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Intel ® IQ802 19 Gene ral Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Pl at form Bo ar d Ma nu al Novemb er 13, 2 003 Docume nt Number : 274 022-001.
Board Manu al 3 Int el ® I Q8021 9 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluat ion Pl atform Contents Content s 1 I ntro duc tio n ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ...
4 Board Man ual Inte l ® IQ80219 General Pur pose PCI Processo r Eval uat ion Pl atform Contents 3.7.4 Rota ry Swit ch.. ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... . 42 3.
Board Manu al 5 Int el ® I Q8021 9 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluat ion Pl atform Contents 3.10 . 9.20 Jumper J 3 E1 ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ....... .. 66 3.10 . 9.21 Jumper J 3 G1 .
6 Board Man ual Inte l ® IQ80219 General Pur pose PCI Processo r Eval uat ion Pl atform Contents B.7. 6 S et ting Code|Lab Debu g Options ....................... ..................... .......................... .... 99 B.8 Explo ring the Code|Lab D ebug Wind ows .
Board Manu al 7 Int el ® I Q8021 9 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluat ion Pl atform Contents C.9 D ebugg ing Bas ics ..................... . . ............... ................... .............. ................... .................. .1 1 9 C.9. 1 Overvi ew .
8 Board Man ual Inte l ® IQ80219 General Pur pose PCI Processo r Eval uat ion Pl atform Contents Fig ur es 1I n t e l ® 80219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Block Diagram ................... ................ ................ 16 2 Seri al-UART Co m munica tio n .
Board Manu al 9 Int el ® I Q8021 9 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluat ion Pl atform Contents Tabl es 1I n t e l ® 80219 General Purpos e PC I Processor Related Docum entation List . ...................... . . ..... 13 2 Electron ic In format ion .
10 Board Man ual Inte l ® IQ80219 General Pur pose PCI Processo r Eval uat ion Pl atform Contents 50 Switch S8E1 - 3: Sett ings and Opera ti o n Mode ... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... . 60 51 Switch S8E1 - 4: Descri ptions .
Board Manu al 11 Int el ® I Q8021 9 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluat ion Pl atform Contents Revision Histo ry Date Revision Description Nov ember 20 03 001 In iti al Rele ase.
12 Board Man ual Inte l ® IQ80219 General Pur pose PCI Processo r Eval uat ion Pl atform Contents This Pag e Lef t Intentionally Blan k.
Board Manu al 13 Introduction 1 1.1 Docum e n t Purpos e a nd Scope Th is do cume nt de scr ibes th e Int el ® I Q802 19 e va lu ation plat for m bo a rd (IQ8 021 9) . This pl atfo rm is targe t ed fo r th e In tel ® 8 021 9 g ene ra l pu rpos e P CI p ro ces sor ( 802 19 ).
14 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Int roduc ti on 1.3 Electronic In formation 1. 4 Component Re fere n ces Ta b l e 3 provi des add itio nal in form ati on on th e ma jor com p onents of IQ 80 219. T ab le 2.
Board Manu al 15 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Int roduc tion 1.5 T erms an d Def i niti ons T a bl e 4 . T er ms a nd Defi ni tio ns Ac rony m/T erm Defi niti on ARM Re fers t o bot h the micr opro cesso r ar chitec ture a nd the com pan y that li cens es it.
16 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Int roduc ti on 1.6 I n tel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor About the I ntel ® 80219 ge ner al p urp ose P CI pr oces sor (80 21 9).
Board Manu al 17 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Int roduc tion The P C I Bu s is a n in dustr y sta n dard , hig h p erf orma nce lo w la tency sys tem bu s.
18 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Int roduc ti on 1.7 I n tel ® IQ80219 Evaluation Plat form Board Featu res T ab le 5. Summary of Fea tures Featur e Def init ion B att ery Ba c ku p Uni t: B att er y bac k up c irc u it f or SD RA M – 64 M B f or 72 ho u rs.
Board Manu al 19 Getting S tarted 2 The IQ 80 21 9 is a softw ar e de velo pmen t en viron m ent fo r Int el ® 8 02 19 gen era l purp os e P C I p ro ces sor (8 02 19). 2.1 Kit Content The I Q 802 19 K it conta ins the fol lowing items : • Intel ® IQ80219 evaluati on platfor m board.
