LG Electronicsメーカー765の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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XEROX W orkcentre Pro 665, 685 , 765, 7 85 User ’ s Guid e.
Xerox Lim ite d, Global kn owledge an d Langu age Services , Enterprise Ce ntre, Bessem er Road, WEL WYN GARDEN CITY , AL7 1H L United Ki ngdom ©1999 by Xerox C orporati on. All rights reser ved. Xerox® , Xerox Li mited® and all the p roducts mentio ned in thi s publica tion are trademar ks of Xe rox Corpor ation an d Xerox Limited.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 i T able of Content s Chapter 1 In troduction .............. ......... ......... .......... .............. ......... ......... ... 1-1 Finding Inf ormation in t he User’s Guid e ............. ......... .......... ..
ii WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785 Menu Mode ... ......... .............. .......... ......... ......... .............. .......... ........ 3-15 PC Printing Mode ... ..... ..... .... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 iii * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Phoneb ook Reports ................. .......... ......... .............. ......... .......... ..... 4-16 By Name Pho nebook .. ......... .............. ......... .......... .....
iv WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-1 1 Introduction Thank you for pur chasing the Xero x Workcentre Pro. The WorkCentre is designe d for ease o f use, but t o use your machine to its fullest potential , take some time to read th e User Docum entation.
Introductio n 1-2 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Basic T r oubleshooting - Chapter 5 Guides the user throu gh probl em solving , and recomm ended corre ctive acti ons. Environment Specifications - A Provides the safety , d ata coupler , and Canad ian certifi cation informat ion.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-3 Polling - Chapter 7 Describes the Pollin g functio ns and in structs how to p erform eac h function. Mailbox Communications - Chapter 8 Describes b oth the Xerox Mailbox s ystem and th e standard ITU-T Mailbox system and inst ructs how to use the ma ilbox fun ctions f or each syst em.
Introductio n 1-4 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Maintaining the Pr oduct - Appendix B Provides procedur es to clean and maintain t he machin e. Includes detailed proce dures fo r replacing the cons umables.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-5 Document Conventions A docume nt conve ntion is si mply a way o f presen ting inform ation. This secti on explai ns the conv entions used in the Workc entre Pro User ’s G uide. Many pr ocedure s requi re you to pr ess a k ey to perf orm a funct ion; thes e key s app ear in bo ldf a ce ty pe.
Introductio n 1-6 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Notes, Cautions, and W arnings This manu al uses notes, ca utions, and wa rnings to emphas ize informat ion the r eader needs . Notes co ntain informatio n that supplem ents the text. N otes are emp hasized with italics.
Machine Requi rement s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-1 2 Machine Requirement s This cha pter provides informatio n on the s ystem requ irements an d the space requirem ents.
Machine Requi rement s 2-2 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Sp ace Requirement s Adequate space is requ ired for ventilatio n, ease of operation, maintenan ce, and r eplacement o f consum ables. Pro vide the mini mum s p ace a s sho wn in t he f oll ow in g fig ure .
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-1 3 Machine Overview This cha pter provides an overv iew of the WorkCen tre’s hardware features and operat ion. The Control P anel is di scussed and each key is defin ed. Syste m Overv iew The WorkCentre a llows the us er to se nd, receiv e, copy , and p rint documents.
Machine Overview 3-2 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 System Fe atures The followi ng table desc ribes man y of the WorkCen tre features . Refer to th e T able o f Contents or Inde x to loca te detailed i nformation.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-3 Manual G roup This feature all ows the user to send a docum ent to mul tiple remote m achin es by si mply pressing the Manu al Gro up key and enteri ng the teleph one numb ers.
Machine Overview 3-4 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Hardware Fea tures * Not ava ilable in a ll markets. ** Not ava ilable on some models . Feature Desc ription Document Outpu t T ray Collec ts the docum ent p ages fo llow ing a transmis sion or copy o peratio n.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-5 Workcentre Hardwa re Fe atures * Not ava ilable in a ll markets. ** Not ava ilable on some models .
