IBMメーカーINFOPRINT 1116の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 Inf o p rin t 1 1 1 6 U s e r’s R e f e r e n ce S510-2166-00 .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 Inf o p rin t 1 1 1 6 U s e r’s R e f e r e n ce S510-2166-00 .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 i T a b l e o f c o n t e n t s Chapter 1: Printer overview .............................................................. 5 About your pr inter . ................................. .............................
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 ii Chapter 10: Loading labels .................................................. .......... 31 In tray 1 .......... ................................ .......................... .......................... .......
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 iii Notices .............. .................. ................... ....................... .................. 107 Edition noti ce ..................... ................................ ..........................
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 iv.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 5 1 P r i n t e r o v e r v i e w About y o ur printer Three pr inter models are av ailable: the entr y mode l, the standard model, and the network model. The diff e rences between these three models are lis ted in the follo w ing table.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 6 Press the ope rator panel with a double-button press (press and relea se twice quickly) to display additional erro r codes or to scroll through the sp ecial function menu s ettings. Use this feature: When you want to: T ra y 1 Load up to 150 sheets of paper or 10 she ets of other media.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 7 2 U s i n g t h e o p e r a t o r p a n e l The operator panel has 6 lights and 1 ope rator panel button. When the: The printer: Ready/Data light is on is ready to receiv e and process data. Ready/Data light is bl in king is busy rece iving or processing data.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 8 As shown in the illustration, ligh ts that are on, off, or b l inking ind icate diff e rent pr inter conditio ns such as printer s tatus, or the pri nter requires a ttention (for e xample, out of p aper) or the pr inter requir es ser vicing.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 9 3 C a n c e l i n g a p r i n t j o b Fr om t he printer operat or panel If the job you want to cancel is pr inting and t he Ready/Data light i s blinking, do a long button press (approximately 3 seconds) to rese t the printe r , which cancels the job .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 10 4 S e t t i n g u p a p r i n t j o b Once yo ur printer is set up an d y our drivers ar e installed, yo u are ready to print.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 11 Now print the env elope: 1 Load an env e lope ver tically , flap side down, with the stamp area in the top le ft cor ner in the manual f ee d. 2 F rom the File menu, select Pr int (or Pr inter) Setu p to open your printer dr iver .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 12 Printing fr om a Macintos h computer F or example, you are using Mac OS 9 and want to print a l etter on letterhead paper and an enve lope: 1 Load letterhead with the top of the p age pointing down facing y o u in tra y 1.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 13 5 C h o o s i n g t h e r i g h t p r i n t m ed i a Selecting the ri ght paper or other media reduces prin ting problems . F or best pr int quality , tr y a sample of the paper or othe r media you are consider ing before buying large quantities.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 14 Media types and sizes Media Size W eight Capacity P aper A4, A5, B5, letter , legal, ex ecutive 16–43 lb (60–163 g/m 2 ) 16–43 lb (60–163 g/m 2 ) 16.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 15 6 P r i n t e r m e d i a s o u r c e s Y our printer has t wo s tandard paper sourc es: an automatic paper f eeder , which hol ds up to 150 sh eets of plain paper , and a single-sheet manual fe ed. Use tra y 1 for mo st print jo bs.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 16 T o increase paper capacity , you can purchase the optional t ra y 2, whi ch holds up to 250 she ets of paper .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 17 7 L o a d i n g p a p e r In tray 1 1 Extend the rear pape r suppor t until you hear a click. 2 Fle x the sheets b ack and for th to loosen them, then fan them.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 18 3 If loading letterhe ad paper , inser t letterhead with the top of the page p ointing down, facing you. Note: Prepr inted papers s uch as letterhead must be able to withstand temperatures up to 200° C (392° F) without melting o r releasing hazar dous emissions.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 19 5 Extend the front paper su ppor t on the paper output b in u ntil y ou h ear a click. If y o u are p rinti ng on legal-sized paper , completely extend the front paper sup por t. 6 Select the p aper size and type from your software application.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 20 3 Slide the paper gu ides flush aga inst the edges o f the paper . 4 Select the p aper size and type from your software application. 5 Star t your prin t job . 6 Briefly (approximately one second) push the operator panel button to star t printing.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 21 In the optional tra y 2 1 Grasp the tabs on either side of the tray and pull i t completely ou t of the pr inter . 2 Bef o re loading paper , push down on the metal plate until it locks into place. 3 If loading A4 or l egal sized paper , extend the paper suppor t.