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Pro4 000 S erie s Quick Refe re nce Gui de Ap ril 20 12 www.lexmark .com.
Important Message About Cartridge Recyc ling! Please Read Before Opening Your Inkjet Cartridge Box At Lex mark , we t ake our c ommit ment t o the en viron ment s erio usl y, a nd we en coura ge o ur cust omer s to participate in our easy, no-cost method for returning empty Lexmark cartridges to Lexmark for proper recycling.
Cont ents Import ant safety informati on...................... ............ ............. ..........2 About y our pr inter........... ........... ......................... ........... ........... .....5 Fin ding infor ma tion abo ut the pr in ter.... .
What is Wi ‑ Fi Pr otec ted Set up?.. ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... .....44 Configurin g Wi ‑ Fi P rote cted S etup m an ually ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
About y our printer Fi ndin g in form ation a bou t the pr inte r The Qu ic k Re f erence Guide co ntains i nstru ctions on ad ding your print er to a wireles s net work, s etting up a fax connec tion, and acco mplishi ng common printer tasks like printing, copying , scanning, and faxing .
• U se re cyc led pa per. To read the Lexmark Env ironmental Sustai nability Report, se e www. lexmar k.com/en vironme nt . Note: Y our prin ter may not come w ith som e of these pr ogr ams or som e of the func tion s of the se programs, dependi ng on the f eatures of the printer tha t you purcha sed.
Wit h a C D or DVD drive (Windows/Macin tosh) Wit ho u t a CD or DV D dr iv e or fo r L inu x Note: If the in st allati on dial og do es not appe ar a fter a minu te, t hen see “Ins tall ation scre en did not appe ar durin g inst allati on” on pa ge 50 .
6 Move the pa per guid es to the sides . 7 For legal ‑ size paper, ext end the pap er tray. 8 Load paper w ith the print able side facedo wn. 9 Adjust the pa per guide s to rest ag ainst the l eft, ri ght, and bot tom ed ges of the pap er. Note: Make sure the paper is be low the maxim um fill line lo cated on the edge of the paper tray.
10 Insert the pap er tray. 11 Connec t the power c ord only. Note: Do not at ta ch the U SB c abl e y et . Connec t the power c ord to a prop erly grounde d elec trical out let tha t is near the produc t and easily accessible. 12 Mak e su re th e pri nte r is on.
15 Set the count ry or region, and the n press OK . Country/Region Country/Region United States Albania Algeria Please choose a country or region and press OK 16 Using th e keypad on the prin ter control pan el, set the date . Press the left or right arrow button to scroll bet ween t he month , day, and ye ar.
• To add a spac e, press the number 0 . Fax Name Fax Name Enter Fax Name and press OK 22 Configure ot h er advanced fax setti ngs later in the sof tware installation. Continue Configure Advanced Features Y ou can now print, but there are additional steps required to access all the features of your device.
Behind the i nk cart ridge access door, you w ill find the c us tomer supp ort label, whi ch c ontains t he in k cartridge i nformat ion, mod el number, product Web s ite, and cust omer supp ort numbe r. Note: D o not o pen the ink cartridge acc ess door du ring the 12 ‑ minute p ri nthead pr eparat ion.
Use the To 7 Pa per tr ay (Tray 1 ) Load paper. 8 Secon d pape r tray (Tray 2) Not e : Th is option is ava i labl e o n ly in s el ect printe r m odels .
Usin g th e pr i nt er c ont ro l pan el 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Use To 1 Power • Turn the prin ter on an d off. • S witc h to Sleep mod e. Note: When the pri nter is o n, pres s to s witch to Sl eep mode. Pre ss and hold for three seconds to turn off th e printer.
Use To 11 Addr ess B ook Acces s fa x numbers f rom a sav ed list of number s. 12 Co lor Switch to color mode. 13 Black Switch to b lack ‑ and ‑ whit e mo de. 14 Start Start a job, dep ending on whic h mode is sele cted. 15 Canc el • Ca nce l a pr i nt, copy , sc an, or fa x job i n pr ogr ess .
Insertin g a m emor y c ard Inserting a flash drive Note s: • Inse rt the car d wit h the brand na me label f acing up. • Make sure a ny arrows on the ca rd point toward the printer. • If necessary, connect the memory card to the adapt er that came wi th it.
