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next l ev el docu ment s olut ions Operator Guide 2001/2002 Facsimile.
When ord ering supp lies o r reque sting serv ice, you w ill nee d to provide the m odel a nd seria l numbe r o f your m achi ne. Please take a mom ent to e nter your m odel and seri al num be r s here.
Tabl e of Content s i Tabl e of Content s Chapt er 1 - Intr oduction Introduction to th e 2001 and 2 002 Units ............... ....... ............... ............... . 1-1 2001/200 2 Model Differences* ................ ....... ............... .......
Tabl e of Content s ii Chapter 4 - Facsim ile Programming Accessing The User P rogra m Area ............... ............... ............... ............... .. 4-1 Menu Navigation .... ............... ................ ............... ............... ..
Tabl e of Content s iii Setting th e Department Num ber and Password (PW) .. ............... ....... .... 1 Assigning a Private Mailbox ID and P a ssword (PW) ........... ............... .... 1 Editing the RX in Me mory Password (P W ) .. ............
Tabl e of Content s iv Cha pter 7 - Tr oubl esho oting Troubleshooting .. ............... ............... ................ ............... ............... ......... 7-1 Error Indication Types ............ ................ ............... .............
Tabl e of Content s v Telephone Company Procedures ............... ............... ....... ............... . B-3 If A Problem Arises .......... ............... ............... ........ ............... ........ B-4 FCC (For U.S.A. Users) ......... ....
Tabl e of Content s vi.
Chap te r 1 Int roduct i o n.
Int rod ucti on Chapte r Overv iew This c hapter tells y ou about safety p recautions and s hows you t he copie r ’ s main componen ts. Conta ined in t his ch apter a re: • Imp ort ant Sa feg uar .
In troduc tion to the 2001 and 2 002 Units Int rod ucti on 1 - 1 Introducti on to the 200 1 and 2002 Un its The 2001 is a full y featur ed Facsimil e unit.
Impo rtant S afeguar ds 1 - 2 Intr od ucti on Important Safeguards Always fol low t hese impor tant safe guards: 1 Read all of these inst ructions befor e us ing your unit. 2 Do not use this unit near water ; for e x a mple , ne ar a bath tub, si nk or swimming pool.
Im porta nt Sa fegua rds Int rod ucti on 1 - 3 10 Place your unit on a firm, l evel sur face. 11 Do n ot pla ce heavy obj ects on the ADF (Au tom atic Docu men t F eede r) or th e Exi t Tray. 12 Do not disassemble your unit or try to repair it your self, other than as instr ucted in thi s Op era tor G ui de .
Multi-Tasking 1 - 4 Intr od ucti on Multi-Tasking The 2001 and 2002s can perf orm multiple oper ations at the same time. One ope ration can run in the foreground, w h ile anot he r ru ns in the backg round. For example, you can scan, copy , or print do cuments into memory for la ter tra nsmission whi le re c eiving a fax.
Machin e Compon ents Int rod ucti on 1 - 5 Machine Components Extern al Com ponent s: Fron t 1D o c u m e n t E x i t T r a y Th is tray cat che s th e orig inal docu men t a f ter i t pas se s thro ugh t he sc ann er .
Machi ne Compone nts 1 - 6 Intr od ucti on Extern al Compon ents : Rear 8 AC P o wer Co nn e c t or Th e AC Powe r C o rd pl ugs in he re. 9 Main ON/OFF S w itch Us e to tur n the yo ur unit O N and OFF . 10 T eleph one Line Connector Plug th e teleph one cab l e from t his co nnecto r in to th e wall socket of t he telephone lin e .
Machin e Compon ents Int rod ucti on 1 - 7 Extern al Com ponent s: Inter nal and Opt ional 16 T op Co ver / Cover Re lea se B utton s Press t hese tw o buttons to open the T op C ove r t o c heck an d clea r pa per jams , t o chang e the T o n er an d Drum, or to clean the inter i or of the unit.
Machi ne Compone nts 1 - 8 Intr od ucti on Contro l Panel L ayout PROGRAM S R Q Y 57 25 Z 58 26 + 59 27 41 17 49 I 01 33 09 A 43 42 18 50 J 19 51 K 02 34 B 10 03 35 11 C FUNC TION VW TU 60 -/& 28 .
Machin e Compon ents Int rod ucti on 1 - 9 PROGRAM S R Q Y 57 25 Z 58 26 + 59 27 41 17 49 I 01 33 09 A 43 42 18 50 J 19 51 K 02 34 B 10 03 35 11 C FUNC TION VW TU 60 -/& 28 61 29 62 30 63 31 45 44.
Machi ne Compone nts 1 - 10 Intr od ucti on Panel Description 17. One-Touc h Keys The O ne-T ouch Keys are us ed to s tore f req uently d ia lled nu mber s. Any o f th e Keys can be a ss i gned a s O ne-Touch Keys or Group Dia l Keys. In ad dition, the l ast eight keys can be use d as Progra m Keys.
Machin e Compon ents Int rod ucti on 1 - 11 24. Keypa d Th ese tw elve key s work for t he in ter nal t elepho ne in the fa x un it ju st like the ke yp ad on reg ular touch tone phones. You ca n use the keypad to dial a r emote unit dir e ct ly or to assi gn codes a nd telephone number s t o O ne-Touc h and Speed Dial locations.
Machi ne Compone nts 1 - 12 Intr od ucti on De fin iti on of Dis pl ay Sym b ols The LCD Dis play sh ows the date, tim e of day , amount of memory available for u se , f ax numbers, fax condi tions a nd other informati on by m e ans of either a message or gr aphic.
Chap te r 2 B asic Op eration s.
Basic Operations Chapt er Overview This ch apter e xplains the Basic Operati ons of the uni t. It cove rs the basic f ax operat ions and how to make a copy . The procedur es in this chapter as sume tha t the necess ary One-T ouch Keys and other remot e unit informat ion has be en progra m med.
S end in g a D oc u men t Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 1 Sending a Doc ument Note: T o use some of the fa x function s such as One-T ouc h and Speed Dia l you must f irst progra m your un it. I f your unit has not yet been programmed, refer to Chapter 4 Program ming.
Sendi ng a Document 2 - 2 Basic O perations 4 Use t h e RESO L UT I O N Key to sel ect the d es ired res ol utio n : 5 If you are s ending a photograph, press the PHOT O Key for best r esults. 6 Ente r the remote Fax num b e r using the numer ic Key Pad.
