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I n fo pr i nt Co lo r 1 220 U s e r’s R e f e r e n c e G510-2178-00 IBM.
I n fo pr i nt Co lo r 1 220 U s e r’s R e f e r e n c e G510-2178-00 IBM.
Note: Before using this information and the pr oduct it supports, be sure to r ead the general information under “Notices”. First Edition: January 2002 The following paragraph does not apply to th.
iii T ab l e of contents Chapter 1: Printer overv iew ............ .............. .......... .............. ............ 7 Chapter 2: Understanding the printer ope rator panel ................... 9 Operator pan el butto ns ............ ...... ....... .
iv Chapter 10: Linki ng trays ............... .............. .......... .............. .......... 26 Chapter 11: Linki ng bins ................ .......... .............. .............. .......... 27 Chapter 12: Tips for successful printing ...........
v Chapter 27: Clearing ima ge transfer unit jams ................... ......... . 53 Chapter 28: Removing mem ory and opti on cards ........ .............. . 59 Accessing the printe r sys tem boa rd ...... ...... ...... ....... ................... ....
vi Chapter 44: Supplies Me nu ............ .............. .......... .............. ........ 151 Chapter 45: Setup Menu ............. .............. .............. .............. ........ 153 Chapter 46: Serial Menu ................. .............. ..
7 1 Printer o ver vie w The following il lustratio n shows the la ser pr inter . Standard output bi n F ront door Standar d tra y Upper right access door (re drive ar ea) Low er right access door (fus.
8 The following illu stration shows the pr inter con figured with a duplex unit and thr ee optional 500-sheet draw ers. The following illu stration shows the pr inter con figured with a duplex unit, one opt ional 500-s heet draw er , and one o ptional 2000-s heet draw er .
9 2 Under standing the printer operator panel The operat or panel has five buttons, a disp la y , and a li ght that flash es when the p rinter is processing a job indi cated by the Busy message.
10 See the menu m ap f or a br ief ov er view of the pr inter me n us av ailable from th e operator pan el. Select Press Sel ect to: • Open the menu show n on the s econd li ne of the d ispla y . • Sav e the displ ay ed m enu ite m as the ne w user def ault setting.
11 3 Sending a job to print T o print a job from a t ypical Windows appl ication: 1 Open the file you want to print . 2 F r om the File menu, select Print . 3 V erify t hat the correc t printer is selecte d in the dialog b o x. 4 Modify th e printer settings as appropri ate (such as the p ages you want to pr int or the numb er of copies) .
12 4 Canceling a print job Cancel a job from the printer operator panel If the job you want to cancel is pr inting, a nd Busy a ppears on th e display: 1 Press Menu until you see Job M en u, an d then press Select . 2 Press Menu until you see Cance l Job , a nd then press Select .
13 5 Conser ving supplies Sev eral settings in your appl ication so ftw are or on the d ispla y let you conser ve toner and pap er: Supply Setti ng What the setting does For more inf ormation, see... T oner T oner Darknes s in the C o lor Menu Lets y ou adju st the amount o f toner released on a shee t of p aper .
14 6 Holding a job in the printer When sendi ng a job to the printe r , you can specify in the driver that you want the printer to hold the job in memo ry . When you are ready to pr int the job , y o u must go to the pr inter and use the operator panel menus to ide ntify which held j ob you w ant to print.
15 Accessing he ld jobs from the operator pane l 1 T o access hel d jobs from the operator panel: – If the pr inter is Bu sy , press Menu and the Job Menu appear s.
16 Repeat Print If you send a Re peat Print job , the prin ter prints al l requested c opies of the job and stores the job in memor y so you can p rint ad ditional cop ies later . Y o u can prin t additional copies as long as the j ob remain s store d in memo r y .
17 Confident i al jobs When you sen d a job to the p rinter , you can enter a p ersonal identi fication numbe r (PIN) from the dri v er. The PIN must be four digits using the numbers 1 – 6.
18 7 P aper and specialty media specifications The following table lis ts suppor ted p aper and sp ecialty med ia sizes and t ypes f or the s tandard and option al tra ys, as well as for the multipur pose feeder .
19 8 Loading the tra ys Loading th e 500-sheet tra ys F ollow these instructi ons to load any of the 500-sheet tra ys. 1 Remov e the tr ay . 2 Squeeze the f ront guide l e ver and sli de the guide t o the front of the t ra y .
20 3 Squee z e the sid e guide lev er and sl ide the gu ide to the corre ct position f o r the size paper you are load ing. Icons along the back of the tray indicate pap er sizes. 4 Flex the sheets b ac k and for th to loos en them, and th en f an them.
21 6 Squeeze the f ront guide l e ver and sli de the guide u ntil it lightly touches the s tac k of pape r . 7 Reinstal l the tra y . Make sure the tray is push ed completel y into the pr inter . Loading th e 2000-sheet tra y F ollow these instr uctions to l oad a 2000-sheet tra y .
22 2 Squeeze the s ide guide l e ver , l ift the guide, and pla ce it into the appropri ate slot for the size paper you are l oading. 3 Squeeze the t wo front guid e le vers and slide t he guide to the correct pos ition for the size pap er you are loading.
23 5 Flex the sheets b ac k and for th to loos en them, and th en f an them. Do not fold or creas e the paper . Straigh ten the edges of the stack on a lev el surface. 6 Place th e paper agains t the back left cor ner of the t r a y , print sid e down.
24 9 Loading the m ultipurpose f eeder Y ou can use the multip urpo se f eeder one of two wa ys: • Pa pe r tr ay — As a pa per tra y , you can load p rint me dia in the feeder with the intention of leaving the me dia in the feeder .
25 3 Flex the sheets b ac k and for th to loos en them, and th en f an them. Do not fold or creas e the pr int media. S traighten the ed ges of the sta c k on a le vel surface. 4 Arrange t he stack of pri nt media corr ectly for the size, type, and pr int method y ou are us ing.
26 10 Linking tra ys • If you load the same size and t ype of paper or specialty me dia in more tha n one tra y , the pri nter automatica lly links the trays.
27 11 Linking bins If you attach an optional fin isher or mai lbo x to your printe r , you can link output bins, or othe rwise specify how the printer sends job s to the bins, by changi ng the Configur e Bins se ttings in the P aper Menu. T o change t he Configure Bi ns setting: 1 Press Menu until you see P aper Me nu, and then pres s Select .
28 12 Tips f or successful printing Storing paper Use the following guid elines to avoid paper feeding problems and unev en p rint qua lity . • Store pa per in an environm ent where the temperature is ap pro ximately 21 ° C (70 ° F) and the relative humi dity is 40% .