Machine Overview 3-6 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Control Panel 059 060-1 060-2.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-7 Control Panel Component s and Function Keys The Control Panel i s used to pr ogram the fea tures an d to initi ate communi cations . The followi ng figures and tables ill ustrate th e Control Pan el and des cri be each com pon ent.
Machine Overview 3-8 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Item Description Function 11 Used to se lect the displa yed me nu item , to st art a communic ation, or to acc ept name a nd number ent ries.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-9 19 Used for in teracti ve diali ng. Digi ts are dialed as the key is pres sed. The line m onito r automati cally turns on. 20 Used to copy do cumen ts . 21 Used to create a one tim e grou p of ph one numbers, for Gro up Send ing or Poll ing.
Machine Overview 3-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 † Available as an optio nal upgrad e. 27 Displ ays the a ctive job if a comm unicatio n is i n prog ress. I f there are no commun icat ions in progre ss, a su mmary of the Pen ding J obs is disp layed .
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-11 Direct Access Function Keys The following table lists the Workcentre ’s Direct Access Fu nctio n Keys which are l ocated i n the left of the Contro l Panel. The Direct Acc ess Function K eys automat e 14 of the m ost freq uently used WorkCentre features .
Machine Overview 3-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Allows ent ry of a Charge Cod e at the time of dial ing or duri ng phonebook progra mming. Di git s entered a fter this s electio n are conce aled. Allows entri es of man ual, One T ouch, and Speed Di al numbers t o be ch ained tog ether for s equenti al diali ng operations .
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-13 To n e s The WorkCentre generat es tones to indi cate the oper ational status of the machi ne. • Single short tone — A con firmatio n tone. A short tone sounds when a key is presse d or when a n action completes s uccessfu lly .
Machine Overview 3-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Operation Modes St andby Mode When the m achine i s in the S tandby Mo de, the dis play indi cates the machine status, a prompt for the ne xt operat ion, or an er ror message .
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-15 Copy Mode When the machine is in th e Copy Mode, t he displ ay informs about the machine status as th e mach ine prints si ngle or m ultiple copies o f the document . When in the copy mode, the fo llowing i nformation i s display ed: • The displ ays indicate s Copyin g.
Machine Overview 3-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T y pes of Communications T ransm issions • Memory Se nd — The job is first sc anned into me mory , then sent to the rem ote party . Using this meth od, multiple jobs ca n be stored a nd the ma chine t ransmits each job as th e line be comes availab le.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-17 • Resend — Norm ally , docum ent data (sto red in memo ry for tran smission ) is cleare d if the tran smission fa ils to reac h a remote facsimile . This functi on enables the mach ine to sa ve the sto red document and allow s you to re- schedu le the trans mission.
Machine Overview 3-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Receptions • Auto Reception — When this mode is acti ve, your ma chin e automatic ally answe rs all incoming c alls, and au tomatical ly complete s the com mun ic ati on. • Manual Reception — Thi s mode allo ws you to answer a ll inco ming cal ls manuall y .
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-19 Multi Access Funct ion T able - Local * Not avai lable w hen box type a nd numbe r are the same 2nd Acce ss 1st A c ces s Local Single Copy Multi Copy Print Report (man.) Print Report (auto) Print T ransmission Report Mailbo x Input Mailbo x Output Print Recei ved File (Man.
Machine Overview 3-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Multi Access Funct ion T able - Fax Communication * Not avai lable wh en box type a nd numbe r are the same 2nd Acce ss 1st A c ces s Fax Commun.
Machine Overvi ew WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-21 Multi Access Funct ion T able - PC * Not availab le when box type an d number ar e the same 2nd Acce ss 1st Acc ess PC Data from PC Data to PC .
