Hughes & KettnerメーカーGuitar & Bass Amplificationの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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G u i t a r & B a s s A m p l i f i c a t i o n 2 0 0 6 e ng l i s h.
Beyo nd th e Limit s Whe n we set out to build g uita r amp s more than 20 ye ars ago, three dist inct br eed s roa med the s onic jungle – thos e that purre d with spa rk ling cle an ton e, those that g rowled with thro at y cr unc h soun ds, and the st ate-o f- the-ar t amp o f the day that roa red w ith fe ral roc k sound.
Insp irat io n thr ough I nnovat io n Loo k at an amp a nd you’ll see applie d scie nce ; liste n to a good one a nd you’ re hea ring a rt. A n amp is a n instr ume nt with a distinc tive pe rso nalit y a nd playabilit y . As suc h, it is a source o f inspiratio n that has a d ecisi ve impact on you r music.
e M aster Class : Handcraed A r t of P erfo r ma nce Our c ompa ny is powere d by a pa ssion f or tone. We kn ow that it takes a lot mor e than a f istf ul o f valves a nd brande d spe aker s to make gre at amps. You hav e to obs es s ab out ever y det ail.
T riAmp ® MK II is your first choice for awesome sound and total tonal flexibility. This definitive all-tube, Custom Class amp puts the most sought-after sounds in amp history at your fingertips. It’s all there, fr om vintage Califor nian clean to ‘60s British jangle and fr om classic r ock tones to nu metal meltdown.
T r i Amp MK II Cust om Cla s s all-t ub e des ign : 1 3 tub es ! T hre e cla ss ic am ps in o ne wit h 6 cha nne ls : Amp 1: Cha nne l A – Vint age C ali for ni an Cle a n Cha nne l B – Vint age .
Custom Cla ss 8.
Duo to ne Cust om cla s s all-t ub e de sign Two Chann els : Cle an a nd O verd ri ve Switc hab le bo ost o n Ove rdr ive C han nel Inde pe nde nt tr iple -ba nd EQs p er c han nel Tube-d ri ven pa ra.
No fr ills for t he ultimat e son ic thrills… T he amp of e ver y pur ist’ s dre am : If you have always wish ed f or an a mp that re sponds t o your ever y touc h, then this o ne ’ s f or you !.
Pu ret on e Cust om cla s s all-t ub e de sign, Cl as s A Singl e cha nne l wit h 3-B and E Q Gr owl k nob f or t ape ri ng of f th e EQ up ‘til B yp as s Hea d and c om bo ver sio ns avail able Pow.
Alex Lif e son, the ic onic g uita r player for Ca nadia n progre s sive roc k ban d Rus h, has ama z ed fa ns all over the world f or more than 30 ye ar s.
Custom Ca binet CC 412 A30 / A L Of course, we hav e created a special v ersion of our acclaimed Cus tom Cabinet CC 4 1 2 A30 to mat ch the uniq ue look of the Alex L ifeson model .
Custom Cla ss ze n T e ra ® is ever y thi ng today’ s player ha s hope d for. And more : Imag ine having the milesto ne sound s of ever y g reat g uita r rig of the pa st 50 ye ars at your b ec k and c a ll.
zen T e ra Z-Board Cust om Cla s s DSM -mod elin g des ign Disp lay Hea d and c om bo ver sio n availa ble 5 prog ram s wit che s Two Sharc 32-bit f loat ing p oint D SP 1 to 5 / 6 to 10 switc her 24 .
1 6.
Spe akers a re a cr itic al f actor f or ultimate sound – they are th e f inal lin k in the cha in of music a l expre s sion. So, we enginee red thes e Custom C a binet s to match our Cu stom Clas s he ads ’ super ior tone.
T u b e T o o ls ® Spice up you r sound w ith the se Custom C las s tone- shaping too ls. T hes e unique p eda ls are a s e as y to hand le as a c las sic stompb ox, but fe atur e the music al su bsta nce o f a rea l instr ume nt.
Custom Cla ss 1 9.
Custom Cla ss T ubem an High-vo ltage t ub e circ uit r y , 1 2A X7 tu be 3 Cha nne ls: Cle an, Cr un ch a nd Le ad Ma ster t ri ple-b an d EQ Voicing c ont rol i n Le ad Cha nne l Sile nt cha nne l s.
T u be Rot ospher e ® M K II ha s all t he inspiratio nal power of t he legendar y L eslie ® c abine ts. It not onl y puts th e resp ons e of a tub e-powere d Le slie at players ’ toe-tip s, it also b oa st s t wo rotati on spe eds a nd legit- sound ing dec eleration & a cc eleratio n ef f ec ts.
Pr o Class As pract icing music ians a nd tec hnic ians, we k now all ab out the tr ials a nd travails of lif e on the ro ad. Y ou n ee d tools to ma ke your life ea sier; we build the m ! Enginee red to i nspire, our Pr o Clas s pro ducts s park you to de liver stellar pe r for manc e s ever y night.
Steel-str ing slingers s eek ing jaw-dropp ing tub e-tone w ill hit the jack pot w ith T r ilog y™ . Four chan nels, plus B oost a nd Spar kle m ode s, provide a st agger ing ar ray of six ma rkedly divers e sou nds at the touch o f a butto n.
