Matrox Electronic SystemsメーカーDVI G450の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Matro x Millenn ium G450 • G450 LE • G450 LX • G450 PCI • G450 D VI • G450 SH User Guide 10711-301-0210 2002.01.14 ENGLISH.
2 Matro x Graph ics Card – User Guide Hardware installation This section desc ribes how to install y our Matr o x card. F or information specific t o yo ur comput er , like how to remov e its co ver , see your system manu al.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 3 3 Choose an expansion slot M ost com puters h av e different ty pes of expansion slots. Choo se an A GP or PCI slot, depending on the type of Matro x card y ou have. Y our system manual should identify the location of each type of expansion sl ot in your comput er .
4 Matro x Gr aphics Car d – User Guid e Connection setup For the pu rpose of determining you r connection setup , there ar e 4 ty pes of g raphics cards: ! HD-15/HD- 15 – two HD-15 (blue) connect .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 5 If your graphics c ard has a D VI connector and an HD -15 conne ctor If yo ur Matro x card has a DV I and an HD-15 connect or , you can c onnect up to tw o moni tors di rec tl y to your card . Y ou can use the HD-15 co nnector on y our card to connect an analog monitor .
6 Matro x Gr aphics Car d – User Guid e T o use a dual-mo nitor cable t o connect one or tw o analog m onitors, c onnect it t o you r card and to y our analog monito r cables. If you ’ re con necting only one monit or , use the main con nector (labeled 1 ) of y our dual- moni tor ca bl e.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 7 Determining your main and se condary display Y our Matr ox hardware has a main displa y and a secondary disp lay – the main displa y is more capable than the secondary display . W hich connector the softw are uses for you r main displa y depends on y our connectio n setup.
8 Matro x Gr aphics Car d – User Guid e Software installation This sect ion describes how to install Matro x software for W indows 98 /M e/2000 /X P or NT 4.0 . (F or other o perat ing systems, see the Re ad me file in the root folder o f the M atrox installation C D-ROM .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 9 Display setup W indo ws 98/M e/2000 /XP or N T 4.0 – Y our Matro x d isplay driver includes M at ro x P owerDesk software.
10 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Depending on what v ersion of W i ndow s you hav e, click Change Display T ype , or Advanc ed Prope rties # Moni t or , or Advanc ed # Moni t or . If y ou ’ r e using a mu lti-displa y desktop , sel ect a display b efore clicking Advan ced .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 11 2 Select the DualHead Multi-Display option bu tton. 3 Click OK # Ye s to restart your c omputer and fo r changes to take effect. 4 A ccess the Matr ox P owe rDesk Setti ngs pro pert y sheet ( see “ Acce ss in g Powe r D e s k prop ert y sheets ” , page 9 ).
12 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e More P o werDesk informati on For mo re information on M at ro x P ow erDesk: W indo ws 98/M e/2000 /XP or N T 4.0 – ! For context-se nsit ive help w here availa ble, cli ck the “ ” icon in the t itl e bar, then click the it em y ou wan t help on .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 13 T roub leshooting Basi c procedures This section explains basic pr ocedure s that are referred to b y some troub leshooting items in this guid e. Restarting in safe mod e W hat follows is information on how to restart your comput er in safe m ode (or VG A m o d e ).
14 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Fr om the startup menu, choose W indows “ VGA m od e ” . Main t roublesh ooting This sect ion addresses possible problems that could preven t you from using your computer .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 15 3 Mak e s u re Matrox System Utiliti es are installed on your c omputer . (These can be installed from yo ur Matro x CD-R OM.) 4 W indows 98/ Me/2000/ XP o r NT 4. 0 – Click Start # Run , type c:matro xutilpbioswin , then click OK .
16 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 3 Solution M ake sur e the c onnection to the back of th e monito r is firmly in plac e. If y our mo nitor uses BNC inpu t, mak e sure the R ed ( R ), G re.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 17 5 Mak e sure t he correct monitor is selected in W indows ( see “ Moni t o r s e t u p ” , page 9 ). 6 Mak e s u re yo u ’ re not using inapprop riate m.