20 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started 2.3 Factory Setting s Make s ure that th e swi tch/ju mper s ettin gs are set to pr oper po sitio ns as explained in Sectio n 3 .10, “Swit ches and Jumpers ” on page 52 .
Board Manu al 21 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Ge tting Started 2.5 T arget Moni tors 2.5 .1 Re dhat Re dboot Re dBoo t * is an ac ron ym for “R ed Hat E mb.
22 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started 2. 5.2 A RM F ir mw ar e Sui te The ARM Firmware S uite is a package o f low-level r outines an d.
Board Manu al 23 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Ge tting Started 2.5. 2.1 ARM An gel Ange l is one of the de bug monit or pro gra ms f or 8 021 9. It is prov ide d in s ou rce an d bin a ry for m wit h the AR M Sof tw are D eve l opmen t T o olki t.
24 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started 2.6 Host Commu nications E xamples How to com mu nicate to the ho st. 2.6.1 Ser ial-UART Commun ication Using a seri al connecti on: 2.6 .2 Et h erne t- N etw ork C omm uni cat io n Usin g a ne two rk con nectio n: Figure 2.
Board Manu al 25 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Ge tting Started 2.6 .3 JT AG D e b ug C ommuni cati on Usi ng a J T AG Em u lator : Figure 4.
26 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started 2.6.4 GNUPro GDB/Ins ight 2.6 . 4 .1 Com mu nic a tin g wi t h Re db oo t Har dwa re S etu p: •.
Board Manu al 27 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Ge tting Started T o br ing up a Hy per T ermin al s essi on o n a W in3 2 pl a tform : Go t o S tar t , Pr ogr.
28 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started 2. 6.4.2 Conn ecting with GDB Below ar e the GD B comm ands entered from th e comma nd p rompt. Be su re system p ath is s et to access “xscale- elf-gdb.
Board Manu al 29 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Ge tting Started 2.6 .5 ARM Ex tend ed Debu gger For further inf or matio n on the A X D Deb ugg er, r e fer to the co ntent of the A RM A DS.
30 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getting Started This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Board Manu al 31 Hardware Refere nce Sec t ion 3 3.1 Functional Di agram Figure 5 sho ws th e functio nal b lock fo r the IQ 80 219. Figure 5. Functional Block Diagram B2807-02 Intel ® 80219 General .
32 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.2 Board Form-Factor/ Conn ectivity Ta b l e 6 summari zes the form- factor and co nnectiv ity featur es for th e IQ80219 .
Board Manu al 33 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.3 Po wer The I Q 802 19 draw s po we r fr om th e PC I-X b us . T he p ow er r equ irem en ts fo r th e IQ802 19 a re sho wn in Ta b l e 7 belo w .
34 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.4 Memory Subs ystem Memo ry subs ystem cons ists of the SD RA M as w ell as th e Flas h mem ory sub sys tems. 3.4.1 DDR SDRAM The DDR SDRAM in terface con sists of a 64-bit w ide data path to suppor t 1.
Board Manu al 35 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.4.2 Flas h Mem or y Re quirem ents T ot al Flash m emory size i s 8 MB . T a ble 1 0. Flash M emo ry Requirem ent s Description Intel ® I Q80 21 9 ev al uat ion pl atf or m bo ar d T ota l F la sh siz e is 8 MB .
36 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.5 I n tel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Operation Mod e Pl ease re fe r to us er sw i tch es s ect i on fo r m od e set ting du rin g re set .
Board Manu al 37 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.6 Int errupt Ro ut ing The I Q 802 19 Int err upt routin g.
38 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.7 I n tel ® IQ80219 Evaluation Pl at form Board Peripheral Bus The I Q8 0219 p opu late s th e per iph eral b us as de pic ted by Figure 8 .
Board Manu al 39 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.7 .1 Fl ash ROM T a ble 1 2.
40 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.7.2 UART T able 13. UART F ea tures Description UA RT on th e pe rip he ral bu s is pa rt of t he 16C 5 50 fa mi ly . The co nnec tion to the p e ri pheral bus is dep ict ed by Fi gur e 10 .
