Ampro Corporationメーカー486Eの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Little Boar d™/486 e Computer P/N 5001561 R e vision A 4757 H ell yer Avenue , San J ose, CA 95 138 Phone: 4 08 36 0-02 00, FAX : 40 8 360- 02 22, W eb: www.
ii TRADEMARKS The Ampr o logo is a registe red trad emark, and Ampro, Co reModul e, Litt le Board, StackP lane, MiniMo dule, an d MiniB ackpla ne are trad emarks of Ampr o Comput ers, Inc . All o ther ma rks are t he prop erty of their re spectiv e comp anies.
iii T able of Contents Preface Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ vii Technical Suppor t ...............................................
iv I/O Addresse s .................................................................................................................. ........... 2–1 1 Interrupt As signment s ..........................................................................
v Utility Conne ctor (J16) ........................................................................................................ ............ 2–55 PC Speaker.........................................................................................
vi Onboard Per ipheral s ............................................................................................................ ........ 3–2 Support Software .....................................................................................
vii Preface Introd uctio n This m anu al is f or d esign er s of sy ste ms ba sed o n the Amp ro L ittle Boa rd™/4 86 e sing le bo ard syste m. Th is m anual co ntain s inf orm ation that pe rmi ts use rs to cre ate an e mbed ded syste m custom ized to specif ic requ iremen ts.
viii This pag e lef t in tentio nall y blan k..
1–1 Chapter 1 Introduction General Descr iption The Lit tle Board ™/4 86 e CPU is an exceptionally high integration, high performance, 486DX-based PC/AT comp atible sy stem in the EB X form fac tor.
Little Bo ard™/48 6 e Technical Manual 1–2 VL-Bus Flat Panel/CRT Display Controller A powe rful and f lexib le loca l bu s video disp lay co ntrol ler in terface s with both flat panel s and CRTs , and offers full software compatibili ty with all popular PC video standards (VGA, Super VG A, and VESA).
Intro ductio n 1–3 Serial Ports Four P C-comp atible RS-2 32C seria l ports are s tanda rd. Se rial Por t fe ature s inclu de: ! 16C550- type UAR Ts ! UARTs are eq uipped with 16-byt e FIFO ! Suppor.
Little Bo ard™/48 6 e Technical Manual 1–4 Ethernet LAN Interface The Ethernet LAN i nterface uses Carrier Sense, Multipl e Access/Collision Det ect (CSMA/CD) for node access and operat es at a 10M-bits/s econd data rate.
Intro ductio n 1–5 Modular PC/104 Expansion Bu s The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU p rovid es a PC/1 04-comp atib le ex pansio n bu s for ad ditio nal sys tem functio ns. Th is bu s i s a comp act ve rsion of the st andard PC I SA bu s and of fers compact , self - stacki ng, modular expandability.
Little Bo ard™/48 6 e Technical Manual 1–6 HA LT Testing The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU w as subj ecte d to Highly Acce lerated Life Te sting ( HA LT) as a p art of its Engineering Qual ification. An independent fi rm using a standardized procedure performed test ing.
Intro ductio n 1–7 Software The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU can use most commercial and public-domain software developed for the IBM PC and PC/AT. Software development tools such as editors, compilers, and debuggers can be used to d eve lop app lica tion cod e.
Little Bo ard™/48 6 e Technical Manual 1–8 Little Boar d Deve lopme nt Plat form Whatever your L ittle Board application, t here is always a need for an engineering devel opment cycle.
2–1 Chapter 2 2 2 2 Product Reference Ov e rv ie w This chap ter co ntain s the techn ical inf orm ation re quired to in st all and co nfig ure the Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e CPU .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–2 Table 2–1 . Connector Us age Summ ary Connector Function Size Key Pin P1A/ B PC/104 Ex pans io n Bus 64-Pin B10 P2C/D PC/104 Ex pans io n Bus 40-pin C.
Product Reference 2–3 Shaded connector pi ns indicate key pins. Default settings for jumpers are in parenthesis. ) Figure 2–1. Co nnector and J umper Locati ons J4 LCD Bi as Supply J5 CR T Video J.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–4 Jumper Configuration Option s Ampro inst alls opti onal jumpers in default positions so that t he Little B oard/486 e CPU requires no special jumperin g for immediate operati on. Jumper-pin arrays are designated W1 , W2, and so forth.