18 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e " W indo ws 200 0 – Click Start # Settings # Control Panel # Add/Remove Programs (double-click) # Matrox Graphics Softwar e (remove only) # Change/Remove # Ye s .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 19 More in formation W e pr ovide additio nal documentatio n in help files, Re ad me files, and Ado be Acr obat PDF (P ortable Document F ormat) files. T o v iew or print PDF files, use the Acrobat Re ader program , which y ou can install from the Matr ox installatio n CD-ROM .
20 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e TV output If your Mat rox g rap hic s car d ha s a s ec ond mon ito r co nnec tor , you can use the T V output adap ter to connect a TV or vi deo record er to v iew or rec ord t he se cond a r y di spl ay o f your Matr ox graphics card.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 21 3 Connect video output T o c o n n e c t t o a T V o r a v i d e o r e c o r d e r , y o u ’ ll need a c omposite video (R CA) or S- v ideo cabl e.
22 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 4 Connect audio output T y pic all y , th e s oun d out put from a comp uter c omes fro m speake rs connect ed to you r so und c ard . If you p refer, you ca n hea r or re cord th e s ou nd o ut pu t from your computer using t he same TV or vide o rec or der you connect t o yo ur graphics car d.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 23 Softwa re setu p If a TV o r v id eo re corde r i s conn e ct ed t o you r Mat rox pro duc t , yo u c a n us e TV o ut pu t m o de to v ie w or record your disp lay on your TV or v ide o recorder . ( T o connec t v ide o dev i ces to your computer , see page 2 0 .
24 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Extra troubleshooting Graphics The following troubleshooting i tems address pr oblems related to graphics cards.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 25 4 In the follo wing folders, remov e all files or folders related t o “ Po w e r D e s k ” ( pd*.* ), “ Mat r ox ” or “ MGA ” . (F or mo re information on so me files, right-click on t hem in W indow s Expl orer, then cli ck Propertie s # Ve r s i o n .
26 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Pro bl em Monitor settings aren ’ t automatica lly d etec ted 1 Cause Y our monito r may not be Plug -and-Pla y . Most new monit ors are Plug -and-Play b ut many older o nes are n ’ t. Softwar e can ’ t automatic ally detect settings for monitors that aren ’ t Plug - and-Pla y .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 27 3 Cause Y ou may be u sing BNC c onnector s with a Plug-and-Pla y monitor . The Plu g-and-Pla y featur e of a mon ito r c an ’ t be used with BNC connect ors. 1 Solution If th ere ’ s an HD-15 connector at the back of your monitor , use this connector instead of the BNC co nnectors.
28 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Pro bl em Setup progra m reports an IRQ proble m (3D and vid eo progra ms don ’ t work) 1 Cause Y o ur computer or program ma y not work well w ith bus mastering. 1 Solution Dis able bus maste r ing : (If you want to co ntinue using bus mastering, see the other solutions.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 29 1 Solution Change settings in your computer BIO S setup uti lity . If yo ur computer has the options of enabling P lug-and-Play detection, or assigning an I R Q to a V GA adapter , make sure they ’ re ena bled .
30 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Look at the Microsoft DirectX label. 1 Solution If DirectX 7.0 or l ater isn ’ t installed, install it.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 31 1 Solution If you ’ re h av i n g p ro b l e m s w i t h a p ro g r a m t h a t c a n b e mo v e d o n y o u r Wi nd ow s de s k to p, r u n this program on your primary display . Make sur e the program window doesn ’ t ove rlap an y other displa y .
32 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 4 Click the plus sign to the le ft of the Display adapters . 5 For eac h display adapter , except for the one c ontrolling y our primary display: Wi n d o w s 9 8 / M e – Double-cli ck the name of a display adapter to open a prope r ties dialog box .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 33 1 Solution Install the latest unified display driver for your Matr o x gr aphics cards. (A unified display d r i v e r s u p p o r t s m o r e t h a n o n e m o d e l o f g r a p h i c s c a r d . ) T h i s d r i v e r i s a v a i l a b l e o n t h e M a t r o x We b s i t e ( ww w .
