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Indust rial Devices Corporation User ’ s Manual The Only Microst epping Drive with: Open L oop St all Dete ct TM (OLSD ™ ) Multi-S tepping TM Dyn amic Smoo th ing TM Xtr eme Sm ooth ness TM Motion N ode P/N PCW-5181 V ersion 1.
Revision History Version: 1. 0 April 20 01 Indust rial Device s Cor poratio n (IDC ) stri ves to m aint ain effe ctive commun icati on wi th all users and pote ntial us ers of our pro ducts.
Table of Cont ents i T able of Contents CHAPTER 1 - IMP ULSE OVERV IEW ............... ............. ............ ............. .................... ............. ......... 1-1 CHAPTER 2 - SH IPPING CO NTENTS ................... ............. ........
Table o f Content s ii S ECTION 1 - I NTRODUCTION TO THE FP100 I MPUL SE K EYPAD ......... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ... 5-1 S ECTION 2 - C ONFIGURING I MP ULSE WITH AN IDC K EYPAD ................... .................... ...
Chapter 1 - Impuls e Overvi ew 1-1 Chapter 1 - I mpulse Overview The Impulse is the latest microstepping drive from Industrial Devices Corporation and this innov ative dri ve will mo ve you r appl i cati ons with a combinat ion of feat ures previo us ly unhea rd of in the motion control industry .
Chapte r 1 - Overv iew 1-2 This page intention ally left blank.
Chapter 2 - Shi pping C ontents 2-1 Chapter 2 - Shipping Contents Y our Impulse will arrive equipp ed as listed in section #1. If any par ts or acces sories are m issing, please call IDC Cu stom er Su ppor t at: (8 00 ) 74 7-0 06 4. Sect ions 2 an d 3 are pro v id e d as r e fere nce mat eri al.
Chapte r 2 - Shippi ng Conte nts 2-2 This page intentionally left blan k.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-1 Chapter 3 - Connecting and Installing Y our Impulse The purpose of this chapter is to provide information that will help you connect and install your Impulse drive in its intended application .
Chapte r 3 - Connect ing and Insta ll i ng Your Impul se 3-2 Read T his Pag e Bef ore Yo ur Begin! CAUTION! • Alw ays u se ca uti on when worki ng wi th mechani ca l syste ms. Gea rs and s crew- driv en cyli nde rs are c apa bl e of ex er ti ng t re m en do us fo rc e a gai ns t an o bst ruc - tion.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-3 A. Connecting a Motor to the Impulse Connecting an IDC Motor The A+, A-, B+, and B- phase outp uts power the motor wind ings. Connect motor wires to th e motor conn ector (s up plied) and plug the wired con nector into the dr ive.
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-4 B. Serial Communication Connections Making RS-232/RS-485 Connections The standard Impulse drive uses a 3-wire implementation of RS-23 2C. The RX, TX, and CO M lines are the se rial signals supported.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-5 Daisy-Chaini ng Impulse Dri ves Y o ur I mpu lse also supp orts dais y ch ain ing. The unit ad dress (ran ge 1 -99 ) can be s et via the k eyp ad or in Application Developer . Rules for Daisy Chai n Ope ration 1.
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-6 Troubleshooting RS-23 2C Communication Problems If communications between computer an d Impulse are u nsuccessful, one or more of the following procedures will usually solve the pro blem: 1.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-7 C. Connecting an IDC Keypad T wo versions of IDC keyp ads can be us ed with the Impulse drive. The F P100 works only with th e Impulse, while the FP220 can be used with the Impulse as well as IDC’ s Smart Drives (see keypad-specific information b elow).
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-8 D. Connecting AC Power There is no ON/OFF switch on the Impulse. AC p ower is applied b y pluggi ng the *pow er cord (inc luded) into t he conn ect or on t op o f the I mpu lse. Input voltage must be in the range of 120 V AC ± 10%, single phase, 50 /60 Hz, 500 V A max @ 4 Amps.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-9 F. Connecting Inputs and Outputs Connect you r inputs an d outputs to IDC’ s 961/ 962 Indexer acc ording t o the informat ion below . Schematics fo r Impulse I/O circuits can be found in Chapter 6, Hardware Reference Applicati on Notes 1.