Product Reference 2–5 Table 2–3 . Little Board/ 486e I/O Map I/O A ddress Function 3F8h - 3FFh Prim ar y seria l port 3F2h - 3F 7h Floppy disk controller ports 3F2: FDC D igital outp ut regis ter .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–6 DC Pow er Power the module by connecting the DC power supply to the PC/104 expan sion bus and connect the voltages to J10. Refer to Table 2 –4 for power connections and Table 2 –5 for mating connector information .
Product Reference 2–7 Power Requirements The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU operates on +5VDC (±5 %). The ±9V RS-232 vol tages are generat ed on board. The exa ct power requirement of the Little Board/.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–8 Powerfail Monitor The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU has a built-in powerfail circuit that generates a clean reset signal if powe r falls be low 4 .65V. I t guar antee s a minimu m 140 m S rese t sig nal, inde pend ent of how lo ng the po wer fall s belo w the 4.
Product Reference 2–9 DRAM There is no DRAM soldered on b oard. The Little B oard/486 e CPU wil l sup por t up to 64 M byte of system DRA M. A sing le ve rtic al 1 68-pin DI MM socket supp ort ing sy mm etric al E DO 3.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–10 Table 2–6 . Little Board/ 486e Memory Map Memory A ddress Function 0100000h – 3FFFFFFh Extended mem ory 00F0000h - 00FFFFFh 64K ROM BIOS 00D0000h -.
Product Reference 2–11 Serial Ports (J11 , J13) Four RS-232C serial ports are incl uded on the Little Board/486 e CPU. Serial port 2 provides an option al RS-485 seri al interface. Both serial port s support sof tware selec table st andard baud r ates up to 1 15.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–12 Interrupt Assi gnments Interrupt 4 (IRQ4) is assigne d to Ser ial 1 and Inte rrup t 3 (IRQ 3) to Serial 2 .
Product Reference 2–13 ROM-BIOS In stallation of the Serial Ports The RO M BIO S normally sup port s Ser ial 1 as the DOS COM1 d evice , Seri al 2 a s the DOS COM2 device, and so o n.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–14 Table 2–8. Serial Port C onnec tors (J11, J 13) Ports Pin Signal Name Function In/Out DB25 Pin DB9 Pin Seria l 1 (J11) or Seria l 3 (J13) 1 2 3 4 5 6.
Product Reference 2–15 Configuring Serial 2 for RS-485 (J6, W5, W6) Serial 2 provides circu itry for both an R S-232C and R S-485 interface. The port can be configured to support eit her interface using jumpers . The RS-232C interface a ppears on J11.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–16 The RS -485 interface specif ication req uires that both ends of t he twisted-pai r cable be terminat ed with 100 -ohm resistors. You can terminat e the RS-485 int erface on J6 with a resis tor provided on the Lit tle Bo ard/48 6 e CPU.
Product Reference 2–17 Using the RS-485 Interface The RS- 485 in terface allow s half -duple x op eratio n usin g a 5 VD C dif feren tial interface . Thi s interface provi des greater immunity against noise and interference than singl e-wire interfaces and can drive cable leng ths u p to 4000 fe et rel iably a t 57.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–18 Multidrop Net work More th an two device s sh are an RS-4 85 s ignal pair, f or both tr ansmi ssion and rece ptio n of d ata.
Product Reference 2–19 Note Some programs that emulate an ASCII terminal do not properly support the ba sic A SCII comm and f unct ions show n in Table 2–14. Ampro provides a s uitable PC terminal emulator progra m, TVTERM, on the Commo n Ut ilitie s di ske tte.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–20 Serial Booting and Serial Programming Serial consol e functionality has been expa nded to incorporate two addit ional features useful i n embedded applicat ions.
Product Reference 2–21 Bi-Directional Par allel Port The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU incorporate s a standard PC b i-directional parallel port a t connector J15.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–22 ROM-BIOS Installation of Parallel Ports LPT1 is normal ly assigned t o the primary parallel port by the BIOS, LPT2 to t he secondary parallel port if present, and so on.