Board Manu al 41 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.7 .3 H EX Di spla y T a ble 1 4. HEX Display on the P erip heral Bus Description The I nte l ® IQ 8021 9 ev alua tion platf orm boa rd i nclu de s a HEX D i spla y unit on th e per ip her al bus .
42 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 7.4 R ot ar y Swi tch The I Q8 021 9 pro vide s a R otar y S w itch f or the us er to se lect fr om d iffe re nt boot -up fla vor s .
Board Manu al 43 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3. 7.5 B at tery Status T a ble 16.
44 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.8 Debug In terface 3.8. 1 C onso le Ser ial Por t Th e pla t for m has one s eria l por t for d ebu g purp ose s as d e s crib ed in S ection 3.
Board Manu al 45 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.8 .3 J T AG Deb u g The IQ 802 19 has a 20 -pin J T AG con nect or that is in com pliant with ARM M ul ti-ICE g uideline s. 3.8.
46 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.8. 5 Mic to r J3F2 Wa r n i n g : Be sure to fully und erstand the pin as s i g nment s of the particula r logic analy z er bein g used befo re conne c ting to the Intel ® IQ80219 evalua tion platfo rm board.
Board Manu al 47 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3. 8.6 M ict or J2 F 1 Wa r n i n g : Be sure to ful ly understa nd the pin ass ignm e nts of the particu lar logic ana lyz er being used before conne c ting to t he Inte l ® IQ80219 e val uation plat form board .
48 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.8. 7 Mic to r J1 C1 Wa r n i n g : Be sure to fully und erstand the pin as s i g nment s of the particula r logic analy z er bein g used befo re conne c ting to the Intel ® IQ80219 evalua tion platfo rm board.
Board Manu al 49 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3. 8.8 M ict or J3 C1 Wa r n i n g : Be sure to ful ly understa nd the pin ass ignm e nts of the particu lar logic ana lyz er being used before conne c ting to t he Inte l ® IQ80219 e val uation plat form board .
50 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.8. 9 Mic to r J2 C1 Wa r n i n g : Be sure to fully und erstand the pin as s i g nment s of the particula r logic analy z er bein g used befo re conne c ting to the Intel ® IQ80219 evalua tion platfo rm board.
Board Manu al 51 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.9 Board Reset Scheme Figure 15 de pict s th e rese t sch eme fo r th e IQ80 21 9. Ta b l e 2 3 l ist the r es et sc heme s fo r th e IQ80 21 9.
52 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.10 Switche s an d Jumpers 3.10.1 Switc h S umm ary T ab le 24.
Board Manu al 53 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.10 .2 P CIX In it ial izatio n Su mm ary Figure 16 show s a ro uting g uid ance on ho w P CI-X mo de is det ermin ed/imp lemen ted o n th e secondar y side of the PCI- X bridge.
54 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10. 3 D efa ul t Swi tch Set tin gs - V isu al T ab le 25.
Board Manu al 55 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.10. 4 Jump e r Summa ry 3.10.5 Conne c tor Summary 3.10 .6 Ge ne ral P urpo se Inpu t/O utput Hea der Th e bo ar d has th ree pr ogr amm abl e gene ral -pur pose I/O pi ns (GPI O 0-3 on th e 803 21) .
56 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3.10.7 Seco nda ry P CI/PCI -X Op er atio n Sett ings 3.
Board Manu al 57 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.10 .9 Detail De sc ript ions of S witch es /Jum pers 3.
58 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10.9.2 Switch S7E 1- 4/5 3.1 0 .9 .2 . 1 Sw itc h S 7E 1 - 4 This allo ws 8 021 9 to hide the d evi ce in P CI-X Slot 1 un der GPIO con trol.
Board Manu al 59 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion Switc h S7E1- 8 T a ble 4 5. Switch S7E1 - 8: Des criptions Swi tc h Assoc ia ti o n Des cr i ptio n Fa cto ry D e fa ult S7 E1- 8 SPCI -X C lo ck E na bles S P CI- X cl oc k ci rc uit e na bl e.
60 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10.9.5 Switch S8E 1- 2 T u rn O n t o e n able o n- boa rd G i ga bit E th ern et, ot her wis e O ff fo r b ette r PC I-X lo a din g/p erf or m ance .
