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No vaJet 750 Printer T T r r a a i i n n i i n n g g G G u u i i d d e e Ink I nstallati on Printe r Ca libra tio ns Routine Mai ntenance Preventi ve Main tenance Cartridge Checklist A dvanced Trouble.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 2 Installed ne ed le ass em bly Do not br eak c onnect ion w hen installing new car tr i dge 25 m l inside - prep rim ed A . Ink I nstall ation 1.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 3 a) Pri me lin e using the short need l es (p urpl e in color); attach sho rt needle to each of the 4 valves. Connect sept um need le to EasyPri me by in sertin g into femal e receiver. Depress an d hol d EasyPri me ac tiv atio n butt on t o prov ide a soli d bu rst, w ait 20 second s, or un til in k line is f ull.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 4 down a soli d band of c olor wit h 33% i nk load. Co lor Te s t Fa ilure s : - Examp le A abo v e depi cts com plet e i nk starv ation i n m agenta. Thi s probl em m ay be correc ted by using t he EasyPrim e and establ ishi ng t he requi red pr ess ure insi de the c artridge.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 5.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 6 Jet i s bad; jet re- addres sed autom atica lly Jet i s clogged ( Jet elec tronics ar e good tho ugh) Jet manual ly bypasse d, jet good Jet m anually bypassed, jet c logged Pr.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 7 33.00 inches Distanc e betw een the two “T’s” sh ould be 33.00” +/ - 0.05” ( inch es) B. Pr inter C alib rations A. Pa p e r Ax i s T e s t Prio r to runnin g a Paper A xis T est en sure a minim um of 36 inc h me dia is l oade d.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 8 D. Color Calibration To acti vate t he Color cali bration select Utility M enu - Colo r Calib. Menu – Calib T est (NJ850: Bo th Vert Calib Test and Horiz. Cali b. Test. ) Se ve n hor izo ntal pa tter ns fo llowed by seven vertical pattern s will print.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 9 2. Adv ance the m edia though t he print er about 1 f oot, using the F eed Media Menu/F orward butt on. 3. Put t he pri nter medi a f eed in “Sheet ” m ode (S et-up Menu/Paper Opti on Menu/ Supply Ty pe/Sheet ). Usi ng the m edia “Forward” butt on, drive the media f orward until it is pulled ti ght .
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 10 C. Rout ine Maintena nce 1. Perf o rm ro ut ine mai nt ena nce a t recomm ended p lot tim e hour s and in accordance wi th prescr ibed docu men tation. NOT E: The NovaJet p rint er must be clean ed and se rv ice d routine ly or pri nt o utput a noma lies or pri nt er failures may o ccur during normal oper at ions .
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 11 INT ERVAL COMPONE NT CLEANING AGENT 10-20 Hours Cartri dge Jet Ar ea No v aKlean on li nt-f ree Towel 50-75 Hours Encoder Stri p Nov aKlean on c otton swab, f oll owed by Iso.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 12 INT ERVAL COMPONE NT CLEANING AGENT 50-75 Hours Fl ex Driver Cables Nov aKlean on li nt-f ree Towel E nsure cabl es are dry. INT ERVAL COMPONE NT CLEANING AGENT 20-30 Hours C.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 13 INT ERVAL COMPONE NT CLEANING AGENT As Requir ed P aper Sensor I sopropyl Alc ohol on cotton swab The Pape r Se nsor i s locat ed directl y behind t he Right Carriage m agenta cart ri dge appr oximat ely 4 mm. Spin cott on s wab at an upwar d angl e of 30 degr ees.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 14 D. P reventive Main tenance Per form pr eventiv e mainten a nce at r ecom men ded plot time hou rs and in accordance wi th prescribe d docu men tation (a ut ho riz e d serv ice p rov iders only! ).