Product Reference 2–23 ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Code to change the parallel port d irection to input ;---------------------------------------------------------- .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–24 Parallel Port Interrupt Enable Bit 4 in the cont rol register (see Tabl e 2–18) enables the para llel port interrupt. If this bit is high, then a rising edge on t he -ACK (IRQ) line produces an interrupt on the interrupt IRQ7 (or IR Q5 if configured as the seconda ry port).
Product Reference 2–25 Parallel Port Connector (J15) Conne ction to the p aralle l po rt is throug h conn ector J 15. Table 2–19 de tai ls th e J15 pino ut an d signal d efini tions . Use a flat r ib bon ca ble be twee n J15 an d a f emale DB2 5 conne ctor.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–26 Note For maximum reliabil ity, keep the cable between t he board and the device it drive s to 10 fee t or less in leng th. Register Bit Definitions Table 2– 21 defines the regi ster bits shown i n the Sign al Name or Func tion column of T able 2–19.
Product Reference 2–27 Flopp y Disk Inter face The onboar d floppy disk controller a nd ROM BIOS support one or two floppy dis k drives in any of the stan dard DOS fo rmat s sh own in Ta ble 2 –22. Table 2–2 2. Supporte d Floppy For mats Capacity Driv e Size Tracks Data Rate 360K 5- 1/4 inc h 40 250 k Hz 1.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–28 Floppy Interface Configuration The floppy int erface is configured using S ETUP to set the number and type of floppy drives conn ected to the sy stem . Refe r to the SETU P se ctio n la ter in th is ch apter fo r detai ls.
Product Reference 2–29 IDE Hard Disk In terfac e The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU provides an interface for one or two Int egrated Device Electroni cs (IDE) hard disk drives. IDE drives, the most popular and cost-effective t ype of hard drive currently available , have an in ternal hard di sk co ntroller .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–30 Table 2–25. IDE Driv e I nterf ace C onnec tor ( J12) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out 1 -HOST RESET Reset s ignal f rom host OUT 2 G ND Ground OUT 3 .
Product Reference 2–31 Table 2–25. IDE Driv e I nterf ace C onnec tor ( J12) (c onti nued) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out 33 HOST A1 Drive addr ess 1 OUT 34 RSVD Reserved N/C 35 HOST AD0 Dr ive a.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–32 Compact F lash Solid-S tate Disk The Lit tle Board /48 6 e connector J2 supports a Compact Flash device, a solid-state IDE hard-dis k emulator. It act s as a re mova ble ha rd-dis k drive. Y ou c an forma t, read , and wr ite the Comp act Flash device much as you would a standard IDE drive.
Product Reference 2–33 Flat Panel/C RT Vide o Control ler The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU provides an integrated high-performance super VGA video controller that sup por ts bo th CRT and f lat pan el d isp lays.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–34 Table 2–28. CRT Interface Co nnector (J5) J5 Pin Signal Name DB-15 DB-9 1R e d 1 1 2 Ground 6 6 3 Green 2 2 4 Ground 7 7 5B l u e 3 3 6 Ground 8 8 7 Horizo ntal S ync. 13 4 8 Ground 10 9 9 Ver tica l S ync.
Product Reference 2–35 Connecting a Flat Panel (J3) Signals f or a w ide r ange of flat pane l disp lays , bo th color and g ray sca le, ap pear on co nnecto r J3. Although fla t panels of a simila r type use similar sets of signals from the video controll er, they do not share a standardized interface connect or pin configuration.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–36 Table 2–3 0. Flat Panel Vid eo Connect or (J3) Pin Signal Name Description 2, 34, 37 +5V +5 Volt sup pl y from the L ittle Board/ 486 e CPU 3 +12 V +12 Volt sup ply from J10 5 ShfClk Shif t Cloc k. Pix el c lock f or f lat panel data.