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-10 G. Mounting the Impulse Drive This section includes installatio n requ iremen ts, Im pulse d im e nsio ns, installing and removing mounting b rackets, and mo unting t he Impulse o n a DIN rail.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-11 Impulse Dimensions 5.599 6.365 6.000 1.779 1.779 5.599 1.779 6.365 TS 35 DIN RAIL Impulse with Scre w-type Mounting Br acket (P/N PCS-51 10) Impulse with DIN -rail Mountin g Brack et (P/N PCS-51 1 1 10-32 screw with .
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-12 Insertin g and Removing Mounti ng Brackets f rom the Impuls e Both Impulse mo unting brackets are interchan geable and each is inserted or removed accordin g to the following procedu res.
Chapter 3 - Connecti ng and Ins talling Yo ur Impuls e 3-13 Impulse DIN-Rail Mounting The DIN-rail mounting system is a combinatio n of 1) a removable mounting bracket, which locks the driv e onto t h.
Chapte r 3 - Conn ecting an d Inst alling You r Impulse 3-14 This page intention ally left blank.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-1 Chapter 4 - Configuring Impulse with Application Developer™ This chapt er covers th e installat ion and use of IDC’ s Application Developer software to configure your Imp ulse driv e.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-2 Using Application Deve loper Application Developer’ s graphic user interface allows y ou to configur e and program you r Impulse using an appropriately equipped computer .
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-3 Upload Projec t 1. Begin by clicking the U pload Project button on the Application Developer Startup window . Y o u will see the Control T ype Selection menu (shown right). 2. Conf iguration be gins by selecti ng your Impul se from the list of Steppers.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-4 Launch Now This met hod of beg inning App licatio n Developer is typical ly used by more experi enced users o f IDC product s.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-5 Using the Project Wizard 1. Cl ick t h e Project W izard button on th e Applicati on Develop er Startup window . • Select the pr oduct you are co nfiguring, Impulse in this case, and click on Next .
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-6 3. Cl ick Next and the first of three possible Mechani cs setup windows will appear . The Mechanics window th at appears depends on the selection made in the Select an IDC Mech an ical S yst em list .
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-7 Mechanics wind ow C will appear if you s elect Non-IDC Mechanics from the “syst em” lis t. • Enter you r T otal System Inertia (Load + Mech anics + Motor). • Select your Move U nit (st eps, revs, mm, or inches ) from the pulldown men u.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-8 Discrete In puts (see p ulldown menu ) Discrete Outputs (see p ulldown menu ) 6. When all param eters have been configured, cli ck Next and the Accept window will appear .
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-9 7. Y our basic project file has now b een con figured b ut the f our “Finish ” steps mu st be comp leted in order to send the project file to the drive and probe the motor . • Click on Config.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-10 Fine-Tuning Your Application Y our basic syst em setup par ameters have been conf igured by t he Project W izard, and thou gh the system is functional, your application will probably require further configuration and fine-tuning.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-11 Motor • Motor Na me - Select your motor from the list, or click on the Ed it Moto r button to create a custom motor file or edit an existing IDC motor file. • Electric al - These text input boxes dis play the electrical characteristics of the selected m otor .
