ARRIメーカーFLEX 235の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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RUN-button PHASE-button locking grip on camera door accessor y mounting point locking grip on magazine cover eyepiece lock eyepiece eyecup handgrip shoulder magazine display handgrip accessor y mounti.
3 3 1. Contents Contents 2. Safety Instructions and Legal Disclaimer .. 7 2.1. Safety Instructions ........................................ 7 W arning signs ................................................ 7 General safety instructions ...............
4 Contents 8. Optics .......................................................... 47 8.1 Lenses ....................................................... 47 8.2 Viewfinder System ...................................... 48 The Eyepiece ....................
5 Contents 11. Accessories ............................................. 135 Accessor y Mounting Points .............................. 135 Universal Viewfinder UV -1 ............................... 136 Adjusting the UV -1 ............................
6 6 Contents.
7 7 2. Safety Instructions and Legal Disclaimer General safety instructions Read and understand all safety and operating instructions before you operate or install the system.
8 8 Do not operate the system in high humidity areas or expose it to water or moisture. Do not place the system on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The system may fall, causing serious personal injur y and damage to the system or other objects.
9 9 Specific safety instructions Never run the camera without a lens or a protective cap in the lens mount receptable! Never operate the movement locking mechanism while the camera is running! As the.
10 10 2.2 Disclaimer Be for e u sin g t he pro duc ts des cri bed in th is man ual be su re to read and understand all respective instructions. The ARRIFLEX 235 is only available for commercial customers. The customer grants by utilization, that the ARRIFLEX 235 or other components of the system are only deployed for co mme rci al use .
11 11 or replacement of equipment or property , any costs or recovering of any material or goods associated with the assembly or use of our products, or any other damages or injur y of persons and so on or under any other legal theor y .
12 12 General Description.
13 13 3. General Description of the ARRIFLEX 235 Th e A RRI FLE X 2 35 is a c omp act , l igh twe igh t M OSc ame ra. • O pe r at i on a l p ar a me t er s c a n b e s et di r ec t ly on th e c a me r a. • The frame rates range from 1 – 60 fps for for ward and 25 fps in reverse running.
14 14 movement in locked position loop protector magazine opening cover Installation.
15 15 4. Installation of the Camera 4.1 Packing and T ranspor t In order to prevent damage to the mirror shutter , a protective cap must be on the lens mount receptacle at all times. When transporting the camera, pay attention that the movement is in the locked position ➪ photo .
16 16 4.3 Riser Plate T o us e the AR RIF LEX 23 5 t oge the r w ith a bri dge pl ate on a tripod, it is necessar y to bring the camera into the correct position to the support rods. T o do this, a riser plate is mounted to the bottom of the camera onto which the bridgeplate can be mounted.
17 17 Note: The upper plate of the bridge plate can be con- verted for use with Super 35. This ensures that the accessories are also exactly adapted to the displaced optical center of the Super 35 format.
18 18 Removing the Camera from the T ripod • Before removing the camera make sure that all cables are disconnected and that the eyepiece leveling rod is detached.
19 19 4.5 Lens Suppor t The lens support consists of the lens suppor t LS-7 (can be snapped onto 19 mm support rods) ➪ photo or the lens su ppo rt L S-8 (c an be pus hed on to 15 mm sup port ro ds) an d th e r esp ect ive le ns sup port ri ng ➪ p hot o f or the le ns in use .
20 20 4.6 Grip System The multipurpose grip system on the ARRIFLEX 235 guarantees high stability through its fixed connection to the camera body and provides numerous possibilities for at tac hin g a cce sso rie s. 3/8 “ i nne r t hre ads al low at tac hme nt in various positions.
21 21 Low Mode Handle T he lo w m o de ha n dl e i s a tr i pl e p o st ha n dl e . I t c an be mo u nt e d to the camera using 3 hexagonal screws ➪ photo . T o th e low mo de han dle va rio us acc ess ori es can be at tac hed using the 3/8” holes.
22 22 Low Mode Support LMS-1 The Low Mode Support LMS-1 ➪ p ho t o is a sturdy triple post camera handle with integrated Steadicam low mode plate that attaches to the 235 camera body . It consists of t he Lo w M o de Br a ck e t ( K4 . 65 1 42 . 0) ➪ p ho t o , th e L o w M od e Support Handle (K4.
23 23 Wi th the Lo w-M ode Ri ser , p la te- to- len s d ist anc e i s i ncr eas ed, bu t t he pla te lev el is now ab ove th e l eve l o f t he vie wfin der ; a longer plate attached to the Riser will not collide with the vi ewfi nde r .
24 24 4 .7 O pe ra ti o n fr om t h e Sh ou ld er The shoulder cushion can be used with or without the riser plate. • Attach the shoulder pad to the camera body by aligning the velcro ® tapes ➪ photo . • Position the handgrip on the rosette and fasten with the fastening screw ➪ photo .
25 25 5. Power Supply Th e a cce pta ble vo lta ge ran ge is fro m 2 0.6 to 35 V DC. The power supply cable is attached to the power supply socket on the camera. Available are: • the batter y NC 24/7 R with charger NCL 24 R • the mains unit NG 12/24 R.
