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Using IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) ® with IBM ® DB2 ® UDB Enterprise Edition V7.2 and SAP ® R/3 ® October 2002 Brigit t e Bläser – IBM Germ any Böblingen Laboratory Enzo C.
. © Copy right International Business Machines Corporation 2002. All r ights reserved..
Trademarks ii Trademarks The f ollowing terms are t r adem ar k s or reg istered tradem ar ks of Internat ional Business Machines Corporation in the United St at es, ot her countries, or both: AIX DB2.
Table of contents iii Table of contents ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... .......................... IV ABOUT THE AUTHORS ...................................
Abstract iv A bstract SAP ® R/3™ and its components have been the success of more than 19, 000 installations in enter pr ises of every size in more than 106 countries worldwide.
About the authors v A bout the authors A slam No mani has been working with the I BM Database Technolog y team in the Toront o Labor at or y f or f ive years. For the past four years, he has work ed in t he DB2 UDB System Verificat ion Test depar tment.
DB2 UDB sus pended I/O ov erview 1 DB2 UDB suspended I/O over vi ew DB2 UDB v 7.2 has implemented suspended I/O technology, w hich prov ides the capability to use split mirroring technology while DB2 is online.
DB2 UDB co mmands 2 DB2 UDB commands W e use t he f ollowing commands: set w rite suspend The suspend command ( db2 set write suspend for dat abase) suspends all write operations to t he DB2 UDB dat abase (i.e., t o t ablespaces and log f iles) . Read operations are not suspended and ar e t hus allowed to continue.
DB2 UDB co mmands 3 Universal Database V7 /techarticle/0204quazi/0204quazi.html ...
Overvi ew of IBM 2105 Ent erprise St orage Serv er 4 Overv iew of IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server The IBM 2105 Enterprise St or ag e Server (ESS) pr ovides superior st orage sharing for Unix®, W indows NT®, W indow s 2000®, Novell Netware, iSeries™ and zSeries™ servers.
Overview of FlashC opy 5 Overv iew of Copy Serv ices Copy Services is a separately priced feat ur e of the ESS, which provides powerful funct ions f or replicat ion of mission-crit ical dat a.
Overview of FlashC opy 6.
Overview of ESS Copy Services Web Interf ace 7 Overview of the ESS Copy Services Web interface The ESS Copy Services W eb int er f ace is used to creat e and m anage Copy Services tasks. T his W eb int er f ace consists of a number of HTML screens and Java™ applets and can be accessed from a standard W eb browser.
Overview of ESS Com man d Line In terface (CL I) 8 Overview of ESS Command Line Interface (CLI) The ESS Command Line I nterf ace consists of a num ber of scripts t o com m unicate with the ESS Copy Services server. The Comm and Line I nterf ace is Java-based and theref ore requir es the Java JDK version 1.
ESS Copy Serv ices CLI C omm an d Description 9 ESS Copy Serv ices CLI command description rsExecuteTask Executes one or more predef ined Copy Services Server tasks and waits f or the task s t o complete execution. T he com m and r eturns 0 f or successf ul completion and g reater-t han zero if t her e is an er r or.
Overview of Standard SAP R/3 Sy stem Ins tallation w ith DB2 UDB 10 Overview of standar d SA P R/3 sy stem installa ti on w ith DB2 UDB A SAP R/3 system is identif ied by a three character system identif ier <SI D> and a two digit system number bet ween 00 and 96.
Overview of Standard SAP R/3 Sy stem In stallation w ith DB2 UDB 11 Detailed discussions about the layout of a SAP R/3 system on an ESS ar e cont ained in the f ollowing white papers: • Sanjoy Das, .
SAP R/3 with DB2 UDB and ESS Sample Config uration 12 Sample configur ati on of SA P R/3 w ith DB2 UDB and IBM ESS In this conf igurat ion, we will w ork with a standard SAP R/3 installat ion and desc.
SAP R/3 with DB2 UDB and ESS Sample Config uration 13 volume groups are cr eat ed on t he Primary server f or the SAP system and the dat abase, respecti vely . DB2 Universal Database v7.2 for AIX® is used; DB2 UDB suspended I/O capabilities are available on all platfor m s suppor t ed by DB2 UDB.
SAP R/3 with DB2 UDB and ESS Sample Config uration 14 lsdev –C | grep 2105 3. Use the ESS Command Line I nt erf ace com m and r s List 2105s t o display the mapping of host physical volume name to ESS volume serial num ber f or all disk s assigned to the host system: cd /usr/opt/ibm2105cli .