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 22 4 Fle x the sheets b ack and for th to loosen them, then fan them. 5 If loading letterhe ad paper , ins er t le tterhead face down w ith the top o f the page enter ing the printer fi rst. 6 Do not e xceed the sta ck height indicator ; overfilling the tra y may cause paper jams.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 23 9 Reinstall the tray firmly into t he print er . If the tra y is not pushed a ll the wa y in, t he paper may not f ee d properl y . 10 Select the paper si ze from y ou r software application. 11 Star t your prin t job .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 24 8 L o a d i n g t r a n s p a r e nc ie s When pr inting on transparenc ies, use transparencies design ed f or l aser pri nters. In tray 1 1 Extend the rear pape r suppor t until you hear a click. 2 T o reduce curling or potential jams, open the fron t output door for a straight-through pape r path.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 25 3 Fle x the transparency she ets back and f or th to loosen them, then fan them. 4 Load up to 10 t ransparencies with the s ide you want to print on facing y o u. Note: T ransparencies must be able to withstand temperatures of 20 0° C (392° F) without melting or relea sing hazardous emis sions.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 26 In the manual feed Use the manual feed to print one transpar ency at a time. 1 T o reduce curling or potential jams, open the fron t output door for a straight-through pape r path. 2 Slide the paper gu ides flush aga inst the edges o f the transparency .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 27 6 When the Load Paper light blinks and the Press Butto n light comes on, p lace another transparency in the m anual f eed.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 28 9 L o a d i n g e n v e l o p es Load up to 10 envelopes in tra y 1 or loa d env elope s one at a time in the manual feed. In tray 1 1 Extend the rear pape r suppor t until you hear a click. 2 Open the front o utput door for a straight-through paper pa th.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 29 3 Load up to 10 envelopes in the center of tra y 1 and adj ust the paper gu ides to fit the width of the env elop es.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 30 2 Load an env elope in the center of the manual f e ed and adjust the paper guides to fit the width of the env el ope. 3 Select the p aper size and type from your software application. 4 Star t your prin t job .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 31 1 0 L o a d i n g l a b e l s F or occasional label p rinti ng, use paper labels designed fo r laser pr inters. Y ou can load l a bels one a t a time from the ma nual f ee d, or you can load up to 10 she ets of labels i n tra y 1.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 32 3 Fle x the label sh eets back and f o r th to l oosen them, then fan them. 4 Load up to 10 labe l sheets with th e side you want to print on facing you. Note: Use labels wit h a pressure of 25 psi that ca n withstand tempe ratures of 200° C (392° F) without releasing hazardous emissi ons.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 33 In the manual feed Use the manual feed to print one labe l sheet at a time. If you e xp erienc e problems f eedin g labels in tra y 1, tr y p rint ing one sheet at a time from th e manual f ee d. 1 Extend the front pa per suppor t on the paper output bi n until you hear a click.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 34 4 Slide the paper gu ides against t he edges of the la bel sheet. 5 Select the p aper size and type from your software application. 6 Star t your prin t job . 7 Briefly (approximately one second) push the operator panel button to star t printing.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 35 1 1 L o a d i n g c a r d s t o c k F or o ccasional pr inting on index Bris tol or tag card stock, load up t o 10 sheets of c ard stock or inde x cards in tra y 1. Load o ne sheet of ca rd stock or one inde x card at a time in the manual feeder .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 36 4 Slide the paper gu ides against t he edges of the c ard stock. 5 Select the p aper size and type from your software application. 6 Star t your prin t job . In the manual feed Use the manual feed to print one she et of card stock or one index card at a time.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 37 3 Slide the paper guid es against the e dges of the index card. 4 Select the p aper size and type from your software application. 5 Star t your prin t job . 6 Briefly (approximately one second) push the operator panel button to star t printing.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 38 1 2 P r i n t i n g o n b o t h s i d e s of t h e p a p e r Printing on both sides of the paper reduces p rinting costs. Select Dup le x from your printer dr iver to f o r mat your job to print e very ot her page of the document first.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 39 Shor t E dge means the pa ges are bound a long the shor t edge of the page. Bac k of sheet F ront of sheet Bac k of sheet F ront of sheet Landscape P or tra.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 40 1 3 C o n s e rv i n g s u p p l i e s Conser ving su pplies lowers printing costs. • When pr inting drafts, conser ve toner by changing the Pri nt Darkn ess setting in your pr inter driver . The settings range fro m V er y Light to V er y Dark.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 41 1 4 R e p l a c i n g t h e p r i n t c a rt r i d ge Remo vin g the old pr int car tridg e The T oner Low light comes on when th e print car tr idge is getting low on toner . Note: On the entr y model, the T oner Low light does not co me on if the stan dard 1,500- page pr int car tridge is install ed.