MaxtorメーカーComputer Driveの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DiamondMax 8S 40GB Ser ial A T A Pr oduct Man ual May 13, 2005 Revision 1 Part Number: 000001912.
Maxtor ® Cor poration, Ma y 13, 2005. All r ights reserv ed. Pr inted in U .S .A. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographi cal er r or s. Changes ar e per iodically made to the infor mation herein – which will be incor p orated in re vised editions of the publication.
This pr oduct or document is protected b y cop yr i ght and distr ibuted under licences restr icting its use , copying, distr ibuting, and decompilation. No par t of this product or document ma y be r epro- duced in any for m by an y means without pr ior wr i tten author ization of Maxt or and its licensor s, if any .
Please do not remo ve or co v er up Maxtor fa ctor y-in sta lled dr iv e labels. They contain infor m ation required should the dr iv e ev er need r epair .
Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA i TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 MAXTOR CORPORATION ........... ....................... ....................... .................... .. 1-1 1.2 AUDIENCE ..... .................... ............. ............
Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 4 0GB SATA ii Chapter 4 INSTALLATION 4.1 SPACE REQUIREMENTS ......... ............. ....................... .................... ............. ....... 4-1 4.2 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS .................... ....................... ...
Table of Contents Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4-1 Mechanical Dimensions.......... ....................... ....................... ....................... ..4-1 Figure 4-2 Single Pack Shipping Container . ............ ....
Table of Contents Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA iv LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1 SATA Pin 11 Configuration.... ....................... ....................... .......................... ........4-5 Table 4-2 Device Plug Connector Pin Definitions .........
Introduction Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Maxtor Corporation Maxtor corporatio n is one of the world’s largest suppl iers of hard disk drive products- products that help store the digit al world for millions of users.
Introduction Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 1-2 •C h a p t e r 5 – SATA Bus Interface and ATA Commands • Chapter 6 – Service and Sup port • Glossary 1.4 TERMINOLOGY AND CONVENTIONS In the Glossary at the back of this manual, you can find definitions for many of the terms used in this manual.
Introduction Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 1-3 • NCQ Native Command Queuin g • SATA Serial ATA • SOF Start Of Frame • tpi tracks per inch • µs microseconds •V v o l t s The typographical and naming conventions us ed in this manual are listed below.
Introduction Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 1-4 Attachment, visit the Serial ATA working group at http:/ /
General Description Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 2-1 Chapter 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Maxtor drive leadership continues with the DiamondMax 8S 40GB Serial ATA drive - a single head, 7200RPM product.
General Description Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 2-2 • Low weight to reduce sh ipping costs • Improved reliability with: ~ Shock Pro tection System ~ Data Protection System 2.2 THE SERIAL ATA INTERFACE Serial ATA is the next generati on ATA interface.
General Description Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 2-3 • Emulation of IBM ® PC AT ® task file register, and all AT fixed disk commands • Windows 2000 TM , WinXP, and 9X Certification Performance • Native Command Queuing •1 0 . 1 m s s e e k t i m e • Average rotational latency of 4.
General Description Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 2-4 2.4 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE STANDARDS Maxtor Corpor ation’s disk drive prod ucts meet all domestic and int ernational product safety regulatory co mpliance requirements.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-1 Chapter 3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Models and Capacities 3.2 Drive Configuration MODEL NUMBER S NON ROHS COMPLIANT R OHS COMPLIANT * 6E040T0 6N040T0* Formatted Capacity (GB LBA Mode) 40GB GB means 1 billion bytes.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-2 3.3 Performance Specifications 3.4 Physical Dimensions Recording Density (kbp i, ID/OD) ID = 713 OD = 560 Track Density (ktpi) 88.7 MODEL 6E040T0 40GB Seek Times (typical read, ms) Track-to-Track Seek 0.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-3 3.5 Power Requir ements Note: Power numbers are typical values. 3.6 Power Mode Definitions Spin-up The disk drive is spinning up following init ial applicati on of power and has not yet reached full speed.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-4 3.7 EPA Energy Star Compliance Maxtor Corporation supports the goals of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star prog ram to reduce the electrical power consumption of computer equipment.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-5 3.9 Shock and Vibration P ARAMETER OPERA TING NON-OPERA TING Mechanical Shock R=0.988/shock at 60 Gs; R= 0.999/shock at 30 Gs 2 msec, 1/2 sine R=0.90@>= 300G R=0.95@>= 250G R=0.99@>= 200G Rotational Shock R=0.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-6 3.10 Reliability Specifications Annualized Return Rate <1.0% Annualized Return Rate (ARR) indicates the average against products shipp ed. ARR includes a ll reasons for retu rns (failures, handling, damage, NDF) but does not include inventory credit returns.