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-12 Mechani cs Move U nit and T otal Inertia (kg-cm 2 ) are disp layed on th is tab, but they are not editabl e parameters. C lick on the Ch ange Mechanica l System/U nits button to ed it your mechanical parameters.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-13 Command The Command T ab allows you to configure the Command S i gn al and Jog Input parameters, and to select the level of Numeric Precision that Application Developer will use to build the project file.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-14 • Jog Hig h (Jog High Speed) - De faul t = 2 .00 ( use r-d efi ned un its ) Numeric Precision • Select Standa rd to limit the decimal precision of accelerations, decelerations, velocities, and distances to the following: Accels and Decels: #.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-15 X-Smoothness (Xtreme Smoothing™) The X-Smoothness tab is the most advanced low-speed tuning feature cur rently available on any microst epping dr ive.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-16 X-Smoothness #2 Recommended values for M1 and M2 have been pre-conf igured for ID C motors , but we recommend that these settings be verified and adjusted if necessary by the following procedure.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-17 Advanced (Advance d Tuning) The Advanced tab allows you to enable/d i sable and modify variou s advanced performance features of the Impulse drive. Anti-Resonanc e • Enable this feature by selecting the Enabled check box.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-18 Stall Detectio n • Select Stall Detection to enable the Open Loop Stall Detect™ encoderless stall detection feature. • Stall detection becomes active at v elocities of 0.5 RPS and gr eater .
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-19 Setup - Editi ng Stored Move s later in this chapter for more information on Home moves.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-20 Output Descripti ons Brake: The Brake output is activated on any fault condition. This provides a cont rol sign al to engage a br ake when the Impulse los es torque du e to a fault.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-21 Stored Move Setup - Edi ting Stored Moves If your Impulse is equipped wi th the Motion Node option you will be able to access the Stor ed Move Setup men u shown belo w .
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-22 Note : Homing is predicated on the assumption that the sys tem is positioned somewher e between the EOT switch es when t he home move is invoked.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-23 File Menu • Selecting New Project will take you to the Pr oject Wizard . • The default file suffix is *.idc. • Project files may be stor ed on disk as DOS files. • All othe r selectio ns under the File menu are generic to all W ind ow s applications.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-24 Communications Menu •U s e Send All to download a project file to the drive. A Send All toolbar button is also avail- able. •U s e Retrieve All to upload a project file from t he drive fo r modificat ion.
Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er 4-25 Run Menu •T h e Run > Stored Move menu is availab le only on drives eq uipped with the Motion Node option and can on ly be accessed f rom the menu bar . This menu allows you to v iew all stored move prof iles and to r un and stop each stored mov e.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-26 View M enu • Select Config uration Text File to see your syst em configuration status.
Chapter 4 - Config ur ing Impu ls e with Applica t ion Devel ope r 4-27 Up dating Y our Impu lse Op eratin g Syst em: Y our Impulse drive contains FLASH memory te chno logy allowing th e flexib ility and conv enienc e of upgra ding the operatin g sys tem u s ing Applica tion Developer and a PC RS232 or RS485 se rial connec tion.
Chapte r 4 - Conf iguring Impulse with App lication Developer 4-28 This page intention ally left blank.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-1 Chapter 5 - Configuring Impulse with an IDC Keypad Section 1 of this chapter is intended primarily to familiarize new IDC keypad users with the FP100 Impulse K eypad, and we recommend this section be revi ewed by those expe rienced with the F P220 keypad as well.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-2 Keypad Ha rdware Features Adjusting Contr ast On the back of the keypad there is a plastic potentiometer , adjustable with a flathead screwdriver . This is used to adjust the contrast on the LCD display .
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-3 Functions of the FP10 0 Keypad Keys DECIMAL POINT Used to enter fixed-point numbers. . RUN - R uns a program, jogs an axis, or accesses T est/ Debug functions. EDIT - Edits S etup parame- ters and programs, lists pro- grams, & res ets position counter .
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-4 Keypad Menu Structure Most op erations using t he keypad are menu-dri ven. A menu consists of a title bar on the top di splay line and as many as t hree options (or sub-m enus) at a time on th e bottom displ ay line.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-5 Apply Power to the Ke ypad Power is suppli ed to th e FP100 keyp ad thro ugh its con nection t o the Impul se COM P OR T . Note: If you are us ing an FP100-RS4 85, see Chapter 3, Section C for connection proced ure.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-6 Using the RUN Menus Press the R UN key to di splay the MOVE , PROBE, JOG, WMBOOT , and SH TDWN menus .
