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OPERA TION GUIDE (Advanced Operations) Please read the Operation Guide before using the copier . Keep it close to the copier for easy reference. 4581-7773-01 KM-C2030 KM-C3130.
Con tents i Introduc tion Structure of the Manual This m anual is div ided into three p arts: Admini strator Operat ions, Basic Opera - tion s and Advanced Operations. The Admi nistrator Opera tions volume of th is User Manual con tains precauti ons on the use of thi s copier.
Con tents ii Contents The t opics listed b elow are desc ribed in the “Adva nced Operation s” volume. For detai ls on other topic s, refer to the “Administrator O perations” volu me and the “Basi c Op erations” volume. Available Features “Color Imag e Adjust” Function .
Con tents iii 1.5 Adjusti ng the Image To Fit the Paper Size ( “ Image Adjus t ” Function) ................. ....................... ................. 1-30 To mak e settings for th e “ Image Adjust ” fu nction.................... ...... 1-30 1.
Con tents iv Administrator Operations For det ails on the foll owing topics , refer to the Admin istrator Operatio ns volume of this Use r Manual. 1I n t r o d u c t i o n 2 Safety In formation 3 Prec.
1 A v ailable Features This chapter contains many useful copy samples that will give you a better understanding of the wide r ange of applications f or the v arious functions av ailable with this full-color copier . These functions are e xplained in an easy-to-understand wa y using the many cop y samples.
2 Contents o n t e n t s o n t e n t s “Contrast” P arameter “Shar pness” P arameter “Hue” P arameter “ Brightness” P arameter “Saturation” P arameter “Red” P arameter “Blue.
3 Contents Contents “Creation” Functions “Monotone” Function Copies using only one selected color (monotone) Copies with the selected background color “Color Separation” Function Copies while separating the f our CMYK colors “Neg.
4 General Inf or mation About Color Everybody has an idea of what hue an object has, f or example, an apple is red, a lemon is yello w , and the sky is blue.
5 General Inf or mation About Color “Color Image Adjust” Function Figure 2 White Brightness Black White Brightness Saturation Hue Black Hue, brightness and saturation are the elements that we call the “three attributes of color”.
6 p .1-7 “Red” P arameter This parameter can be used to adjust the degree of red in the image to one of sev en lev els. Sample images “Red” P arameter “Red” P arameter + 3 Original – 3.
7 “Green” P arameter p .1-7 Sample images This parameter can be used to adjust the degree of green in the image to one of sev en lev els. “Color Image Adjust” Function “Green” P arameter .
8 “Blue” P arameter p .1-8 Sample images Original This parameter can be used to adjust the degree of b lue in the image to one of sev en lev els. + 3 – 3 “Blue” P arameter “Blue” P arame.
9 “Portrait” Parameter p.1-1 0 + 3 – 3 “Portrait” Parameter “Portrait” Parameter Original Sample images “Color Image Adjust” Function This parameter can be used to adjust the tint of esh color to one of seven lev els.
10 ( C M Y BK color adjustment) “Color Balance” P arameter BK 200% 100% 0% By mixing the four toner colors ( yellow , magenta , and cyan in addition to b lack) in a full-color copy , the colors of the document can be reproduced. Changing the amount of each color of toner enables the tints in the cop y to be nely adjusted.
11 “Color Balance” P arameter p .1-9 Y G B R M C Increasing the blue tinge Increasing the amount of cyan Increasing the green tinge Decreasing the amount of magenta Decreasing the amount of yello .
12 “Brightness” P arameter p .1-5 This parameter can be used to nely adjust the brightness of the image to one of 19 lev els. + 3 – 3 Original “Brightness” P arameter “Brightness” P a.
13 “Contrast” P arameter p .1-5 This parameter can be used to nely adjust the image to one of 19 le vels between soft/smooth and crisp. + 3 – 3 Original “Contrast” P arameter “Contrast.
14 “Saturation” P arameter + 3 – 3 p .1-6 This parameter can be used to nely adjust the vividness of the image to one of 19 lev els. Original “Saturation” P arameter “Saturation” P ar.
15 “Shar pness” P arameter + 3 – 3 p .1-6 Original This parameter can be used to adjust the amount of contours in te xt and images to one of sev en lev els.
16 “Hue” P arameter p .1-10 This parameter can be used to nely adjust the hue of the image to one of 19 lev els. + 3 – 3 Original “Hue” P arameter “Hue” P arameter Sample images.
17 “Density” Par ameter p .1-11 This parameter can be used to nely adjust the light and shading of the image to one of 19 lev els. + 3 – 3 “Density” P arameter “Density” P arameter .