Machine Overview 3-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-1 4 Getting S t arted This cha pter contains ste p-by-step procedure s to progr am the bas ic machine settings and set up the most commonly u sed facs imile features . T o get y ou started qui ckly , bas ic steps to send, receive, and copy a d ocument a re also provide d.
Getting S tarted 4-2 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 2. Use the Num eric Keypad to sel ect the desi red language, th en press Enter . The men u selection sc reen redi splays. Pres s Sto p to return to the S tandb y Mode . Setting the Date and T ime The WorkCentre s hows the date and tim e in the d isplay when in the S tandb y Mode.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-3 3. Using the Numeric K eypad and the a rrow ke ys, enter th e date, then press Enter . 4. Using the Numeric K eypad and ar row keys, e nter the time , (if necessary , use the arrow key to set AM /PM), then pre ss Enter .
Getting S tarted 4-4 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 T o disp lay the d ate in the o rder of Day /Month/Y ear (2-dig it), press . T o disp lay the d ate in the o rder of Y ear (2-dig it)/Month /Day , press . 6. Select t he Month for mat. T o disp lay the M onth number, press .
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-5 Setting your Machine ID* The Machine ID iden tifies your machin e to the remote machine when they com municate . The Machine ID must ide ntify the person o r company that sends th e documen ts and appear on each tra nsmitted pag e.
Getting S tarted 4-6 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 2. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter your identifi cation na me and pre ss Enter . 3. Select t he Country Code opti on: T o enter a Co untry Code, p ress . T o ski p entering a Country C ode, press .
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-7 Setting the Dial Mode* Y our machin e must be set to t he dialin g mode co mpatible w ith your telephone line requir ements. The Dial Modes supported ar e tone and pulse. P ulse is s ometimes re ferred to as rotary dial.
Getting S tarted 4-8 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Setting the Send Head er With this feature enabled , your Send Header informa tion is printe d at the top of e ach page you send. Whe n enablin g the Send Header feature, y ou can spec ify wher e the head er is to be printed “i nside” or “outside” the document data area.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-9 Setting the Receive Footer A Receiv e Footer o ption is av ailable whic h enable s the WorkCentr e to print a receive foot er on eac h received page.
Getting S tarted 4-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Loading Document s The Docume nt T ray holds up to 50 d ocuments for tr ansmitting or copyin g. Refer to the following size s pecificati ons for the r ange of documents that can re liably sca n through the machi ne.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-11 T o load d ocuments: Load the do cumen t face down in the docum ent tray . Adj ust the document guide to fi t the width of th e documen t. Angle th e stack to optimiz e feeding p erformanc e. T o can cel a docum ent in the A DF , press St o p .
Getting S tarted 4-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Selecting t he Scan Resolution The Resolution key se lects the scan mod e for copying , transmittin g, or storin g a docum ent in memo ry . The scan r esolution c an be set to one of fiv e setting s based on th e type of i mage you are scanning .
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-13 Selecting the Scan Contrast T o select the Sc an Contras t: Pre ss t he Contrast key un til the r equired contrast mo de is in dicated by a Contr ast LED The Contras t setting adjusts the pr int darknes s of the cop y or transmitted document.
Getting S tarted 4-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Quick S t a rt T o Receive The default answer m ode is Auto a nswer . When the r emote party calls to send y ou a docum ent, your WorkCentre au tomatic ally receiv es and pri nts the document. To S e n d 1.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-15 Menu Map The Menu Ma p is a li st of all ma chine fea tures in a flow cha rt format. Refer to S ystem Admi nistrator ’s Gu ide. T o prin t the Menu M ap: 1. Press: or 2. The Menu Ma p prints, the n the mach ine return s to the S tandby mode.
Getting S tarted 4-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Phonebook Report s Individ ual Phonebook reports can be prin ted for Alpha bet, Speed Dial, On e T ouch a nd Grou p stored in the Work Centre. Y ou can al so print S peed Dial, One T ouc h and Gr oup Phon ebooks i n a sing le operatio n by selec ting All r eports.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-17 By Name Phonebook The Alphab et Phonebo ok Reports pr ints a list of al l Remote St ation names as signed to S peed Dial numbers, O ne T ouch Keys, a nd Groups in al phabetical o rder . The followi ng infor mation is pr inted on the Alphab et Phoneb ook Report.
