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Intel ® 8030 3 an d 80 302 I/O Pr oces sors Specifica tion Updat e M a y 6, 2 003 Noti ce: The I ntel ® 80303 and I ntel ® 80302 I /O Processor s pro cessor may cont ain desi gn defect s or err ors known as erra ta.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 3 Content s Revision History ................. ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ....... 5 Prefa ce ............ .......... .................. .
4 Int el ® 80303 and 80302 I/O Pro cess ors Specifi cation Upd ate This Page Intent ionally Left Blank.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 5 Revisi o n Histor y Revision History sc Da te Versi on D es crip ti on 05/0 1/03 010 Ad ded E rrat a 2 . Re v ised Sp ec if icat ion C lar if icat io ns 4 , 7 and 8 . 08/2 7/02 009 R eword ed Sp ecif icat ion Clar i fic at io n 4 .
Pr e f ace 6 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate P reface Thi s document is an updat e to the specifi cati ons cont ained in the Af fected Docum e nts/Rela ted Docum e nts t able below .
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 7 Summa ry T a ble of Changes Summary T able of Chan ges The fol lowi ng table indic ates the erra ta, specifi cati on cha nges, spec ificatio n clarif icati ons , or docum entation changes whic h apply t o the Inte l ® 80303 and Int el ® 80302 I/O Pr ocessors product .
Summary T able o f Change s 8 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate Errat a No. Ste pp in g s Pa ge St atus Erra ta A-0 A-1 A-2 1 XXX 12 NoFix Singl e-bi t an d Mult i-b .
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 9 Summa ry T a ble of Changes Documen t ation Changes No . Doc um en t R evi si on P ag e S tatus Do cu me ntat ion Cha ng es 1 272.
Ide n ti fic at io n I n fo rm at io n 10 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate Ide nti ficat ion I nfo rm ation Markings T o pside Mark ing s Die Det ails Part Numbe r Steppin g QDF/ Spec Nu mb er Vo l t a g e (V) Intel ® i960 ® Co re Proc es sor Speed (M Hz) Notes GC80 303 A- 0 Q1 76 3.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 11 Identification Inf ormation Devic e ID Regis ters De vic e an d Steppin g Proc es so r Device ID Register (P DID R - 0x17 10) PC.
Er rata 12 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate Errat a 1. Single- bit and Mult i-bit Error Reporting Cannot Be Indivi dua lly Enabled by ECC Control Register Problem: T.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 13 Err ata Nomina ll y , the emu l mult iplie s two 32-bit opera nds to produ ce a lo ng ordi nal (64-b it) res ul t stor ed in tw o a d ja cent re gi st ers .
Specification Ch anges 14 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate Specifi cation C hange s 1. Su m m ar y o f th e Inte l® 80 30 2 I /O Pro ce ss or Problem: The Intel ® 80302 I/O processo r is based on the A-2 stepp ing of the Inte l® 803 03 I/O processor .
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 15 Specification Cl arif ications Specification Cla rifications 1. E CC is A lways En abl ed Problem : ECC is always ena ble d, there fore d o not desi gn an Int el® 80303 I/O proces s or based produ ct without ECC im pl emented, thi s ca use s severe syste m errors.
Specification Cl arifications 16 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 6. SREQ64# Functionalit y Problem: Ther e is an SREQ64# func tional ity dif f erenc e between th e A-1 and A-2 steppin gs of the 80303 I/O pr oce s sors.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 17 Documentation Chan ges Documentat ion Ch anges 1. Tit le Page re v ision number Issue: Manual indi cates Re visi on 0.5. Implic ation: This type of re vision n umberi ng is not used wi th publ ishe d docume nts.
Documentation Chang es 18 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 3. Figure 13-22 on pg 1 3-40 did n ot print c orrectly Problem: Figure 13-22 on pg 13-40 di d not prin t corr ectly . Workaround: Repl ace Figure 13-22 with the foll owing: Affected D ocs: Int e l ® 80303 I/O Pr ocess or Deve lope r ’ s M anual.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 19 Documentation Chan ges 5. Figure 1 5-2 on pg 15- 3 did not pri nt correc tly Problem : Fig ure 15-2 on pg 15-3 did not pri nt correctl y . Workaround: Repla ce Figure 15-2 with the followi ng: Affected Docs: Intel ® 80303 I/O Pr ocessor Dev eloper’ s Manual.
Documentation Chang es 20 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 6. Incorr ect V e ndor ID i n A TU register Problem: The value for the V endor ID register (A TUVID) i s incorre ct .
