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Marine Generator Sets Models: 7EFOZD/9EOZD 8.5EFOZD/10EOZD 9EFOZD/10EOZD TP-6270 1 1/06c Service Parts.
TP-6270 1 1/06 2 T able of Contents Description Page Introduction 3 ....................................................... Numbering System Significance 3 ..................................... Illustrations 3 .........................................
3 TP-6270 1 1/06 Introduction This manual lists service replacement parts for 8.5EFOZD/10EOZD, 9EFOZD/10EOZD, and 7EFOZD/ 9EOZD generator sets. Information in this publication represents data available at the time of print.
4 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Speci ficat ion N umb er Ind ex Gro u p No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 Spec No. V ar iat ion N umbe r Group T itle GM30507- GA 1 1111 1 111111111 GM30507- GA 2 1111 1 111221121 GM30507- GA 3 1111 1 111111111 GM30507- GA 4 1111 1 111221121 GM37403- GA 1 2222 -- 222332232 GM37403- GA 2 2222 -- 222332232 Gro u p No .
5 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 1: Cylinder Bloc k 6270_1 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35737 Bloc k as sembly, cy linder 1 4 252771 Plug PT1 /4 2 5 252566 Plug 1 6 252078 Plug 1 7 GM35519 Plug 50 1 8 252728 Plug 2 9 225924 Plug 30 6 12 225703 Bolt 8 13 252933 Bush 1 Qu an tity Va r.
6 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 1: Cylinder Bloc k, continue d 6270_1_2 See G roup 5 See G roup 5 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47257 Bloc k as sembly, cy linder 1 5 252078 Plug .
7 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 2: Gear Housing 6270_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35736 Hous ing ass embly, gear 1 4 GM35720 Plug, s cr ew 1 5 GM35721 Plug 1 6 252931 Oil s ea.
8 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 2: Gear Housing, c ontinued 6270_2_2.
9 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 2: Gear Housing, c ontinued Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47261 Cas e, gear 1 3 GM47262 Bolt, stud M8 3 4 GM47270 Cov er ass embly, gear cas e 1 5.
10 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 3: Mounting Flange and Oil Sump 6270_3 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 256750 Parallel pin 8 x 16 2 2 2291 14 Mounting flange 1 3 252998 Gaske t 1 4 229505 Bolt, M 10 x 20 6 5 252714 Bolt 4 6 225706 Spac er 1 7 252701 Bolt, M8 x 35 3 8 GM35492 Sump as sembly, oil 1 Qu an tity Va r.
11 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 3: Mounting Flange and Oil Sump 6270_3_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 256750 Parallel pin 8 x 16 2 2 GM47276 Backp la te 1 3 229505 Bolt, M1 0 x 2.
12 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 4: Cylinder He ad 6270_4.
13 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 4: Cylinder He ad Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 3631 10 Lifter, engine 2 2 225818 Bolt, M8 x 14 4 3 GM35440 Sha ft a ssem bly , ro cker 1 4 GM35441.
14 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 4: Cylinder He ad, continue d 6270_4_2.
15 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 4: Cylinder He ad, continue d Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM38596 Lifter, engine 2 2 252696 Bolt, M8 x 16 2 3 GM47297 Prot ect or , nozz le 3 4 2.
16 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 5: Int ake Mani fo ld 6270_5 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35433 Pipe, breat her 1 2 229425 Clam p 2 3 GM35452 Manifold, intak e 1 5 GM33685 Gas.
17 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 6: Camshaf t and D rive G ear 6270_6 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 252819 T appet 6 2 225718 Rod, pus h 6 3 GM35453 Cams haft as sembly 1 4 252804.
18 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 6: Cams haft and Driv e Gea r , continued 6270_6_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 363039 T appet 6 2 GM47300 Rod, pus h 6 3 GM47301 Cams haft as sem.