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 42 2 Grasp the car tr idge han dle and pull the print car tridge straig ht up (it may be warm). 3 Set the pri nt car tr idge asid e. W ARNING : W e d o not recommend refilling used printer c ar tr idges or purc hasing refilled car tr idges from a third par ty .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 43 b Holding the handle, tilt the ca r tr idge down and guide it b etween the print car tridge groo ves. c Push down on the car t ridg e until it is fir ml y in place. CAUT ION: A void touching the fus er , it may be hot! 5 Close the pr inter cov e r .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 44 1 5 C l e a r i n g j a m s If print media jams in the prin ter , the P ap er Jam light prompts you to clear the pap er path. If media has jus t star ted to f eed from tra y 1 when the jam occurs: 1 Pull the media straight up out of tra y 1.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 45 If the jam occurs in the fuser : 1 Open the pr inter cov e r . 2 Remove the print car tridge (it ma y be war m). Note: Exposing the photoconduct or to light may damage the print car tr idge. After you remov e the print car tridge from the printer , cover it or store it in a clean, dark plac e.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 46 A jam may occur if the output bin i s too full and the m edia is unable to e x it the pr inter : 1 Empty the media from the output b in.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 47 2 Lift the pri nter off the supp or t uni t. 3 Clear the jam. 4 Align the pr inter with the front of the supp or t unit and place it on top of the suppor t unit. 5 T urn on the pr inter and resend your print j ob .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 48 3 Reinstall the tray and resume pri nting..
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 49 1 6 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e o p e r a t o r p a n e l l i g h t s The operator panel light s mean different things, depending on their se quence.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 50 Flushing page 56 Flushing and toner lo w page 56 Load manual feed page 57 Load manual feed and toner low page 57 Load tra y 1 or the optional tray 2 page 58.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 51 The Error and Pres s Button light s indicate a secondar y error has occurred. The following tabl e shows the seconda r y error codes tha t are display ed when you press the operator panel button with a double- b utton press.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 52 The f ol lowing table shows the light sequences in the special functio n menu . J ust click on the indicated page f o r more information on what it means and what you can do .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 53 What this light sequence mean s: The pr inter is ready to re ceive and process data. What you can do: • Send a pr int job . • Print a test page by pushing the o perator panel button with a brief button pre ss.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 54 What this light sequence mean s: The p r inter is busy receiv ing or processing data, or printi ng a test page. What you can do: • Cancel the job. Push the operator panel button until all the lights c ome on to reset the p rinter.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 55 What this light sequence mean s: The pr inter is waiting until a pr int timeout occurs or until i t receives additional data. What you can do: • Print data stored in the prin ter buff er by pushing the operator panel button with a br ief button press.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 56 What this light sequence mean s: The pri nter is flushing corrupted print d ata. What you can do: • W ait until the operator pan el retur ns to Ready /Data to pri nt other jobs. What this light sequence mean s: The pri nter is flushing corrupted print d ata.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 57 What this light sequence mean s: The pr inter prompts you to load a si ngle sheet of media in the manual feed. What you can do: • Load media, with the side to b e printe d f ac ing the front of the pr inter , in to the manual feed.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 58 What this light sequence mean s: The p rinter is out of media or env e lopes, or the med ia did n ot fe ed proper ly . What you can do: • Load media into tra y 1 or th e optional tray 2 and push the operator pane l button to resume prin ting.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 59 What this light sequence mean s: Print the other side of yo ur duplex print job. What you can do: • Re-inser t your pr int job in tra y 1 us ing the instr uctions in the driver pop-up menu to ori ent the pages correctly .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 60 What this light sequence mean s: The pr inter detects a p aper jam. In add ition, the toner in t he print car tr idge is getting low . What you can do: • Open the pr inter cover , clear all media from the paper path and close the cover to resume printi ng.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 61 What this light sequence mean s: The pri nter top cov e r is open or the prin t car tr idge is not installed. In addition, the toner in the print car tr idge is getting low . What you can do: • Close the cover to displa y th e light sequenc e that appeared before the cov er was open ed.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 62 What this light sequence mean s: The pri nter flash memor y is full. What you can do: • Print data without s a ving it in flas h memor y by pushing the o perator p anel b utton with a brief butt on press. • Cancel the job.