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 15 Configuring a system with two hosts Overv iew 1. Install t he ESS CLI on t he Primary Server. 2. Assign ESS disks to both servers. 3. Install DB2 f or AIX on bot h servers. 4. Install a standar d SAP R/3 system on the Pr im ar y Server.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 16 • The host nam e of the Back up ser ver is MACHB. • The host nam e of the ESS Copy Services Server is ESSCSS. • The name of the SAP system is T S1; it s system num ber is 00. • To achieve optimal perf ormance t he disks are spr ead eq ually over all 8 LSSs of the ESS.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 17 o hdisk42 o hdisk40 o hdisk38 o hdisk37 o hdisk43 • The source and t ar g et volume of each FlashCopy pair reside in t he same ESS LSS. Note: T he root userid must be used to execute all ESS and AIX com m ands, and to install DB2 and create t he DB2 inst ance.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 18 For the Split Mirror Rest or e Scenar io we need FlashCopy tasks f or the database data f ilesystems only without the ‘no copy’ option. W e also need FlashCopy tasks f or establishing r everse FlashCopy pairs for t he dat abase data f ilesystems.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 19 Alternatively , issue the following command: mkvg –f –y sapvg –s 64 hdisk15 # smit vg ->A dd a Volume Group Alternatively, issue the f ollowing command : mk.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 20 Alternatively, issue the f ollowing command: mklv –y saplv sapvg 60 #smit lv ->A dd a Logical Volume - > VO LUME GROUP name [dbvg].
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 21 Alternatively, issue the f ollowing commands: mklv –y dblv dbvg 60 hdisk26 mklv –y data1lv dbvg 295 hdisk9 mklv –y data2lv dbvg 295 hdisk33 mklv –y data3lv d.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 22 Alternatively, issue the f ollowing command: crfs –v jfs –d saplv –m /usr/sap –A yes –p rw #smit fs ->A dd / Ch ange / Show / Delete File Sy stems ->.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 23 chfs -a size=14000000 /db2/TS1/sapdata6 chfs -a size=14000000 /db2/TS1/sapdata7 chfs -a size=14000000 /db2/TS1/log_dir chfs -a size=14000000 /db2/TS1/db2ts1/NODE0000.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 24 /db2/TS1/log_dir . Loading the dat a int o t he database may last several hours. For more det ails about installing an SAP R/ 3 system please r ef er to t he SAP R/3 Install ation Gui de . 8. Flash the SAP sof t ware to t he t arget disk and system: a.
Configuri ng a Two Ho st System 25 11. On t he Backup server f rom the db2inst 1 inst ance, catalog t he dat abase T S1 even though the f ile systems that cont ain t he dat abase TS1 does not curr ent.
Snapshot Databas e Scenario 26 Snapshot database scenario This scenario st ar t s with SAP R/3 system T S1 running on t he Pr im ar y server and clients using the Pr im ar y database. T he Backup server has T S1 and DB2 stopped and DB2 file systems for dat a and log s unmounted.
Snapshot Databas e Scenario 27.
Standby Database Scenario 28 Standby database scenario This scenario st ar t s with the SAP R/ 3 system T S1 running on the Pr imary server. On t he Backup server, T S1 is stopped and the DB2 f ilesystems for dat a and logs are unmounted.
Standby Database Scenario 29 6. Start t he DB2 inst ance db2ts1 on the Back up ser ver: db2start 7. Place the Backup dat abase int o a rollf or ward pending st at e, and tak e it out of it s suspended state: db2inidb ts1 as standby 8.
Standby Database Scenario 30 befor e t he log ic error occurr ed. I f the dat abase needs t o be recovered to the point when the Primary server f ailed, then a r ollf orward to end of logs should be perf ormed: db2 “rollforward database ts1 to end of logs and stop” or db2 “rollforward database ts1 to 2000-06-19-20.
Split-Mirror Online Backup Scenario 31 Split-Mirror online backup scenario This scenario st ar t s with the SAP R/ 3 system T S1 running on the Pr imary server.
Split-Mirror Online Backup Scenario 32 7. The f ollowing command places the Back up dat abase into a rollf orward pending state and tak e it out of a suspended state: db2inidb ts1 as standby 8. Perf or m a DB2 back up on the Backup ser ver using the support ed back up system: db2 “backup database ts1 to /backupfs” 9.
Split-Mirror Online Backup Scenario 33 5. Start t he SAP system T S1 by logging on as t s1adm user and issuing t he following comm and: startsap.
Split-Mirror Restore Scenario 34 Split-mirror restore scenario This scenario st ar t s with the SAP R/ 3 system T S1 running on the Pr imary server. The Back up ser ver has T S1 st opped and DB2 f ile system f or data and logs unmounted.
Split-Mirror Restore Scenario 35 mount /db2/TS1/sapdata6 mount /db2/TS1/sapdata7 9. Start t he DB2 instance on the Prim ar y server: db2start 10. On t he Pr im ar y database issue the db2inidb command to t ak e the database image out of a suspended state and place it into a rollf orward pending state: db2inidb ts1 as mirror 11.
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