Product Specifications Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 3-7 3.12 Safety Regulatory Compliance All Maxtor hard drives comply with relevant product sa fety standards such as CE, CUL, TUV and UL rules and regulations. As delivered, Maxtor hard drives are designed for system integration before they are used.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-1 Chapter 4 INSTALLATION This chapter explains how to unpack, co nfigure, moun t, and connect the Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA hard disk drive prior to operat ion. It also explains how to start up and ope rate the drive.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-2 4.2 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open the shipping container and rem ove the packin g assembly that contains the drive. 2. Remove the drive from the packing assembly. 3. When you are ready to install the drive, remove it from the ESD bag.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-3 Figure 4-3 25 Pack Shipping Container.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-4 4.3 HARDWARE OPTIONS The configuration of a Maxtor Diam ondMax 8S 40GB SATA hard disk drive depends on the host system in whic h it is to be installed. Thi s section describes the hardware options th at you must take into acco unt prior to installation .
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-5 Figure 4-4 DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA Power/Interface Connector.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-6 For systems using Serial ATA cables, the Serial ATA II specification mandates that host systems connecting to disk drives using SATA cables must ground Pin 11, resulting in disabling staggered spin-u p. Typical desktop systems use this configuration.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-7 4.4 MOUNTING Drive mounting orientation, clearance, an d ventilation requirements are described in the followin g subsections. 4.4.1 Orientation The mounting holes on the Maxtor Diam ondMax 8S 40GB SATA hard disk drives allow the drive to be mounted in any orient ation.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-8 Clearance from the drive to any other surf ace (except mounting surfaces) must be a minimum of 1.25 mm (0.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-9 4.4.2 Ventilation The Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA ha rd disk drives operate without a cooling fan, provided the ambient air temperature does not exceed 140 ° F (60 ° C).
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-10 4.6 FOR SYSTEMS WITH A MOTHERBOARD CO NTAINING AN EMBEDDED SATA HOST You can install the Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA ha rd disk drive in a SATA compatible system that co ntains a SATA bus connector on the motherboard.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-11 Table 4-2 Device Plug Connector Pin Definitions Note 1. 3.3V power is not used by DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA Signal Segment S1 Ground 2 nd Mate S2 A+ Diff.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-12 Note 2. Host system should ground P4,P5, and P6. Failure to do so may cause improper drive operation. The following points should b e noted: All pins are in a single row, with a 1.27 mm (.050”) pitch.
Installation Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 4-13 Figure 4-8 Completing the Drive Installation.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-1 Chapter 5 SATA BUS INTERFACE AND ATA COMMANDS This chapter describes the interface between DiamondMax 8S 40GB Serial ATA hard disk drives and the Serial ATA bus.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-2 5.5.2 Supported Commands The DiamondMax 8S 40GB Serial ATA hard disk drives support all the mandatory commands from the general feature set for devices not supporting the Packet command feature set.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-5 Note: 1. As defined in the ATA/ATAPI-6 standard. Identify Drive Command This command allows the host to receiv e parameter information from the drive. When the command is received, the drive: 1.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-6 Table 5-2 Identify Drive Command Parameter W ord Content Descr iption 0 General configuration bit-significant information: 15: 0 .
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-7 49 Capabilities 15-14: Reserved for the IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command. 13: 1 = Standby timer values as specified in this st andard ar e supported. 0 = Standby timer values sha ll be managed by the device 12: Reserved for the IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-8 53 15-3: Reserved 2: 1 = the fields reported in word 88 are valid. 0 = the fields reported in word 88 are not valid 1: 1 = the fields reported in words (70:64) are valid.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-9 65 Minimum Multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word 15-0: Cycle time in nanosecon ds 66 Manufacturer’s recommended Multiword .