18 “Monotone” Function p .1-14 Y ellow Magenta Cyan Red Green Orange Pumpkin Y ellow Green T eal Blue Aquamarine Pink Purple Plum Maroon Forest Green Brown Camel Sepia 2 Sepia 1 “Monotone” Function “Monotone” Function This function allows y ou to copy a document using only one of the 20 colors av ailable.
19 “Backg round Color” Function “Creation” Function p .1-15 Y ellow Magenta Cyan Red Green Orange Pumpkin Y ellow Green T eal Blue Aquamarine Pink Purple Plum Maroon Forest Green Brown Camel .
20 “Color Separation” Function p .1-16 Copies of the separated colors in b lack Copies of the separated colors “Color Separation” Function “Color Separation” Function Original This function allows y ou to copy a document while separating its colors into yello w , magenta, cyan and black.
21 “Neg. P os. Rev erse” Function “Creation” Function p .1-16 Monotone cop y Full-color cop y Y ellow Magenta Cyan Red Green Orange Pumpkin Y ellow Green T eal Blue Aquamarine Pink Purple Plum Maroon Forest Green Brown Camel Sepia 2 Sepia 1 “Neg.
22 “P ostcard”“Mirror Image” Function p .1-23 p .1-21 This function allows y ou to reduce the document to the size of a postcard, and print four copies on one sheet of paper . This function allows y ou to copy a mirror image of the original document.
23 “Multi-P age Enlargement” Function “Creation” Function p .1-17 400% This function allows y ou to copy a document automatically split into par ts with each part pr inted enlarged. These copies can then be pasted together to make a large poster .
Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1 1 Auxiliary Functions.
1 1.1 Im prov ing Col or Copy Qualit y ( “ Color Image Adjust ” Funct ion) 1-2 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.1 Improving Color Copy Qua lity ( “ Color Image Ad- just ” Function) By mak ing various co lor adjustme nts, you can a djust the qua lity of color c opies as desir ed.
1.1 Impr oving Color Co py Quality ( “ Color Image Adj ust ” Function) 1 1-3 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 Select the paramete r that you w ish to chan ge. • For detai ls on each param eter, refer t o page 1 -5 through p age 1-11. Touch , , and to select the desi red setting , and then tou ch [Enter].
1 1.1 Im prov ing Col or Copy Qualit y ( “ Color Image Adjust ” Funct ion) 1-4 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make test prints You can ma ke test prin ts of your document to see how it would appe ar with each of the set tings for the curre nt parameter com bined with the oth er currently speci fied color adjust ment set tings.
1.1 Impr oving Color Co py Quality ( “ Color Image Adj ust ” Function) 1 1-5 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 7 Touch [En ter]. The spe cified settings are applied , and the Color Ad justments sc reen appears again. 8 Correct ly position the docume nt for normal p rinting.
1 1.1 Im prov ing Col or Copy Qualit y ( “ Color Image Adjust ” Funct ion) 1-6 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To ad just the “ Saturation ” parame ter This pa rameter can b e used to adjus t the vividnes s of the colors in the image. 1 In the C olor Adjustment s screen, touch [Saturation].
1.1 Impr oving Color Co py Quality ( “ Color Image Adj ust ” Function) 1 1-7 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To adju st the “ Red ” parameter This pa rameter is used to adjust the level of red in the image, fo r exampl e, if you wis h to increase the redness of f lowers.
1 1.1 Im prov ing Col or Copy Qualit y ( “ Color Image Adjust ” Funct ion) 1-8 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To ad just the “ Blue ” para meter This pa rameter is used to adjust the level of bl ue in the image, for example, if you wish to ad d blue to water or th e sky.
1.1 Impr oving Color Co py Quality ( “ Color Image Adj ust ” Function) 1 1-9 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To adjust the “ Color Balance ” para meter This pa rameter can be used to a djust the b alance in the concentration of cyan (C), m agenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (BK).
1 1.1 Im prov ing Col or Copy Qualit y ( “ Color Image Adjust ” Funct ion) 1-10 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To ad just the “ Portrait ” para mete r This pa rameter can be u sed to adjust th e tint of fles h tones. 1 In the Col or Adjustments s creen, touch [Po rtrait].
1.1 Impr oving Color Co py Quality ( “ Color Image Adj ust ” Function) 1 1-11 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To adju st the “ Density ” parameter This para meter can be used to finely adjust the c opy density to any of 19 levels between -3 and +3.