Product Reference 2–37 Table 2–3 1. J3 Mating Conn ectors Part Description Mating Connector Ribbon 3M 4325-7600 Discrete W ire MOLEX Hous ing 5 5-2 2-2502 PIN 16-02-0 103 Power Sequencing Some LCD panels can be damaged when the Vee bias supply is applied to the LCD substrate withou t fir st en ablin g th e co ntrol and d ata line s.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–38 BIOS Support of Non-Standard Panels Ampro supplies flat panel BIOS images for many popular LCD panels. The chosen panel BIOS is selected usi ng SETUP. If an unsupported panel is desired, the standard video BI OS must be modified to s upport the panel.
Product Reference 2–39 LCD Bias Supply Option The LC D Bias supp ly o ption i s a small c ircui t board th at sup plie s Ve e po wer to an LCD disp lay. The boa rd converts the +5V from the Littl e Board/486 e CPU to the Vee voltage (bet ween 15V – 35V) requ ired by many LCD p ane ls.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–40 Note Incorrect Vee polarity or voltage can damage an LCD panel. Set the polarit y and voltage on the Vee suppl y before connecting the LCD panel. Attaching an External Contra st Control Vee co ntro ls the contr as t of the LCD di splay .
Product Reference 2–41 Example: Suppose t he following Vee va lues are shown i n the panel’s data sh eet: Vee max = 24V Vee min = 20V Calcula te the required res istor values as follows: Ra = (270 / (24 / 1.5) –1) –12 Ra = 6K ohm s Rb = (270 / (20 / 1.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–42 Ethernet Ne tw ork Interface This sectio n di scu sse s the hard wa re and so ftwar e co nsid era tion s whe n se tting up a ne two rk u sing the Ethernet LA N interface.
Product Reference 2–43 Installing an Etherne t Boot PROM Most net work interface cards provide a mea ns for installing a boot PROM. The boot PROM code enables t he node to boot from a network server, much like the BIOS boots from a local hard disk or floppy.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–44 Installing a Boot PROM The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU c an be config ured for a boot PROM by in stall ing th e bo ot PRO M in byte-wid e socket S0. Installing a Boot PROM in Byte-Wide Socket S0 Install a LAN b oot PROM in byte-wi de socket S 0.
Product Reference 2–45 many indu stry supplie rs. Stand ard RJ 45 conne cto rs are used fo r all conne ctions in a tw iste d-pair cable ne twork. Twi sted-p air E therne t cable s must be 1 00 mete rs or less betwee n any n ode and hu b or repeater.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–46 Network OS Drivers Etherne t drive rs p rovid ed o n the U til ities d is kette are l isted in Ta ble 2–34. The table which d riv er to use for various NOSs. Driver insta llation procedures vary from one network operating system to anot her.
Product Reference 2–47 Manufacturer’s Etherne t ID Ethernet ne twor k ad apter and in terface manuf acturer s are assign ed a un ique manuf acturer’ s ID by the IEEE Standa rds Of fice. A netw ork ad dre ss con sists of 48 bits. The up per 24 bi ts are the manufactu rer’s ID and the low er 24 b its are the bo ard’s unique ID.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–48 Byte-Wid e Socke t (S0) The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU h as a 32-pin o nbo ard by te-w ide memo ry soc ket des igna ted S0 . T h is socket supports 32-pin DIP JEDEC pin out memory devices, includ ing EPROM, FLASH EPRO M, SRAM, and nonvolatile RAM (NOVRAM) devices.
Product Reference 2–49 Addressing the Byte-w ide Socket Use SETUP to sp ecify the size and starting address of the byte-wide socket , and whether the BIOS enables the socke t up on sy stem ini tializ ation . T able 2–36 lis ts the p ossib le se ttin gs for size s and address ranges of t he byte-wide socket .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–50 Performance Issues Executing programs di rectly from the byte-wide socket can adversely a ffect system performance.
Product Reference 2–51 Table 2–37. Segm ent A ddres sing i n Lar ge Memory Devic es Device Size 64KB Segments Segment A ddress (Upper Nibble of BH) 128K 2 FIRST BH =00h SECOND BH=1 0h 256K 4 FIRST.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–52 Jumpering the Byte-Wide Socket You must jumper the byte-wide sock et for the devices you install. Jumper array W2 configures S0 for a par ticular d evice ty pe. Table 2–38 show s ho w to in stal l jumpe rs for supp orted me mory devices.