26 26 5.1 Batter y NC 24/7 R The ba ttery NC 24 /7 R ha s a cap aci ty of 7 am pere -ho urs . • Ensure that the main switch on the camera is off. • Plug the batter y cable KC 20S or the spiral batter y cable KC 29S into the power supply socket on the camera and into the batter y-socket.
27 27 5.3 Mains Unit NG 12/24 R Use of the mains unit is recommended for filming in the studio and when using electronic accessories with a high power consumption. • First check that the correct mains voltage is set on the mains unit. • Ensure that the main switch on the camera is off.
28 28 5.5 Accessor y Power Supply 24 V Accessories The RS-sockets supply the same voltage as the camera power supply . Ensure that the accessories to be used are suited to the available voltage! 24 V accessories are normally attached to the RS-sockets ➪ photo .
29 29 6. Magazines In addition to the new 235 magazines, all ARRIFLEX 435, ARRIFLEX 35 III and 35 II magazines – with the exception o f t he sh o ul d er ma g az i ne an d a l l 3 00 m /1 0 00 f t m ag a zi n es – can be used. Magazine Forward/Reverse operation ARRIFLEX 235 Shoulder Magazine 60/200 SHM-1 .
30 30 6 . 1 L o a d i n g t h e S h o u l d e r M a g a z i n e Loading the magazine should be practised in daylight with a piece of test film until the procedure can also be carried out confidently in a darkroom or film changing bag. Cutting the film through the middle of the perforation holes simplifies the loading process considerably .
31 31 • Swing the roller arm ➪ photo away from the winding shaft until it locks in place. • Place the film roll next to the magazine, preferably on a film can. • Insert the film through the upper slit on the magazine throat assembly from the inside ➪ photo .
32 32 • By ag ain tu rni ng th e d riv e g ear co unt er- clo ckw ise , t ran s- port the film inside the magazine. • Flip up the hinged locking clip on the take-up shaft ➪ photo . • Place an empty film core on the take-up shaft. Ensure that the take-up shaft catch engages the slot on the plastic core.
33 33 Note: T o tension the film in the magazine, press in both tensioning plates ➪ photo and turn out- wards. tensioning plates latches Magazines.
34 34 6.2 Removing Exposed Film The following steps should be carried out in a darkroom or a changing bag! • Ch eck if th e e nti re film ha s b een wo und in to the in ter ior of the magazine. If not, transport the film into the magazine by turning the drive gear counter-clockwise.
35 35 6.3 T ranspor t and Storage Loaded or empty magazines should only be transported or stored with the loop protector ➪ photo attached to avoid damage to the film stock and the magazine throat assembly . If the ARRIFLEX 235 is transported without a magazine it is recommended to attach the magazine opening cover ➪ photo .
36 36.
37 37 7. Camera Body 7.1 Mechanically Adjustable Mirr or Shutter Th e m irr or shu tte r o n t he ARR IFL EX 235 ca n b e m ech ani cal ly ad jus ted wh ile th e c ame ra is swi tch ed off.
38 38 • Insert the shutter tool ➪ photo fully into the holes to unlock the shutter blade and to hold the shutter in ist position. • T urn the movement inching knob to set the shutter to the desired shutter opening. Make sure the shutter registers properly at the set opening.
39 39 Filming with HMI Light When lighting scenes with HMI/CID-discharge lamps, the pu lsi ng lig ht int ens ity is de pen den t o n t he sup ply fr equ enc y . T o achieve constant exposure, the camera’ s frame rate, the supply frequency of the lighting and the angle of the mirror shutter must all relate to each other .
40 40 7 .2 E xc ha ng i ng t he G r o un d Gl as s • By briefly depressing the “PHASE”-button in standby , the shutter is positioned to protect the mirror surface from damage as far as possible ➪ photo .
41 41 7.3 Movement The ARRIFLEX 235 features a 5-link movement, equipped with ball-bearings for low maintenance. Never operate the movement locking mechanism while the camera is running! Removing the .
42 42 7.4 Attaching the Magazine, Threading the Film • Pull the magazine release lever ➪ photo back and remove the cover . • Open the camera door .
43 43 Note: The magazine drive gear engages automatically . In case it does not engage properly , turn the magazine drive gear slightly and tr y again.
44 44 Note: Before the movement block is swung for wards, make sure that the film is correctly positioned in relation to the film gate over the entire area, other wise the film may be damaged! • T urn the movement locking lever counter-clockwise as far as it will go.
45 45 7.5 Removing the Magazine If the film has not run through the camera completely: • Open the camera door . • Open the movement by turning the inching knob ➪ photo until the mark aligns with the mark on the movement and then turn the movement locking lever ➪ photo towards the „OPEN“ position.
46 46.
47 47 8. Optics 8.1 Lenses All ARRIFLEX lenses with a PL-mount can be used. Lenses with a Ø 41 mm standard or bayonet mount cannot be used. Heavy and long lenses, such as zoom-lenses, must be supported at all times.