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-12 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.2 Editing Images (Creation Functions) Usin g the Creation f unctions, the image can be simply edi ted so that a particular copy ca n be cr eated. ✎ Tip Samples for the Creatio n functions can be seen in “ Available Fe atures ” .
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-13 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 Select the function that yo u wish to set. • For deta ils on ea ch function, refer to pag e 1 -14 through p age 1-23. Select the desired settin g, and then to uch [Enter].
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-14 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Monoto ne ” function This fun ction allows you to copy a d ocument us ing only one of the 20 colors a vailable, regard less of the original docum ent colors.
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-15 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Backgrou nd Color ” function This fun ction allows you to copy a document us ing one of t he 18 colors availab le as the co lor of the bac k gr ound (blank area s).
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-16 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Color Sepa ration ” function This func tion allows yo u to copy a doc ument while se parating its co lors into cy an (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (BK).
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-17 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Multi-Pa ge Enlargement ” function This fun ction allows you to copy a document aut omatically split into parts wi th each part prin ted enlarged.
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-18 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 ❍ To spec ify a docum ent si ze in metr ic measure m ents , touch [Si ze Input], and t hen touch [Metric] . Speci fy the size of the or iginal, and then tou ch [Enter] to return to t he Multi- Page E nlargemt.
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-19 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 ❍ For a paper si ze other than the standard sizes lis ted on the screen, tou c h [Custom Size], touch , , , and to sp ecify the size of the final im age, and then touch [Enter].
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-20 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 8 Touch [P aper Size]. 9 Select th e paper size for the vari ous parts of the enlarged image, and then tou ch [Enter]. ❍ For paper sizes in metr ic measure m ents , touch [Me tric], select the des ired paper size, and then tou c h [Enter].
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-21 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Mirror Image ” fun ction This fun ction allows you to copy a m irror image of the original docu ment. 1 In the Crea tion screen, tou ch [Mirror Image] .
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-22 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 ❍ For doc ument si zes in met ric measure m ents , touch [Me tric], select the des ired paper size, and then tou c h [Enter]. 4 In the M irror Image scree n, touch [Enter].
1.2 Edit ing Images (Creati on Functions) 1 1-23 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 To make s ettings for the “ Pos tcard ” function The docu ment can be reduced to the size of a po stcard, and up to four copies can be printe d on one sheet o f Letter-size postcard pap er.
1 1.2 Editi ng Images (Cre ation Functio ns) 1-24 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 ❍ To spec ify a photo size o r a non- standard size, touc h [Size Inp ut], and then touch [Pho to Size or Custo m Size]. Sele ct a phot o size , or to uch , , , and to speci fy the size o f the original, and t hen touch [Enter].
1.3 Maki ng Copies f or Filing ( “ File M argin ” Function) 1 1-25 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.3 Making Copies for Filing ( “ File Margin ” Function) So that copies can eas ily be stored in filing bin ders, copies ca n be made wi th a file margin .
1 1.3 Mak ing Copies for Filing ( “ File Ma rgin ” Function ) 1-26 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 5 Select th e desired setti ng, and then tou ch [Enter]. ❍ If the doc ument is not positio ned as indi cated in the screen, touch [Orig Ö Copy], and then touch [Orig i na l Direction].
1.4 Erasing Sectio ns of C opi es ( “ Edge/Frame Erase ” F unction) 1 1-27 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.4 Erasing Sections of Copies ( “ Edge/Frame Erase ” Function) Fram es can be era s e d around copi es that you ma ke. Three lo cations f or erasing the ed ge/frame of th e document a re available .
1 1.4 E rasi ng Secti ons of Copie s ( “ Edge/Fram e Erase ” Function ) 1-28 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 4 Touch [E dge/Frame Eras e]. 5 Sele ct the de sired locat ion to be eras ed. 6 Touch and to speci fy the width th at is to be erased. ✎ Note The spe cified width o f the area to be erased is the wi dth before cop ying.
1.4 Erasing Sectio ns of C opi es ( “ Edge/Frame Erase ” F unction) 1 1-29 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 ❍ To spec ify a photo size or a non- standard size, touch [Size Inp ut], and then touch [P hoto Size or Cust om Size]. Sele ct a photo size, or touch , , , and to spe cify the size of the original, and t hen touch [Enter].
1 1.5 A djus ting th e Imag e To Fi t the Pa per Siz e ( “ Image Adjus t ” Function) 1-30 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.5 Adjusting the Image To Fit the Pap er Size ( “ Im age Adjust ” Fu nction) To make settings for the “ I mage Adjust ” function 1 Positio n the docume nt(s) to be copie d.