Ordering and replacing supplies Orderi ng ink cartri d ges Order the c artridges that are des igne d for use in y our region . • Re gion 1 : For t he United S tates, Ca nada, and Latin America, use 200, 200 XL, or 200XLA cartridges .
4 Insert each ink cartridge until it cl icks into pla ce. Note: I nstall the new ink cartridges im mediately after remov in g them from the packaging to av oid exp osing the ink to air.
• Store the used ink c artridges in a box with the nozzles faceup. • Avoid severe ja rring m ovement s. • If availabl e, us e the origi nal pac kaging o f the print er with the need ed pa dding to ke ep the print er protec ted d uring tr ansport.
Using the printer s oftware Min imum sys tem req uirem ents The printer s oftware requires up to 500MB of free disk space. Supp or ted o per ating sys tems • Micros oft Wi ndows 7 (SP 1) • Mi cros.
If you did n ot install the se additional pro grams during initial ins tallation, then reinsert the installat ion software CD, run t he installation software, and then c lick Advanced Option s > Install Additional Softw are .
Notes: • Your printe r may not come with these a pplicat ions, depe nding on the fea tures of the pr inter tha t you pur chase d or the inst allation t ype (st andard or cust om) chos en when y ou insta lled the pr inter.
Printing Rec ommend ed p aper brand s Fo r e ‑ mai ls, r eceiv e d f axes, inte rnal d ocu ments , and si milar p rint jo bs Size Recom mende d pape r Wei ght Se t pape r t ype to Letter Pr in tWork.
Pri nt ing a doc ume nt For W ind ows use rs 1 Wi th a d oc u ment open, click Fi le > Pri nt . 2 Click Pr ope rties , Pr ef er ences , Op tio ns , or Setup . 3 Select t he print qua lity, t he number of copies to print , the t ype of paper t o use, and how the page s should pr int.
3 Click OK . 4 From the m enu bar, choo se Fil e > Prin t . 5 Fro m the Pri nte r po p ‑ up menu, choose your pr inter. 6 From the pri nt opt ions pop ‑ up me nu, choos e Qua l it y & Me dia . 7 From the Pa per Ty pe pop ‑ up m enu , ch oo se Pla i n Pap er .
• If you want to cancel a ll prin t jobs in t he queu e, then cli ck Pr in ter > Ca ncel A ll D oc um ent s . For M aci nto sh use rs 1 Click the printer icon on the Dock. The print queue dial og appea rs. 2 Choose the job yo u want to c ancel, and then click Delete .
Copying AD F Sc anne r glass Us e th e AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page do cuments. Not e : The AD F is av ailab le on ly in se lect pr inte r models. If you p urchase d a printer w ithout an ADF, then lo ad or ig in al d oc ume nt s o r p h oto s on th e s canner g lass.
Notes : • For long -edged bind in g, page s are bound al ong the long edge of the pag e (left ed ge for port rait orien tation and top edge for lands cape orie ntatio n). • For short -ed ged bind ing, page s are bound a long t he short edge of the page (t op edge for portrait orie ntation and left edge for landscap e orientation).
Scanning AD F Sc anne r glass Us e th e AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page do cuments. Not e : The AD F is av ailab le on ly in se lect pr inte r models. If you p urchase d a printer w ithout an ADF, then lo ad or ig in al d oc ume nt s o r p h oto s on th e s canner g lass.
3 Nav igate t o eith er of the f oll owin g: • Settings > Sca n ‑ to ‑ Network Fo lder Setup • Settings > Mana ge Sh ort cuts > A dd New Shor tcut > S can to Network 4 Enter the necessary informa tion, a nd then click Add .
2 From the App lications fold er in the Fin der, launch t he app lication you want to us e. Note: Us e any appl icati on that sup ports your print er. 3 From the list of device s, select your p rinter.
E-mai ling You can use your print er to send e-mai l to one or more recipi ents withou t using a comp uter provided you have set up the scan to e-m ail task through sh ortcuts. For mo re information, see th e section on sh ortcut s in the Qu ic k Ref erence Guide .
Setting up the printer to fax CAU TI ON— SHO CK HA ZAR D: Do not use the fax fe ature du ring a lightning storm. Do n ot set up this product or make any e lectrical o r cabling co n nections, such as the power supply cord or telephone, durin g a light ning storm.