Board Manu al 61 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion Switc h S8E1- 5 When this in put is pu lled h igh (o f f), th e br idge chan ges the out put i mped anc e o f the dri ver s to the oppo si te st ate th an w as assu med by def ault , a s sh own in Ta b l e 5 4 be low: 3.
62 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10.9.10 Switch S 8E1- 7 Used to e na ble the IDS EL reroute funct ion at res et or power-up .
Board Manu al 63 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion S witch S 8E2 - 1/2 Thi s feature fo rces the P CI-X Capab ility pin s fo r the expa ns ion sl ot to fo rce a conf igu ration o n the Secondar y PCI-X bus.
64 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10.9.14 Switch S 9E1 - 1:3 3. 10.
Board Manu al 65 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion Switc h S1D1 - 1/2 Swit che s 1 an d 2 hav e to a lwa ys b e op posit e of e ach ot her . Switc h S4D1 - 1/2 Swit che s 1 an d 2 hav e to a lwa ys b e op posit e of e ach ot her .
66 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 10.9.19 Jumper J1G2 3. 10.9.20 Jumper J3E1 3. 10.9.21 Jumper J3G1 Initializat ion Dev ice Select: Use d as a chi p select during configur ation read a nd write trans a ctio ns on th e s econda ry bus.
Board Manu al 67 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Har dware R e ference S ec tion Ju m per J9E1 Base Addr e ss R eg iste r En abl e : Used to en able the b ase address register at reset or power -up .
68 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Hardware Refer ence Section This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Board Manu al 69 Exte rnal RAI D Sect ion 4 The I Q802 19 provides the cap ability f or the us er to deve lop RA ID applicatio ns. Ther e is a requir ement to p rovide t he ab ility of m a king the second ary PC I-X d evices p rivate and the a bilit y to route t he in terrup t line s.
70 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm External RAI D Section 4. 2 Inte r r up t Routi ng The i nter ru pt l ines f or de vices o n the SP CI -X b us (E xpa nsion S lot and Inte l ® 825 44 G igab it Et her net Controller r) are rout ed based on requir ements.
Board Manu al 71 Softwa re Re fe renc e 5 5.1 DRAM For DD R SD RA M Size s an d Co nf igu rations , se e se ctio n 7.2 .2.1 , table 1 39 of t he Inte l ® 8021 9 General P urpose PCI Pr o cessor D e veloper’ s Manual .
72 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.2.1 Flash RO M The Flash ROM is an 8 M B Intel ® Str a taF l as h ® (part # 38F640 ) that sits on the Periph eral Bus and is accessed using P CE0.
Board Manu al 73 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference 5.2.2 UART The UAR T is a TL16C550C. It sits o n the Peripheral B us and is accessed using .
74 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.2.4 HEX Disp la y The H EX D is pla y is an A g ilent * H DSP -G211, wh ic h all ows f or m oni tor ing of t wo dig its.
Board Manu al 75 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference Figure 24. Register Bitmap: 7-Segmen t Display LSB FE85 0000 h (Write O nly).
76 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.3 Ethernet The 8254 4EI u tilize s a 32/64 -bit, 33 /66 MHz dir ect-i nterface to the PCI bus. The co ntr oller in terfaces with the 802 19 thr ough on- chip comm and/statu s regi sters and using a shared m emo ry area.
Board Manu al 77 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference 5.4 Board Suppo rt Package (BSP) Examples Examp les pr ov ided in th is section are ba sed on the R ed H at* Redboo t soft war e runn ing on the IQ80 32 1 bo ard .
78 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.4. 2 R edbo o t* In te l ® I Q80 21 9 Mem o ry M ap The virtual m emory ma ps us e a C, B, and X column t o indicate the cach ing po licy for the r egion.
Board Manu al 79 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference 5.4 .3 Re dboot Inte l ® IQ 802 19 Phy sic al Memo ry M ap - Visu al Fi gure 26.
80 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.4. 4 R edbo o t Inte l ® IQ8 021 9 Virtua l Mem o ry Map - Visua l Figu re 27 .
Board Manu al 81 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference 5.4 .5 Re dboot Inte l ® IQ 802 19 Files Attache d in the k it, find a co py of the Re d H at eCos for 80219 r CD.