29 The following hints c an help you av oid paper jams: • Use only recommended p aper . • Do not load wrinkled , creased, or damp paper . • Flex, f an, and stra ighten paper bef or e you load it. • Do not overload the tra ys or the mul tipur pose f eede r .
30 13 Chec king an unresponsive printer Sometime s prin ter problems are ver y easy t o solve . If your pr inter is not respondin g, first make su re: • The power cord i s plugged into the prin ter and a prope rly grounde d electric al outlet. • The ele ctrical outl et is not tur ned off by any s witch or breaker .
31 14 Under standing jam messages Always clear the enti re paper path w hen you receive any jam messa ge . Multip urpose f eeder 250 Paper Jam Left acces s door (besi de tray 1) 200 Paper Jam 2000-sh .
32 P aper jam messages Mes sage What to do.. . 200 Paper Jam (tra y 1) F ollo w the ins tructions f or Clearing the pa per path . 201 Paper Jam (fuser area) F ollo w the ins tructions f or Clearing the pa per path . If the jam mess age pers ists, paper ma y be caug ht in the fuser .
33 15 Solving print quality pr oblems Y ou can solve many pr int quality problems by replaci ng a supply or maintenan ce item that has re ached the end of i ts intended lif e.
34 Print too dark • The T one r Darkness settin g is too da rk. • The print cartridges are def ective . • Select a diff erent T oner Darknes s setting from the printer driv er bef ore sending the job to prin t. • Replac e the print ca r tridges .
35 White or b lac k line • Either t he print cartridges are def ectiv e, the image tran sf er unit and trans fe r roller are def ective , or the fuser is def ective . 1 First, repl ace the p rint cartr idges . See Replacing prin t cartridges . 2 If yo u still h a ve t he prob lem, rep lace the image tr ansf er unit and transf er roller .
36 Streaked vertical lines • T one r is smea red before fusing to the paper . • If paper is stiff , tr y f eeding from an other tra y . T on er spec ks • The print cartridges are def ective . • The tr ansf er roller is w or n or def ective . • The imag e tra nsf er unit is wor n o r d efecti ve .
37 Incorrect mar g ins • Guides in the se lected tr ay are set f or a diff erent size paper than what is loaded in the tr a y . • Auto size se nsing is set to off , but yo u loaded a diff erent size p aper in a tr ay . Fo r e xampl e , y ou ins erted A4 siz e paper i nto the sel ected tray but did not set the P aper Size to A4.
38 16 Solving option pr oblems Symptom Cause Solut ion The option do es not o perate correctly after it is ins talled, or it stops w orking. The o ption i s not inst alled c orrect ly . R emov e t he opti on, and th en rein stall i t. Cable s conn ecting the option to the printer are not attach ed corr ect ly .
39 Cannot print usi ng the in frared port on the option al T ri-P or t Adapter (continued). A connec tion betw een the two infr ared de vices can not be ma de. • Mak e s ure th e di sta nce betw e en the tw o infrare d ports is 3 m (10 ft) or le ss.
40 17 Solving mailbo x pr ob lems Symptom Ca use Solution P aper jams before reaching the ma ilbo x. The mailb o x and th e printer are misal igned. Realign th e mailbo x and the printer . Ref er to the Setu p Guide f or inst ructio ns. See Clearing m ailbo x jam s f or more inf or mat ion.
41 18 Solving paper feed pr ob lems Symptom Cause So lution P aper frequen tly jams. Y o u are usi ng paper th at does no t meet the printer specific ations . See Clearing the paper path , Clearing fuser j ams , Clear ing ima ge tra nsf er unit jams , or Clearing ma ilbo x jams for more in formation .
42 19 Solving printing pr oblems Symptom Cause Solution The operator p anel disp lay is bl an k or displa ys onl y diamonds. The printer self te st f ailed. T urn the printer o ff, wait about 10 seco nds, and turn the printer back on . Performing Self Test appears on the dis pl a y .
43 Jobs do not print (con tinued) . Y ou are usi ng the wr ong printer dri v er or are pr inti ng to a fi le. • V erify that you s elected the printer driv er associa ted with the printer.
44 Large j obs do not collate. Collate is not set to On. Set Collation to On in the Fi nishing Men u or through the printer driv er . The job is too com ple x. Reduce the c omple xity of the print job b y elim inatin g the nu mber an d size of fonts, the number an d comple xity of im ages , and t he num ber of p ages in the job .
45 20 Calling f or service When you cal l f or printer ser vice, descr ibe the problem you are e xpe riencing , the message on the display , and the troubleshooting s teps you hav e alrea dy taken to find a s olution. Y ou n eed to know your print er model typ e and seri al number .
46 21 Configuring printer aler ts Y ou ca n configure the prin ter se veral ways to let you know wh en it requires attention. Using the Setup Menu Select ing A uto Continue ma y affect how the pri nter aler ts e xecute. This se tting defines how lo ng the pri nter waits after dis playing a messag e bef ore it resumes p rinting .
47 22 Determining the status of supplies T o deter mine the st atus of all o f the consuma b les insta lled in your prin ter , pr int the menu settings pag e . See Printing a menu settings page f or detail ed instr uctions. One or tw o page s prin t depending on the number of me nu settings you have .
48 23 Siz e Sensin g The Size Sen sing menu item lets you disable or enable auto s ize sensing on trays. Size Sensing als o lets the p rinter detect the di ff er ence between si milar paper s izes that it oth erwise cannot.
49 Disabling size sensin g T o disable auto size sensing: 1 T urn th e printe r off . 2 Press and hold the Sele ct and Return buttons, and th en tur n the printe r on. 3 Release t he b uttons wh en Perfor ming Self Tes t a ppears on th e display . When the p rinter self test comp letes, Config Menu appears.
50 24 Or dering supplies and maintenance items Replacin g maintenanc e items as n eeded helps y ou maintai n top performanc e, optimize prin t quality , and av oid p rinting pr ob lems. Or dering a fuser When t he 80 Fuser Maint enance or ITU/Fu ser Maint message ap pears on the displa y , y ou should o rder a new fuser .
51 25 Aligning the image transfer unit F or b est print qu ality , make su re y ou ali gn the image tra nsf er unit after replacem ent or if co lors print to o light ly . T o align th e image transfer unit : 1 On the pr inter operator panel, press and hold Select and Return while tur ning the pri nter on.
52 26 Other maintenance and tr oub leshooting documents Consult th e f ol lo wing tab le to deter mine the name of the PDF file ass ociated with a par ticular maintenan ce or troubleshoo ting task. Y ou can th en share the fil e with other printer us ers b y cop ying it to a shar ed drive or to an i ntranet site.