Co nnec t ed to di ff er ent w al l j ac ks To co nnec t: Connec t the cabl e from the w all ja ck to th e port of the printer. Tips for this se tup: • If you ha ve only one telepho ne number on y our line , then y ou need t o set the pri nter to rec eive fa xes au tom a tic all y (Aut o Ans we r On ).
When you a nswer the tele phone and you hear fax t one s, pr ess * 9* or the man ual answer code o n t he telephone to receive the fax. • You can al so set the prin ter to recei ve faxes automat ically (A uto Answer On) , but you nee d to turn of f the voice mail service w hen you are e xpecting a fa x.
To co nnect: 1 Connec t one end of a telephon e cabl e to the po rt o f th e pri nte r. 2 Connec t the other e nd of the cable t o the port label ed Pho ne Li ne 1 or Phon e Por t on t he VoI P adap ter . The port labeled Ph on e Li ne 2 or Fax Port is not a lwa ys active.
• If you need t wo phone ports for your dev ices but do not wa nt to pay extr a, then d o n ot plug the print er into th e sec ond ph one port. Y ou ca n use a ph one split ter. Plug the phon e spli tter into t he Phone Line 1 or Ph one P ort , and th en plug the pri nter a nd telephone into the sp litter.
Con nect ing th e printe r to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall j ack E X T L IN E To co nnec t: 1 Connec t one end of a telephon e cabl e to the po rt o f th e pri nte r. 2 Connec t the other end of th e cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adap ter, and t h en c onne ct th e ada pter to the wall jack.
France Neth erlands Switzer land Finland Norway United K ingdo m War ni ng— Pot ent ia l D amage : I f your count ry or regi on is on the list, then do not remove the wrap pl ug fr om t he por t of the pri nter. It is necess ary fo r the proper func tionin g of the de vices on the telepho ne lin e.
Con nect the p rinter to an y of the N port s. To co nnec t: 1 Connec t one end of a telephon e cabl e to the po rt o f th e pri nte r. 2 Connec t the other end of th e cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adap ter, and t hen c onne ct the adap ter to an N p or t.
Step 5: Set t he number of rings I f y ou se t Au t o A n sw er t o On in St e p 4 , th en d o t h e fo llo wi n g . I f yo u se t Au to A ns w e r t o O f f, th e n pr o c ee d to S tep 6.
Faxing CAU TI ON— SHO CK HA ZAR D: Do not use the fax fe ature du ring a lightning storm. Do n ot set up this product or m ake any el ectric al or cabling connec tions, suc h as the fax fea ture, po wer cord, or telephone, durin g a light ning storm.
Recei vin g faxe s au toma tica lly 1 Make sur e th at A uto Answ er is o n: From the prin ter cont rol panel , navigat e to: > Setu p > OK > Fax Setup > OK > Rin ging an d Answ er ing .
Wireless networking Inf orm at io n yo u will nee d du rin g wir e less setu p To set up the pri nter fo r wireless pr inting, you ne ed to know t he following : • The name of your wirel ess netwo r.
You can f ind these WPS logos on the side , back, o r top of your a ccess point . For more information on accessing the wireless settings and determining the WPS c apability of your access po int, see th e d ocu men tati on tha t came w ith t h e a cc ess po int or co n tac t your syste m suppo rt per son .
Using the Embedded Web Server The Em bedded Web Server le ts you view a nd remote ly cus tomize pri nter se ttings eve n when you are not phys ically near th e printer. You c an also view repo rts on pri nter activitie s, mo nitor and ord er printer suppli es online, contact cus tomer support, a nd downloa d update s for your pri nter.
Click To Sc an ‑ to ‑ Networ k Fo lder Se tu p Add or manage a folder destin atio n when the Scan to Networ k applica tion is used . Not e s: • This featur e may not appea r in the Em bedd ed Web Serv er, depen din g on y our p ri nter model .
Using shortcuts What a re sho rtc ut s? A shortcut is a way to quickly accomplis h print ing, cop ying, scanning , e ‑ ma il in g , o r fax i n g ta sk s wit h th e printer. You can configu re an d save a set of freq uent ly used printer se ttings availa ble for a given t ask and then ass ign a short cut number a nd shortcut name to it.
