HPメーカーDESKJET 350の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP DeskJet 350 Series User’s Guide 2697_08u_cover.p65 2/24/00, 4:07 PM 3.
Ackno wledg ements Apple®, Mac®, and Macintosh® are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft®, MS-DOS®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered tr ademarks of the Microsoft Corporation Panasonic® is a registered trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
i ii i Conten ts Conten ts i Welcome 1 Items in the Box 1 Printer Button s a nd Lights 2 Trave l Ti ps 2 Getting Sta rted 3 Conn e ctin g the Printer to Your Computer 3 Conn e ctin g to Power Sour ce .
ii ii ii ii Cables 21 Accessories 21 HP Premium InkJet Paper 21 HP Pre miu m Trans pare ncy Fi lm 21 HP Greeting Card Paper 22 HP Professional Brochure and Flyer Paper 22 HP Restickables 22 Specifica .
1 11 1 Welcome The HP DeskJet 35 0 series printer is a hig h-qua lity inkjet printer , giving you up to 600 by 600 dot s per i nch (dpi ) text and gra phics print ing o n a vari ety of p aper types and tran sparencies. For added convenience, the printer comes with a portable sheet feeder that can hold up to 30 sheets of paper.
2 2 2 2 Printer Buttons and Lights Trave l Ti ps • If you ar e travel in g to another countr y, tak e the n e cessa ry plug adap ter with you . • The po wer adapt er can be use d wi th A C po wer s ourc es of 100 to 240 vo lts, 50 or 60 H z. • Use only the p ower adap ter that is supp l ied with the prin ter .
3 3 3 3 Getting Sta rted Connecting the Printer to Y our Co mputer You can use the HP DeskJet 350 series p rinter with a PC or a Ma cintosh comp uter. You need to make s ure, howeve r, that y ou have the correc t print er cable for yo ur computer . Note: The pri nter cab le is not i ncluded i n the bo x with the pri nter.
4 4 4 4 Loading Paper 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6..
5 5 5 5 Installing Pr int Cartridges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7..
6 6 6 6 Print Cart ridges Handl ing Print Cartrid ges • Keep the pr int cartridge in its seal ed packa ge until you a re ready to use it. • Store the print cartridge a t room temp erature. • Once you have rem oved the print ca rtridge from its seal ed packa ge, leave it in the prin t cartridg e cradl e inside the pr inter.
7 7 7 7 Loadi ng P aper Feeding Paper Manuall y 1. 2. Install ing the Portable Sheet F eed er 1. 2. 3. loading paper.
8 8 8 8 Using the Po rtable Sheet Feeder 1. 2. 3. 4. 5..
9 9 9 9 Notes on loading p aper • Loa d pap er with the side to be printed fa ce up. • Use only one type of paper at a time. • The number of sheets that you should load depends on the weight of the paper: Paper Weight Numb er of Sheets 24 lb (90 g/m2) 20 20 lb (75 g/m2) 25 16 lb (60 g/m2) 30 Remov ing the Portabl e Sheet F eeder 1.
10 10 10 10 Supported Pap e r Types You c an p rint on tr ansp arenc ies , gloss y pa per, labels , h eavy sto ck and ot her special media in the sam e wa y that you prin t on or dinar y paper w ith the HP DeskJet 350 series printer. Transpare ncies an d Glossy Paper • Load transparencies with the rough side up and the paper strip edge first.
11 11 11 11 Instal ling the Prin ter Software The HP DeskJet 35 0 series prin ter can be used with Microsoft Win dow s, MS-DOS, and Ap ple M acint osh soft ware app lic ati ons. System Req ui rements Before you use the pr inter, ma ke sure that you ha ve the min im um system requirements: Minimum Windows 3.
12 12 12 12 3. In the Program Manager window, c lick Run from the Fi le menu. 4. At the comma nd line box, type the l etter of the CD-RO M drive foll owed by WIN31 PCL3<L anguage>SETUP. EXE. Sub stitute the a p pr opr iate three- chara cter langua ge code (found in the tab le below ) for <La nguage> .
13 13 13 13 Install ing o n Maci ntosh Systems If the Mac US B Kit (C339 9A) ha s not been pa ckaged w ith your pr inter, you w ill need to purc hase it from you r dealer. Installing the Pri nter Software 1. Quit any o pen applicat ions and tu rn off any vi rus prot ect ion appli cati ons.
14 14 14 14 Removi ng the Battery Pack 1. 2. Charging the Battery Pack Note: Use ONLY the Ni-M H b attery p ack whi ch co mes s ta nd a r d with th e C B i model o r the specific HP DeskJet 350 series recharge able battery pac k (C3394A) which is av ailable for purchase as an ac cessory.
15 15 15 15 Troubleshooting How to find answ ers Use this section to find sol u tions to pr oblems you m ig h t be exp eriencin g with your printe r. If this h a p pens . . . Read this section . . . Power ligh t is on but n o thin g prints. Pap er Jam or Printer Is Not Responding Printer l ights are bl in king.
16 16 16 16 • If you have anoth er devi ce suc h as a t ape b ackup uni t, CD-R OM d rive, or networ k adapter atta ched to the same por t, it may be usin g the port. Click Ca n cel Print and wait until the other device has finished using the port. Then try prin ting your documen t again .
17 17 17 17 Paper Feed Prob lems • Check that there is no paper jam. • Make sure the pap er width adjuster s fit snugl y against the left a nd edges of t he pa per st ack. • Som e pap e r types are not suita bl e for use with your HP Desk J et printer .