19 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 7: Cran kshaf t and Pist on 6270_7 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35454 Crank s haft as sembly 1 2 256750 Parallel pin 8 x 16 1 5 GM35455 Gear, c.
20 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 7: Cr ankshaf t and Pi ston , cont inu ed 6270_7_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47309 Crank s haft as sembly 1 2 256750 Parallel pin 8 x 16 1 5 229748 Key , 4 x 1 2 1 6 GM47307 Gear , cr anks haft 1 8 GM47320 Flywheel as s embly 1 1 1 363081 G ear , frt.
21 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 8: Lubrication Oil Sys tem 6270_8 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35468 Dipstick 1 2 252759 Guide, dips tic k 1 3 225775 Gaske t 1 4 GM35487 Pipe a.
22 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 8: Lubrication Oil Sys tem, c ontinued 6270_8_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47323 Dips tic k, lub.
23 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 9: Coo lin g W ater System 6270_9 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 2 1 GM35472 Pump as sembly, wat er 1 1 3 GM35488 Gasket 1 1 4 GM35489 Plate 1 1 8 GM.
24 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 9: Coo lin g W ater System, co nti nued 6270_9_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 3 1 GM47326 Pump as sembly, wat er 1 3 GM47329 Cover 1 4 GM47328 Gasket.
25 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 10: Fuel Inje ction Pump 6270_10 5 Qu an tity V ariat ion Number Item Part Number Descript ion 1 2 1 GM35742 Injec tion pump as sembly 1 1 2 GM35478 Brac k et, pump 1 1 3 252.
26 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 10: Fuel Inje ction Pump, c ontinued 6270_10_2 See G roup 6 1 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 3 1 GM47334 Pump as sembly, fuel injec tion 1.
27 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 12: Fuel I nject ion V alve 6270_12 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35743 Fuel injec tor 3 2 GM35494 Nozzl e asse mbl y 3 5 256520 Nut, nozz le ca.
28 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 12: Fuel Inje ction V a lve, c ontinued 6270_12_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47337 Valve as sembly, injec tion 3 2 GM47336 Holder, nozzle 3 3 .
29 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 13: Fuel Line and Filter 6270_13 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35541 B rac ket , filter 1 2 GM32359 F ilter, fuel 1 3 225819 Bolt M8 x 30 plated .
30 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 13: Fuel Line and Filter , c ontinued 6270_13_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47042 F ilter as sembly, fuel 1 2 GM47346 Spring, t aper valv e 1 3.
31 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 14: Star ti ng M oto r 6270_14 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 2 1 344743-P Starter , 12 V 1 1 GM39020 Starter , 24 V 1 2 225895 Armatu re assembl y 1.
32 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Group 14: Starting Motor , c ontinued 6270_14_2 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 3 1 229704 Starter 1 2 363417 Cov er terminal 1 3 252630 Stopper s et, pinion 1 4 GM47353 Switc h, magnet 1 5 252631 Wa sher set, thru st 1 6 363004 Armatu re 1 7 363005 Co ver a ssy.
33 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 15: Gasket S et 6270_15 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 1 1 GM35741 Gasket se t 1 2 GM33836 Gas k et, c ylinder head 1 3 252764 O- ring, pump 1 4 250844.
34 TP- 6270 1 1/ 06 Gr oup 15: Gasket S et, con tin ued 6270_15_2 25 Qu an tity Va r. N o . Item Part Number Descript ion 2 1 GM47354 Gasket se t 1 2 GM47255 Gas k et, c ylinder head 1 3 252764 O- rin.
TP-6270 1 1/06 35 Group 101: Air Intake 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 11 12 11 4 7 7 7 6270_101 Quantity V ariation Number Item Part Number Description GR1 2 1 X-426-19 Clamp, hose, 1/2 in. 1 1 2 X-426-6 Clamp, hose, 1.56/2.5 in. 1 1 3 278856 Cover , plastic 1 1 4 X-400-28 Spacer , 0.