Product Reference 2–53 Using EPROMs )If you instal l an EPROM in socket S0, make sure t he jumper on W2 is set properly. Some EPROMs draw curren t thro ugh the ir chip sele ct line s (or o ther pin s) whe n pow ered d own. Ta ble 2–40 lis ts the Flash EP ROM jumpering for S0.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–54 Using SRAMs The ex tern al ba ttery p owe r i s com bined with the inter nal batte ry u sing low f orwar d vo ltage dro p Schottk y diodes. Table 2 –41 lists the SR AM and NOVRAM jumpering for S0. Table 2–41.
Product Reference 2–55 Utilit y Connector (J16) 10 func tions appe ar on the 1 6-pin conne ctor at J16 : ! Auxiliary power connections ! Power indicator LED ! PC speake r ! Push- but ton re set swi .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–56 Table 2–42. Uti lity Connec tor (J16) Pin Signal Name Function 1 -12V power Con nect extern al –1 2V sup pl y here f or dis tribut ion to expans io.
Product Reference 2–57 PC Speaker The Li ttle Board’ s motherboar d logic includes a standa rd AT-compatible sp eaker port. T he speaker logic sig nal is buffe red by a tr ansisto r amp lifier, and pr ovide s abo ut 100 mW o n J16- 9 to an external 8 -ohm speaker.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–58 Batter y -Bac ked Clock An AT-compatib le battery-backed real -time clock (with CMOS RAM) is sta ndard on the Little Bo ard /486 e CPU . A 3.6-v olt Lith ium batter y con necte d to the U til ity Conn ec tor, J 16, can power the clock.
Product Reference 2–59 Watchd og Timer The purpose of a watchdog timer is to restart the syst em should some mishap occur. Possib le problems in clude: ! A failure to b oot properly ! Application so.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–60 Note If you use the MS-DOS opera ting system, you cannot use the watchdog ti mer to monitor the boot process .
Product Reference 2–61 To use the NMI I/O Channel Check i n a custom Watchdog Ti mer handler routine, the standard NMI handler would have to be replaced with your custom code. If a customer supplied NMI interrupt service routine is ins talled, it can te st to see if the I/O Channel Check NMI occurred by reading I/O port 61h, b it 6.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–62 AT Expansi on Bus The PC/A T ex pan sion bus app ears o n a p air of h eader conne cto rs at P1 and P 2.
Product Reference 2–63 Onboard MiniModule Expansion One or more Ampro MiniModule products or other PC/104 modules can be instal led on the Little Bo ard /486 e expansion connectors. When install ed on P1 and P2, the expansion modul es fit within the L ittle Bo ard /486 e ’ s outline dimensions.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–64 Bus Expansion Guideline s Expandin g a Li ttle Bo ard/48 6 e CPU c an be accomplished by connecting short ribbon cables to the header connectors. There are restrictions when atta ching peripherals to the expansion bus with ribbon c ables.
Product Reference 2–65 Expansion Bus Connector Pinouts Tables 2–34 throug h 2 –37 show th e pin out and sign al func tion s on the PC/104- comp liant e xpan sion bus connectors. The expansion bus pin numbers shown in the following ta bles correspond to the scheme normally used on ISA expansion bus card sockets.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–66 Table 2–4 6. AT Expansi on Bus Conn ector, A1-A3 2 (P1) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out Current PU/PD/S * A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 .
Product Reference 2–67 Table 2–4 7. AT Expansi on Bus Conn ector, B1-B3 2 (P1) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out Current PU/PD/S * B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–68 Table 2–4 8. AT Expansi on Bus Conn ector, C0-C1 9 (P2) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out Current PU/PD/S * C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C.
Product Reference 2–69 Table 2–4 9. AT Expansi on Bus Conn ector, D0-D1 9 (P2) Pin Signal Name Function In/Out Current PU/PD/S * D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–70 Interrupt and DMA Channel Usage The AT bus provi des several interrupt and DMA control signals. When the system is expanded wit h MiniModule products or plug-in cards that requ ire either interrupt or DMA support, interrupt or DMA chan nels mu st be specif ical ly se lecte d.