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-7 Using the EDIT Menus Press the ED IT key to di splay the F ILE, SETUP , MOVE, and UNIT# menus. File Menu (FILE OPTIONS) The FILE m enu allows y ou to select, save, and name or rename y our proj ect files.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-8 Renaming an Open Pr oject Fil e This option allows you to ren ame (or name) the currently-open p roject file. Project file names ar e entered u sing a combination of the ALPHA and numeric keys.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-9 Using the HELP Menu V ersions •P r e s s t h e HELP > VERSN (F2) for access to Operating System, Hardware, an d Keypad vers ions (see examples on the right) . • Press F1, F2, or F3 for r espective version displays .
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-10 Using the COPY Menu Downloading project fi les between k eypads and I mpulse or betw een keypad an d PC can save a signif icant amount of time when configur ing your drive wit h an FP100 k eypad.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-11 Section 2 - Configuring Impulse with an IDC Keypad This chapt er contains information and step s for develop ing an Im pulse proj ect file wi th the FP100 keypad. Configuring all parameters in th e EDIT menu will ensure that your project file is setup correctly .
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-12 Configuring Impulse with the Ke ypad Open a File Using the EDIT > FILE menu, open a project file.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-13 To Probe the Motor: 1. Return to the initi al keypad display ( no menu sel ected). 2. Press RUN > PR OBE (F2).
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-14 Configuring Dri ve Re solut ion 1. Using the n umeric keys, enter the op erating step resolution. The v alid range for drive resolution is 200 to 100,000 in increments of 200 (divisible integer of 4X the tooth count of the motor).
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-15 MECHANICAL SETUP The MECH SETUP menu allows yo u to configure (enter) the mec hanical units and gear ratio for your application. Once configured, your keypad will use these u nit s in all display and position repor ting modes .
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-16 MOTOR TUNING SETUP (X-Smoothness) Fine-tuning of the motor is recommend ed for all applications and should be accomplis hed before the motor load is connected.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-17 4. Pre ss E SC. 5. Press YES (F1) to save t he new set tings , or pr ess NO (F3) to restore the original settings. Configur e X-SM2 and X-S M3 using the s ame procedures as X-SM1 (i. e. V ALUE, TEST S PEED, and FINE).
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-18 Configuring Prof iling Parameters MUL T I (Mu lti -Ste ppi ng™ ) This option allows you to enable or disable Multi-Stepping™ feature. 1. Pr ess M UL TI ( F1) . 2. Using arrow k eys, select ENABLED or DISABLED.
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-19 Configuring Idle Mode Cur rent Reductio n Parameters Use this option to set the Idle Mode current-reduction parameters (TIMEOUT and %RED). TIMEOUT s ets the Idl e Mode current reduction p eriod in seconds.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-20 I/O S E TUP This opti on al low s yo u to c onf igur e u p t o (4 ) dig i tal i np ut s a nd one (1) d igit al ou tp ut. Configuring I nputs The input number (#1 - #4) is s elected by usi ng the righ t or left arro w key .
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-21 Configuring Output s The outpu t function is selected by using the up or dow n arrow key . The OUTPUT menu consis ts of the outputs described in the table below . 1. Pr ess O UT PUT (F2). 2. Using th e up or d own arrow key , selec t the desired output function.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-22 Move Menus - Using Store d Moves This feature is only available of your Impulse is equipped with the optio nal Motion Node. The MOVE menu allows you to edit the Stored-Move parameters (also see Edit > Stored Move menu in Appli cation D eveloper).
Chapte r 5 - Configu ring Im pulse with an IDC Key pad 5-23 Configuring Stor ed-Move Profiles There are five ( 5) stored move p arameters to be con figured: Acceleration, Deceleration, V elocity , Distance, and Mo ve T y pe. 1. Press PROFLE (F1). 2. U sing the u p or down arr ow ke y , sele ct t he M ove # ( 1 - 7 ) to configured.