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-10 80 Major version number 0000h or FFFFh = device do es not report version 15: Reserved 14: Reserved for ATA/ATAPI-14 13: Reserved.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-11 81 Minor version number 0000h or FFFFh = device do es not report version. 0001h-FFFEh = see 6.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-12 83 Command sets suppo rted. 15: Shall be cleared to zero 14: Shall be set to on 13: 1 = FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported 12: 1 .
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-13 84 Command set/feature s upported extension. 15: Shall be cleared to zero 14: Shall be set to one 13: 1= Device supports IDLE IM.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-14 85 Command set/feature e nabled. 15: Obsolete 14: 1 = NOP command enabled 13: 1 = READ BUFFER command enabled 12: 1 = WRITE BUFF.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-15 86 Command set/feature e nabled. 15-14: Reserved 13: 1 = FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported 12: 1 = FLUSH CACHE command supported.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-16 87 Command set/feature defau lt. 15: Shall be cleared to zero 14: Shall be set to one 13: 1= The device supports ID LE IMMEDIATE.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-17 88 15: Reserved 14: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 6 is selected. 0 = Ultra DMA mode 6 is not selected 13: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 5 is selected. 0 = Ultra DMA mode 5 is not selected 12: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 4 is selected.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-18 93 Hardware reset result. The c ontents of bits ( 12:0) of this word shall change only during the execution of a hardware reset 15: Shall be cleared to zero. 14: Shall be set to one.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-19 94 15-8: Ven dor’s recommended acoustic management value. 7-0: Current automatic acoustic management value 95 Stream Minimum R.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-20 116 Reserved for technical report 117-118 Logical Sector Size The value shall be equal to or greater th an 256. The value in words 117,118 shal l be valid when word 106 bit 12 is set to 1.
ATA Bus Interface and AT A Commands Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 5-21 128 Security status 15-9: Reserved 8: Security level 0 = High, 1 = Maximum 7-6: Reserved 5: 1 = Enhanced security erase supporte.
Service and Support Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA 6-1 Chapter 6 SERVICE AND SUPPORT 6.1 GET TING HELP Before contacting Maxtor Support, use the Hard Disk Information feature in MaxBlast to view the model number and serial number of your drive.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-1 A ACCESS – (v) Read, write, or update information o n some storage medi um, such as a disk. (n) One of these operations. ACCESS TIME – The interval between the time a request for data is made by the system and the time the data is av ailable from the drive.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-2 SCSI structure used to communicate requests from an initia tor (system ) to a target (drive). CLEAN ROOM – An environmentally controlled dust-free assemb ly or repair facility in which hard disk drives are assembled or can be opened for in ternal servicing.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-3 EMBEDDED SERVO – A timing or location signal placed o n the disk’s surface on the tracks that also store data .
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-4 HARD DISK – A type of storage medium t h a t r e t a i n s d a t a a s m a g n e t i c p a t t e r n s o n a r i g i d disk, usually made of an iron oxide or alloy over a magnesium or aluminum platter.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-5 subsequent blocks in ad vance to antic ipate the next request for data. The look ahead technique speeds up disk access of sequential blocks of data.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-6 PLATED MEDIA – Disks that are covered with a hard metal a lloy instead of an iron-oxide comp ound. Plated disks can st ore greater amounts of data in the same area as a coated disk. PLATTER – An disk made of metal (or other rigid material) that is mounted inside a fixed disk drive.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-7 SCSI – Acronym for Small Computer System Interface, an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ve rsion of Shugart Associates' SASI in terface between the computer and controller. SCSI has grown in popularity and is one of the most flexible an d intelligent interfaces available.
GLOSSARY Maxtor DiamondMax 8S 40GB SATA G-8 disk sends and receives data from the controller. Drive sp ecifications usually reference a high number that is the burst mode rate for transfe rring data across the interface from the disk buffer to system RAM.
Index Maxtor Diamond Max 8S 40GB SATA I -1 A abbreviations 1-2 adapter board 2-4, 4-9,4-10 C clearance 4-6,4-7,4-8 command descript ions 5-2 to 5-21 connector 4-10,4-11,4-12 F faceplate 4-1 H hardware.
デバイスMaxtor Computer Driveの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Maxtor Computer Driveをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMaxtor Computer Driveの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Maxtor Computer Driveの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Maxtor Computer Driveで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Maxtor Computer Driveを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMaxtor Computer Driveの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Maxtor Computer Driveに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMaxtor Computer Driveデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。