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 15 E. Cartridge Checkl ist (for warranty repl acement) 1. Elec trically bad je ts (100% fil led b loc k) in t h e P r ime p attern (10 nozzle f ai lu res fo r 20 Je t (red-to p) cartridges an d <5 00 ml t hr oug hput (see UTILITY M ENU – S ERVICE MENU – CAR TRIDGE INF O) w arr ants a cart r idge r eplace ment.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 16 F. A d vanced Troubleshoot ing 1. S kew i ng of the output im age is norm al ly a d irty or defec ti ve enco der strip/senso r.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 17 4. Fa i nt cut lines or heavy lines whic h angle s lightly on one end are caus ed by the carr i age head hitting the m edia surface . Media u p to a 20 m il thickness can p ass through t he printer. Ensure m edia has not been ex posed to hum i di ty for l ong pe riods as th i s will cause m edia to becom e stiff.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 18 7. Larger than norm al ink drop l ets (0.5- 2 mm ) o n the m edi a are cause d by ex cessive pressure in the ca rtridge. E nsure t he cartridge o nl y has 20 m l of ink inside and the ink reservo irs do not hav e m ore than 400 m l of ink inside.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 19 Ensure the diagonal lin es in the pr i m e pattern are sol id and ex hibit consistency. Up t o 20 jets m ay be co m pensated in each c artridge w hile m ai ntai ning photo pass quality printin g. 9. H ori z ontal bands a l ong the right edge of the m edia are typical ly caused by a dirty se rvice stat ion or ca rtridge.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 20 10. Ink over spray ca n be caused by c om pressi on utilit i es. E l ectrostat i c discharge f rom fil m media has als o been kno wn to ex ceed the printer specificat i ons and cause inconsistent oversp ray. Ver i fy the s trike-plate brushes are i n good co ndition before resumin g print operat ions.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 21 13. Vertical banding thro ugh an i m age can be caused by m ottling of the i nk on low saturat i on m edia li ke bond , the carr iage b ushings are w orn out causing ‘car riage chatter’, or the lower ro ll er is ex tending too h igh through the platen .
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 22 15. For init ialization fa ilures first ensure the m emory m odul e is proper l y seated at the Main P W A (rem ove 5 screw s to access) and ver i fy the prop er LED states (NJ80 0 series on l y): D1 – Normall y flashes; DSP i s not ac tiv e.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 23 17. For NJ750 and 800 ser i es dryer system fail ur es ensure the l ogic cab l e and pow er cable are proper l y secured. Ch eck sensor status for erro r m essages. Cycl e pow er to verify ope ration. From t he top-level menu of t he pri nter, check the dryer sen sor st a t us (NJ800 onl y ).
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 24 Rece ived IP Addre ss 192. 16 8. 00 2. 010 Ok G. Pri nt Server Networki ng (SEH I ntercon print s erver ) A. T h e 1 00bas eTX par all el pri nt dev ic e all ows co nnec tio n betw een a 100 bas eTX networ k envir onm ent and t he Nov aJet 7 50.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 25 Co nf igu rat io n f or Window s 20 00/XP Pri nter N etwork i ng is a basi call y a 3- st ep Pr ocess : 1. Assi gn T CP/I P ad dress of h ost c omp uter/ server 2. Assi gn T CP/I P ad dress to pr int serv er (m ay al so n eed t o ins tall wi ndow s pri nter port d uring this proc ess) 3.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 26 NO T E : Be fore y ou ca n con f i gure a W ind ows pr in t queu e, you must fir st c onfigur e an I P addr ess on both your PC an d the SEH prin t serv er . 1. PC PROTOCOL SET UP 1. I f yo u hav e not alre ady d one s o, ins tall t he T CP/I P prot ocol on yo ur PC .
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 27 A lternate DNS Server- 192. 168. 254.1 90 L eave t he Ga tew ay blank . Se e Fig ure Bel ow. NO T E : To con f igure the SEH print server you will ha ve to load the InterCo n Net Tool. Inse rt the InterCon CD in to you r CD driv e o r obtain fro m: http://w ww .
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 28 2. T o as sign your IP a ddres s a nd S ubnet M ask, c hoose TC P/I P fr om the c onfi gur atio n tree on the l eft. Assi gn 19 2. 168.2 54.2 00 f or the I P ad dress . Assi gn 255. 255. 255.0 for th e Subnet Mask. Leave the Gateway blank or ze r os, and de-se lect DHCP at the bo ttom.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 29 3. Clo se the InterCon -Net Tool. Yo ur se ttings will be saved in the print server. You a re now r ead y to se tup t he Wi ndow s Pri nter Port.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 30 5. Under “ Printer N ame or IP Addr ess” ent er 19 2. 168 .25 4. 20 0 . The “Port Na me” will se lf ge ne r at e . Cli ck Ne x t.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 31 6. Under “D evice T y pe” sele ct “Ne twork Pr int S erver (1 Port) ” t he fir st one i n the l ist. Cl ick N e xt, then F i nish. S ee figur e bel ow. 7. You will now be prompted for the Manuf actu re and Printe r Type.
NJ750 T rainin g Guide 32 4. RASTER IMAGE PROCESSOR (RIP) TCP/I P ASSIGNME NT 1. T he l ast ste p of t he n etworki ng s etup i s to ass i gn an I P ad dress i n the R IP s oftwar e (thi s TC P/I P ad dress is th e s ame addr ess as si gne d to t he SEH Int erco n pr int s erver ).
デバイスKodak 750の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak 750をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak 750の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak 750の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak 750で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak 750を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak 750の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak 750に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak 750デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。