Chapte r 5 - Conf iguring Im pulse with an ID C Keypad 5-24 UNIT# This menu al lows you to conf igure the unit num ber for use in RS2 32C daisy chains or RS485 buses . The valid range for un it numbers i s 1 - 99. 1. Using the numeric keys, enter the desired unit number for the drive.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-1 Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce Impulse Spec ifications Electric al Charac ter isti cs Power Requirements 120 V AC ±10% single phase, 50/60 Hz, 500 V A max @ 4 A Current Output Range 0.75 - 4.0 Amps Motor Inductance Range 2 - 80 mH Motor Reso lution 25,600 Steps/R ev internal.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-2 Remote Mounting Your Keypad The keypad can eas ily be mounted an d sealed to NEMA 4 specification s by using the included mount ing gasket and 6-foot communicatio n cable. Wa r n i n g : Do not attac h the gasket to the keypad.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-3 Keypad Mounting *Template *CAU TION - this is scaled-down versi on of the keypad template. Use this drawing only for dimensions and locations of mounting holes. The actual templ ate is included with your keypad and may also be found at: http://www .
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-4 Impulse I/O Schematic s Digital Input s Digital Out put +5V 1K 1K 4.99K TO COMMON COM AM26LS32 IN1_BUF COM IN1/IN2 +5V Inputs 1, 2 Inputs 3, 4 external external Impulse inter nal Impulse int ernal +5V 1K CMPD914 4.02k COM IN3/IN4 COM LIMIT SWITCH external Impulse int ernal +ANA OUT 2.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-5 Step, Direction, and Shutdown Input s Fault Output 2.2 n 50V COM COM 237 4.9 9K 4.9 9K +5V 4.9 9K AM26LS 32 DIFFERENT IAL DRIVER STEP- DIR- SD- STEP+ DIR+ SD+ Single-Ended Installatio n Application Notes: 1.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-6 Using IDC Posi tion Sensors as EOT Limit Switche s with the Impulse Four IDC position sensors m a y be used as EOT limit swit ches with the Impu lse. Co n nection information f or all four sen sors is p rovided below .
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-7 Optional Accessories for Y our Impulse Impulse I/O Access ories Accessory (P/N & Des cription) DB25BO Screw T erminal Breakout Boa rd See page nex t pa ge f or conn ectio n informati on. SS-IO SS-IO -6 25-pin D -Shell I/O cable t hat conne cts Impu lse to other d evices or PL C SS- IO i s 2 ft.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-8 DB25BO Screw Terminal Breakout Board When conn ected to the Imp ulse, the DB 25BO terminals will matc h the pino uts of th e 25-pin connecto r as shown below .
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-9 Impulse-Appl icable IDC Moto rs S12 Hy brid Step Motor Electr ical Spe cs. S12T Continuous Stall T orque oz-in [N-m] 35 [ 0.25] Recommended Current /Phase Amps 1.0 Winding Resistance @ Amb ient Ohms 5.52 Inductance mH 8.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-10 S21, S2 2, S23 Hybrid Step Motor Specificat ions Elec tri cal Spec s. S21 T S21V S22T S22V S23T S23V Continuous Stall T orque oz-in [N-m] 65 [0. 46] 100 [0.71] 125 [0.88] Recommended C urrent/Phase Amps 1.05 2.1 1.5 3.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-11 S32, S3 3 Hybrid St ep Motor S pecifications 1/ 2-14N PS ON A 3.875 B.C. 0.23/0.2 1 THR U ( 4 ) .001 A A .003 Electrica l Specs. S32T S33T Continuous Stall T orque oz -in [N-m] 300 [7.1] 400 [5.3] Recommended Current /Phase Amps 2.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-12 P21, 22 Hybrid Step Mo tor Specific ations 90 .02 1.11 2.22 EQ SP AS SH OW N 2.625 .02 ON A .010 BC AB 3X .02 2.22 1.11 .0 2 45 .205 4X .010 THRU A C .03 .02 .70 .81 BC ON A P22: 3 .090 MAX 1.812 A .010 C 30 CABLE X 144.