Product Reference 2–71 Table 2–5 1. DMA Channel Assignm ents Channel Function 0 1 2 3 Availa ble f or 8- bit tr ans fer s Availa ble f or 8- bit tr ans fer s (Multim ode Paral lel port) Flopp y co.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–72 SETUP Overview This sect ion describes the SETUP function. It describes each opti on that can be set using SET UP. Additional sections describe important options that can be set for each major functional block of the board.
Product Reference 2–73 Table 2–5 3. Functi ons on Ea ch SETUP Pa ge Page Menu Name Functions 1 Standar d (CMO S/EE PROM) Config uratio n Set da te an d t ime Define f lopp y driv es Define ID E h .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–74 SETUP Page 1—Standar d (CMOS/EEPROM) Setup The first SETUP page contain s the parame ters normally saved in C MOS RAM p lus some additional parame ter s uni que to the Lit tle Boar d/48 6 e C PU. Th e on ly p ara mete rs no t au to saved in th e EEPROM memory are the real-ti me clock date and time.
Product Reference 2–75 Date and Time The time shown on the fi rst SETUP screen is continuously updat ed and reflects t he curren t state of the har dware re al-t ime clo c k. The new time and d ate ente red is im med iatel y wri tten to th e de vice .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–76 To configure the syst em for one or two IDE drives, set the drive para meters with SETUP, as outlined here: ! Drive Ty pes —The configuration memory contains a default list of parameters that specify the physical format of each drive.
Product Reference 2–77 Video Specify t he initial video mode b y selecting one of t he following: ! Mono ! Color40 ! Color80 ! EGA/VGA If the video dis play card is VGA, super VGA, or any other high-res olution standard, specify EGA/VGA re gardle ss o f how it is co nfigu red to initi alize .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–78 SETUP Page 2—Op tions/P eripheral Co nfig uration Use SETUP page 2 t o enable or disable many of the funct ions and peripherals provided on t he Little Bo ard /486 e CPU . Figu re 2 –14 sho ws w ha t can be conf igure d on SE TUP p age 2, and the sections that follow describe each parameter.
Product Reference 2–79 Serial Port Use SETUP to in dependently enable or dis able either of t he two onboard serial ports . When SETUP is used t o enable or disable a port, the change does not take effect until the system is rebooted. The I/O ad dre sse s and inter rupt assig nmen ts (I RQs) f or the seri al po rts cannot be ch ange d.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–80 Floppy Interface Enable Enabl e or disable the onb oard floppy interface. When dis abled, t he I/O ports assigned t o the floppy controller b ecome available, al lowing them to be used by other devi ces installed on the expa nsion bus.
Product Reference 2–81 Video State Video St ate c an be set to En able d or In hibite d. Inh ibite d blanks the d ispl ay un til an app lic ation program makes a cal l to the Video Restore St ate function in the video BIOS through INT10h. This provid es a me ans of con trolling wh at app ear s on the scre en wh en the sy stem s tarts up .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–82 Byte-Wide Socket Configuration The byte-wi de socket, S0 can be configured for its starting address and the size of the memory block in which it appears to the processor, or it can be disabled. Whether or not the socket should be enabled during the b oot process can also be specified.
Product Reference 2–83 Flat Panel Display Type There are up to 8 pr e-in stal led flat pan el v ideo BIOS con figur at ions av ailabl e fr om S ETUP, numbered 1 through 8. Select the panel you want by selecting its number. A list of supported panels is p rovid ed o n the Utili tie s diske tte .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–84 SETUP Page 3—Seri al Con sole Con figuratio n The ROM BIOS i ncludes a unique set of fea tures that allow full access to the system at any time over sta ndard RS-232 serial ports.
Product Reference 2–85 This section describes the SETUP parameters found on the Extended Serial Console Confi guration screen. ! Console Out put Devi ce —Select the console output device, either Video, S erial 1, Serial 2, or None. ! Console Input Device —Select the console input device, eit her the PC Keyboard, Serial 1, Serial 2, or N one.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–86 The SETUP .COM Progra m The SETUP.COM utilit y can be used from the command line to access the same SETUP functions as the hot key code, CTRL-ALT-ESC. SETUP.COM als o adds additional functionality, such a s the ability to load an d sto re co nfigu ratio n se tting s to a di sk file .
