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Cooker Installation and use Êóõ o íí a ÿ ïëèòà Ó ñòàíîâêà è ïî ëüçîâ àíèå Aragaz Instalare ºi utilizare K1G21/R K1G21S/R.
3 14 24 Cooker with gas oven and gas grill Instructions for installation and use Ïëèòà ñ ãàçîâîé äóõîâêîé è ãàçîâûì ãðèëåì Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâê.
3 Important safety warnings 1 This appliance is intended for nonprofessional use within the home. 2 These instructions are only for those countries whose symbols appear in the booklet and on the serial no.
4 All instruction on the following pages must be carried out by a competent person (corgi registered) in compliance with gas saf ety (installation and use) regulation 1984. Important: disconnect the cooker fr om the electr ycity and gas supply when any adjustment, etc.
5 Connecting the gas The appliance should be connected to the mains or to a gas cylinder in compliance with current directiv es. Bef ore making the connection, check that the cook er is regulated f or the gas supply you are using. If not, f ollow the instructions indicated in the paragr aph “Adapting to diff erent types of gas ” .
6 c) Minimum regulation of the hob burners: • turn the tap to minimum; • remo ve the knob and adjust the regulation screw , which is positioned in or ne xt to the tap pin, until the flame is small b ut steady . N.B.: in the case of liquid gas, the regulation scre w must be screwed in to the bottom.
7 * At 15°C and 1013 mbar- dry gas ** Propane P .C.S . = 50,37 MJ/Kg *** Butane P .C.S . = 49,47 MJ/Kg Natural P .C. S. = 37,78 MJ/m 3 Burner and nozzle characteristics S S R A K1G21/R K1G21S/R T able 1 Liquid Gas Natural Gas Burner Diam eter (mm) Therm al Power kW ( p.
8 94 50 50 85/90 Inner dimensions of the oven: Width: 39 cm Depth: 38 cm Height: 34 cm Inner V olume of the Oven: 50 lt Inner Dimensions of the FoodW armer: Width: 42 cm Depth: 44 cm Height: 17 cm V o.
9 A. T ra y for Catching Overflo ws B. Gas Burner C. Flame Failure De vice for Cooktop Burners (only a f ew models) D. T op Grate E. Contr ol P anel F. Adjustable Feet or Legs G. Dripping P an or Baking Sheet H. Electr onic Lighting Device (only a f e w models) K.
10 Attention: Only use the bottom shelf of the ov en when using the rotisserie to cook (where present). F or all other types of cooking, ne ver use the bottom shelf and ne ver place anything on the bottom of the ov en when it is in operation because this could damage the enamel.
11 Practical advice for burner use In order to get the maximum yield it is impor tant to remember the following: • Use appropriate cookware for each burner (see table) so as to avoid flames overshooting the edges. • At boiling point turn the knob to minimum.
12 Before each operation, disconnect the cooker from the electricity . T o assure the long lif e of the cooker , it must be thoroughly cleaned frequently , keeping in mind that: • Do not use steam equipment to clean the appliance.
13 Food to be cook e d Wt. (Kg) Cooking position of shelv es from bottom T emperature (° C) Pre-heat ing ti me (min) Cooking time (min.) Pasta Lasagne Cannelloni Past a bakes au g rati n 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 210 200 200 10 10 10 60-75 40-50 40-50 Meat Veal Chicken Duck Rabbit Pork Lamb 1.
14 Áåçîïàñíî ñòü õ îðîøàÿ ïðèâû÷êà 1. Ýòî îáîðóäîâàíèå ðàçðàáîòàíî äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âíóò- ðè ïîìåùåíèé. Íè ïðè êàêèõ îáñòîÿò åëüñòâàõ íå èñïî ëü- çóéòå îáîðó äîâàíèå íà óëèöå.
15 Ýòîò ðàçäåë ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äëÿ êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûõ òåõíè- êîâ è ñîäåðæèò èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå è îáñëóæèâàíèþ ïëèòû â ñîîòâå òñòâèè ñ äåéñòâ óþùèìè íîðìàìè áå çîïàñíî- ñòè.
16 ÏÎÄÊËÞ÷ÅÍÈÅ Ã ÀÇÀ Ïî ä êëþ÷åíèå ïëèòû ê ã àçó äîëæíî ïðîèçâ îäèòüñÿ êâàëèôè- öèðîâàííûì ïåðñîíàë îì â ñîîòâå.
17 • óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî ïðè áûñòðîì ïîâîðîòå ðóêîÿòêè îò ìàê- ñèìàëüíîãî ê ìèíèìàëüíîìó ï î ë î æåíèþ ïëàìÿ íå ãàñíåò . â) Ð åãóëèðîâêà ïîñòóïëåíèÿ âîç äóõà â ãîðå ëêè: • ðåãó ëèðîâê à íå òðåáó åòñÿ.