Chapter 6 - Hardware Refere nce 6-13 P/K 31, 3 2, 33Step M otor Specif ications EQ and EM Encoder Cables Quick Disconnect Motor Cable Motor Dimensions Signal *P in Color Wi re Col or Si gn al Motor D K T X LM AX A+ B Red Red w/ B lack B - P31 . 5000 .
Chapter 6 - Hardware Reference 6-14 This page intention ally left blank.
Chapter 7 - Troubles hooting th e Impuls e 7-1 Chapter 7 - T roubleshooting the Impulse This chapter covers common faults , their possible causes and remedies. Also include in this chapter are Impulse Limits T ables for a variety o f operational parameter s, e.
Chapte r 7 - Troubl eshoot ing Your Im pulse 7-2 The keypad is blank, but the backlight is on. You have an older keypad that r e- quires new firmware. The I mpulse requires a keypad w ith Version 3.00 firmware or higher. Call IDC for a free firmware upgrade to your ke ypad.
Chapter 7 - Troubles hooting th e Impuls e 7-3 Limits Tabl es V elocity Limits at ALL RESOLUTIONS are: Min = 0 .0000 2 RPS Max = 100 R PS Acceleration and Deceleration Limits are the following: 6 LED flashes (Over Te mperature Fault) I nter nal Fan or Heatsink Tunnel is clogged or r estricted (internal temp.
Chapte r 7 - Troubl eshoot ing Your Im pulse 7-4 This page intention ally left blank.
Chapter 8 - Pro duct Suppo rt & Warranty Information 8-1 Chapter 8 - Product Support Factory Aut horized Dist ributors IDC has mo re than 45 factory-train ed and authorized automation techn ology distributors located througho ut North America, W estern Europe, and the Pacific Rim.
Chapte r 8 - Product Support & Warranty I nformation 8-2 W arranty & Repairs Industrial Dev ices Corporation (IDC) warr ants this product to be fr ee of defects in mater ial and workmansh ip for a p eriod of two (2) year s from th e date of shi pment to the end us er .
Appendix A - Rec ommende d Wiring Pra ctices A-1 Appendix A: Recommended Wiring Practices for IDC Controls When co nfiguring your Imp ulse pl ease follo w the w iring pr actices lis ted below : • Earth groun d your machine at one poin t using a s tar config uration (s hown at righ t).
Appendix A - Reco mmended Wiring Prac tices A-2.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-1 Appendix B - Impulse Advanced Programming The purpo se of this section is to provide th e information necessary for the user to communicate with an Impulse driv e over a serial con nection without using IDC Applica tion Developer .
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-2 Byte Receive Time Out Since there is no end o f transmission frame deliminator , the Impuls e assumes if no bytes are received for 60 ms, the transmission is comp lete.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-3 Write Requests The following example illustrates a write request of zero to parameter index #1 13 (Commanded Positi on) to un it #1.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-4 User Ac cessible Paramet ers Serial Jog Velocit y (RAM Only) Descriptio n : V e locity val ue for the s erial jog v elocity i n RPS.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-5 Jog Acceler ation Rate Description: Determines the acce leration rate value in RPS 2 . Parameter Pa rameter Description Default V alue JogAcel_H Jog Acce.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-6 Stored Mo ve Profiles # 1 - #7 for Ac celeration, Velocity, Dec eleration Description: Determin es M ove P rofiles # 1 thr ough # 7 (acc elerati on, velo city and d eceler ation) for the inter nal move engine as s electe d by the m ove s elect ion in puts or o ver RS2 32/485.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-7 Stored M ove Profile #1 - #7 for Move Type, Mov e Dist ance, De celerati on Dist ance Description: Determines Move Profi les #1 thr ough #7 ( move type, mov e accel eration and decelerati on dis tance s) for the intern al move e ngine as se lecte d by the m ove s elect ion in puts or over RS2 32/485.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-8 Serial P ort Stored Move Selecti on (RAM Only) Description: Sele cts store d moves 1 -7. Parameter P aram eter De scri ption Default V alue SerMvSel St.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-9 Commanded Veloci ty (RAM O nly) Description: Determines the co mmande d veloc ity base d on the input s tep freq uency . Parameter Parameter Description Default V alue CmdV el Commanded V elocity N/A Parameter Formula CmdV el Veloci tyRP S CmdVel 0.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-10 Stored Driv e Faults ( Reserved EEPROM Parame ter) Description: Determin es the las t 8 driv e faul ts. Commanded Position Counter (RAM Only) Descriptio n : Determi nes th e accumu lated com manded positio n in mo tor steps .
