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Conference phones for every situation UK English U ser G u i d e K on f t e l 60 W Con fe re nc e U n it.
The Bluetooth ® trademark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such trademarks by Konftel is under license. Other trademarks and trade names belong to their respective owners. This product is equipped with OmniSound ® , the crystal clear sound.
1 C ON TEN TS Description 2 Main tenance .................................................................. 3 Us ing Bluetooth 4 Connecting and set ti ng s .................................................. 4 Answering a call .........................
Three sp eakers Microphon e, 360° sound recor ding Three LEDs Blue – m icro phone on Blue, flashing – pairi ng Red – microphone off On / of f Answe rs a call – Reduces spe aker volume Mute T.
Conn ection cabl e computer, 1 .5 m (6 0W– c omputer) Conn ection cabl e telephon e, 3 m (6 0W– switchbox) Conn ection cabl e electricity, 6 m (6 0W– plug adapter) Switchbox (6 0W– telephone h.
Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Konftel 60W Plug adapter Conn ection cabl e electricity, 6 m 4 CO N N E CT I NG AN D S ETT I NG S Pl ug Konftel 60W i n the ma ins usi ng the power adap ter as shown in th e pict ure.
2 sec and 5 Add ing y our te lepho ne and reta ini ng othe r stored te leph ones Kon f tel 60W can store up t o eight t elephones. If you want to reta in previ ous pairi ngs and add a new on e, fol low the i nstruction s below . If you want t o remove a previou s pairi ng, go to th e nex t section.
2 sec and 2 sec or 2 sec 6 USING B LUET O OT H Add ing y our te lepho ne and de leti ng other stored te leph ones Press and hold th e trim button for 2 seconds unt il the bl ue LEDs star t flashi ng. F oll ow the in s truct ions in y our telep hone hand bo ok to add a new B luet o oth u nit to y our tele phone.
2 sec 7 USING B LUET O OT H Press the mute button to conc lude setti ng the selected m icrophone vol ume. Cha ngi ng the ri ngtone The LEDs star t flashi ng when there is a n incomi ng cal l. Y ou can also activat e a ringtone i n Konftel 60W . Press and hold th e – but ton for 2 seconds to activat e the ri ng tone for i ncomi ng call s.
or 2 sec 8 D U R I NG A CA L L T ran sferr ing a ca ll betwee n Kon f te l 60W a nd a tel ephone Press and hold th e on / off but ton for 2 seconds to transfer the ca ll back t o your tele phone. Ad just ing t he speak er vol ume I ncrease the speaker vol ume usi ng + and reduc e it usi ng – .
and 2 sec 9 USING B LUET O OT H E ND I NG A CA L L E ndi ng the cal l on your tel ephone. Kon f tel 60W swi tches off automati call y . The call can also be ended by pressing on /o ff .
2 sec 2 sec 2 sec 2 sec 2 sec 1 0 A DV A NC ED F U NC T IO NS These functi ons are only a vail able i f the tel ephone sup p or ts them. Last nu mber red ial Press and hold th e mute button for 2 seconds unt il yo u hear a shor t audi ble si gnal .
and 2 sec 2 sec 1 1 Mu lti -part y cal ls Once you ha ve answered another cal l as per the previ- ouss ec tion , you can add them t o a mul ti-par t y cal l.
1 2 3 6 m 3 m Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Konftel 60W Plug adapter Switchbox 0. 5 m 1 2 USING A SYST EM T ELEPH O NE CO N N E CT I NG AN D S ETT I NG S Connect K onftel 60W to the t elephone v ia the swi tch b ox as per the pi ctures above.
or 2 sec 1 3 USING A SYST EM T ELEPH O NE U sin g a headset i nstea d of the han dset Y ou c an con nect a heads et to th e switch box instead of a han dset.
or 1 4 A N S WE R I NG A CA LL Answer th e call us ing the t elephon e in the norma l way . Press the on / of f button to swit ch on Kon f tel 60W and c hange to speaker cal l. P lace the han dset to one side – i t is now di scon - nected.
1 5 Mu te funct ion Press the mute button to tu rn of f the m icrophon e. The LEDs cha nge from blue t o red. The other part y cannot hear what y ou are s ayi ng.
MIC -I N LINE -OU T Compu ter /s ound card Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Konftel 60W Conn ection cabl e computer 1.5 m Plug adapter Pink Gree n Conn ection cabl e electricit y , 6 m 1 6 G E N E RA L Kon f tel 60W f unctio ns as a spe aker an d microp hone for al l computers that h ave a mi crophone i nput and a l in e output for sound .