18 18 18 18 When you see this ... Do thi s . . . The amber Cha nge C artri dge li ght blin ks an d the pr in t car tr idg e cradl e moves to the center of the pr inter, change the pr in t cartr idg e. When the amb er Battery Cha rgin g light blinks when and the gree n Power light is on , the ba ttery pack charge is low.
19 19 19 19 If you see t his... Do this... Chan ge Ca rtrid ge light is o n. The move ment of t he print c artri dge might be blocked. 1. Turn off the pr inter and open the access door. 2. Remove any objec t blocking the moveme nt of the print cart ridge crad le.
20 20 20 20 If you see t his... Do this... Change Cart ridge and Po wer li ghts are on. An intern al p rinter er ror has oc curred. • Turn off the pr inter using the Power button. T urn the printer on and try again. • If this does not solve the proble m, u nplu g t he po wer adapt er and re mov e the batter y pack.
21 21 21 21 Supp lies and A ccessories To order printer sup plies or a ccessories, call your a uthorized HP deal er/distributor or visit HP on the World Wide Web.
22 22 22 22 HP Greetin g Car d Paper U.S. Letter (8. 5 by 11 inches), 20 sheets, 20 envelopes C1812A A4 (210 by 297 mm), 20 sheet s, 20 e nvelopes C6042A HP Profe ssional Brochu re and Fly er Pa per U.S. Letter (8. 5 by 11 inches), 50 sheets C6817A A4 (210 by 297 mm), 50 sheets C6818A HP Restick able s U.
23 23 23 23 Specifica tions Print Meth od Drop on-demand thermal inkjet printing Print Sp eed* Doc ument Type Document Type Document Type Document Type Fast Fast Fast Fast Normal Normal Normal Normal Bes Bes Bes Best tt t Black te xt 5 ppm** 3 ppm 1ppm (Econofast Mode) Color (text and graphics) 2 ppm 0.
24 24 24 24 Dimensions Printer only: Width: 149.9 mm ( 5.9 inche s) Height: 309.9 mm (12.2 inche s) Depth: 66 mm (2.6 inches) Printer wi th por ta b le sheet feeder : Width: 149.9 mm (5.9 inches) Height: 309.9 mm (12.2 inc hes) Depth: 9 4 mm (3 .7 inc hes) Weight Printer only: 1.
25 25 25 25 Minimu m Margins The printer does not prin t to the edg e of the pag e. When you set margins in your software , ma ke sure the margins ar e not less tha n the minimum shown in the followi ng i llust rat ions : Prin table Are a: Port rait O rient ati on Top margin: Black and color printin g 0.
26 26 26 26 Customer Supp ort The information in the previous cha p ter suggests solutions to common problems. If your p r inter is not op erating pr operl y and these sugge stion s do n o t solve your probl em, try using one of the foll owing suppor t services to obta in assistan ce.
27 27 27 27 The HP Custom er Care Center c an be reached at any of the following numbers: For customer s in North America : For customer s in North America : For customer s in North America : For customer s in North America : During Warr anty: US: 208 323 2551 Mo nday t hrough Frid ay 6 a.
28 28 28 28 Regula tory Notices Safety Information Always follow basic safety p recautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire or electric shock. 1. Rea d and understa nd all in str uctions in the User's Guide. 2. Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting this product to a power source.
29 29 29 29 LEDs Classi fication Energy Consumption Energy Sta r is a U.S. regist ered service mark of the Unit ed States En vironment al Protecti on Agency.
30 30 30 30 HP Limited Warran ty S tatement HP Product Dur ation of L im ited Warr anty Software 90 days Accessory 90 days Prin t Ca rtri dges 90 days Prin ter Periph era l Hard ware - see below for detai ls 1 Year Extent of limited warranty 1.
31 31 31 31 Limitatio ns of W arranty Limitatio ns of W arranty Limitatio ns of W arranty Limitatio ns of W arranty TO THE EXTENT ALLO WED BY LOCAL LAW , NE ITHER HP NOR ITS THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS MAKE.
32 32 32 32 Index A abbreviations, language codes, 14 abbreviations, language codes, 14 abbreviations, language codes, 14 abbreviations, language codes, 14 acc essories , orde ring , 24 acc essories ,.
33 33 33 33 troubleshooting, 18 Euro pean Union, E MI certif ication, 2 7 Euro pean Union, E MI certif ication, 2 7 Euro pean Union, E MI certif ication, 2 7 Euro pean Union, E MI certif ication, 2 7 .
34 34 34 34 N New Zealand , EMI cer tific ations, 2 7 New Zealand , EMI cer tific ations, 2 7 New Zealand , EMI cer tific ations, 2 7 New Zealand , EMI cer tific ations, 2 7 noise levels, 27 noise lev.
S SAB S cer tification, 27 SAB S cer tification, 27 SAB S cer tification, 27 SAB S cer tification, 27 safety cer tifications, 27 safety cer tifications, 27 safety certifications , 27 safety cer tifica.
36 36 36 36 DECLAR ATION OF CO NFORMITY accord ing to ISO/ IEC Gu ide 22 and EN 450 14 Manufacturer' s Name: Hewle tt-Packard S ingapore (Pte) L td Manufactur er's Ad dress: Inkjet and Imaging Solu tio ns, Asia O peratio ns Hewle tt-Packard S ingapore (Pte) L td 20 Gul Way, Singapore 629196 Venture Manufacturing (Singap ore) L td.
© Copyright 2000 Hewlett-Packar d Company http://www.hp.com/go/d j 350 2697_08u_cover.p65 2/24/00, 4:06 PM 2.
デバイスHP DESKJET 350の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP DESKJET 350をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP DESKJET 350の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP DESKJET 350の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP DESKJET 350で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP DESKJET 350を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP DESKJET 350の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP DESKJET 350に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP DESKJET 350デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。