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 21 Documentation Chan ges 8. T abl e 24 -4 o n p g 24- 8 i s inc or re ct Problem : T able 24-4 on pg 24-8 is in corre c t. Workaround: Repla ce T a ble 24-4 with th e followin g t abl e: T a ble 24-4.
Documentation Chang es 22 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate "42 (B C _1 , *, c on trol , 1)," & "43 (B C_1 , i_r st z, outp ut3 , X, 1 1 1, 1, Z ) .
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 23 Documentation Chan ges "89 (B C_1, dcl k(0) , output 3, X , 1 1 1, 1, Z), " & "9 0 (BC_ 1, dc lk o ut, out pu.
Documentation Chang es 24 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate "13 6 ( B C_1 , scez (1 ), outp ut3 , X, 205, 1, Z) ," & "13 7 ( B C_1 , sdqm (5 ), out.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 25 Documentation Chan ges "18 3 (C B SC_1 , d q( 54) , bidi r , X , 204, 0, Z)," & "18 4 (C B SC_1 , d q( 55) , .
Documentation Chang es 26 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate "2 30 (C BS C_1, s_a d( 56) , bid ir , X, 322 , 0, Z ), " & "2 31 (C BS C_1, s_a d( 57).
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 27 Documentation Chan ges "27 7 (CB SC_1 , s_f rame z, bidi r , X, 278, 0, Z), " & "2 78 ( BC_ 1, *, con tr ol, .
Documentation Chang es 28 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate "3 24 (BC_ 1, * , cont ro l, 0), " & "3 25 (BC_ 1, * , cont ro l, 0), " & &quo.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 29 Documentation Chan ges "37 1 (CB SC_1 , p_st opz, bi dir , X, 373, 0, Z), " & "372 (CBSC_ 1, p_trdyz, bidir ,.
Documentation Chang es 30 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate Affected D ocs: Int e l ® 80303 I/O Pr ocess or Deve lope r ’ s M anual.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 31 Documentation Chan ges 9. Figure 2 5-1 on pg 25- 1 has incorre ct dat a Problem : The Int erna l bus in dia gram shows 66 MHz bus speed.
Documentation Chang es 32 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 1 1. Figure 25-2 on pg 2 5 -2 did not p rint corre ctly Problem: Figure 25-2 o n pg 2 5-2 did not p rint c orrect ly . Workaround: Repl ace Figure 25-2 wit h the follo w ing: Affected D ocs: Int e l ® 80303 I/O Pr ocess or Deve lope r ’ s M anual.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 33 Documentation Chan ges 13. S ecti on 1.2. 2 on p a ge 1- 2 h as i nco rre ct da t a Problem : The second s ent ence of the first parag raph is incorr ec t. It states the Int ernal Bus operat es at 66 MHz.
Documentation Chang es 34 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 17. Secti o n 13 .2 .4 . 3 o n page 13 -30 has i n co r r ec t d ata Problem: The firs t sentence in correctly sta te s, 'If enabl ed '. ECC is always ena bled on the 80303 I/O pr oce ssor , it i s not optio nal.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 35 Documentation Chan ges 20. T able 8- 17 o n pag e 8 -38 ha s i n co r r ec t d ata Problem : The bit loc ations for Exter nal Inter rupt 5 are incorre ctly shown as bit s '9:4' .
Documentation Chang es 36 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 24. T a b le 8-1 5 on page 8- 36 n e eds c la r if ic ati o n Problem: ICON.10 , Global Interru pt Enable bit , does not st at e what b it va lue enable s interrupt s.
In tel ® 80303 and 80 302 I/O Pr ocessor s Speci fi ca tion Updat e 37 Documentation Chan ges 26. Sect ion 13 . 2. 4. 3, F i rs t Pa rag r ap h af ter T a b l e 13 -13 h as I n cor r ec t D ata Problem : First sente nce inc orre ct ly stat es error type s for corrected T a ble 13-13: .
Documentation Chang es 38 Inte l ® 803 03 and 80302 I/O Pro cessors Spec ificat i on Upd ate 32. Secti on 4.5.2 on p age 50 is only corre c t for A-0 and A-1 ste ppings Problem: The se cond sen tence in Note 7 stat es, ‘S _REQ64# i s deasse rted one P_CL K after t he deasse rti on of S_R ST#’.
デバイスIntel 80302の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Intel 80302をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIntel 80302の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Intel 80302の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Intel 80302で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Intel 80302を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIntel 80302の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Intel 80302に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIntel 80302デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。