82 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence 5.4.6 Redboot Intel ® IQ80219 DDR Memory Initializ ation Sequence In order to set the correct ECC bits, a D DR memo ry system (DIM M or discre te compone nts) mu st be written to with a kn own value.
Board Manu al 83 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm Software R eference 5.4 .7 Re dboot Swi tch ing • S8E1-2 ON: E nable GbE on t he SPCI-X B us. • S8E1-7 OF F: P CI -X Br idge hide s devices us ing Pri vate Spac e Addre ss li nes.
84 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Software Refer ence This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Board Manu al 85 IQ803 10 and IQ 80219 C ompari s ons A This app endix p rovides a brie f descrip tion f or differences be twee n I Q802 19 and I Q80310.
86 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm IQ80310 and IQ80219 Co m pariso ns This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Board Manu al 87 Getting S tarted and Debugger B B.1 Int roducti on This appen dix per tains to Cod e|Lab versio n 2.2 and earl ier , w hich uses the M icrosoft V is u al Studio 6 .0. For Co de|L ab versio n 2 .3 and la ter, refer to Appendix C, “Getti ng S t arted and Debugge r” .
88 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.1. 4 Rela te d We b S ite s • Ma cr aigor : http://www . ocdemon.n et/ • http ://de veloper .intel. com/desi gn/inte lxsc a le/ dev_too ls/02 0523/index.
Board Manu al 89 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.2 Setup B. 2.1 Hardw are S etu p Us e F igure 2 8 and th e rest of the In t el ® IQ 80 21 9 Eva lua tion Pl atfor m Bo ard Ma nua l , t o se t up the har dw are .
90 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.2. 2 Softw are S e tup A T I Code|Lab is a plug-in to Micr osoft V isual St udio 6.0 ; therefore, M icrosoft V isual Studio 6.
Board Manu al 91 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.3 New P roject Set up B. 3.1 Creat ing a N ew P roject 1. Launc h Code| L ab ED E an d sele ct “ T ools/Cu stomize/Ad d-ins/ Macro F iles ”.
92 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.3. 2 C on fi gu ra ti on On the to ol b ar, click on the ico n th at looks like a file fo lder with th e letters “EDE” on it .
Board Manu al 93 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.4 Fl ashing wit h J T AG B. 4.1 Ove rv iew Code|L ab and the Raven ar e capab le of r eading f rom , wr itin g to , and era sing t he co nten ts of the Fla sh on the ev aluation board.
94 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.4. 2 U sing Fl ash Pr og ram m er Note: T he parallel p ort must be s et t o EPP mo de o r th e Mac ra igor R a ven wi ll no t work pr ope rly .
Board Manu al 95 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.5 D e bug ging Out of Fl a s h JT AG debugg ers can be u sed on two leve ls; wit h or witho ut the s ource code.
96 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.7 Ru nning the Code |Lab De bug ger This s ectio n is provi ded t o ge t the sys tem up and run nin g in the Co de|L ab Deb ug e nvi ronm ent, b ut it is not inten ded as a full-funct ional tut orial.
Board Manu al 97 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.7.2 M an ua lly Load in g and Exec ut ing an Applic at ion Progr am 1. Launc h the Code | Lab Debug Env ironment from the des ktop icon.
98 Board Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.7. 4 Usin g Br eak poin ts Note the small gr ay circles on the sidebar beside e ach line of s ource code. S ingle-cl ick any of the se gray circles and a red dot appears.
Board Manu al 99 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.7 . 5 Ste ppi n g Th r ou gh t he Co de The “led.c” file contain s a fu nc tion that is called from cod e in “blink.
100 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.8 E x pl oring the Code |Lab De bug Wind ows This sectio n discusse s some basics of the debu g environmen t. Som e of th ese windows and concepts have been dealt wi th duri ng pre vious exer cises in t his man ual.
Board Manu al 101 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.8 . 6 Reg is te rs Wi nd ow Clos e all the activ e windo ws, th en bring up the Regis ters wi ndow . Resize th e thi s window and its columns to get a g ood vi ew of all the register s.
102 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.9 De b ugging Basic s B.9. 1 Ove rvie w D e bugg e rs a llo w deve lo pe rs t o in terr oga t e app lic a ti o n co de by a llo wing pro gram flow c ont r ol, data obser vation, an d d ata m ani pulation .