Getting S tarted 4-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Speed Dial Phonebook The Speed D ial Phone book Repo rt prints a li st of all Remote S tation dialing numbers as signed to Speed Dia l numbers. The followi ng infor mation is pr inted on the Speed D ial Phoneboo k Report.
Getting S tarted WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-19 Group Phonebook The Group P honebook Report pr ints a list of a ll One T ouch or Speed dial num bers regi stered as G roup Number s. The followi ng infor mation is pr inted on the Group P honebook Report.
Getting S tarted 4-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 One T ouch Phonebook The One T ouch Phoneb ook Report pr ints a list of all Remote S tation dialing numbers assign ed to One T ouch Keys . The followi ng infor mation is pr inted on the One T ouc h Phoneb ook Report.
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-1 5 Basic T roubleshooting Calling for Serv ice If you hav e an error wi th the mac hine whic h you are u nable corr ect using thi s troubles hooting sec tion here o r using System Adminis trator ’s Guide on the CD-RO M, please contact the c ustomer Support Center .
Basic T roublesho oting 5-2 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 If a p a per ja m occu r s du ri ng a re ce pt i on , t he re ce iv ed d oc um ent s are automatic ally stor ed in memo ry . Once the paper jam is co rrected, the machine automatic ally prin ts the contents that we re in me mory .
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-3 2. Grasp the T o p Cove r Open Lever to open the T o p Cove r . 3. Open the Righ t Side Co ver an d re move an y ja mmed pa per .
Basic T roublesho oting 5-4 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 CAUTION Always hold th e Deve loper As sembly by the green handles. Do not expo se the gr een drum to li ght for more than 3 minutes. Never expose i t to direct sunligh t or touch the green dr um.
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-5 5. Pull up on the gre en Paper Feed Release L ever and r emove jammed paper . Avoid teari ng the paper .
Basic T roublesho oting 5-6 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 W ARNIN G The black colored fuse r housing may be hot if the machine was i n use prior to this paper jam. 6. If the paper i s jammed partwa y throug h the Fuser Uni t (black colo red housing ), remo ve the jam med paper in the dire ction of the arrow .
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-7 7. Install the Developer Assembly with th e Drum Unit. Pla ce it in the machine , press fir mly on the g reen sq uares on the Drum Unit until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. 8. Close t he Ri ght Side C over , t hen clos e the T op C over .
Basic T roublesho oting 5-8 WorkC entre Pro 665/685/765 /785 Document Jam If a docum ent jam oc curs durin g a transmi ssion, the m essage “DOCUME NT JAM” is displayed.
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-9 1. Remove al l docume nts from the Doc ument T ray . 2. Press the T ransmiss ion Cover Re lease Button to open the T r an smissi on Cove r .
Basic T roublesho oting 5-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Remove th e documen t jam. Remov e any pi eces of paper , paper clips, or staples that may ha ve caused the jam. 4. Close the T ransmis sion Cover. Ensure the latch en gages. 5. V er ify the dis play has r eturned to the S tandb y Mode.
Basic T r oubl eshoo ting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-11 Byp ass T ray Limit ation Y ou can load up to 100 sheets of paper (80gs m/20 lbs.) in the Bypass Tra y . Y ou can print th e followin g paper sizes fr om the By pass T ray . PC Print: Y ou can s elect an y size of paper within t he specific ation.