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-11 EEPROM E nable Switch Description: Determines if param eter wri tes are u pdated to the E EPROM o r are on ly altered in RAM. If EEPROM is disa bled, all para meter ch anges are los t on powe r cyc le or sys tem re set.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-12 Syste m Status (RAM Only) Descriptio n : Determi nes the op erationa l stat us of the d rive. Parameter Para meter Description Default V alue SysStatu.
Appendix B - Impulse Ad vanced Programming B-13 Unit Address Description: Sets the unit ad dress f or RS232 / RS485 commu nicat ions. Para met er Param ete r Des cri pti on Default V alue UnitAddr Uni.
Appendix B - Impuls e Advanc ed Progr amming B-14 Software Shutdown (RAM Only) Descriptio n : Softw are overr ide of the shutdo wn inpu t. Parameter Parameter Description Defaul t V alue ShutDwn Shutd.
Appendix C - Using Non-IDC Motors with the Impulse C-1 Appendix C - Using Non-IDC Motors with the Impulse The Impulse driv e is an advanced microstepper that employs special digital control techniqu es to effect Op en Loop Stall Detect™, Mu lti-Stepping™, Dynamic Smo othing™, Extreme Smoothing™, and anti resonance control.
Appendix C - Usin g Non-IDC M otors wi th the Imp ulse C-2 Custom or User-Def ined Mo tors This section applies to users o f non-IDC m otors or th ose who wou ld like to modify an existi ng motor fil e. Note: All motor characteristics must be enter ed in the text input boxes before the Advan ced tunin g feature will be available.
Appendix C - Using Non-IDC Motors with the Impulse C-3 cult, requir ing special test equi pment and fixtures . Contact your distri butor or IDC Appli ca- tions Engineerin g for assistance. Press Sa ve if you intend to use the Advanced Tuning feature building a custom motor file.
Appendix C - Usin g Non-IDC M otors wi th the Imp ulse C-4 Anti -Resonan ce • Damping G ain 1 - Enter the reco mmended value. • Damping G ain 2 - If a valu e is present you may leave it as is or enter a value accor ding to the table: Note: B oth Damping G ains ( 1 and 2) mus t be conf igured.
Index I-1 Index A AC power requirements 3- 8 acceleration limits 17 accessories for the Impulse - I /O connection 6-7 address of unit 4- 24 anti-resonance - en abling 4-17 anti-resonance settings - ke.
Index I-2 motor wiring co lor codes 3-3 motors compatible with Impulse 6-9 mountin g brackets 3-12 Mult i-Ste ppi ng - k eypa d 5- 1 8 N nume ric prec isi on (A pp.
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Industrial Devi ces Corpora tion 3925 C ypress Drive Petaluma, CA USA 9495 4 TEL: (800) 747-006 4 • F AX: (707) 789-01 75 • OUTSIDE THE U.S. CALL (707) 789-100 0 E-mail: info@idcmotion.
デバイスImpulse PCW-5181の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Impulse PCW-5181をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはImpulse PCW-5181の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Impulse PCW-5181の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Impulse PCW-5181で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Impulse PCW-5181を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はImpulse PCW-5181の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Impulse PCW-5181に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちImpulse PCW-5181デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。