S end in g a D oc u men t Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 3 Dir ec t (No n-M emo ry ) Tran smi t Dire ct T ran smi s sion , from the A u tom at ic D oc ume nt Fee d er (AD F) , bypa sse s the uni t ’ s memory . This can be used to tran smit a fax when memory is ful l.
Sendi ng a Document 2 - 4 Basic O perations Using Handse t Y ou can f a x a document b y diali ng the nu m ber using the telephone hand set. This functi on can be used if you ne ed to t alk to the rec e i ving pa rty befor e transm ission. When dial ing manually , documents will be tr ans mitted without being stor ed in memory .
S end in g a D oc u men t Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 5 Us ing th e HOOK Ke y Use the HOOK dia l sequence when it i s ne cessa ry to list en to the “ Ha ndshake ” . Th is is an important trou bleshooting aid to see if a transmi ssion fault is phone rel ated or not.
Sendi ng a Document 2 - 6 Basic O perations Using Comb ination Dial This is used when the number e xceeds the 30 digit li m it for a single loc at ion. The number is spli t b e tween t wo loca tions and the tw o are automatic a lly linked whe n the fir st of t he two is used.
Dia ling M ethod s Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 7 Dialing Methods Y ou c a n use the f ollo wing metho ds to d ia l a remote facsimi le number from your unit. Use this s etting for this 1. Ke y Pad Dial Dial th e num b er of th e remo te fa csim ile usin g the num eri c key pad.
Receiving a Docum ent 2 - 8 Basic O perations Rece iving a Document Use automatic recei ving when you want your fax to automatic ally recei v e fa x es without any int ervention f rom you. Aut o Receive 1 Make sure your unit is ready to rece ive . • When your unit rings, the LCD sho ws this message.
Receiving a Docum ent Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 9 Ma nual Rece iv e In th e ma nua l rec ei v e mo d e, y ou ca n t alk to th e ca ll er and st art the re cei v e t he d ocum ent aft er the con ver sat ion is over . 1 When your un it rings, answer th e phone.
Receiving a Docum ent 2 - 10 Bas ic Opera tions Mem ory R eceive (Mem o ry Lo ck) This opti on s ave s all i ncoming f axe s into memory . T o access and prin t thes e documents , you must enter a pass word. Note: If yo u don ’ t ha ve a passwor d, conta c t yo ur Ke y Operator to pro vide this.
Receiving a Docum ent Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 11 Subs titute Memory Re ceive If the facsim ile unit should encount er an y of the follo wing situations, it will switc h from direct rece ption mode to m emo ry rece ption mode.
Making C opies 2 - 12 Bas ic Opera tions Making Copies W ith your facsi mile unit, you can make from 1 to 99 high quality c opies o f an origi na l document. The Docu m ent F eeder ca n hold up to 5 0 origi na ls. Procedu re 1 Plac e your document face down on t he Docu m en t Fe ed Tray .
Making Copies Bas ic Opera tions 2 - 13 7 Pr es s t he COPY Ke y . 8 The LCD readout displa ys the following: 9 Ente r the number of copies you need us ing the Numeric Keypad. 10 If you have ent ered mor e than “ 1 ” as your qua ntit y , press the YES Key to sort the set , or press S T AR T to ST AC K the se ts.
Making C opies 2 - 14 Bas ic Opera tions Notes:.
Chap te r 3 Advanced Facsimile.
Advan ced Facs imile Chapt er Over view This chapte r contains inform ation about additio nal facsimi le features avai lable on your fax unit. A number of fea tur e s are acces sibl e through displa y prompts or by pressing FUNCTION Mem u key . The ste p-by - s tep expla na tions detail the steps using the function an d keypad key s.
U si ng th e F u nct ion Me n u Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 1 Using the Function Menu The FUNCTION Key is used to a ccess t he most o ften used fax function s. Li sted be low are the men us you wil l encount er . 1 T o acces s th ese f un ctions , p ress t he FUNC TIO N Key .
Broad cast 3 - 2 Advanced Facsimile Broadca st The Broadcast fea ture allows you to send the same document to mult iple locations in the sam e s ess ion . Th e facsi m ile w ill sc an the doc ume n t into mem o ry and tran s m it it sequentia lly to diff erent destinati ons.
Tim er TX (De lay Tr ansm ission) Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 3 Timer TX (Delay Tran smis sion) This featu re allows you to se t a specifie d start time withi n 24 hours to send documents at a later time . S et the rese rvati on timer using mil ita r y time (24 hour fo rmat).
Ma ilb ox TX 3 - 4 Advanced Facsimile Mailbox TX This operati on is normally used to send confide ntial messages. Mail box TX allows the sender the abi lity to send a fax message to a remote machine to be stored in memory . Only the user with the corr e ct pa ssword can print the document .
Print Mailbox RX Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 5 Print Mailbox RX This operati on is normally used to receiv e confi de ntial messages. Mailb ox TX allows the sender t he abilit y to send a fa x m essage to your machine to be stored in m emory . Only th e user with the corre c t password c an print the document.
Polling TX 3 - 6 Advanced Facsimile Polling TX Polling TX all ows you t o set a document t o be retrieved b y a r emote f a x machine . Y our fax machine will aut om atic ally send the stor e d document in r esp onse to polling request s from remote devic e s.
Pollin g R X Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 7 Polling RX Polling RX all ows you to obt ain store d documents in a nother f ax by calling the remote f ax and ins tructing i t to tr a nsm i t. T o receiv e (poll) the document, you need t o enter the correc t polling PW number .
Relay In itiate 3 - 8 Advanced Facsimile Relay Initiate Relay TX allows the operator to m ake one long dista nc e call to a remote unit and the remote unit will r elay the me ssage to one or more fax units in the local a rea . Wi th this function, you c a n sa ve valu a ble tim e and t elephone charge s.
Using C ombinati on Dial Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 9 Using Combination Dia l Because the te lephone number in each One-T ou ch and Speed Dial loc ation is li mited to 30 digits, it might be nece ssary to combine two or more One -T ouch o r Spee d Dial locat ions to call one locat ion.
Using T EL DIR 3 - 10 Advanc ed F a csimile Using TEL DIR The foll owing pr ocedure illust rates how t o us e LIST or SEARCH to find the spe c ified location store d in y our One- T ouch or S peed Di al Keys. Once th e co r rect de stina tion is displayed, press the ST AR T Key to tr a nsmit the doc um ent.
JOURNAL K ey Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 11 JOUR NAL Key The Journal Key allo w s users to press the Up or Down Arrow Keys to check the transmis sion r e sults on the LC D screen. Pressing the ST AR T Key then p rints the report. 1 W it h your unit at a ready conditi on, press the Journ al Key .