2 Do either of the fol lowing: • Make the nece ssar y ch a nge s, an d the n cli ck Sav e Chan ges . • Click De l ete . Using shor tcuts on the printer M ake s ure yo u ha ve c r e a te d a sho rtcu t.
Troubleshooting Bef ore you trou bles hoot Use th is checklist to so lve most printer p roblems: • Make s ure the po wer c ord is pl ugged i nto the pri nter and i nto a properl y g round ed, w orking elec trical outlet . • Make sure the pr inter i s tu rned on .
C HE CK THE USB CONNECTION 1 Chec k the USB c able for an y obvious dama ge. If th e cable is dam aged, t hen use a new one. 2 Fi rml y pl ug t he s qu are en d of the US B cab le int o t he bac k o f the pr int er . 3 Firm ly plug the rectangul ar end of the USB cable into the USB port of the co mpute r.
Printer is printing blank pag es Blank pa ges may be caused by imprope rly ins talled ink cartridg es. R EIN STA LL THE INK CARTRIDGES AND DEEP CLEAN AND AL IGN TH E PRINTHEAD 1 Reinstall the ink c artridges. For m ore information, see “R e placing ink c artridges” on page 17.
Fa x t r ou bl es hoo ti ng • “Fax trou blesh oot ing chec klis t” on page 53 • “Can not send f axes” on page 53 • “Can not receive fa xes” on pa ge 54 • “Cannot run the fax soft.
M AKE SURE THAT THE D IAL P REFIX SETTING IS COR RE C T The dia ling prefix is t he number or serie s of numbers tha t you pre ss be fore you can dial the a ctual f ax number or tele phone num ber.
Wir ele ss tr ou ble shoot ing If you a re having troubl e set ting up y our printer on a ne twork, then print a network setup p age, and t hen see the compreh ensive Us er's Gu ide available o n the installa tion softw are CD.
D ISC O NNE CT FROM VPN SESSION When you are conne cted to another network through a V PN connection, you will not be able to access the printe r over your wireles s ne twork. En d your VPN sess ion, and then try pri nting again. M AKE SURE D EM O M ODE IS TURN ED OFF Select print er features are not a vailable when Dem o Mode is turned on.
• The IP addre ss app ears as four set s of numbers separated by periods, such as 192. 168.2 .134. b Type t he user nam e and pass word of t he access point wh en prompt ed. c Click OK . d In the W ireless settings secti on, look for t he SSID. e Writ e down th e SSID.
4 Type ipc onfig , and then press En te r . The IP address ap pears as four se ts of numbe rs separate d by periods , such as 192.168. 0.100. F or M acint osh u sers 1 Fro m the Apple m enu, na vigate to: About This Mac > Mor e In fo 2 Fro m the Con tents pane, choos e Netwo rk .
M AKE SURE THE PRI NT ER PO WER IS ON Make sure the print er is conne cted to a power s ource a nd is turned on . M AKE SURE THAT TH E NETWORK IS OPERA TING PROP ERLY • Tr y to ac ce ss ot h er c om p ut er s o n th e n etw or k . • Make s ure all sw itches , hubs, and other conn ecting de vices are turned on .
Noti ces Edit ion n oti ce Apr il 20 12 The foll owing paragr aph d oes n ot ap ply to any c ountr y whe re su ch pr ovi sio ns are inco nsis te nt wit h loc a l law : LEXM ARK INTERN ATIONAL , INC.
Index A adding netw ork f olde r sh ortc ut 2 9 Addit ional So lution s customize printer settings using 46 Addr ess Bo ok 41 Address Boo k Setup customize printer settings using 46 ADF input tray loc.
information fin d in g 5 informat ion pane 46 information y ou will need during wireless set up 44 ink cons erving 5 ink cartridge access door location 12 ink cartridges orderi ng 17 replacing 17 inse.
sec urit y PIN recovering 5 1 selecting the wireless port 5 7 sender inf ormation regis teri ng 40 sending f axes, t ips 42 set ting number of rings 41 setti ng up fax country ‑ or regi on ‑ spe c.
デバイスLexmark PRO4000Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark PRO4000Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark PRO4000Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark PRO4000Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark PRO4000Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark PRO4000Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark PRO4000Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark PRO4000Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark PRO4000Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。