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 63 What this light sequence mean s: The pr inter has one of the f ollowing errors: • Memor y is full • Received a page that is too com ple x to print • R.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 64 What you can do: F rom the special function menu , press the operator pan el button with a double-but ton press to d ispla y the specific error . • Remove the print car tridg e and shake it to extend the life of the car tr idge.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 65 What this light sequence means w hen you press the operator panel button with a double-button press from the special function menu : The pri nter has rece ived a page that is too complex to print. What you can do: • Reduce the com ple x ity of the job an d/or the resolution.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 66 What this light sequence means w hen you press the operator panel button with a double-button press from the special function menu : The toner is l ow and the toner alar m is set to on. What you can do: • Press the operator pan el button with a br ief button press to resu me print ing.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 67 What this light sequence means w hen you press the operator panel button with a double-button press from the special function menu : The pr inter has rece ived a request f or a PPDS fon t which is not installed .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 68 What this light sequence means w hen you press the operator panel button with a double-button press from the special function menu : The printer has i nsufficient memor y to fr e e up unused space in flash memo r y .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 69 What you can do: • Check that the Ether net cable is still plugged int o the printe r . • Print a test page to v e rify tha t the parallel buff er setting or USB buffer setting is disabled (see P ar allel por t enabled or USB por t enabled in Advanced T r oubleshooting).
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 70 1 7 S o l v i n g p r i n t q u a l i t y p r o b l e m s Use the follo wi ng tables to find solutions for printing p roblems y o u hav e enco untered. If you cannot fix the problem, contact the plac e where you bought your printer .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 71 T oner smears or rubs off the page . • T ry a differen t kind of paper . P aper designed for copiers g i v e the best quality . • If you are printing on special media, f or e x ample, card stock or labels, be sure y ou selected the correct paper type in the printer dri v e r .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 72 P ages are blank. • The print car tr idge ma y be out of toner . Replace the car tri dge. • Y o u may h av e a softwa re error . T r y turning the printer off and back on. The printer has missing or damag ed par ts.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 73 The media ske ws or buc kles. • Don’t ov erfill tra y 1 or the optional tra y 2 (see media capacities in the Media types and sizes tab l e. • Make sure the paper guides are flush against the edges of the media.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 74 The Jam l i ght is still on e ven though you clear e d the jam. • Make sure y ou cleared all jams. • Push the operat o r panel b utt on or open a nd close the p rinter cov er to restar t the printer . • Make sure the print car tridge is installed.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 75 Resetting user defaults When formatting problems occur o r unexpected characters print, t r y resetting th e printer def au lt settings to your user defaults. Press and hold the operator pan el button until all of the lights c ome on.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 76 5 When the Error light and Press Bu tton light blink, close the cov e r . The special fun ction menu is activated. Restoring factory defaults Sometimes reset ting the pri nter to the or iginal factory def a ult settings so lves f or matting problems.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 77 Using He x T race mode When unexpected characters pri nt or characters are m issing, use Hex T race to help you determi ne if there is a problem with the l anguage inter p reter or the cable. He x T race isolates pri nting problems by telling you what inf or mation your prin ter is receiving.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 78 Using print quality test pa g es T o help is olate prin t quality problems, like streaking, print test pages using t he print quality test pages setting: 1 Enter the speci al function menu .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 79 1 8 A d v a n c e d t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Advanced users can set some printer fun ctions through th e operator panel to help re solve a printing problem. T o enter this advanced troubleshooting mode, y o u must be in the Sp ecial Function Menu: 1 T ur n off the pr inter .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 80 6 Press and release t he operator pa nel but ton twice quic kly (doub le-button press) until t he Load P aper li ght comes on an d the two bottom lights blink. 7 Press the operator pane l until all the lig hts come on to init iate the advanced troubleshooting mode.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 81 This illustration repres ents the operator panel set tings in advanced troubleshooting mode wh en an operator panel light is blinking. The f ollowing tables describe the function of each of t hese settings in adv anced troubleshooting mode.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 82 Fo r entry and standard models , Par al lel NP A Mode is set to A u to , the fa c tory def ault. When NP A Mode is set to On , your comp uter can send print.