RE PORT Ke y 3 - 12 Advanc ed F a csimile REP ORT Ke y The Report Key all ows us e rs to press t he Up o r Down Ar row Keys to pr int a d esired report. Pres sing the YES Ke y then pr ints the report. 1 W it h your unit at a ready conditi on, press the Rep or t Key .
Repor ts Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 13 Reports Many of the avail able r eports c an be pr ogrammed t o print automatic ally . If you wish to have these set up, cont act your Key Opera tor to set these up or refe r to the Chapte r on Programming.
SCHE DULE Key 3 - 14 Advanc ed F a csimile SCHEDULE Key Pres s this key to view the tra nsa ct ion in me mory fi le, s uch as me mory tr ans mis s ion or polling. Y ou can p ress the Y ES key to cancel this sc he dule. 1 W it h your unit at a ready conditi on, press the Schedul e Key .
PIN CODE Key Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 15 PIN CODE Key The PIN CODE (Personal Identi fication Number) pr events unauthori zed personnel from making calls. Some of f ice telephone syste m s requir e you to enter not onl y the phone number but also a PIN number when you dial an outsi de li ne .
2 SIDED TX. Key 3 - 16 Advanc ed F a csimile 2 SIDED TX. Key If 2 Side TX LED is lit during memory TX scanning, you can scan the image of one side of all the pages of the document, then turn the pages over (in the same dire ction) , and your unit will auto matically send a colla ted set to the re mot e location.
HO OK Ke y Ad vanced Facsimi le 3 - 17 HOOK Key The Hook Key allo ws t he user to transmi t manually . The Hook Key al so al lows you to verify t hat the line is pr operly con necte d by e nabling you to he a r signa ls from the speake r built i nto the fax m a chine.
HOOK Key 3 - 18 Advanc ed F a csimile Notes:.
Chap te r 4 Facsimile Programming.
Facsimile Pro gramming Chapter Overview This section give s step-by-ste p instr uctions on how to program data and how to enter fax phone numbers. Y ou must enter your user da ta, suc h as your tel ephone number , name, and time befor e oper at ing the machine.
Acc essing The U ser P rogram Area Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 1 Acce ss ing The User Pr ogra m Area This section gi ves step- by-step instr uc tions on how to progr am the number to be stor ed in the One-T ouch, Speed Dial and Group Dia l Keys.
Accessing The User Pro gram Area 4 - 2 Facsim ile Prog ramming Menu Str ucture Listed below are the PROGRAM M enu se le ctions as they appear in your uni t. Also shown are the availa ble s elec tions and the default se ttings. Once ins ide each sele ct ion, you will find additio nal help and guidance.
Acc essing The U ser P rogram Area Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 3 SET PRINTE R? 1 AUTO CASSETTE SEL . 2 NU M BE R OF C OP IES 3 SY MBOL SET 4 F ONT NUM BER 5 L INE NUMBER 6 *P RIN T FO NT* 7 PC L4 8 GD.
Accessing The User Pro gram Area 4 - 4 Facsim ile Prog ramming Ente ri ng Nu mber s and Le tter s 1 T o e nte r nu mber s int o a num eri c fi el d, use t he 10-Key P ad. 2 T o ent er letter s into an alph a fiel d , use th e One-T ouch Keys. 3 T o enter a S pace bet wee n nu mbe rs or lett ers, us e One-T ouc h Key #3 1.
Initial User Dat a Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 5 Initial User D ata Ente ri ng T he Da te & Tim e When you set th e date and t ime, the y appear on th e LCD whe n the uni t is in standby mode. They also pr int at th e top of e ach page yo u tr ansmit to another loc a t ion.
Initial User Dat a 4 - 6 Facsim ile Prog ramming Ente ri ng Your User N ame T o have your user name display on the faxes you tr ans mit: 1 Use the Memu Navigat ion procedure on page 4-1 to acces s the USE R NAM E ? me nu s el ecti o n. 2 Pres s YES. Ente r your name.
Mach ine Operation s Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 7 Machine Oper ations This section de scribes the choices a va i la ble in the Machine Operations Menu.
Machine Oper ations 4 - 8 Facsim ile Prog ramming Setting the Buzzer (Rin g) Vo lu me Use this to set the ring volum e to the suite d le v el . 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each the Mac hine O p era tio ns menu and press YES.
Mach ine Operation s Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 9 Sett ing the Power Sav e Mode This progra m allows t he user to s et thei r fax unit to automati call y enter the power savi ng mode at a specif ied time. Y ou can also set the P ower Save Mode to OFF .
Machine Oper ations 4 - 10 Facsim ile Prog ramming 3 Use the Le ft/Right Ar ro w Keys to sele ct either ON or OFF and press YES. Selec ting Remote Program This function a llows service pers onnel to change the unit ’ s fir mwa re rem ote ly .
Mach ine Operation s Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 11 3 Use the L e ft/Right Arrow Keys to select e ither TONE or PULSE and press YES. *TO NE PU LSE -S ELECT &PUSH” YES”-.
Docume nt Scan Settings 4 - 12 Facsim ile Prog ramming Document S can Settings T o optimize scanning r esolutio n and contr ast , set according to your individu al needs. Res o lu tion T o assure the best quali ty document, please set the scanni ng re solu tion and contrast according to the requir ement s of your or iginal doc uments.
Document S can Settin gs Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 13 Scan Co ntra st There are three contra st le vels of Light, Normal, Dark that you can selec t dependin g on your origina l document. For documents with very fi ne or light c haracters, choo se a lighter le vel.
Docume nt Scan Settings 4 - 14 Facsim ile Prog ramming Redu cti on Cop y This function a llows you to have the document printe d by one of the two modes describ ed below: Note: Re duction copy ca pabilit ie s a re not avail able when the resolution setting is set to Half T one.
Document S can Settin gs Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 15 Rec. Pape r Si ze This function a llows you to choose the recording pa pe r siz e in T ray 1 (standard Pape r Tr ay) and the optiona l T r ay 2 (PFU Paper Casse tt e) for the first pr inti ng after powe r ON.
Dial R egist ration 4 - 16 Facsim ile Prog ramming Dial Reg istra tion This section give s instructi ons on how to progra m the number to be stored in the One- T ouch, Spee d Dial and Group Dia l Keys. I n add ition, it shows you how to s et up specia l parameter s for each One-T ouc h Key , i nc luding batch T ime and R elay Broadc ast.