53 27 Clearing image transfer unit jams 1 T urn th e printe r off . Open the front cov er . 2 Remov e all th e print c ar tridges. a Pull up slightly o n the car tr idge handho ld. b Pull the car trid ge straight out and use the hand le to lift it o ff the guides.
54 3 Release t he latches t o open the multip urp ose feeder all the way . 4 Remov e the image transfer unit. a Raise the le ver to unl oc k the ima ge transfer unit.
55 b Pull down on the handle. c Slide th e image transfer unit out and place it on a clean, fl at surface. W ARNING : Do not touch the transf er bel t.
56 5 Look ins ide the pr inter . Remo ve all tor n paper or other jams. 6 Inser t the image transfer unit back into the pr inter . a Align th e guides with the inser tion groov es.
57 b Push the handle up using both ha nds, and gently slide the uni t in. c Lower the lev e r to lock the image transf er unit into place..
58 7 Retur n the multipu rpos e f ee der to its wor king pos ition. Reinstal l all the pr int car tri dges. F or helping installing the print c ar tridges, refer to the pr inter Setup Guide or Pu b licati ons CD . 8 Clos e the printe r doo r . 9 T urn th e printe r on.
59 28 Remo ving memory and option cards These ins tructio ns can help you remove memor y or option car ds. Use the f ollowing illustration to lo cate the conne ctor for the card you want to re mov e. Accessing the pr inter system board 1 T urn th e printe r off .
60 5 Loosen th e f our screws at t he top of the ac cess cov er , but do not re mo ve the screws compl etely . 6 Remov e the f our scre ws a t the bottom of t he cov er . 7 Slide th e cov e r down to remove it. Remo ving memo ry cards Complete th e f ollowing steps to remov e printer mem ory or flash memor y card s .
61 Remo ving an op tion car d Complete th e f ollowing ste ps to remove an inter nal print ser v e r , T ri-P or t Ad apter , Infrared Adapter , Coax/T winax Adap ter , or USB /P arallel I nterf ac e Card. W ARNING : Option cards are e asily dama ged b y stati c electric ity .
62 3 Gently pul l the three p osts on the h ard disk moun ting plate out of the hole s on the syste m board. 4 Gently pul l the ri b bon cable c onnector out of the connector on the system board. 5 Place th e disk in its or iginal pac kaging , or wrap the disk i n paper and s tore it in a box.
63 Reinstalling the system b oar d access co ver 1 Align th e slots at th e top of the acc ess cov er with the screws near the top of the pr inter . 2 Slide the c o v e r up under the top cov er lip as far as it will go , and then tighten t he screws at the top of the c o ver .
64 29 Restoring factory default settings 1 Make sure the pr inter is on and the Read y messag e appears. 2 Press Menu until you see Utili ties Menu, and th en press Select . 3 Press Menu until you see F actor y Defaults, and then pr ess Select . 4 When Res tore appears, pre ss Sel ect .
65 30 Disab ling the operator panel menus A networ k admini strator can l oc k the prin ter menus to k ee p others from chang ing default menu sett ings from the o perator panel. T o disable the menus : 1 T urn th e printe r off . 2 Press and hold the Sele ct and Return buttons, and th en tur n the printe r on.
66 31 Disab ling P ower Sa ver Disabling Pow e r S a v e r in the Setup M enu helps keep your pri nter ready to print wi thout delays. 1 Press Menu until you see Setup Menu, and then pr ess Selec t . 2 Press Menu until you see P ower Sav er , and then press Select .
67 32 Changing men u settings Y ou can use the operat or panel to chan ge prin ter menu settin gs and customi z e your pr inter to meet your specific needs. Note: Changes to specific pr int jobs ma de from a so ftw are appl ication override the settings made from th e operator panel.
68 33 Printing a men u settings page Pri nt the menu setting s page to revie w the pr inter sett ings and to verify that printer options are instal led corr ectly . Note: See Understanding the printer oper ator panel to identify the display and operator p anel buttons if you need hel p .
69 34 Printing sample f onts Y our p rinter has reside nt f o nts stored permane ntly its memor y . Different f onts may be av ailable in PCL and P ostSc ript emulat ions. T o print samples of a ll the f onts c urrently available f or your pr inter : 1 Make sure the pr inter is on and Ready appears on the display .
70 35 Under standing printer messag es The pr inter operato r panel displ a ys messages d escribi ng the current state of th e printer a nd indicate s possible pr inter problems you must resolve . This topic provide s a list of a ll printer messages, explains what they mean, a nd tells you how to clear the messages.
71 Close Door Close Finish er Door Close T ra y X Door Cop ying D Defragmenti ng Delete All Jobs Deleting Jobs Disab ling Menus Disk Corrupted. Ref or mat? Disk Recov er y x/5 yyy% E Enabl ing Menus E.
72 Pr inter Cal ibrating Print J obs on Disk Printing Alignment P age Printing Directory List Printing F ont List Printing Job Accounting Stat Printing Menu Settings Prog Engine Code Prog System Code .
73 33 Calibr ati on Error <x> 34 Shor t P aper 35 Res Save O ff D e fi cient Me m o r y 37 Insufficient Col lation Area 37 Insufficient Defr ag Memor y 37 Insufficient Memo r y 38 Memor y Full 3.
74 Activating Me nu Changes What this message means: The pr inter is acti v a ting changes ma de to the pr inter settin gs. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear .
75 Busy What this message means: The pr inter is busy receivin g, processing , or print ing data. What you can do: • W ait for the messag e to clear . • Press Menu to open the Jo b Menu and canc el the curren t job . Calibratin g Tray <x> What this message means: A tra y cal ibr ation proced ure is in progres s .
76 Change <x> What this message means: The pr inter is req uesting that a diff erent t ype of paper be l oaded in one of the input s ources. What you can do: Change the paper type i n the specifie d source.
77 Clearing J ob Accounting St at What this message means: The pr inter is d eleting al l job stati stics stored on the hard d isk. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . Close Door What this message means: The pr inter front cov er is open.
78 Copying What this message means: The pr inter is p rocessing a cop y job or iginatin g from an Op traImage ™ scanner . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . Defragment ing What this message means: The pr inter is d efragmenting the flash memor y to reclaim sto r age sp ace occupi ed b y delete d reso urces.
79 Disabling Men us What this message means: The pr inter is r esponding t o a request to di sable the menus. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . Note: While th e menus are di sabled, you cannot ch ange the pr inter set tings from th e operator p anel.