34 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Select a display and move it acco rding to the ph ysical posi tion of the monitor it ’ s associated with.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 35 3 Solution If possib le, updat e your M at ro x disp lay driv er . Matr o x makes new displa y drive rs availa ble on the M atro x W eb site ( www .
36 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Cause If you ’ re using multi-disp lay mode, the pr ogram w indo w or dialog bo x may be in a displa y or on a mo ni tor t ha t ’ s unusable . 1 Solution Ma ke sur e all the disp lays and monito rs you want t o use ar e usable.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 37 3 Solution W indo ws 98/M e/2000 /XP – U se the Move All Windows to Primary Display feature to mov e the program window or dialog box .
38 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Video The follo wi ng troubleshooting items address pr oblems relat ed to video files. Pro bl em Video file playba ck is jerky ( skipp ing fram es) 1 Cause Y o ur hard d isk may be too slow . 1 Solution Tr y defra gmenting y our har d dis k.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 39 Wi n d o w s X P – Click Star t # Control Panel # Performance and Maintenance # System # Hardware # Device Manager . 2 Double-c lick the I D E ATA / ATA P I c o n t r o l l e r s list item to expand it, t hen doub le-click the name of the appr opriate co ntroller .
40 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Pro bl em Ca n ’ t view video 1 Cause Y o ur display settings ma y be too high. 1 Solution T ry lowering y our display settings (resol ution, c olor palett e, and/o r refre sh rate). For information on changing displa y settings, see “ Displa y setup ” , page 9 .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 41 DV D The follo wing troubleshooting ite ms addres s problem s related t o DV D . (F or general video-related troubleshoo ting items, see “ Vid e o ” , page 38 .) Pro bl em DVD vide o play back i s jerky (skip ping frames ) 1 Cause Y our DVD dr ive may be to o sl ow .
42 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 3 Cause M atro x software m ay not be set up for TV ou tput. P articularly , the TV standard selected may not be c or rect. 1 Solution W indo ws 98/M e/2000 /XP or N T 4.0 – See “ Softwar e setup ” , page 23 .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 43 2 Un d e r Fo n t s i z e , select Large Fo nts . 3 Click OK to close the dialog bo x and apply change s. Pro bl em Poor T V or video record er image qua lity 1 Cause Y o ur software TV settings may need adjusting.
44 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e 2 Cli ck DVDM ax Op t io ns . 3 Select Preser ve aspect rati o . 4 Select the aspect r atio of your TV (4:3 or 16:9 – most TVs are 4:3). 5 Select Detect based on video window size . 6 Cli ck OK or Apply for you r changes to take effect.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 45 Wi n d o w s X P – a Click Start # Control Panel # Sound, Speech and Audio Devices # Sounds and Audio Devi ces . b Enable the “ Plac e volu me i con in t he t askbar ” check bo x. c Click OK . d Double-c lick the speak er icon o n the taskbar .
46 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Display information Notes ! Y o ur Matr ox graphics card is 100% V GA co mpatible and supports all VESA standards: VBE 2.0 (Super V GA modes), DPMS (energy saving), and DDC-2B (Plug-and-Pl ay mon itor ). ! Matr ox gr aphics cards that can support a secondary d isplay ha ve the Matr ox DualH ead featur e.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 47 ! G450-based PCI graphics cards are rec ommended fo r computers with Intel chipsets. W ith non-Intel chip sets, features and performanc e may be limit ed.
48 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Suppor ted VESA mo des (main displ ay) In the table below , VESA modes suppor ted by y our Matro x gr aphics card are indicated by a VESA mode numb er .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 49 Hardware information Environ mental s pecifi cation s Fea t u r es Millennium G450 / G450 LX Millennium G45 0 PCI Millennium G450 LE Millennium G45 0 DVI Mill.
50 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Digital monitor information (certain models only) Maximum card dimen sions for A TX cards ! TMDS (T ransition Minimized Differ ential Signaling) encodin g .
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 51 Maximum card dimen sions for low -prof ile cards Pinouts for analog (HD -15) connector P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal 1 Analog red output 6 Ground 11 Not.