Product Reference 2–87 Operati on w ith DOS The Lit tle Board /48 6 e CPU supports IBM’s PC-DOS or Microsoft’s MS-DOS, Version 3.3 or later, or any versi on of Digital Research’s DR DOS as the disk operati ng system. Any differences b etween these si milar operating syst ems are noted in the text where appl icable.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 2–88 Utilit y Soft w are Overview The Lit tle Board /48 6 e Development Kit provid es a number of software utiliti es on the Ampro Common Utili ties diskett e.
3–1 Chapter 3 Technical S pecifications Little Board™/48 6 e CPU Speci fications The fo llowing se ction pr ovid es te chni cal spe cifi catio ns for the Little Boa rd™/ 486 e CPU .
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 3–2 Onboard Peripherals This sect ion describes standard peripherals found on every L ittle Board/486 e CPU.
Technica l Spec ifica tions 3–3 Table 3–1 . Supported CRT Video Modes —Stand ard VGA Mode Display Mode Colors Text Font Pixels Clock (MHz) Horiz (KHz) Vert (Hz) 0+, 1 + T ext 16 40x25 40x25 40x25 9x16 8x14 8x8 360x400 320x350 320x200 28.322 25.175 25.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 3–4 Table 3–2 . Supported CRT Video Modes —Exte nded Resolut ion Mode Display Mode Colors VES A Mode Font Pixels Clock (M Hz ) Horiz (KHz) Vert (Hz) Mem. 20 Pack Pixel 16 120 8x16 640x 480 25.175 31.5 36 31.
Technica l Spec ifica tions 3–5 Table 3–2 . Supported CRT Video Modes —Exte nded Resolut ion (cont.) Mode Display Mode Colors VES A Mode Font Pixels Clock (M Hz ) Horiz (KHz) Vert (Hz) Mem . 43 Pack Pixel 64K 114 8x16 800x 600 36 40 49.5 56.25 35.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 3–6 ! Ethernet LAN Interface: Complies with IE EE 802.3 ( ANSI 8 802-3) Controller: SMC9000-series Topology: Et hernet bus, usi ng CSMA/CD M.
Technica l Spec ifica tions 3–7 Mechanical and Env ironmental Specifications ! Dimension s: 8.0 x 5.75 x 1.2 inches (146 x 203 x 30 mm .). Refe r to Figure 3–1 for moun ting dimensions. ! Provision for s ystem expansion with one or more Ampro MiniM odule products or other PC/104 expansion modul es.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual 3–8 Figure 3–1. Me chanical Dimensions 6.1 00 6.8 00 6.9 00 7.5 00 5. 250 4. 800 3. 950 4. 150 3.1 00 .300 .400 .975 1. 000 1. 550 2. 400 2.5 00 2.7 00 0 .100 .200 0 .450 2.3 00 6.6 75 5.8 00 7.6 00 6.3 50 6.
Technica l Spec ifica tions 3–9.
Index–1 Index #, vii 1 10Base T, 2-44 A AAN-8805, EEPRO M ac cess, 2-86 AC termin ation, 2-64 advanced power management, 2 -37 analog v ideo, 2-33 AT bus, 2-6 2 Attachment Unit.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual Index–2 expan sion bus, 5, 2-62 expansion bus pinouts, 2 -65 expansi on bus, ribbon cables, 2-64 expansion cards, 2-63 extended BIOS, 2-78 extended memory, .
Index Index–3 phone numbers, Ampro, vii port, ser ial , 2-11 ports, 2 -87 POST, SE TUP, 2-77 power fail writ e protect, 2-8 power LED, 2-57 power requirements, 2-7 powe r sequen cing, 2- 37 powe r s.
Little Bo ard ™/48 6 e Technical Manual Index–4.
デバイスAmpro Corporation 486Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ampro Corporation 486Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAmpro Corporation 486Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ampro Corporation 486Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ampro Corporation 486Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ampro Corporation 486Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAmpro Corporation 486Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ampro Corporation 486Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAmpro Corporation 486Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。