80 Enabling M enus What this message means: The pr inter is re sponding to a r equest to ma k e the me n us available to all user s . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear , then press Men u to view the menus fr om the operator p anel.
81 Fax <x> What this message means: The printer is pr oces sing a n inc oming f ax. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . Flushing B uffer What this message means: The pr inter is fl ushing corr upted pr int data and d iscarding th e current pr int job.
82 Formatting Fl ash What this message means: The pr inter is forma tting the flas h memor y . What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pri nter off while th is message is display ed. Held Jobs may be lost What this message means: The pr inter memor y is too full to co ntinue processing print jobs.
83 Held Jobs May Not Be Restored What this message means: The pr inter memor y can not restore Print and Hold jobs fr om the prin ter hard di sk. What you can do: Press Go to clea r the message. Som e of the Pri nt and Hold jobs st ored on the dis k will not be restor ed.
84 Infrared < x> What this message means: An in frared interface is the ac tiv e commu nication li nk. Insert Staple Ca rtridge What this message means: The sta ple car tr idge in the f inisher is m issing or is installed in correctly . What you can do: • Correctly install th e staple car tr idge to cl ear the messa ge.
85 Invalid En gine Code What this message means: The pr inter engin e code has n ot been programmed or is not valid. What you can do: Call f or service. See also: Calling for service What this message means: The cod e in an inter nal p rint se rver is no t v a lid.
86 Load Manua l What this message means: A reques t f or a manual feed job h as been sent to the printe r . The p rinter is ready for inser tion of a sing le sheet into the manual f eed slot . What you can do: • Load a s heet of the pap er specified in the sec ond line of th e display in the manual f eed tra y or multipur pose feeder .
87 Load Tray <x> What this message means: The pr inter is tr yi ng to f eed pap er from a sourc e it detects is empty . What you can do: • Load paper of the size and type requeste d in the second line of the display in the sp ecified tra y . The pr inter autom atically clear s the message and continues pr inting the j ob .
88 Network Ca rd Busy What this message means: An inter nal pr int se rver (also c alled an int ernal ne twork adapt er or INA) is being reset. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . Network <x > What this message means: A networ k interface is th e activ e co mm uni cation link .
89 No Jobs Fo und. Retry? What this message means: The four-digit pe rsonal identi fication number (P IN) you entered is not a ssociated wit h any confiden tial pr int job . What yo u can do: • Press Go to enter another PIN. • Press Stop to clear the PIN entr y prompt .
90 Performing Self Te st What this message means: The pr inter is r unning t he series of star t-up test s it perform s after it is tur ned on. What you can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . See also: Aligning the image transfer unit Power Saver What this message means: The pr inter is ready to re ceive and process data.
91 Print Jobs on Disk What this message means: Jobs tha t w ere sp ooled to the ha rd disk bef ore the pri nter was last tur ned off have not yet pri nted. What you can do: • Press Go to pr int the jo bs . • Press Return or Sto p to delete the jobs from th e hard disk witho ut print ing them.
92 Printing Font Li st What this message means: The pr inter is p rocessing or print ing a list of al l av a ilable f o nts f or the sp ecified pr inter langu age .
93 Prog Engin e Code What this message means: The printe r is pr ogra mming ne w c ode into t he fl ash m emory . What yo u can do: W ait for the messag e to clear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pri nter off while th is message is display ed. Prog Syste m Code What this message means: The printe r is pr og ramm ing ne w sys tem co de .
94 Programmin g Error P< x> What this message means: An erro r occurred whi le the pri nter was programming cod e into mem ory . What you can do: Correct the problem speci fied on the second lin.
95 Ready What this message means: The pr inter is r eady to recei v e and proces s prin t jobs. What you can do: Send a jo b to pri nt. Ready Hex What this message means: The pr inter is i n He x T race mode and is ready t o receive and proc ess prin t jobs.
96 Remove Paper <specified bin> What this message means: The speci fied output bi n, or bins, is full. What you can do: Remov e the stack of paper from the specified bin(s) to clear the mes sage. Resetting Active Bin What this message means: The pr inter is r esetting to t he active bin in a li nk ed set of bins.
97 Restore He ld Jobs. Go/Stop ? What this message means: Someone reset the pr inter or turn ed it on, and the printe r detects Print and Hold jobs stor ed on the hard disk. What you can do: • Press Go . All Print a nd Hold job s on the hard disk are res tored to pri nter memor y .
98 Restoring Held Job x xx/yyy What this message means: The pr inter is re storing held jobs from the hard disk . Note: xxx r epresents the num ber of the job being res tored. yyy r epresents the t otal number of j obs to be resto red. What you can do: • W ait for the messag e to clear .
99 Setup Require d What this message means: • When you unpacked the pr inter , y ou left a pi ece of packing mate rial insi de . • A hardware component, s uch as an opt ional paper dra wer , has not been in stalled co rrectly . What you can do: • Remov e al l packing mater ial from insi de the pr inter .
100 Supplies What this message means: At lea st one of the p rinter supplies re quires atten tion. For e xample, you may hav e a toner car tr id ge that is low on toner . What you can do: Press Menu to open the Su pplies Menu and identify wh ich supply item need s replacing.
101 Tray <x> M issing What this message means: The speci fied tra y is either mi ssing or not fu lly inser te d into the pr inter . What you can do: Inser t the tra y com pletely into the printer .
102 USB <x> What this message means: The pr inter is p rocessing da ta through the specified USB por t. Waiting What this message means: The pr inter has r eceiv ed a page of data to prin t but is w aiting f or an End of Job command, a F or m F eed com mand, or additi onal data.
103 1565 Emul Error Load Emul Option What this message means: The download emulator version on the f irmware card does not match the p rinter code version. This err or can occur if you up date prin ter firm ware or mov e a fir mware card fr om one printe r to another .
104 30 <color> Toner Cart Missi ng What this message means: The spe cified toner c ar tridg e is either mi ssing or i ncorrectly installed . What you can do: Inser t the toner car tr idge completel y into the pr inter . The printer a utomatically cl ears the message.
105 33 Calibratio n Error <x> What this message means: The pr inter detec ts a calibrat ion error for a par ticu lar color . What you can do: Press Go to con tinue prin ting.
106 35 Res Save Off Deficient Mem ory What this message means: The pr inter lacks th e memor y needed t o enable Resource S a ve. This me ssage usual ly indicat es too much memor y is alloca ted f or one or more of the p rinte r link buff ers. What you can do: • Press Go to dis ab le Resource Save and continue pr inting.
107 37 Insufficie nt Memory What this message means: The pr inter memor y i s full and can not continue pr ocessing cur rent pri nt jobs. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the me ssage and cont inue the current pr int job .