W arp X 2 cha nne ls : Cle an : Volume, B as s, M id, Treble, P re sen ce Warp : G ain, B a ss, M id, Treble, P re se nc e, Ma ster 1 20 wat ts p ower a mp wit h 4 x 6L6 Ingen iou s FX r outi ng (pa r.
Edition Tube 20th a nni vers ar y wa s intro duce d last yea r to ce lebrate our 20 th an niver sar y with a delu xe version of o ne of our most succ es sf ul a ll-tube c omb os.
Red B ox ® Clas sic is the late st version of our industr y-stan dard DI b ox with spe aker simulation. Par tic ularl y for li ve applic ation s, this a maz ing tool war rant s con sistent sou nd qualit y at ever y g ig and put s an e nd to cros sta lk.
Re ady to r umble? S o you nee d an a mp that works i n a rea l ba nd situatio n and do esn’ t let you down. How about a n amp t hat not only do es t hat, but also prov ides in spirationa l tone an .
Matrix Intro Players Class 30.
Matrix Intro Players Class If you want big sound, but don’ t have a big budget yet – then c hec k out our awesome Matr ix S erie s ! T hes e amp s provide a ll must -have sounds and e f f ect s, f.
E D I T I O N B L U E R & D F X S E R I E S Just sta rt ing out? The E dition Blue S erie s makes it f un to play: Compac t, ea sy to c ar r y , a cont rol pa nel w ith signatur e blue bac k light.
Edition Blue R & DF X 1 5 / 30 / 60 Choi ce o f „R“ (S pri ng Reve rb) or „D FX“ ( Dua l digit al F X) m ode ls 2 Cha nne ls: C lea n an d O verdr ive 3-b and E Q CD -player I nput Ef fe c.
Ba ss is t he music al b otto m line, the ba ritone bond th at ties g roove and ha rm onie s together . W ith the re sponsib ilit y of holding down the b otto m f irm ly in mind, ba s s players dema nd amps t hat deliver sumo -si ze d tone. No roo m for le an c uisine he re.
Ba ssB a se is the plac e where ma s sive sou nd pre ssure a nd ar t iculate tone c onverge. Widel y haile d as a c onte mporar y cla ssic , this tower of power is nume rous pro player s ’ fir st - choic e rig c our tes y of its sub sta ntial qu alitie s, tonal f lex ibilit y a nd vir tu ally u nlimite d power .
Ba s sBa se 600 Tube pre amp w ith B as s/ Trebl e-EQ Two switc habl e Varim etr ic™ par ame tr ic EQ ch ann els Adjust abl e Notc h f ilter su ppr es se s sta ge res ona nc es Power a mp: 65 0 W Cur re nt Fee dbac k Ba lanc ed D I Out Paral lel e f fe ct s loo p Acti ve cro ss over f or bia mpi ng 1 9 " H U; 18.
Ama zi ngly light, ever y pou nd of a Qua ntum amp pa ck s a ver y big punc h. And w ith awesome t ube to ne to bo ot, they are engin eere d f or insta nt gratif ic at ion today a nd susta ined s atisf act ion for ma ny tomor rows to co me.
QUA N T UM Q T 600 HE A D Q T 600 TubeT ouch™ Cir cuit 4- Ban d Para llel EQ Tube Grow l Co mpre s sor Ba ss S hap e, Mid- Boo st, Pr e/ Post EQ sw itc he s Power a mp: 6 0 0 W Dy naval ve Ef fe ct s lo op, DI- Out, Ph one s Cover B ag, Fo ots witc h inc l.
QUA N T UM C A BINE T S He a v y w eigh t t one in a n e x t r aor dina ril y l ight pac k age T he new QS c ab inets put out h eav y weight tone in a n ext raordina ril y light pack age.
BA SSK ICK SERIES A re al k ick in t he B a ss S t a ge- pr oof ba s s punc h for p l a y er s Ba ssK ic k s are se riou s ba ss a mps that deliver in ever y soni c sce nar io f rom the rehe ar sa l room t o the stage.
Us er & F ri ends Paul Cr ook M eat Loaf Ace y Slad e Mur der do lls Dave y John sto ne Elto n John Thomas St oll e Sil be rmon d Jörg We iß elb erg Jean ett e Bi ed erma nn Edguy Don A ire y De.
John Lev én Eur ope Kat Dyso n Alex Lif eso n Rus h Adam Dutkiew wic z & Jo el Stroetz el, Kill Switch Engage • Alex L ifeson, Rush • Ak io Shimi zu, Anthem • Ak ira Wada , P rism • Andrew W K Band • Andy Strange • Ac ey Slade, Murde rdoll s • Audley Free d • Claus Fisc her , Germany‘s Bass Play er No.
HUGHES & KETTNER ® St. W endel, Germany Phone. +49 - (0) 68 51 - 905 0 Fax. +49 - (0) 68 51 - 905 100 info@hughes - and - kettner .com www .hughes - and - kettner .com © by Mus ic & Sa le s, 2005. All rig ht s res er ved. Sp eci fic ati on s sub je ct to c ha nge w it hou t no tic e.
デバイスHughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Hughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Hughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHughes & Kettner Guitar & Bass Amplificationデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。