Dial Registr ation Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 17 Speed Dial Keys The fax number and oth er data for a part ic ula r destina ti on can be programmed usi ng a 3- digit Speed Dial Number .
Dial R egist ration 4 - 18 Facsim ile Prog ramming Gr oup D ial Ke ys Instead of their regula r functi ons, any of the One-T ouc h Keys can be used as Group Dial Keys. Destina tio ns already stor ed for One-T ouch, Speed Dial and Phone Book can be entered in a Group Dial Key .
Dial Registr ation Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 19 Prog ram D ial Instead of the ir re gular func tions, an y of the last eight One -T ouch Keys (57-64) c an be used as Progra m Keys.
Dial R egist ration 4 - 20 Facsim ile Prog ramming For 2= Time r TX: 5 A screen app ears t o confir m T im er TX was your se le ct io n. 6 Ente r the time you wish the transmissi on to occur and pre ss YES. 7 Ente r the fax num ber y ou wish to send to or select a One-T ouch ro Speed Dial locat ion and press YES.
Dial Registr ation Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 21 7 Ente r the Polling PW . Once this function has been programmed, you use it by simply press ing the One-T ouch Key you have just programmed. This is document e d in Chapter 3 Advanced Facsimile. For 7 = R elay Initiate : 5 A screen app e ar s to confir m R elay In itiate was your sele ction.
Dial R egist ration 4 - 22 Facsim ile Prog ramming Enteri ng 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus u ntil you re ach the DIAL REGI S TRA TION Menu. Press YES to begi n programming. 2 Pres s 5 or scrol l down to the Batc h TX menu and press YES .
TX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 23 TX Ope ration Defau lt T X This function is use d to set the default TX mode of the fax unit. T wo options are av ail ab le: Note: In Memory Tr ansmission Mode, you can retrie ve your original document sooner than you can in ADF TX ( Di rec t T ransmis sion) Mode.
TX Operation 4 - 24 Facsim ile Prog ramming Clos ed Netwo rk TX When closed network TX/RX mode is set ON, transmi ssion is poss ible only with the destinati on s tations r e gister ed in One-T ouch and Speed Di a l. 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each the TX O p era tio n Men u.
TX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 25 6 Sele ct the day you wish th e forwar ding to stop a nd press YES . 7 Sele ct the time you wish the forwarding to beg in and pre ss YES. 8 Sele ct the time you wish the forwarding t o stop a nd press YES .
TX Operation 4 - 26 Facsim ile Prog ramming Header The header prints the se n de r machi ne name, fax number , date /ti me and pa ge number at the top of the shee t at the re mote location. This is req uired by the FCC in the USA and is regulat ed in other way in other countries.
RX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 27 RX Ope rat ion Memo ry R X Mode ON = M emor y Lock In M emor y RX M ode , the mach in e sto res all re ceiv ed doc ument s in mem o ry . The document is not printe d until the machine receiv es a print comman d.
RX Operation 4 - 28 Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 T o sel ect Memory RX ON, use the left and right Arrow Keys to sele ct ON and press YES. 5 Ente r the time you wish to st art receivin g messag es into memory . No t e : If th e ON a n d OF F ti m e a re id e nti c a l, messages will a lways be r ec ei ved into memory .
RX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 29 No. of Rings The uni t will answer a n incom ing call after the nu m ber of r ings (1- 16) se t in t his menu. The default set ting is 2 rings. 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each t he R X O pe ration Me nu .
RX Operation 4 - 30 Facsim ile Prog ramming Redu ctio n RX This function a llows you to choose among the three modes describ ed below: 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each t he R X O pe ration Me nu . Press YES to begin pr ogramming.
RX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 31 Clos ed Netwo rk Set to ON when you want to rece ive documen ts only from specified parti es. When activat ed, it will only accept receptio ns from thos e numbers registe red in the One-T ouch or Speed Dial Keys.
RX Operation 4 - 32 Facsim ile Prog ramming 3 Using the Left and Right a rrows, select the option you wish to have as the default and press YES to enter this selec tion into memory .
RX O pera tion Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 33 Continuous P oll RX Poll t he speci fi ed location wi th pre- se t timer . Up t o 10 groups c a n be set for polling, and each g roup can se t 10 locations. 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each t he R X O pe ration Me nu .
RX Operation 4 - 34 Facsim ile Prog ramming 12 Ente r the 4-digit Pollin g Passwor d. This number is set at the re mote loc ation a nd you must match i t when sending to the m. Note: Polling Passwor ds must be set at both units a nd mus t match f or Polli ng to wo rk.
Lin e 2 S ett i n g Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 35 Lin e 2 Set tin g The Optional Dual-Lin e kit allows you to connect one more telephone line to the fax unit at the same time. Y ou can selec t e ither tele phone line for prior ity recept ion, and you can also sel ect which line is to be used for prior ity sending when both lines are open.
Line 2 Setti ng 4 - 36 Facsim ile Prog ramming 2 Pres s 2 or scrol l down t o t he TX Line Prior ity menu and pre ss YES. 3 Sele ct eith er 1 or 2 as the l ine you wish to tr ansmit on. Press YES to accept this da ta into memory . Li ne 2 Ton e / P ulse This allows the use r to set the dia ling mode of line 2.
Repor ts Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 37 Reports This unit can print sever al diffe rent reports to aid in managing your fax traff ic and the unit itsel f.
Repor ts 4 - 38 Facsim ile Prog ramming TX Re sults Re port A TX R esult s Report p r i nts the result s of a transmission after it ha s been comple te d. This report can be used to check whet he r a tra nsmi ssion has been success ful. 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each t he R epo rts m enu and pres s YES.
Repor ts Facsim ile Prog ramming 4 - 39 Broa dca st Repo rt A Broadcast Report pr ints a li st of re sults of broadcast tran smission. 1 Pres s the PROGRAM Key and scroll through the menus until you r each t he R epo rts m enu and pres s YES. 2 Pres s 5 or scrol l down to the Broa dcast Repo r t menu and press YES .
Repor ts 4 - 40 Facsim ile Prog ramming Othe r Re po rts and Li st s This unit can print other r e ports and list s t hat are usef ul in m anag ing and opt imizing your fa x traf fic. See the list be low . Some of these are cove red in other s ections of this manual in more detail.
Setti ng the D epar tment Nu mber and Pas swor d ( PW) CAUTION Use these instruc tions to set you r de partm ent passw ord. O nce it has been set, stor e these i nst ruct ion s in a plac e sepa rat e fro m the Us er Man ual to p reven t unautho rized use of th e passw ord.