108 39 Complex Page What this message means: The page ma y not pri nt correctly be cause the pr int informa tion on the page is too com ple x. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage and con tinue prin ting the job. The job may not pr int correc tly .
109 52 Flash F ull What this message means: There is not enough fr ee space in the flash mem ory to store the da ta y ou are try ing to download. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage and cont inue printin g. Downloaded fonts and m acros not previously stored in flash memor y a re deleted.
110 What these messa ges mean: The pr inter canno t establish communic ations with an i nstalled ne tw ork por t. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage and con tinue prin ting. The job m a y not print c orrectly . • Program new fir mware f or the ne twork interface by wa y of the parallel p or t.
111 What this message means: Data has b een sent to the printer thro ugh a parallel po rt, but the p arallel por t is disabled. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage. The pri nter discards an y data r eceived through the p arallel por t.
112 58 Input Config Error What this message means: T oo many draw ers with matchi ng tra ys are installed on the pr inter . What you can do: T urn o ff and unplug th e print er .
113 59 Incompatib le <device> What this message means: Y ou h a ve installe d an incompa tible de vice. What you can do: • Remov e the de vi ce and press Go to clear the me ssage. 61 Defective Dis k What this message means: The pr inter de tects a defective hard disk .
114 63 Unforma tted Disk What this message means: The pr inter detec ts an unformat ted hard dis k. What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage and con tinue prin ting. • F or mat the di sk bef ore pe rf orming an y disk oper ation s . T o format t he di sk, sele ct F orm a t Disk from the U tilities Me n u.
115 80 Fuser M aintenance What this message means: The cou nter that tracks wear on the fuser has r eached its limi t. What you can do: • Press Go to con tinue prin ting.
116 82 Waste T oner Bottl e Full What this message means: The tone r w aste container is full. What you can do: Replace t he toner waste co ntainer and press Go to clea r the message. See also: Replacing the toner waste c onta iner 82 Waste T oner Bottl e Missing What this message means: The tone r w aste container is missing.
117 84 Oiler Nearly Exha usted What this message means: The web oil er is near ing the end of its life . What you can do: • Press Go to clear the message and continue pr inting.
118 88 <color> Toner Low What this message means: The pr inter ha s detected tha t the toner s upply in the specified car tridge i s low . If you do not hav e the specifi ed toner car tridg e on hand, or der one now . Y ou can pr int approximately 250 more pag es bef ore the c ar tridge be comes empty .
119 36 Using printer men us Select a menu fro m the f ollowing list for more informa tion. Or , click a lette r in the inde x at the bottom of the page to find a sp ecific menu item that star ts wit h that letter . Click here f or a one -page ov er view of all the me nus and their menu items.
120 A A4 Width Adv anced Status Alarm Control Assign T ype/Bin A uto Continue A uto CR afte r LF A uto LF after CR B Baud Blank P ages C Cancel F ax Cancel Job Collat ion Color Adjust Color Samples &l.
121 Serial Menu Network Menu Inf rar ed Menu LocalT alk Menu USB Menu O Offset P ages Orientation Output Bin Ove rflow Bin P P age Protect P aper Loading P aper Menu P aper Size P aper Source P aper T.
122 37 LocalT alk Men u Use the L ocalT alk Menu to change pr inter se ttings affecting job s sent to th e printe r through a LocalT alk por t. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
123 LocalT alk Addr Purpose: T o identify th e LocalT alk Node number as signed to the printer . This menu item canno t be modified through t he operator panel . LocalT alk Buff er Purpose: T o config ure t he siz e of the Local T alk inpu t b uff er .
124 LocalT alk Zone Purpose: T o identify th e LocalT alk Zone provided by the Lo calT a lk network . This menu item cannot be mod ified through t he operator panel . NPA Hosts Purpose: T o specify t he maximum number of NP A hosts that can regis ter f or NP A aler ts.
125 PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it autom atically switches to PCL emulati on when a pr int job rec eiv ed through t he LocalT alk por t requir es it, regard less of the default pr inter langua ge .
126 38 Job Menu The Job Menu is only availab le wh en the print er is busy proce ssing or pr inting a job, when a pr inter message is display ed, or wh en the pr inter is in Hex T race mode.
127 Confidential Job Purpose: T o pr int confiden tial jobs stor ed in pri nter memor y . (When the Conf idential Job print s, it is automat ically deleted fr om printer m emor y .
128 Print Buff er Purpose: T o print any data stored in the prin t buff er . Note: Pri nt Buff er is only av ailable when you enter the Job Menu whi le Wait ing is displayed. The W aiting sta te occurs if an incomp lete job is sen t to the pr inter or an ASCII job, such as a print screen co mmand, is pr inting.
129 39 Infrared Men u Use the Inf r ared M enu to change pr inter sett ings affecting jobs s ent to the pr inter throug h an infrared por t. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
130 Infrared Buff er Purpose: T o configu re the size of the i nfrared input buffer . V alues: Note: Changing t he Infrared Bu ff er menu item automat ically res ets the pri nter . See also: Reso urce S a ve Infrar ed P o rt Purpose: T o activate the infrared por t.
131 Max Baud Rate Purpose: T o specify t he rate at which da ta can be recei v e d through the infrared por t. V alues: The max imum baud poss ib le for both the pr inter an d the infrared adapter is autom atically s et during a power on rese t.
132 PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it au tomatically switche s to PCL emulati on when a pr int job r eceived through t he infrared por t r equires it, r egardless of the def ault pr inter lan guage.
133 T ransmit Dela y Purpose: T o define the am ount of time, in seco nds, the printe r must wait bef ore transm itting meaning ful infrared data to the host compute r , as well as t he amount of time the pr inter reque sts that the h ost computer wait before transmitting i nfr ared data.
134 40 Finishing Menu Use the Fin ishing Menu to define how the pr inter delivers the pr inted outp ut. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings. Blank P ages Purpose: T o specify w hether to inc lude applic ation-gene rated b lank p ages as par t of y our printed outp ut.
135 Collation Purpose: T o keep the pages of a print job stacked in seque nce, par ticular ly when pr inting mult iple copies of the job. V alues: Copies Purpose: T o set the num ber of copie s y o u want f or the pr inter default value. (Set the n umbe r of copies requ ired f or a s pecific job fr om the pr inter dr iv er .
136 Duplex Bind Purpose: T o define th e w a y duple x ed pag es would be boun d, and how the pri nting on the b ac k of the s heet (e ven-numbered pages) is or iented in relation to the printin g on the front (odd-number ed pages). V alues: See also: Duplex Hole Pun ch Purpose: T o punch holes along the edge o f all printe d output.
