Konica MinoltaメーカーNS-46E570A11の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 48
42"/46 " LED-L CD T V , 120 Hz 1080 p NS-42E 570A11/NS -46E570A11 Use r G u id e.
ii www.in signiap roducts.c om Co n t e n t s CHILD SAFE TY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Important safet y instructi ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii Contents www.in signiap roducts.co m Playing TV aud io only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Changing ch annel set tings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Contents www.in signiap roducts.c om.
1 www.insig niaproduct s.com As y ou enjoy your new produc t, k eep these safety tips in mind The issue The home theater entertai nment experience is a growing trend, and larger T Vs are popular purchas es. Howev er , T V s are no t alway s suppor ted on the proper stands or instal led accord ing to the man ufacturer ’ s recommendations.
2 NS-42E570A1 1/NS-46E570A1 1 www.insig niaproduct s.com Im por tan t safe t y inst ruc tions 1 Read these instr uctions . 2 Keep these instr uctions . 3 Heed all warnin gs. 4 F ollow al l inst ructions. 5 Do not us e this ap paratus near water . 6 Clean only with a dry cloth.
3 www.insig niaproduct s.com Powe r s o ur ce Opera te your T V only fr om the type of pow er sourc e indica ted on the mar king label. If you are n ot sur e of the type of powe r suppli ed to you r home, consult an electric ian or your local po wer compan y.
4 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Insignia 42"/46" LED -L CD T V , 120Hz 1080p Introd uc ti on Congratulations on your purchase of a high- qualit y Insignia p roduct.
5 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Inst alling the stan d or w all-mo un t bra ck et Instal ling the s tand T o install the st and: 1 Car efully pla ce y our TV screen face-down on a cushione d, cl ean sur face t o prot ec t the scr een from damages and scrat ches.
6 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com NS-46E570 A11 (46-inch ) TV c o m p o n e n t s Acces so rie s Remote control and batter i.
7 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Side Remote c ontrol # Item Descr ip tion AUD IO OUT Connect an ex ternal sound system to the se jacks. For mor e informa tion, s ee “Con n ecting an an a log sou n d syst em” on page 13.
8 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com U sin g th e remote control Install ing remote c ontrol ba tteries T o install the r emote co ntrol ba tteries: 1 Remove the batt er y cover .
9 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Aiming the remote co ntrol T o aim the remot e cont rol: • P oint the r emote con tro l towar ds the r emote sensor on the f ront of y our TV .
10 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Making c onnections C onnec ting the po wer T o co nnect the power : • Pl ug the pow er c ord i nto a po wer outlet.
11 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com C onnec ting an HDMI de vice T o co nnect an HDMI device: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s power cord i s unplugged and the HDMI device is turned off.
12 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com C onnec ting a com puter T o connect a com pu ter: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s power cord i s unplugged and the computer is turned off .
13 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com C onnec ting an anal og sound syst em T o connect an analog sound sy stem: • Connect a standard audio cable to the AU D I O OUT L and R jacks on the back of y our T V and to the AUD I O IN jacks on the sound system.
14 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 9 Pr ess OK/EN TER . The Choose y our P ic ture Mode screen opens. 10 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t Home M ode (default) or Ret ail Mode , then press OK/ENTER .
15 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com On-screen menu o verview Pic t ur e me nu Aud i o m e nu Channels menu Settings menu USB menu Navigating the me nus Select ing a ch anne l • Pr ess CH or CH to go t o the next or pr evious channel on the memorized chan nel list.
16 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com • Pr ess REC ALL to go to the last view ed channel. • Pr ess FA V to open the fa vorit e channel list, press or to hi ghlight a channel, then press OK/E NTER .
17 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com • Overscan —Adjusts th e p ict ure’ s reproduc ti on rate. Y o u can se lec t On or Off . Overscan is set to off when viewing a comp uter’ s image to show the full imag e on you r T V .
18 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Adjusting the computer image T o adjust the c omputer image: 1 Make sure th at your TV is in VGA mode . F or mor e informa tion, see “Selecting the video inpu t sour ce” o n pag e 14.
19 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s. 3 Pr ess or to scroll do w n the li st of options and hi ghlight Game Mode . 4 Pr ess OK/EN TER or to access the submenu , then press or to select On or Off .
20 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Play ing T V audio only Y ou can turn off the picture on your T V and listen to the prog ram audio onl y . T o play TV audio only: 1 Pr ess MENU .
21 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 4 Press to hi ghlight Anten na , Cabl e , or Cable/Sat ellite Bo x , then press OK/ENTER to star t the scan. • If you are using an antenna for a standard or HD T V signal, select An tenna .