6 Use pencil to note the assig nm ents. This will a llow you to change them as ne eded. Rem em be r to file this in a secu re p lace. * The Department Na me is n ot entered in m achi ne memory .
Assign ing a Priva te Mailb ox ID and P assword (PW) CAUTION Use t hese ins tru ction s to e d it your p ri vate mail box pa sswor d. Thes e ins tructions shou ld be remov ed from this m anual imm edi.
6 Once the Department No. and P W have be en enter ed, a m essa ge appears i nforming you it has been used. If you wish to edi t this inf or mation, follow the instructio ns given in the displa y .
Editing the R X in Mem ory Pa ssword (PW) CAUTION Use th ese instru ctions to ed it your RX in Mem ory PW. Once it ha s be en set, sto re the se ins tru ctio n s in a plac e separ at e fro m the Us er Manual to pre vent u nauthorize d us e of the passwo rd.
Chap te r 5 PC Prin ting & Scanning.
PC Prin ting & Sca nning Chapter Over view This chapte r contains informati on for using your unit as a printe r and scanne r . These functions are optional on your unit.
S et Pr in ter (20 02 O nl y) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 1 Set Pr inter (2002 Only) The Set Pri nter Men u enables y ou to selec t setti ngs for Auto Cas sette Sele ction, Number of Copie s, Symbol Set, F ont Num ber , PCL4 and 600 dp i.
Se t Pri nte r (200 2 Only) 5 - 2 PC Prin t ing & Scannin g Nu mber of Co pie s Allows use r t o set the number of copie s desired. The m aximum number of c opies is 99.
S et Pr in ter (20 02 O nl y) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 3 Font Nu mber Allows users t o set vari ous font numbe rs as l isted below . Provi des six int ernal fonts that remain r esident in the machine. The y are l isted in the f ollowing table b y number and size.
Se t Pri nte r (200 2 Only) 5 - 4 PC Prin t ing & Scannin g Font D efini tions Orientat ion: Portrai t text pri nts across t he w idth of the page. Landscape text prints across t he lengt h of the page . Pitch: Font pitch determine s the number of characters p rinted per inch.
S et Pr in ter (20 02 O nl y) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 5 Line N um ber Allows use rs to se t the total lines f or each pr in ted page. Y ou can set any number be tween 5 and 127 lines per page. Note: In most cases, PC soft ware sett ings overri de thi s set ting.
Se t Pri nte r (200 2 Only) 5 - 6 PC Prin t ing & Scannin g PCL 4 Allows users to sel ect PCL4 pri nter emulation which support s 300 dpi. I f the LCD displays , “ PCL4 /GDI CHANGE, REST AR T YO.
S et Pr in ter (20 02 O nl y) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 7 GDI En ha nce Allows use rs to select the GDI printer driver whi ch supp orts 600 dp i.
Memory Allocations 5 - 8 PC Prin t ing & Scannin g Memory Allocations The GDI pr inter function comes wi th 6 Mb of memory . I f you pr int compl ex pages, you might experie nce memory overflow condit ions. Sta nd ard Mem ory C onf igu rati on C hoi c es User Selec tion F ax Memor y For Print ing Mem ory PCL4 GDI Enhance d A4/Ltr.
PCL4 Em ulation (20 02 only) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 9 PCL4 Emulation (20 02 only) PCL4 emulation provide s 300 dpi resolution , which i s adequa te for pri nting text.
PCL4 Emulat ion (2 002 only ) 5 - 10 PC Printing & Scan ning Setting Up th e Compu ter App lication P rinter Driver 1 From the se tup program in your sof tware applica tion, sele c t the HP Laser Jet Serie s II pr inter t ype. If you are usin g optional memo ry , we recommend you select the HP LaserJ et IIP .
Printer Messages PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 11 Print er Mess ages When the unit is on-li ne and recei ving dat a fr om t he computer , the unit di splays mes sages indicatin g th e printe r stat us.
GDI Printer Feature 5 - 12 PC Printing & Scan ning GDI Pri nter F eature Y our 2002 co m es with a W i ndows print dr ive r dis k that enable s it to functi on as a 300 or 600 dpi laser printe r for W ind ows appl ications.
GDI Printer Feature PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 13 Con nec ting to Y our PC As stated above, you c an use eit he r a ser ia l port or paralle l port for the GDI printer function. A serial c able comes with the 2002, but i f you decide to us e the pa ralle l port, you mu s t purch as e a paral l el cab le.
GDI Printer Feature 5 - 14 PC Printing & Scan ning 6 A list of pr inters appears. C lick the Have Disk... but ton. 7 When the dialog box appear s, insert the progra m disk. 8 Cli ck Brow se . 9 Sel ect the win95 fol de r co nta ining the f file.
GDI Printer Feature PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 15 Windo ws 3.1 1 On the Pr ogram Manager window , click Ma i n - Co nt r ol Pa nel - Printers . 2 On the Contr ol Panel Printe rs windo w , cl ick Add >> . 3 In th e Print ers pop -up window , select In stall Unliste d or Updated Printe r .
GDI Printer Feature 5 - 16 PC Printing & Scan ning 14 If you ar e using a seri a l port, cli c k Setting s to configur e the PC seria l port on the PC to match the 200 2 print e r de vice. Th e COMM port configur ation for the 2002 is: • The baud rate of the 2002 printe r i s set at 38400 in the factory .
GDI Printer Feature PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 17 Configu ring the GDI Print Settings Configure the sett ings for the GDI printer functi on the same as you would for any other printer . R e fer to your Wi ndows or software applicatio n manual. In most applicat ions, you configu re the pa per si ze in t he applic ation.
Scanni ng ( TWAIN D river Op tion ) 5 - 18 PC Printing & Scan ning Scanning (TWAIN Driver Option ) The TW AIN so ftware e nables y our P C to import sc anned imag e s fr om your 200 2 unit into your softwa re applications. A seri al port co n nect io n is requ ire d for this to work .
Scanning (TWA IN Dri ver Opt ion) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 19 On Window s 3.1 1 Ins ert the TW AI N dri ver disk in the disk drive. 2 On the Program Manager window , selec t File - Run . 3 On the Run window , type a:setup . 4 Cli ck OK . 5 The Insta llShiel d wizar d window appears.
Scanni ng ( TWAIN D river Op tion ) 5 - 20 PC Printing & Scan ning Scanni ng Con trol windo w s ettings The Dis p lay p an el includes the fol lowing setti ngs: Ty p e : B/W = for text documents P.
