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Battery Inst allation MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 kV A 380/400/415 V 10-40 kVA.
Content s MGE™ Galaxy ™ 300 10-40 kVA 3: 3 - 380/400 /415 V, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 380/4 00/415 V Installatio n i Overview . ............. ......... ............. ...... ...... ......... ............. .... 1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS .
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 1 0-40 kVA 3:3 - 380 /400/415 V , 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400/415 V Insta llation ii Checklist.... ............. ...... ......... ............. ......... ............. ...... 15 Appendi x .......... ............ ...... ....... .....
1 MGE™ Galax y™ 300 10-4 0 kVA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400 /415 V Inst allation Overview IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS W arning: ALL safety i nstructions in t he Safety S heet (990-3620 ) must be r ead, understo od and followed when ins t alli ng the UPS and XR Battery e nclsour e(s).
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 2 Product Overview Battery shelves Battery circuit breaker Ground cable conn ect ion (from the UP S) B.
3 MGE™ Galax y™ 300 10-4 0 kVA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400 /415 V Inst allation Cables and Batteries Note: The batter y enclosure mu st be inst alled on a non-i nflammable, level and solid floor . Prep are for Cab les 1. Open the fr ont door . 2.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 4 Battery enclos ure with p re-inst alled batteries W arning: Remove al l card board used to pr otect the batter ies during transport. Make sur e that cables and coppe r bars are se parated.
5 MGE™ Galax y™ 300 10-4 0 kVA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400 /415 V Inst allation 2. Connect th e batteries to the batt ery breaker by running t he cables from the ba ttery br eaker to each shel ve. Note! Make sure to run th e cab les in this order .
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 6 Note: A maximum of t wo batter y enclosures can be connect ed to the UPS (one XR Bat tery enclos ure with a circ uit breake r plus one en closure wi thout a circuit b r eaker ) by a batch cable betwe en the UPS an d the circuit br eaker in th e batter y enclosure.
7 MGE™ Galax y™ 300 10-4 0 kVA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400 /415 V Inst allation Connect Co mmunicatio n Cables between the UPS and Ba ttery En closure External battery tempera ture (A TIZ) and externa l battery breaker signal Note: The A TIZ c able is f or external bat tery tempe rature detect ion si gnal (cab le is pre- instal led).
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 8 Connect the Battery Cable s between th e UPS and Battery Enclosure W arning: This pr ocedure de scribes how to connect t he initi al battery ca bles between the UPS and XR befor e star t-up.
9 MGE™ Galax y™ 300 10-4 0 kVA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3:1 - 3 80/400 /415 V Inst allation 5. Connect th e battery cable s to the batter y terminal s in the UPS. See the UPS inst allation manual for info rmation on how to remove the I/ O sheet metal c over .
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 10 Connect an XR Battery Enclosure to a r unning UPS W arning: Befor e connecting an XR bat tery encl osure , ALL safety instructi ons in the Safety S heet (990-3620) must be r ead, understood and followed.
11 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation Electrica l Hazard: Check the DC volta ges with a DC volt age multimeter versus the bat t ery voltage before continui ng. 7. T urn the XR batter y breaker (QFB) to the ON ( closed) posit i on.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 12 Replace t he Batteries W arning: Befo re battery replace ment, A LL sa fety ins truc tions in the S afety S heet ( 990- 3620) must be r ead, understood and followed. Fa ilur e to do so could r esult in equ ipment damage, ser i ous i njury , or death.
13 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation S pecifications Battery Output Recommended Cable Sizes Caution: All wirin g must co mply with all appl icable nationa l and/or e lectrical co des.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 14 Recommended Bolt and Lug Size T orque sp ecifications Battery T erminal Bolt size T orque CSB 910-0631 c lip 910-0633 M6 5.4 NM (max 8.2 NM) YUASA 912-0001 M5 2.5 NM (max 6 NM) 910-0632 M6 4.
15 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation Checklist Make sure th at all cardb oard and st rappings h ave been r emoved. Check that the power wiring is torqued as described in the torque specification table above.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 16 Appe ndix One-li ne diagrams Note: Use the bel ow table as a hel p to find t he diagram that f its your system. Note: - marked cables are a ssembled by the manufacturer .
17 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation Battery cabling YUASA 15 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 18 Battery cabling YUASA 20/30 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no.
19 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation Battery cabling YUASA 40 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no.
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 20 Battery cabling CSB 15 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no. Qty .
21 MGE™ Galaxy™ 3 00 10-40 k VA 3:3, 10-30 kVA 3 :1 - 380/400/415 V Installation Battery cabling CSB 30 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no. Qty .
MGE™ Ga laxy™ 300 10-40 kVA 3:3, 10 -30 kVA 3:1 - 380/ 400/415 V Installation 22 Battery cabling CSB 40 kV A 60 min. No. Item Description Part no. Qty .
6/2010 990-3617-001 *990-3617-001* APC W orldwide Customer Support Customer s upport for this or any other AP C product is avai lable at no char ge in any of the foll owing ways: • V isit th e APC W eb site to acce ss docu ments in t he APC Knowledge Base a nd to subm it custo m er support requests.
デバイスAPC 300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC 300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC 300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC 300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC 300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC 300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC 300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC 300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC 300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。