Measurement SpecialtiesメーカーPCI-2513の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PCI-2513 User's Guide Document Revision 3, June , 2007 © Copyright 2007, Measurement Com puting Corporati on.
3 HM PCI-2513.doc Your new Measurement Computing produc t comes with a fantastic extra — Management committed to your satisfaction! Refer to for the names, titles, an d contact inform ation of each ke y executive at Measurement Computing.
4 Trademark and Copyright Information TracerDAQ, Universal Library, Harsh E nvironment Warranty , Measurement Compu ting Corporation, an d the Measurement Computing logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of M easurement C omputing Corporation.
5 Table of Contents Preface About this U ser's Gu ide .......................................................................................................................7 What you will learn from this user's guide .......................
PCI-2513 User's Guide 6 What are d etection setpoin ts? .................................................................................................. ........................................24 Setpoint configur ation overvi ew ..............
7 Preface About this User's Guide What you will learn from this user's guide This user's guide explain s how to instal l, confi gure, and use t he PCI-2513 so t hat you get the most out of its analog input, digital I/O, and counter/timer I/O features.
8 Chapter 1 Introducing the PCI-2513 Overview: PCI-2513 features The PCI-2513 is support ed under popul ar Microsoft ® Windows ® operating systems. The PCI-2513 provides either eight diff erential or 16 single-ended analog inputs with 16-bit resolution.
9 Chapter 2 Installing the PCI-2513 What comes with your PCI-2513 shipment? As you unpack your PCI-251 3, verify that the followi ng compone nts are i ncluded.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Installing the PCI-2513 10 Additional documentation In addition to this hard ware user's guide, you shoul d also receive the Quick Start Guide (available in PDF at www.mccdaq.c om/PDFma nuals/DAQ -Software -Quick-Start.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Installing the PCI-2513 11 3. To test your installation and conf igure your board, run the Insta Cal utility installed in th e previous section. Refer to the Quick St art Gui de that came with your board for information on how to initially set up and load Insta Cal.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Installing the PCI-2513 12 Pinout – main I/O connector 16-channel single- ended pin out (8-channel differential signals in parentheses) Signal name Pin Pin Signal name ACH.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Installing the PCI-2513 13 68 34 13 5 34 1 68 35 Figure 2. CA-68-3S and CA-68-6S cable Field wiring and signal termination You can use the following MCC screw term inal boar.
14 Chapter 3 Functional Details This chapter contains detailed information on all of the fe atures available from the board, i ncluding: a block diag ram of b oard funct ions informati on on h.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 15 Bus mastering DMA The PCI-2513 supports bus mastering DMA. With multiple DMA channels, analog, digital, and co unter input data, as well as digital out put data, ca n flow bet ween the PC and the PCI- 2513 without consum ing valuable CPU time.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 16 Digital I/O Twenty-four TTL-level digital I/O lines are in cluded in each PCI-2513. You can program digital I/O in 8-bit groups as either inputs or outputs and scan the m in several modes (see " Digital input scanning " below).
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 17 3. Bring the analog input signal to ward the desired threshold. When the input sig nal is at the threshold (± some tolerance) the sweep will be triggered. 4. Before re-arming the trigger, again move the analog input signal to a level that is more than 2.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 18 Pre-triggering and post-triggering modes The PCI-2513 suppo rts four modes o f pre-triggering and post-triggering , providing a wide-variety of options to accommodate any measurem ent re quirement. When using pre-trigger, you must use software-b ased triggering to initiate an acquisition.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 19 Mapped channels A mapped channel is one of four coun ter input signals that can get multiplexed into a coun ter module. The mapped channel can particip ate with the counter's in put si gnal by gating the counter, latch ing the counter, and so on.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 20 Gating "on" mode Sets the gatin g option t o "on" fo r the mapped channel, enabl ing the m apped chan nel to gat e the counter. Any counte r can be gat ed by t he mapped cha nnel. When t he ma pped channel is high , the counter is enabled.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 21 Figure 7. Debounce module – trigger after stable mode The followin g time peri ods (T1 throu gh T5) pert ain to Figure 7 .