Scanning (TWA IN Dri ver Opt ion) PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 21 Scan ne r Tr ou bles hoot ing When your unit encounte r s troub le whil e scanning, an error message app ear s on the LCD display . Consult the foll owing table to correct the probl em.
Class 1 Fax /Modem 5 - 22 PC Printing & Scan ning Class 1 Fax/Modem The Class 1 fax/modem interf ace on yo ur unit enable s it to f un ct ion as a Class 1 fax/ modem for any IBM-compatibl e computer , sending and recei ving fax messages directl y from your computer .
Class 1 Fax/Mo dem PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 23 Connecting Cla ss 1 to Your PC The 2002 u ses a standar d RS-232C port t o communic ate with t he PC. A se rial cable comes with the 2002 unit. Foll ow the inst ructions in “ At taching t he Periphe ral Ca bles ” on page 2-4 t o connect the c a ble if you h ave not already c onnected i t.
Class 1 Fax /Modem 5 - 24 PC Printing & Scan ning Sen ding a Fa x i n Cla ss 1 M ode Follow these steps to se nd a fa x fro m your computer to a remote locati on 1 From the compute r, select the fil e you are send ing. 2 Enter th e remote fax t elephone num ber .
Class 1 Fax/Mo dem PC Pr intin g & S canning 5 - 25 Printing in Class 1 Mode T o print a document to your unit from the PC-fax applica tion. you must use the Class 1 ID number as the destina tion. Enter the Class ID number exactl y as it is pr ogr a mmed.
Class 1 Fax /Modem 5 - 26 PC Printing & Scan ning Notes:.
Chap te r 6 Mainte nance & Supplies.
Maintenanc e & Supplies Chapt er Overvi ew This c hapter contains t he descri pti on of maintena nc e f unc tions normal ly pe r for med by the Key Operat or . Containe d in this C h a pt er are : • Loadi ng Paper • Clea ring Pa pe r Ja ms • Changing the T oner Cartridge • Changing the Drum Cart ridge • Clea ning your unit.
Loading the P aper Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 1 Loading the Pa per Pape r T ray 1 Remove t he P a per T ray Cover . 2 Fan t he pa per stac k thoroughly and ali gn its edg es. 3 When lo ading pa per other tha n Letter size , adjust the Paper End Stop to fit the paper lengt h.
Loadi ng the Paper 6 - 2 Main tenance & Supplies 4 Load pape r onto the Tra y and adjust the Alignment Guid es to t ouch the s ides of t he paper. Note: When paper remains in the T ray , do not load more paper on top of it. Always place the remaini ng p a per on top th e stack t o assu re i t is used first.
Loading the P aper Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 3 3 Fan t he pa per stac k thoroughly and ali gn its edges. Load the paper sta c k on the tray . Note: Pla ce the side of the paper you wish to print on UP . This is parti cularly importa nt when printing on pr e-printed stock suc h as letter head.
Clearin g Paper Jams 6 - 4 Main tenance & Supplies Clearing Pa per Jams The fa csimile mac hine has two dif fere nt messages for pape r jams. The m essa g e “ ORIGINAL DOC. JAM ” indi cates a problem in the Scanner sectio n. The m essa g e “ RECO RDI NG P APE R J AM ” indicates a proble m with the pri nter paper path.
Cleari ng Pa per Jam s Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 5 Pape r J ams Whe n a paper j am o ccur s, the messag e ‘ RE C ORD ING P APE R JAM ” appears in the LCD Display . 1 Press t he Cov er Lo ck R elease B utto ns on t he left and right side of the Printer Cover , and swing open the Cover .
Clearin g Paper Jams 6 - 6 Main tenance & Supplies Jam at the Paper Feed T ray Cov er 1 Pull out t he paper in the directio n shown by the arrow. Jam at the Paper Feed T ray 1 Remove the T ray Cover a nd pull out t he paper in the dire ction shown by the arrow .
Cleari ng Pa per Jam s Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 7 Jam bet ween t he Feed ing Ro ll e rs and Fuser U nit 1 Pull out the paper f r om the Fuse r Unit in the direc tion shown by the arrow . 2 Pull out the paper fr om the Feed Rolle r in the direct ion shown by the arrow .
Clearin g Paper Jams 6 - 8 Main tenance & Supplies After removing the jam f ollow t he se ste ps: 1 Ins tall the Dr um Cartr idge making sure the c olor tabs fit int o the slots. 2 Install the T o ner Ca rtridge Mak ing sure the co lor tabs fit i nto the sl ots.
C han gi ng T o ner Ca r tr id ge Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 9 Changing Toner Car tridge 1 Press t he Cov er Lo ck R elease B utto ns on t he left and right side of the Printer Cover , and swing open the Cover . 2 Remove t he use d T oner C a rtridg e from t he fax mach i ne.
Chang ing To ner Cartri dge 6 - 10 Main tenance & Supplies 5 Gent ly press down the Scanner C over , a nd se curel y c lose it. Note: A ne w Cartridg e someti mes makes a grindi ng noi se when f irst i nstalle d. Thi s noi se is caused by the initi al meshing of the gears on the Cartri dge.
C han gi ng T o ner Ca r tr id ge Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 11 3 Remove t he Dr um Cartr idge. 4 T ak e the new Drum Cartri dge out of its carton and install it . Make sure to al ign the tabs with the slots a nd match bl ue a nd green c olor c oding.
Ma inten anc e 6 - 12 Main tenance & Supplies Maintenance Cl ean ing Your F ax Unit It is important to ta ke routine care of your fax machi ne to keep it in optimum opera ting conditi on. 1 Using a so ft cloth da mpened wi th mild d et erge nt, wipe the outside of the f ax mac hine .
Mai ntenanc e Main tenance & Supplies 6 - 13 Cleanin g the White Roller 1 T urn the po w er OFF . 2 Open the Scan ner Cover . 3 W ipe the rolle r cle an of dir t and pape r dust with a soft cloth.
Ma inten anc e 6 - 14 Main tenance & Supplies Notes:.
Chap te r 7 Trou bleshooting.
Tr oubl esh oo ting Chapt er Overvi ew This c hapter c ontains some basic troublesho oting me asures. These s hould be trie d prior to c alling f or s e rvice.
Troub les hooting Tro uble sho otin g 7 - 1 Troubles hooting If your fax unit does not work prope rly , please refer to the followi ng information to f ix some problems you might encounte r before contac ting your service repr e s e nt at ive. However , if the pr oblem still c annot be corr ected, do not a ttempt further r epair s.