Basic T roublesho oting 5-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-1 A Safety Certification and Environme nt al Compliance Y our Xerox prod uct and s upplies have been des igned and tested to meet str ict safety re quiremen ts.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-2 Wor kCentre Pr o 665/685 /765/785 W ARNIN G This product must be earthed This product is equ ipped w ith a 3-wire gr ounding type plug (e.g., a plug hav ing a third groundin g pin). This plug will fi t only in to a groundi ng-type powe r outlet.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-3 extension c ord do n ot exceed the extension c ord amp ere rating. Also, make su re that the total ampera ge of all pro ducts plugged i nto the wall outl ets does not e xceed the ou tlet rating.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-4 Wor kCentre Pr o 665/685 /765/785 manufactu red from Au gust 1, 19 76. Compli ance is man datory fo r products m arketed in t he Unite d S tates. The Workcentre Pro is in complia nce with t he CDRH regu lation.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-5 Unique European Certification Approvals and Certification The CE mar king app lied to this product sy mboliz e.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-6 Wor kCentre Pr o 665/685 /765/785 W ARNIN G In order to allow this product to ope rate in proximity to industrial, Scientific and medical (ISM ) equipment, the external radiation from the ISM equipment may have to be l imited or special mitigation measures taken.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-7 practicab le, danger. This includes en suring all electric al products connecte d to such electrical systems a re safel y constru cted, maintained an d operate d.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-9 Environment al Compliance ENERGY ST AR ® Environment al Choice M 120v , 60Hz produc ts for Canada.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T elecommunications R equirement s European Fax Approvals and Certification This Xer ox product h as bee n sel.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-11 FCC Regulations Send Header Requirement s Federal Co mmunica tions Comm ission (F CC) regulations require all persons wi thin the Unite d S t ates who s end any mes sage via a facsimile machine to inclu de an iden tifying mes sage in the transmiss ion.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 responsibility and/or liability for any damage caused by the connection of this machine to an unauthorized jack. Y ou may safely connect the machine t o the follo wing standar d modular jack: USO C RJ-1 1C.
Safety Certification an d Environmental Complia nce WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-13 W ARNIN G When programming emergency numbe rs and/or making test cal ls to emergency numbers: Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up.
Safety Certification and Environmental Complian ce A-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notice: The Ri nger Equiv alence Numbe r (REN) as signed t o each terminal de vice prov ides an indication of the max imum numb er of terminals allowed to be conne cted to a te lephon e interface .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -1 Index A access ories see a lso optio ns, supp lies Activi ty Key descr ibed 3-11 ADF see a lso documen t feeder document size 4-10 document specifi cations 4.
INDEX-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 chang ing 4-13 Contrast Key descr ibed 3-9 control panel 3-6 – 3-12 compo nents, li sted 3- 7 cove r open button s, descr ibed 3-4 descr ibed 3-4 direct acc.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -3 F fax comm unications see receivi ng docum ents, retriev ing doc- uments, tr ansmitt ing fax heade rs setting 4- 8 features hardwar e features, l isted 3-4 s.
INDEX-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 machine ID setting 4- 5 machine language setting 4- 1 mail refuse junk mail, d escribed 3-3 mailbox communi catio ns descr ibed 3-2 , 3-17 Mailbox ITU-T Key d.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -5 Pause K ey 3-8 PC printing mode 3-1 5 pending j obs see a lso dela yed operati ons Phonebook Key descr ibed 3-11 used 4-16 phonebook reports 4-16 – 4-19 gr.
INDEX-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 fax appr ovals A-10 FCC regulations A-11 safety r equirem ents ampere rati ngs A-2 building codes A-2 cleanin g A-1 cove rs A-2 data coup ler A-11 earthing A-.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -7 Tone Dial K ey descr ibed 3-11 tone dial mode 4-7 see a lso dial mo de tones 3-13 top co ver open button , descr ibed 3-4 transmiss ion featu res see transm .
デバイスLG Electronics 765の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
LG Electronics 765をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLG Electronics 765の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。LG Electronics 765の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。LG Electronics 765で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
LG Electronics 765を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLG Electronics 765の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、LG Electronics 765に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLG Electronics 765デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。