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 22 Debounce mode comparisons Figure 9 shows how the two modes interpret the same input sig nal, which exhibits glitches. Notice that the trigger before stable mode recognizes more glitches than the trigger after stable mode.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 23 Figure 11. Optimal debounce time for trigger after stable mode Timer outputs Two 16-bit timer outputs are built into ev ery 3000 series board. Each timer is capable of generating a different square wave with a program mable frequ ency in the ra nge of 16 Hz to 1 MHz.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 24 Using detection setpoints for output control What are detection setpoints? With the PCI- 2513's setpoi nt configurati on feature, y ou can confi gure up to 16 detect ion setpoi nts associated with channels in a scan group.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 25 Action - driven by condition Compare X to: Setpoint definiti on (choose one) Upda te conditions: Limit A or Li mit B Equal to A (X = A) Below A.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 26 Setpoint configuration You program all setpoints as part of the pre-acquisition setup, similar to setting up an external trigger. Since each setpoint acts on 16-bit data, each ha s two 16-bit c ompare values: a high limit ( limit A ) and a low limit ( limit B ).
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 27 Using the setpoint status register You can use the setpoint stat us register to check the current state of the 16 pos sible setpoints. In the register, Setpoint 0 is the least-significant bit an d Setpoint 15 is the m ost-significant bi t.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 28 You can program control outputs program med on each setpoint, and use th e de tection for channel 4 to update the FIRSTPORTC digital output port with o.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 29 Figure 16. Channel 3 in hysteresis mode Detecting setpoints on a totalizing counter In the following figure, Channel 1 is a coun ter in totalize mode. Two setpoints define a point of ch ange for Detect 1 as the counter count s upward.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 30 inside the window . There is one update value that g ets applied when the inp ut values are less than the w indow and a different update value that ge ts applied when the input valu es are greater than the window.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Functional Details 31 There are three possible sol utions for o vercoming t his problem : Shorten the scan period to give m ore timing resol ution on the c ounter values or analog va lues. Widen the setpoint window by increasing limit A and/or lowering limit B.
32 Chapter 4 Calibrating the PCI-2513 Every range of a PCI-2513 device is calibrated at the f actory using a digital NIS T traceable calibration method. This method works by st oring a correcti on factor for eac h range on the unit at the time of calibration.
33 Chapter 5 Specifications Typical for 25 °C unless other wise specified. Specifications in italic text are guarantee d by design. Analog input Table 1.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Specifications 34 Digital input / output Table 3. Digital input/output specific ations Number of I/O 24 Ports Three banks of 8.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Specifications 35 Input sequencer Analog, digi tal, and co unter inp uts can be scanne d based o n either an int ernal pro grammable ti mer or an external clock source. Table 5. Input sequenc er specificatio ns Scan clock sources: tw o (Note 3) Internal: Analog channels from 1 µs to 1 sec in 20.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Specifications 36 Frequency/pulse generators Table 7. Frequency/pu lse generator specifications Channels 2 x 16-bit Output waveform Square wave Output rate 1 MHz base rate di vided by 1 to 65535 (programmable) High-level output voltage 2.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Specifications 37 Table 13. 16-channel si ngle-ended pin out Pin Function Pin Function 68 ACH0 34 ACH8 67 AGND 33 ACH1 66 ACH9 32 AGND 65 ACH2 31 ACH10 64 AGND 30 ACH3 63 AC.
PCI-2513 User's Guide Specifications 38 Table 14. 8-channel differ ential pin out Pin Function Pin Function 68 ACH0 HI 34 ACH0 LO 67 AGND 33 ACH1 HI 66 ACH1 LO 32 AGND 65 ACH2 HI 31 ACH2 LO 64 AG.
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デバイスMeasurement Specialties PCI-2513の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Measurement Specialties PCI-2513をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMeasurement Specialties PCI-2513の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Measurement Specialties PCI-2513の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Measurement Specialties PCI-2513で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Measurement Specialties PCI-2513を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMeasurement Specialties PCI-2513の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Measurement Specialties PCI-2513に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMeasurement Specialties PCI-2513デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。