Troub les hooting 7 - 2 T roubl esh oot ing Erro r Mes sages The most commonly enc ountere d messages a re l isted be low . R e view the cause or symptom of each message and then ta ke the nece ssary action. For any other messages, follow the i nstruction s that a ppear on the LCD.
Troub les hooting Tro uble sho otin g 7 - 3 *CA UTION* RECORD PAPER JAM • A reco rding paper ja m has occurre d. • Clear th e jam by foll ow ing the procedure given i n “Cleari ng Paper Jams.” *CA UTION SCAN COVER O PEN • The Scanner Cover (Control Panel) is open or loose.
Troub les hooting 7 - 4 T roubl esh oot ing *RX SIDE/MEM.FULL* • Re mote si de memory not enough to save en tire do cum ent for tr ans fer to other party. • Remo te m achi n e no t com pat ibl e with y our ma chine. • Try again when remo te side fa x memo ry is availa b le .
Troub les hooting Tro uble sho otin g 7 - 5 Tr ouble sho oti ng T ips Here are some tips for tr oubleshooting our fax. Fi rs t, take the actions shown be low . How e ve r , if the prob l em pers i sts, cal l your Serv ice Re p resen tat i ve. Symptom Action 1 Nothing i s shown on the Display.
Troub les hooting 7 - 6 T roubl esh oot ing 12Your mac hine p rint out q uality is degradin g. • Rep lace t he D rum As sem bly. 13The image r eceived is skewed. • A sk the other party to retry transm ission. The docume nt may ha ve bee n fed in corr ectly at the TX m ach ine.
Chap te r 8 Specifications.
Specifications Chapter Ov ervie w This c hapter c ontains technica l specific ations f or your 2001 and 2 002 units. The spe cifi cat io ns lis ted are for bot h unles s not ed spec if ical ly . Specific ations are subj ect to c h a nge without no tic e.
Physical Specifica tions Specificatio ns 8 - 1 Physical S pecific ations Electrica l Specifications Style Desktop - P lain paper f ax, with optiona l 500 sheet casse tte, PC- printer , PC-scanner, PC-.
Operational Spe cifications 8 - 2 Specifica tions Operat ional Specific ations Warm -up t ime App ro xim atel y 2 0 se co nds Copy Quan tity Select 1 to 99 Recommended Vol ume Maximum : 3,000 docum ents/month (36,000 prints/month) - TX, Copy, Scan 3.
Operat ional Specification s Specificatio ns 8 - 3 Scanner O pt ic a l system Effect ive W idth Eff ective L eng th Long Documen t Co ntac t Imag e Se nsor (CS I) , 25 92- bits , (2552- bit s effect ive) 208.6 mm ( 8 .2 inches) - 215.4 mm (8.38 inches) 128 mm (5 inches) - 356 mm (14 inches ) 380 mm (1 4.
Operational Spe cifications 8 - 4 Specifica tions Facsimile Specifications Optional Acce ssories Spe cifications Class 1 Inter face (RS -232) Dial ing Function s Phone Syste m PSTN (P ublic Switc he d.
Operat ional Specification s Specificatio ns 8 - 5 PC I nterfa ce LAN I nterfa ce (P rint Se rver)( 2002 O nly) Funct ions PCL4, GDI, TWAIN, CL ASS1, L an P rinter, Re m ote Monit or, Lo cal F/W Down .
Operational Spe cifications 8 - 6 Specifica tions Dual Line Dialing Func tions P hone S ystem PSTN (Public S witched Teleph one Network) PABX (Private Bra n c h Exchange) Dial T ype DTMF (D ual Tone M.
Environ mental Specifica tions Specificatio ns 8 - 7 Environ mental Specifica tions Lit h ium B at ter y S tat em en t Lithium batte ries have a danger of explosi on.
Environmental Specifications 8 - 8 Specifica tions Notes:.
Append ix A Unpa ck ing & Ins talla tion.
Unpack ing & Insta llation.
Unpacking Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 1 Unpacking This Appendix conta ins the information ne cessary to unpack and insta ll your unit. Note: If you intend to ins tall the Optional PFU, we recommend t ha t you skip t o that procedure and install i t first si nce the Facsi m il e unit set on top of the PFU.
Unpac king A - 2 Unp acking & I nstallation Acces sor ies Box C onten ts 1. Ac cesso ry C arton 2. D o cu me nt Fe ed T ray 3. Paper Exit T ray 4. Document Exit T r ay 5.
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 3 S ett i ng U p Fa x U nit Remov ing th e Packi ng Mate rial s 1 Remove t he shi pping ta pe. 2 Remove the Control Panel prot e ctiv e co ver in g. 3 Pr es s th e Co ver Re le as e But t ons o n the l eft and r ight si des of the Pr inter Cover , and swing open the cover .
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit A - 4 Unp acking & I nstallation Inst alling th e Ton er Cart ridge 1 Unpack the T oner Cartr idge. 2 Hold the T oner Cartr idge with both hands and shake the Cartr idge in all direct ions to assure the toner ins ide the cart ri dg e is even .
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 5 Inst alling th e Pap er Ex it Tray 1 Ins ert the t wo t a bs in to the corr esponding slots inside the unit. Inst alling th e Docu ment E xit T ray 1 Ins ert the t wo t a bs in to corr esponding slots loc ated just below the f ront of the C ontrol P anel.
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit A - 6 Unp acking & I nstallation Att aching t he Po we r Cor d and T eleph on e Co rds 1 Make sure the Main ON/OFF Switch is i n th e OFF p osition. 2 Connect one end of the Power Cord to the Power Cord Receptacle on the Fax unit.
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 7 Inst alling th e Ha ndset 1 Assem b le the Br acke t and the Handset Holder with t wo screws. Note: DO NOT overtight en these screws. The y ar e self-tappi ng a n d a re going int o so f t plast ic.
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit A - 8 Unp acking & I nstallation Loa din g Pape r 1 Remove t he shi pping ta pe from the Tr a y C o v e r . 2 Remove the T ray C ove r . 3 Remove the shippin g tape a nd foam from i nside the T ray c a vity . 4 If you are loadi ng Lett e r or A4 size paper , pul l the T ray Extensi on out t o the fi rs t stop.
Setti ng Up Fa x Unit Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 9 Turn ing P ower ON 1 Turn th e M a in O N / O F F Sw it ch to the ON positi on. CAUTION Allo w at l east thre e sec onds afte r turning th e Main ON/ OFF Sw it ch ON o r OFF b ef ore pre ssin g it agai n.