48 48 8.2 V iewfinder System The viewfinder system on the ARRIFLEX 235 can be swivelled in two axes. The viewfinder image is always upright and correct left-to-right when the viewfinder is swivelled within the main axes ➪ photo . An 80/20 beamsplitter for the video assist is integrated into the camera body .
49 49 Adjusting the Diopter The diopter compensation is fitted with a scale ➪ photo of 1 to 12. Position “6” is normal focus. • T o adjust, turn the ring right/left until the ground glass markings are totally in focus. Adjusting the Viewfinder T urning the Eyepiece The eyepiece can be rotated 360° around the viewfinder arm.
50 50 Note: The unlocking key can be locked in ist open position by turning it. Extending the Viewfinder Arm The viewfinder arm can be telescoped continuously by approx. 40 mm. • T urn the knurled ring ➪ photo towards the “LOOSE” position. • P ul l t h e v ie w fin d er ar m ➪ ph o to ou t t o t h e d es i re d l e ng t h.
51 51 Reactivating Image Compensation • T urn the adjustment knob ➪ photo until it locks in position. Do not depress the locking key . Note: The automatic image compensation locks in two positions, 180° apart. This allows the image compensation to be set to provide an upright image when using a finder extension.
52 52 Optics.
53 53 9. Camera Operation 9.1 Main Camera Switch • First switch on the mains unit (if used). • Connect the camera to the mains unit or to the batter y . • Push the “ON/OFF” button ➪ photo to turn the camera on. Push the “ON/OFF” button for approx.
54 54 • Briefly depress the “RUN”-button. While the camera is running up, the operation control indicator ➪ photo glows red. Once the set frame rate has been reached, the operation control indicator turns green. Stopping the Camera • Again depress the “RUN”-button ➪ photo briefly .
55 55 Inching Inching can be started by depressing the “PHASE”-button while the camera is in standby . If the “PHASE”-button is only briefly depressed, the mirror shutter rotates half a revolution to enable an unrestricted view of the film gate (e.
56 56 Overview of Display Modes Mode 1 is displayed: after switching on the camera, after depressing the “RUN”-button or 30 seconds after the last operation.
57 57 Overview of Display Symbols Symbol Meaning glows The display is in Mode 1. bat glows Batter y voltage too low asy glows Asynchronous operation (camera is not running at set frame rate) fps glows display shows current frame rate blinks ESU is connected and no sync-frequency is available 8 7 6.
58 Mode 1 take length or total exposed film Mode 3 total exposed film or takelength 58 Film Counter Displaying the Film Counting V alues (Modes 1 and 3) Film counting values are shown in Modes 1 and 3.
59 59 Setting the Film Counter Configuration (Mode 3) The display configuration can be set individually . The two shown combinations are possible: The desired display configuration can be set in Mode 3: • Change from Mode 1 to Mode 3 by depressing the “MODE”-button twice.
60 60 Frame Rates The ARRIFLEX 235 offers the possibility to set and store two frame rates. It is possible to select and store: • a s t an d ar d f r am e r a te (2 3 .9 7 6, 24 , 2 5 , 2 9. 9 7 a nd 30 fp s ), • and a freely programmed frame rate in increments of 0.
61 61 Setting a Programmed Frame Rate (Mode 2) Standby Operation • Change from Mode 1 to Mode 2 by depressing the “MODE”-button once. • Depress the “SEL”-button repeatedly until the digit to be set blinks. • Depress the “SET”-button repeatedly until the desired value is reached.
62 62 Fine-T uning the Programmed Frame Rate (PS-Mode) Fine-tuning of the programmed frame rate can be carried out while the camera is running by means of the buttons “SEL” (slower) and “SET” (faster). The setting can be adjusted in increments of 0.
63 63 Di spl ayi ng the Po wer Su ppl y V olt age (M ode 3) • Change from Mode 1 to Mode 3 by depressing the “MODE”-button twice. The power supply voltage is shown in the lower line of the display . Se tti ng the br igh tne ss of the bu tto n i llu min ati on • Change from Mode 1 to Mode 4 by depressing the “MODE”-button three times.
64 64 Switching On and Off the W arning Signal for Asynchronous Running (Mode 4) Standby Operation • Change from Mode 1 to Mode 4 by depressing the “MODE”-button three times. • By depressing the “SEL”-button once, activate the display for setting the warning signal.
65 65 Mode 5 Changing the Run up Speed: In me nu 5 t he run up sp eed ca n b e c han ged in tw o s tep s. Th e f ast er run up sp eed us es les s fi lm, bu t s ome tim es whe n St ead ica ms or a v ery l ong po wer ca ble is us ed a l ong er run up ti me is eas ier on th e b att eri es.
66 66 Camera Operation switch check/hide menu on/off É /Y video with data or Y -Signal È /C clean video or C-signal mini-monitor connector flicker-free on/off white balance outdoor/indoor outdoor/m.
67 67 10. Video-Assist-System 1 0 . 1 G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e I V S T he In t eg r at e d V i de o -A s si s t S ys t em (I V S) fo r t h e A RR I FL E X 2 35 brings the highly praised video assist systems from the ARRIFLEX 435 and ARRICAM to the ARRIFLEX 235.
