL) a llows this.
22 68. What is the maximum CPU support that W indows Server Datace nter Edition has? The Hype r - V hyper visor in Window s Server 2012 Datace nter Editi on can sup port up to 32 vi rtual p rocess ors per VM . 69. Does W indows Server Datace nter E dition come with CALs? No.
23 77. What managemen t capabilities deliver W indows Se rver 2012 ? Windows Ser ver 2012 delive rs new and more pow erful ma nage ment cap abilit ies — such as S hare N othing L ive Migration and I.
24 • A n ew Sma ll Business S erver cus tomer need s to run an ISV a pplicat ion on the ir Small B usines s Se rver , wh ic h is currently only sup ported on Win dows Serve r 20 08 , not Window s Server 2008 R2 .
25 Client access lice nses (CALs) 90. What is a client access license (CAL)? A client ac cess l icense ( CAL) is a license g rant ing access t o cert ain Micros oft ser ver softw are. C ALs are us ed in conjunction w ith Microsoft serve r software licens es to allow user s and devices to access and ut ilize the ser vices of that server softw a re.
26 98. Do I need to upgrade my Windows Server CA Ls in orde r t o access future releases of Windo ws Server? All futur e release s of W indows S erver wil l requ ire Window s Serve r CALs of the same versio n for th e customer’ s int erna l us ers and devices ac cessing the W indows soft ware.
27 Remote Desktop Se rvices CALs (RDS CA Ls) 107. What is the di ffere nce between a Windows CAL an d RDS CALs? A Windows C AL is re quired w hen a user or de vice is d irectly or indi rectly ac cessing a Window s Serv er.
28 Note: A cl ient that rece ived a TS - CAL from the pre vious l icense se rver wi ll conti nue norma l operat ion unt il its TS - CAL ex pires. When the pre viously issued TS - CAL exp ires, t he term inal se rver wi ll request a new TS - CAL from the new licens e ser ver on beha lf of the clien t.
29 113. I’m a reseller . I’v e heard about a training site from HP and Microsoft called Coffee Coaching — wha t is it? HP Micros oft Coff ee Coach ing is a commun ity where r eselle rs can lea r.
デバイスHP 150の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP 150をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP 150の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP 150の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP 150で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP 150を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP 150の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP 150に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP 150デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。