137 Multip a ge Or der Purpose: T o deter mine the positioning of multiple pag e images whe n using Mult ipage Pr int. The po sitioning depends o n the number of i mages and wh ether the images are por trait or lan dscape in or ientation .
138 Multip a ge Print Purpose: T o print multiple page i mages on one side of a sh eet of paper . Also cal led n-up or Paper Sav er . V alues: See also: Multipage Border ; Multipage Order ; Multipage View Multip a ge View Purpose: T o deter mine the or ientation of a multipage s heet.
139 Sepa rator S heets Purpose: T o inser t blank se parator sheets between jobs, between multiple copies of a job , or between each page of a j ob . V alues: See also: Separator Sour ce ; Collation Sepa rator Sour ce Purpose: T o specify t he paper so urce that hol ds separator s heets.
140 Staple Job Purpose: T o set stapli ng as the default for all pr int jobs. (Selec t stapling f rom the pri nter dr iv er if you want to staple on ly specif ic jobs.) V alues: Staple Prim e Sr c Purpose: T o specify t he paper so urce you want the pri nter to use when it pr imes the stapl er .
141 41 Color Men u Use the Col or Menu to adju st pri nt quality an d customize colo r prin ting. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
142 Manual Color Purpose: T o let users c ustomize colo r correction outpu t from the ope rator panel. V alues: RGB Image Viv id : Applies a color correction algorithm that produ ces brigh ter , more satura ted co lors. Ma y be s elected for all incoming c olor f or mats .
143 Print Mode Purpose: T o deter mine whether images are p rinted i n a monochrome gr ayscale or in col or . V alues: Note: Selecti ons made in the pr inter P ostScri pt or PCL drivers for Windows will ov er ride other se lections. Prin t Re s o lu ti on Purpose: T o define th e number of dots pr inted pe r inch (dpi).
144 42 Utilities Men u Use the Uti lities Menu to print a v ar iety of li stings re lating to availab l e pr inter resou rces, printe r settings, and print jobs.
145 Def r ag m en t Flas h Purpose: T o retri e ve storage area lost when resource s are deleted fr om flash me mory . V alues: W ARNING : Do not tur n off the pr inter while th e flash is defrag menting. F ac tory Defaul t s Purpose: T o retur n your prin ter settings to the f a ctor y def ault values.
146 Format Flash Purpose: T o f or mat the flash me mor y . V alues: W ARNING : Do not tur n off the pr inter while th e flash is formatti ng. Hex T race Purpose: T o help isolate the source of a pri nt job problem. With Hex T race sel ected, all data sent to the printer is pri nted in hexadecimal an d character repres entation.
147 Print Directory Purpose: T o print a list of all the resources stored in flas h memor y or on the hard disk. Note: Pri nt Director y is av ailable only when eithe r a nondef ective flash or disk is ins talled and format ted, and Job B uff er Size is not s et to 100%.
148 43 USB Men u Use the US B Menu to change printe r settings aff ec ting a Universal Se rial Bus (USB) por t (USB Option <x> ). Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
149 MA C Binary PS Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter to proces s Macintosh b inar y P ostS cript pr int jobs. V alues: NPA Mode Purpose: T o specify w hether the pr inter p erf o rms the special pr ocessing r equired for bidirectio nal communica tion, following the co n vention s defined in the Network Pr inting A lliance (NP A) P rotocol.
150 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it au tomatically switche s to P ostS cript emula tion when a pr int job re ceived through t he USB por t requi res it, regardl ess of the de f a ult printer l anguage.
151 44 Supplies Men u The Sup plies Menu provide s inf or mation about printer supplies that require at tention. It is only av ai lab le when a supply is low or needs repl acement. Select a menu item for more det ails: <color> T oner Purpose: T o view the status of the color pr int car tr idges.
152 W aste Bottle Purpose: T o view the status of the toner waste con tainer . V alues: Note: Once the toner waste contai ner reaches Full, the pr inter will pr int up to 15 more pages fr om the buff e r and then st op until the c ontainer is replaced.
153 45 Setup Men u Use the S etup Menu to configu re a variety of p rinter features. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings. Alarm Control Purpose: T o establish wheth er the prin ter sounds an alarm when the pr inter requi res operator inter vention.
154 A u to Continue Purpose: T o define th e amount of time (in seco nds) the pr inter waits aft er displaying an o perator inter vention error mes sage before it resumes printing. V alues: Displa y Language Purpose: T o deter mine the lan guage of th e te x t on the operator pa nel display .
155 Hole Punch Alarm Purpose: T o specify h o w the printe r responds wh en the hole pu nch bo x beco mes full. V alues: See also: A uto Continue Jam Rec o very Purpose: T o establish wheth er the prin ter repri nts jammed page s . V alues: Off* Hole Punch Wast e Full i s dis pla y ed until s omeo ne emp ties th e h ole pun ch bo x.
156 Job Accounting Purpose: T o store st atistical infor mation abou t y our most rec ent prin t jobs on the har d disk. The stati stics include whether th e job pr inted with or wit hout errors, the .
157 P age Pr otec t Purpose: T o successf ully pr int a page that ma y otherw ise generate Complex Page errors. V alues: If, after selectin g On, y ou still c annot print the page, you ma y also hav e to reduce the size and number of fonts on the p age, or increa se the insta lled pr inter memor y .
158 Print Ar ea Purpose: T o modify the logical and ph ysical p rintable area. V alues: Note: The Who le P ag e setting onl y affects pages p rinted using PCL 5 inte rpr eter . Th is setting has no effect on pages pr inted us ing the PCL XL or P ostScr ipt in terp reters.
159 Print er Usage Purpose: T o deter mine the beha vior of the image tran sf er unit dur ing prin ting. V alues: Resour ce Save Purpose: T o deter mine what the prin ter does with dow nloaded resour ces, such as f onts and macros stored in RAM, if the printer r eceives a job that r equires mor e memor y than is available .
160 T oner Alarm Purpose: T o specify h o w the pr inter resp onds when it i s low on toner . V alues: See also: A uto Continue W ait Time out Purpose: T o specify the amount of time (i n seconds) the pri nter waits to receive additio nal bytes of data from the comput er .
161 46 Serial Menu Use the S erial Menu to change pr inter setting s affecting jobs s ent to the pri nter throug h a serial por t (either Standard Ser ial or Ser ial Opt <x>). Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked with an aste risk (*) are the factory de f a ult settings.