68 68 • Full white balance control In ad dit ion to th e s tan dar d i ndo or whi te bal anc e s ett ing witch 3200 K, an outdoor setting with 5600 K and an au tom ati c a dju stm ent , r ed and bl .
69 69 • Dedicated controls Im port ant im age ch ang es suc h a s g ain or wh ite ba lan ce can be done immediately in parallel to the on-screen programming with dedicated key . • Image compare function It is po ssi ble to st ore a part icu lar im age an d c omp are it against other images.
70 70 10.2 Setup 10.2.1 Installation A 1.5 mm allen key and a 3 mm allen key are used. T ake the handle and the transport cover of f the camera. • T o take the handle off, open the two screws on the base of the handle ➪ photo with a 3 mm allen key and remove the handle.
71 71 • T o get the transport cover of the video assist of f, open the screws on the IVS ➪ photo with a 3 mm allen key and remove the transport cover to the rear . • Pull off the plastic cover over the contacts. • Attach the video assist onto the ARRIFLEX 235 by moving it in the marked direction.
72 72 • Push the IVS as shown until the gap between the camera and the IVS closes. • Close the screws on the IVS ➪ photo with a 3 mm allen key . • Remount the handle ➪ photo and close the screws on the base of the handle with a 3 mm allen key .
73 73 Composite Video Outputs Composite video is only available if the output is switched to VBS out. • T o switch to composite video (VBS mode), enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds. Go to sub menu VIDEO/TEXT ADJUST .
74 74 Y/C Output In comparison to the composite outputs, the Y/C outputs offer the even better S-VHS quality . There are also normal video and video with data signals available. Y/C video is only available if the output is switched to Y/C out. • Use the on-screen program mode to switch between composite and Y/C.
75 75 There are normal video and video with data signals available from the same pair of connectors. • T o switch between normal video and video with data, use the on-screen program mode. Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds.
76 76 Black and White Output The Y part of the Y/C output is a standard black and white signal. T o get black and white, use a standard BNC cable with 75 Ω connected to the É /Y output and switch to Y/C out. Black and white or Y signal is only available if the output is switched to Y/C out.
77 77 • T o switch between normal video and video with data, use the on-screen program mode. Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds.
78 78 Mini Monitor Output The IVS has a connector for a standard mini-monitor . As there is only one mini monitor connector , it is possible to switch between normal video and video with data on this output. • T o switch between normal video and video with data on the mini monitor output, use the on-screen program mo de.
79 79 10.3 Standard V ideo Contr ols The IVS can be used like a standard video assist if no inserter features are used. Note: A l l cu r re n tl y u s ed se t ti n gs ar e s t or e d e ve n i f t h e I VS or the camera is switched off.
80 80 Hide Menu If the on-screen program mode is on because the settings are changed, the Menu (M) position clears the screen. For example, if color is to be changed with the on-screen program tool, the on-screen program window overlays the image. T o see the image and its color appearance, go to M position.
81 81 Check all settings on the connected monitor . If the mechanical iris is closed more than necessar y , the IVS will compensate by increasing the gain and improve the image brightness electronically . This creates additional electronic noise. T o avoid this, open the mechanical iris.
82 82 10.3.4 White Balance (WB) The IVS offers a choice for White Balance between • an automatic control (A WB) • fixed setting of indoor (IND) • fixed setting for outdoor (OTD) • and a full manual control of white balance (MAN). White balance can be adjusted in two different ways.
83 83 Using the on-screen menu Please see chapter 10.4 Inserter Facilities for basics on the On-Screen display . In parallel to the control via keyboard, the white balance can also be programmed via the on-screen menu. • Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds.
84 84 Manual White Balance red increase/decrease Manual white balance red increase/decrease is o nl y a v ai l ab l e i f w hi t e b al a nc e c o nt r ol is on ma n ua l . If ma nua l w hit e b ala nce is on MA N, it is pos sib le to adj ust the red and blue saturation of the video image manually .
85 85 Manual White Balance blue increase/decrease Ma nua l w hit e b ala nce bl ue inc rea se/ dec rea se is o nl y a v ai l ab l e i f w hi t e b al a nc e c o nt r ol is on ma n ua l . If ma nua l w hit e b ala nce is on MA N, it is pos sib le to adj ust the red and blue saturation of the video image manually .
86 86 10.3.5 Gain Control The IVS can change the brightness of the video image e le c tr o ni c al l y . T hi s g a in co n tr o l c an be au t om a ti c o r m a nu a l. If th e a uto mat ic con tro l i s s ele cte d, the IV S o utp uts th e b est possible image brightness at all the time.
87 87 Using the on-screen menu Please see chapter 10.4 Inserter Facilities for basics on the On-Screen display . In parallel to the control via keyboard, the manual gain control can also be programmed via the on-screen menu. Manual gain control can be switched on or off.
88 88 Manual Gain increase/decrease Manual gain increase/decrease is only available if manual gain control is on. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – V ALUE. Pressing the key Í will increase the gain; the key Ì will decrease it.