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 83 This light sequence in adv anced troubleshooting mode: Corresponds to this setting: Fo r entry and standard models , P arallel Mode 1 is set to On, the f actor y def a ult. This setting disab le s the pull-up resistors on the para ll el por t signals.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 84 Fo r entr y and standard mod e ls, P ar allel Strobe Adjust is set to Off (0), the fa c tory def ault. This setting lets y o u increase the amount of time strobe is sampled to deter mine that v alid data is av ailab l e on the parallel po r t.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 85 USB NP A Mode is set to A uto, the factory default . When USB NP A Mode is set to On, your computer can send print jobs to the printer and quer y printer status information simultaneously . • Press the operator panel b utton with a brief button press to scroll through the settings (Off , On, Auto).
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 86 Aut o CRLF/LFCR is set to Off , the f actor y def ault. How the p rinter f or mats the end of a line depends o n the compu ter system being used.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 87 1 9 S e t t i n g u p t h e n e t w o r k p ri nt e r Print ser v ers connect pr inters to networ ks. This lets many users access p rinter s from their own workstations, a v er y cost effectiv e w ay to share pow erful and e xp ensive printers.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 88 Configure and p rint TCP/IP Step 1: Set the IP addre s s, netmask and gate way Y ou must assig n an IP address, netma sk and gatew ay to the print ser ver in order for other network de v ices to find it on t he network.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 89 Installatio n 1 Launch the dr ivers CD . 2 Click Install Software, Printer Software. 3 Click Custom Install when you see this option . 4 Select Networ k Suppor t, and then click Ne xt. 5 On the Network tab , selec t Prin t Ser ver TCP/IP Setup Utility , and then Finish Installation .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 90 3 Establish an FTP session with th e print ser ver . Expect the print ser ver to retur n its current firm ware le vel (such as 2.5 .15). ftp 157.184.8 .231 4 Using the FT P “put” com mand, print a fil e.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 91 Set up IP printing on Windows N T 4.0/2 000 Y ou can view this file online before y o u begin installin g, or prin t the file to an al terna te network p rin ter that is already set up . P ar t 1: Install pr inter dri vers and TCP/ IP network sup por t 1 Launch the dr ivers CD .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 92 6 Enter the information to create the por t. a Assign a logical por t name. This can be any name that reminds you of the printer such as “Printer_l ab4”. This name e v en tually appears i n the list of av ai lable por ts.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 93 9 On the Dr ivers and Bi-Di suppor t tabs, modify any se ttings y ou w ant. On the Bi-Di suppor t tab, remov e th e check mark from t he status window if you do not want this functio n.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 94 Use shared pr inting if your organization n eeds to cent rally manage network printers. T o set u p this type of pri nting, you must install the pr inter on a s er ver and set it up to be shared wi th network clien ts.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 95 P ar t 2: Crea ting a N etwork P or t 1 Click Star t Settings Printers. 2 Select the pr inter you just created. 3 Click File Proper ti es. 4 Click P or ts, and then Add P o r t. 5 Click Network P or t , and then New P or t.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 96 6 Click OK. Note: If y ou are missing files , y ou ma y be prompted to pro v ide the oper a ting system CD of the ser ver . 7 Check the f ollowing to make sure the pr inter was successful ly shared. – The pr inter object ico n in the pri nters folder now has a shared indicator .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 97 When a test page prints su ccessfully , pr inter installat ion is comple te. Setting up clients (peer-to-pee r) 1 Click Star t Settings Printers. 2 Click Add Printer to launch the Add P rinter wizar d. 3 Click Network Print S er ver .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 98 4 Issue a ping comm and to the pr int ser ver . ping 5 Establish an FTP session with th e print ser ver .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 99 3 Double-clic k the network p rinter and/or pri nt ser ver y o u want to configure: a Set a unique Adapter login nam e. This is the name the pr int ser v er use s to log in to the NetW are s er ver . b Select PSER V ER mode.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 100 Little information is a vailab l e about the pr int job . After a job le a ves a print ser ver queue, it is remove d from the queue, regardless of whether it actuall y print s. This could cause a pr int job to be lo st if the printer i s tur ned off in the mid dle of the pr int job.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 101 RPRINTER vs. PSER VER i n NetW are 3.x Print ser v ers are fully suppo r ted in NetW ar e 3.x, using either RP RINTER or PSER VER. RPRINTER in NetW are 3.x Adva n tage of using R PRINTER in Ne tW are 3.x: Does not require a NetW are s er ver user license Disadvantages of using RPRIN TER in NetW a re 3.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 102 Queue-based printing 1 Press the operator p anel button with a brief button press to print a network setti ngs page. Look under the NetW are heading on the networ k setup page to see if the NetWare protocol is turne d on (activated) in the pr int ser ver .