162 Data Bits Purpose: T o specify t he number of data bits that are s ent in each transmission frame. V alues: Ho n or DS R Purpose: T o deter mine whether the printe r uses the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal. DS R is one of the handshak ing signals f o r most ser ial interface cables.
163 NPA Mode Purpose: T o specify w hether the pr inter p erf o rms the special pr ocessing r equired for bidirectio nal communica tion, following the co n vention s defined in the Network Pr inting A lliance (NP A) P rotocol. V alues: Note: Changing t his menu ite m automatica lly reset s the pr inter .
164 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it autom atically switche s to P ostS cript emula tion when a print job r eceived through t he serial por t requires it, regardless of the default printer language.
165 RS-422 P olarity Purpose: T o establish the b ehavior of the pos itive and negative signal s when using RS-422 ser ial communica tion. V alues: Serial Buffer Purpose: T o configu re the size of the s erial in put buff e r . V alues: Note: Changing t he Seri al Buff er menu i tem automatic ally resets the printer .
166 Serial Pr otocol Purpose: T o select the hardware and s oftw are han dshaking values for the se rial in terf ace. V alues: DTR* Hardw are ha ndshakin g. DTR/DSR Hardw are ha ndshakin g. XON/XOFF Softw are hands haking. XON/XOFF/DTR Combi ned hardw are and softw are handshakin g.
167 47 P ostScript Menu Use the P ostSc ript Menu to ch ange pri nter settin gs that only aff ect jobs us ing the P ostScr ipt emulatio n pri nter language. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
168 Image Smoothing Purpose: T o enhance the contrast a nd shar pness o f low resolu tion bitmappe d images (s uch as ima ges downloaded fr om the World Wide W eb) and smooth their color trans itions. V alues : Note: Image Smo othing has no eff ec t on images that are 300 d pi or higher res olution.
169 48 PCL Em ul Menu Use the P CL Emul Menu to change printer s ettings that o nly affec t jo bs using the PC L emulation pri nter language. Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
170 A uto CR after LF Purpose: T o specify w hether the printer a utomaticall y perf or ms a car riage re turn a fter a line feed contro l comma nd. V alues: A uto LF after CR Purpose: T o specify w hether the pr inter autom atically perfor ms a line feed after a car riage retu rn c ontrol comma nd.
171 Font Sour ce Purpose: T o deter mine the se t of f onts di spla yed in the Font Name me n u item. V alues: See also: Font Name Lines per P age Purpose: T o deter mine the n umber o f lines that p rint on each page.
172 Orienta tion Purpose: T o deter mine how text and graphics ar e orien ted on the page. V alues: Pitc h Purpose: T o specify t he f ont pitc h f or scalable mo nospaced fonts. V alues: Pitch refers to the number of fi x ed- space character s in a hor izontal inch of type.
173 Symbol Set Purpose: T o choose a symbol set for a sp ecified font name. V alues: A symbo l set is a set of alphabe tic and numer ic characters, pu nctuation, an d special sy mbols used when pr inting with a selected font.
174 49 P arallel Men u Use the Parallel Menu to c hange pr inter settin gs aff ecting j obs sent to t he print er through a pa r allel por t (eith er Std P arallel or P a r all el Opt < x>). Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
175 Honor Init Purpose: T o deter mine whet her the pri nter honors h ardware initializa tion reques ts from the com puter . Th e comput er requests ini tialization by ac tiv ating the INIT signal on the parallel interface. Many persona l computers activate the INIT signal ea ch time the c omputer is tur ned on and off .
176 NPA Mode Purpose: T o specify w hether the pr inter p erf o rms the special pr ocessing r equired for bidirectio nal communica tion, following the co n vention s defined in the Network Pr inting A lliance (NP A) P rotocol. V alues: Note: Changing t his menu ite m automatica lly reset s the pr inter .
177 P arallel Mod e 1 Purpose: T o control th e pull-up r esistors on the parallel por t signals. This m enu item is useful f or person al computer s that hav e open c ollector outp uts on the paralle l por t signals.
178 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it autom atically switche s to P ostS cript emula tion when a print job r eceived through t he parallel por t r equires it, rega rdless of the def ault p rinter lan guage.
179 50 P aper Men u Use the Paper Menu to defi ne the paper loaded in eac h paper tra y and th e def ault pa per source and output bin . Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
180 Assign T ype/Bin Purpose: T o send pr int jobs to a specific ou tput bin base d on the reque sted paper type. V alues (f or Standard Bin* and Bin <x>): Note: If a user-de fined name is a v ailab le, it is display ed instead of Cus tom <x> Bin.
181 Configure MP Purpose: T o deter mine when the printer selects pap er loaded in the multipur pose feeder . V alues: Custom T ypes Purpose: T o specify t he kind of pa per associated w ith each of the Custom T ypes availab le in the P aper T ype menu item.
182 Overf lo w Bin Purpose: T o design ate an output bi n as the ov erflow bin. If Configure B ins is set to M ail Overflo w and a specific output b in is full, the printer au tomaticall y div er ts pr inted mater ial to the overflow bin. V alues: Note: If a user -defined bin i s a vailable , it is display ed inste ad of Bin <x>.
183 Pa p e r S i z e Purpose: T o identify th e def ault pa per size f or each paper sourc e . F or trays with automati c size sens ing, only the v alue detected by the hard w are is displa y e d.
184 P aper T exture Purpose: T o identify th e te xture of the paper loade d in a spec ific source and to ensure th at characters p rint clear ly . V alues: First se lect a paper type: Then se lect a value: Note: The default for Bond T exture is Rough i nstead of Nor mal.
185 P a per T ype Purpose: T o identify th e type of pape r installed i n each paper source. V alues: First se lect a paper source: Then se lect a value: The Paper T y pe default f or eac h en velope source is Env elope.
186 P a per W eight Purpose: T o identify th e relative weight of the p aper loaded in a specific source an d ensure tha t the toner adheres properly to the prin ted page. V alues: First se lect a paper type: Then se lect a value: Note: If a user -defined nam e is a v ai lable , it is display ed in stead of Custo m <x> Weight.
187 Univer sal Setup Purpose: T o deter mine the def au lt size when the Paper Size set ting f or a tray or f eeder is Universal. V alues: First se lect a unit o f measure ( * denotes a cou ntry -specific f a ctory def ault value): Then se lect the values: Inches * Millimete rs * Po r t ra i t W i d th =3.
188 51 Network Menu Use the Net work Menu to c hange prin ter settings af f e cting jobs sent to the pr inter th r ough a networ k por t (eith er Standard Ne tw ork or Network O pt <x>). Select a menu item for more det ails: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk (*) are th e f ac tor y default settings.