89 89 10.3.6 Flicker free on/off Fl ick er fre e c an be swi tch ed off to byp ass th e d igi tal fr ame store and have the video assist output with no delay . The film camera runs normally at a dif ferent speed than the video assist. E.g. the film camera runs at 24 fps and the video assist at 25 fps for P AL or 30 fps for NTSC.
90 90 Using the on-screen menu Please see chapter 10.4 Inserter Facilities for basics on the On-Screen display . In parallel to the control via keyboard, the flicker free off can also be programmed via the on-screen menu. • Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds.
91 91 10.3.7 Changing Format marking number The IVS can insert dif ferent format markings. It is possible to have • no format marking (OFF), • format marking number one (1), • format marking number two (2) • o r b o t h f o r m a t m a r k i n g s a t t h e s a m e t i m e ( 1 & 2 ) o n d i s p l a y .
92 92 Using the on-screen menu Please see chapter 10.4 Inserter Facilities for basics on the On-Screen display . In parallel to the control via keyboard, the format marking nu mbe r c an als o b e p rog ram med vi a t he on- scr een me nu. • Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds.
93 93 10.3.8 Storing a video image The IVS can store one particular image, display that or overlay it against the live image in front of the camera to compare both images.
94 94 Using the on-screen menu Please see chapter 10.4 Inserter Facilities for basics on the On-Screen display . • Enter the main menu by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than 3 seconds. Go to sub menu COMP ARE/STORE. Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – STORE IMAGE.
95 95 10.4 Inser ter Facilities In addition to the usual video assist functions, the IVS offers a variety of inser ter facilities. There are two different groups of infor mation: • Format markings Format markings, which are inser ted electronically , are often more visible than format markings on the ground glass.
96 96 • Within sub menus the cursor > can be moved up and down again by pressing the key Ê or Ë . The keys Í or Ì wil l n ow cha nge se tti ngs (e . g . s wit ch the in sert ion of a use r t ext wi ndo w o n a nd off) , o r a cti vat es fun cti ons (position mode of a window or EXIT).
97 97 10.4.2 Main Menu The inserter’ s main menu is displayed on the monitor screen when the on-screen programming is activated by pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ ➪ p hot o for more than three seconds. An illuminated LED indicates that the on- screen programming is activated.
98 98 10.4.3 Load/Store Menu T he IV S c a n s to r e u p t o 6 s e ts of se t ti n gs an d r e ca l l t he m . T hu s it is po ssi ble to ma ke all se tti ngs fo r e .
99 99 Load Settings I t i s p os s ib l e t o l oa d o n e o ut of si x s e tt i ng s . T ho s e n ew se t ti n gs wi ll infl uen ce all ad jus tme nts th at can be ma de ele ctr oni cal ly . The new settings will immediately replace the previous settings.
100 100 All Standard After the function set all settings to default was called, all settings are cleared. They cannot be recalled. This menu recalls a default setting of all values. By this, it is possible to obtain basic setting for the IVS. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – SET ALL.
101 101 The default values are: WB = INDOOR Manual Gain with GAIN = 0 Flicker free = ON Line Interpolation = ON Y/C data = ON BNC OUT = VBS Mini-Monitor Data = ON Format 1 = ON Format 2 = OFF WHITE LE.
102 102 10.4.4 White Balance (WB) and Manual Gain Control (MGC) Menu White balance and manual gain control allows to change the color appearance and brightness of the video image. Ch ang ing th em imm edi ate ly act iva tes al l s ett ing s. Check all settings on the connected monitor .
103 103 • If white balance is on manual, the display will change. Lines left of RED and BLUE will appear indicating that the red and green saturation of the video image can now be changed.
104 104 Manual White Balance blue increase/decrease Manual white balance blue increase/decrease is only available if white balance control is on manual. If manual white balance is on MAN, it is possible to adjust the red and blue saturation of the video image manually .
105 105 Manual Gain Control On/OFF In parallel to the control via keyboard, the manual gain control can also be programmed via the on-screen menu. Manual gain control can be switched on or off. If it is on, specific values can be set between 0 (low gain) and 63 (high gain).
106 106 Manual Gain increase/decrease Manual gain increase/decrease is only available if manual gain control is on. I f m an u al ga i n i s o n, it is po s si b le to ad j us t t h e g ai n m a nu a ll y . • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – V ALUE.
107 107 Exit Use exit to return to the main menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – EXIT and press the key Í or Ì . Note: Pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more tha.
108 108 10.4.5 Video and T ext Adjustment Menu This sub menu allows to change basic video settings as well as the appearance of the inserted man readable text. Ch ang ing th em imm edi ate ly act iva tes al l s ett ing s. Check all settings on the connected monitor .
109 109 In parallel to the control via keyboard, the flicker free off can also be programmed via the on-screen menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – FLICKERFREE. Pressing the key Í or Ì will switch flicker free mode off and on.
110 110 Composite or Y/C signal at BNC Connectors The IVS has two BNC sockets, which can be switched to o ut p ut tw o i n de p en d en t c o mp o si t e s ig n al s o r o n e Y /C si g na l . If selected, the Y/C signal is available on the same BNC connectors, on which the composite signal is outputted.