36 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 103: Fuel System 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 11 See Group 13 for additional fuel system parts. 6270_103a 5 A A See Group 13 13 14 5 5 5 5 15 16.
TP-6270 1 1/06 37 Group 103: Fuel System Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR2 GR9 3 1 229051 Pump, fuel 1 1 1 344740 Pump, fuel 1 2 229168 Lead assembly 1 1 1 3 X-555-1 Elbow , street, 1/4 x 1/4 111 4 X-391-25 Connector , 90 deg.
38 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 104: Cooling System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 74 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 73 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 44 45 49 50 33 54 48 45 47 41 46 43 58 55 56 57 8 2 2 3 3 50 31 45 45 59 23 16 51 52 4 4 6270_104a 71 72 Note: Items 1 - -7, and 51 are removed when an optional sound shield is installed.
TP-6270 1 1/06 39 Group 104: Cooling System Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR3 GR10 3 1 GM30592 Guard, belt 1 1 1 GM38459 Guard, belt 1 2 X-284-39 Grommet 333 3 X-25-40 Washer.
40 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 104: Cooling System, continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 74 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 73 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 44 45 49 50 33 54 48 45 47 41 46 43 .
TP-6270 1 1/06 41 Group 104: Cooling System, continued 13 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Pump 344089 Components Before S/N 2104903 Pump GM46936 Components S/N 2104903 and later 74 61 62 63 64 68 69 70 .
42 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 105: Engine 18 14 5 17 2 6270_105a T o Oil Pan 19 16 1 3 20 4 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 12 V olt Mounting 24 V olt Mounting Alternator Removed 15 2 4 21 22 23 24 25.
TP-6270 1 1/06 43 Group 105: Engine Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR4 GR1 1 3 4 1 2291 13 Guard, generator fan 1 1 2 229212 Bracket, alternator fan 1 2 254784 Arm, alternator.
44 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 107: Nameplate and Decals Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR5 GR14 3 1 249810 Decal, warning “Hot Coolant” 1 1 1 2 344282 Decal, “Notice Zinc Anod.
TP-6270 1 1/06 45 Group 109: Skid and Plant Mounting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 10 10 11 12 6 15 6270_109a 10 11 11 Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR6 2 1 GM31907 T ray , .
46 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 201: Generator and Mounting 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 9 8 12 11 16 17 14 18 19 20 30 33 27 28 29 32 31 39 38 37 34 34 35 34 24 25 26 21 22 23 36 10 6270_201a 13 15 40.
TP-6270 1 1/06 47 Group 201: Generator and Mounting Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR7 GR13 3 1 GM29342 Stator assembly 1 1 GM29787 Stator assembly 1 1 GM29301 Stator assembly.
48 TP-6270 1 1/06 Group 301: Controller and Mounting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 “LO” Lead Connections “LO” Leads See Group 201 See Group 201 12 11 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 16 18 19 14 14 20 21 62.
TP-6270 1 1/06 49 Group 301: Controller and Mounting Quantity Part V ariation Number Item Number Description GR8 GR12 3 1 282829 Vibromount 4 4 4 2 GM28483 SCR module 1 1 1 3 GM34969 Controller assemb.
50 TP-6270 1 1/06 Parts List: Accessories Qty . Description Part No. Circuit Breakers Circuit Breaker Kit GM30331-KA(KP)8 1 T erminal, jumper 249956 1 Plate, circuit breaker GM30022 4 Screw , pan head, 6-32 x 3/16 in.
51 TP-6270 1 1/06 Parts List: Accessories Qty . Description Part No. Isolated Ground System GM31865-KA(KP)1 1 Adapter , sender 229323 4 Insulator , panel 233269 1 Starter relay , 12 VDC, 20 A 259391 1 Vibromount 282829 1 Sensor , pressure GM28822 1 Switch, high temp.