22 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 3 Press to hi ghlight Fa vo r i te s , then press OK/E NTER or . The Fa v o r i te s sc reen opens. 4 Pr ess or to highligh t the channel y ou want to add to the favorites list, the n press OK/E NTER .
23 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Chec king the digi tal signal str ength T o check the d igital signal strength: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t CH ANNE LS . The Channels menu opens.
24 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 4 Press the numb er butto ns to ente r the password. If you hav e not set a password , enter 0000 . The Parental Controls me nu opens. 5 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t Change Password , then press OK/ENT ER or .
25 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Blocking unrat ed T V T o bl ock u nrated T V: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s. 3 Press to hi ghlight Parent al Contro ls , the n press OK/EN TER or .
26 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com T o set paren tal contr ol levels: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s.
27 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s. 3 Press to hi ghlight Parent al Contro ls , the n press OK/EN TER or . The Enter Password screen opens. 4 Press the numb er butto ns to ente r the password.
28 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 3 Press to highl ight Clos ed Cap tio n , then pres s OK/E NTER or . The Closed C aptio n menu opens . 4 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t An alog Ca ption or Digital C aption , then press OK/ENTE R or to open th e submenu.
29 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com A djust ing time settings Setting th e time T o set th e time: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s.
30 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Setting th e sleep timer T o set the sleep t ime: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s.
31 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 4 Pr ess or to select T ransparency , then pr ess OK/E NTER or to access the submenu. 5 Pr ess or to adjust the transparency . 6 Pr ess MENU to retur n to the prev ious me nu, or press EXIT to close the menu.
32 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Labeling an input sourc e T o label an in put source: 1 Pr ess MENU . Th e on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess or to hi ghligh t SE TTINGS . The Settings menu open s.
33 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 4 Pr ess OK/EN TER or . The INlink menu op ens. 5 Pr ess or to select an option, then pr ess OK/E NTER or to access the su bmenu. Y o u can select: • INlink C ontrol —L ets your T V automa tically control CE C devices connec ted to the T V through HDMI.
34 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Us i n g U S B Y ou ca n view JPEG ph otos stored on a USB flash drive , by connecting the flash driv e to the USB port on y our T V .
35 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 8 If you are in a sub fol der , press REC ALL to ret urn to the roo t folder . Setting up a fa vorite phot os list T o se t up a favor ite p hoto s list: 1 Ma k e su r e t ha t yo u ha ve s wi t ch ed t o U S B mo d e.
36 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 5 Pr ess MENU to op en the US B menu, the n press to highlight F avorite Phot os . 6 Pr ess OK/EN TER . The fav orite phot os screen opens .
37 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com V iewing fa vorit e photos in a slid eshow T o view fa vorite photos in a slid es how: 1 Ma k e su r e t ha t yo u ha ve s wi t ch ed t o U S B mo d e. F or more informatio n, see “Switching to USB mode” on pa ge 34.
38 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com 3 Press to highl ight Set ting s . 4 Pr ess OK/ENTE R or . The Sett in gs menu opens. 5 Pr ess to highli ght a sett ing, t hen press or to adjust the se tting.
39 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Picture No pictur e • Make sure that the Audio O nly option is set t o Off . See “P layin g TV audio o nly” o n page 20. • Make sure that the video cables are conn ec ted sec urel y to t he b ack of your TV .
40 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com Specifica tions Design and specific ations are subject to change without notice. Leg a l n o t i ce s FCC Pa r t 1 5 This device com plies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
41 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com T wo -y ear limited warranty US and C anada Mark ets Definitions : Insignia Products (“In signia ”) warrants to yo.
42 NS-42E570A11 /NS-46E570A11 Insig nia 42"/46 " LED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1 080p www.insig niaproduct s.com How to obtain warranty service? If you purchased the Product at a B est Buy retail store .
43 Insignia 42"/46" L ED-LCD TV, 120Hz 1080p www.insig niaproduct s.com.
TM If the power cord has been damaged , it should be replaced by th e m anufacturer , your service provi der or qualified personnel to avoi d risks. Si el cordón de alimentación es dañado , este debe ser r emplazado por el fabricante o s u agente de ser vicio o po r personal califi cado para evitar el ri esgo .
デバイスKonica Minolta NS-46E570A11の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Konica Minolta NS-46E570A11をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKonica Minolta NS-46E570A11の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Konica Minolta NS-46E570A11の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Konica Minolta NS-46E570A11で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Konica Minolta NS-46E570A11を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKonica Minolta NS-46E570A11の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Konica Minolta NS-46E570A11に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKonica Minolta NS-46E570A11デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。