111 111 Mini-Monitor Output as normal video or video with data The mini monitor output can be programmed to have normal video or video with data. I f t he on - sc r ee n m e nu co n tr o l i s o n ( re d L E D n ex t t o t he En t er / In s er t k ey Ñ i s o n) , t h er e w i ll al w ay s b e da ta in thi s o utp ut.
112 112 Inverse This menu changes the appearance of all man-readable wi ndo ws. Th e f orm at ma rki ngs ar e n ot cha nge d. If inv ers e OFF is selected, the characters will appear white. If the background is BOXED it will appear black in this case.
113 113 Exit Use exit to return to the main menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line –EXIT and press the key Í or Ì . Note: Pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more than.
114 114 10.4.6 Format Marking Menu T he IV S c a n i ns e rt t w o d if fe r en t f o rm a t m a rk i ng s e l ec t ro n ic a ll y in the video image, either individually or simultaneously . Th e p osi tio n o f t hes e f orm at ma rki ngs ca n b e s et any whe re on the screen, to line up exactly with the ground glass markings.
115 115 Activate Format Markings If the electronic format markings are not parallel to the gr oun d g las s f orm at ma rki ngs , r ead jus t t he CCD ch ip wit h th e a lig nme nt scr ew , as sh own in ch apt er 10. 3.3 Al ign men t of the image position (X-, Y - and Rotation) and focus Note: Only active frame lines can be positioned.
116 116 Position - Positioning of the Format Marks T he fo r m at ma r ki n gs ca n b e a d ap t ed to ev e ry d if fe r en t f o rm a t . T he fo r m at ma r ki n gs on th e g r ou n d g la s s s erv e a s a re f er e nc e . T o align format 1, make sure that FORMA T 1 or FORMA T 1&2 is selected.
117 117 White Level - Setting the Brightness of the Format Markings The brightness of the format markings can be set to black (0), dark gray (1), and light gray (2) or white (3). • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – WHI TE LIN E.
118 118 Exit Use exit to return to the main menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – EXIT and press the key Í or Ì . Note: Pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more tha.
119 119 10.4.7 Compare/Store Menu Th e I VS can st ore on e p arti cul ar ima ge, di spl ay it or ove rla y it ag ain st the li ve ima ge in fro nt of the ca mer a t o c omp are both images. Ch ang ing th em imm edi ate ly act iva tes al l s ett ing s.
120 120 Store image T he IV S c a n s to r e o ne pa rt i cu l ar im a ge , d i sp l ay th a t o r o ve r la y it ag ain st the li ve ima ge in fro nt of the ca mer a t o c omp are bo th ima ges . I n p ara lle l t o p res sin g t he Ent er/ Ins ert key Ñ shortly (less than 1.
121 121 Exit Use exit to return to the main menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – EXIT and press the key Í or Ì . Note: Pressing the Enter/Insert key Ñ for more tha.
122 122 10.4.8 System and Status Menu The IVS can insert the camera system and status into the video image. The status line inserts infor mation from the film camera such as • movement open • async • inching • low batter y • dust check • and so on.
123 123 If the film counter is in the take mode, the data in meter , foot or seconds of the last take are displayed. In the mode footage, the added length of the film through the camera in meter or feet is displayed. During programming the inserted data are not f ul l y u pd a te d ( e .
124 124 System Line Th is sub me nu lin e s wit che s t he ins erti on of cam era sy ste m data on (ON) and off (OFF) independently of other inserted data. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – SYSTEM LINE. The keys Í or Ì switch the insertion on and off.
125 125 Status Line T hi s s u bm e nu li n e s wi t ch e s t he in s er ti o n o f c am e ra st a tu s d a ta on (O N) and off (O FF) in dep end ent ly of oth er ins erte d d ata . • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – ST A TUS LINE.
126 126 Position The window can be positioned anywhere on the monitor screen. Po sit ion is on ly ava ila ble if at le ast on e o f t he two li nes is on . • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – POSITION. Call the positioning mode with the keys Í or Ì .
127 127 Film Counter Th e fi lm cou nte r i s s lav ed to the fo ota ge cou nte r o f t he film ca mer a. I t a lw a ys di s pl a ys th e v a lu e s, wh i ch ar e i n t h e c am e ra . Therefore there is no set or reset of film counter data on the IVS.
128 128 10.4.9 User T ext Menu Th e I VS can in sert ad dit ion al tex t i nto th e v ide o i mag e, for example the production name or a scene number .
129 129 MENU USER TEXT -> - USER TEXT LINE ON - EDIT TEXT - CLEAR TEXT - POSITION - SIZE SMALL - BACKGROUND BOXED - EXIT • Enter the User T ext submenu from the main menu. Ch ang ing th em imm edi ate ly act iva tes al l s ett ing s. Check all settings on the connected monitor .
130 130 The menu EDIT TEXT is displayed on the screen: • The X -Symbol shows, which position in the user text line is to be changed. T o move this text inserter cursor X left and right, use the keys Í and Ì . • T o change the character on the position of the text inserter cursor X , use the keys Ê and Ë .