Board Manu al 103 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r B.9 .3 Exc ep tio ns/T ra pp ing A de bug e x cepti on c aus es the p roc esso r to re- direc t exe cutio n to a de bug e vent hand lin g ro utine .
104 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Board Manu al 105 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r Getting S tarted and Debugger C C.1 Int roducti on Th is ap pe nd ix p e rta i ns to Cod e| L ab v er si o n 2. 3 an d l a te r wh ic h u se s Mi cr os of t 's V is u al S t udi o .
106 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.1. 4 Rela te d We b S ite s • Ma cr aigor : http://www . ocdemon.n et/ • http ://de veloper .intel. com/desi gn/inte lxsc a le/ dev_too ls/02 0523/index.
Board Manu al 107 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.2 Setup C. 2.1 Hardw are S etu p Us e F igure 2 8 and th e rest of the In t el ® IQ 80 21 9 Eva lua tion Pl atfor m Bo ard Ma nua l , t o se t up the har dw are .
108 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.2. 2 Softw are S e tup A TI Code|L ab is a plug-in to Mic rosoft V isua l Stud io .NET , ther e for e Micros oft V isu a l S t ud io .
Board Manu al 109 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.3 New P roject Set up C. 3.1 Creat ing a N ew P roject 1. Launc h Code |Lab EDE for .NET . 2. On th e Star t P a ge , s el ec t “N e w P roj ec t” .
110 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.3. 2 C on fi gu ra ti on Examine the mai n menu of Cod e|Lab EDE f or .NET . Since Code|Lab is a plug- in to V isual Studi o, some o f these me nu items are V isu al Studio and some are specific t o Code|Lab .
Board Manu al 111 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.4 Fl ashing wit h J T AG C. 4.1 Ove rv iew Code|L ab and Rav en are capa ble of readin g from, wr itin g to, and erasing the co n tents of the Flash on the evalu atio n board.
112 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.4. 2 U sing Fl ash Pr og ram m er Note: T he paralle l port must be set to EPP mod e or the Macraig or Raven will not work prope rly .
Board Manu al 113 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.5 D e bug ging Out of Fl a s h JT AG debugg ers can be u sed on two leve ls; wit h or witho ut the s ource code.
114 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.7 Ru nning the Code |Lab De bug ger This s ectio n is provi ded t o ge t the sys tem up and run nin g in the Co de|L ab Deb ug e nvi ronm ent, b ut it is not inten ded as a full-function al tutori al.
Board Manu al 115 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.7 . 3 Dis pl a yi ng So ur ce Co de 1. Launc h the Code|L ab ED E Debugger a nd open the “T ester1LED” ELF pro gram.
116 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C. 7 .5 S teppi ng Throu gh the Code The “led.c” file con tains a fun ction that is called f rom cod e in “blin k.c”. This exerc ise steps thr ough the code an d utilizes a f ew of the m ost com mon step too ls.
Board Manu al 117 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.8 E xploring the Code| Lab Debug Wi ndows This section d iscusses som e basics o f the debug en vironm ent.
118 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.8. 6 Reg ist er s Win dow Close al l the active w indow s, then br ing up t he Re gisters win dow . Res ize the this w indow and its colum ns to g et a go od view of all the reg isters.
Board Manu al 119 Intel® IQ80219 Ge nera l Purp ose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm G et tin g Sta rt ed a nd D e bu gge r C.9 D e bug ging Basi cs C. 9.1 Ove rv iew De bugge rs allow de velo per s to int e rroga te app licatio n co de b y allo wi ng p ro gra m flo w co ntr ol, d ata obs ervation , and data ma nipu latio n.
120 Boar d Manual Intel® IQ80219 Ge neral Pu rp ose PC I Processor Evaluation Platfo rm Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er C.9.3 C .9. 3 Excep ti ons/T rap ping A debug exceptio n causes the processor to re-direct executi on to a d ebu g event handling routine.
デバイスIntel IQ80219の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Intel IQ80219をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIntel IQ80219の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Intel IQ80219の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Intel IQ80219で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Intel IQ80219を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIntel IQ80219の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Intel IQ80219に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIntel IQ80219デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。