1.5 Adjusting the Image To Fit the Paper Size ( “ Ima ge Adjust ” Functi on) 1 1-31 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 6 Normal ly, the documen t size i s automatic ally detecte d. However, if you wish to specify the doc ument si ze, to uch [Size Inp u t].
1 1.6 Til ing Copies ( “ Im age Repeat ” Fu nction) 1-32 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.6 Tiling Copies ( “ Image Repe at ” Function) Multip le copies o f the original ca n be printed a t the desired zoom ratio to fi ll the page. The zo om ratio is specified i n the Basic s creen.
1.6 Tiling Copies ( “ Imag e Repeat ” Funct ion) 1 1-33 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 7 Normal ly, the documen t size i s automatic ally detecte d. However, if you wish to specify the doc ument si ze, to uch [Size Inp u t]. Select th e document size, a nd then touch [Enter].
1 1.7 I nserti ng Pages B etween C opies of Trans parenc ies ( “ OHP Interle aving ” Func tion) 1-34 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.7 Inserting Pages Bet ween Copies of Transparencies ( “ OHP .
1.7 I nserting Pages Betw een C opies o f Trans parenc ies ( “ OHP Interleaving ” F uncti on) 1 1-35 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 6 Specify any other nec essary set tings. 7 Press the [Sta rt] key. ✎ Tip To canc el the “ OHP Interlea ving ” function, touch [Cancel] i n the OHP Inter- leaving screen.
1 1.8 Storing t he Scanned Im age in the Mem ory ( “ Sca n to Memo ry ” Function ) 1-36 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.8 Storing the Scanned Image in the Memory ( “ Scan to Memory ” Function) This fu nction allo ws the scann ed image to be stored in th e memory and printed only after it is deleted fro m the memory.
1.8 Storing the Scanned Im age in the Mem ory ( “ Sca n to Me mory ” Function ) 1 1-37 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 3 Select th e job that yo u wish to com bine other jobs with. 4 Select th e other job th at you wish to co mbine with th e first job selec ted.
1 1.9 Scan ning the Docu ment in Separa te Batches ( “ Separa te Scan ” Funct ion) 1-38 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.9 Scanning the Document in Separate Batches ( “ Separa te Scan ” Function) A documen t can be divid ed and scanned in a number of batche s, then be combined and trea ted as a sin gle copy job.
1.9 Scanning the D ocument in Separate Batches ( “ Separa te Scan ” Functio n) 1 1-39 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 7 After all p ages of the d ocument have be en scanned, touch [Finish], a nd then press the [Start] key.
1 1.10 Prin ting Control N u mbers on Copies (“Di s tribut ion” Funct i on) 1-40 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 1.10 Printing Control Numbers on Copies (“Distribu- tion” Function) Each co py set can be printed with a control num ber in the back ground.
1.10 Prin ting Control N umbers on Co pies ( “ Dist ribut ion ” Functio n) 1 1-41 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1 6 Select e ither [First Pag e Onl y] or [All Pages]. ❍ If [First Page Only] is selected , the control number i s only printed on th e first page of e ach copy set.
1 1.10 Prin ting Control N u mbers on Copies ( “ Di stribution ” Fu nction) 1-42 Auxiliary Functions Chap ter 1.
Sca nning O perati ons Chapter 2 2 2 Scanning Operations.
2 2.1 Avail able Scannin g Features 2-2 Sca nning O perati ons Chapter 2 2.1 Available Scanning Features If the optional printe r controller is installed and a network i s con nected, data scann ed wi.
2.1 Availa ble Scanning Features 2 2-3 Sca nning O perati ons Chapter 2 Oper ation De scrip tion For more deta ils on function s and operating proce dures, refer to the manual for the print er controller. 1 Press the [Scan] key. The De stination scree n appears.
2 2.1 Avail able Scannin g Features 2-4 Sca nning O perati ons Chapter 2.
KYOCERA MITA AMERICA, INC. Headquarters: 225 Sand Road, P.O. Box 40008 Fairfield, New Jersey 07004-0008 TEL : (973) 808-8444 FAX : (973) 882-6000 New York Show Room: 1410 Broadway 23rd floor New York, NY 10018 TEL : (917) 286-5400 FAX : (917) 286-5402 Northeastern Region: 225 Sand Road, P.
デバイスKyocera KM-C3130の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kyocera KM-C3130をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKyocera KM-C3130の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kyocera KM-C3130の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kyocera KM-C3130で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kyocera KM-C3130を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKyocera KM-C3130の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kyocera KM-C3130に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKyocera KM-C3130デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。