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 103 5 If prompted to se lect a PPD (Po stScrip t Pr inter Descri ption), you need to install the p roper PPD from the drivers CD . T o do this , launch the CD , c lick Installer , select the appropriate PPD f o r y our pr inter , and then cl ick Install.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 104 Updating printer har dware If y ou add o r remov e the paper t ra y 2 option, or if you load ne w paper sizes or types , each user should update his des ktop printe r object. F ollow these steps to update the desktop p rin ter object: LaserWr iter 8 envir o nment (prior to La serWriter 8.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 105 Print ser ver light patterns The f our indicato r lights on the pr int ser ver indicate activity , s tatus, and errors, depending on the light patter n. Normal conditions Indicator lights Ready Processing T esting Updating flash code The print server is waiting f or data.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 106 In the f ollowing illustration, each binar y number correspond s to an error light sequence: Err or conditions What show s on the four indicator lights Description Cause and solution binary 12 (for 0.25 sec), binar y 3 (f or 0.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 107 2 0 N o t i c e s • Edition n otice • T ra demark s • Safety information • Cautions and warnin gs • Electronic emission notic es • German ac oustic s stat ement • Laser not ice Edition notice A ugu st 2001 © Copyright 2001 Lexmark Internat ional, Inc.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 108 PCL ® is a registered trademar k of the Hewlett-P ackard Company . PCL is He wl ett-P ackard Company’ s designation of a set o f pr inter commands (language) and functions included in i ts pr inter p roducts.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 109 Electr o nic emission noti ces Federal Comm unications Commission (FCC) compliance inf ormation statement Y our pr inter has be en tested and f ound to comply with the l imits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 110 A vis de conformit é aux normes d’Industrie Canada Cet appareil numér ique de la cl asse B resp ecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matér iel brouilleur du Ca nada.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 111 Laser notice The prin ter is cer tifi ed in the U.S . to c onf or m to the requ irements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchap ter J for Class I (1) laser prod ucts, and elsewhere is cer ti fied as a Cla ss I laser product c onf or mi ng to the requirements of IEC 825.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 112 I n d e x A A4 19 loading 19 manual feed 19 tray 1 17 tray 2 21 A5 19 loading 19 manual feed 19 tray 1 17 tray 2 21 advanced troubleshooting mode 79, 86 me.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 113 manual feed 19 tray 1 17 tray 2 21 letter 19 manual feed 19 tray 2 21 letterhead 19 manual feed 19 tray 2 21 transparen cies 24, 26 manual feed 26 tray 1 2.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 114 U United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984 111 USB 85 NPA Mode 85 Port Enabled 84 user defaults, resetting 75 W Waiting light 55.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800.
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800 Part Number: 53P9570 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber .
デバイスIBM INFOPRINT 1116の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
IBM INFOPRINT 1116をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIBM INFOPRINT 1116の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。IBM INFOPRINT 1116の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。IBM INFOPRINT 1116で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
IBM INFOPRINT 1116を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIBM INFOPRINT 1116の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、IBM INFOPRINT 1116に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIBM INFOPRINT 1116デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。