18 * Ñóõîé ãàç ïðè 15 °Ñ è äàâëåíèè 1013 ìáàð ** Ïðîïàí P .C.S. = 50.37 MÄæ/êã *** Áóòàí P .C.S. = 4 9.47 MÄæ/êã Ïðèðîäíûé ãàç P .
19 94 50 50 85/90 Âíóòðåííèå ðàçìåðû äóõîâêè: Øèðèíà: 39 cì Ã ë ó á èíà: 38 cì Âûñîòà: 34 cì Âíóòðåííèé îáúåì äóõîâêè: 50 ë Âíó.
20 Äëÿ âûáîðà ðàçëè÷íûõ ôóíêöèé ïëèòû ñëóæàò ðóêîÿòêè è êíîïêè íà ïàíå ëè óïðàâëåíèÿ.
21 íûé îáîðîò ïðîòèâ ÷àñîâîé ñòðåëêè " ; çàòåì âðàùåíèåì ðóêîÿòêè ïî ÷àñîâîé ñòðåëêå # óñòàíîâèòå æåëàåìîå â.
22 Ïåðåä ÷èñòêîé èëè ëþáûìè îïåðàöèÿìè ïî óõîäó çà ïëèòîé îòñîåäèíèòå åå îò ýëåêòðè÷åñêîé ñåòè.
23 Ïðàêòè÷åñêèå ñîâåòû Áëþä î Âå ñ (êã) Óðîâåí ü äóõîâ ê è ñíèçó Òåìïåð àòóðà (Ñ°) Âðåì ÿ ïðåäâàðè ò åë üíîãî ðàçî.
24 A vertismente 1 Acest aparat a fost conceput pentru folosirea non- profesionalã în interiorul locuinþei. 2 Aceste instrucþiuni sunt pentru þãrile ale cãror simboluri apar pe coperta prezentu.
25 Instrucþiunile ce urmeazã se adreseazã instalatorului calificat în vederea îndeplinirii operaþiilor de instalare, reglare ºi întreþinere tehnicã în modul cel mai corect ºi în concordanþã cu normele în vigoare.
26 Conexiunea la alimentarea cu gaz Braºamentul la conductã sau la butelia de gaz trebuie efectuat conform standardelor în vigoare în România la data achiziþionãrii aragazului, dar numai dupã ce a fost verificat tipul de gaz cu care va fi alimentat.
27 - îndepãrtaþi sertarul de protecþie A (fig. C) - îndepãrtaþi arzãtorul cuptorului V dupã ce aþi îndepãrtat în prealabil ºuruburile (fig. D); operaþia este facilitatã prin înlãturarea uºii cuptorului - scoateþi duza arzãtorului ºi înlocuiþi-o cu alta adecvatã noului tip de gaz.
28 * La 15 ° Cºi 1013 mbar gaz uscat ** Propan P .C.S.= 50,37 MJ/kg *** Butan P .C.S.= 49,47 MJ/kg Natural P .C.S.= 37,78 MJ/m 3 Caracteristici ale arzãtoarelor ºi duzelor S S R A .
29 A Plitã B Arzãtoare pe gaz C Dispozitiv de siguranþã împotriva accidentelor provo- cate de scurgerea gazului D Grãtare plitã E Panou frontal de control F Picioare reglabile G T avã de coace.
30 reaprindeþi decât dupã cel puþin 1 minut. Modelele prevãzute cu dispozitive de siguranþã împotriva scurgerilor de gaz Aceste modele pot fi identificate foarte uºor prin prezenþa dispozitivului de siguranþã (vezi detaliul C ).
31 Sfaturi practice pentru utilizarea arzãtoarelor Pentru a obþine un randament maxim este necesar sã urmaþi aceste sfaturi: - sã utilizaþi recipiente adecvate fiecãrui arzãtor (a se vedea tab.
32 Înainte de a iniþia orice operaþie, deconectaþi-l de la sursa electricã. O curãþare generalã se obþine astfel: - Suprafeþele emailate se spalã cu apã cãlduþã fãrã a folosi prafuri .
33 Sfaturi practice pentru reuºita reþetelor preferate Alimen tul de copt Greutate (kg) Poziþia pe raftul cupt or ulu i (calcu latã de la par tea i nfe ri oa rã ) Tempe ra tur a (°C) Ti mpul de pre înc ãl z ir e (min) Ti mpul de coacere (min) Pa st e La sag n a Canne l lon i Paste grati nate 2.
03/05 - 195048025.00 Cucina con forno gas e grill gas (Russia) viale Aristide Merloni, 47 60044 F abriano (AN) Italy tel. +39 0732 6611 www
デバイスIndesit K1G21/Rの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Indesit K1G21/Rをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIndesit K1G21/Rの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Indesit K1G21/Rの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Indesit K1G21/Rで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Indesit K1G21/Rを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIndesit K1G21/Rの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Indesit K1G21/Rに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIndesit K1G21/Rデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。