Final Checkout A - 10 Unpacking & Installation Final Chec kout Pre paring Yo ur Fa x Unit Before using your facsimile unit, please s et up the fol lowing it ems: Note: W ith a PBX system, you g ener a l ly ha v e to dial a prefix num ber ( e . g. “ 9 ” ) to access a n outsi de line.
Fina l Check out Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 11 Load ing a Doc umen t 1 Pl a ce a d o c u m e n t f ac e do w n in th e Docu m en t Fe ed Tray .
Setti ng Up the ( Opt ional) PF U A - 12 Unpacking & Installation Setting Up the (Optional) PFU The PFU option allow you to add a 500-shee t Cassette. This allows you to make longe r fa x, copy or printi ng runs wit hout interruption s. The PFU installs unde r the Fax unit an d serve s as a ba se for it.
Sett ing Up the (Opt ional) PFU Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 13 Inst alling th e PFU 1 T ak e the ( Optional) PFU f r om the shipping carto n. 2 Remove the vinyl bag and peel of f the s hipping t ape. 3 Remove the shippin g tape a nd cardboar d from the gear area.
Setti ng Up the ( Opt ional) PF U A - 14 Unpacking & Installation Lo adin g th e Ca sset te 1 Remove t he C a ssette from the vinyl bag. 2 Remove the shippin g tape a nd cardboa rd. Note: T o remove th e Baseplate r e t a i ning c ardboard, c arefull y slide the m forwa rd and then re move.
Sett ing Up the (Opt ional) PFU Unpac king & Ins tallation A - 15 8 Do not load paper ab ove the Maximum Level Indicat or . 9 If you add paper pr ior to the tray being com pletely empty , make sure you place the old paper on top the stack. 10 Put the Casse tte Cover on the Cassette.
Setti ng Up the ( Opt ional) PF U A - 16 Unpacking & Installation Notes:.
Ap pend ix B Safety & Agency Certifications.
Safety & A gency C ertifications.
Energy Star Saf ety & Agency Certifica tions B - 1 Energy Star As an Energy Star P artner , LANIER ha s determ ined that this mac hine m eet s the Energy St ar Gui deline s for E nergy Efficiency .
Ene rgy S tar B - 2 Safety & Agenc y Certifications the U n ited St at es. For Us ers In Oth er Count rie s This is a semi conductor lase r . The maxim um power of the la s er diode is 5.
FCC R equirem ents Saf ety & Agency Certifica tions B - 3 FCC Requir ements Labe l Id entif icatio n The following inf ormation is applica ble to the Model 1205, 1210 and 1260 MFD un its instal led in the United States of America . This equipment complie s with part 68 of FCC rules.
FCC Requir ements B - 4 Safety & Agenc y Certifications of the sending machine or such busine ss, o the r entity , or individual. T o program this informa tion into your machine, r efe r to the P rogr amm i ng sectio n for information on e ntering y our User ID and telephone n umber .
FCC (For U.S.A. Users) Saf ety & Agency Certifica tions B - 5 FCC (For U.S .A. User s) FCC Pa rt 15 - Radio Fre quency De vices Warnin g The following app lies to the Facsimile Unit (L A NIER 2001/2002) only witho ut the LANIER Network opti on installe d.
FCC (For U.S.A. Users) B - 6 Safety & Agenc y Certifications Warning This equipment has been teste d a nd found to co mply with the limits f or a Class A digita l device, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
FCC (For U.S.A. Users) Saf ety & Agency Certifica tions B - 7 If you experien ce trouble with this e quipmen t, please con tact: The tele phone compa ny may ask you to disconne c t t his equ ipm ent f r om t he network until the probl em has been c orrected or you a re su re tha t the e quipment i s not mal f unct ioning.
User Inst ructions (For Canada Users ) B - 8 Safety & Agenc y Certifications User Instructions ( F or Can ada Us ers) Int erfer en ce-C aus ing Eq uip ment St andar d (IC ES -003 I SSU E 2 ) Warn ing: The following app lies to the Facsimile Unit (L A NIER 2001/2002) only witho ut the LANIER Network opti on installe d.
User Instruct ions (For Canada Users) Saf ety & Agency Certifica tions B - 9 Users shou ld e nsure f or their o w n protec tion that the electric al groun d connections of t he power utility , telephone lines , a nd inte rnal metallic wate r pipe system, if prese nt, a re connected toge ther .
Warning Labels B - 10 Sa f e ty & Agenc y Certifications Warning Labe ls l nd us t r y Ca nad a lndu s tr i e Ca nada ICES- 003, Cl ass.
Appe ndix C Glossary.
Glo ssary.
Glossary Glos sary Ap pen dix C - 1 Glo ssa ry ADF Aut om ati c Docu me nt Fee der Batc h A gro up of documents st ored in memory at different times and se nt to geth er at th e s ame time to a r emo te unit. Broadcast Tran sm it one doc ument to more t ha n one loc at i o n, sequentiall y.
Glossary Appe ndi x C - 2 Glos sary One Touch k e y Can store selecte d job feature s and phone numbers u sing the program keys . ORG Orig inal OT One Touch k e y Photo Photogra phs and gl ossy photo-quali ty origina ls.
IX Index.
Inde x IX - 1 Symbols “ # ” K ey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 7 Numeric s 2 S I DED TX . Key . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1 6 A Ag e ncy Cer tif i cati on . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 1 Ag e ncy Cer t ifi cati o ns . . . . . . . . . . B -9 Au to R ecei v e .
IX - 2 Inde x J JO U RNA L K ey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 11 K Ke y Pa d D ial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 7 L L ase r Sa f ety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 L ine 2 S ett i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 35 L ine 2 F ax Nu m be r .
Inde x IX - 3 Scannin g (TWAIN Driver Option) 5-15 SC HE D ULE Ke y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 14 Se t Prin t er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -1 F ont Nu mb er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 3 GD I Enh anc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 L ine Nu mb er .
IX - 4 Inde x.
New M achin e Warr anty a nd Limita tion of L iability Warr anty — 90 days Lanier warrants that its equ ipm ent and ac c essories wil l be f r ee from def ec tive parts and workmanship f or a period of ninety ( 90) days f rom the date of first i nstallation b y Lanier’ s Author ized Dealer .
Customer Vision _ our com mitmen t to your comple te sa tisfa ction Lanie r Worldwide , Inc. | 2300 Park lake Dr ive, N.E. | A tlanta, G A USA 3034 5 www.
デバイスLanier 2001の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lanier 2001をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLanier 2001の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lanier 2001の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lanier 2001で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lanier 2001を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLanier 2001の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lanier 2001に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLanier 2001デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。