52 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Pin usage for an analog (HD -15) conn ector with Matrox TV outpu t adapter ( see “ TV out put ” , pa ge 2 0 ) Pin usage for a digital (DVI-I) connector.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 53 Pin usage with an analog dual-monitor cab le (DV I-I to HD -15) (Certain models only) Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1T M D S d a t a 2 – 9T M D S d a t a.
54 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Customer support Matrox Web and F TP si tes Matr ox is on the Inte rn et wit h a W orld W ide W eb ( WWW) and File T ransfe r Pr otocol (FTP) site. Our W eb site has pr oduct literatur e, press releases , technical mat erial, a s ales offic e list, tr ade sho w information , and other r elevant material.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 55 " W r ite a letter to Graphics C ustomer Support at our Corporate Headquarters. The address is: M atrox Graphi cs Inc.
56 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Where to get in formation For di splay inf ormation: ! W indo ws 98/M e/2000 /XP or N T 4.0 – A ccess the Informat ion pro pert y sheet ( see “ A ccessing P owerDesk pr operty sheets ” , page 9 ).
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 57 W arranty A. Limited W arranty Stat ement 1. Matrox Graphics Inc. (“Matrox”) warrants to the end-user customer , who provides adequate proof of purchase t.
Matro x Graphics Ca rd – User Gu ide 59 Software license agreem ent Single U ser Products This Matrox software (the “ Softwa re ” ) is copyr ight ed b y Mat rox Gra phi cs Inc . Al l righ ts are reserved. The purchaser is granted a license to use the software onl y , subject to the following rest rictions and limitations.
60 Matr ox Grap hi cs Ca rd – Us er Guid e Inde x A addre ss, Matr ox 55 Adob e Ac ro ba t 19 AG P 3 analog monitor 6 B BIOS 15 , 29 , 30 BNC m onito r conn ection 16 , 27 bus ma ste ri ng 28 C CD-R.
Thank yo u fo r choosi ng Mat ro x Please register onlin e ( www.matro ga/regis tra tion/hom e.cfm ) to be eligib le for customer support, new product annou ncements, and information on special offers and u pcomin g events .
USA FCC Compliance S tatemen t Remar k for th e Ma trox har dwa re pr oducts supp orte d by this gui de These devices have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
EURO PE (Englis h) European user ’ s inf ormati on – Decla ration of Conf ormity Remar k for th e Ma trox har dwa re pr oducts supp orte d by this gui de Thes e de vice s com ply with EC Directive 89/336/EEC for a Class B digital device. They have been tested and found to comply with EN55022/CISPR22 and EN55024/CISPR24.
FRA NC E A vertisse men t sur l ’é pilep sie À lire avant to ute utilisat ion d ’ un jeu vid é o par vo us-m ê me ou vo tre enfant Certaines personnes sont susceptibles de faire des crises d .
Copyright © 2002 Matrox Graphics Inc. • (English) Al l rights re served. • (Fran ç ais) T ous droits r é serv é s. • (Deut sch) Alle Rechte vorb ehal ten. • ( Italia no) T utti i d iritti riserva ti. • (Espa ñ ol) Reserv ados todos los der echos.
(English) Disclaimer THE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE A T ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. Matrox G raph ics In c. res erves the rig ht to make cha nge s in sp ecifi catio ns at an y tim e and wi tho ut notic e. Th e info rmatio n provided by this document is believed to be accurate and reliable.
Matrox Graphi cs Inc. 1055 St-Regis Blvd. Dorval, Quebec Canada H9P 2T4 T el: (514) 822-6320 T echnical support: (514) 685-0270 In Quebec, call: (514) 822-6330 www .
デバイスMatrox Electronic Systems DVI G450の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Matrox Electronic Systems DVI G450をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMatrox Electronic Systems DVI G450の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Matrox Electronic Systems DVI G450の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Matrox Electronic Systems DVI G450で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Matrox Electronic Systems DVI G450を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMatrox Electronic Systems DVI G450の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Matrox Electronic Systems DVI G450に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMatrox Electronic Systems DVI G450デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。