1 7 USING A C O MP UTER Connect K onftel 60W to the sou nd card using t he accompan ying Y - cable as per the pi cture. LI NE OUTPUT ----------- OUT --- Green MI CROPHONE I NPUT - IN ------ Pink P lug K onf te l 60W in usi ng the power adapter as shown i n the pict ure.
or 1 8 Ad just t he speak er vol ume i n Win dows C lic k on the V olume. .. button un der Sound play - back on the tab A udio . Ad just the sou nd level f or V olume Control so that it is between the i ntermedi ate and maxi mum le vel. Thi s set ti ng adju s ts the l ine out put leve l from the comput er .
or 2 sec 1 9 Ad just ing t he mic rophone se nsi vity i n Win dows C lic k on the V olume. .. button un der Sound record- ing on th e tab Audio . Ad just the m icrophon e inpu t bet ween the i nter - medi ate and maxi mum lev el. Connect a cal l and adj ust the vol ume if req uired .
Bot tom of Konftel 60W Plug adapter USB port o n computer USB adapter with cable (Item no. 90 0 102058 ) Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Conn ection cabl e computer, 1 .
Plug adapter USB Bl ue tooth ad apter connec ted to a USB por t on the co mputer (Item no. 90 0 1020 72) Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Conn ection cabl e electricity, 6 m 2 1 OT HER C O NNEC TI .
2 sec 22 Pai ri ng wi th a Bl uetooth-equ ippe d compu ter Read th e s ectio n “General inf ormation on B luetooth ” on page 4 if you are u nsure about what pa iri ng in volves. Press and hold th e trim button for 2 seconds unt il you hear an aud ibl e signa l and the b lue LEDs star t flashi ng.
Bot tom of Konftel 60W Plug adapter Mobile or wirele ss telephon e (DECT ) Mobile phone c able, 1. 5 m Mains socket 230 V (1 1 0 V in USA) Conn ection cabl e electricity, 6 m 23 CO N N E CT I NG TO A .
Ex tra micro phones Item no. 90 0 1 0207 4 Konftel 60W 0.8 – 2.5 m 2 4 Connect ing a nd setti ngs For a recept ion area up to 7 0 m 2 , K onftel 60W can be qu ickly a nd sim ply su pplement ed with two ex tra mi crophones. The ex tra mi crophones are suppl ied wit h t wo di f ferent cab le sets , 1 .
25 E X T R A MIC RO PH ON ES ( AC CE S SO RY ) Mu te funct ion Pres s the mute b ut ton on one of t he ex tra mi cro - phones to swit ch off the mi crophones. The LEDs cha nge from blue t o red. The other part y cannot hear what y ou are s ayi ng.
I I I I I I 26 A nu mber of problems th at may arise when con necti ng and usi ng Kon f tel 60W are described below . CO N N E CT IO N Bl uetooth 1 . If K onftel 60W is not d ispl ayed when you try to.
27 TRO UBL ESH O O TING Compu ters If a cal l c an be heard vi a the computer’ s he adset or bui lt -in speaker , but not vi a Kon f tel 60W , check th at the soft ware and sound card can ha ndle f ul l dup lex. S OU N D No sou nd 1 . Are the LEDs red? If so, t he mute button is act ivated.
28 K onftel 60 W Power sup ply: T ransformer 12 V DC / 230 V AC, 7 00 mA (Europe) T ransformer 12 V DC /1 1 0 V AC, 7 0 0 mA (USA) In puts : Anal ogue li ne in /out, modul ar 6 / 6 Rec (speaker ) - 1 .
29 Compu ter cabl e Y - cable: 1 x modu lar 6 /4, 2 x T ele 3 .5 mm. Contact for connect ing a K onftel 60W to a comput er may only be connect ed to SEL V current i n accordance wi th SS -EN60950 Ex tra m icroph ones (acc essor y) Cabl ing: Modu lar 4 /4 -contact s, 2x1 .
30 OR DE R N U MB E R S FO R A CC ES SO R I ES Item no . D esignat ion 9 1 46 030 Wa ll mou nti ng bracket 9 1 6 4032 Ex tensi on cord electrical , 1 0 m 90 0 1 02038 Ex tensi on cord telephon e, 1 0 .
3 1.
Develo ped by Konf tel AB Box 26 8, SE-90 1 0 6 Umeå, Swe den Phone : + 4 6 90 706 4 89 Fax : + 46 9 0 13 1 4 35 E-mail: info @ konf tel.com Web : w w w. konf tel.com 3 108- 61 - 001 rev D UKE Konftel is a leading company within loudspeaker communication and audio technology .
デバイスKonftel 60Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Konftel 60Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKonftel 60Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Konftel 60Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Konftel 60Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Konftel 60Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKonftel 60Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Konftel 60Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKonftel 60Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。