131 131 Position The window can be positioned anywhere on the monitor screen. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – POSITION. Activate the positioning mode with the keys Í or Ì . The following menu is displayed on the screen: -> - POSITION ^v E • The keys Ê and Ë move the window up and down.
132 132 Background The background of the window can be set electronically to black in normal display mode or to white in inverse mode (BOXED) to improve the readability . If this is not activated, the area around the text is the normal video image (VIDEO).
133 133 MENU USER TEXT - USER TEXT LINE ON - EDIT TEXT - CLEAR TEXT - POSITION - SIZE SMALL - BACKGROUND BOXED -> - EXIT Exit Use exit to return to the main menu. • Move the cursor > with the keys Ê and Ë to the line – EXIT and press the key Í or Ì .
134 134 Accessories.
135 135 11. Accessories accessory mounting points accessory mounting point accessory mounting point Accessories Accessor y Mounting Points On the camera body and on the electronic cover there are accessor y mounting points. V arious accessories can be mounted to them by using 3/8” screws.
136 136 Universal V iewfinder UV -1 W h en u si ng a na mo rp hi c le ns es , th e UV -1 a ll ow s de sq ue ez ed viewing of the ground glass image. This viewfinder arm can also be switched over to check the anamorphically squeezed image. • T o switch over the viewfinder image, turn the switching kn ob ➪ p hot o .
137 137 W ork Light WL-3 • Screw the dovetail-adapter to the handgrip. • Slide the work light into the dovetail-guide and clamp. • Connect the plug to the “RS”-socket. • By adjusting the flexible arm, bring the work light into the desired position.
138 138 Remote Run Switch RS-4 • Attach the remote run switch with the spring clamp ➪ pho to (e.g. to the pan handle). • Plug the RS-4 plug into the “RS”-socket.
139 139 E x t e r n a l S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n U n i t E S U - 1 The external synchronization unit ESU-1 ➪ ph oto can be us ed wit h t he ARR IFL EX 235 as we ll as wit h t he 435 mo del s, 5 35 , 5 3 5B an d 1 6 SR 3/ A dv a nc e d. It al l ow s s y nc h ro n iz a ti o n of the camera to other equipment such as TV monitors.
140 140 Remote Contr ol Unit RCU-1 The RCU-1 ➪ pho to is a practical remote control unit for all new-generation ARRIFLEX cameras. It can be used in all applications that call for an uncomplicated, quick, sturdy and yet still comprehensive remote control.
141 141 • The RCU cable is connected to the remote socket ➪ pho to on the camera. For further infor mation see the RCU-1 instruction manual. Note: The RCU-1 will always operate in the HI ra mpi ng spe ed. Op era tio n i n LO is not po ssi ble . CCU and RU are not supported and could cause malfunction when connected.
142 142 WRC/CAM sliding switch WRC rotary switch IRIS sliding switch SEL button MODE button OPEN/PHASE button handwheel ON button RELEASE button radio channel RF-LED CAL-LED CAL button READY -LED BA T.
143 143 Wireless Remote Contr ol WRC-1 The Wireless Remote Control WRC-1 is a handy remote control unit for use with all of the latest generation of ARRIFLEX camera models: ARRIFLEX 16SR 3/Advanced, 16SR 3 HS/Advanced, 535, 535B, 435 Advanced, 435ES and the ARRIFLEX 235.
144 144 Super 35.
145 145 12. Super 35 When delivered, the camera is set to Super 35. The Super 35 format of fers a range of technical advantages compared to filming with anamorphic lenses: • a larger selection of a.
146 146 Conver ting the Bridge Plate to Super 35 The current position, standard or Super 35, is displayed by two index arrows on the sliding upper plate. The bridge plate can be converted to Super 35 as follows: • Remove the two screws ➪ pho to . • T urn the compensation bar 180° and screw tightly in this position.
147 147 13. Maintenance W he n m a in t ai n in g a n d c le a ni n g t he ca m er a a n d a cc e ss o ri e s, pay careful attention to the following notes and tips: • Always disconnect the camera from the power supply .
148 148 Camera Cleaning the Film Gate Loose dust or dirt leads to a layer of emulsion for ming on the film gate. This can cause scratches on the film and can also lead to a change in the film’ s coefficient of friction. The film gate must be removed for cleaning.
149 149 T o clean the film gate • Remove the layer of emulsion from the film gate with a plastic rod (e.g. an ARRI film gate cleaner). Under no circumstances use hard or metal objects. • When cleaning, pay particular attention to the area opposite the film guides of the movement if film stock with a strong tendency to build up emulsion (e.
150 150 Cleaning the Spacer Gate Loose dust leads to a build-up of emulsion on the spacer gate. This can cause scratches on the film and a change in the coefficient of friction. • Switch the camera´s main switch off and disconnect the camera from the power supply! • T urn the inching knob until its marking matches that on the movement block.
151 151 Cleaning the Field Lens • By briefly depressing the “PHASE”-button, the shutter is po sit ion ed to pro tec t t he mir ror su rfac e f rom da mag e a s far as possible.
152 152 Magazine Cleaning the Throat Assembly The throat assembly ➪ pho to can be disassembled for cleaning. • Loosen the three screws ➪ pho to on the throat assembly cover ➪ pho to . • Remove the holder plate ➪ pho to for the loop protector .