189 MA C Binary PS Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter to proces s Macintosh b inar y P ostS cript pr int jobs. V alues: Netw ork Buffer Purpose: T o confi g ure t he s iz e of th e net work inpu t b uff er . V alues: Note: Changing t he Networ k Buffer menu item a utomaticall y resets t he prin ter .
190 NPA Mode Purpose: T o specify w hether the pr inter p erf o rms the special pr ocessing r equired for bidirectio nal communica tion, following the co n vention s defined in the Network Pr inting A lliance (NP A) P rotocol. V alues: Note: Changing t his menu ite m automatica lly reset s the pr inter .
191 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o configu re the pri nter so it au tomatically switche s to P ostS cript emula tion when a pr int job re ceived through t he network p or t requires i t, regardles s of the default pr inter language.
192 52 Under standing f onts Resident fonts Y our pr inter is equipped wit h resident fonts sto red per manently in printer m emor y . Different f onts ar e av ai lable in PCL 6 and P ostSc ript 3 emulati ons. Some of the m ost popular ty pef ac es, like Courier and Times Ne w Roman, ar e a v aila b l e f or all pr inter l anguages.
193 ITC Book man Demi Italic Bookman-De miItalic Clarend on Co nd ens ed Bold Coronet Coro net-Regular Cour ier PS Cour ier CourierPS Ob li qu e Courier-Ob li que CourierPS Bold Courier-Bold CourierPS.
194 Courier Bold Intl-Courier-Bold Cour ier B old Ita lic Intl -Cour ier- BoldObliq ue Letter Gothi c LetterGot hic Letter Gothi c Italic LetterGot hic -Sla nte d Letter Gothi c Bold LetterGot hic -Bo.
195 Wingding s Wingd ings-Regul ar ITC Zapf Chance r y M edium Ita lic ZapfCha ncery-MediumIta lic ITC Zapf Dingbat s Zap fDingba ts Univ ers-Extend ed Univ ers-Extend edOb l Univ ers-BoldExt Univ ers.
196 Copperplate-Thi r tyT woBC Copperplate-Thi r tyT hreeBC Eurostile Eurostile- Bold Eurostile- ExtendedT wo Eurostile- BoldExte ndedT wo GillSans GillSans -Italic GillSans -Bold GillSans -BoldItali .
197 Resident bitmapped f onts Symbol sets A symbol set is an encoded c ollection of a lphabetic an d numeric c haracters, punctuation , and specia l characters a vailab le in th e f ont you select. S ymbol sets s uppor t the req uirements for different langu ages or specif ic applicati ons, such as ma th symbols u sed for scientific text.
198 Y ou ca n download scala b le fonts in P ostScr ipt 3 emula tion and eithe r scalable or bitmap ped fonts in PCL 6 em ulati on. F ont s can be do wnl oaded to prin ter me mory , or to a fl ash m emory opt ion or hard disk op tion.
199 53 Notices • Editio n notice • Licensing notice • Safet y informat ion • Cautions and w arnings • Electr onic emission notices • Noise emis sion le vels • Laser notice Edition not i ce A ugust 2 0 0 1 © Copyright 2001 Lexmark Internation al, Inc.
200 Click the title o f the docum ent you w ant t o re view: The Lexmar k modified GN U licensed sof tware is free s oftw are; y ou can r edistribute it and/or modif y it under the terms of the licen ses ref erence d abov e. These licen ses do not pr o vide you any r ights to th e Lexmark copyrigh ted software in this printer .
201 Electr onic emission notices With a netw ork cab le or high-capacity output finisher installed Federal Comm unications Commission (FCC) compliance i nfor mation statement The pri nter has been te sted and f ound to com ply with the limits for a Class A digita l de vice, pursuant to P a rt 15 of the FCC Ru les.
202 Japanese VCCI notice Without a networ k cable or high-capacity output finisher installed Federal Comm unications Commission (FCC) compliance i nfor mation statement The pri nter has been te sted and f ound to com ply with the limits for a Class B digita l de vice, pursuant to P a rt 15 of the FCC Ru les.
203 Europ ean Communi ty (EC) directives conf ormity This p r oduct is in con f or mity with the protecti on requiremen ts of EC Council directives 89/336/ EEC and 73/ 23/EEC on the appro ximatio n an.
204 Index A A4 Width (PCL Emul Menu) 169 Adapter, T ri-Port 38 adjus ting color 141, 142, 143, 159 Advance d Status (Pa rallel Me nu) 174 Alarm Cont rol (Setup M enu) 1 53 alar ms error mess ages 154 .
205 Font Name (PCL Emul Menu) 170 Font Priority (PostScr ipt Me nu) 167 Font Sourc e (PCL Emul Menu) 171 fonts choosin g in PC L em ul ati on 170 downloa dable 197 printing fo nt sampl es 69 prin ting.
206 language 15 4 main list of 11 9 printing m enu setti ngs page 68 select ing 10 menu it ems 10 numer ical val ues 9 messa ges <type> in <source> .
207 Tray <x> M issing 101 Tray <x> No t Calibrated 101 USB <x> 1 02 Waitin g 102 Multi page Bo rder (F inishin g Menu) 136 Multipa ge Or der (Finish ing Menu ) 137 multi page pr int .
208 tra y renumb er 1 73 PCL Sma rtSwitch (Infra red Menu) 132 PCL Sma rtSwitch (Loc alTalk Menu) 12 5 PCL Sm artSwi tch (Ne twork Me nu) 190 PCL Sma rtSwitch (Paral lel Menu ) 177 PCL Sm artSwi tch (.
209 PS SmartSwitc h, sett ing See also printer l angua ge 158 infrared port 1 32 LocalTal k port 125 network port 191 parallel port 178 serial po rt 164 USB port 1 50 R removing firmware card 62 flas .
210 Defragment Fla sh 145 Factory D efaults 145 Format Dis k 145 Format Fla sh 14 6 Hex Trace 146 Job Acct Stat 146 Print Demo 146 Print Dire ctory 147 Print Fonts 147 Print Menu s 147 Print Net<x&.
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Readers’ Comments — We’d Like to Hear from Y ou G510-2178-00 G510-2178-00 IBMR Cut or Fold Along Line Cut or Fold Along Line Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape NO POST AGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED ST A TES BUSINESS REPL Y MAIL FIRST -CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO.
IBMR Part Number: 53P9629 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber . G510-2178-00 (1P) P/N: 53P9629.
デバイスIBM 1220の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
IBM 1220をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIBM 1220の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。IBM 1220の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。IBM 1220で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
IBM 1220を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIBM 1220の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、IBM 1220に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIBM 1220デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。