52 TP-6270 1 1/06 Parts List: Accessories Qty . Description Part No. Oil Press. and W ater T emp. Sender GM24405-KA1 1 Adapter , sender 225307 1 Sender , water temperature 249287 1 Fitting, 45 deg.
53 TP-6270 1 1/06 Parts List: Accessories Qty . Description Part No. Siphon Break P A - 229928 1 Installation Instructions TT -1268 1 V alve, siphon break (includes *) GM32985 1 *V alve, duct 328666 1 *Cap, siphon valve GM32984 1 *Loop, siphon valve loop GM32988 Siphon Break GM24866-KA1 1 Tubing, clear flexible plastic GM34883 1 Clamp, hose, .
54 TP-6270 1 1/06 Parts List: Accessories Qty . Description Part No. Sound Shield GM38536-KA(KP)1 3 Foam, acoustic insulation (Y anmar) 359584 4 Connector , outside corner GM15486 1 Battery lug GM2074.
TP-6270 1 1/06 Appendix 55 Appendix A Abbreviations The following list contains abbreviations that may appear in this publication. A, amp ampere ABDC after bottom dead center AC alternating current A/D analog to digital ADC analog to digital converter adj.
TP-6270 1 1/06 56 Appendix kA kiloampere KB kilobyte (2 10 bytes) kg kilogram kg/cm 2 kilograms per square centimeter kgm kilogram-meter kg/m 3 kilograms per cubic meter kHz kilohertz kJ kilojoule km .
TP-6270 1 1/06 57 Appendix Appendix B Common Hardware Application Guidelines Use the information below and on the following pages to identify proper fastening techniques when no specific reference for reassembly is made. Bolt/Screw Length : When bolt/screw length is not given, use Figure 1 as a guide.
TP-6270 1 1/06 58 Appendix Appendix C General T orque Specifications American Standard Fasteners T orque Specifications T o r q u e Assembled into Cast Iron or Steel Assembled into A l u m i n u m Size T orque Measurement Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 A luminum G r a d e2o r5 8-32 Nm (in.
TP-6270 1 1/06 Appendix 59 Appendix D Common Hardware Identification Screw/Bolts/Studs Head Styles Hex Head or Machine Head Hex Head or Machine Head with Washer Flat Head (FHM) Round Head (RHM) Pan He.
TP-6270 1 1/06 60 Appendix Appendix E Common Hardware List The Common Hardware List lists part numbers and dimensions for common hardware items. American Standard Part No. Dimensions Hex Head Bolts (Grade 5) X-465-17 1/4-20 x .38 X-465-6 1/4-20 x .50 X-465-2 1/4-20 x .
TP-6270 1 1/06 Appendix 61 Metric Hex head bolts are hardness grade 8.8 unless noted. Part No. Dimensions Hex Head Bolts (Partial Thread) M931-05055-60 M5-0.80 x 55 M931-06040-60 M6-1.00 x 40 M931-06055-60 M6-1.00 x 55 M931-06060-60 M6-1.00 x 60 M931-06060-SS M6-1.
TP-6270 1 1/06 62 Appendix Metric, continued Part No. Dimensions T ype Hex Nuts M934-03-50 M3-0.50 Standard M934-04-50 M4-0.70 Standard M934-04-B M4-0.70 Brass M934-05-50 M5-0.80 Standard M934-06-60 M6-1.00 Standard M934-06-64 M6-1.00 Std. (green) M6923-06-80 M6-1.
E 2004, 2005, 2006 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved. TP-6270 1 1/06c KOHLER CO. Kohler , Wisconsin 53044 Phone 920-565-3381, Fax 920-459-1646 For the nearest sales and service outlet in the US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444 KohlerPowerSystems.
デバイスKohler 9EFOZDの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kohler 9EFOZDをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKohler 9EFOZDの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kohler 9EFOZDの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kohler 9EFOZDで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kohler 9EFOZDを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKohler 9EFOZDの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kohler 9EFOZDに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKohler 9EFOZDデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。