153 153 • Hang the hook of the measurement device ➪ pho to on the film core which is to be measured. • Attach the open magazine to the camera. Do not place your hand in the running magazine! • T o set the take-up shaft, run the camera at 24 fps.
154 154 Maintenance.
155 155 14. Appendix The frame rate of the camera is constantly monitored while it is running. If the actual frame rate deviates from the set frame rate, the operation control indicator glows red and the camera display shows the warning for asynchronous running (“asy”).
156 156 Error text in display Error text in IVS Problem trAnS oPEn movement open movement open bound F-len maximum takelength exceeded As no 1000ft magazines are allowed, the camera switches off after.
157 157 Problem Cause Remedy Scratches on the emulsion side of the negative In the image area, Dirty or damaged cross bars Clean or , if defective, replace the film gate over several frames on the .
158 158 Problem Cause Remedy Unsteady Image V ertical Heavy emulsion build-up in the film gate area, Clean film gate area, damaged film perforation, use different film stock ver y poor gliding abi.
159 159 Problem Cause Remedy Problems at extremely low temperatures Damage to the film Greatly reduced tensile strength and increased The camera, battery and particularly the film stock brittleness of raw stock.
160 160 Appendix.
161 161 15. T echnical Data Film Format 35mm (DIN 15501) Magazines 235 Shoulder Magazine 60/200 (SHM-1) ...................... fo rw ar d on ly , u p to 6 0 fp s 235 Shoulder Magazine 120/400 (SHM-2) .................... fo rw ar d on ly , u p to 6 0 fp s 235 Steadicam Magazine 120/400 (STM-1) .
162 162 Ground Glasses Interchangeable for various filming formats, same ground glasses as Arriflex 435 Operating T emperature Range -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F) Power Supply 24 V DC Acceptable voltage range: .................................
163 163 16. Order Numbers ARRIFLEX 235 Body 4 perforation .................................................... K1.55000.0 ARRIFLEX 235 Body 3 perforation .................................................... K1.55000.3 ARRIFLEX 235 Spherical Viewfinder set .
164 164 Magazines 235 Shoulder Magazine 60/200 (SHM-1) ........................................ K2.55001.0 235 Shoulder Magazine 120/400 (SHM-2) ...................................... K2.55016.0 235 Steadicam Magazine 120/400 (STM-1) .................
165 165 17. ARRI Ser vice Germany ......... Arnold & Richter Cine T echnik Türkenstraße 89 D-80799 München phone: +49 (089) 3809-0 fax: +49 (089) 3809-1244 E-mail: USA ................ ARRI Inc. (East Coast) 617, Route 303 Blauvelt, New Y ork 10913 phone: (914) 353 14 00 fax: (914) 425 12 50 E-mail: arriflex@arri.
166 1 6 6 Index.
167 1 6 7 18. Index Index A accessories .......................................................... 135 24 V .................................................................. 28 external synchronization unit ESU-1 .................... 139 heated eyecup HE-4 .
168 1 6 8 Index C cable cabling the IVS .................................................... 72 KC-42S ............................................................ 137 KC 20S ........................................................ 26, 27 KC 29S .....
169 1 6 9 Index over view of display modes ................................... 56 shutter angle ....................................................... 59 take length .......................................................... 58 total amount of exposed film .
170 1 7 0 Index for ward operation .................................................. 61 frame rate changing while camera is running ........................ 61 fine-tuning .......................................................... 62 freely programmed frame rate .
171 1 7 1 Index installation ............................................................. 15 IVS ..................................................................... 70 inverse ................................................................ 112 iris IVS .
172 1 7 2 Index main features IVS ........................................................ 67 menu IVS ............................................................ 97 mains unit NG 12/24 R ......................................... 27 mains unit NG 12/26 R .
173 1 7 3 Index P packing and transport ............................................ 15 peak load, current .................................................. 28 PHASE-button ............................................ 55, 59, 62 phase shifting ......
174 1 7 4 standard video controls ........................................... 79 automatic gain control ......................................... 86 changing format marking number ........................ 91 flicker free on/off ......................
175 1 7 5 universal viewfinder UV -1 ..................................... 136 user text menu ...................................................... 128 background ...................................................... 132 clear text ................
176 1 7 6 white balance ................................................ 82, 102 A WB .................................................................. 82 changing blue ............................................... 82, 85 changing green ...........
technical data are subject to change without notice © ARRI 2005 Ident-No. K5.65348.0 available languages: English ARNOLD & RICHTER CINE TECHNIK Türkenstr . 89 • D-80799 München Phone +49 – 089 – 38 09 – 0 • Fax +49 – 089 – 38 09 – 12 44 www .
デバイスARRI ARRIFLEX 235の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ARRI ARRIFLEX 235をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはARRI ARRIFLEX 235の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ARRI ARRIFLEX 235の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ARRI ARRIFLEX 235で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ARRI ARRIFLEX 235を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はARRI ARRIFLEX 235の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ARRI ARRIFLEX 235に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちARRI ARRIFLEX 235デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。